HOPE COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Application for Admission Please indicate the term during which you will complete your internship: Name: Hope ID #: Campus Address: Campus Phone: City: State: Home Address: Zip: Cell Phone: City: State: Zip: Email Address: Year in School: Expected Graduation Date: Major(s): Minor(s): GPA in Major: Cumulative GPA: Career Interest: Name of Academic Advisor: Attach unofficial Hope College transcript. What are your career objectives? As a prospective intern, what placements most interest you? Please list either general areas (nonprofit, large business/corporation, small business, etc.) or specific placements. For Communication Department Use Approved Denied Comments: HOPE COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Application for Admission, page 2 Have you already had an internship? If so, where? What were your responsibilities? Was this internship for credit? What courses have you taken or what experiences have you had that you feel have prepared you for an internship at this time? Attach a written statement indicating the goals and objectives you seek to accomplish through an internship. Concentrate on personal growth, skill and learning goals and indicate how an internship experience might help you to achieve each. Please check the communication courses you have taken and indicate when they were taken and the grade received. 9 Course 101 The Communication Process 140 Public Presentations 151 Intro to Mass Media 160 Analytic Skills 210 Interpersonal Communication 220 Task Group Leadership 231 Communication & Conflict 251 Media Production I 255 Print Media I 257 Comm. for Public Relations 260 Rhetoric & Public Culture 280 Research Methods 290 Independent Media Project Semester & Year Grade 9 Course 330 Organizational Comm. 335 Leadership Skills & Perspect. 352 Media Production II 353 Media Production III 356 Print Media II 357 Documentary 360 Persuasion 371 Intercultural & Gender 390 Independent Study 395 Topics in Communication 399 Communication Internship 451 Media Theory 460 Rhetorical & Comm Theory 470 Cultural Comm Theory Semester & Year Grade HOPE COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Application for Admission Page 3 I, __________________________[print name], am applying for an internship in the Department of Communication at Hope College. I have attended a Communication Department Internship Workshop and I have read the Communication Department Internship Handbook. I have read and understand the Ethical and Professional Conduct Policy outlined in the Handbook. __________________________ Signature _______________________ Date