Continuing Education and Training WELCOME

Continuing Education and
401 Thomas Run Road
Bel Air MD 21015
As a member of our Continuing Education teaching faculty, we want to be sure that all of your teaching
needs are met. You will find this Continuing Education Instructor Handbook helpful should you have
questions concerning your responsibilities, College polices, contact information, etc.
Important Contact Information
The College’s main number is 443-412-2000. There is a Harford Community College house phone in
each building on campus. These phones look like public phones but have the Harford Community
College Seal posted above them. From these phones you may reach the following:
Public Safety (call 911 in an emergency)
Ext. 2272 Cell 410-459-9517
College Store
Ext. 2209
Continuing Education and Training Division
Ext. 2376
Facilities Use - Conferences & Meetings
Ext. 2117
Food Services
Ext. 2216
Housekeeping (7 a.m. – 3 p.m.)
Ext. 7183
Human Resources
Ext. 2310
Inclement Weather
Ext. 2322
Instructional Resources
Ext. 2256
Main Switchboard
Ext. 2000
Maintenance (7 a.m. – 3 p.m.)
Ext. 2260
Test Center
Ext. 2352
(For maintenance and/or housekeeping during off hours, call Public Safety at Ext. 2272.)
Office Hours
The CET Division in Edgewood Hall is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Friday,
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Contact Information
Dr. Zoann Parker - Associate Vice President for CET
Ms. Olga Franzoni, Coordinator for Continuing Education Operations
Ms. Brenda Harris, Continuing Education Registration Assistant
Ms. Leslie Rutherford, Continuing Education Registration Assistant
Adult Developmental and Literacy Programs
Ms. Shelley Alter, ESOL Specialist
Ms. Cynthia Fischer, Instructional Specialist
Ms. Deborah Gordon, Literacy Works Specialist
Ms. Barbara Handy, CET Associate for Literacy Education Programs
Ms. Jodi Lovell, Intake Assessment Specialist
Ms. Brandy Naughton, Director for Adult Devel. and Literacy Programs
Business and Industry Training
Ms. Kathy Archer, Director for Continuing Education Allied Health
Mr. Rod Bourn, Coordinator for Professional Development
Mr. Patrick Campbell, Program Specialist
Mr. Victor Cyran, Director for Corporate and Professional Training
Ms. Pamela Karwowski, Director for Government, Contractor & IT Training
Mr. Steven Altland, Program Assistant for Contract Training
Ms. Dawn Reimer, CET Associate for Allied Health
Ms. Keri Otto, Associate for Business and Industry Training
Ms. Linda Wilson, CET Associate for Business and Industry Training
Community Education
Ms. Kathy Burley, Coordinator for Physical Education & Recreation
Mr. Jonathan Reed, Program Assistant for Driver Education
Ms. Patti Ross, CET Associate for Community Education
Ms. Lisha Sturgill, Coordinator for Community Education
Ms. Sue Zapf, CET Associate for Community Education
Public Safety
The Office of Public Safety provides for the safety and protection of all persons and their property on a
24-hour, 7 days-per-week basis. An officer can be reached by dialing ext. 2272 from a campus telephone
or 443-412-2272 from an outside line. In the event that phones lines are down, an officer can be reached
by cell at 410-459-9517. The office is located on the lower level of the Library.
Emergencies, including accidents, fire, and theft should be reported immediately to the Public Safety
Office or the campus switchboard (dial 0).
Campus Security Report
Safety and security at Harford Community College should be everyone’s concern. The Annual
Security Report contains three consecutive years of campus crime statistics and information on
how to help keep individuals and their property safe on campus. It is published and available
annually by October 1st. A hard copy may be requested in writing, by phone, or in person at the
Department of Public Safety, 443-412-2272, located in the first floor of the Library at 401 Thomas
Run Road, Bel Air, MD 21015. The Annual Security Report can be accessed electronically at:
Reporting Criminal Actions
 Report any suspicious activity or emergency to Public Safety by dialing extension 2272 on a
campus phone or 443-412-2272 on an outside line.
 Another HCC office that can assist in reporting campus crime is Student Development:
443-412-2142, 443-412-2345, and 443-412-2233.
 HCC will inform students and staff of any criminal activity or security situation that may pose a
threat to the safety of persons on campus. Such information will be distributed through notices,
electronic mail to staff, bulletin boards, or by HCC personnel.
 HCC Public Safety staff are not commissioned officers and have no power to arrest. However, a
close working relationship is maintained with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, which will
respond to any situation requiring a commissioned police officer.
Campus Crime Prevention
No community can be completely risk-free in today’s society. Students, staff, and campus
visitors are all partners in creating an environment that is safe and conducive to the learning
process. Everyone is asked to be alert, security conscious, and involved.
The College Life Office sponsors crime awareness/prevention programs, from which
information can be obtained. Notices of scheduled events are posted on bulletin boards
throughout the campus, placed in the student newspaper, and published in other schedules of
events. Examples of programs include lectures on the prevention of date rape and forums on
self-defense for campus and home.
Campus facilities are accessible to students and staff during normal operating hours of the
campus. Facilities will be opened and monitored during non-operating hours for scheduled
special events. During times when the campus is closed, buildings and facilities will be secured
and inaccessible.
Safety Tips
Lock your vehicle and store valuables and books you will not use in the trunk or out of sight.
Walk with others to and from class when possible; there is safety in numbers.
Use well-lighted areas and walkways.
When walking to or from your vehicle, scan the area for suspicious subjects. If something makes
you uncomfortable, walk to an area with other people.
Call Public Safety at ext. 2272 to report any suspicious activity. Use the ESCORT SERVICE by
dialing ext. 2272 from any campus telephone.
When driving at night, keep your doors locked and windows rolled up.
Keep your keys ready when approaching your vehicle to reduce the time it takes to enter.
When stopped at a traffic signal, maintain space between you and the vehicle in front of you so
you can pull away if necessary.
If you are confronted by an armed assailant, the decision to comply or resist is a personal one.
Any property you may have is not worth your life.
Escort Services
Public Safety operates an escort service at all times. The Public Safety vehicle is well marked and
operated by a uniformed Safety Officer. Call ext. 2272 from any campus phone for this service. ALL
Emergency Information
The College has specific procedures relating to students threatening harm, medical emergencies,
students in distress, and disruptive students. Please refer to the pocket-size training card you received.
For other emergencies, call Public Safety at 443-412-2272 or ext. 2272 from HCC phone. (If phone service
is interrupted, call Public Safety on their cell phone at 410-459-9517.)
First Aid Kits
First aid kits are available in every building on campus.
If a fire or explosion occurs:
 Activate the fire alarm for immediate evacuation of the building.
 Call 911 for public emergency response services.
 Call Public Safety at ext. 2272. Inform them of the emergency and that 911 was called.
 DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire unless trained to do so. If trained, operate the
extinguisher using P-A-S-S: pull, aim, squeeze, sweep.
 Assist in assembling all evacuees at a large grassy area or parking lot UPWIND from the hazard
and unlikely to be used for emergency response activities.
 Assist mobility-impaired persons in evacuating the building or relocating to a safe refuge area,
usually in a fire-protected stairwell.
 Provide pertinent information to the public and college emergency response personnel at the
scene (i.e., location of the fire, known persons in building, injured persons, etc.).
 Await further instructions by the senior college official at the scene before releasing any evacuees
from the assembly area.
 DO NOT re-enter building under any circumstances until given clearance by the emergency
response official in charge.
o If a window is available, place an article of clothing outside the window as a marker for
rescue crews. Stay near the floor and shout at regular intervals.
o If there is no window, stay near the floor and shout at regular intervals.
Fire Alarms
Each building has a separate fire alarm system with building fire alarm boxes located in the corridors of
all buildings. The signal for fire emergency is a continuous sounding bell.
When the alarm sounds, observe the following procedures:
 Remain calm
 Turn off motors, gas, and laboratory equipment
 Evacuate the room in an orderly manner
 Close all windows and interior doors
 Use the nearest unobstructed exit and move 100 feet from the building
 Do not block roadway, walkways, or fire hydrants
 Reenter the building only when instructed to do so by the fire official on the scene.
Audio-Visual Equipment
All requests for audio-visual equipment should be scheduled through your department CET Associate.
Requests should be submitted at least one week in advance. Should you require assistance with the use
of the audio-visual equipment, please call the Help Line at 443-412-2477 or ext. 2477 from an HCC
phone. TV/VCR/Projector remotes for equipment in Edgewood Hall are maintained at the front desk.
You are required to sign out and return remotes.
Class Rosters and Attendance Sheets
Rosters and attendance sheets will be given to instructors prior to the start of class. If there is a student
in the class whose name does not appear on the roster, record that individual’s name, address, phone
number and social security number and give this information to your Director/Coordinator within 24
hours. For most classes, attendance sheets must be signed by each student and initialed by the student
each time the class meets. Rosters and attendance sheets must be returned to the College within seven
days of the completion of the class.
Class Schedule and Changes
All Continuing Education courses must meet the required number of hours in the schedule. Classes
must start and end on time. If classes are officially canceled by the College (for example, inclement
weather), a make-up is required. Call your Director/Coordinator to coordinate the means by which time
will be made up. Class schedules cannot be changed (location/meeting times) without prior approval of
the Director/Coordinator. All students must be informed of changes. If you are teaching a youth
class/program, you must wait for all students to be picked up.
Duplication of Class Handouts and Materials
All requests for duplication of class handouts and materials should be submitted at least one week
before the class begins. The copier in Edgewood Hall and the Higher Education Conference Center are
NOT to be used for this purpose. If you have questions or concerns about class handouts/materials,
please contact your Director/Coordinator.
If your class is gradable, you may grade courses using the attendance sheet or the College’s Student
OnLine Access to Resources (SOLAR) system.
When completing the attendance sheet, enter Yes or No in the “Cert. Req. Met” column to indicate if the
student met attendance and other requirements (if any) and the percentage of classes attended.
Completed attendance sheets must be returned to the Continuing Education and Training office within
one week of the last day of class.
If using SOLAR, please visit and click on the SOLAR link for complete instructions on
how to login and use the system. Grades must be entered in SOLAR within one week of the last day of
class. You may print a copy of the grades for your records. In addition, the completed Attendance sheet
must be returned to the Continuing Education and Training office within one week of the last day of
Instructor Absences and Substitutions
Planned Absences - When you are aware of an impending absence, notify your Director/Coordinator as
soon as possible. You may (a) contact students in the class and schedule a “make-up” or (b) request a
substitute. Your Director/Coordinator must be informed of the date for any make-up to ensure room
availability. If you are absent and do not schedule a “make-up” session, a substitute may be hired to
cover your absence, in which case your pay may be adjusted. Substitutes may be qualified instructors
that are recommended by you or the Director/Coordinator. Substitutes should not be engaged without
the consent of the appropriate Director/Coordinator.
Emergency Absences - In the event of an emergency and you cannot meet the class; notify your
Director/Coordinator or the department administrative specialist in the absence of the
Director/Coordinator. Students must be notified and a make-up class should be scheduled.
Use of Computer/Internet in Classroom
If you will need access to the computer/Internet in the classroom, please notify your
Director/Coordinator at least one week prior to the start of the class so that you can be assigned a User
ID and Password.
Intervention Services
 Staff are available in the Advising, Career, and Disability Services offices to assist students in
crisis situations. Call 443-412-2357, 443-412-2402 or 443-412-2301.
 Local referrals to mental health services are available through Advising, Career, and
Disability Services.
Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Students with documented disabilities are protected from discrimination under Section 504, of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities
who request academic accommodations for Continuing Education courses must register with Disability
Support Services and must provide a copy of current documentation of the disability. A minimum of
two weeks’ notice may be needed to provide some accommodations. To make an appointment or to
have questions answered, refer students to Disability Support Services, ext. 2402 or 443-412-2402. If you
have any questions or would like to receive a copy of the “Faculty Guide for Working with Students
with Disabilities,” please call ext. 2402 or 443-412-2402.
Cancellation of Courses
The College will call you prior to the first class meeting should the class be canceled due to insufficient
enrollment. Otherwise, be prepared to meet your class. Classes with marginal enrollment may meet at
least one time. You should not cancel any class without consulting with your Director/Coordinator.
Certificates of Completion
Certificates of Completion are prepared for selected courses that have an appropriate need for a certificate
as determined by the College. You establish standards of achievement upon which to base the awarding
of a certificate. At least 70 percent attendance is a recommended minimum requirement. The CET
department administrative specialist will prepare the certificates for you; a one-week notice is required.
You may pick up the certificates from the CET Office. The certificates should be distributed to students
during the last class session. If students are absent, return the certificates to the appropriate
Director/Coordinator for mailing.
Course/Instructor Evaluation
Courses and instructors are periodically evaluated for quality and effectiveness, either midway through
the course or at its conclusion. You are given forms to distribute to students and/or are visited in class
by the appropriate Director/Coordinator.
At the conclusion of your course, students are asked to evaluate the class. If they are completing paper
copies of the evaluation, you are required to return completed course evaluation forms to your
Director/Coordinator. If students are completing an online evaluation, it is found at
Suggestions from instructors and students to improve courses are always welcome. These suggestions
may be made orally or in writing to the appropriate Director/Coordinator.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA protects the privacy of a student’s record or those records that are directly related to the student
and maintained by the institution.
Basic Rules:
 Student educational records (any student-related piece of paper or information displayed on a
computer screen including, but not limited to, personal information, grades, and schedules) are
considered confidential and may not be released without the written consent of the student.
 As a staff or faculty member, you have a responsibility to protect educational records in your
 Some information is considered directory information and can be released without written
consent of the student. The following is considered directory information:
o Student’s Name
o Program of Study
o Dates of Enrollment
o Full-time/Part-time Status
o Degrees/Certificates Awarded
o Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
o Photographs
 Do not circulate the class list or attendance roster containing social security numbers.
 Do not include any non-directory information in a letter of recommendation for a student
without the written permission from the student.
 Do not circulate a name and phone number list for classmate use in contacting one another.
 Do not discuss progress of student with any other person (including parents) without the written
consent of the student.
If you are ever in doubt, do not release any information until you check with your CET
Instructor Access to SOLAR (Student Access to OnLine Resources)
Continuing Education instructors have access to HCC’s Student OnLine Access to Resources (SOLAR)
system. SOLAR may be used to view instructor schedules, summary class lists and student schedules,
retrieve student contact information, and submit final grades. To find out more about SOLAR, visit and click on the SOLAR link. If you need assistance, call the CET Associate for the
Director/Coordinator with whom you work.
Library Use
The library is open to everyone. Patrons over the age of 18 have borrowing privileges. An HCC library
card is required to check out material. Cards expire one year from date of issue.
Harford County residents and Continuing Education instructors may check out up to 10 items (less than
10 for special collections - check with circulation desk at 443-412-2268). Continuing Education
instructors may request the Library order material for their courses (443-412-2131). Material for specific
courses may be put on reserve at the circulation desk. For details call 443-412-2268.
Photo IDs
With the approval of the Associate Vice President for Continuing Education, Continuing Education
instructors may obtain a college photo ID in the Library. The photo ID allows staff to use the fitness
center and other college facilities, provides discounts to college events, and provides for various
discounts to cultural institutions, museums, and local restaurants. If you are teaching a nursing and
allied health related classes with a clinical component, you are required to obtain a college photo ID.
Continuing Education Gift Certificates
Continuing Education gift certificates are available for purchase in any denomination or for a specific
class. They can be purchased at the CET Continuing Education registration desk in Edgewood Hall.
Continuing Education Transcripts
CET offers official Continuing Education transcripts to students enrolled in many work-related training
courses and other courses (course description will indicate “Transcript available”). Transcripts provide
a history (July 2000-present) of Continuing Education courses completed and indicate the name of the
course, start and end dates, contact hours and number of continuing education units earned. Letter
grades are not awarded. “CO,” “CA,” or “CC,” will appear on the transcript to indicate the student
successfully completed the course. Successful completion is defined as attending a minimum of 70% of
the course and/or meeting other requirements as identified by the instructor. A grade of “NG” will
appear if no grade was earned for the listed course. Continuing Education courses completed prior to
July 5, 2000 will not appear.
Transcripts may be issued directly to the student or may be sent to a third party, such as an employer.
Students may request a Continuing Education transcript via the web (visit and click
on the SOLAR link) or submit a Continuing Education Transcript Request form to the CET office. A
Continuing Education Transcript Request forms are available from the receptionist in Edgewood Hall,
or by calling 410-836-4376, or at:
There is a $5 fee for each transcript due at the time of request.
Parking Permit
Part-time instructors may park in the open parking areas anywhere on campus. No permit is
required. Regularly scheduled instructors are required to have a parking permit for their car if
they wish to park in the Faculty/Staff parking areas. Faculty/staff permits must be obtained
from the Office of Public Safety in the Library and require the approval of a CET
Director/Coordinator. There is no charge for permits. Parking regulations will be strictly
enforced by citations and/or towing of vehicle. For parking policies, visit:
Contracts are issued prior to the first class meeting. The form must be signed, dated, and
returned to your CET Director/Coordinator prior to the first scheduled class. The College
reserves the right to cancel any course because of insufficient enrollment, and may cancel or
modify this assignment at any time.
Students may register online, by mail, fax, or in-person. In-person registration is available at the
Continuing Education Continuing Education Registration Desk in Edgewood Hall on Monday –
Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., and Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Instructors may be supplied with registration forms for distribution to students who have not
yet registered. In all classes other than contract training, students are responsible for returning
registration forms with payment to the CET office.
Student Withdrawal and Refund Policy
When students wish to withdraw, they must complete a Drop/Add form at the CET office in
Edgewood Hall or call 443-412-2376. Students who need to return textbooks will need a copy of
the Drop/Add form and their cash register receipt. (No marks in the textbooks are permitted.)
 If students withdraw prior to first class meeting, the College will refund 100 percent of
the fees.
 If students withdraw before the second class meeting, the College will refund 50 percent
of the Course Fee. Material fees are not refunded.
 If students withdraw after the second class meeting, they will receive no refund.
Textbook information for new courses should be submitted by the instructor when the course is
being planned. Textbook changes should be submitted at least four months prior to the start
of each semester. If no changes are requested at that time, the College Store will reorder the
textbook currently in its inventory. Selection of texts should be coordinated with the appropriate
CET Director/Coordinator.
Instructors should not sell textbooks to students. Texts, etc. are to be purchased at the College
Store. If a textbook is required, it must be used.
Senior Adult - Senior adults 60 years or older, who live in Maryland, qualify for a Course Fee
waiver for state-funded credit or Continuing Education courses conducted on or off campus.
State-funded courses are identified in the Continuing Education Schedule of Classes course
descriptions with the statement, “Senior adult and disabled retiree Course Fee waivers apply.”
All Material Fees must be paid even if the Course Fee is waived.
Disabled Retiree - Persons retired from the workforce by reason of total and permanent
disability, as defined by the Social Security Act or the Railroad Retirement Act, at the time of
registration for state-funded credit or Continuing Education courses conducted on or off campus
are exempt from the payment of the Course Fee. State-funded courses are identified in the
Continuing Education Schedule of Classes course descriptions with the statement, “Senior adult and
disabled retiree Course Fee waivers apply.” All Material Fees must be paid even if the Course
Fee is waived.
Open Computer Labs Mission Statement
The mission of the HCC open computer lab is to provide an appropriate level and range of
hardware, software, and consulting support to meet the academic computing needs of students,
faculty, and staff. The open computer lab will enable students to accomplish computing-related
academic assignments through access to software applications, the Internet, and campus email.
Computer Lab Hours
The open computer lab, which is located in the Library, is open when the Library is open.
During semester breaks and holidays the hours are subject to change. When the College is
officially closed, the lab is also closed. Students may call 443-412-2268 to obtain current Library
Computer Lab Assistants
Computer lab assistants are available during all scheduled open hours to support students,
faculty and staff by assisting them in the use of computers, software, and equipment in the open
computer lab.
Open Computer Lab Rules
No children
No food
No games
No downloading or copying software
No non-academic chat rooms
Classes will not be held on the following dates for the 2015-2016 academic year:
September 7
November 26 - 27
December 23 - January 4
January 18
March 27 - 31
April 1 - 3
May 30
July 4
Unscheduled College Closings
If the College announces it is closing because of inclement weather, all classes, both on and off
campus, will be canceled. This applies even when a particular off-campus center has not
announced it is closing. Sometimes an off-campus center (such as APG or Harford County
Public Schools) announces a closing. In such cases, HCC classes scheduled at that center will be
canceled even if the College does not announce it is closing.
Call 443-412-2322 for up-to-date inclement weather announcements.
Off Campus Sites
If you are teaching at one of our off-campus sites, such as Harford County Public Schools
(HCPS), the following information may be helpful.
Emergencies: For all medical, fire, and police emergencies at off campus locations, call 911.
Inform your Director/Coordinator as soon as possible. Your Director/Coordinator will contact
Campus Security, and you will be required to complete an Incident Report.
Smoking Policies: All public schools are smoke-free. Students and instructors cannot smoke
anywhere on school grounds. Other off-campus sites may have similar smoking policies. Your
Director/Coordinator will inform you of such policies prior to the start of the class.
Closings: HCPS are closed on the following dates for the 202-2013 school year:
September 7, 14, 23
October 16
November 25-27
December 23- January 3
January 18
February 15
March 25-28
April 5
May 30
Additional closures vary from school to school. Notification is made as soon as possible.
Harford Community College provides accessible, innovative, learner-centered educational
opportunities. As an open-access institution, the College promotes graduation, transfer,
individual goal attainment, and career and workforce development. The College fosters lifelong
learning, global awareness, and social and cultural enrichment.
To be a national higher education leader by transforming lives through imagination,
compassion, and rigor.
We are creative and passionate in our work. Our highly qualified faculty and staff,
learner-centered programs and services, and beautiful campus reflect our commitment to
intentional improvement.
Lifelong Learning
We prepare our students and ourselves to contribute to our community as critical thinkers,
knowledgeable citizens, and creative problem solvers. We believe that learning should be
engaging and enjoyable.
We embrace differences, respect intellectual and academic freedom, promote critical
discourse, and encourage socio-cultural and global awareness.
We are accessible and responsive to our students, our community, and each other. Helping
people achieve their goals is central to our mission.
We cultivate bold vision, creative exploration, and responsible risk taking.
We are responsible stewards of our resources. We work together to protect our natural
resources, renew our human resources, and expand our financial and physical resources.
We adhere to high ethical standards. Honesty, sincerity, fairness, respect, transparency, and
trust serve as our foundation.
We foster teamwork and partnerships. Working together enhances results and builds
We share information and ideas, listen with open minds, and strive for clarity.
 Recognizing the need for more students to achieve their goals, the College will pursue
excellence in teaching, learning, and assessment.
 Acknowledging that HCC plays an important role in the region, the College will
expand programming, events, and facilities that engage and enhance the community.
 Understanding that the environment and the demands on higher education are
changing rapidly, the College will develop resources and infrastructure required to
meet future challenges.
All employees of the College are expected to abide by the College’s Policies and Human
Resources procedures. Employees may view a copy of the College’s Board Manual for Bylaws
and Policies by visiting and
clicking on board manual. Continuing Education instructors should contact the Human
Resources office to obtain current copies of the College's Human Resources procedures.
Tobacco Use
It is the policy of Harford Community College that the use of any type of tobacco product,
including eCigarettes and Vapes, is prohibited in all buildings and areas of the campus and
off-campus sites supervised by the College. A $50 fine and/or referral for disciplinary action
may be imposed for noncompliance.
Want to quit? Contact the College Life Office at 443-412-2140 for more information on wellness
assistance and smoking cessation classes.
Professional Behavior Expectations for Students
All students are expected to exhibit and to practice professional behavior when participating in
class, when observing or attending field experiences, internships, athletic and cultural events,
co-op assignments or any other related college endeavor. Such behavior includes but is not
limited to speech, dress, oral and written remarks/statements and general conduct per rules and
regulations of the campus or off-campus site. Students’ behavior reflects on Harford, and it is
expected that all students will conduct themselves in a manner and style to bring honor to the
College. Unprofessional behavior on or off campus will result in disciplinary action, which may
result in suspension, failure of a course regardless of grades earned, and/or dismissal. To view
the Student Code of Conduct, visit:
Sexual Assault Policy
Harford Community College condemns sexual assault and rape. The College is committed to
providing a working and learning environment in which all members of the academic
community are free from crime and the fear it may elicit. Men and women of the campus
community who commit these crimes are subject to severe sanctions through the campus
judicial/disciplinary systems and/or the criminal justice system. Such sanctions include, but are
not limited to, suspension from duty, termination of employment, and criminal and/or civil
Maryland Law Article 27, Section 461, 463, Rape/Sexual Offenses outlines what constitutes the
offense(s) of sexual assault and the criminal penalties. Copies of the statute are available from
the Security Office.
The Office of Public Safety is open 24 hours a day to assist victims of sexual assault. Security
officers can be reached on campus by calling ext. 2272.
Complaints/incidents of sexual assault occurring at HCC or during the course of HCC sponsored
activities must be reported to the HCC Office of Public Safety.
The Public Safety Office, with the consent of the victim, will notify the Harford County Sheriff's
Office to conduct official criminal investigations of any charges of sexual assault. The Public
Safety Office will also contact a staff member from the crisis intervention team, if available, to
assist the victim through the reporting and referral process. Appropriate College administrators
(Associate Vice President for Continuing Education and Training, Associate Vice President for
Enrollment Services, Vice President for Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, and/or
Vice President for External Relations and Human Resources) and/or division deans will also be
notified of the incident(s). Precautions will be taken to involve only those persons with concrete
knowledge of the incident or with a legitimate need-to-know.
At the request of the victim, Security officer(s) will arrange for transportation to Upper
Chesapeake Medical Center for medical treatment. The hospital is equipped with Maryland
State Police Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits. Victims of sexual assault will be referred to
the Sexual Assault Recovery Center (SARC) in Bel Air for counseling services.
After a campus sexual assault has been reported, and upon request of the victim, if feasible,
transfer to alternative classes shall be made.
Disciplinary action(s) against employee violators of this policy shall be handled in accordance
with College polices and procedures.
Continuing Education Instructor/Company
Non-Compete Agreement and
Product or Services Endorsement Policy
I, _____________________________, agree not to accept any type of payment from the enrolled
students, the clients, its employees, consultants or any other individual associated with the
course(s) I am teaching for/under contract with Harford Community College (HCC), for a period
of two years from termination of any course taught/contract completed. This requirement
includes all instruction (private or group), assistance and consultation. If a student/client
requests further education or training, I agree to notify Harford Community College of the
training opportunity. The College, likewise, will give me first right-of-refusal as the
instructor/consultant for the training course/contact as long as my performance has met College
standards for good teaching.
In addition, I understand that in order to ensure objective course presentations and to
maintain a professional atmosphere in HCC classes, all Continuing Education
instructors/consultants must refrain from using Continuing Education classes as a forum for their
personal or company products or services. Specifically, I agree to:
 limit mention of full-time employer, business or personal services to personal
introduction at the beginning of the course/contract.
 not distribute company literature, including business cards, to the students, clients,
employees or consultants.
 not use company letterhead for handouts. Materials given to the class participants
should be either on HCC letterhead or plain paper that indicates it is a Harford
Community College course.
 not use class rosters to solicit students or to mail them personal or company literature.
Please indicate your understanding of and agreement to abide by this agreement by signing
Instructor/Company Signature
HCC Director/Coordinator Signature