JAPAN MATSUDO・KASHIWANOHA TOKYO ○ ○ KASHIWA ○ MATSUDO NARITA Airport ○ NISHI-CHIBA ○ INOHANA CHIBA Prefecture For more information or application forms for the J-PAC program, please contact: Japan Program At Chiba Center for International Research and Education Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 263-8522 JAPAN Fax: 81-43-290-2198 E-mail:dgd2197@office.chiba-u.jp http: //www.chiba-u.ac.jp/ 内 容 千葉大学短期交換留学プログラム 学部レベルのプログラムのねらいと特色 (1)日本語・日本文化研修留学生 (2)学部交換留学 学部レベルの授業の紹介 大学院交換留学プログラムのねらいと特色 日本での一年 千葉大学 応募方法/締め切り 奨学金 CONTENTS Japan Program at Chiba (J-PAC) Undergraduate programs (1) Japanese Studies Program (2) Undergraduate Exchange Program Undergraduate courses Graduate Exchange Program Your year in Japan Chiba University Recruitment requirements and deadlines Scholarships 【千葉城(ちばじょう)】 (千葉市中央区亥鼻町1丁目) 猪鼻城ともいう。大治元年(1126)、千葉(介) 常重は大椎城からこの地に本拠を移し、以後13代 330年ものあいだ存続した城である。さらに常重 の子常胤の代には石橋山の合戦に敗れた源頼朝を よく助け、千葉氏は全盛 期を迎えた。やがて附 近に城下町を形成、これが現在の千葉市の起こり と伝えられている。城は現在の千葉市街の南から 東に延びる台地を利用し、北は都川を天 然の水堀、 西は急崖、南は入り組んだ谷津を空堀とした要害 であった。 しかし室町中期に入ると鎌倉公方・足利氏と関 東管領・上杉氏との抗争が激化、これに巻き込ま れた千葉氏もしだいに分裂していった。そして康 正元年(1455)、一族の馬加康胤や原胤房の襲撃 にあい千葉城はついに炎上、千葉氏嫡流の滅亡と ともにこの城の歴史も幕を閉じた。 http://www1.linkclub.or.jp/~part3/chiba/chiba/ chiba.html 写真提供:社団法人 千葉県観光物産協会 http://www.omoshiro-chiba.or.jp/ JAPAN PROGRAM AT CHIBA Chiba University provides three academic programs, known as J-PAC for students from academic institutions with which Chiba University has university level student exchange agreements. 1. Undergraduate programs (1) Japanese Studies Program (Nikkensei Program) This program is designed for international students who specialize in Japanese studies at their universities, and is offered to Japanese government scholarship students (nikkensei). The aim of this program is to provide an opportunity to gain advanced Japanese proficiency and to enhance students' ability to conduct research in Japanese studies, as well as to gain specialized knowledge about Japan. (2) Undergraduate Exchange Program This program is designed for those students who have previously studied Japanese and are interested in Japanese society and culture. The aim of this program is to provide an opportunity to study Japan in more detail and improve Japanese language proficiency by both interacting with Japanese students and attending various courses at Chiba University. 2. Graduate Exchange Program This program is designed for graduate students who wish to study at Chiba University in their specific fields. They can participate in an array of graduate courses and individually receive advice from their supervisors. Students in these three programs are registered at Chiba University faculties or graduate schools. Academic supervisors and J-PAC coordinators support their study. There is no undergraduate program which begins in April: both undergraduate exchange programs begin in October and end in August of the following year. Graduate Exchange Program students can also enroll in April. However, the duration of the program will be only six months, i.e. till the end of September. Note that J-PAC is NOT a language course for students whose only aim is to improve their Japanese language skills. 3 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS (1)Japanese Studies Program (Nikkensei Program) (a) This program is designed for those international students who specialize in Japanese studies at their universities, and who intend to continue studies in this area. The aim of this program is to provide them an opportunity to gain advanced Japanese proficiency and to enhance their ability to conduct research in Japanese studies, as well as to gain specialized knowledge about Japan. (b) Students can take Japanese language courses according to their level of proficiency and attend courses in Japanese studies together with Japanese undergraduate students. They can also choose from a variety of specialized lectures and seminars offered at different faculties. At the same time, students are expected to carry out their own research projects using the Japanese language. They are required to take Research Work (Humanities) I and II, the courses specifically designed to help them pursue their research projects, and submit a research paper (6,000-9,000 characters). They will be able to present their papers at a special session in July. Presented papers will be issued in print by Chiba University. A certificate of completion will be issued to those students who have completed more than twelve courses (eighteen credits) and written research papers. (c) At time of application and arrival in Japan, applicants must be enrolled as undergraduate students at faculties or schools which offer majors in Japanese language or Japanese culture, and must show they intend to continue study in this area after returning home. They also must be under the age of 30, have completed more than one year of study at their home institution, and their Japanese language competence must be at least equal to the pass level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N2) administered by the Japan Foundation. (d) Chiba University examines the applications and short-lists students for recommendation to the Ministry of Education and Science. Students who have not studied at a Japanese high school or university before are given priority. Chiba University will recommend two candidates to the Ministry of Education and Science. (2)Undergraduate Exchange Program (a) This program is for those students who have already acquired some Japanese language skills and are interested in Japanese society and culture. The aim of this program is to provide an opportunity to study about Japan in more detail and improve Japanese language proficiency by interacting with Japanese students and attending various courses at Chiba University. (b) This program welcomes students from science, engineering and humanities. Courses are offered to attain the following four goals: ① ② ③ ④ to deepen understanding of Japanese society and culture; to participate in courses in the areas of Chiba University’s greatest strengths; to promote intercultural understanding through exchanges with Japanese students; to acquire sufficient proficiency in the Japanese language for daily life and university study. It is fundamental to this program that international and Japanese students study together and jointly participate in practical activities such as bilingual seminars in Japanese culture, foreign language classes, making exhibition leaflets at museums in Chiba Prefecture, conducting survey of litter washed ashore by the ocean to raise their other environmental awareness. It is envisaged that students will deepen their understanding of Japan and become aware of various social and cultural issues in their own countries at the same time. 5 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS A limited number of courses will be offered in plain Japanese and in English, so the students will be able to select courses that match their language level. In addition to these courses, students in this program may also enroll in many other undergraduate courses at Chiba University, subject to permission from the course coordinator/teacher. A certificate of completion will be issued to those students who have completed at least seven courses in each semester, and at least fourteen courses in a year. (c) Applicants must be at least second year students, and have received Japanese language tuition of at least 150 contact hours at a recognized educational institution. Students whose Japanese proficiency level is below N2 should demonstrate sufficient ability to communicate in English. This program is designed for students who have not previously studied in Japan. (3)Guidance provided for international students participating in programs (1) and (2) Students in the Japanese Studies Program and Undergraduate Exchange Program students will be enrolled according to their study area at relevant faculties (Humanities, Law & Economics, Education, Science, Engineering, Horticulture). General guidance and support will be provided for the students of both above programs at the Center for International Research and Education (CIRE) by the program coordinator and other teachers. (a) Support at CIRE Guidance regarding everyday life in Japan and an array of Japanese language courses are offered at CIRE. CIRE staff will also advise international students regarding specific program related courses as well as various cultural programs and activities. (b) Support at faculties International students will all have their personal academic supervisors (teachers) and tutors (students). Also, international students will be given a chance to attend specialized courses at the faculties they will be enrolled at, and to conduct research under individual supervision if they wish so, subject to separate arrangements. Students who want to be individually advised by their academic supervisors should indicate that in their plan of study/research. 7 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Students in the Japanese Studies Program (Nikkensei) and Undergraduate Exchange Program should select courses that match their interests and language ability from the courses listed below. Except for Japanese language courses and a number of courses specifically designed for international students, all courses are also offered to Japanese students. This creates a unique international study environment and enables students to broaden their perspectives. Some of the courses (marked with *) are taught in English, and others (marked with **) may be followed by students with intermediate Japanese ability. Also, courses where both Japanese and English are used are offered (marked with ***). Students whose Japanese language level is lower than intermediate will have to take at least one such course. In addition to the courses listed below (subjects to change), exchange students may enroll in any other course given at Chiba University with the teacher's permission. There are 15 teaching weeks in a semester and the duration of classes at Chiba University is 90 minutes. Except for Japanese language courses, each class meets once a week. (1) Courses which deepen understanding of Japanese society and culture ◆ Japan Studies: Humanities 9 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 11 GRADUATE EXCHANGE PROGRAM Students in the Graduate Exchange Program will be allocated to relevant graduate schools. They will be able to enroll in courses and pursue research in their fields. During their studies at Chiba University, students will be able to gain new research perspectives and experience which will capitalize after they return to their home institutions. Students who enroll in at least four courses and obtain at least eight credits during their study at Chiba University will receive a certificate of completion. It is a condition of being accepted to Chiba University that the applicant’s home institution considers his/her study project as viable to his/her research, and that the applicant can find an academic supervisor at Chiba University in his/her area of studies. Acceptance to Chiba University will be decided based on the applicant’s plan of study/research and references from academic teachers at his/her home institution. Please contact your prospective academic supervisor before you apply. Note that each graduate school or study area sets its own level of Japanese language proficiency required of international exchage program students. If you wish to study Japanese language, you will be able to take a course commensurate with your level of proficiency, but you will not be awarded any credits for it. Please carefully check the following websites regarding courses offered at Chiba University before you lodge your application: (English) http://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/e/target/index.html (Japanese) http://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/section/ (Syllabus) http://chiba-u.ac.jp/student/syllabus/2011/index.html Students who enroll in October are expected to study for one year, and students who enroll in April can only study for half a year. Note that only three students can be admitted in April. 13 YOUR YEAR IN JAPAN 15 CHIBA UNIVERSITY Chiba University was founded in 1949 and is one of the foremost national institutions of higher learning in Japan. Chiba University has 9 faculties, 20 educational and research facilities and centers including Center for International Research and Education, Safety and Health Organization, a library and a hospital. Approximately 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled at the university. The number of academic teachers and researchers exceeds 1,200 persons. As of 2010, there are approximately 1,100 international students. Chiba University has three campuses at Nishi Chiba, Matsudo-Kashiwanoha and Inohana, all located in Chiba Prefecture. ❶Faculty of Letters・Faculty of Law and Economics (Secretariat) ❷Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Building ❸Faculty of Education (Secretariat) ❹Music Building ❺Yayoi Soubou (Atelier) ⓫Faculty of Engineering (Secretariat) ⓬Engineering Research Building ⓭Grauate School of Science and Tecnology Building No.2 ⓮Innovation Plaza, Faculty of Engineering ⓯Shouin Hall ⓰Student Support Section・Career Support Section ⓰Secretariat for General Education ⓰Career Support Service ⓰Student Consultation Room ⓰International Exchange Room ⓱Faculty of Science (Secretariat) ⓲Science Research Building ⓳Cooperative Research Building ⓴Administration Bureau Department of Student Affairs University Library・Academic Link Center Keyaki Kaikan (University Hall) Safely and Health Organization Center for International Research and Education Kindergarten Elementary School Junior High School Radioisotope Research Center Organization for Academic -Industrial Collaboration and Intellectual Property Grauate School of Science and Tecnology Building No.1 Chemical Analysis Center Institute of Media and Infomation Technology Center of Frontier Science Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering Center for Environmental Remote Sensing Venture Business Laboratory Facilities for Campus Life Guest House・Yayoi Nersery Cafeteria University Hall Student's Club Rooms (Sports) Student's Club Rooms (Cultural) Student's Club Rooms (Music) Division of Environmental Safety Science Park Center 47 Gymnasium 1 ⃝ 48 Gymnasium 2 ⃝ 49 Gym Management Facility ⃝ 50 Swimming Pool ⃝ 51 Athletic Field ⃝ 52 Baseball Ground ⃝ 53 Saccer / Rugby Ground ⃝ 54 Tennis Courts ⃝ 55 Multipurpose Courts ⃝ 56 Golf Practice Range ⃝ 57 Judo and Kendo Gym ⃝ 58 Archery Gym ⃝ 17 RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS AND DEADLINES (1) Japanese Studies Program (Nikkensei Program) Information on recruitment requirements and application form for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship will be mailed to our partner institutions from which Chiba University has previously received international students in the Japanese Studies Program at the end of January, 2012. Applicants should submit both Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship and J-PAC Program application forms and documents (a)(d) in the section below to Chiba University. (2) Undergraduate Exchange Program and Graduate Exchange Program 〈How to apply〉 To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled in an institution of higher education that has concluded an inter-university agreement with Chiba University. If an inter-university student exchange agreement is concluded, International students will be exempted from the registration, admission and tuition fees at Chiba University and may have their credits obtained at Chiba University recognized at their home institutions. Applicants must have completed at least one year of undergraduate course work at the time of application. Also, students accepted into the program must agree to return to their home institution upon completion of the exchange program. The selection of participants will be made at Chiba University on the basis of their academic record, personal statement of purpose and two recommendation letters from their current teachers. Applicants should send completed applications to the address shown at the bottom of this page through their home institution to be received by March 10, 2012 for admission to the program beginning in October 2012. 〈Documents to submit〉 ⒜ Application forms ⒝ P lan of study (Japanese Studies Program and Undergraduate Exchange Program students) or plan of research (Graduate Exchange Program students) ⒞ Academic transcript from the applicant’s home institution ⒟ L etters of reference from two academic teachers at the applicant’s home institution who have known the applicant for at least one year. *In case of the Japanese Studies Program and Undergraduate Exchange Program students, one of the two letters of reference must be from the applicant’s Japanese language teacher. *In case of Graduate Exchange Program students, one of the two letters of reference must be from the applicant’s direct academic supervisor. 〈Important notice for prospective Graduate Exchange Program applicants〉 Applicants who want to commence their study at Chiba University in October 2012 should send the required plan of research and letters of references by February 10, 2012. Should the applicants already know through their home institution who their academic supervisor at Chiba University will be, the plan of research and letters of reference should be sent directly to that person for approval. In case an academic supervisor at Chiba University is still to be determined, the plan of research and letters of reference should be e-mailed to the address shown at the bottom of this page. Applicants who want to commence their study at Chiba University in April 2013 and study for one semester should send in their plan of research and letters of reference by August 10, 2012. The deadline for sending in application forms is September 10, 2012. Note that Applicants who are unable to find a suitable academic supervisor may not be accepted. 〈Informing candidates of final selection〉 ⑴ W e will inform the applicant’s institution of the result of application by mid-May. Guide for J-PAC Students as well as information on what preparation is necessary before arrival in Japan will be mailed to successful applicants at a later date. ⑵ W e will mail a Certificate of Eligibility to the applicant’s institution by the end of August. This certificate is required for Japanese visa application. □For more information or application forms for the J-PAC program, please contact: Japan Program At Chiba Center for International Research and Education, Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, 263-8522 Japan Fax: 81-43-290-2198 E-mail: dgd2197@office.chiba-u.jp 19 SCHOLARSHIPS (1) Japanese Studies Program (Nikkensei Program) Chiba University will recommend two students for a Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship. However, most likely only one student will be selected by MEXT and granted a scholarship. If you are not granted a scholarship, but still wish to study at Chiba University (you will be exempt from the registration, admission and tuition fees, but will have to pay for your accommodation and living by yourself), please indicate that in Question 14 in the J-PAC application form. (2) Undergraduate Exchange Program and Graduate Exchange Program Both undergraduate and graduate students may be eligible for a JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship of approximately ¥80,000/month (subject to change). Chiba University will normally recommend several eligible candidates for JASSO scholarships. Applicants will be notified about the JASSO decision by June 30, 2012. However, please note that the number of JASSO scholarships is limited and being accepted as J-PAC student does not guarantee your scholarship application will be successful. For your reference, living expenses including meals, electricity and phone bills are about ¥60,000 to ¥70,000 per month. You will also need to pay for textbooks, travel and other activities. 21 J-PAC Japan Program At Chiba International Student Exchange 2012-2013 Publication: CHIBA UNIVERSITY Design & Printing: SUISHODO BTL CO.,LTD. JAPAN MATSUDO・KASHIWANOHA TOKYO ○ ○ KASHIWA ○ MATSUDO NARITA Airport ○ NISHI-CHIBA ○ INOHANA CHIBA Prefecture For more information or application forms for the J-PAC program, please contact: Japan Program At Chiba Center for International Research and Education Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 263-8522 JAPAN Fax: 81-43-290-2198 E-mail:dgd2197@office.chiba-u.jp http: //www.chiba-u.ac.jp/