Life Sciences Division Meeting University Library Minutes Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:30 a.m. -12:00 Noon 309 Funk Library Present: Pat Allen, Melody Allison, Erin Kerby, Lucy Moynihan, Kelli Trei, Sarah Williams Absent: Peg Burnette, Ryan Rafferty, Beth Wohlgemuth AGENDA 1. Welcome and Agenda Review 2. Approval of minutes Removed 10b to avoid confusion with lack of information Sarah will update the division website and G: drive folder for posting of minutes after they are approved. Melody will finalize edits of minutes. Minutes approved. 3. Announcements No scheduled joint meetings with PSED on 4th Wednesday but we will leave timeslot open in case we wish to meet. Re: 2015-2016 budget request report, Melody noted that: o Tenure system faculty have been declining more than 10% since 2005 and the number of APs have gone up. o Under initiatives there is discussion about integrating subject specialists into departments. o That everyone should look at budget report and bring things to discuss. Melody highlighted new tools on Web of Science Platform: Current Contacts Connect, Derwent Innovations index, and KCI Korean Journal Database. 4. Proposed UIUC School of Medicine; Proposed Medical School Impact on UL Report – Melody Allison Lucy mentioned a good article in the News Gazette about the background of the project. LSD and PSED can discuss jointly depending on the outcome. As members of the Bioinformation working group, Erin and Kelli can share information as things develop. 5. Vet Med Renovation Project – Erin Kerby The timeline has moved up, likely over summer they will finalize details. o They are still looking at Summer 2016 for actual work to start o It is financed by CVM, F&S grants, and help from the University Library. They have been ascertaining space based on partners. o Part of library space will be used for 75 seat classroom They do not know square footage etc. as yet. o Library space will likely stay in area where circulation is now (north end). Windows! The current plan is to generally support a small collection on the premises, e.g. reserves, books, print journals. The staff room may become small conference room. 6. Bioinformation Portal / Bioinformation Services Group (BSG) Report– Kelli Trei Kelli highlighted the Bioinformation Portal ( which is a joint effort with Peg Burnette to highlight the bioscience and biomedical resources to our users. BSG includes Erin Kerby, Kelli Trei, Mary Schlembach, Chris Wiley, Peg Burnette, Bill Mischo o Discussed report. 7. Committee assignments and reports – AC, CDC, others AC (Melody): Melody sent minutes from last meeting, some highlights: o Patron privacy policy is almost done It will include list of all policies in one place. o There is a student wage allocation update, broadly identified information to consider. o Clearer Library ID card info is being created. CDC (Kelli/Erin): Did not have meeting this month. Web Delta (Erin): o Iterative, new weekly hours view and can also search in expand box by date. o Pat suggested links on the name of the library itself, to avoid click through. o They can suggest structure and recommend people/groups to maintain pages. o They will take templates to divisions to show them examples. o Unsure how transition will occur (e.g. help from IT, IT driven or personally responsible), most likely variation of these. Reference Services (Erin): o Erin still plans to bring reference service survey results to an LSD meeting. Overall results indicate service satisfaction. Suggestions for improvement related to expectations of timeliness, and accurate vs. timely answers. o They will have another event in the summer with stations set up for reference information. o The group may be rolled into another group with more defined roles (likely not till the end of summer or fall). Service dogs and cats are coming May 7th! 8. Round Table Nothing 9. Adjourn Handout: Proposed Medical School Impact on UL Respectfully submitted by Kelli Trei