Assessment schedule NZIC 2006 Chemistry 2.4 (AS90308) While the writers of this assessment have worked to compile a resource that meets NCEA requirements, it has no official status and teachers may wish to adjust questions and the assessment schedule as they see fit. Evidence ONE (a) (i) (a) (ii) Achievement C CH2O E CH2Cl2 C: Carbon does not have eight electrons associated with it. H C H O E: The non bonding electrons on the chlorine atoms are not shown (b) TWO (a) (b) (c) H H C O H H (i). Merit Excellence Only these two structures circled. Cl H C Cl H One description of error and its associated Lewis diagram correct. Both descriptions and Lewis diagrams correct. Correct (ii) N N SO3, trigonal planar, O3 Bent, PH3, triangular pyramidal and CH4 tetrahedral. The shape of a molecule or ion is determined by: The number of regions of negative charge around the central atom. The regions of negative charge will repel each other as far as possible. The number of bonding and non-bonding regions. SO3 and O3 have three regions of negative charge around the central atom. These will be distributed to the corners of a triangle. All the regions are bonding in SO3. Therefore the shape is planar triangular. In O3 there are two bonding regions and one non-bonding region so the molecule is angular/bent/V-shaped. In NH3 and CH4 there are four regions of negative charge around the central atom which will be distributed to the corners of a tetrahedron. In NH3 there are three bonding pairs and one nonbonding pair so the molecule is a trigonal pyramid shape In CH4 all regions are bonding pairs so the molecule is tetrahedral. A polar bond is a covalent bond that has a negative end and a positive end OR unequal sharing of electrons Three correct All correct. Two of the bullet points mentioned. Some attempt to relate these to the examples. Factors determining shape clearly stated. Two shapes clearly explained Correct. Factors determining shape clearly stated. All shapes clearly explained Evidence Achievement (d) (i) CO2 and O2 non-polar, SO2 polar. Correct. (d) (ii) Although the CO2 molecule contains polar bonds, the CO2 molecule is symmetrical and so the polarities of the bonds balance out/cancel and overall the molecule is non-polar. The SO2 molecule also contains polar bonds, and there are 3 areas of negative charge around the central S atom (2 bonding pairs and 1 lone pair) resulting in a non-symmetrical molecule that is polar. The O2 molecule does not contain polar bonds, and is a symmetrical molecule, so it cannot be a polar molecule. Describes one factor contributing to polarity. THREE (a) (i) (a) (ii) (a) (iii) (b) 1 Cu 2 I2 3 NaCl 4 SiO2 Copper is a metal. Metals are solids with a high melting point that conduct electricity because they consist of an orderly array of positive ions held together by a mobile sea of electrons. The electrons move randomly through the lattice and are shared by numerous positive ions, which provide the strong chemical bonds holding the metal together. The free moving electrons are the reason why the solid conducts electricity, as the electrons are able to move towards the positive pole when a voltage is applied. Iodine is a covalent solid with a low melting point that does not conduct electricity because it consists of covalently bonded, non-polar molecules which results in weak intermolecular forces between the molecules. Covalently bonded molecules do not conduct electricity because they do not contain any charged particles. Water is a polar solvent because it contains very polar molecules. NaCl is an ionic compound, consisting of positive and negative ions. Ionic substances dissolve in polar substances. Solid LiCl consists of ions fixed into a lattice There are no free moving charged particles to carry the electric current. Therefore, solid LiCl does not conduct. Once the LiCl melts, the ions are free to move. Thus molten LiCl is able to conduct a current. LiCl is also soluble in water. When it dissolves, the ions are free to move, and thus able to conduct a current. Merit Excellence Limited discussion e.g. 2/3 correct but some details missing. All three molecules explained correctly. 2 Points covered. 3 Points covered. Both melting point and electrical conductivity explained in terms of structure and bonding for both Cu and I2 Like dissolves like. Explains that water is polar, and NaCl is an ionic substance, and therefore will dissolve in water. LiCl does not conduct when solid, but does when molten or in solution. All correct. Describes LiCl as consisting of ions. Full answer with discussion. Sufficiency Statement. These assessments are not pre-tested. The statements below are a guide and schools should feel free to adjust them to get a sensible distribution. Achievement Merit Excellence A total of SIX opportunities correct at Achievement or higher A total of SEVEN opportunities correct with three at Merit or higher A total of NINE opportunities correct with four at Merit or higher and two at Excellence