Biographical Note

Biographical Note
Bhumika Muchhala
Third World Network, Malaysia
Bhumika Muchhala works on finance and development issues for Third World Network (TWN), focusing
on the international financial system, macro-policies and international financial institutions. She engages
in a mix of advocacy, research and analysis, capacity-building, organizing and popular education in
various fora, including the UN, international financial institutions such as the IMF, and global civil society,
including women's rights and social justice movements. In New York, she follows several United Nations
General Assembly processes, including intergovernmental negotiations, in the areas of post-Rio+20,
Post-2015, finance and development, governance and social development.
Previously, she has coordinated the IMF Program at the Bank Information Centre in Washington, D.C.,
and the Asia Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, also in Washington, D.C.
She has also engaged in the international labor rights movement, and taken lead roles in strategizing
and organizing global social justice campaigns with civil society. She has a Masters in Development
Economics from the London School of Economics, and was born in Bombay, India and raised in Jakarta,