311 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. i0 No. 2 (1987) 311-314 ON SOME PROPERTIES OF POLYNOMIAL RINGS H. AL-EZEH Department of Mathematics University of Jordan Amman Jordan (Received February 4, 1986 and in its revised form April 29,1986) ABSTFCT. For a commutative ring with unity R, it is proved that R is a PF an(a), and only if the annihilator, proved that the polynlmial ring, ring if for each a e R is a pure ideal in R, Also it is R[X], is a PF-ring if and only if R is a PF-ring. Finally, we prove that R is a PP-ring if and only if R[X] is a PP-ring. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. idempotent elements. Polynomial Rings, Pure ideal, PF-ring, PP-ring, R-flatness, and 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE: 13B. INTRODUCTION. 1. All our rings in this paper are commutative with unity. An ideal I of a ring R is called pure if for any x e I, there exists y e I such that xy PF-ring if every principal ideal aR is a flat R-module. an(a), A ring is called a One can easily show that aR is if every principal ideal aR is a projective R-module. projective if and only if the annihilator, x A ring R is called a PP-ring is generated by an idempotent element, (see First, we state a proposition characterizing flat R-modules elementwise. well known result in commutative ring theory, (see PROPOSITION I. An R-module M is a flat R-module if and only if for any pair of fi- nite subsets {x 1, x 2, n Y. x.a. 1 1 i=l n such that E b a i j i=l This is a [3]). Xn and {al, a2,... 0 there exists elements z 0 j=l an of M and R respectively, such that z k e M and bij e R; i 1,2,...,k k 2, k, and x i E z b i’ i j j=l n. 2 In the following theorem we establish that R is a PF-ring if and only if ann(a) R for each a e R is B pure ideal. THEOREM I. For any ring R, R is a PF-ring if and only if an(m) for each m e R is a pure ideal. PROOF. Let x I, x 2,...,x e n there exists m I, n i=Z! mmia i 0. n and al, a2,... mn e R such that x i Hence m e ann(R i=Imiai )" m2,... mim an e i n R with 0. i=II xiai I, 2,..., n. So Then H. AL-EZEH 312 n Since n bm.m x m m 2 i i m. n These elements satisfy II=l bmlai 0 and Therefore mR is a flat R-module n ann(m). Conversely, let b O. Then mb Since bR is a flat R-module, there exists R 0 and b c E bR and d e R such that dm Cld R. bm2,..., bmn Now take m e mR and bm I, such that bm ann(=imiai)_ R is a pure ideal, there exists b e ann(iElmfai) R Now c cd. Clb, so b cd bCld. Moreover Therefore ann(m) is a pure ideal. R be a finite set of pure ideals df a rin R, then Let I.i, e ann(m). R LEMM I. In 12 n n I. is a pure ideal. J j=1 PROOF. Let x e J. Then x e I. for each j. Thus there exists Yl Y2 e J x. J and Then y xy e I, x, n. with 2, ylY2...yne xyj without nonzero nilpotent elements) ring. Let Let R be a reduced h(X) h + + + hn e R[X]. Than and h(X)) NIX] where N is the annihilator 0 J II’ 12 Yn In xn hIX R[XJ of the ideal generated by h 0, h Moreover if f(X) a / 0 alX + hn, m .+ a X m ann(h0’R hI’’’’’ hn --i--0an(h i). that is N e ann (h(X)) then a h i j R[X] n (see [4]). I, 2 LEMMA 2. Let R be a PF-ring, then R is reduced. PROOF. Let a be a nilpotent element in R, a O. n such that a integer greater than 0. Hence a 2 0 for all i m and ann (an_ pure, there exists b e Let n be the least positive ann(an-l). R with ab Now o a. ba n- n-l )- is Since ann(a a n-1 R since ba a. R Thus R is reduced. Contradiction. THEOREM 2. The ring of polynomials, R[X], is a PF-ring if and only if R is a PF-ring. Let f(X) PROOF. a Since R[X] has no nonzero e a By Lemma I, J i i, 2, +amXm alX + e ann (h(X)) where h(X) X R ho+hiX+...+ hnXn" nil.potent elements, i ,m o, I, 2, Hence there exist b I, is pure. m. + ann(h ) N J 0 b2,..., bm e J such that Now our aim is to find c e J such that c f(X) f(X). aib i We construct this element inductively. First, a0b 0 a Consider 0. + alX )( b 0 + b blb 0 a0b 0 + aob a0bob + alb0X + albl X alboblX a + a0b aob + alboX + alX alboX 0 a + a iX’ 0 a Let c b 0 + b 0 blb0, a (a 0 + 0 then alX + a2 X2 alX)C + b2(l + + b2 Clb 2 Cl)(ao+al X) + )( c a i, a2ClX2 + a2b2x2 a2b2ClX2 SOME PROPERTIES OF POLYNOMIAL RINGS a a + 0 c Similarly, c c m a 0 alX + a2ClX2 alX + a2 X2 + 0 + m-i + + b2 c 2 b Clb2,... c m m- O, I, 2,..., m. i c Thus there exist c m R[X] a i 0 + +...+ alX Cl,..., Cm aiX I e J. f(X). e J with cf(X) Let a e P and b e ann(a). R Since R is a PF-rng there exists (a). g(X) c Moreover c o Conversely, assume R[X] Then b e ann and ibm ...+ ai Xi) alX + a2cl X2 a2b2X2 + 313 is a PF-ring. o+ ClX + b. Hence bc 0 c with b g(X) + ckXk e ann b and COa (a) R[X] O. Consequently, R is a PF-ring. R is a PP-ring if and 8nly if R[X] is a PP-ring. It is enough to show that ann (f(X)) is generated by an idempotent R[X] Since R is reduced +a nX + a + element in R] where f(X) 0 THEOREM 3. PROOF. n. alX N[X] (f(X)) ann where N is the annihilator of the ideal generated by R[X3 a0, al,... N an. R(aO ann a al, n n n_ann(a i) R i =0 2 i= 0 e.1 e.R, 1 ele2...en e.I because R is a PP-ring. )R eR, where e Hence ann (f(X)) R[X] ele2...en eR[X], e 2 Conversely, let R[X] be (a)L RxJ an is a PP-ring then b 2 0 Thus b a PP-ring, let a e R, then consider ann(a). o + 2 g(X)R[X] where g(X) g(X) Let b e anD(a) blX +...+ bmXm Since R[X] R We claim ann(a) R bo b e boR. )( , Co + ClX +’’’+ ct xt If g(X) then ba )" b 0 + 0. Therefore b blX So b e +...+ b g(X)R[X3. b0c O, that is be bRo b0R. boa For the other way around, let b e O. That is b e and (a). Thus ann(a) K R Then b b0R. boC 0 for some c o e R. xm m Since 314 H. AL-EZEH REFERENCES i. EVANS, M. 2. VASCONCELOS, W. On finitely generated flat modules, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 138 (1969) 505-512. 3. LARSON, M. and MCCARTHY, P. Multiplicative Ideal Theory, Vol 43 in pure and applied lthematics, Academic Press, New York and London (1971). BRER, J. Power series over commutative rings, Lecture notes in pure and applied Mathematics 64, Marcel Dekker, New York and Basel (1981). 4. On commutative PP-rings, Pac. Jour. Math., 41(1972) 687-697.