ANALYSES OF RESISTANCE SPOT WELDING LOBE CURVE by Euiwhan Kim S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1986) M. Edu. Seoul National University (1979) B.Sc. Seoul National University (1977) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENTS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF DOCTOR of SCIENCE in MATERIALS ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1989 copyright Euiwhan Kim, 1989 The author hereby grants to the M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature redacted ..... ....... ..... ... ............ K...... ---................. ...... Signature of author Department of Material Science and Engineering C ertif ied b y ............................... May 5, 1989 Sianature redacted ................................................ ... ............................................... .017 (vrofessor Thomas W. Eagar Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted ... ........ .................................................................... A ccepte d by ............................... Professor Samuel M. Allen, Chairman Department Committee on Graduate Students IoswgftqS7My erials Science and Engineering OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 07 1989 LIBRARIES ARCHIVES. -1 - - 2 ANALYSES OF RESISTANCE SPOT WELDING LOBE CURVE by Euiwhan Kim Submitted to the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering on May 5, 1989 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Doctor of Science in Materials Engineering ABSTRACT the fundamental parameters to investigate This study was performed controlling the weld lobe shape. For this purpose, a lumped parameter model was developed. Using this model, characteristic parameters which can influence the shape and the position of lobe curves were derived. To investigate the relative importance of these parameters, a numerical analysis was performed using measured and deduced interface properties. A new method was developed and was used to characterize the contact properties. The electrode temperature was also investigated. Nine weld characterization parameters were derived from analysis of a lumped parameter model and the contact phenomena. These parameters were categorized into f our groups, i.e. material parameters, electrical parameters, thermal parameters and the geometrical parameters. Using these parameters, welding behavior was explained and compared. A new formula is presented as an index of the sensitivity of nugget growth to various parameters. It was found that a significant thermal discontinuity exists at the electrode interface. The contact heat transfer coefficient for material with zinc coating ranges from 0.5 W/mm 2 *Cto 2.0 W/mm 2 *Cin the temperature range of 100 to 400 The dynamic electrical contact resistance at the faying degrees centigrade. interface is lower than that at the electrode interface. The thicker materials are less sensitive to contact characteristics due to the decreased ratio of contact resistance to the total resistance. There is a pressure concentration at the periphery of the faying interface contact and at the edge of the electrode. Due to thermal expansion, the contact size and the pressure concentration decreases during the course of welding. This is believed to lead to expulsion. The electrode force has an effect not only on the contact interface properties but also on the contact area. The most important factor in determing the variability of nugget growth behavior is the ratio of contact radius to the electrode radius and the ratio of electrode radius to the square of specimen thickness. The ease of bare steel welding is believed to be due to the small electrical contact size at the faying interface rather than the high contact resistance. The sensitivity of the nugget growth curve to each parameter was estimated. In general for a variation of 10%, the geometrical The parameters are the most important followed by material parameters. parameters of lowest importance are the electrical parameters and the thermal parameters. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Thomas W. Eagar Title: Professor of Materials Engineering -H To my wife Keumja Lee and to my daughters Jeeyoon and Jungyoon -4- Table of Contents T itle ............................................................................................................................................... A b stract ....................................................................................................................................... 1 2 D ed ication .................................................................................................................................. T able of C ontects .................................................................................................................... 3 4 L ist of T ab les ............................................................................................................................ L ist of F igu res .......................................................................................................................... A cknow ledgem ent ................................................................................................................... 6 7 12 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ........................................................... 1.1 IN T R O D U C T IO N .................................................................................................. 1.2 PR EV IO U S W O R K ............................................................................................... 14 14 16 2 PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 2.1 LUMPED PARAMETER MODEL ............................................................... 2.1.1 M odel D evelopm ent .................................................................................... 2.1.2 Derivation of Parameters ....................................................................... Ef f ect of Material Properties ..................................................... Ef f ect of Geometry and Heat Loss .......................................... 2.1.3 M odel Calculation ...................................................................................... 2.2 EFFECT OF CHARACTERISTIC PARAMETERS ON THE L O B E C U R V E ................................................................................................................. 2.2.1 Thermal Characteristic Parameter ..................................................... 2.2.2 Geometric Characteristic Parameter .................................................. 2.2.3 Electrical Characteristic Parameter .................................................. 2.2.4 Material Characteristic Parameter ..................................................... 2.3 WELDING MACHINE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS ....................................... 25 25 25 27 27 29 34 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES AND MATERIALS ............................. 3.1 IN T R O D U C T IO N .................................................................................................. 3.2 M A T E R IA L S ............................................................................................................ 3.3 INFRARED MONITORING ............................................................................. 3.3.1 One Dimensional Simulation Welding ................................................ 3.3.2 T herm al C ontact ......................................................................................... 3.3.3 Electrode Temperature ............................................................................. 3.4 HIGH SPEED CINEMATOGRAPHY .......................................................... 3.5 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY ......................... 70 70 72 72 73 76 77 78 79 4 HEAT GENERATION AND PROPAGATION ................................................ 4.1 EFFECT OF CURRENT .................................................................................... 4.2 EFFECT OF COATING MORPHOLOGY ................................................... 4.3 EFFECT OF ELECTRODE SHAPE ............................................................. 4.4 SU MM A R Y .............................................................................................................. 87 87 88 89 89 5 ELECTRODE TEMPERATURE ............................................................................. 5.1 IN T R O D U C T IO N .................................................................................................. 5.2 EFFECT OF ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS .................................. 5.3 EFFECT OF COOLANT FLOW RATE ......................................................... 5.4 SU M M A R Y .............................................................................................................. 93 93 93 98 99 6 TEMPERATURE PROFILES IN ONE DIMENSION SIMULATION W E L D IN G ................................................................................................................................. 6.1 IN TR O D U C T IO N ..................................................................................................... 6.2 EFFECT OF COATING THICKNESS. .......................................................... 109 109 110 2.4 SU MM A R Y .............................................................................................................. 38 38 39 41 46 50 53 - -5 6.3 EFFECT OF COATING MORPHOLOGY UNDER VARIOUS E LE C T R O D E FO R C ES ................................................................................................. 6.4 EFFECT OF WORK PIECE THICKNESS ................................................... 6.4.1 Welding Materials of Varying Thickness ........................................... 6.4.2 Welding Materials of Different Thicknesses .................................... 6.5 SU M M A R Y .................................................................................................................. 112 115 115 117 120 7 N U MER ICA L MO D EL .................................................................................................... 7.1 IN T R O D U C TIO N ..................................................................................................... 7.2 M ATER IA L PR OPERTIES .................................................................................. 7.3 ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL .......................................................................... 7.4 AXISYMMETRIC TWO DIMENSIONAL MODEL .................................. 152 152 154 156 157 8 INTERFACE CHARACTERIZATION ................................................................... 8.1 IN T R O D U C T IO N ..................................................................................................... 8.2 CONTACT HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT ...................................... 8.3 ELECTRICAL CONTACT RESISTIVITY ................................................... 175 175 175 183 8.4 SU M M A R Y .................................................................................................................. 9 AXISYMMETRIC TWO DIMENSIONAL SIMULATION .............................. 9.1 IN T R O D U C TIO N ..................................................................................................... 9.2 C O N T A C T SIZ E ....................................................................................................... 9.2.1 Analysis with Uniform Temperature Distribution ....................... 9.2.2 Analysis with a Non-Uniform Temperature Distribution ......... 9.3 CALCULATION OF NUGGET SIZE ....................................................... 9.4 CHARACTERISTICS OF TEMPERATURE PROFILES ...................... 9.5 SU MM A R Y .................................................................................................................. 186 209 209 209 209 213 216 220 224 10 PARAMETRIC ANALYSES OF NUGGET GROWTH ................................. 10.1 IN T R O D U C T IO N .................................................................................................. 10.2 ESTIMATION OF THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN BASIC V A R IA B L E S ....................................................................................................................... 10.2.1 Effect of Material Related Variables ................................................ 10.2.2 Effect of Geometrically Related Variables .................................... 10.2.3 Effect of Interface Related Variables .............................................. 10.3 SENSITIVITY OF NUGGET GROWTH CURVE TO PA R A M E T E R S .................................................................................................................. 10.4 APPLICATION OF SENSITIVITY INDEX ............................................. 10.5 SU M M A R Y ................................................................................................................ 258 258 11 CONCLUSION AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATION ...................................... 288 11.1 C O N C L U SIO N S ...................................................................................................... 11.2 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................ R ef eren ce .................................................................................................................................... 259 259 263 266 268 271 273 288 292 298 U -6- List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10.1 10.2 Proportion of Heat Consumption in Resistancr Spot Welding ... Typical Electrical Bulk Resistance and Contact Resistance ....... Estimation of Electrical Characteristic Parameter ........................ Typical Values for Material Characteristic Parameters ............. Effect of Parameters on the Lobe Width and Energy Input ....... Electrical Characteristic of the Welding Machine ........................ Experimental Test M aterials .................................................................... Experim ental Test M atrix ......................................................................... Effect of Coating Morphology on the Temperature Evolution Effect of Coolant Flow Rate and Electrode Face Thickness ..... Effect of Coating Thickness in One-D Simulation Welding ....... Effect of Coating Morphology in One-D Simulation Welding ... Temperature Changes during Welding of Dissimilar Thickness Heat Control Angle of the Welding Machine ...................................... Contact Heat Transfer Coefficient .......................................................... Temperature Dependence of Heat Transfer Coefficient .............. Effect of Electrode Force on Contact Size and Pressure .............. Effect of electrode size on the contact size ......................................... Effect of Specimen Thickness on the Contact size .......................... Twelve Cycle Lobe Width vs. Coating Weight .................................... Estimated Contact Size and Expulsion Nugget Size ........................ Effect of material characteristic parameter ....................................... Sensistivity Index for the Characteristic Parameters ..................... 37 42 45 48 49 52 71 75 88 95 111 114 118 154 179 182 211 212 212 217 219 261 270 -7- List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Figure 2.1 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Figure 2.8 Figure Figure Figure Figure 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 Figure 2.13 Figure 2.14 Figure 2.15 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 The spot welding process (after [1.1]). Typical welding lobe curve. Generalized resistance curve (after [1.24]). Components of dynamic electrical resistance. The critical current value which can be passed through a contact conductor under steady state conditions (after [1.28]). An approximate nugget growth model with temperature profile. Basic lobe curve. Effect of heat capacity. Typical dynamic resistance behavior and its components. Effects of changes in the electrical resistivity. Effect of heat loss. Steady state temperature distribution near a contact interface. Change of interface temperature profiles due to geometry changes. Characteristics of heat loss. Welding data for the calculations (after [2.3]). Characteristic nugget growth curve. Effect of the geometric characteristic parameter on the heat loss rate. Effect of weld time on the lobe curve. Welding machine circuit. Characteristic change of weldin$ current and power absorbed by the weld. (a) One dimensional simulation welding. (b) Actual size welding. Thermovision system. Infrared monitoring system. Emissivity versus temperature for the high temperature paint. One dimensional simulation of spot welding. Setup for heat transfer coefficient measurement. Electrode geometry used in the electrode temperature experiment. Cinematography on an edge weld. Four point probe for bulk resistivity measurements. Body is made from a machinable ceramic. All metal contacts are nickel for high temperature performance (after [3.10]). Heat propagation pattern on an edge weld. Effect of electrode shape on the starting location of glow. Two dimensional temperature profile on the electrode surface. Cascade display of a high speed thermal line scan. Change in the maximum electrode surface temperature as a function of the number of welds. 21 21 22 23 24 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 63 65 65 66 67 68 80 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 91 92 100 101 102 l -8- Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure 5.8 Figure 5.9 Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2 Figure 6.3 Figure 6.4 Figure 6.5 Figure 6.6 Figure 6.7 Figure 6.8 Figure 6.9 Figure 6.10 Figure 6.11 Figure 6.12 Figure 6.13 Figure 6.14 Figure 6.15 Figure 6.16 Figure 6.17 Figure 6.18 Change in the maximum electrode temperature with electrode face thickness. Change in the maximum electrode surface temperature during welding. Typical data scatter in the measurement of the maximum electrode surface temperature during welding. Schematic of increased cooling of a thin electrode Determination of the electrode temperature from the electrode thickness, heat input and heat transfer coefficient at the cooling interface. Increased cooling of a thinner electrode. Temperature profile of a high speed line scan during one dimensional simulation of the spot welding process. Effect of coating thickness on the induced welding current (a) and temperature (b) in one dimensional simulation welding. Effect of coating weight on current requirements (after [6.1]). Effect of Zinc coating morphology and electrode force on the induced welding current in one dimensional simulation welding. Temperature profiles in E70 electrogalvanized steel in one dimensional simulation welding. Temperature profiles in G60 hot dip galvanized steel in one dimensional simulation welding. Temperature profiles in A40 galvanized steel in one dimensional simulation welding. Temperature at the faying interface in the 1-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. Temperature at the electrode interface in the 1-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. Electrode face temperature in the 1-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. Electrode temperature at 1.6mm from the interface in 1-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. Lobe curves of zinc coated materials. Effects of specimen thickness and electrode force on the induced current in one dimensional simulation welding of bare steel. Temperature profiles in 1-D simulation welding of specimens of different thicknesses using 900 lbs of electrode force. Temperature profiles in 1-D simulation welding of specimens of different thicknesses using 650 lbs of electrode force. Temperature profiles in 1-D simulation welding of specimens of different thicknesses using 400 lbs of electrode force. Temperature at the faying interface in 1-D simulation welding of bare steel. Work piece temperature at the electrode interface in the 1-D simulation welding of bare steel. 103 104 105 106 107 108 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 l -9- Figure 6.19 Figure 6.20 Figure 6.21 Figure 6.22 Figure 6.23 Figure 6.24 Figure 6.25 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Figure 7.6 Figure 7.7 Figure 7.8 Figure 7.9 Figure 7.10 Figure 7.11 Figure 7.12 Figure 7.13 Figure 7.14 Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3 Figure 8.4 Figure 8.5 Figure 8.6 Figure 8.7 Figure 8.8 Figure 8.9 Figure 8.10 Temperature at the electrode face in the 1-D simulation welding of bare steel. Electrode temperature 1.6 mm from the electrode interface in the 1-D simulation welding of bare steel. Temperature changes during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. Change of workpiece temperature at the electrode interface during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. Change of electrode temperature 1.6mm from the interface during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. Change of electrode face temperature during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. Change of faying interface temperature during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. Current discretization Electrical resistivity of G60 National steel Electrical resistivity of National steel Electrical resistivity of Armco steel Comparison of electrical resistivity of National steel and Armco steel Electrical resistivities of different type steels Piecewise linearized electrical resistivity of low carbon steel Thermal conductivity Heat Capacity Temperature dependent mechanical properties of low carbon steel (after [7.5]) Model for one dimensional simulation welding. Axisymmetric two dimensional model Schematic comparision of the current flowing area and the mechanical contact area Current distribution model Schematic of temperature profile during the measurement of contact heat transfer coefficient Typical steady state temperature profile (high heat transfer coefficient) Typical steady state temperature profile (low heat transfer coefficient) Contact heat transfer coefficient of AMBR at 500 lbs electrode force Contact heat ransfer coefficient of AM35 at 500 lbs electrode force Contact heat transfer coefficient of AM68 at 500 lbs electrode forca Contact heat transfer coefficient of AM100 at 500 lbs electrode force Contact heat transfer coefficient of A40 at 500 lbs electrode force Contact heat transfer coefficient of E70 at 500 lbs electrode force Contact heat transfer coefficient of G60 at 500 lbs electrode force 140 141 142 148 149 150 151 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 - - 10 Figure 8.11 Figure 8.12 Figure 8.13 Contact heat lbs electrode Contact heat lbs electrode Contact heat transfer coefficient of A40 at 650 force transfer coefficient of E70 at 650 force transfer coefficient of G60 at 650 lbs electrode force Figure 8.14 Figure 8.15 Figure 8.16 Figure 8.17 Figure 8.18 Figure 8.19 Figure 8.20 Figure 8.21 Figure 8.22 Figure 9.1 Figure 9.2 Figure 9.3 Figure 9.4 Figure 9.5 Figure 9.6 Figure 9.7 Figure 9.8 Figure 9.9 Figure 9.10 Figure 9.11 Figure 9.12 Figure 9.13 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 Contact heat transfer coefficient of AMBR at 650 lbs electrode force Typical temperature dependence of the contact heat transfer coefficient and the electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface. Typical temperature dependence of electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface. Temperature profile for AMIO0 in l-D simulation and the measured temperature. Temperature profile for AM68 in 1-D simulation and the measured temperature. Temperature profile for AM35 in 1-D simulation and the measured temperature. Temperature profile for AMBR in 1-D simulation and the measured temperature. Electrical contact resistivity at electrode interface Electrical contact resistivity at faying interface Contact pressure distribution at the faying interface at room temperature Contact pressure distribution at the electrode interface at room temperature. Deformation in electrode and work piece at room temperature. Contact pressure distribution and contact size at the faying interface for different electrode sizes. Change of contact pressure at the faying interface during welding. Change of contact pressure at the electrode interface during welding. Change of temperature field during weldng. Change of deformation in the electrode and in the work piece during welding. Change of contact size at the faying interface during weling. Evolution of halo size and nugget size Typical nugget growth curves generated in axisymmetric two dimensional simultion. Evolution of temperature at the center line for welding of nominal size nugget. Evolution of temperature at the center line for expulsion weld. Nugget growth curve for AMIOO Nugget growth curve for AM68 Nugget growth curve for AM35 Nugget growth curve for AMBR Nugget growth curve for expulsion weld Nugget growth curve for nominal size weld Temperature profiles at the faying interface during welding of bare steel, AMBR 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 226 227 228 231 232 233 234 237 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 - - 11 Figure 9.21 Figure 9.22 Figure 9.23 Figure 9.24 Figure 9.25 Figure 9.26 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Figure 10.7 Figure 10.8 Figure 10.9 Figure 10.10 Figure 10.11 Figure 10.12 Figure 10.13 Figure 10.14 Temperature profiles at the faying interface during welding of electrogalvanized steel, AM100 Axial temperature distribution during welding of bare steel, AMBR Axial temperature distribution during welding of electrogalvanized steel AMINO Axial temperature distributions at the start of nugget formation for different welding conditions Effect of interface properties on the axial temperature profiles in the welding of materials with small contact area Effect of interface properties on the axial temperature profiles in the welding of material with large contact area Effect of changes in the thermal conductivity Effect of changes in the electrical resistivity Effect of changes in the heat capacity Effect of changes in the electrode diameter Effect of changes in the specimen thickness Effect of changes in the contact diameter at the faying interface Effect of changes in the current level Effect of changes in the electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface (small change) Effect of changes in the electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface (large change) Effect of changes in the electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface and at the electrode interface Effect of changes in the contact properties at the electrode interf ace Lobe curve of 0.6 mm thick G40 hot dip galvanized steel Lobe curve of modified 0.6 mm thick G40 hot dip galvanized steel (coating only on the electrode side)) Effect of coating side on the shape of the heat affected zone (after [10.4]) 252 253 254 255 256 257 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 - -12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have received a lot of help from many sources directly or indirectly during this thesis. It is not possible to adequately express my sincere appreciation to all those people in the space available. I will attempt to acknowledge as many people as possible for their valuable contributions to this project. The first thanks should be given to professor Thomas W. Eagar for his advice and enlightment the author received during the course of education at MIT. His attitude toward science and engineering has made a lasting impression on me. In addition, his attitude toward the every day life has affected me significantly as worthy to emulate. Words cannot fully express this appreciation. Special thanks goes to Prof. Stuart Brown, Mr. Bob Frank, Mr. Haoshi Song and Mr. Rakesh Kapoor for help in computer related work. Thanks are also due to my old colleague Prof. Carl Sorensen at Brigham Young University for his great help in many aspects during the stay at MIT. Mr. Tom Natale of National Steel and Mr. Greg Nagle of G.M. are also appreciated for providing specimen materials. Mr. Cesar Calva and Mr. Bruce Russell deserves my special thanks for their generous help in experiments. Dr. Mansoor Khan, Mr. E. J. Yoon, Mr. Dan Peter and Mr. Rakesh Kapoor should be also acknowledged for their valuable help in preparing this document. Finally, I would like to give my deepest thanks to my wife Keumja Lee and also to my children Jeeyoon and Jungyoon to whom this thesis is dedicated. Without my wife's love, sacrifice and support none of this would have been possible. My - 13- mother, who is always with me in sprit, has been a source of inspiration and encouragement throughout my life. By sharing the satisfaction I have from this thesis I hope I can reward her endless love. The financial support for this research was provided by General Motors, Ford and International Lead Zinc Research Organization. - - 14 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION Since its development the process of resistance spot welding has been used widely as one of the major joining processes for sheet metals. The weld nugget is formed by passing high current through a stack of sheet materials to be joined, usually two sheets, between two water cooled copper electrodes as shown in figure 1.1 [1.1]. Heat is generated by joule heating due to the inherent resistance of the materials and the contact resistance. The sheets are heated until the center region melts, thus forming a nugget which then solidifies when the current is halted. The resistance spot welding process involves complicated interactions between physical and metallurgical properties of the materials and electromagnetic and mechanical phenomena. The thermal history of the weld nugget is controlled by these parameters. From the manufacturing point of view, it is very important to establish consistent welding procedures for practical welding. Due to the complexity of the interactions among all these parameters, the methods of establishing weld procedures for new materials and new equipment have usually been empirical. Even for a material of the same specification, weld parameters sometimes have to be reset due to inconsistencies in the weld behavior [1.2-1.5] The lobe curve has been used for many years to characterize the weldability during resistance spot welding. The typical shape of this curve is shown in figure 1.2, which shows the regions of acceptable weld nugget formation for different welding parameters. The lower bound is determined by the minimum nugget size required for mechanical strength and the upper bound is determined by the expulsion of liquid material from the work pieces. The weldability of a material in resistance spot welding is determined by two main factors. Firstly, the size of the lobe curve width, which shows the permissible weld current range at a constant weld time and secondarily the wear of the electrodes. - - 15 These two major factors are controlled by the interplay between the many parameters which govern the temperature distribution in the parts during the welding thermal cycle. Some analytical and numerical models have been developed to understand the mechanism of nugget formation [1.5-1.13]. Although the models have attempted to incorporate the complexities of the weld parameters, such as temperature dependent material properties and contact resistances, those models offer very limited explanations about the effect of each parameter on the weld lobe curve. This seems to be partly due to the ill-defined parameters such as the contact resistance at the interfaces and also due to the orientation of the research which is mostly aimed at automatic control of the process [1.14-1.19]. Another difficulty of this modelling work is the lack of experimental verification. The previous models usually used the final nugget size as an experimental verification. The transient thermal distribution has not been measured. Such information has to be ascertained experimentally in order to obtain a better understanding of the nugget formation mechanism. In this research, a parametric study of the weld lobe curve was undertaken to understand the basics of weld lobe shape. The main questions to be addressed are what the important parameters are in determining the lobe curves and how sensitive the lobe curves are to these parameters. A systematic approach to each parameter was taken, starting with an approximate heat balance model to see the effect of each parameter and to derive the important parameters. The electrical and the thermal properties of the contact interfaces were also investigated experimentally and numerically using one dimensional simulation welding. Then a numerical simulation of the full welding process was performed using various variables. The variables included the geometry of the electrodes, the thickness of the work pieces, the type of current (AC or DC), the temperature dependent properties of the materials, the thermal and electrical contact resistances and the like. - - 16 1.2 PREVIOUS WORK Various models have been developed to achieve a better understanding of the weld nugget formation mechanism. These attempts show various degrees of sophistication and mostly tried to predict temperature fields in the nugget. However, the welding variables studied most often were weld current and weld time. Little work has been done to correlate the variations in the materials properties to nugget development, let alone the characteristics of the electrode/work piece interface and the faying interface. These models use joule heating generated by the contact resistance and the bulk resistance as a heat source, usually without any experimental confirmation of the results. The electrical contact resistance is very important in the early the stages of welding because of its high magnitude compared to the bulk resistance. Static resistance and dynamic resistance have been investigated with various surface conditions and pressure levels [1.20-1.27]. It was found that the static resistance was quite dependent on surface conditions such as the presence of a coating, the surface roughness, surface cleaning and also the current level and pressure under which the measurements were made. The dynamic resistance was also investigated primarily as a tool for automatic control of the process. Some researchers had interest in correlation of the dynamic resistance change to the weld nugget formation mechanism [1.13,1.23]. Kaiser et al and Dickinson et al tried to relate this dynamic resistance change to the weld lobe shape. They related a large drop in resistance to the onset of expulsion. Gedeon et al tried to generalize the dynamic resistance curve of zinc coated steels and claimed that the initial drop was caused by the resistance drop at the electrode-work piece interface (figure 1.3) [1.24]. The peak in the dynamic resistance curve was thought to exist due to the resistivity rise in the bulk, with increasing temperature, but this rise was not correlated directly to the bulk material resistivity characteristics. Nagle et al attempted to separate out the components of dynamic resistance for bare steel [1.27]. The results are shown in figure 1.4. -17- The first attempt to see the details of current flow and heat generation contact interface was made by Greenwood et al [1.28]. The major conclusion at the of this work is that there exists a certain condition under which a steady solution for the temperature rise at the contact interface is impossible. Below the critical current value it is possible to have a steady temperature rise at the interface. Beyond this limit, melting or vaporization will occur. These results show that there exists a relationship between the temperature dependent thermal conductivity and the electrical resistivity at a critical current value for melting (figure 1.5). These conclusions seem to be very important in that there can be criteria for melting of a interface which is controlled by the temperature dependent physical properties of the materials. They emphasized the spatial distribution of the heat generation pattern which showed a concentration of heat at the periphery of an electrode-work piece interface. This observation was numerically confirmed again by Bowers et al [1.29]. Greenwood developed a two dimensional axisymmetric thermal model for resistance spot welding where he assumed no contact resistance, constant material properties and conduction heat loss into the electrode at a rate proportional to the temperature at the electrode contact [1.7]. 16000C neglecting the heat of fusion. distribution for a spot weld. He calculated the temperature rise up to This model showed a generic temperature In his conclusion Greenwood said that the ratio of the thermal conductivity to the product of sheet thickness and the heat transfer coefficient into the electrode is a parameter which can describe the time scale and the pattern of the isotherm. Thus, Greenwood's work was the first to describe the importance of heat loss to the electrode in nugget formation. Rice and Funk developed a one dimensional model for multilayer spot welding [1.9]. Here the effect of the temperature dependent material properties are discussed with various stacks of materials. But the results were not related to the lobe curve at all. The heat distribution was calculated in only one dimension. They claimed that the empirical shape of the resistance-time curve was of little importance in welding - - 18 because contact resistance drops to its final value very rapidly. They also claimed that the dissipation of heat at the interface into the electrode is very fast and temperature discontinuities form across this interface. thermal resistance across this discontinuity large They also concluded that the decreases very rapidly and becomes essentially a constant, although there was little experimental evidence to support these conclusions. The prediction of the electrode temperature was attempted by Houchens and Yang [1.8]. However, it was not verified by experiments at all. They concluded that the peak electrode temperature is strongly dependent on the temperature of the coolant and can be reduced by increasing the welding current with a corresponding reduction of weld time. Nied developed a two dimensional axisymmetric finite element model and stressed the thermomechanical response of the welding process [1.6]. He presented the idea of a pressure concentration at the periphery of the contact surfaces. This finding could be related to a peripheral to the expulsion phenomena which seems to be related mechanical seal. Gould recently tried a one dimensional model and compared his calculation with experiment using metallographic techniques, however, his results showed a great discrepancy with his experiments [1.10]. He tried to explain the results by considering heat loss through the electrode and the work piece. He related heat loss to some variables such as work piece thickness, contact area, time and current. The possibility of a steady state thermal equilibrium when the weld current is low and the time is long was described. Some researchers considered the effect of current wave form [1.30,1.31] with the advent of a DC welding machine. They found that the weld lobe width is somewhat increased with the use of DC current. Nishiguchi gave an explanation of this phenomenon in detail and concluded that DC has an effect only when the material thickness is smaller than 0.8 mm [1.30]. It was said that pulsation of the heat input in welding of thin materials causes a narrower weld lobe. From this work it can be seen that the fluctuation of the temperature field is also an important factor in nugget development, partically for very thin materials. - - 19 Another important factor in defining a lobe curve is the expulsion limit. Kimchi claimed little effect of expulsion on the mechanical property of a weld, yet American industry still considers expulsion as the practical weldability limit [1.32]. Very limited work has been published on this phenomena so far. Dickinson integrated the heat input rate over the weld time until expulsion occurs and calculated the expulsion energy. He tried to relate this energy to the electrical resistivity and the thermal conductivity [1.13]. Kaiser et al tried to understand expulsion by defining a new term 'critical expulsion limit' as the minimum combination of current and time required for a material with a given resistivity to create softening of a mechanical seal around the nugget [1.23]. One other important concept introduced in their work is the optimum ratio of the electrical resistance of a bulk material to the contact electrical resistance. They claimed that the ratio must lie within a certain limit for optimum welding. They related these criteria only to the energy input rate governed by electrical contact resistance and bulk resistance. Nishiguchi et al investigated the mechanism of surface expulsion and the nugget formation process in series spot welding [1.33]. They related expulsion experimentally to the shape of the electrodes. The subject of electrode life, especially for welding of galvinized steel has been studied extensively. It is known that the rate of increase of the electrode face diameter is a major factor [1.5,1.34]. For a given electrode material, the rate of electrode enlargement was hypothesized to be related to the surface condition of the work piece, such as the presence of the zinc coating, the zinc coating thickness, the coating morphology, the chemical composition of the coating, the presence of an oxide film or lubricant and so forth. These conditions affect the electrical and the thermal contact behavior of the interface and thus the thermal history of the welding process. The enlargement of the electrode face diameter results in a decrease in current density. This will eventually shift the position of the weld lobe curve. Reviewing all of this literature, it can be said that no attempt has been made to determine the effect of changes in material properties on the welding lobe in a 20 - - comprehensive way. Very little attention has been paid to the geometry of the electrodes and the work piece. As the electrodes play a very important role i) as electrical conductors for current flow, ii) as mechanical constraints for pressure application and, iii) as a heat sink, the geometry of the electrodes along with the specimen thickness should be considered in the mechanism of nugget development. One other important parameter which has been neglected is heat loss through the electrode-work piece interface. The sensitivity of the lobe curve to the aforementioned parameters have yet to be investigated. - - 21 Upper electrode Workpieces NuggeI "-Lower elecirode Figure 1.1 The spot welding process (after [1.11). LI) expulsion () acceptable weld E undersize nugget Welding Current (kiloamperes) Figure 1.2 Typical welding lobe curve. -22- I 7 2 II Cm -- I II 0.0 2..0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 VELD TIME (CYCLES) Figure 1.3 Generalized resistance curve (after [1.24]). 16.0 -I 60 3.3 kN (750 lb) 4.5 kN (1000 - 2.0 kN (450 lb) 60- Rb 50 Rb 50. - - 50 Rb .. 40- 40 40 - C lb) .3 e ( RI C -3 .T 30- 30. - 30 RR 20 20. Re 20- Rf Re 10 10 - - 10 0 0 i 0 I 2 i 4 I I I 6 8 10 -t - 0 Time (cycles) Component resistance for 1.8-mm bare steel at a weld force of 2.0 N. I 2 4 6 8 I 10 Time (cycle) Component resistance for 1.8-mm bare steel at a weld force of 3.3 N. Figure 1.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (cycle) Component resistance for 1.8-mm bare steel at a weld force of 4.5 N. Components of dynamic electrical resistance. (after [1.27]). 24 - - 1.4 1-2 y-S 1.0 0-8 4 O-0 01 0-4 0.30 0 2 4 8 6 10 potential, U* Theoretical relation between current wnd potential for a conductor having A = A 0(1-NO); Ap = A0p 0(1+ MO) for various values of y. (y = NIM). Tho curve for ARMCO iron is shown dashed. The potential and the current are made non-dimensional v r1 2 yA dvd] 1 0 and j~by dividing by 2 L-- Jrespectively. A: thermal conductivity, Figure 1.5 p: electrical resistivity The critical current value which can be passed through a contact conductor under steady state conditions (after [1.281). - - 25 2 PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS 2.1 LUMPED PARAMETER MODEL A linearized lumped parameter heat balance model was developed and is discussed for the general case of resistance welding to see the effects of each parameter on the lobe shape. The parameters include material properties, geometry of electrodes and work piece, weld time and current, and electrical and thermal contact characteristics. These are then related to heat dissipation in the electrodes and the work piece. 2.1.1 Model Development The model described in figure 2.1 was developed to determine the heat balance in the system as a function of nugget growth. A electrode-work Conduction heat piece interface is assumed. electrode-work piece interface and into welding time and temperature discontinuity at the loss through the the work piece is estimated as a function of weld geometry. The overall thermal equilibrium is established by considering a free boundary at the electrode and the work piece surfaces except where they contact. A fixed temperature T., equal to the cooling water temperature is assumed at the internal water cooling surface of the electrode. The size of the work pieces is assumed to be infinite in the radial direction. The nugget shape is assumed to be a disk growing radially and axially in the same proportions as found in a post mortem examination of the maximum nugget size. This assumption is supported by the computer simulation results found in reference [2.1]. The maximum nugget size is assumed to have 80% penetration and to be equal to the electrode contact diameter. The expulsion limit is assumed to have been reached when the nugget diameter matches the electrode face diameter. The equations are established with lumped quantities. The total heat generation rate, Q,, can be described as - - 26 = (2.1) 12 R where, R=R Rb +Rc+R, work piece bulk resistance RCc:total contact resistance (R,= Rf+2Re) f for faying interface, e for electrode interface. R : electrode resistance At welding time I welding current The heat of fusion required for nugget formation, H,,, is HM= HAVn where, (2.2) H: heat of fusion per unit volume AV,: nugget volume (na 2 p) If the temperature rise in the model is described in the three different regions with lumped quantities, the total heat required for the temperature rise is, Q~t = p+C AT.AV,+pC,,ATAV,+p C ,AT where, p : density CP : specific heat V : volume AT : temperature rise n : in a nugget s : in surroundings e : in electrodes =Q n +Q' +Q (2.3) - -27 Thus the total heat balance including the total heat loss rate, QL, through the model boundaries (into the cooling water) can be written as follows. QgAt = Hm + (2.4) +TL~ 2.1.2 Derivation of Parameters Effect of Material Properties Equation (2.4) can be rearranged as (I2 _ 1/ R)At = (Hm ++ Qs+Qi-e, Q,)/R (2.5) Neglecting both the heat loss and the temperature rise in the electrodes and the temperature rise in the surroundings, CI 2 RAt = C (H + (2.6) pC ,AT,)AV, : efficiency of heat input This is basically a lobe curve, which is a hyperbola with axes of welding time, At and the square of the welding current, I . This basic lobe curve may be translated or rotated or distorted by changes in each parameter. The change in one parameter may have effects not only on one term but also on other terms simultaneously. the effects are considered in each term separately. Here The final lobe shape will be a combination of these effects. The nugget volume, AV,, is constant for a certain size of a nugget. In this case, the right hand side of equation (2.6) can be thought as a constant value for a given - - 28 material. Figure 2.2 represents equation (2.6) with two different nugget sizes. The larger nugget size shifts the lobe curve in the direction of higher currents or longer weld times. The effect of pC ,and H can be considered in a similar way. Equation (2.6) also shows the effect of these parameters. Higher values of p.C, , and H increase the value of the right hand side of equation (2.6), and as a consequence, the lobe curve shifts in a like manner as does a larger size nugget. The temperature dependence of p.Cnwill affect the lobe shape as shown in figure 2.3. Assuming a constant nugget size for the welding of a given material, the effect of electric resistance can be considered as follows. I 2 At = constant/R (2.7) Generally, dynamic resistance changes in the manner shown in figure 2.4, at least for steel. Even though the contact resistance at the faying interface RI drops very fast and eventually becomes nil during the early weld cycles, its contribution to the thermal field seems to be great due to its large magnitude. However, The electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface, Re, exists all through the welding process and contributes to heat generation and heat transfer. Higher contact resistance, Rc values will shift the lobe curve farther to the left as shown in figure 2.5-a. As the bulk resistance, Rb changes with time (temperature), the slope dRb/dT will be important in nugget formation as shown in figure 2.5-b and 2.5-c. The ratio of Rc to R, may also affect the nugget growth mechanism due to differences in the heat generation pattern. It is also possible to see the effect of electrode pressure in equation (2.7). Since higher electrode pressure results in a lower contact resistance R c , the lobe curve will shift as in figure 2.5-a. The effect of the heat required to raise the temperature of the material surrounding the nugget, Qt',, and the heat required to raise the temperature of the electrodes, Qe,, -29- can be seen in equation (2.5). If these terms are added to the right hand side of equation (2.6), the lobe curve will be shifted in the direction of higher energy input. In equation (2.5) one can see that the extent of this shift is determined by the ratio of the amount of heat required for heating of the electrode and the work piece, divided by the electrical resistance (i.e. the ratio of heat capacity, pc to electrical resistivity, R, as a sum of bulk resistance and contact resistance. This is an important parameter in the characterization of nugget growth mechanisms and the lobe curve. Effect of Geometry and Heat Loss Considering the total heat loss rate for a given nugget size and material, equation (2.6) changes to (I 2 R - QL)At = constant (2.8) This shifts the lobe curve in the high current direction by QLI/R, which is actually a function of the thermal properties of the material and of the geometry. This is shown in figure 2.6. Here, one can see that the ratio of the heat loss rate to the resistance, , R as a total resistance of bulk electrical resistance and contact electrical resistance, can be a important parameter in the characterization of lobe shape. The heat loss rate is dependent nugget growth and weld on many parameters such as the thermal conductivity of the electrode and/or work piece, and the heat transfer coefficients at the coolant interface and the electrode interface. The usual time scale of the process is on the order of 1/10 second (5 to 20 AC cycles). If the thermal conductivity of the copper electrode is much greater than that of the work piece material (this is not the case for aluminum welding), the characteristic heat diffusion distance in the electrode is about 6 mm while it is only 2 mm in the steel. When the electrode face thickness is very thin (e.g. less than 6 mm) the heat generated in the electrodes and that transferred from the work piece will be carried 30 - - away by the cooling water while the nugget develops. In this case the nugget development mechanism may be influenced by the heat transfer characteristics of the cooling water. Thus the ratio of heat transfer coefficient at the coolant interface to the electrical resistance, h/R , can be a possible nugget growth characterization parameter. If the electrode face thickness is greater than 6 mm, the heat transferred from the work pieces and that generated in the electrode itself will be used to heat up the electrodes. Hence a smaller portion of the heat may be carried away by the cooling water during nugget development. For this case heat transfer across the electrode interface or heat transfer in the work piece may influence nugget growth. Here one can derive one more nugget growth characterization parameters, i.e. the ratio of heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface to the electrical resistance, he/R. The heat flow out of the nugget, Qg, is important in that the formation of a weld nugget is due to its influence on localized accumulation of heat. Therefore, the characteristics of heat transfer from the highest temperature region, a nugget in this case, is very important in understanding the nugget development mechanism. The total heat loss rate of the nugget, Qb, is the sum of the axial heat loss rate through the electrodes, Q,., and the radial heat loss rate through the work pieces, Q,. If it is assumed that the temperature build up in the electrodes has already been reached when melting starts in the nugget, with TCbas a interface temperature at the work piece side, the heat flux in the axial direction during nugget growth can be considered as follows. The heat loss in the axial direction is assumed to be proportional to the square of the nugget radius. The temperature profile between the interface and the melting front is assumed to be linear. Then the axial loss rate is, Qa = kb(T.- T Where, C)na 2 /lb k- thermal conductivity Tm : melting temperature (2.9) -31- Tcb : interface temperature at work piece t, : distance from melting interface to electrode contact surface a nugget radius The heat required for the temperature rise in the surrounding nugget material, Q t , is thought to be determined by the heat flux out of the nugget, generation in the surrounding material itself. Qr, and the heat The temperature distribution in this region is assumed to be determined mainly by the radial heat loss rate of the nugget, Qr, when the nugget has grown to sufficient size. If the heat loss through the work piece is assumed to be proportional to the area of the nugget side wall, then, r kb(T - (2.10) T)2na p T characteristic surrounding temperature Where, I : characteristic heat diffusion length The thermal conductivity, k, , included in the heat loss equations changes with temperature while the interface temperature, T,, , is also affected by geometry and interfacial characteristics. This is also affected by the heat generation pattern due to the electrical resistivity change with temperature. To see the effect of geometry, a one dimensional model was made in the axial direction as shown in figure 2.7. A steady state heat flux balance near the electrode-work piece interface is modeled without heat generation included. For steady state heat flux equilibrium with T,, as a electrode face temperature, kb(Tm-T Cb)= k,(Tr -T.)/ IQ=hC(T -T,.) Then the interface temperature at the work piece side is, (2.11) Tb(kbk.+ T cb=(b Te= 32 - - A) (B-kbk.)Tw(2.12) ~eT.+ A+B (212 (2.13) Atm+BT. A+B ATT c-Tce= cb Tc =kbke(T. - T.) AT = AB(2.14) A+ B Where, (.4 A=kbhle,B kke+kehclb Plots of these equations are shown in figure 2.8. This model shows that the interface temperature changes with nugget growth, which is represented by decreasing 2.8-b is exactly the same shape as given in reference 2.2. 1 ,o Figure The position of the water jacket may also affect the interface temperature. The electrode-work piece interface exists all through the welding process and causes a temperature discontinuity at the interface with possibly a decreasing heat transfer resistance coefficient. This can be manifested by the easy separation of electrodes and work pieces at the end of the normal weld cycle. As the nugget develops, the distance 1, decreases. For a given water jacket distance, I, , the interface temperature at the work piece side, Tm and increases the value of AT across the interface. Teb, approaches However, as the temperature goes up, a softening of the material will occur and will reduce the interface thermal resistance resulting in a lower TC value. The water jacket distance, Ie, may also affect the temperature rise at the interface, and thus the heat loss across this interface varies in a very complex manner. As was indicated previously, if the value for le is small enough, the thermal characteristic parameter, h,/R, affects the nugget growth behavior. A rough comparison of heat loss in two directions can be made by considering growth of the nugget. Q. (T.-Tcb(2)al Q, (Tm_-)2pIb The ratio of axial heat loss, Qa, to the radial loss, Q,, is, - - 33 Assuming nugget size growth is proportional to the geometry of the electrode and the thickness as explained in the model development section, p = afL/b where, p penetration 3 : final b : electrode radius penetration to work piece thickness ratio (about 0.8) Then the final ratio becomes, Q. Q, (Tm-Tb)b( 2(T.-T)LIb Assuming the nugget front revises its position at every half cycle (1/120 sec) in AC welding, r/T,=0.9, where, when 1=0.2at=Fa/50 oc thermal diffusivity of the work piece Then the equation (2.17) becomes, Q (TTb)bT& Qr 1 OTmPLlb Since lb (2.18) reaches its final value rather abruptly, the distance between the melting front and the electrode interface, 1,, can be assumed constant after nugget formation commences. Then 1, is proportional to the specimen thickness, L If the interface temperature TCb is further assumed constant, the heat loss ratio in equation (2.18) is proportional to the parameter b/L The effect of this geometric parameter on the heat loss ratio is plotted in figure 2.9-a. The ratio is also a function of the thermal diffusivity, m. The total heat loss can be described as follows using equations (2.9), (2.10) and (2.16). Q,=Q,~r kblita 2 [(T, Tb)llb+ 34 - - 1O(Tmj3L)/bJa] (2.19) As the nugget diameter, a , increases with time, the rate of heat flow from the nugget, Qb, increases in a quadratic manner. But this is compensated by changes in the axial temperature gradient in the work piece, T.- T b, which decreases with time. thermal conductivity also affects the total heat loss as shown in figure 2.9-b. The As the thermal conductivity of a weld specimen increases, the effect of this variable becomes more significant. As kb increases, the temperature difference, Tm - T b, in equation (2.9) approaches a null value due to the thermal barrier at the electrode interface. Thus, more heat will dissipate into the surrounding work piece. This means that there exists a certain threshold where the effect of Q, and Q, change their relative importance in the thermal history of nugget development. This threshold is believed to be related to the relative magnitude of interface heat transfer coefficient h, and the thermal conductivity kb. Therefore, one can derive one more thermal characteristic parameter, hC/kb. It is almost certain from this analysis that the electrode geometry and the work piece thickness are very important factors not only in the distribution of the heat generation rate but also in determining spot welding. heat dissipation characteristics in resistance Generally, as one welds thinner sheet metal, the temperature gradients in the sheet become steeper and a greater portion of the total heat is lost to the electrodes as long as the value for the thermal characteristic parameter hc/kb is large enough. 2.1.3 Model Calculation To see the validity of the model and the heat consumption in spot welding, a model case was calculated with experimental data of galvanized steel welding. The lobe curve data used in this section are shown in figure 2.10 as taken from reference 2.3. The material is G90 galvanized steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm. is a truncated cone with 120 degrees The electrode included angle and 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) contact 35 - - diameter with 15 mm face thickness and 16 mm outer diameter. The minimum acceptable nugget size is 0.22 inches (2.8 mm) diameter. The experimentally determined lobe curve for this material is shown in figure 2.10-(a); the dynamic current curve is shown in figure 2.10-(b) and the dynamic resistances are shown in figure 2.10-(c) and 2.10-(d). Using this data, a calculation was performed for the case of no slope control in figure 2.10-(a). The results are tabulated in table 2.1. The total heat generated in the system was calculated assuming a linearized current value using the measured dynamic resistance. The heat required for phase changes were included in the calculation. The amount of heat required for nugget heating, Qto ,was calculated using 660 J/Kg*Cfor the heat capacity, C., from reference [2.41. The heat used for the temperature rise in the electrodes was calculated using the simulated electrode surface temperature data from reference 2.2 and the measured surface temperature profile obtained in this research. temperature profile will be presented in chapter 5. The measurement of electrode The highest electrode temperature used in the calculation is 500 0 C for a minimum nugget size and 700 0 C for a maximum size nugget. In the calculation of heat loss, QL, it was roughly assumed that no heat is lost through the model boundary till the nugget starts to form. the temperature build up in the electrodes has already the nugget. It was also assumed that begun when melting starts in After that time, the heat loss rate, QLwas assumed to be equal to the axial heat loss rate, Qa. This is due to the fact that the temperature gradient in the axial direction which developed before nugget melting occurs, is low compared to the gradient at later times. The heat loss into the work piece is included in the total amount of heat required for the temperature rise in the surrounding nugget material, Qtot. The axial heat flow rate, Qa, derived in this section is a function of the interface temperature, Tcb, and the nugget thickness or the nugget radius. The T,, value was estimated from reference 2.2 and was taken from the experimental data. The relationship 36 - - between time and nugget thickness (or nugget radius) can be found in references such as 2.1, 2.2 and 2.5. The nugget thickness change with time can be simplified as shown in figure 2.11. As the effect of an increase in current on the total amount of heat generated in the system is quadratic while the welding time is linear, welding with high current - short weld times will produce a steeper slope (see figure 2.11) as compared with welding with low current - long weld times. The shape of the curves is represented The time t 1 is the melting start time, t2 is the time at which 70% by three time values. of the final nugget size is reached and t, is the time for the final nugget size. In some cases t, is equal to the weld time At of axial heat loss, a The values used are listed in table 2.1. The rate , was then integrated over the welding time. The ratio of the axial and the radial heat flow rate from a nugget was calculated using equation (2.18). The result for the case of this calculation shows that the ratio is about 0.3 at the start of nugget formation and about 1.1 at the end of a full penetration nugget (defined as having a diameter equal to the electrode face diameter). The heat loss rate of a maximum size nugget is 2570 J/sec in the axial direction and 2250 J/sec in the radial direction. According to the calculation done in the previous section, the net heat used for melting of the nugget is only 25% of the total heat generated in the process. Most of the heat is consumed in the electrodes and in heating up the surrounding sheet metal. The heat used for the temperature rise in the electrodes, Q,,, is about 40 to 50 percent of the total heat. This comprises the heat from the work pieces and the heat generated in the electrode itself as assumed previously. The high proportion of the heat lost to the electrodes is due to the large volume of the electrodes. As the electrode face thickness in this calculation is 15 mm, most of the heat from the work piece goes into heating of the electrode. If the maximum temperature profile in the electrodes is assumed to be constant for each weld, the proportion of heat lost to the electrodes will decrease with increasing weld time as shown in table 2.1. The proportion of heat lost 37 - - Table 2.1 : Proportion of Heat Consumption in Resistance Spot Welding Terms 5.6 mm nugget 6.4 mm nugget Symbol (minimum) (expulsion) (unit) weld time 8 12 16 weld current 17.2 14.5 13.6 total resistance 0.07 0.07 0.07 total heat 2760 2950 3450 generation 100% 100% 100% nugget heating 750 750 16 At(cycle) 17.6 16.7 15.6 I(kA) 0.07 0.07 0.07 R (m 0) 8 12 2890 3900 4540 100% 100% 100% 750 1110 1110 1110 and melting 27% 25% 22% 38% 28% 24% electrode heating 1520 1520 1520 1610 1610 1610 55% 52% 44% 56% 41% 35% 110 120 120 170 300 410 4% 4% 3% 6% 8% 10% 380 560 1060 0 880 1410 23% 31% loss to cooling water surrounding metal heating 14% 19% t1 , t 2 3,5 6,9 interface temperature 500 500 31% Qto,(J) 0% 9,13 3,5 4,6 6,8 500 700 700 700 Qot+ HM(J) Qto(J) QL(J) tot(J) (cycle) tcb (C) - - 38 to the surrounding nugget material and the cooling water will increase with increasing weld time. This is not a surprise because of the longer time for heat dissipation as the weld progresses. The heat loss to the cooling water does not constitute a large proportion of the total heat in this calculation when compared to the radial loss in the sheet metal. This seems to be mainly due to a large electrode face thickness, I,, and also due to the small value of geometric parameter, b/L 2 (1.42 for this case). In this case, the heat loss rate in both directions is almost the same at the end of the nugget development, while the heat loss rate in the radial direction is about four times the axial loss rate at the early stages of nugget growth. 2.2 EFFECT OF CHARACTERISTIC PARAMETERS ON THE LOBE CURVE 2.2.1 Thermal Characteristic Parameter Three thermal characteristic parameters were derived in section 2.1.3. i.e. (i) the ratio of heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface to the thermal conductivity (h,/k), (ii) the ratio of heat transfer coefficient at the coolant interface to the electrical resistance (h./R), and (iii) the ratio of heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface to the electrical resistance (h,/R). The first parameter determines the relative importance of heat loss in the axial direction to the radial direction. If the value for the first parameter is large, the heat generated between the electrodes will contribute more to the formation of a nuggetwhile the axial heat loss is being controlled by the electrode interface. In this case the nugget formation will be affected by the second and the third thermal characteristic parameters depending 39 - - on the electrode face thickness, i, If the electrode face thickness is small enough, the heat transfer at the water cooling surface should be included in the discussion. As derived in section the themal characteristic number, h./R will affect the nugget development mechanism. As the value for this parameter increases the lobe curve will shift to the high energy input direction. The lobe width will be expanded by the increased heat loss of a large size nugget. By the same token, another thermal characteristic parameter, hc/R will affect the lobe curve in the same manner. When the electrode face thickness is small enough these two parameters will compete and the one with the smaller value will dominate the process. The effects of these parameters on the lobe width and the energy input are summarized in table 2.5. In the opposite case where the value for hC/kb is small enough, more heat will flow out of the nugget formation region to the surrounding work piece. One good example is the welding of copper or copper alloys. Since copper has a very high thermal conductivity a large portion of the heat will flow out from the nugget region demanding a very intense heat input in a very short time. In this case the welding may be very impractical. 2.2.2 Geometric Characteristic Parameter For a given material, the changes in the heat loss rate with time for different material thicknesses are plotted in figure 2.12. In this graph two cases with different material thicknesses are compared. The first is the present case where the work piece thickness is 1.5 mm and the electrode face diameter is 6.4mm. The other case is for the 0.8 mm thick work piece and 4.8 mm electrode diameter as is used in the industry. For both cases, the change of nugget thickness was assumed to be a function of root of welding time, t, as can be seen in figure 2.11. was also used in this figure. The same time scale as in figure 2.11 As can be seen in figure 2.12, the ratio of heat loss rate 40 - - in the axial direction to the radial direction for welding of 0.8 mm thick material is about 3 times larger than that of welding 6.4 mm thick material. The ratio will increase further for the welding of thinner materials. If the heat loss rate is estimated for changes in geometrical factors, such as sheet thickness and electrode size, the ratio of the axial heat loss rate to the radial heat loss rate changes in proportion to the parameter b/L the ratio increases by a factor of four. By reducing the thickness by half, For this case the radial heat loss decreases by a factor of two as indicated by equation (2.19). rate alone If the electrode diameter is doubled, the ratio increases by a factor of two while the axial heat loss rate increases by four fold. This means that a thinner work piece, e.g. 0.8 mm, will lose an even greater fraction of the heat by conduction into the electrode than has been estimated in Table 2.1 for a 1.5 mm thick sheet. Thus, heat transfer through the electrode-work piece interface will dominate the nugget growth mechanism in thin sheet welding. A very small variation in the contact characteristics may result in great inconsistency in welding of thin materials. The inconsistancy will be more pronounced as the work piece thickness becomes less. Furthmore, if the work piece becomes thinner, the temperature gradient between the melting front and the electrode interface becomes steeper with decreasing thickness of unmelted zone around the nugget. As a consequence, the mechanical stability around the nugget becomes more susceptible to the uneven electrode force and localized heating. If the electrode contact deviates from a perfectly flat contact, the highly stressed part of the contact area will undergo a higher temperature due either to the increased heat transfer coefficient or to the locally increased heat generation rate caused by the current constriction. This phenomenon will result in easier breakdown of the thin gauge nugget envelope. In addition to this, as the material thickness decreases, the ratio of the bulk electrical resistance to the contact electrical resistance becomes smaller. This implies that a larger portion of heat is generated in the interface thus increasing the electrode interface temperature on the work piece side. This will also make the welding of thinner - - 41 material more difficult. In addition to this, it will increase the maximum temperature which the electrode achieves or the length of time at this temperature causing a large reduction in electrode life especially in welding of galvanized steel. 2.2.3 Electrical Characteristic Parameter In general the materials have large differences in their bulk resistivity 0, and contact resistivity oc . Even for the same material, the electrical contact resistance changes significantly depending on the surface condition and the electrode forces [2.6-2.9]. The typical electrical resistance values for both bulk electrical resistivity a, and the electrical contact resistance, R, , are listed in table 2.2. As can be seen in table 2.2, the three different materials show a very good contrast in bulk resistance and contact resistance. The aluminum alloy has a very small bulk resistivity even though the contact resistance of this material is very large due to the oxide film on the surface. On the contrary, the superalloy, Rene 41, shows a much smaller contact resistance even though the bulk resistivity is very large. The resistance values for steel generally fall between these two cases. The total electrical resistance is composed of these two electriccl resistances. As the heat generation pattern during welding is dependent on the resistance distribution, it is believed that the effect of the electrical resistance on the lobe curve needs to be considered with a relative value of contact resistance to the bulk resistance. One important thing to be mentioned at this point is that the contact resistance is composed of the faying interface resistance, R I, and the electrode interface resistance, R'. The relative resistance values of the electrode interface and the bulk material, Rb, and the interface heat transfer coefficient, h, will determine the temperature field during welding. One good concept in dealing with the effect of electrical resistances on the lobe curve was introduced by Kaiser et al [2.6]. They introduced a concept of optimum electrical resistance ratio, which is the ratio of bulk resistance to contact - - 42 Table 2.2 : Typical Electrical Bulk Resistance and Contact Resistance Material Bulk Resistivity Contact Resistance Faying Interface Al alloy 2 Remark (mm) ) ( (p) Electrode Thickness Diameter (mm) Electrode [reference] Interface 30-280 6.4 1.6 1.static measurement 2 200-500 6.4 1.6 6.4 1.3 2. differently etched surface [2.7] low carbon steel (bare) 6 51 83 1. static measurement [2.6] (bare) 8 20 44 6.4 1.8 1.dynamic measurement [2.8] (Zn coated) 8 11 19 6.4 1.8 1. dynamic measurement [2.8] HSLA 15 170 106 6.4 1.3 1. static measurement [2.6] Rene 41 26 87 52 6.4 0.7 1. static measurement [2.9] resistance. However, they neglected the contribution of the electrode interface. As mentioned previously, the electrode contact exists all through the welding process. The presence of the electrode interface will affect the temperature evolution in the work piece and in the surrounding electrode. There are two different contact phenomena at the electrode interface, i.e. the electrical contact and the thermal contact. In general, the electrical contact resistance --- -43- increases with decreasing thermal contact heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, the contribution of the electrode interface can be thought to have a multiplicative effect on the temperature history of the process. Here two electrical characteristic parameters can be considered as a measure of the heat generation pattern in the process. The first is the ratio of electrical contact resistance to the bulk resistance, Rc/R,. The other is the ratio of electrical contact resistance at the faying interface to the contact resistance at electrode interface, R./Re. Basically these two electrical characteristic parameters will determine the heat generation pattern. If the value for the first parameter, R C/Rk, decreases, more uniform heating across the work piece will occur and will degrade the weldability due to an insufficient localization of heat build up at the faying interface which results in a lower thermal gradient in the axial direction. The effect of this parameter on the lobe width depends on the componets of R, In general as the value of this parameter increases, the lobe width increases due to the early heat build up at the interfaces. The contribution of the contact resistance to the localized heating at the interface can be represented by the second thermal characteristic parameter R/R" As the value of this second parameter increases, the faying interface experiences higher temperatures and will result in sound nugget formation. In this case, the lobe curve width will increase due to the gradual growth of a nugget accompanied by an increased heat loss to the electrode and surroundings, which in turn produces a larger nugget. The low R/R , value will increase the possibility of premature expulsion from the electrode interface as in the welding of aluminum alloys. It is believed that the most desirable combination of these parameters is a large value RC/Rb and R/Re to increase the temperature at faying interface. The ratio RC/R, can be reduced to a basic form by defining an electrical contact resistivity a, ac= (2.20) R- A where, A: apparent contact area 44 - - Then the ratio becomes, C Rb (2.21) abL where, L:work piece thickness It is seen that the parameter Re/Rb itself contains the effect of work piece thickness or the heat generation pattern in the specimen. of contact resistance smaller value. decreases. As the thickness increases, the effect This is equivalent to a change of this variable to a However, if the thickness decreases to too small a value, a larger proportion of the heat will be generated at the electrode interface . This will degrade the weldability of the material by producing early expulsion from the electrode interface. As an example of the application of these parameters table 2.3 was constructed using data in table 2.2. It can be seen in table 2.3, that there seems to be a certain relationship between the electrical characteristic parameters and weldability RC/R . The value for good weldability falls belows 36 in this table. It should be emphasized that the contact reisitances used in this estimation are taken either from static measurements or from the dynamic measurements. For a true comparison it is believed that the dynamic resistance should be used because of the thermal dependence of the electrical resistance. The superalloy, Rene 41, shows a similar magnitude of electrical characteristic parameters as does low alloy steel or low carbon steel. However, it is known that this material has poor weldability [2.9]. Considering the small thickness and the very high electrical resistivity, the poor weldability can be explained by the intense heat generation in the bulk material in proportion to the heat generated at the interface. In such a situation the temperature gradient across the work piece must be very small. As a consequence the nugget develops almost instantaneously rather than in a gradual manner. This can be further explained by reference to other characteristic parameters in as discussed in a later section. In any case, the overall weldability can not be ascertained - Table 2.3 45- Estimation of Electrical Characteristic Parameter R1/Rc Weldability Thickness Remark Material Rc/Rb Al alloy 15-140 fair 1.6 static 100-250 poor 1.6 static Low Carbon Steel (bare) 36 0.6 good 1.3 static (bare) 14 0.5 good 1.8 dynamic (Zn 6 0.6 good 1.8 dynamic HSLA 26 1.6 good 1.3 static Rene 41 7 1.7 poor 0.7 static coated) only from these electrical characteristic parameters. It is similar with the welding of aluminum alloys. Aluminum shows a very high value of Rc/Rb even though it is known to have very poor weldability. This will also be discussed in a later section by reference to other characteristic parameters. The effect of resistance on the lobe width can be described as follows. For the materials with characteristic numbers showing good weldability, the change of work piece bulk resistance, ab, to a higher value will move the lobe position in the direction of lower energy input. From equation (2.6), it can be seen that this shift is greater when the nugget size is large. As the expulsion nugget size is greater the shift of an expulsion lobe curve is greater to the low energy input direction. Thus the shift of the - - 46 expulsion lobe line is greater to the low energy input that that of the minimum size nugget. This will reduce the lobe width. The effects of these parameters are also listed in table 2.5. Materials with high contact resistance require relatively less heat input due to the higher heat generation rate. Another reason can be the increased power absorption of the materials with larger electrical resistance. This can increase or decrease the lobe width. The change of width is dependent to the relative contact resistance at the faying interface to the contact resistance at the electrode interface. If the contact resistance at the faying interface is large the lobe width will increase. The reason can be the larger heat generation rate at the interface particularly at the faying inteface. The high faying interface temperature will make the nugget grow in a gradual way. In this case the temperature gradient across the work piece is steeper with relatively lower temperature at the electrode interface. Thus the time for the formation of an expulsion nugget will increase. This means the wider workable current range. However, this may be possible only when there is no premature surface expulsion caused by severe heat generation at the electrode/work piece interface. 2.2.4 Material Characteristic Parameter If the thermal conductivity changes, the relevant terms such as heat loss rate through the model boundary, QL, and the amount of heat required for temperature rise in the surrounding nugget material, through the model boundary, , while Qitis Q, Q,, , will be affected. is approximately equal to the axial heat loss rate, Q, roughly the integral of the radial heat loss rate, Q, over time. In equation (2.19), the axial heat loss rate, Qa, is proportional to kba 2 rate, Qr, The heat loss rate is proportional to kba2. /lb and the radial heat loss According to these relationships, the shift of the expulsion lobe boundary will be larger than that of the minimum nugget boundary due to differences in the nugget size, a . - -47 Therefore, if the thermal conductivity of the metal is increased, the lobe width will be increased along with a translation of the lobe in the direction of higher energy input. It is obvious that the lobe will shift in the direction of high energy input if the value of volumetric heat capacity, pC, , is increased. This can be easily seen from equation (2.5). If nugget size is considered, the shift will be greater with a larger size nugget. Thus, a wider lobe width is possible when a material with a high volumetric heat capacity, p C,, is used. Unfortunately, there is little oppurtunity to design materials in this manner. It was seen in section that the ratio of material properties pC,/R Akb/R could be important factors which affect the lobe shape. The increase in the volumetric heat capacity, pC, , and thermal conductivity of the work pieces, kb, will increase the lobe width and will require a larger total heat input. On the contrary, an increase in electrical resistance will decrease the total amount of heat necessary to form a nugget. However, the effect of electrical resistance on the lobe width is very complicated due to the different effect of bulk resistance, R,, and the contact resistance, R,. It seems necessary to consider the effect of these two resistances separately. section the effect of contact resistance was discussed. In the previous The relative importance of the contact resistance to the total resistance was also discussed with the parameter R,/R. Thus the parameterskb/R and pC,/R are modified to the general material characteristic parameters kb/Cl and pC,,/a respectively. This is believed to be more reasonable in that the contact resistance mostly decays away in the early stage of welding leaving the bulk resistivity as the dominant parameter. - - 48 Table 2.4 : Typical Values for Material Characteristic Parameters kb ab pCP Material (J/mK) (p.0-cm) p C k - - (J/kgK) Weldability b% [ref 2.11] Al alloy (20 series) 230 3.0 960 320 77 good (70 series) 150 5.0 960 192 30 fair Mg-Al-Zn 84 14 1000 71 6 fair (grade A) 75 10 460 46 7.5 very good (Monel) 20 55 420 7.6 0.4 very good (Rene 41) 11 125 400 3.2 0.09 poor Cu, pure 400 2 380 190 200 impractical Stainless Steel 16 70 510 7.3 0.23 excellent 65 15 482 37 5 excellent 120 7 380 54 17 good Ni alloy (18-8) Low Carbon Steel [ IYellow Brass[ Table 2.4 shows typical values for these two material characteristic parameters for various materials. The physical properties were quoted from references 2.10 and 2.11. The weldability classification was quoted from the reference 2.12. As can be As a seen in this table the weldability is related to the parameters to some degree. rough estimate, if the value for kb/Ob exceeds 100, weldability becomes poor. If the value for this parameter is very small, welding also becomes very difficult. parameter, pC/a,, does not seem to be adequate for the indexing of weldability. The - -49 Table 2.5: Effect of Parameters on the Lobe Width and Energy Input Increase in Lobe Width Energy Input Heat Capacity pCP + + pCp/a + + k/a + + Bulk Resistance ab + - Thermal conductivity kb + MATERIAL PARAMETER GEOMETRIC PARAMETER b L + 2 ELECTRICAL PARAMETER Re/Rb + ? R'/Rc + ? + hc/kb + + he/R + + hW/R + THERMAL PARAMETER The reason for the difficulies encountered in welding materials with high kb/ab values can be explained with the aid of the thermal characteristic parameter hc/kb. As the thermal conductivity increases, the heat loss in the radial direction will increase making the thermal gradient in the radial direction more flat. As the uniform temperature profile in the radial direction is developed, the nugget envelope expands outside the area constrained by the electrode. Thus the mechanical constraint around the nugget is lost and the work piece will collapse before the nugget fully develops. In the welding of materials with opposite properties such as stainless steel or Rene 41, the -I 50 - - temperature profiles in the radial direction are steep enough to create a nugget envelope within the mechanically constrained region. However, as the thermal conductivity is so small with very large electrical resistivity, very intense heat generation is concentrated at a specific location, thereby, heating the material well above the melting temperature. Thus the nugget grows in a very short period of time with a very small tolerance for variations welding time or welding current. For a given material with acceptable weldability, the effect of material characteristic parameters on the lobe width can be derived from combinations of material properties such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity and electrical bulk resistivity. The effect of these material properties have been discussed in the early part of this section. The final effect of the material characteristic parameters are listed in table 2.5 along with the effect of other parameters. Different combinations of weld time, At, and weld current, I, will have different effects on the lobe shape. Welding with high current at short nugget growth times, (At - t I will result in a smaller heat loss to the surroundings as discussed in the model calculation section. Alternatively, long weld times with lower currents greater heat losses. Because will produce this will require a higher heat input for the same sized nugget, the slope of the lobe curve in this region will become steeper as is shown in figure 2.13. This can also explain the reason why the lobe is wider in the long weld time region. 2.3 WELDING MACHINE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Figure 2.14 shows the approximate transformer equivalent circuit derived by Steinmetz [2.13,2.14]. All the values are referred to the secondary of the transformer. The symbols in figure 2.14 are as follows. The primary is represented by subscript I and the secondary by 2. The value r represents the winding resistance and x represents the core leakage fluxes. X, is the core magnetizing reactance and Rm is a shunt resistor - - 51 to represent the core losses. The symbol iEX is the current required to magnetize the core and to overcome the hysterisis and eddy current losses in the core. the winding ratio, NI/N2 N represents which is approximatly 200 to 400 in spot welding machines. From Kirchhoff's voltage law, N =V2+ V 2 = I2 Where, (2.22) I Ze (2.23) ZL Zeq = Req +jXq ZL= jXL+RL If the load ZL is purely a weld resistance, R, as in equation (2.1), i.e. ZL = R , the secondary current passing through the load is, 12= (2.24) , { N{(Req + R)+ jXeq} If the values determined by the welding machine such as x,,,R.q, N, an dVI are assumed constant, the weld current decreases as the resistance of the weld specimen increases. This is obvious from Ohm's law. However, the change in the actual power absorbed by R is not clear. From equation (2.22) and (2.23), the voltage V 2 across the load R is, V 2 _ R{(Rq+R)-jXq V, N{(Req+R) 2 +X (2.25) } If V 1 is assumed to be the same as the rated primary voltage, then equation (2.25) represents the ratio of output voltage to input voltage. Then the per unit power output becomes a multiple of the following. 2 =V ={R (2.26) P.U. - -52 I R|JV1|z N 2{ R. + R)2+x2g The value of resistance which absorbs the maximum power, R', can be derived by differentiating equation (2.24) with respect to R and equating to zero. Then, R'= (R (2.27) + Xeq) From equation (2.24) and (2.26) it can be seen that the induced current in the work piece decreases monotonically as R increases. Nontheless, the absorbed power increases as long as the R value is less than R' which is determined by the electrical characteristics of the welding machine. If R increases above R' the power absorbed by the weld decreases. The electrical characteristics of the welding machine used in the experiments performed in this thesis were measured using an RLC meter in an open circuit condition. Req can be approximated to be equal to rand Xeq to of the winding ratio N is very large (see figure 2.14). 2.6. x 2 as the square The results are listed in table The usual R value in spot welding of low carbon steel is on the order of 0.01 to 0.1 mohm [2.3,2.8]. Thus spot welding is usually performed below R'. Thus increasing the resistance of the work piece will increase the power delivered to the weld. Table 2.6 : Electrical Characteristic of the Welding Machine Welding Req Xeq R' (mohm) (mohm) (mohm) One-D 0.25 0.62 0.67 Normal Welding 0.08 0.62 0.63 53 - - Figures 2.15 a and b show the characteristic change of P,... and 12 with R for one dimensional simulations and for normal welding respectively. It is seen that the power absoption and the induced current are very strongly dependent on the resistance R. In this graph the power delivered to the weld can be approximated by linear relationship roughly in the resistance range up to 0.5 mohm. For a doubling of the R value in the linear range where the most of spot welding is performed, the power delivered to the weld increases by 70%. This shows the importance of resistance changes in determining the lobe curve. The bulk resistivity as well as the electrical contact resistance can vary to some extent. This analysis shows that a small variation in the contact resistance can cause large variations in weldability. 2.4 SUMMARY 1. The ratio of the heat loss rate in the electrode compared to the heat loss rate in the work piece is a function of the electrode diameter divided by the square of the work piece thickness. This is an important geometrical characteristic parameter of spot welding. 2. The ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical resistivity and the ratio of heat capacity to electrical representative resistivity are material characteristic of the weldability of the material. parameters Increases in which are the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity of the sheet metal increase the lobe width while increases in the electrical resistivity decrease the lobe width. 3. The ratio of electrical contact resistance to the bulk resistance and the ratio of contact resistance at the faying interface to the contact resistance at the electrode interface are the most important electrical characteristic parameters for spot welding. Larger values of these parameters provide better weldability. -54- 4. The ratio of the heat transfer coefficient at the cooling water interface to the electrical resistance and the ratio of the heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface to the electrical resistivity are thermal characteristic parameters which are representative of spot welding. Increases in these parameters require higher energy inputs and produce wider lobe curves. 5. The wider lobe width of long time - low current welds is due to the gradual nugget growth behavior caused by the larger amount of total heat dissipation into the surrounding sheet and to electrode at longer weld time and the larger heat loss area of large nuggets. 6. There exists a threshold value for the load resistance below which the power generation in the work piece increases with an increase in the work piece resistance, R, and above which the power generation decreases with an increase in R Most spot welding machines work in the former region and hence increases in R increase the power to the work piece. For a doubling of R, the power may increase by 70%. 2. Small variations in the electrode-work piece thermal contact characteristics result in great inconsistencies in the weldability of thin sheets. can z z @r - 0 4 .. -- r Work Piece Za -- - - PrTT"- - bL ~~~1 ~~~11 Tw T Tm Elettrode I _LJ- @ Z-0 F-- I I I I . b --- I ce Icf Tm a Figure 2.1 An approximate nugget growth model with temperature profile. C, - - 56 large nugget small nugget Square of Welding Current Figure 2.2 Basic lobe curve. - - 57 Q> .i case I (D case 2 (a) Square of Welding Current 2 U (10 U (b) L .E E I 0 Temperature Figure 2.3 Effect of heat capacity. 58 - - (U CU 0 U 00 + 00 U CU time time 0) U C) C) 0 W el 0 U time Figure 2.4 time Typical dynamic resistance behavior and its components. small Rc C.) C) C) large Rc E case 1 E C F- F-- case 2 C) U, C) C) C,' (9 Square of welding current Square of welding current (a) (b) Figure 2.5 Effects of changes in the electrical resistivity. Temperature (c) -60 - QL R 0 Square of welding current Figure 2.6 Effect of heat loss. - -1 z Tm T Fusion Boundary Work Piece ce Electrode-Work Piece T Interface cb i le I Electrode No Water Jacket Surface Tw Temperature Figure 2.7 Steady state temperature distribution near a contact interface. 62 - - T ce large T lb m T w small lb Work piece to water cooling distance T cb T T large tne m w small l Interface to nugget distance T small Ilb TT m w 0 large lb Work piece towater cooling distance Figure 2.8 Change of interface temperature profiles due to geometry changes. - - 63 a r 2 b/ L (a) 0 n L k (b)b Figure 2.9 Characteristics of heat loss. - CYCLES 00"AMLOPE s2.9- 6 S Ii 14.6- V) \- -19 9- U 0 9 -u z e.g-to S urnF 2 G~- -39 9.9 12.9 14.0 19.S current Figure 69 0-40 LOGS aT e4 26.0 16.9 22. a 00 a 0.10 a 2a 0.38 9.40 TIME, SECONDS Ckomps) L99 (ICTROO Figure FORCE 85 Typical Onamic Well Catut Carve for 690 IT. Cons. 24 cyclasl (b) (a) (0 (0 2: z 9.94A 9.9689 9.02- 9.99- 41.101 0.16 6.24 G."e . (I) 40 9.48 8 s58 TIME, SECONDS TIME, SECONDS Figure 94 Irasmic 1esialssae Cara lor 690 IT. Cos. I cyclsi ( C) Figure 2.10 it lylami flosislasco Car. ise BB IT. Ce62. 12 e1.is1 (d) Welding data for the calculations (after [2.31). 9.50o -65 - - U final nugget size 70% of final nugget size bo t t 1 Figure 2.11 t 2 At S time Characteristic nugget growth curve. 3.0 - Start of nugget formation - -I - End of We ding 4.8 mm L. N. 64. mmm II 0.75 0.29 - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1.14 - 6.4 mm --- - - -- -- --- - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - rl At Figure 2.12 time Effect of the geometric characteristic parameter on the heat loss rate. -66- () I 9' I' N N N N square of weld current Figure 2.13 Effect of weld time on the lobe curve. - - 67 I, Ni 2 NI Req eq 00 R xNm N2 N2 f 1y x zL 9 M R = r, eq N 2 + r2 X1 Xeq= N 2 + x2 Nj N= N2 Zeq= Req+ jXeq Figure 2.14 Welding machine circuit. 1 V2 I i. I I I I 1.8 relative y scale 30 .- 1.6 -1.4 2.5- -- 1.2 C 0 2.o-. 0 U R 1.5-- -- 1.0 R E N -0.8 T (a) 00 -- 0.6 0.5-- 0.0 1 0.0 -- 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.5 RESISTANCE i 2.0 .2.5 -- 0.2 - W E R 3.0 (mOhm) POWER CURRENT Figure 2.15 Characteristic change of welding current and power absorbed by the weld. (a) One dimensional simulation welding. (b) Actual size welding. 3.5 1.8 relative y scale ~1.4 2.5-- 2.0-- -- 1.2 C U p 0 R E -- 1.0 R E N -- 0.8 T R1.5-- 1.0-- -0.6 - 0.5- 0.0 0.0 -- 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.5 RESISTANCE 2.0 (mOhm) POWER CURRENT Figure 2.15 (continued) -- 2.5 - 3.0 2 -70- 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES AND MATERIALS 3.1 INTRODUCTION Much of the previously published work on resistance spot welding provides useful experimental data for specific situations. The collection and integration of this data helped reduce the required experimental work in this study. The thermophysical properties of the materials were obtained from the literature [3.1-3.4]. The electrical resistivity change with temperature was measured in this study for each material. One new experiment used in this study was the measurement of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient. In order to do this one must measure the temperature gradient across the work piece and the electrodes. Two different experimental methods were used for temperature monitoring. The first one uses an infrared monitoring method which measures the surface temperature using a Thermovision system (Inframetrics Model 600). The other uses high speed cinematography of the cross sectioned welding system [3.5-3.8]. A further explanation of these procedures is given in the following sections. A bench type Taylor-Winfield 75 kVA AC machine was used for all welding studies. This welding machine has control over force level, welding schedule and current level. The electrode force mechanism was modified to provide stable pressure for each weld in the case of the one dimensional welding simulation. It was also necessary to modify the secondary circuit of the welding machine to reduce the current level for one dimensional welding simulation. The weld current was measured using a Duffers model No. 273 current analyzer. electrodes were used. All through the experiment RWMA class 2 Cu-Cr The geometry of electrodes was modified in some experiments according to the purpose of experiments. PPP,- - - 71 Table 3.1 : Experimental Test Materials Symbol Make Thickness Coating (mm) Coating Thicknes s 2 ) (g/mm A40 NL 0.8 galvannealed G60 NL 0.8 hot dip galvanized E70 NL 0.8 electrogalvanized 70/70 AMBR AM 0.8 electrogalvanized 0 AM35 AM 0.8 electrogalvanized 35/35 AM68 AM 0.8 electrogalvanized 68/68 AMIOO AM 0.8 electrogalvanized 100/100 BRO5 BM 0.5 bare 0 BR06 BM 0.6 bare 0 BR08 BM 0.8 bare 0 BR12 BM 1.16 bare 0 BR14 BM 1.4 bare 0 R90 BM 1.5 bare 0 NL : National Steel AM: Armco BM : Bethlehem Steel - - 72 3.2 MATERIALS Except for the electrical resistivity, the temperature dependence of the physical properties was collected from the published literature [3.1-3.4]. The experiments were performed on low carbon steel of varying coating thickness and morphology. The materials are grouped into several categories for the purpose of different experiments as will be described in the experimental procedures sections. The differences in the zinc coating process, the thickness of the zinc coating, the welding force and the work piece thickness are the main parameters of interest. The names of the materials are symbolized as in table 3.1. The experiments performed with these materials are listed in table 3.2. 3.3 INFRARED MONITORING The Thermovision system monitors the infrared emission intensity from the surface of the electrode and the work piece in the wavelength range of 8 to 14 micrometers. The experimental apparatus is shown in figure 3.1 and 3.2. The scanning speed of this system is 8 kHz in the horizontal direction and 60 Hz in the vertical direction. In the fast line scan mode the temperature distribution of the preset scan line is monitored every 125 microseconds with the vertical scanning mechanism fixed. As the vertical scanning is disabled in the fast line scan mode, the image of a welding setup was rotated by 90 degree using optical image rotator. The scannig line was positioned along the center line of electrode axis. In the normal image mode, the temperature distribution of a two dimensional surface is mapped at a rate of 60 Hz. In both modes the data are displayed in NTSC video format. Data are recorded on video tape and can be analyzed later using a computer interface. This video format uses 60 fields of images per second which is exactly the same as the frequency of welding current cycle. The video signal is displayed in 30 complete frames per second, interlacing the two successive video fields. Thus one video - 73- field covers 2 weld cycles. In addition, due to the inherent characteristics of NTSC video format there exists a two millisecond blanking time between each video frame during which data is not acquired. The combination of blanking time and the 60 Hz time base of both the video frame and the weld current causes a synchronization problem for data acquisition. The starting time of the video frame and the weld starting time is totally uncorrelated. Therefore, on some occasions an interesting portion of the data is lost. This problem was dealt with by doing several experimental runs for each test. As it is obvious that the peak temperature reaches its maximum value at the end of the current flow, it was assumed that the peak temperature data were lost if a peak temperature could not be found within one video frame. The measurement resolution is 8 bits which is equivalent to 256 steps for a given temperature measuring range. Three different experiments performed using this technique will be explained'in the following sections from 3.3.1 to 3.3.3. The most crucial factor in accurate measurement of temperature in this experiment is the emissivity calibration of the emitting surface. As the temperature increases, the surface condition of the electrode and of the work piece will change; therefore, it is very important to have a known emissivity throughout the experiment. To achieve this, the surface was sprayed with temperature sensitive lacquer which remains solid to 13,710C. The emissivity of this lacquer was calibrated by comparing the Thermovision temperature measurement with thermocouple readings on a statically heated sheet held at various temperatures. The measured emissivity of the 137 1*C temperature sensitive paint is shown in figure 3.3. 3.3.1 One Dimensional Simulation Welding This test was used to determine the electrical and thermal contact properties of the work piece and the electrode. The characteristics of the electrical contact resistance -74- were deduced from this experiment by comparing the results with the computer simulation (described in chapter 8) which incorporates the interfacial heat transfer characteristics measured experimentally. The setup is shown in figure 3.4. The length of the slender solid cylindrical electrode was 19 mm and the diameter was 4.8 mm. The coupons were made by punching out disks from sheet stock which were then statically pressed at 700 lbs to eliminate the shear lips. To keep the temperature low enough during the weld simulation so that the collapse of the disk coupon could be avoided, the welding current was reduced by inserting an electrically resistive material, such as Inconel or stainless foil, between the electrode holder shank and the welding machine. The increase of the electrical resistance of the secondary loop was about three fold which reduced the secondary current to acceptable levels. During these experiments the tap setting and the weld schedule were kept fixed to see the differences in the induced current for different surface conditions, work piece thicknesses and electrode forces. The variables studied in this experiment included changes in the electrode force as well as the zinc coating of the steel and work piece thickness. The experiments performed in one dimensional simulation welding are summarized in table 3.2. To see the effect of coating morphology, hot dip galvanized steel (G60), galvannealed steel (A40) and electrogalvanized steel (E70) were used. Electrode forces of 350 lbs, 500 lbs, 650 lbs and 800 lbs were employed for this experiment. The effect of the coating thickness was tested using electrogalvanized steels with four different coating thickness, i.e, 100 g/mm 2 (AMI00), 68 g/mm 2 (AM68), 35 g/mm 2 (AM35) and 0 g/mm 2 (AMBR) of zinc on both sides. The bare steel was produced by etching away the zinc coating in a solution of HCl. The electrode force for this test was 500 lbs. For the evaluation of work piece thickness, the 1.6 mm steel sheet was machined to 1.4 mm (BR14), 1,16 mm (BR12), 0.8 mm (BR08), 0.6 mm (BR06) and 0.5 mm (BR05). Using these specimens welding was performed for each thickness. The electrode force for these experiments - - 75 Table 3.2 : Experimental Test Matrix Material Lobe* Thermal Contact A40 650 One-D Cinemato- Electrode Welding graphy Temperature 325 720 325 720 325 720 500, 650 350, 500, 650, 800 G60 650 500, 650 350, 500, 650, 800 E70 650 500, 650 350, 500, 650, 800 AMBR 500 500, 650 500 AM35 500 500, 650 500 AM68 500 500, 650 500 AM100 500 500, 650 500 BR05 400, 650, 900 BR06 400, 650, 900 BR08 400, 650, 900 BR12 400, 650, 900 BR14 400, 650, 900 Numbers in column are welding forces in lbs. * taken from reference 3.11. were 400 lbs, 650 lbs and 900 lbs. Welding of different thickness was also performed on combinations of 1.16 mm and 0.5 mm thick materials using 650 lbs as the electrode force. - - 76 3.3.2 Thermal Contact The equipment for this test is shown in figure 3.5. The dimensions of the electrode and the disk coupon are the same as explained in the previous section. The electrode force was simulated by statically squeezing the two electrodes using a hydraulic press. The lower electrode was heated to the desired temperature using a radio frequency induction heater while the upper electrode was water cooled. The disk coupon was placed between two electrodes. The surface temperature was scanned along the electrode axis when a steady state temperature was established at the desired temperature. Due to the thermal expansion during heating process, the heating was performed under the electrode force less than the desired one. When the temperature of the hot electrode reached a little above the desired temperature, the electrode force was increased to the desired value while the heat was maintained. Due to the increased electrode force to the desired value the temperature field usually changed its distribution as soon as the electrode force was applied. A few seconds after the application of the desired electrode force the heating was halted and the data was recorded. By doing so, the effect of thermal expansion of the hot electrode was eliminated. The data were taken only during the heating process. piece surface. The reason was to eliminate the effect of changes in the work The thermal contact resistivity was calculated from this measured temperature profile. One scanning gives information from two locations, one for the upper interface and the other from the lower interface. It should be noted that the upper interface has reversed temperature profiles compared to the profiles obtained in welding. During welding the work piece is always the hotter contacting member. In this experiment, particularly in the lower interface, the electrode is the hotter contacting member. This will cause some differences from the welding situation. alternative. However, due to the small size of the specimen, there is no This difference is considered later in the analysis of the measured data. - 77- Since the temperature was read in a steady state mode and the electrode was a thin cylinder, the maximum temperature that the electrode could withstand was limited by the mechanical rigidity of the heated electrode. Due to this limit this experiment could be performed only up to 4000 C. Using this method, the heat transfer coefficient across the electrode/work piece interface was estimated for various materials and various electrode forces. In the coating thickness experiment, the electrogalvanized steels were studied used with 500 lbs and 650 lbs electrode force. These electrode forces were also employed in the experiment where the effect of coating morphology was tested. These are summarized in table 3.2 3.3.3 Electrode Temperature The electrode surface temperature was measured during the welding sequence. This experiment was used to ascertain the effect of the electrode face thickness and the coolant flow rate on the electrode temperature. A series of welds was produced which simulated a robotic welder in an automotive assembly line. Twenty welds were made with one inch nugget spacing at a repetition rate of 45 welds per minute followed by a,period of 23 seconds with no welds. This weld-no weld cycle was repeated three times making a total of 60 welds. The coupon consisted of two strips, each one inch wide and 22 inches long. The variables which were evaluated included the electrode face thickness and the coolant flow rate. The internal geometry of the electrodes was modified by machining conventional RWMA Class 2, A cap electrode shapes to thinner electrode faces. Four different face thicknesses were tested, i.e. 2.8 mm, 4.7 mm, 6.6 mm, 8.5 mm. The overall geometry of the electrode which was used is shown in figure 3.6. Welding was performed on 0.8 -78- mm electrogalvanized sheet steel which had 70 g/m 2 of zinc on both sides. For all cases, the electrode force was 720 lbs and the welding time was 12 cycles with two different current settings at the same tap. 3.4 HIGH SPEED CINEMATOGRAPHY The experimental set up for high speed cinematography is shown in figure 3.7. This set up does not represent the actual spot welding situation. By splitting the electrode and work piece, the boundary conditions have been altered from the real welding condition. However, it does give some idea about the general tendency of heat generation and propagation during spot welding. The cross-sectioned electrode surface and the work piece edges were painted with thermosensitive paint which melted at the relatively low temperature of 3710C. This paint was chosen as it is close to the melting temperature of zinc. The propagation of the 3710C isotherm into the electrode was measured by tracing the melt line of the paint. trace the cooling process. By the nature of method, this experiment cannot It shows only the front of heat propagation on the surface. After the melting of the paint the glow of a hot spot and cooling of a hot spot can be observed but cannot be quantified. The pictures were taken at the rate of 1200 pps (pictures per second). The response time of the lacquer is claimed to be a few milliseconds and to have an accuracy of +_1 % by the manufacturer [3.9]. The test was performed with different weld schedules, i.e. 3 cycle-95%, 15 cycle-65% and 6 cycle-80%.The weld specimens had various zinc coating morphologies, i.e. A40 galvannealed steel, G60 hot dip galvanized and E70 electrogalvnized. electrode geometry was also tested to see the differences propagation pattern. The effect of in heat generation and The truncated cone type electrode was 6.4 mm in face diameter with included angle of 160 degree and 135 degree. The dome type electrode was also used. lbs. The electrode force was compensated by half of the normal welding force 650 -79- 3.5 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY The temperature dependent electrical resistivity of bulk materials was measured for each material. The method used a four point probe. The specimen and probe was placed in a vacuum furnace and the change of the electrical potential at constant current was measured. A schematic of the electrical arrangement is shown in figure 3.8. The zinc coating was etched away in an HCl solution prior to all tests. Data were collected in the temperature range from room temperature to about 9000 C. -80- SEALED SCANcER UODULE OREIIZONCAL - HITfloc E DEITCAR SCANNER R NC .R . . . . U*LO sIL t .. E .. ......... -U li ". ALIC To SCAn CIWJCNT SICITAL To --- T.U rOWsT hAIUtAin(MT ... rICESICIMOI b a ANALOG __________ tsz ICA T TAC AL CIACUITS s - RAL600 COJIIIO COO AIL/CALIllATISm scruosSYSTEM 1UtTCtlIC C/IC SUPP LY a RICULATOR POUtA 2S-232 2WA -..-....'......'-- .................................... ........................ J 600 ELECTRONICS ""CITAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 7 ".inL ~ Figure 3.1 IR Thermovision system. Camera=Y image Rotator idoEditor- Figure 3.2 Computer Analysis Infrared monitoring system. ~1 0.95 I II i Ii IA Ia I 0 944- o-93-E M I A 092-i- A S 0.91S I V I T Y II 0 90-0 89-0 88-1 A A 0.87- U .8 h6 400 i. 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE Figure 3.3 900 lob0 (C) Emissivity versus temperature for the high temperature paint. 1100 - - 82 -AMMIRROak, FAINI --a-4.8 mm ................ 3 ..................... .................. ........... ............. ......... .............................. .............................. .............. ............ work piece disk ............. . ..... ... ..... .. ... . 3 Figure 3.4 One dimensional simulation of spot welding. - 83 coolant -- 4- electrode mgerotater IR scanner - specimen heating coil - ---- electrode RF generator K>77U77 K~I - I I Figure 3.5 F-1- -1-1 hydraulic press Setup for heat transfer coefficient measurement. - - 84 S15.8 mm - unmachined 3 :;, 3 330 3 3 machined 15.8 mm .. _ 12.8 mm No 3 o - o .. 3 .4 mm 3 3 6.35 mm Face Tickes Number 1: 8.5 mm Number 2: 6.6 mm Number 3 : 4.7 mm Number 4 : 2.8 mm Figure 3.6 Electrode geometry used in the electrode temperature experiment. -85- Upper Electrode Workpiece Nugget Lower Electrode Figure 3.7 Cinematography on an edge weld. Resistivity Specimen PI I I II II S 2 I I i-i I, II Ag It Is II II Voltage L e ads Current Leads Figure 3.8 Four point probe for bulk resistivity measurements. Body is made from a machinable ceramic. All metal contacts are nickel for high temperature performance (after [3.10]). -1 - 87- 4 HEAT GENERATION AND PROPAGATION 4.1 EFFECT OF CURRENT Figure 4.1 is an example of the heat propagation pattern observed during the high speed cinematography experiment. As described in the experimental procedure section, the melting propagation front of the thermosensitive paint matches the 37 1OC isothermal line. This figure shows two different combinations of weld time and weld current. Figure 4.1 (A) was made with a 15 cycle-65% current weld schedule. The weld current was 8.2 kAmp. Figure 4.1 (B) was made with 3 cycle-95% current weld schedule which used 11.0 kAmp as a weld current. The heat generation and propagation pattern is quite different for these two cases. The heat propagation front in the electrode is more convex when long time and low current is used. In this case the heat propagation pattern is symmetric. Weld B in figure 4.1 which was made with high currents at short weld times shows localized unsymmetric heating in the early stages of the process. is clear that more heat is lost to the electrode in long time-low current welds. It In this case the nugget grows in a gradual manner with a relatively wide lobe width. The reasons for this were explained in chapter 2. In contrast, the short time-high current welds lose less heat to electrode and the heat propagation pattern is usually very flat and nearly parallel to the electrode contact surface. Nuggets are believed to grow in a very abrupt manner with a very high temperature gradient both in the axial and in the radial direction. Due to greater changes in the current amplitude during high current welding, fluctuations in the temperature are also greater. This is the usual case for higher current welding, i.e. there is less symmetry and much more localization of the heating pattern. builds up in the In both cases, the temperature work piece first and then propagates into the electrode. This also confirms that there is a significant thermal discontinuity at the electrode interface. --4 88 - - Table 4.1 :Effect of Coating Morphology on the Temperature Evolution Material Initiation of Initiation of Nugget glow Current Maximum Paint Paint (m sec) (kAmp) Distance Melting on Melting on Between Steel Electrode Isothermal (m sec) (m sec) Lines (Relative Units) A40 9.2 25.8 32.5 11.0 8 G60 14.2 19.2 44.2 10.9 10 E70 13.3 17.5 38.3 11.7 9 4.2 EFFECT OF COATING MORPHOLOGY Table 4.1 shows the effect of different zinc coatings on the heat propagation and generation pattern. frame The times shown in the first two columns indicate the starting of the high speed movie at which a phase change was observed in the thermosensitive paint. The third column indicates the time at which a visible red glow in the work piece commenced. The time was measured from the onset of the welding current. The distance between the isotherms indicates the distance between the 3710 C isotherms in the upper electrode and the lower electrode after completion of the weld cycle. These were measured at the center of the cross sectioned electrode. Thus, the units in this column are only relative. A40 shows an early build up of temperature and glow in the work piece as compared to G60 and E70, but the temperature rise in the electrode is slower. This is manifested by the shorter distance of heat diffusion into the electrode in the last column of table 4.1. This phenomenon is thought to be related to differences in the contact heat transfer characteristics of these materials as - -89 well as the pattern of heat generation. This result is another example of the importance of the thermal characteristics of the electrode interface as a heat transfer barrier in developing the weld nugget. 4.3 EFFECT OF ELECTRODE SHAPE Another observation from the high speed cinematography experiment is the effect of the electrode outer geometry. The nugget starts to melt at the faying interface for truncated cone electrodes while for dome type electrodes melting begins at the electrode interface. Figure 4.2 shows the different location of nugget glow during welding with a truncated cone electrode and with a dome type electrode. The smaller contact area for heat and current transfer with dome type electrodes results in a concentrated heat generation pattern at the electrode interface. This may explain the poor wear behavior of domed electrodes [4.1]. 4.4 SUMMARY 1. A thermal discontinuity exists at the electrode interface. 2. The weld with low current loses more heat to electrode compared to the weld with high current. 3. In high current welding heat generation is usually unsymmetric and localized in the early stages of welding. 4. In comparison to the slow heating rate when welding hot dip galvanized steel and electrogalvanized galvannealed steel. steel, the temperature build up is faster when welding 5. - -90 In the welding of zinc coated steel with a truncated cone electrode the nugget glow starts at the faying interface. In contrast welding with a dome type electrodes shows that the nugget glow starts at the electrode interface. ...... - - 91 - -|------ (1) 0.5 cycle (1) 0.5 cycle (2) 1.5 cycle (2) 1 cycle (3) 2.5 cycle (3) 1.5 cycle (4) 4.5 cycle (4) 2 cycle (5) 2.5 cycle (5) 9 cycle (6) 10.5 cycle (6) 3 cycle [A) EG 70/70, 0.8 mm, 65% - 15 cycle Figure 4.1 [B] A40, 0.8 mm, 95% - 3 cycle Heat propagation pattern on an edge weld. .... .. ".".- ... |.|| ..... ..... ..... ...... - - 92 Figure 4.2 Effect of electrode shape on the starting location of glow. - -93 5 ELECTRODE TEMPERATURE 5.1 INTRODUCTION One example of the two dimensional electrode surface temperature field as measured with the Thermovision system is shown in figure 5.1. The relatively even temperature field in the horizontal direction is clearly seen and is strong justification for the simplicity of the one dimensional thermal model. A typical cascade display of a high speed line scan along the center line of a similar weld is shown in figure 5.2. The temperature drop at the center is due to the low temperature of the work piece edge which is far from the nugget formation zone. In this experiment the temperature of the work piece does not have any significance as the purpose is to measure heat flow in the electrodes. The vertical direction in this figure represents the time axis and the horizontal direction is the geometric position along the electrode axis. 5.2 EFFECT OF ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS Figure 5.3 shows the maximum temperature observed experimentally on the electrode surface as a function of the number of welds. The curves in figure 5.3 were made by fitting the data in figure 5.4. A fifth order polynomial was used for the curve fitting. The welds were made at 10.6 10. 1 kAmp with coolant flow rate fixed at 0.7 GPM. These experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of electrode face thickness and the evolution of electrode temperature in successive welds simulating the welding schedule of a robot on an automotive assembly line. It is seen that the maximum temperature increases during the first 3 to 5 welds and then stabilizes. The temperature rise toward the end of the twentieth weld is due to heat built up in the work piece as the welding progresses towards the end of the metal coupon. -94- As the face thickness is reduced, the maximum temperature decreases but then increases when the face thickness becomes too thin. Thus, there exists a critical face thickness which minimizes the electrode surface temperature. In this experiment for a weld of 12 cycles, the minimum temperature rise occurs at a face thickness of around 4.7 mm while the maximum temperature was decreased by about 600C. Table 5.1 summarizes another set of experiments wherein the maximum electrode face temperature was monitored as a function of various coolant flow rates and electrode face thicknesses. The welding current ranged from 12.5 kAmp to 12.7 kAmp. The plots of these data are shown in figure 5.4 which depicts the maximum electrode temperature change during the welding cycle. The typical scatter in the data can be seen in figure 5.6. The curves were generated by curve fitting the discrete experimental data with a correlation factor exceeding 0.98 for all cases. Compared with the data in figure 5.3, the temperatures are generally higher due to the increased welding current. It is clear from figure 5.4 and table 5.1 that the electrode face thickness has a much greater effect on the maximum electrode temperature than does the coolant flow rate. In table 5.1, the temperatures for the 6.6 mm electrode and the 2.8 mm electrode at a flow rate of 0.9 GPM seem to be abnormally high. Two possible causes can be contemplated; the first is that a high heat generation rate can be caused by using a worn or contaminated electrode contact surface. The other reason may be a change in the emissivity due to the uneven thickness of the high temperature lacquer or smut produced by the contaminated contact surface during welding. In some experiment smut was found on the cross sectioned electrode surface after welding. Taking these abnormalities into account, it is believed that the lowest temperatures occur in the 6.6 mm electrode for this high current experiment. The lowest maximum electrode temperature for the 0.7 GPM flow rate occurred in the 6.6 mm thick electrode. This can be compared with the previous experiment where the lowest temperature occurred in the 4.7 mm thick electrode with the same coolant flow rate. By increasing 95 - - the welding current from 10.6 kAmp to 12.6 kAmp, the optimum electrode face thickness changed from 4.7 mm to 6.6 mm. The maximum decrease in the electrode temperature is about 800C for this condition Table 5.1 : Effect of Coolant Flow Rate and Electrode Face Thickness Flow Rate Thickness 0.9 GPM 0.7 GPM 0.5 GPM 0.2 GPM 8.5 mm 460 472 485 481 6.6 mm (421) 392 400 420 4.7 mm 388 413 429 450' 2.8 mm (487) 466 491 505 Temperatures in Centigrade For a given flow rate, the effects of the electrode face thickness can be explained as follows. The heat diffusion length in a solid body can be estimated by calculating the characteristic heat diffusion length. If the temperature at the electrode interface is assumed constant during each half cycle of the weld, this diffusion length is equal to 2<at for a temperature rise of 16% of the electrode interface temperature. Here a is the thermal diffusivity of the electrode material which is roughly 0.9 cm 2/sec and t is the welding time which in this case was 0.2 seconds (12 cycles). Thus the estimated characteristic heat diffusion length during the weld cycle is 8.5 mm. This means that the heat generated during the first cycle of welding time will diffuse a distance of about 8.5 mm from the electrode interface by the end of the weld cycle. On the other hand, the heat generated at the 12th cycle will propagate only about 2.5 mm before the end of the weld cycle. Due to the existence of a thermal discontinuity at the electrode interface and the high thermal conductivity of the electrode material, heat flow across the electrode interface will determine the electrode face temperature in the case of the - - 96 welding with thick electrodes. By decreasing the electrode face thickness, the water cooled surface area can be increased. If heat flow at the coolant interface is the rate determining step, the electrode temperature at the water cooled surface will increase, thus producing a greater temperature drop across the coolant boundary layer. Thus, increased water cooling surface area and the larger temperature gradient with thinner electrode faces will help reduce the electrode temperature. However, if the electrode face thickness is too thin, heat will build up near the electrode face due to the lower rate of heat diffusion in the water as compared with the copper. explained in figure 5.5. This is pictorially The maximum electrode temperature will be determined by the competition of these two factors, i.e. the heat diffusion length and the efficiency of water cooling at the electrode/coolant interface. As can be seen in figure 5.3, 5.5 and table 5.1, the 8.5 mm and 2.8 mm thick electrodes exhibit the highest temperatures. For the 8.5 mm thick electrode, water cooling has a very small effect on the electrode/sheet interface temperature during the time of the weld cycle since most of the heat cannot diffuse as far as the water in the time allowed. This is illustrated in figure 5.5-(a). In this case the water cooling merely cools the electrode after the weld is completed. There is a very small effect of the water flow rate on the electrode face temperature during welding per se. On the contrary, the 2.8 mm thick electrode experiences cooling by the water during the welding cycle. However, since heat transfer through the water, even in the presence of strong convection, is less than heat diffusion in the copper, heat will build up near the electrode face. For electrodes with thicknesses between these two cases, the maximum temperature is lower due to optimization of heat diffusion in the copper and of heat extraction by the water cooling. For electrodes with these thicknesses, the effects of the intensity of heat input, the electrode thickness, the heat transfer coefficient at the cooling interface and the thermal conductivity can be seen as follows. For a simple one dimensional heat flux equilibrium through the electrode and the cooling water, - - 97 - T.)/l. = h -(T.. - T.)= (5.1 ) k.- (Tc. where, k; electrode thermal conductivity I; electrode face thickness h, heat transfer coefficient at the cooling interface Q,; heat flux absorbed by coolant T,: temperature at electrode/work piece interface, electrode side T,; temperature at the water cooling surface T,, coolant temperature Rearranging these equations, Tc,=(E+ 1)- T..-E- T. (5.2) T c= T e+ F (5.3) where, E=-- F= 1Q Equations (5.2) and (5.3) are plotted in figure 5.8 with axes Tc, and T., . The position of the curves represented by these equations in the Tc, - T., plane is determined by the parameters E and F. Parameter E is the slope of equation (5.2) and is basically a Biot number. Parameter F is the intersection of equation (5.3) with the vertical axis. For a hypothetical value of E and F, the intersection point 'a' of these two curves determines the electrode face temperature T,. . Any change in parameters E or F will change the electrode temperature. For example if the heat input Q. increases, the intersection point will change it's position from point 'a' to point 'b' due to the increase in parameter F. This will obviously increase the electrode temperature T,, However, if the electrode face thickness 1. decreases, the intersection point will move either to - - 98 point 'c' or to point 'd' depending on the magnitude of changes in E and F. If the change in F is relatively greater than the change in E, the electrode temperature will be determined by point 'c' where the electrode temperature lower. In contrast, if the change in E is greater than F, the electrode temperature is determined by point 'd' resulting in the higher electrode temperature. By the same argument if the electrode face thickness is increased, the electrode face temperature will also decrease or increase depending on the changes in E and F. This suggests the possibility that it may be advantageous to use a thicker electrode for a higher welding current. The thinner electrode may be beneficial or not, depending on the relative values of E and F. this experiment In the lowest temperature was observed in the 4.7 mm electrode for low current welding while lower temperatures were found in the 6.6 mm electrode for high current welding. 5.3 EFFECT OF COOLANT FLOW RATE As was discussed in the previous section, the increase in flow rate does not show any significant reduction in the maximum electrode temperature electrode. for the 8.5 mm However, the time held above the threshold is responsive to the flow rate. In general, by increasing the flow rate, the time above the threshold decreases due to more rapid water cooling after the current is terminated. This subsequent cooling is more effective when the electrode face thickness is thinner. This is shown in figure 5.9. In this figure the temperature curves for the 8.5 mm electrode and 2.8 mm electrode are compared. The cooling temperature gradient is steeper for a thinner electrode and the final temperature is generally lower for such an electrode. It is believed that electrode wear is related to both the maximum time duration at temperature and the magnitude of the maximum temperature. From this point of view, it is also important to optimize the flow rate and the internal geometry in terms of the coolant flow. It is seen in figure 5.8 that the effect of an increased heat transfer coefficient is very important in lowering the electrode temperature. Therefore, thermal - 99- optimization of the electrode design should include both the electrode face thickness and also the characteristics of convective cooling by the water. When the electrode is thick enough, the principal factor controlling the maximum temperature is at the electrode interface. When the face thickness is less than the longest diffusion distance, convective heat transfer at the coolant interface will control the maximum face temperature during welding. In general, the rate controlling step for electrode thermal behavior or the slowest process of heat transfer in resistance spot welding is convective heat transfer of the electrode by the coolant. 5.4 SUMMARY 1. The maximum electrode temperature of conventional electrode (8.5 mm) is 380 *C when electrogalvanized steel is welded with 10.6 kAmp. It is 460 *C when welded with 12.6 kAmp. 2. The maximum electrode face temperature can be reduced by 60 to 80 *C by optimizing the electrode face thickness and coolant flow rate. 3. There exists a critical electrode face thickness above which heat conduction across the electrode interface controls the maximum electrode temperature and below which convective heat transfer at the water coolant interface is rate limiting. 4. Thinner electrodes are more responsive to the coolant flow rate. 5. If the coolant flow rate is increased, the time the electrode face experiences above a certain temperature can be reduced due to more rapid water cooling after the weld current is terminated. --------------------------------- - 100 - I--- WORK PIECE Figure 5.1 Two dimensional temperature profile on the electrode surface. E i / electrode - thermal scan line work piece Cascade display of a high speed thermal line scan. . . .. .... .. . Figure 5.2 - A 1: 2 3 4 U- 0 45G .0 2.8 4.7 6.6 8.5 ELECTRODE : CLASS 2, A CAP MATERIAL : EG 70/70 ELECTRODE FORCE : 720 LBS WELD TIME : 12 CYCLE mm (0.11a) mm (0.19*) mm (0.26') mm (0.34") LI-I :D jjjjja~o 1 400. 0- 35G.G - Lii 0 LLi 300 .0 25G. G I p I I I ~ I I I I 10.0 NUMBER Figure 5.3 I I I I I I 20.0 OF-WELD Change in the maximum electrode surface temperature as a function of the number of welds. 688.0 800.0 I- 568.0 MAX. 560.0 ELECTRODE TEMP. IN SERIES WELDING ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS * 2.8 am (.11 520.0 520.0 480.8 488. 440.0 Z - MAX. ELECTRODE TEMP. IN SERIES WELDING ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS 4.7 ma (8.19 inch) a inch) 0 440.0 a 400.0 408.0 - LUI aa 0z 360.0 360.0 320.0 320.0 Cl280.0 280.0 240.0 240.8 - -- --- 230.0 200.0 ee0 s.e 8 5is . 20.8 .800 IS.0 NUMBER OF WELD 20 NUMBER OF WELD 0 600 0 60 0 MAX. ELECTRODE TEMP. IN SERIES WELDING ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS S20.0 8.6 am 560 0 (0.26 MAX. ELECTRODE TEMP. Inch) 480.0 IN SERIES WELDING ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS S20.0 8.5 m (8.34 inch) 488,8 .U~ 448.8 LUJ 400 360 0 U S A I A a A * I 360.0 320 .0 280 LUJ 0 T-I II 3282.0 288. 0 240.0 II 448 8 .0 240.0 200.0 I 0.8 I I I I I I I I I I NUMBER Figure 5.4 I I Is 0 10.8 5.8 OF WELD I I 200 I 28.8 0 I 0 I I s.8 18.0 NUMBER IS.0 OF WELD Change in the maximum electrode temperature with electrode face thickness. 28 8 mo LU 0 358 400..80 LU -- 450.0 mm 400. 0 0.9 0 7 0.5 GPm GPm GPM O -2 GPM -- 3S8. 0 FrLUJ 2S8.0- LUJ 200.0 ISO.0 -- 250.0 - LU : 4,7 FLOW RATE C)N Fa THICKNESS - - FLOW RATE : 0.9 GPN 0 .7 GPM O.S GPM 0. 2 GPM 458.0 200.0 - rCN ELECTRODE FACE 500.0 - ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS : 8.S 500.8 150.0 SI 0.0 6.0 12.0 TIME 18.0 (CYCLES 30.0 24.0 0.0 36.0 I 6.0 OF 60 Hz) I 12.0 TIME 16.0 24.0 a 30.0 36.0 OF 60 Hz) (CYCLES C PELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS .. 58.0 FLOW RATE 0 9 GPM 8 7 GPM 0 5 GPM 0.2 GPM 45.8 LU 488 LU 400.0 -- 35.0 + I- FLOW RATE 0.9 GPM 0.7 GPM 8.2 GPM 8.2 5PM C)N 358.8 Ld : 2.8 I- 300.0 300.0 Li 258.0 LU 200.8 258 - eC% 6 - 500.0 6 200.0 15e so. 0.0 6.0 12.0 TIME 18.0 (CYCLES b Figure 5.5 24.0 30.0 OF 60 Hz) 36.0 0.0 6.0 12.0 TIME 18.0 (CYCLES 24.0 30.0 OF 60 Hz) d Change in the maximum electrode surface temperature during welding. 36.0 see.0 500.0 2.8 mm, 0.7 GPM 4.7 mm, 0.7 GPM 450.0 450.0 f-I LIJ 0: LLJj 400.0 400.0 350.0 350.0 Ise.8 300. 0 Lii - 250.0 AA W 300. 0 a- 250.0 LLi H- 200.0 250.0 s60.0 ' 0.0 6.5 12.0 15.0 24.0 30.0 0 36.0 6.0 I 24.0 I 12.0 18.0 ' TIME CCYCLES OF 60 Hz) TIME (CYCLES OF 60 Hz) (a) (b) I 36.8 30.0 I P-A C see.0 CA I . 6.6 mm, 0.7 GPM 450.0 450.0 -- 400.0 A see. 0 400.0 200.0 150.0 300.02s0.0 200.0 ,S0.0 II 0.0 6.0 vI 12.0 Ii I 18.0 TIME (CYCLES (c) Figure 5.6 24.0 I 30.0 OF 60 Hz) _ I 36.0 0.0 I 6.0 I 12.0 TIME I 1 18.0 CCYCLES I- 24.0 ' 250.0 - CL C- - A 300. 0 & 350.0 30.0 OF 60 Hz) (d) Typical data scatter in the measurement of the maximum electrode surface temperature during welding. 3 36.0 0) *0 U1 3 Figure 5.7 The increased cooling of a thinner electrode. - 107- Tce b d F4 C F3 F2 F1 TW Figure 5.8 Twe Determination of the electrode temperature from the electrode thickness, heat input and heat transfer coefficient at the cooling interface. 8.5 mm - 450.0 FLOW RATE : 0.7 GPM ELECTRODE FACE THICKNESS - 500.0 LJ 400.0 - 2.8 mm 0 350.0 D 300.0 LiJ C 250 .0 200.0 150.0 I 0.0 I 6.0 I I 12.0 I I 1 18.0 24.0 1 1 30.0 TIME (CYCLES OF 60 Hz) Figure 5.9 Increased cooling of a thinner electrode. 36.0 - - 109 6 TEMPERATURE PROFILES IN ONE DIMENSION SIMULATION WELDING 6.1 INTRODUCTION Figure 6.1 shows a typical temperature profile developed in the one dimensional simulation experiment. The two vertical lines marked A near the center show the location of the electrode interfaces. Another set of vertical lines marked B is 1.6 mm from the interface where the electrode temperature was measured. The temperature was also measured at the work piece center and the electrode interface. The measurement was performed when the highest temperature was reached at the faying interface. As would be expected, the temperature always reached its maximum value at the end of the weld cycle. The tests performed in this simulation are listed in table 3.2. In general, a material with a high electrical contact resistance will produce more heat and will produce higher temperatures for a constant welding current. experiment is different. But the situation of this The materials which are believed to have higher electrical contact resistance induce lower welding currents and exhibit higher temperatures in the work piece. The higher temperature may be due either to a higher heat generation rate or to a lower heat loss rate or both. This will be discussed in the following sections. In most cases, the data presented in this section are the averages of the maximum temperatures observed for more than three measurements except for the experiments with varying material thickness in which bare steel sheets were used. For the material thickness experiment, one measurement was made due to difficulties in preparing the weld specimens. The thinner experimental sheets were made by machining the thick material to the desired thickness. This seems to be acceptable because bare steel welding is much more consistent than coated steel welding. There were some difficulties in the experiment with coated steel. The main difficulty was caused by variations in the - - 110 electrode/work piece contact. The electrode surface was pretreated by running 50 conditioning welds. After electrode conditioning, the electrode surface usually showed an even deposit of zinc on the face. As was explained in the experimental procedure section, the disk coupons were made by punching out sheet metal. When the coupon was punched out there were out of plane distortions with shear lips and rounded corners. pressing the disk using a hydraulic press. These were removed by However in real welding even a very small misalignment of the electrodes and specimen is great enough to cause uneven heating of the disk coupons. Thus if the temperature profile did not show acceptable symmetry in the upper and lower electrodes it was judged that uneven heating had occurred and the data was discarded. Another difficulty in this experiment was the effect of the molten zinc. The liquid zinc was squeezed out to the edge of the interface and changed the emmissivity of the surface. This was easily observed in the recorded data. apparent temperature change could be seen near the interface. For such cases a large One other difficulty found during this experiment was peeling of the high temperature paint. The peeling was usually accompanied by a large vertical displacement of the electrodes (or collapse of the disk coupon). These data were also excluded. 6.2 EFFECT OF COATING THICKNESS. Table 6.1 shows the temperature data measured at the end of current flow. The induced currents are also listed in this table. The effect of coating thickness is clearly seen in this table. These data are plotted in figure 6.2-(a) and 6.2-(b) for comparison. As the coating thickness decreases, the induced current decreases. However, the temperatures are higher due to the increased total power input as was discussed in chapter 2. This shows the importance of electrical contact resistance along with the thermal contact conductance in the nugget growth mechanism. It is easy to conceive - - 111 Table 6.1 : Effect of Coating Thickness in One-D simulation Welding Material Faying Electrode Electrode Electrode Induced Interface Interface Interface 1.6 mm Current Work Piece Electrode from (kAmp) side Side electrode interface AM100 467 313 233 165 5.01 AM68 589 415 298 229 4.83 AM35 722 460 347 260 4.72 766 491 419 297 4.37 AMBR f Temperatures in *C, 500 lbs electrode force. that materials with harder contact surfaces have higher electrical contact resistance and thus a lower interfacial heat transfer coefficient. The electrode temperature was observed to be higher with decreasing coating thickness. In table 6.1 it is seen that the hardest contact surface material, in this case the bare steel, showed the highest temperature in the electrodes. If the electrical contact resistance and the thermal contact resistance are considered together, it is not clear which one contributes more to the electrode temperature. This will be discussed in more detail along with the numerical model in a later section. The temperature data discussed thus far can be related to the welding behavior of these materials. Figure 6.3 shows the welding current requirement v.s. coating weight for the same materials used in this experiment [6.1]. This figure can be explained qualitatively using the current and temperature data. As the coating weight increases, the required current increases due to the lower heat generation rate coupled with a higher heat dissipation rate into the electrodes. This illustrates the importance of the - - 112 thermal contact resistance at the electrode interface in the nugget growth mechanism. This observation may explain the reason why spot welding of galvanized sheets requires a higher current level compared to bare materials. Previously, the formation of a zinc halo surrounding the weld nugget was the common explanation for the effectively larger nugget size and consequently the higher current requirement when welding galvanized materials [6.1-6.3]. In addition to this halo effect, the enhanced heat transfer characteristics at the electrode interface of the zinc coated steel is also seen to be important. As the nugget size increases, the heat loss to the electrode becomes greater and will demand higher heat input. 6.3 EFFECT OF COATING MORPHOLOGY UNDER VARIOUS ELECTRODE FORCES The effect of coating morphology and the sensitivity of the coated sheet materials to the electrode force was also investigated. Figure 6.4 shows the induced welding current and figures 6.5 to 6.7 show the temperature changes at the faying interface, at the electrode interface on the coupon side, on the electrode interface at the electrode side and in the electrodes 1.6 mm from the electrode contact interface. The temperature differences between materials are plotted again in figures 6.8 to 6.11. The missing data points are due either to saturation of the detector or to measurement of too large a value to be plotted on the same graph. As could be expected from the section 6.2, the hard surface material, A40, shows lower induced current with relatively higher temperatures. The most conspicuous temperature difference can be found at the faying interface. The temperatures in the electrodes and at the electrode interfaces do not show any significant differences especially at high electrode forces. with the lowest electrode force. It seems that the differences are a little greater However, the temperature difference at the faying interface is much more pronounced during low electrode force welding. This may imply 113 - - that the effect of coating morphology on weld temperature is more likely to be significant at the faying interface than at the electrode interface. The surface of A40 is composed of Fe-Zn compounds. These compounds are generally very hard and have a high dissociation temperature. The contact between Fe-Zn compounds can resist severe deformation and can maintain higher electrical contact resistance even at elevated temperatures in comparison to the contact between copper electrodes and free zinc. For example, the dissociation temperature of the Fe, Zn, - compound is about 780*C [6.4]. A40 galvannealed steel generally shows the thermal characteristics of a bare steel. This material has a hard interface similar to bare steels. In contrast, the materials with free zinc surfaces, E70 and G60 in this case, have softer interfaces. However, if the electrode force is high enough, the effect of differences in surface morphology seems to become less, particularly at the electrode interface. The pressure of the electrode contact is about 400 MPa which is more than half of the yield strength of the Cu-Cr electrode alloy. welding. The high electrode force is coupled with high temperatures during As a consequence, the interface deforms very easily making differences in the heat transfer coefficient and the electrical resistivity very small in the early the stages of welding. It seems that the faying interface temperature is less sensitive to the electrode force than is the temperature at other locations. At the lowest electrode force employed in this experiment, i.e. 350 lbs, the highest interface temperatures and electrode temperatures were observed. At more than 500 lbs, the electrode force appeared to have an effect only at the faying interface. This can be explained by the same argument discussed in the previous section, i.e. greater deformation of the electrode surface and the coated work piece surface occurs at elevated temperatures with high electrode forces. The temperature data for 650 lbs electrode force is given in table 6.2. The temperature differences at the electrode interface are much smaller than those at the faying interface. - - 114 This supports the conclusion that the condition of the faying interface is more important than the electrode interface in terms of the nugget temperature development when using high electrode forces. Table 6.2 : Effect of Coating Morphology in One-D Simulation Welding Material Faying Electrode Electrode Electrode Induced Interface Interface Interface (1.6 mm Current from (kAmp) (electrode (electrode side) side) electrode interface) A40 673 498 380 252 4.83 G60 604 479 367 242 5.3 E70 581 481 357 231 5.19 Temperatures in *C, 650 lbs electrode force Generally speaking, the temperature decreases as the electrode force increases. However, the induced welding current increases with electrode forces as shown in figure 6.4. This may be explained by the decreasing electrical and thermal contact resistances produced with the increasing electrode force. The effect of coating morphology on temperature development is also a function of the electrode force. The effect is more pronounced at the faying interface when using high electrode forces. The final lobe shape will depend on the combined effect of these two contact resistances. Figure 6.12 shows the lobe curves for these coated materials [6.5]. The relative positions of the lobe curve qualitatively matches the thermal behavior observed in this experiment. - - 115 6.4 EFFECT OF WORK PIECE THICKNESS 6.4.1 Welding Materials of Varying Thickness Figure 6.13 shows the induced current for various electrode forces and specimen thicknesses. These were measured during the one dimensional simulation welding of bare steel disk coupons. As expected, the induced current decreases as the specimen thickness increases. It is obvious that the thicker specimen has higher total electrical resistance. The trend of the induced current exactly follows equation 2.26. The effect of electrode force on the induced current for different specimen thicknesses are also seen in figure 6.13. It is clear that the effect of electrode force decreases as the specimen thickness increases. This can be explained by the decreased portion of electrical contact resistance in the total resistance during welding of thicker material. As the bulk resistance comprises a greater portion of the total resistance, the relative contribution of the contact resistance to the total resistance become less significant. As is shown in figure 6.13 the effect of changes in electrode force on the induced current is much greater when welding thinner material. This is believed to support the explanation given above. As was introduced in the previous paragraph, the difference in current decreases as the electrode force increases. This is particularly pronounced in thick materials as explained previously. In thinner materials where the contribution of contact resistance to the total resistance is believed to be more significant, the difference in the induced current between a 900 lb weld and a 650 lb weld is much smaller than that between 650 lbs and 400 lbs. This is believed to be related to the decreasing effect of the electrode force on the electrical contact resistance. As the electrode force increases, the relative change in the contact resistance will decrease. will be further explained in chapter 8. The reason for this trend - - 116 Figures 6.14 to 6.16 show the temperature data measured during one dimensional simulation welding of bare steel with various electrode forces and specimen thicknesses. These temperature data are plotted again in figures 6.17 to 6.20 at each temperature measuring location. The three lines in each graph correspond to three different electrode forces. In general, higher temperatures were observed during welding with lower electrode forces. 6.3. This phenomenon was seen in the previous experiments presented in section The combined effects of larger electrical contact resistance, low thermal contact coefficient and increased power input can explain this phenomena. However, as the specimen thickness increases, the effect of electrode force seems to decrease as can be seen in figures 6.17 to 6.20. Again, this is explained by the relatively reduced contribution of electrical contact resistance to the total resistance. As the ratio of bulk resistance to the total resistance increases in the thicker materials, the sensitivity of the temperature profile to the electrode force decreases. This confirms that the ratio of electrical contact resistance to the bulk resistance can be a very important parameter in characterizing the nugget development mechanism as was derived in chapter 2. Figures 6.14 to 6.16 show that the temperature difference between the faying interface and the electrode interface becomes larger as the specimen thickness increases. The temperature at the electrode interface and in the electrodes does not change much with increasing thickness. temperature is present. Only a very small decrease of the electrode interface However, the temperature change at the faying interface is quite noticeable. The temperature differences between the faying interface and the electrode interface are dependent on the specimen thickness. The differences are smaller during welding of thinner material. characteristic parameter. The reason is most likely due to the large electrical As seen in equation (2.21) as the specimen thickness becomes larger the contribution of electrical contact resistance increases. the short heat diffusion length within the work piece. This is coupled with If the material is thin, the - - 117 distance from the faying interface to the electrode interface is small. Therefore, the temperature profile across the specimen thickness shows a small temperature gradient. Higher temperatures at the electrode interface and in the electrodes for the thinner materials can be seen in figures 6.19 and 6.20. lower when welding thinner material. However, the overall temperature is This seems to be related to the lower power input to the weld due to the smaller total resistance. When welding thick materials, the heat loss from the faying interface into the electrodes is less significant due to the greater heat diffusion length. The higher faying interface temperature is also related to the increased power input as was discussed in chapter 2. (cf. equation 2.26). Thus, the higher faying interface temperatures with the thicker materials are possible due to the increased power absorption and the lower rate of heat loss into the electrodes. 6.4.2 Welding Materials of Different Thicknesses To investigate the effect of specimen thickness, one dimensional simulation welding on a combination of two different specimen thicknesses (1.16 mm and 0.5 mm thick bare steels) was performed. A weld was made using 650 lbs electrode force and exactly the same tap setting and welding schedule as was used during the other welding simulation. specimen. The welding current can be kept constant in both the thin and the thick Thus a comparison of the welding behavior of different thicknesses with the same current is possible. The temperature changes during the course of welding are plotted in a cascade pattern in figure 6.21. The temperature data from this figure are listed in table 6.3. Figures 6.22 to 6.25 are plots made with the data in table 6.3. In these graphs the temperature changes during welding are compared at various locations. The maximum temperature rise in the work piece can be found in figure 6.21-(g). The time for generation of this temperature profile occurs near the end of the welding current cycle. The evolution and decay of temperature in both the thin and the thick materials clearly shows varying behavior. --q F- - 118 Table 6.3 : Temperature Changes during Welding of Dissimilar Thickness 1.16 mm 0.5 mm electrode interface interface weld 1.16 mm electrode cycle from side interface work temp. in work electrode 1.16 mm piece the piece side from side specimen side interface electrode - - 200 271 222 - 2 - - 222 300 234 175 3 - 248 362 462 366 237 4 - 252 396 476 381 260 175 5 - 323 503 619 481 327 258 6 202 337 503 627 467 330 258 7.5 237 337 490 627 477 342 286 9.5 244 318 469 537 420 332 279 11 241 290 400 458 381 318 271 12 233 304 381 440 362 311 264 - 1 - interface - interface max. Figure 6.21-(a) and 6.21-(b) show a faster temperature rise in the thin specimen. As the distance from the faying interface to the electrode interface is shorter on the thin material side, it is apparent that the thinner material is influenced more by heat generation from the faying inter face . Thus in the early stages of welding, the work piece temperature at the electrode interface is higher as compared with the thick side. In the later stages of welding as in figure 6.21-(c) and (d) the work piece temperature at the electrode interface on the thick side increases more rapidly and surpasses the temperatures in the thin specimen. This is shown in figure 6.22 The thicker side also - - 119 has a larger temperature discontinuity at the electrode interface . The breakdown of the electrode interface seems to occur much earlier on the thinner side due to the early build up of heat in this part of the specimen. This means that more heat is lost to the electrode from the thinner side work piece. As can be seen in figures 6.21-(e) and thereafter, the electrode temperature is much higher in the thinner side electrode. This is clearly, seen in figure 6.23. Figure 6.24 also shows the slightly higher interface temperature of the electrode adjacent to the thin material. The maximum temperature is found at the faying interface as a sharp peak. The peak at the faying interface is caused by heat generated due to the contact resistance. In figure 6.21-(f) it is seen that the highest temperature in the work piece is observed at the original faying interface location. However, as time elapses, the location of the highest temperature moves to the thicker specimen side. This is seen in figure 6.21-(g) to the end. In these latter stages the contact resistance of the faying interface does not appear to contribute to heat generation any longer. The evolution of temperature in the faying interface is plotted in figure 6.25. The rapid rise of the temperature in the early stages of welding is known to be caused by the contact resistance. In the following stages of welding, the temperature rise is mostly due to heat generated in the body of the work piece. Then the maximum temperature stays constant as one approaches the end of the current flow. It seems that a steady state heat flux balance is established in the axial direction at this stage. The movement of the maximum temperature location is also believed to be related a more symmetric heat loss to the electrodes. At the end of weld current flow, the temperature profile in the work piece becomes more symmetric as can be seen in figures 6.21-(f) to 6.21-(1). The temperature difference at the electrode interface also decreases as the temperature in the work piece decreases. The electrode temperature on the thinner work piece side experiences faster temperature rise and thus shows a higher electrode temperature and also a greater distance of heat propagation. - - 120 In this experiment the major observation is that thin material experiences a faster temperature rise and loses more heat to the electrode resulting in higher electrode temperatures. The implication is that heat transferred across the electrode interface during welding of thin materials can be a much more important parameter than in the welding of thick materials. 6.5 SUMMARY 1. For a given tap and heat control setting in the welding machine, as the coating thickness increases, the induced welding current increases due to a lower contact resistance. However, the temperatures experienced by work piece and electrode decrease. This is due to a decreased power absorption of the materials with thicker coating. 2. The temperature differences in welding of materials with different coating morphology and specimen thickness are most pronounced at the faying interface. 3. As the electrode force increases, the temperature differences between materials decreases due to the decreased effect of the contact characteristics. 4. ,The thicker materials are less sensitive to the contact characteristics due to the decreased ratio of contact resistance to the total resistance. 5. Thinner materials experience faster temperature rise and lose more heat to the electrodes. B II--'' I cylindrical electrode Figure 6.1 I disk coupon Temperature profile of a high speed line scan during one dimensional simulation of the spot welding process. - - 122 6,40 0. 5.10 z Lii 4.80 CD z H f-i Lii Lii 0 z H 4.20 I 0.0 I I 20,0 I I I 40.0 I I I I I 80.0 100.0 60.0 COATING WEIGHT PER SIDE Cg/n (a) Figure 6.2 Effect of coating thickness on the induced welding current (a) and temperature (b) in one dimensional simulation welding. --I - - 123 720 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE 1 A : ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE ' Bee FAYING INTERFACE 480 w CL w 360 240 I 0.0 I I I I I I I I I I 80.0 100.0 COATING WEIGHT PER SIDE (Cg/m 20.0 40.0 (b) Figure 6.2 (continued) 60.0 - - 124 -T 10000 expulsion limit (I) E 0- 9000- 0 L L- 8000 - C nominal nugget size C 7000 6000 0 25 50 Coating Weight, Figure 6.3 75 (9 100 / sq. 125 m) Effect of coating weight on current requirements (after [6.1]). - - 125 6.0 to.5 5.0 z LHU D z U 4.5 Q CD z H 0 -j LUJ 4.0 m! '960 GALVANIZED A a E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED a A40 GALVANNEALED i 3.5 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 ELECTRODE FORCE (LBS) Figure 6.4 Effect of Zinc coating morphology and electrode force on the induced welding current in one dimensional simulation welding. - - 126 800 700 600 600 CL.- H- 400 300 200 E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED 9 : 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE A i ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE 4 1 ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE 0 t FAYING INTERFACE 1 11 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 ELECTRODE FORCE (LBS) Figure 6.5 Temperature profiles in E70 electrogalvanized steel in one dimensional simulation welding. 7 - - 127 800 a 700 600 ~(-) 500 400 HCL LU 300 200- G60 GALVANIZED A 100I 300 : : : : 1 .6 mmFRO M ELECTRODE INTERFACE ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE ELECTRODE INTERFACE, FAYING INTERFACE I I 400 I I 500 I I 600 WORK PIECE SIDE I I 700 I I I 800 ELECTRODE FORCE (LBS) Figure 6.6 Temperature profiles in G60 hot dip galvanized steel in one dimensional simulation welding. - - 128 -I N. N1 % %c? 1 . 600 Goo fH- L 300 200 A40 GALVANNEALED * 19 : 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE : ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDEt ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE : FAYING INTERFACE 100 I I 300 I 400 I I E00 I I 600 I I 700 I I 800 ELECTRODE FORCE (LBS) Figure 6.7 Temperature profiles in A40 galvanized steel in one dimensional simulation welding. I I 800.0 600.0 600.0 DJ fy_ 400.0 F- G60 GALVANIZED a E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED A40 GALVANNEALED 300.0 F- Co 200.0 FAYING INTERFACE 100.0 I 300 400 S00 ELECTRODE Figure 6.8 600 700 IT 800 FORCE (LBS) Temperature at the faying interface in the l-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. I , 800.0 700.0 600.0 LiJ 500.0 ::D 400.0 L 300.0 I-' 0 : 60 GALVANIZED a E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED LiJ 0 200.0 A40 GALVANNEALED ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE 100.0 ' 300 I0 400 ' S00 I 600 ' I 700 ' I0 I 800 ELECTRODE FORCE (LBS) Figure 6.9 Temperature at the electrode interface in the 1-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. - 800 700 M :G6B GALVANIZED A :E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED 0 :A40 GALVANNEALED 600 :D LU 400 300 I-' CA~ I.' 200 ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE 100 I 300 400 S00 600 700 800 ELECTRODE FORCE (LBS) Figure 6.10 Electrode face temperature in the different coating morphology. 1-D simulation welding of workpieces of -A -7 700 w a G60 GALVANIZED A :E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED A40 GALVANNEALED 0 600 [Li Gee :D 400 Ld 300 200 I.6 mm FROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE I I 400 I I 600 I 700 ELECTRODE FORCE CLBS) Figure 6.11 Electrode temperature at 1.6mm from the interface in I-D simulation welding of workpieces of different coating morphology. i 14 -I 12 A N B A40 GALVANNEALED A G60XS HOT DIP 0 70/70 ELECTROGALVANIZED N N N U N N 10 N N () H N N hi H FZ CD NA N 8 z 6 Luj 4 CA~ H I 80 I i 12000 10000 CURRENT, Figure 6.12 amps Lobe curves of zinc coated materials. 14000 O E 4.80 F- 4.60 z 400 LBS ELECTRODE FOR CE A 650 LBS ELECTRODE FOR CE 900 LBS ELECTRODE FOR CE 3 bLJ CCD z 4.40 4.20 H LUL I I I i 0.60 0.80 I 1.00 I 1.20 I 1.40 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (mm) Figure 6.13 Effects of specimen thickness and electrode force on the induced current in one dimensional simulation welding of bare steel. 700 -I 600 0U 400 a 300- LUJ F- 200 900 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE I- X 100 Ki t 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE * t ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE A t ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE * i FAYING INTERFACE - LUj I I I I I I 0.40 0.60 0.80 I I I 1.00 I 1.20 1.40 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (mm) Figure 6.14 Temperature profiles in I-D simulation welding of specimens of different thicknesses using 900 lbs of electrode force. 700 I 600 A) S00 w 400 D F- 300 w 0~ 200 650 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE X 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE - a ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE A a ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE FAYING INTERFACE w H- 100 0 I I I I |I 0.40 0.60 1.00 SPECIMEN THICKNESS Figure 6.15 I |I 1 .20 C4 I I 1.40 (mm) Temperature profiles in l-D simulation welding of specimens of different thicknesses using 650 lbs of electrode force. 700 600 500 LU 400 F- 300 LUj 0L 200 400 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE x t 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE 0 : ELECTRODE INTERFACE, ELECTRODE SIDE A i ELECTRODE INTERFACE, WORK PIECE SIDE 0 1 FAYING INTERFACE LU 100 0 I I I I I 1.00 0.60 0.40 I I I 1.20 C I I I I 1.40 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (mm) Figure 6.16 ---- -- - Temperature profiles in 1-D simulation welding of specimens of different thicknesses using 400 lbs of electrode force. - - , - -I - - I-iiiii- no=, - - --- W16 700 I*-\ bJ 1-LUJ LUJ S00 400 300 0 -. L E FORCE 400 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE 200 -- A :650 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE 0 0; 900 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE H-J 100 FAYING INTERFACE 0 I 0.40 I 0.60 I 0.80 I 1.00 I 1.20 1.40 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (mm) Figure 6.17 Temperature at the faying interface in l-D simulation welding of bare steel. 700 -I 600 /-) LU S00400 (H- 200 400 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE 6 900 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE 0 100 ELECTRODE INTERFACE., 0 'I 0.40 I ELECTRODE SIDE 'I 0.80 I 1.00 SPECIMEN THICKNESS Figure 6.18 'I 'I 1.20 ' F- 300 ' LU 1.40 Cmm) Work piece temperature at the electrode interface in the 1-D simulation welding of bare steel. Co 7nol 600- . .......... LUJ 400 300 LUL H_ D : 400 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE A ' 650 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE 900 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE <, 200 ph. 0 100 ELECTRODE INTERFACE, 0 I 0.40 I WORK PIECE SIDE I I 0.80 I 1.00 SPECIMEN THICKNESS Figure 6.19 I I I 1.20 1.40 (mm) Temperature at the electrode face in the 1-D simulation welding of bare steel. 700 600 400 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE A : 650 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE _ : 900 LBS ELECTRODE FORCE Soo 400 0 LU HLUJ 300 200 I- 100 1.6 mmFROM ELECTRODE INTERFACE 0 I I 0.40 0.60 I 0.80 1.00 SPECIMEN THICKNESS Figure 6.20 I i 1.20 I 1.40 (mm) Electrode temperature 1.6 mm from the electrode interface in the I-D simulation welding of bare steel. ELECTRODE ELECTRODE - 1.b mm Figure 6.21 f~' r U.50MM Temperature changes during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. 2 ca a ELECTRODE ELECTRODE 1.10 MITI Figure 6.21 (continued) LJ.5 mm11 i ELECTRODE ELECTRODE p1.16 mm Figure 6.21 1 6 0.5 mm (continued) .......... roo '-I a' ELECTRODE ELECTRODE I 1.16 mm Figure 6.21 (continued) I1 0.5 mm ELECTRODE ELECTRODE 1.16 mm Figure 6.21 (continued) '0.5 mm I1 a- ELECTRODEDE 1.16 mm Figure 6.21 (continued) 0.5 mm - 600 - 500 --0 Cd 1. 16 mm 0. 5 MM 400 - *0 4) E4 - 300 4) - 200 00 1000- 12 , 0 2 4 6 8 *10 1 2 14 Welding Time (cycles of 60 Hz AC) Figure 6.22 Change of workpiece temperature at the electrode interface during l-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. - 300 - 250 00 ----- a) - 1.16 mm 0.5 mm - 200 1-4 a) - 150 S - 100 I~. 50 - a) H 0- I 0 I 2 4 6 8 10 12 Welding Time (cycles of 60 Hz AC) Figure 6.23 Change of electrode temperature 1.6mm from the interface during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. 14 i'IIN 1 400 -- a-- 1.16 mm S0. 5 MM - 300 C, 0 200 - -4 I.- 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Welding Time (cycles of 60 Hz AC) Figure 6.24 Change of electrode face temperature during 1-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. 7006000 500 - U) '-4 4-I '--4 400- U.) S U.) 300- H 200Cl' 10000 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Welding Time (cycles of 60 Hz AC) Figure 6.25 Change of faying interface temperature during l-D simulation welding of bare steel of different thicknesses. - - 152 7 NUMERICAL MODEL 7.1 INTRODUCTION The governing equation of heat flow with joule heating can be written as follows. dT pC,-T= 7-(k7T)+ici where, (7.1) a electric resistivity current per unit area The finite formulation of equation (3.1) neglecting radiation becomes +6tS +61 Q r f t+6tk t+6tTdV= V f s ''''h( ""T,- T S Where, t6, t.*q BdV V - 2" a q Bq 8=2 TE environmental temperature 1 : virtual temperature V :volume S :surface As the system has quite complicated nonlinearities in material properties, in heat generation and in heat dissipation, this equation was solved numerically using the ABAQUS code, a finite element computer algorithm, which has capabilities of solving dynamic non linear problems both with automatic time stepping and with fixed time stepping. This code can also treat heat conduction across a thermal gap with temperature dependant contact heat transfer coefficient as well as heat generation in the body and at the contact interface. - - 153 Even though the electrical resistivity of the copper electrode is one order of magnitude smaller than that of the steel and can usually be neglected, it was included in the analysis. While its effect may be small in the large cylindrical part of the electrodes where the current density is small, it should be considered near the contact tip where the electrode tapers down to the contact diameter. In particular for one dimensional simulation, the effect of heat generation in the electrodes is thought to be non negligible since the current density in the electrodes is identical to that in the work piece. The convective water cooling is assumed to have a fixed heat transfer coefficient of 0.02 W/mm 2 *C [7.1]. The optimum mesh size of the model was determined by running several different mesh patterns to consider the calculation time and accuracy. current data in spot welding is recorded as an RMS value. Usually the welding Since the heat input is controlled by the heat control angle (current dead time) the actual peak current during welding varies even though the RMS current is same. In this simulation the RMS current and the heat control angle (the current dead time) were input as current variables. Table 7.1 shows the current dead time of the welding machine in this study. This data was measured by tracing the current wave form produced during welding. Using the RMS current and the heat control angle, a sinusoidal current wave form was generated. The heat control angle was simulated to see the effect of current wave form. For a given RMS current value, the shape of the current wave form was determined by the heat control angle. Zero heat control angle produces a full sine wave. As the heat control angle approaches 180 degrees, the current wave form takes an impulse shape. However, the RMS current remains the same whatever the heat control angle may be. Figure 7.1 shows the examples of discretized welding current for the case of 10 kA RMS current. A DC current was used to reduce the calculation time for all cases except when the current wave form was simulated and the temperature field was generated for - - 154 Table 7.1 Heat Control Angle of the Welding Machine HEAT CONTROL ANGLE PERCENT CURRENT SETTING (degree) 0.0 99 2.7 95 9.0 90 13.5 85 17.1 80 22.5 75 24.3 70 27.0 65 31.5 60 36.0 55 42.3 50 49.5 45 54.0 39 comparison with experimental data. In actual calculations, each half cycle was divided into eight fixed time steps for DC current welding. For AC welding, one half cycle was divided at least by eight time steps using automatic time stepping. 7.2 MATERIAL PROPERTIES The thermal dependent properties such as bulk electrical resistivity, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, heat of fusion and electrical and thermal contact properties were used in this analysis. The data used in the simulation will be presented separately with some explanations in the following discussion. The temperature dependent thermal and - - 155 electrical properties of the contact interface are explained separately in chapter 8. The thermo physical properties of the bulk materials were interpolated using a piecewise linear interpolation scheme. This is a convenient way to account for the effect of the variability in the material properties. For the lobe curve sensitivity analysis, the values for these properties were varied according to both published or measured data [7.2-7.5]. The electrical resistivity of the material used in the experiment was measured using the method described in chapter 3. This measurement was performed to see the differences in the bulk electrical resistivity of materials with the same classification. The materials evaluated include A40, G60 and E70 of National Steel and AM100, AM68 and AM35 of Armco Steel. Figure 7.2 shows the typical result of this measurement. The specimens used in generating figure 7.4 were taken from the same sheet. scatter was suspected to come from The inaccurate measurement of the specimen cross section area. Another source of noise can be the input current. During the experiment it was found that the constant current source did not maintain the current precisely throughout the experiments. The supply current value usually decreased by about 10% during the course of specimen heating. This current change during the measurement was taken into account in the calculation of the resistivity. Figure 7.3 shows the results of the three steels from National Steel. the results of the three steels from Armco. Figure 7.4 shows These are compared in figure 7.5. graph shows small differences in the electrical resistivity. This Even though the material is in the same classification there exists a possibility of difference in electrical resistivity, even if it is small. However, this measured difference does not seem to be statistically significant. For comparison the published resistivity data of other type of steels are compared in figure 7.6 [7.3]. AISI1008 steel. other steels. The material used in this experiment is very close to This figure shows significant differences in electrical resistivity for However, as the difference in electrical resistivity between these two materials is not large and does not seem statistically significant it was decided to curve - - 156 fit all of this data together to be used in the numerical simulation. Then the resistivity was varied in the sensitivity analyses by changing the curve by a constant percentage. The piece wise linearized curve of this fitted curve is shown in figure 7.7. The thermal conductivity of the material used in the simulation is shown in figure 7.8. This curve was constructed using the data in reference 7.2 and 7.3 [7.2,7.3]. The thermal conductivity of liquid metal was artificially increased by 10 fold over the conductivity of liquid iron to simulate convective heat transfer in the liquid metal. Figure 7.9 shows the heat capacity. This was constructed using the data in reference 7.3 and 7.4 [7.3,7.4]. The heat of melting of 240 J/g was also incorporated in the temperature range from 1520 *C to 1530 0C. A material density of 7.87 g/cm 3 was used. For the electrode material, a thermal conductivity of 0.33 J/mm/K/sec and a specific The density of the electrode material was 8.9 g/cm 3 . heat of 0.385 J/g/K were used. In the simulation of the mechanical contact, the data in figure 7.10 was used for the temperature dependent mechanical properties [7.5]. Only the work piece was simulated with temperature dependent mechanical properties. hardening model was used for the stress-strain relationship. The isotropic stress This material model is known to be useful for cases involving large plastic strains such as in welding. In figure 7.10 the parameter for the stress hardening effect is marked as E/M where M is the hardening modulus and E is the elastic modulus. 7.3 ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL The one dimensional model is shown in figure 7.11 with boundary conditions. A four node isoparametric element was used for the body of the electrode and the work piece. , At the- electrode/work piece interface a two node interfacial element was employed. The model is axisymmetric with two elements in the radial direction. This is to check the validity of the solution by observing the temperature gradient in the radial direction. This also makes it easy to calculate the current density and the - - 157 interfacial heat flux. A uniform current density distribution was used throughout the current path. Since the main purpose of this one dimensional model was to ascertain the characteristics of heat transfer and generation across the electrode interface, the length of the electrode was determined to be long enough to eliminate the effect of the water cooling. The actual length of the cylindrical electrodes used in experimental tests was 1.9 cm. Due to the symmetry of the process, the model includes only one half of the system with insulated outer boundaries. This model was used to characterize the electrical properties of the interfaces. Using the temperature profiles measured during one dimensional simulation welding and the heat transfer coefficient across the interface, the electrical contact resistance across the contact interface was deduced. Caracterization of the interface will be explained in chapter 8. This model was also used to the sensitivity of the temperature field to variations in the weld parameters. From the one dimensional sensitivity simulation a general idea of the effect of each parameter was obtained. 7.4 AXISYMMETRIC TWO DIMENSIONAL MODEL Two models were developed; one for calculation of the contact area and the other for calculation of temperature. A plot of two dimensional model discretization for the calculation of contact area and temperature fields is shown in figure 7.12 with boundary conditions. From the model shown in figure 7.12 the rigid support at the bottom and the one additional interface element at the corner of the electrode and the work piece was removed for the calculation of temperature fields. The two interface elements were employed to satisfy the mechanical boundary conditions at the contact interface. A non-sticking frictionless boundary For model was used for a mechanical interface. accurate calculation of the temperature field, the change of contact area needs to be incorporated in the model. This is important in that the current density depends on the size of the contact area. Furthermore the heat generation rate changes - - 158 with current density in quadratic manner. Thus, the investigation of contact behavior is very important in understanding the spot welding process. However, it is very difficult to calculate the contact size in every time step due to the nature of the spot welding process. In this process three totally different physical processes occur simultaneously, i.e. thermal, electrical and mechanical processes are present. For accurate calculation, the three processes should be solved simultaneously in a coupled manner. The treatment of the problem in this way is beyond the capability of available numerical solution codes. Therefore, the contact area was calculated separately to illustrate the general trends. The load for this model was a combination of electrode force and the thermal load. The thermal load was imposed by the non-uniform temperature field and the thermal expansion calculated in the temperature model. At first the contact area at room temperature was estimated under various loads. Then a calculation of the temperature field with the thermal load was performed using the contact area obtained previously and the typical experimental welding data. This calculation was performed as a uncoupled temperature - displacement problem. The loading process of the electrode force was assumed to be static. As stated previously, the temperature field and the contact area is believed to be very strongly related. As these two variables are coupled by the nature of the process, it may not be meaningful to discuss only one aspect. Even though the calculation shows reasonable contact behavior, the actual contact in the welding process can deviate from the ideality of this numerical simulation. For this reason the following approach to obtain the actual contact area was taken. Based on these general trends of contact behavior, the temperature field, and thus the nugget size, were calculated using experimental data. If the calculated nugget size did not match to the experimentally measured nugget size, the contact area at the faying interface was modified till a closer match was obtained. Since the modification of the contact area was determined by the mesh size of the model, if the modification of the contact area could not make a closer - - 159 match, the weld current was modified. contact periphery region. The spatial resolution was 0.08 mm in the Thus the accuracy of the estimated contact area is within 0.08 mm in radius. The actual calculation results will be presented in section 9.3. As for the thermal model, all the aspects explained in the previous section 7.1 and 7.2 were employed. In addition this model incorporates the redistribution of current density caused by the uneven temperature field and the size of the mechanical contact. The current in the work piece was assumed to flow only within a region bounded by the line connecting the edge of the electrode and the contact area at the faying interface. Figure 7.13 shows a schematic of the current flowing area. Here the meaning of the contact size is somewhat different from the mechanical contact size calculated from the contact model. can flow. In this case the contact size here means the area where the current For example, the current conducting area of a zinc coated material can be different from the numerically calculated area due to the formation of zinc halo. The contact model cannot treat the effect of molten zinc at the interface in the calculation of mechanical contact area. Further discussion about the current flowing area of a zinc coated material will be discussed in chapter 9 with experimental data. In any case, for a given contact area the welding current was redistributed for every time step. The electrical potential lines were assumed to be parallel to the contact interface. Along the assumed isopotential line, the resistivity of the material at the integration point lying on the isopotential line was estimated considering the temperature at that point. Assuming all the current flows across this isopotential line, the current density at each integration point along this line was calculated in a form inversely proportional to the electrical resistivity. Figure 7.14 shows the concept of this current distribution scheme with a representative electrical circuit. In this way the model can consider differences in the temperature dependent electrical resistivity of different materials. As the contact size and the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity change from material to material, this feature of the model is very useful in considering various materials with different electrical properties. - - 160 A nugget growth curve was generated with this model for each set of weld parameters. The results were then compared with experimentally obtained lobe curves. The boundary for an acceptable nugget size was calculated by examining the movement of the melting front at the faying interface. This nugget size was matched to the size required by industrial specifications or to the experimentally measured nugget size. Ii HEAT CONTROL ANGLE - 90 2200020000 18000 16000 C C14000U R 12000. R E 10000-N T 8000-6000-4000-2000-0 0.000 0.005 -- 0.010 0.615 TIME 0.020 0. 25 0.030 (SEC) HEAT CONTROL ANGLE = 45 22000 20000-18000 16000 C 14000U R 12000-R E 10000-N T 8000-60004000-2000-0 0. 00 0.605 0.610 0.015 + 0.020 0. 25 TIME FVigure 7.1 Current discretization .030 0.030 E 120.0 12E - E r0 3 _ G60 HOT DIP GALVANIZED STEEL X measurement measurement Smeasurement I 2 3 A H H- 00.0 U) Li 60.0 - 1) H iH 30.0 F-J Li 0.0 - Li 0.0 150.0 300.0 450.0 600.0 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 7.2 Electrical resistivity of G60 National steel 750.0 900.0 E 0 1) 20. - E 0 X G60 HOT DIP GALVANIZED - E70 ELECTROGALVANIZED A A40 GALVANNEALED 90.0 H x Ul) H LA Li 60.0 0 30.0- 0.0 tS0.0 300.0 4SO.0 600.0 7SO.0 TEMPERATURE C*C) Figure 7.3 Electrical resistivity of National steel 900.0 E 0 120.9 A .C 0 3 H - ELECTROGALVANIZED STEEL A 30/30 C/sq.m) X 60/60 Cg/sq.m) M 100/100 (g/sq.m) A 90.0 F- U) H Lli C cF- 60.0 x 30.0- Li -J 0.0 158.0 300.0 459.0 600.0 TEMPERATURE C'C) Figure 7.4 Electrical resistivity. of Armco steel 759.0 900.0 140.0 E 0 : NATIONAL STEEL 120.0 1 - :ARMCO STEEL 0 H H 6.8(I) F-0-> 20.0- 0.0 .. TEMPERATURE Ct) Figure 7.5 Comparison of electrical resistivity of National steel and Armco steel 1N E 0 E 140.0 120.0 X AISI1008 0 AISI1025 A AISI5140 o 100.0H H > 80.0- 60.8 H H 20.0- 0.0 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 TEMPERATURE CIC) Figure 7.6 Electrical resistivities of different type steels 700.0 800.0 180.0 -c0 E I 150.0 - E 120.0 H H U) H 90.0 Id 60.0 H 30.0 - -J -I 0.0 300.0 600.0 900.0 1200.0 1500.0 TEMPERATURE CC) Figure 7.7 Piecewise linearized electrical resistivity of low carbon steel 0--mom.05tm G;Fi- 2E; - 17 -M--- 1808.0 - - 168 mm C - 0. 4 0- I I I I I - J/s 0.35- I I K E- 0.30C 0 n 0.25- d u C t 0.20- 0 . 154 t y 0. 104 0.05- 0.00 0 260 400 600 800 100012001400160018002000 Temperature Figure 7.8 (degrees Celsius) Thermal conductivity -1 - - 169 J/g.C 1. 2 I 1. 1- :1. 0S p e C 0. 9-- i f i 0. 8-- C H e 0. 7-a t 0. 6-- 0. 5-- 0. 4- 6 500 Temperature Figure 7.9 1000 (degrees 1500 Celsius) Heat Capacity 2000 170 - - 300-0.04 -1.6 200 E -0.03 200 1.4 C (p150 -~ U E/M C 0 0 0 -0. I00-1.2 -0.01 50 Gy 00 300 600 900 1200 Temperature (*C) Figure 7.10 Temperature dependent mechanical properties of low carbon steel (after [7.5]) 0 U II - - 171 TV KK 0 insulated boundary at center line top surface side wall electrode * interface element with heat generation heat conduction work piece Figure 7.11 T * interface element with heat generation Model for one dimensional simulation welding. TOP OUTSIDE SURFACE Therml: heat transfer to coolant Mechanical: evenly distributed load, Ur=O 7~j i.i~7~ Thermal: insulated Mechanical: free ELECTRODE INTERFACE CENTER LINE Thermal: interface heat generation Mechanical: az -0 for noncontact az *0 for contact Thermal: adiabatic Mechanical: Ur -0 FAYING INTERFACE . . ........... . . Thermal: interface heat generation Mechanical: Uz=O for contact z -0 for non contact rigid body support Figure 7.12 Two Dimensional Model electrode radius I I mechanical contact electrical contact Figure 7.13 Schematic comparision of the current flowing area and the mechanical contact area I * I r1 jr2 { I 1 L ] 1] Sij - r2 1 I I I I I I I I I I- r I I i *1 Figure 7.14 Current Flow Model i] - - 175 8 INTERFACE CHARACTERIZATION 8.1 INTRODUCTION The most difficult part of understanding the science of the resistance spot welding process is the contact phenomenon. Basically the contact plays three different roles. As a mechanical contact it determines the current flow area and the mechanical constraint; as a electrical contact it produces heat and as a thermal contact it works as a barrier to heat flow. contact phenomenon Due to the inherently complex nature of the interface, the in resistance spot welding has been an obstacle to better understanding of the process. Only very limited experimental studies have been made on the electrical contact. The difficulty lies in the fact that resistance spot welding is a transient process with a rapidly changing temperature field. Thus there are severe experimental difficulties. In this section, measurement of the thermal contact conductance temperatures and with different electrode forces will be presented. used as input data in the numerical simulation. at different The results to be The electrical contact resistivity can be deduced from this thermal contact data and from the temperature fields measured in one dimensional simulated welding. 8.2 CONTACT HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT Using the method of one dimensional simulation described in chapter 3 the steady state temperature profiles across the electrode and the work piece were measured. The heat transfer coefficient, he was estimated from these temperature profiles. Figure 8.1 shows a schematic of the temperature. In figures 8.2 and 8.3 typical temperature profiles measured during experiment are shown. The thermal discontinuity can be seen at the interface. However as the interface temperature is not clear, the temperature profiles - - 176 in each straight section were extended to find the cross point where the two extended profiles cross. The temperature at this point was measured as the interface temperature. Using these temperature profiles, the heat transfer coefficient at the contact interface was estimated. As stated previously this temperature profile was measured while steady state heat flow was maintained. Using the temperature notations in figure 8.1, the steady state heat flux balance across the specimen and the electrode can be written as follows. k L(T (T 3 -T 2 )(8.1) 2 -TI) hpper=k (T T2 ) L(T34 - (8.2) T3 ) h Clwr Two heat transfer coefficients can be estimated from one measurement of the temperature profile, one from the upper interface, h"upr, and the other from the lower interface, h* L is the disk coupon thickness and k is the thermal conductivity of the disc coupon. The estimated heat transfer coefficients based on these measurements are shown in figures 8.4 to 8.14. In these figures the harmonic mean of the contact temperature. on the electrode side and on the work piece side was used as a temperature scale. The harmonic mean temperature (HMT) of temperature T, and T 2 is defined as THMT = TIT+ (8.3) This parameter considers the effect of contact temperature differences between the electrode and the work piece. According to the theory of thermal contact resistances, the contact heat transfer coefficient is described as a function of the harmonic mean of the thermal conductivity of the contacting materials [8.11. - - 177 kA-kB he = C1 k + kB kA + kg + C2 (8.4) In this equation, kAandkB are the thermal conductivity of the contacting members and CIandC 2 are coefficients which are determined by variables such as the actual and the apparent contact area and the properties of the materials entrapped, if there are any, in the interface. Assuming a linear dependence of thermal conductivity with temperature, the harmonic mean of the contacting surface temperatures can be used to describe the contact heat transfer coefficient. This is particularly true in the temperature range experienced most often by the electrode/work piece interface i.e. from room temperature to about 600 *C. From figures from 8.4 to 8.14, it can be seen that the heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing temperature at lower temperatures. in the true contact area as the temperature increases. This is due to increases With further increases above 50 *CHMT it seems that there is no noticeable change in the contact heat transfer coefficient. It is likely that the maximum deformation of asperities occurs at this HMT due to the low mechanical strength of the electrodes or the zinc coating of the galvanized product. As the contact properties are generally determined by the softer contacting member this may be the same with the bare steel. However, one thing that should be remembered in this analysis is that some part of the data (particularly the high temperature data) were measured with reversed temperature profiles as explained in chapter 3. Even when the maximum interface temperature is about 4000C, the specimen temperature is still lower than this temperature. As a consequence, even if differences in the mechanical behavior of the copper electrodes and the zinc are considered, there exists a possibility of underestimating the heat transfer coefficient. Considering the low melting temperature of zinc, 4090 C, it is obvious that the interface has not experienced zinc melting yet. The contact interface - - 178 is still a solid to solid contact in this temperature range. This is another reason why the heat transfer coefficient data in figures from 8.4 to 8.14 have flat plateau in the high temperature range. The following equation for the contact thermal coefficient was derived by Mikic [8.2], for the case of plastic deformation of an interface. ktan he =1 .i 3 ktn( P 0.94 H +P(8.5) In this equation k is the thermal conductivity, tanG is the mean absolute slope of an asperity profile, is the standard deviation of the surface profile height, H is the microhardness and P is the normal pressure of the contact. include any effect of temperature as a direct variable. This equation does not However, it may be assumed that an increase of pressure has the same effect as an increase in temperature. This analogy is roughly correct due to the temperature dependence of the yield strength of the material. According to equation (8.5), the thermal contact coefficient should increase with temperature. In this experiment, the measured data did not show any conspicuous tendency to increase. Only a very slight increase was observed in figures 8.7, 8.8, 8.11 and 8.13. As explained previously, there is a tendency to underestimate the thermal contact coefficient in this experiment. Also the dominance of entrapped voids or contaminants on the contacting surface is possible. In any case, it is thought that the thermal contact coefficient should increase with temperature. Thus this should be considered in the numerical simulation. Another important feature of equation 8.5 is that the thermal contact coefficient has an asymptote as pressure increases (or as temperature increases). Average values of the heat transfer coefficient in the high temperature region are listed in table 8.1 with standard deviations. For purposes of comparison, the average was taken excluding the values in the low temperature range. It can be seen that differences in zinc coating can cause marked differences in the interface heat transfer - - 179 Table 8.1 : Contact Heat Transfer Coefficient Thermal Contact Coefficient @ 650 lbs AMBR 0.055 (0.013) 0.128 (0.009) AM35 0.066 (0.015) AM68 0.082 (0.013) AM100 0.162 (0.015) A40 0.058 (0.010) 0.126 (0.015) E70 0.080 (0.013) 0.170 (0.020) G60 0.089 (0.010) 0.182 (0.021) units of W/mm 2 - - @ 500 lbs - Material 0 C numbers in parenthesis is a standard deviation coefficient. As expected, the hard surface materials, such as bare steel and galvannealed steel, show low heat transfer coefficients compared to the soft surface materials such as hot dip galvanized or elctrogalvanized steel. It is also clear that the heat transfer coefficient increases as the amount of zinc on the surface increases. contact heat transfer coefficient varies by 0.05 to 0.2 W/mm 2 *C The range of in the temperature ranges and in the coating thickness ranges tested in this experiment. The changes in the coating thickness from 0 to 100 g/m 2 showed 4 times increase in the contact heat transfer coefficient. The effect of electrode force can also be seen in the same table. Higher electrode forces result in higher heat transfer coefficients. The effect of electrode force is much more pronounced than that of coating morphology or that of the coating thickness. As - - 180 the electrode force has a coupled effect on both the electrical contact resistivity and on the thermal contact heat transfer coefficient, the final effect of the electrode force on the lobe shape will be great. The data presented thus far does not cover the entire temperature range experienced in the welding. In order for this data to be used in the numerical simulation it is necessary to characterize the contact heat transfer data more completely in the higher temperature range. In the numerical simulation, the heat flux Q,, across the electrode interface is calculated using following equation, QC = h,( Tbc- Tc.) where, h Tcb : (8.6) interface heat transfer coefficient interface temperature at work piece side T,. : interface temperature at electrode side The heat transfer coefficient he in this equation was calculated as a function of the harmonic mean of the interface temperature T cband Tc,,. Near 42 0 *Cthe zinc coating on the galvanized steel starts to melt and the contact will remain partially filled with molten zinc. From this temperature to the zinc vaporization temperature, about 910*C , it may be assumed that the heat transfer coefficient remains constant. Thus one can see tfiat there are thermal discontinuities throughout the welding process. This can be supported by the results of the experimentally measured dynamic electrical contact resistances [8.3,8.4]. As was explained in the experimental section, the limit of experimental contact temperature measurement was approximately 400*C in the electrode. However, as was presented in tables 6.1 and 6.2, the electrode interface temperatures measured in one dimensional simulation welding were scattered around 500*C. The maximum electrode surface temperature measured during the evaluation of the electrode temperature in chapter 5 was also about 5000 C. It is certain that the temperatures inside the electrode surface are higher than this surface value. Thus it is necessary to know the contact - - 181 thermal conductivity above 400*c. For this value one measurement was made with the AMING specimen. While holding a low electrode force the specimen was heated until the zinc coating started to melt. Then the electrode force was increased up to the point where the hot electrode began to deform. The measured value was roughly 0.2 W/mm 2 ,C. Thus this is a realistic value of the heat transfer coefficient above the zinc melting temperature for materials with free zinc on the surface. Due to the presence of molten zinc at the electrode interface at high temperatures, the heat transfer coefficient is assumed to remain constant at this value. For the case of bare steel it was assumed that the coefficient gradually increases to the point where contact adhesion begins. The temperature of interface adhesion is known to be about 40 to 50% of the melting temperature [8.5]. Since the two contacting members have different material properties, it was assumed that the softer material governs the interface characteristics. For the present case, the melting temperature of the Cu-Cr electrode is about 1070*C. Thus, 500*C was chosen as a rough approximation of the adhesion temperature. Above this temperature the heat transfer coefficient was assumed to remain the same value as in the coated steel simulation. The functional form of the contact thermal conductivity is defined in figure 8.15. In this figure the harmonic mean temperature is again used. rangd is divided into three regions. The entire temperature The first region was chosen to be up to 50*C of harmonic mean temperature (HMT). In figures 8.4 to 8.14 the experimental data shows a very rapid increase in thermal contact coefficient for each material below 50*C HMT. It was assumed that the heat transfer coefficient at 50*C HMT was equal to the average value shown in table 8.1. Following the observation of experimental data the heat transfer coefficients in this temperature range was assumed to change linearly with the heat transfer coefficient at 3 0 *C HMT is 60% that of 5 0 *C HMT. The second region was from 50*C HMT to the zinc melting temperature or the interface adhesion temperature in HMT. In this temperature region the coefficient was also assumed to increase linearly with temperature in HMT. In actual experiments only a very slight - - 182 increase of the coefficient was observed. However as there exits a possibility of underestimation of coefficient in the high temperature range, it was simply assumed that the thermal contact coefficient increases from the average value given in table 8.1 to a constant value of 0.2 W/mm 2 *C. 210*C was used. was used. For the melting temperature of zinc a HMT of For the interface adhesion temperature of the bare steel 250* C HMT The temperature for interface adhesion of a bare steel was also used for A40 galvannealed steel with the assumption that the mechanical property of this material is close to the bare steel. To account for the varying amount of zinc on the surface, the upper limit of the second temperature region was assumed 250*C in an inverse ratio to the amount of zinc. to vary from 210*C to A third region was defined above this temperature. It was assumed that the heat transfer coefficient remain constant in the third temperature region. The values for each material are tabulated in table 8.2. Table 8.2 : Temperature Dependence of Heat Transfer Coefficient Electrode Material TI 0 T2 T3 (*) (*) Temperature Force 30 C 50*C (lbs) HMT HMT AMBR 0.033 0.055 0.2 250 AM35 0.040 0.066 0.2 235 AM68 0.049 0.082 0.2 220 AMINO 0.097 0.162 0.2 210 A40 0.076 0.126 0.2 250 E70 0.102 0.170 0.2 220 G60 0.109 0.182 0.2 220 500 650 for T3 - - 183 8.3 ELECTRICAL CONTACT RESISTIVITY Coventionally, the measurement of dynamic resistance in spot welding is performed as a function of time rather than as a function of temperature. In addition, the dynamic resistance is simply measured by monitoring the change in electrical potential across the entire contact interface. In this way the locally different contact resistance cannot be measured. Since the conventional method is time dependent there are difficulties in incorporating these data in the numerical simulation. Contact resistance data on a temperature base must be used in the numerical simulation. Therefore, in this research, the dynamic contact resistance was not directly measured. Instead, it was deduced by numerical simulation and the temperature profiles measured in the one dimensionally simulated spot welding experiments. In numerical simulation of one dimensional welding, the heat transfer coefficient of the electrode interface was incorporated as characterized in the previous section, leaving the electrical contact resistivity as an unknown variable. The electrical contact properties were expressed in terms of electrical contact resistivity, ac , instead of the contact resistance, R, , which is usually an integrated value over the total contact area. chapter 2 as ac = R, - A. The electrical contact resistivity was defined in The dimension for this variable is ohm-unit area. By treating the contact electrical properties in this way it is possible to consider the effect of temperature on the electrical contact resistance. If the contact resistivity is multiplied by the current density the heat generation rate at the contact interface can be treated as a heat flux per unit area. The contact resistivity was also treated as a temperature dependent quantity. According to the literature, the contact constriction resistivity, a, , can be related to the thermal contact conductivity as follows [8.5]. .4 - - 184 ao(TO) = +L(Te + TO) (8.7) hC where, Td temperature at the asperity contact (*K) To L .cc :bulk temperature far away from contact (*K) Lorentz constant 2.4 x 10-8 (V/*K) 2 :electrical contact resistivity (R c = contacting area / a) This relationship was derived with the assumption that the Wiedemann-Franz law is valid and that the true contact is represented by a long narrow constriction. It can be roughly assumed that the spot welding process follows this equation in the early stages of welding, i.e. when the temperature is still low compared to the melting temperature of the contacting members. W/mm 2 For example, assuming he to be roughly 0.1 K as in table 8.1, the value of oc at 1000 C becomes ac= 0.64 mQ - mm 2 If the electrode diameter is 6.4 mm, the electrical contact resistance becomes 20 [if. This value is reasonably close to the published data [8.4]. For the data in table 2.3 of chapter 2 the dynamically measured contact resistance for bare steel is 44 pto and it is 19 pM for zinc coated steel. However, one thing to be noted in this discussion is that there is a fundamental difference in electrical contact and thermal contact [8.5]. Films and other contaminants insulate more or less the electrical contact, but thermally they produce considerable shortcircuit paths for heat flow. strictly valid only for clean metallic contacts in vacuum. Thus equation (8.7) is In the actual spot welding process, the contacting surfaces are usually contaminated by foreign materials such as mill oil, oxide and dross pickup from the zinc bath and so forth. These contaminants will cause deviations of the contact characteristics from the ideal. Therefore, the direct estimation of electrical contact resistivity from equation (8.7) seems impossible even though the exact thermal contact coefficient data are given. For these reasons, only a functional relationship of equation (8.7) was used in this research with adjustable coefficients on one side of the equation 8.7. - - 185 The functional form of the contact resistivity for computer simulation can be derived from equation (8.7). (T(HMT + 146.5) (8.8) THT he(T HMT ) 0 r(T HMT )= F - Using an adjusting factor, F, this gives Two separate adjusting factors were used for each interface; one for the electrode interface, the other for the faying interface. This is necessary to account for the differences in the contact resistivity at the electrode interface and at the faying interface. Since the equation (8.7) is written in Kelvin scale it was changed to centigrade. The constant 146.5 in equation (8.8) is the room temperature in HMT replacing the temperature To in equation (8.7). Considering the similarity between the electrical potential field and the temperature field, the harmonic mean temperature was also used as a temperature variable in the electrical contact resistance function. The final functional form of oc for the electrode interface is shown in figure 8.15. A linear functional form of h, resulted in a hyperbolic functional form of ac. Figure 8.16 shows the typical graph of contact resistivity at the faying interface. The contact resistivity at the faying interface was assumed to decay to zero as the temperature approaches the melting temperature of zinc (210 *C HMT). For bare steel, it was assumed that the contact resistivity at the faying interface decays to zero when the adhesion temperature of 765 0 C (50% of melting temperature of steel, 383 *C HMT) is reached. The contact resistivity was estimated by performing a one dimensional numerical simulation using the contact heat transfer coefficient data and the temperature fields as measured in the one dimensional simulation welding experiments. By changing the value of the adjusting factor, F, for both the electrode interface and the faying interface, the best combination of the contact resistivity curves which can reproduce the measured temperature profiles were determined. The predicted temperatures are shown in figures - - 186 8.17 to 8.20 with experimentally measured temperatures. The final contact resistivity data deduced from these temperature profiles are shown in figures from 8.21 to 8.22 for the electrode interface and for the faying interface respectively. 8.4 SUMMARY 1 The contact heat transfer coefficients for the materialwith zinc coating (coating weight from 0 g/m 2 to 100 g/m 2 ) ranges from 0.5 W/mm 2 oCto 2.0 W/mm 2 *C in the temperature range of 100 to 400 degree centigrade. 2. The ratio of electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface to the electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface is smaller than one for both bare steel and zinc coated steel. - - 187 T4 T3 Q) Q) T2 I c'j T, I I I I LiL electrode I I I I disk electrode coupon Figure 8.1 Schematic of temperature profile during the measurement of contact heat transfer coefficient - e iat 17 II16 Ah 135 0Va- 3" C3 E1. ~3 *-- a' p7 Ofp' Figure 8.2 ~ * 00 Typical steady state temperature profile (high heat transfer coefficient) I 2' =:0,7WG 4 =t L 00141 r M I6 L~ 59------(0 - Figure 8.3 ,!ivz '~TT~R~za= ~ -~- a4~2'~z Typical steady state temperature profile (low heat transfer coefficient) E E H 0.160 H C1 z 0.120 H (0 C A A A A A 0 A A A A A A A A A z 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a i I I I I I I : HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE Figure 8.4 Contact heat transfer coefficient of AMBR at 500 lbs electrode force ,- 1-- -- - -- 7 71- - 7 7 77 _F; I II I .0 "E E H 0.160 H 0.120 0.080 (0 z -9 - 4. 0.0 Figure 8.5 I 30.0 II I I 1 I. 1I I 60.0 90.0 120.0 1s0.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE (C) Contact heat transfer coefficient of AM35 at 500 lbs electrode force 7-S 350F I I I E E 0.160 in z a 0.120 * * * * * H C) -J j I I I I I I I I I 60.0 90.0 120.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE Figure 8.6 I I I C 0C) Contact heat transfer coefficient of AM68 at 500 lbs electrode force I I I * * E E * * H H z * ** * H * 0.160 0.120 0.080 CD C-) z 0.040 -9 - 30 . 0 C-) 1 I I I I I I I I I I 90.0 68.8 150.0 120.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE CC) 0.0 38.8 Figure 8.7 Contact heat transfer coefficient of AM100 at 500 lbs electrode force I I 180.0 * E H 0. 160 0.120 C) -I * LU Co z * * * 0 * 0.040 I Figure 8.8 I I 0 30.0 6. I 1 I I I 1 1 I 60.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE CC) Contact heat transfer coefficient of A40 at 500 lbs electrode force I I I I I1 E E 0.200 IH 0.160 H 0 a z 0.120 0 0 * * -. CA I1 * 0 0 w -I . . p I 30.0 Figure 8.9 I I I I I I I I I I 60.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE Contact heat transfer coefficient of E70 at 500 lbs electrode force I I 180.0 I E F- 0.160 H 0 0.120 4 * 4 * z -J w. z 0.000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1s0.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE C'C) Figure 8.10 Contact heat transfer coefficient of G60 at 500 lbs electrode force I I I .4 ~1 E 0.200 E 0.160 * H 0.120 * z 0) * 0.080 -J -1 0 H -t I 0.0 Figure 8.11 30.0 I I I I I I I I I I I 60.0 90. HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE CC) Contact heat transfer coefficient of A40 at 650 lbs electrode force I I 188.8 -Y * E 0 8.160 ** * H * >- * * 0 0 I- 0.120 F(0 00 0 z 0 0.040 -. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I 150.0 90.0 120.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE CC) Figure 8.12 Contact heat transfer coefficient of E70 at 650 lbs electrode force I I 180.0 I .0 E +. H H 4 0.160 F0 z 0.120 0 X -LJ *~4 0 (0 :C 0.040 H H z 0 0 -l I I 0.0 Figure 8.13 I I I I 60.0 1 1I 1 1 I I I I I 120.0 150.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE CC) 90.( Contact heat transfer coefficient of G60 at 650 lbs electrode force I I 180.0 I p E 0.200 H 0.160 A A z A A A 0.120 A A A A A A 0 0.080 A A - 0 0 0.040 Li z IT I I I 1 1 j I I I I 0.0 30.0 Figure 8.14 Contact heat transfer coefficient of AMBR at 650 lbs electrode force 90.0 120.0 150.0 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE CC) I I 180.0 I i . 0.22- i i i i --14 relative y scale 0.20-- E L -- 12 E C T T 0.18-H E 0.16-R M 0.14-- 10 L 0.12-- -- 8 C 0.10-- L C 0 N 0.08-- 0 S--6 0.06-- N AT C T0.04-- C -4T 0.02-0.001 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160 HARMONIC MEAN TEMPERATURE -- Figure 8.15 2 200 220 I 240 2 260 (C) THERMAL CONTACT COEFFICIENT ELECTRICAL CONTACT RESISTIVITY Typical temperature dependence of the contact heat transfer coefficient and the electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface. 14- 12-- R 1E S I S 8 T I V 16-T Y0 4-- 2- 00 20 40 60 80 160 HARMONIC Figure 8.16 120 MEAN 140 160 TEMPERATURE 180 2 0 220 240 (C) Typical temperature dependence of electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface. 260 PPOOM" - - 203 800- o measured -- simulated 7 00 T 6001 E M P 500E R A T U R 4 004 E 3004 C 2 004 100- K 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3:0 DISTANCE FROM FAYING INTERFACE (mm) Figure 8.17 Temperature profile for AMI00 in I -D simulation and the measured temperature. - - 204 I I I II I I I I I 80 70 o measured -simulated T 60( E M P 50C E R A 40C T U R E 30C 0C 200 0 100 0 0.0 0 .2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3. 0 DISTANCE FROM FAYING INTERFACE (mm) Figure 8.18 Temperature profile for AM68 in 1-D simulation and the measured temperature. - - 205 800-- o measured -simulated 700 T 600-E M P 500- E R A T 400-U R E 300-- *C 200-- - 100-- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 DISTANCE FROM FAYING INTERFACE (mm) Figure 8.19 Temperature profile for AM35 in I-D simulation and the measured temperature. - - 206 I I p | | 800-- 700-- o measured -simulated T 600-E M P 500-- E R A T 400-U R E 300-- 0 C 200-- 100-- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 DISTANCE FROM FAYING INTERFACE (mm) Figure 8.20 Temperature profile for AMBR in I-D simulation and the measured temperature. MICRO OHM - L SQ. Cm I I I I - 140- 120R E 1004 S I S 80- T y 60- 4 00 -I 20--- V-I 0 50 1600 1$0 - -. - - - .- - - - I V I T I I I- 260 250 30 0 MEAN HARMONIC TEMPERATURE .(C) -.--..----- AM35 .-....-....---..-. AM 68 AM100 AMBR Figure 8.21 Electrical contact resistivity at electrode interface MICE 0 OHM - SQ. CM - 14 0- - 12 0R E 1 0 0-- T I V I 8 0--- 6 0-- - S I S T 4 0-C 00 2 0- - ......... - - - - - - - - Y 0 50 200 160 MEAN HARMONIC ............ Figure 8.22 300 TEMPERATURE --------- -------- 250 AM100 AM68 AM35 AMBR Electrical contact resistivity at faying interface 350 400 - - 209 9 AXISYMMETRIC TWO DIMENSIONAL SIMULATION 9.1 INTRODUCTION The temperature field, the mechanical contact area and the contact pressure were calculated using an axisymmetric two dimensional model described in chapter 7. As stated previously, the current flow area is very important in that the current density is inversely proportional to the size of the contact area. Furthermore, since the heat generation rate depends quadratically on the current density, the effect of the contact size on the temperature field is even greater. In this chapter the mechanical development of the contact size was investigated first with uniform temperature distribution and also with non-uniform temperature distribution. This was followed by the investigation of temperature development in the system. For simplicity, the material used in this chapter was limited to low carbon steel of varying coating thickness and bare steel. 9.2 CONTACT SIZE 9.2.1 Analysis with Uniform Temperature Distribution Firstly, the contact problem with a uniform temperature distribution was simulated. Electrode forces of 500 lbs, 650 lbs and 800 lbs were chosen as variables. The loading condition was assumed to distribute evenly across the top surface of the electrode. The length of the electrode was 11 mm. The real welding condition is somewhat different from the case assumed in this simulation. With real electrodes, the load is applied to the vertical side wall where a very shallow taper is present. This taper is usually made - - 210 for tight fitting of electrode in the holder. Thus, the actual loading pressure cannot be distributed evenly across the top surface of the model. This is particularly true for an electrode with a small electrode face thickness such as cap type electrodes. It is likely that the loading pressure becomes higher as the radius approaches the electrode face size. However, an even distribution was assumed in this simulation. This is possible for the electrode with a long length, which was used in this study. The electrode length used in the experiments was 40 mm in length which is about 4 times longer than the dimension used in the simulation model. The contact pressure distribution at the electrode interface and at the faying interface as well as the deformation are plotted in figures 9.1 to 9.3 for different electrode forces. In general, the maximum contact pressure occurs near the outer radius of the electrode. The location for the maximum contact pressure at both interfaces and the ratio of maximum pressure to average pressure is listed in table 9.1. Also included in this table is the contact radius at the faying interface. The contact radius was determined as the radius wherein the two contacting members exert pressure on each other. As table 9.1 indicates, the maximum pressure occurs at a radius smaller than the electrode face size. For the electrode contact, the location of maximum pressure is very close to the electrode face edge. However, the faying interface shows a much smaller radius for the maximum contact pressure although the contact radius is larger than the electrode radius. The electrode experiences a much higher maximum pressure. The normalized maximum pressure value at the electrode interface is around 1.6 while the value at the faying interface is around 0.93. This means that the electrode experiences more severe loading conditions than does steel at the faying interface. This is particularly true at the edge of the electrode face. The reason for the stress concentration at the electrode edge can be explained by the moment force produced by differences in the radius of the electrode body and the electrode face. As explained previously, even pressure - - 211 Table 9.1 : Effect of Electrode Force on Contact Size and Pressure electrode radius for maximum normalized maximum contact size at force (lbs) contact pressure (mm) pressure faying interface (mm) electrode faying electrode faying interface interface interface interface 500 2.25 1.95 1.54 0.93 2.96 650 2.25 1.95 1.57 0.93 2.96 800 2.25 1.95 1.61 0.94 2.96 * electrode radius: 2.4 mm loading was assumed in the simulation. If the actual loading condition of the electrode with thin electrode face thickness is applied, the stress concentration at the electrode edge will become even higher. The maximum contact pressure at the electrode interface for the case of 800 lbs electrode force is 317 MPa. This value is well above the elastic limit of the RWMA Class II electrode material, which is known to be 250 MPa [9.1]. Even though the average pressure is well below the yield limit, locally the electrode can deform plastically even at room temperature. If the higher temperature condition during welding is also considered, this shows that rounding of the electrode will readily occur. Table 9.1 also shows the contact size at the faying interface. The electrode force did not cause any significant change in contact size. Thus, it can be said that the effect of electrode force is mostly on the electrical and thermal contact properties rather than on the contact area during the early stages of welding. - rw - - 212 Table 9.2 : Effect of Electrode Size on the Contact Size electrode radius contact radius ratio of contact (mm) at faying radius to interface (mm) electrode radius 2.4 2.96 1.23 2.6 3.16 1.22 2.8 3.36 1.20 Table 9.3 : Effect of Specimen Thickness on the Contact Size specimen contact radius ratio of contact the ratio of thickness at faying radius to difference in (mm) interface electrode radius contact radius (mm) and electrode radius to the specimen thickness 0.6 2.80 1.17 0.67 0.8 2.96 1.23 0.67 1.2 3.20 1.33 0.67 1.8 3.48 1.45 0.60 electrode radius 2.4 mm electrode force 650 lbs - - 213 Figure 9.4 shows the change of contact area and pressure distribution at the faying interface for different electrode sizes. The electrode force for this simulation was 650 lbs. Table 9.2 lists the ratio of contact size to the electrode size. The ratio is almost constant at 1.2. Thus the contact radius at the faying interface is 20% larger than the electrode face radius. This will result in 30% lower average current density at the faying interface than at the electrode interface. Thus, by the nature of mechanical contact the current density is much higher at the electrode interface. Table 9.3 shows the effect of specimen thickness on the contact area. As the specimen thickness increases, the ratio of contact radius to electrode radius increases. radius is propotional to the specimen thickness. The increment of contact If the ratio of differences between the contact radius and electrode radius to the specimen thickness is taken, it is almost constant at 0.67. This means that the thicker material has a larger D/b ratio in the early stages of welding. So far, it is seen that the electrode force has little effect on the contact size for a given material thickness. However, these results are for the case of an even temperature distribution. Thus, these results may be applicable only to the very early stages of the welding process. 9.2.2 Analysis with a Non-Uniform Temperature Distribution The contact problem with a non uniform temperature distribution was also simulated. As a first approximation, the contact size calculated in the previous case where no temperature effect was assumed, was used for a calculation of the temperature field. Temperature dependent material properties are used for the work piece. For the electrical contact resistivity and the thermal contact conductivity, the values for AM68 in chapter 8 were used. The electrode forces were 500 lbs, 650 lbs and 800 lbs. The temperature field obtained in this way was used for the contact simulation in this section. - - 214 Figures 9.5 to 9.8 show cascade plots of the contact pressure at the faying interface, the contact pressure at the electrode interface, and the temperature field used in the calculation of deformation of the electrode and the work piece. Figure 9.9 shows the change of contact size at the faying interface during welding. The contact pressure distribution changes as welding progresses. In the early stages, the distribution is similar to the one in figures 9.1 to 9.3. As welding progresses the contact pressure at the center increases due to thermal expansion in the electrode and the work piece. In contrast, the contact pressure at both the periphery of the faying interface and the electrode interface decreases. This may be related to expulsion of weld. As welding progresses, the contact force decreases at the periphery and thus loses the mechanical seal. Since the temperature is higher in the center portion of the electrode and the work piece, the thermal expansion in this region is also larger. Due to the larger displacement in the center, the contact size at the faying interface decreases as welding progresses. In other words, the center part of the specimen and the electrode bulges more. The contact is similar to the contact between two large spheres. The contact size is responsive to the electrode force in contrast to the previous analysis with a uniform temperature distribution. As the electrode force increases, the contact size at the faying interface becomes larger. The electrode force has an effect not only on the contact interface properties but also on the contact area. Previously, in the literature only the variation of the electrical contact resistance has been discussed. Little attention has been focused on the thermal conductance. This study shows another important effect of electrode force in spot welding. The force has a strong effect on the contact area at the faying interface particularly in the early stages of welding. A minimum contact area is observed when the nugget grows to a size comparable to the electrode (within 0.15 second for this simulation case). After this time the contact size increases due to a large deformation in the work piece. this stage of welding. Severe indentations start at Since the mesh in the numerical model collapsed at this time, the curve after 0.15 second in figure 9.9 is meaningless. - - 215 From this simulation it is seen that the current density at the faying interface changes significantly during the course of welding. The initially large contact area decreases as weld progresses due to thermal expansion and then increases again as mechanical collapse begins in the work piece due to the presence of molten metal. This can be related to the tailing of the lobe curve in the high current short weld time region. It was seen in chapter 4 that welding with high current generally shows severe localization in the heat generation pattern. The localized heating is combined with a very rapid expansion at the localized hot spot. For this case, the dissipation of heat from the localized hot spot is almost small due to the very short weld time. The localized thermal expansion may also cause loss of mechanical constraint of the nugget envelope due to the asymmetry of the process. Thus expulsion can occur before the formation of a proper nugget resulting in no useful current range. The zinc coated material will behave in different way. Even though the mechanical contact area at the faying interface may be determined by the mechanical properties of the substrate, the current flow area is determined by the behavior of the zinc at the faying interface. Figure 9.10 shows the experimentally measured growth of nugget size and zinc halo during welding. diameter. The electrode size for this experiment was 4.8 mm in The electrode force was 500 lbs. Welding was performed on G60 with the current level for a nominal size nugget at 12 cycle weld time. The lines in this figure were merely inserted to show the changes. The data point marked with 'N' is for nugget size, 'I' for inner diameter of halo and '0' is for the outer diameter of zinc halo. The molten zinc pushed out from the contact zone stays around the contact periphery filling the sheet to sheet gap opened by the electrode force and the larger thermal expansion of the faying interface. In later stages of welding, say after 7 cycles, the halo inner diameter seems to match the contact diameter simulated in figure 9.9. In figure 9.9 the ratio of contact radius at the faying interface to the electrode interface is roughly 1.1. The experimental data in figure 9.10 shows that this ratio is also about 1.1. This value may be the ratio of current conduction diameter in the welding of bare steel. The current flow area for zinc coated material is much larger than this value. -216- In figure 9.10 the ratio is about 1.4. This ratio will change according to the amount of zinc on the surface. The morphology may also have an effect on this ratio because of differences in.melting temperature of free zinc and iron zinc compound. The effect of increased current flow area in a zinc coated steel is very important on the nugget growth mechanism. As the current flow area increases at the faying interface, the heat generation rate decreases in a quadratic manner compared to the heat generation rate at the electrode interface. This implies that the temperature rise at the electrode interface is much more rapid than at the faying interface for coated steel. If the current oscillation in AC welding is considered, the amplitude of temperature fluctuation at the electrode interface can be even greater. This phenomenon will hinder the gradual formation of a nugget and will also make surface expulsion from the electrode interface easier. 9.3 CALCULATION OF NUGGET SIZE Following the discussion in section 9.2 a sample case of spot welding on electrogalvanized steel with various coating thickness was simulated. The welding data used in this simulation are listed in table 9.4 This experimental data was quoted from reference 9.2. The data for the electrical contact resistance and the contact heat transfer coefficient are found in chapter 8. The welding condition used in this experiment exactly matches the experimental conditions used in the measurement of contact properties of this study. Figure 9.11 is a typical nugget growth curve generated in this simulation. The vertical steps in the curve are due to the mesh discretization. The steps in the horizontal direction are caused by the output interval of the calculation results. produced four times in each weld cycle. The output was As shown in this figure, the nugget develops in a very abrupt manner, probably in less than one welding cycle. The nominal nugget size was defined to be 4.0 mm in diameter (0.16 inch). Nuggets with this nominal size - - 217 Table 9.4 : Twelve Cycle Lobe Width vs. Coating Weight [after 9.2] nominal expulsion lobe width coating nugget current (kA) weight current (kA) (g/m 2 ) material (kA) AMBR 5.9 7.3 1.4 0 AM35 8.24 8.9 0.66 35 AM68 9.0 10.0 1.0 68 AMINO 9.1 10.1 1.0 100 have a very small weld time window for a given current level. This does not necessarily mean that there will be difficulties in welding of this material. The welding current can be varied in small steps while the welding time is fixed. However, as the welding current varies from weld to weld, it is seen that a difficulty in spot welding in general will be found due to this nugget development characteristic, i.e. very rapid growth of nugget size in a very short time. The typical temperature changes at the center of the faying interface and at the center of the electrode interface can be seen in figures 9.12 and 9.13, one for a nominal size weld nugget and the other for an expulsion weld. In the early stages of welding the work piece temperature at the electrode interface is higher than at the faying interface due to differences in current density caused by a different contacting area. However, as welding progresses the temperature at the faying interface becomes hotter due to heat loss into the electrode. In these figures, the nugget temperature at the center grows at a slower speed after the start of nugget melting. This is due either to the artificially enhanced thermal conductivity of liquid metal or to the heat of fusion. The thermal conductivity of the liquid metal was increased by 10 fold to simulate - -218 convective heat transfer inside the molten zone. The sudden increase of the work piece temperature at the electrode interface in figure 9.13 may have been caused partly by enhanced heat transfer from the molten nugget and partly by increased weld penetration. Another possibility is that this increase is an artifact of the simulation model. Since the spatial resolution in the axial direction was 0.1 mm, if the melting front approaches the electrode interface within this thickness, the thermal conductivity can increase to the value for the liquid metal. The simulated nugget growth curve for each material is shown in figures 9.14 to 9.17. In generating these nugget growth curves the contact area at the faying interface was estimated based on the discussion given in section 9.2. Several computer runs were performed with various contact areas for the experimentally obtained welding current. If the simulated nominal nugget size at the end of 12 cycles matched the nominal nugget size, then the contact area for that calculation was chosen as the contact area for that particular material. Since the contact size can be controlled only by the number of discretized elements, if the nugget growth curve could not be obtained simply by adjusting the number of contacting elements, the welding current was varied. The contact sizes obtained in this way are listed in table 9.5 with the adjusted weld curent. The expulsion limit was not set to a fixed value. Instead, using the same contact size obtained with the simulation of nominal nugget size welding, a computer simulation was performed with the expulsion current level. Then the nugget size at the end of the 12 cycle weld was accepted as the expulsion nugget size. The expulsion nugget sizes obtained are also listed in table 9.5 for each material. From this simulation it can be seen that the weldability of zinc coated material is strongly dependent on the electrical contact size at the faying interface. Table 9.5 shows the relationship between electrical contact size and the zinc coating thickness. As the zinc coating thickness increases, the electrical contact size increases, resulting in a larger nugget. In the previous discussion presented in section 9.2.2 the ratio of contact size was found to be 1.1 for bare steel. It was also seen in figure 9.10 - - 219 Table 9.5 material Estimated Contact Size and Expulsion Nugget Size estimated normalized expulsion weld contact contact radius nugget current radius radius (kA) (mm) (mm) AMIO 3.04 1.27 2.96 9.1 AM68 2.96 1.23 2.96 8.6 AM35 2.88 1.2 2.80 7.8 AMBR 2.48 1.03 2.72 6.2 that the outer diameter of the zinc halo was about 1.4 times larger than the electrode diameter. The estimated contact diameter in table 9.5 is smaller than the experimentally measured one in figure 9.10. Even though the material used in generating figure 9.10 was G60 it can be used in this comparison because it has a similar coating thickness. G60 material has about 90 g/m 2 of zinc on either surface. The difference is believed to be caused by the fixed contact size in the model. The contact area actually changes during welding as can be seen in figure 9.9. Another reason is the difference in the mechanical contact area and the current conducting area. The current path is also limited by the geometry. Even though the actual contact area is large, the current may not flow throughout the entire area of contact. The current density may fall below a significant level in the area far from the contact center. However, it is not clear which is the dominant reason. Figures 9.18 and 9.19 were plotted to compare the differences in nugget growth characteristics. These figures show that materials with less zinc on the surface show gradual nugget growth while materials with more zinc on the surface show steeper nugget growth curves. The bare steel has a smaller contact area at the faying interface. - - 220 Thus, the temperature rise starts in a smaller portion of the material, raising the temperature at the faying interface more rapidly. This results in an early start of nugget formation even with lower weld currents. Then the heat conducts to the surrounding material while the current is being pushed out to the periphery due to the higher electrical resistivity in the center portion. In the welding of zinc coated steel, the heat buildup starts in a larger area. Therefore, the nugget starts to form later with a larger size and approaches expulsion. This implies that the slope of the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity has an important effect on the nugget growth mechanism. In the welding of materials with smaller contact area the effect of a strong temperature dependence will be more beneficial due to the larger temperature gradient in the radial direction. 9.4 CHARACTERISTICS OF TEMPERATURE PROFILES So far one has seen that the effect of contact area at the faying interface and the contact properties at the electrode interface has a significant effect on the nugget growth behavior. The presence of zinc on the specimen surface has an effect not only on the electrical resistivity and contact heat transfer coefficient but also on the electrical contact size. In this section the effect of theses factors on the temperature distribution in the work piece will be discussed along with temperature profiles in both axial and radial directions. Figure 20 shows the evolution of radial temperature profiles at the faying interface in the welding of bare steel AMBR. These profiles can be compared with the temperature profiles of the zinc coated steel AM100 in figure 21. Both figures are for the welding of a nominal size nugget. As the contact area of the specimen AM100 is larger (2.96 mm in radius), the temperature profile is flat at the center part of the faying interface in the radial direction. The diameter of the flat part is also larger for this material. At the periphery of the faying interface, the temperature profile drops rapidly to the temperature of the surrounding material with very steep temperature gradient. The - - 221 temperature gradient at this peripheral region is much greater for bare steel. This characteristic temperature profile leads to differences in the nugget growth behavior. In bare steel welding the nugget starts to grow gradually from a small nugget size while in zinc coated steel welding the nugget grows in a very abrupt manner. If the nugget growth time is compared, the nominal size nugget grows in 4 cycles for bare steel welding while it is only 1 cycle for zinc coated steel AM100. This was also shown in figures 9.14 and 9.17. Another noticeable difference in the evolution of temperature is the speed of temperature rise. interface. Bare steel welding shows an early temperature rise at the faying Thus more time is used in the growth of a nugget in the later stages of welding. The temperature evolution in welding of AMINO material contrasts with the case of bare steel welding. The temperature rise is very slow in the early stages of welding and increases rapidly in the later stages resulting in the very short nugget growth time. This can be also seen from the temperature profiles in the axial direction in figure 22 and 23. Figure 22 is for bare steel welding and figure 23 is for welding of zinc coated steel AM100. The axial temperature gradient is much greater in bare steel. The general behavior of the rate of temperature rise is the same as in the radial direction. Bare steel shows a faster rate in the early stages of welding and zinc coated steel shows a faster speed in the later stages. If the temperature difference between the faying interface and the work piece at the electrode interface is compared for both materials, the difference is greater for bare steel. It was seen in chapter 8 that the contact heat transfer coefficient for AMI00 is about 3 times larger than that of bare steel (confer table 8.1). temperature gradient is smaller for AMINO material. However, the axial Thus the difference in the thermal gradient (or the temperature difference at the faying interface and the work piece at the electrode interface) cannot be explained by the heat transfer characteristics at the electrode interface. This is even more contradictory if the higher electrical - - 222 contact resistivity of bare steel at the electrode interface is considered (confer figure 8.21). More heat can be generated at the electrode interface of a bare steel if the current level is the same when welding of both materials. This phenomenon can be explained by the geometric parameter D/b, which is the ratio of contact radius at the faying interface to the electrode radius. As discussed in the previous section, the ratio was roughly 1.2 for zinc coated steel while it was only about I for bare steel. Even after the exclusion of the effect of contact resistivity, the heat generation rate at the electrode interface of a zinc coated steel is approximately double that at the faying interface. This ratio can be even higher if the presence of electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface is considered. On the other hand bare steel experiences the same heat generation rate at the faying interface and at the electrode interface. Thus the higher temperature near the electrode interface in the welding of galvanized steel is no surprise at all. This will produce very abrupt nugget growth behavior in galvanized welding. This will also result in higher electrode temperatures in the welding of galvanized steel thus deteriorating the electrode life to a greater extent. As a summary of the effect of the contact size on the temperature profiles, figure 24 compares the temperature profiles in the axial direction at the start of nugget formation for various welding conditions. In this figure the temperature profiles for specimens AM100 and AMBR are compared for both expulsion welds and nominal nugget size welds. As discussed previously the temperature difference between the faying interface and the electrode interface is much greater in bare steel. One other important aspect to be noticed in this figure is the effect of weld current level. Welding with expulsion current shows smaller temperature differences between the faying interface and the electrode interface. The difference is even smaller for the welding of galvanized steel. This implies a narrower weld current range in the welding of galvanized steels. - - 223 So far the comparison was made with the actual welding condition, i.e. different contact sizes, different current levels, and different contact properties for different materials. The effect of the'contact area was so strong that the effect of differences in the contact properties could not be seen. To investigate the effect of contact properties particularly at the electrode interface, the contact area was kept the same in producing figures 25 and 26. Figure 25 is for the case of a small contact area, 2.48 mm in radius, which is the case of bare steel. Figure 26 is for the case of large contact area, 2.96 mm in radius, which is the case of a zinc coated steel. The contact properties were assumed to be either AMINO interface properties or AMBR interface properties. Comparing these two figures 25 and 26, it can be seen that the effect of contact properties is much more pronounced in the welding of materials with smaller contact area. In the case of small contact area, the large heat transfer coefficient and the small electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface surface temperature significantly. helped reduce the work piece For this particular simulation, the work piece temperature at the electrode interface with AMINO interface properties is smaller by 250 'C when compared with the temperature of the case with bare steel interfacial properties. The temperature jump at the electrode interface is 3430C for the AMlIN interface while it is 432*C for the AMBR interface. Since the interface with a large contact heat transfer coefficient loses more heat to the electrode and generates less heat at the electrode interface, the work piece temperature at the electrode interface experiences lower temperatures. The reason for the lower electrode face temperature of the AM100 interface is due to the lower heat generation rate at the electrode interface. The simulation shows that the electrode face temperature for the AMBR interface is higher by 161*C. This value is much smaller than the temperature difference of 250*C at the work piece surface. This means that the interface with the AMINO interfacial properties loses more heat to the electrode, thus contributing to a reduction of the work piece surface temperature. A - 224- In figure 26 it is seen that the effect of interface properties on the axial temperature profiles is very small if the contact area is large. Even though the contact properties showed a very strong effect on the temperature profiles in welding of materials with small contact area, the axial temperature profile is almost the same in the case of large contact area. For the case of a large contact area it can be said that the effect of current density overwhelmes the effect of contact properties of the electrode interface. This may imply that bare steel welding is more responsive to change of electrode force than is welding of galvanized steels. 9.5 SUMMARY 1. The ratio of contact radius at the faying interface to the electrode radius is about 1.2 at the very start of welding. 2. There is a pressure concentration at the periphery of the contact at the faying interface and at the edge of the electrode. as welding progresses. 3. The pressure concentration decreases This leads to expulsion. Due to thermal expansion, the contact size at the faying interface decreases during the course of welding. If the current level is very high, the localized heat generation induces a local thermal expansion which results in very easy expulsion. This explains the tailing of the lobe curve in the high current short weld time region. 4. The electrode force has an affect not only on the contact interface properties but also on the contact area. Previously, the effect of electrode force in spot welding has been explained with regard to the electrical contact resistance. Little attention has been paid to the thermal conductance across the interface. 5. The importance of contact at the faying interface is greater for the contact area than for the contact resistance. The contact area at the faying interface determines the current level and the ease of welding. The ease of spot welding of bare steel - - 225 is due to the small contact size, not to the high contact resistance. The heat generation rate at the electrode interface is about double that of the faying interface when welding of galvanized steels due to the large contact area. - - 226 electrode radius Ih- -. 300- MPa 0 . _. . I I i.I I I I I I .rJII I. I I (a) 500 lb electrode force -"I.-I-II14 11N 11 - . (b) 650 lb electrode force (c) 800 lb electrode force Figure 9.1 Contact pressure distribution at the faying interface at room temperature - - 227 electrode 0 MPa (a) 50 0 lbs 300 II I 1\ (b) 650 lbs (c) 800 lbs Figure 9.2 Contact pressure distribution at the electrode interface at room temperature. (a) 500 lb electrode force OD -TF I KAZILJZLILII7IZIiiLLI.U.. I]1fll11 -- (-ZIZTiiI ILJ.L I1 I1-F1 I -- r I Figure 9.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I II III TII Deformation in electrode and work piece at room temperature. bwL-Z,,: , - I 1 1 (b) 650 lb electrode force (0 * Figure 9.3 ~-ii -ER H~L (continued) (c) 800 lb electrode force 0 L-LI L . . -1 I - ~II I II I -T- Figure 9.3 I I I I I I I I I (continued) MPa I C I i i i i i i i C 0 N 1 40T A C 1204 T P 1 00R E U R E 8060- .-..-....... . . . . . S S 404 204 I 0.0 . n 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 RADIUS 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 (mm) ELECTRODE RADIUS = 2.4 -- ELECTRODE RADIUS = 2.6 .-----------------ELECTRODE RADIUS = 2.8 Figure 9.4 Contact pressure distribution and contact size at the faying interface for different electrode sizes. - - 232 electrode radius 300 - I MPa I.tI - t (a) after 1 cycle ........ . .... .. .. ... (b) after 5 cycles (c) after 9 cycles Figure 9.5 Change of contact pressure at the faying interface during welding. A - - 233 electrode 300 MPa, (a) after 1 cycle . . . . . . . . . . . -I 0 -9 / (b) after 5 cycles (c) after 9 cycles Figure 9.6 Change of contact pressure at the electrode interface during welding. TEMP VALUE *I. SSE.*# *2.v3E.02 *3.$$E*02 *S.29E*62 *6.7ME.O2 +S. ISE.62 *9.SBE*SZ *1 . IGE*03 * .2UE+63 SA.3SE .03 I .53E*03 2 3 'I S 7 9 I' 2 a 2 2 2 e 2 2 (a) at 1 cycle Figure 9.7 Change of temperature field during welding. TEMP 3 * VALUE *I.E.02 *Z.03E#62 *3.96E*62 *S.Z9EeO2 5 +6.7ME..2 1 0. ISE+02 *9.SSE.@2 *I .IE.03 *1.2UE+03 *I.38E.63 #I.S3E.03 I 2 S S 9 1a Ii (b) at 5 cycles Figure 9.7 (continued) 1EMP I 2 VALUE *I.ISE+O2 .2.43E+62 3 *3.86E.02 U 9S.29E 02 *6.72E+62 *. ISE +02 *9.SSE+*2 5 6 7 a 9 +1.ISE+03 11 *1.2uE+63 .1.38E03 II *I.53E #93 (c) at 9 cycles Figure 9.7 (continued) I U MAG. FACTOR - .3.GE.OI SOLID LINES - DISPLACED MESH DASHED LINES - ORIGINAL MESH / /1/7/7/7/ / / 7/7/7, ---// / 77 / // (a) at 1 cycle / II HFFT/T / // /7 7 -W, -. Figure 9.8 /// ....~ ..i ~0 ii:. Change of deformation in the electrode and in the work piece during welding. U MAG. FACTOR - *3.9E+4I SOLID LINES - DISPLACED HESH DASHED LINES - ORIGINAL MESH // /// /7/'/ //7/7 (b) at 5 cycles 00 NII- t- --1--I--. --I--I--I--'--. -1-1Figure 9.8 (continued) I.. r - "T-T"T--r Ii / I, U NAG. FACTOR - *3.9E.@I SOLID LINES - DISPLACED HESH DASHED LINES - ORIGINAL MESH / / / V. - - - - - - /A -4-4-4-4-4-4-4- /A Figure 9.8 /-- / A I I B I -- 4--4 ...... 4--4--4-- _ /- / (c) at 9 cycles I LU ~ (continued) U U I 3. C 2. 9-- 0 N T A 2. 8C T R 2. A D I U 2. S 0 m - - - 2 40.00 -_- - 2. . in 0.05 WELD ......... ............. Figure 9.9 0.10 TIME 0.15 (second) 500 LBS 650 LBS 800 LBS Change of contact size at the faying interface during welding. 0.20 1C I 9-1 ELECTRODE DIA. :4.8 mm ELECTRODE FORCE :500 lbs 8-. D I A M E MATERIAL : G60 7.--. 6-4 T E -L -a 5- R M M I~ 0.* .. 4AJ 3- 1 I 0 N 4 10 Figure 9.10 m - 14 16 (CYCLES OF 60 Hz AC) WELD TIME N I 0 12 NUGGET SIZE INNER DIA. OF HALO OUTER DIA. OF HALO Evolution of halo size and nugget size NJ Ia E .0m I - -11- - . I'll I- I I - --- - 24- 5- 3. ........-- N U G 2. G E T 2. 05-- .- R A D 1. 5-- I U S 1. 05- m m . 0. 0 0. 0 WELD Figure 9.11 10 4 TIME (CYCLES OF 60 Hz 12 AC) Typical nugget growth curves generated in axisymmetric two dimensional simulation. 14 - - 243 (glosa) 1 ; faying interface 2 ; work piece surface at elec. side 3 ; electrode face TINE I**-I Figure 9.12 Evolution of temperature at the center line for welding of nominal size nugget. -244- 1; faying interface 2 ; work piece surface at elec. side 3 ; electrode face a. 0 TINE (OlseI 2 -I Figure 9.13 Evolution of temperature at the center line for expulsion weld. (mm) 13 -J. rI I SI I I 3 N 2 5--. U G G E 2 T 0- R A 1. 5D I U 1 .0- S t 0.5-- 0.0-1 g 0 WELD TIME (CYCLES OF 10 60 Hz AC) EXPULSION NUGGET NOMINAL NUGGET Figure 9.14 Nugget growth curve for AM100 1'2 14 (mm) 3. 5- 3. 0-- . N 2 5-U G G E 2. 0-T R A 1. 5D I U 1 0- S 0. 5- 0. 0- 6 4 WELD TIME 8 10 (CYCLES OF 60 Hz AC) EXPULSION NUGGET NOMINAL NUGGET Figure 9.15 Nugget growth curve for AM68 12 14 (mm) 3.5- 3.0-- E 2.0 - N U 2.5-G G T R A 1.5 D I U 1.0 S 0.5-- 0.0. 0 2 4 WELD TIME 6 8 10 (CYCLES OF 60 Hz AC) EXPULSION NUGGET NOMINAL NUGGET. Figure 9.16 Nugget growth curve for AM35 12 14 (mm) 3.5 I I I 3.0--- .. ...-..... N 2.5U G G E 2.0T R A 1.5D I U S 1.0- 0.5- o0.00 4 WELD TIME 12 14 (CYCLES OF 60 Hz AC) EXPULSION NUGGET NOMINAL .NUGGET Figure 9.17 Nugget growth curve for AMBR -4- (mm) I 3.5- 3.0-N ... U 2.5G ... G E 2.0T R A 1 -5 D U 1.0- a S 0.5-- 0.0 0 ||1 2 4 WELD TIME 6 8 (CYCLES OF 10 60 Hz AC) AM100 AM68 .............. AM35 ----.AMBR Figure 9.18 Nugget growth curve for expulsion weld 12 14 (mm) 3. - 3. 05N U 2. 05-G G E 2. 0T . R A 1 D I U 1. S cn o 0. 5-0. 10 WELD TIME (CYCLES OF 60 Hz AC) AM100 AM68 ..-.-........... AM35 ------- AMBR Figure 9.19 Nugget growth curve for nominal size weld 12 14 (C (C 180 0 160 0 NUGGET GROWTH -------------- CYCLE 1 40 1 2 ------------------. 3 4 -..-------.. 5 6 7 8 9 - - - --. . --... T E 120 0-0M U R E --0- -~------ 80 60 --- - - - --- -----...- '.. 0-- 40 0- - T 100 0----- - E R. A - P 20 00 .0 0.5 1.0 1 .5 RADIAL Figure 9.20 2-. 0 DISTANCE 2-.5 Z 3. -3.5Z (mm) Temperature profiles at the faying interface during welding of bare steel, AMBR 10 11 12 (C) I 1800- I I I I NUGGET GROWTH ---------- ----- ----- ----- .. - - .. . -......... 1600- I*. 1400- CYCLE . T 1200E .... ........ .........................................................-----------------M -- -~ - - ' . p E 1000E R A - -... 7 800- 8 9 T U R E 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 600- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ... .. ..-. 400- ..-.... .... .......... ....... ............. ............ 2000. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 RADIAL Figure 9.21 2.5 2.0 DISTANCE 3.0 3.5 (mm) Temperature profiles at the faying interface during welding of electrogalvanized steel, AM100 --------- 11 -----------.--. 12 (C) I 180L I I I I I 4- I 1600. -... -- CYCLE 1400- -- - - - - - - - - - 60 -----.--- 8 -............- ~~~~.. 10 11 12 -............... --------- --.-----..--.-......-........... 400- .~~~~~~~ -1-0 . U R E - - - - * P 1000E R ----A80 0- . ......-................--- - E M 1 ... ..-- - - -.... 2 3 - ------------ 4 5 6 ...... T1200- 200- 0 0 .0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 AXIAL DISTANCE FROM FAYING Figure 9.22 0.6 0.7 INTERFACE 0.8 CENTER 0.9 (mmn) Axial temperature distribution during welding of bare steel, AMBR i 160 0- --- --------------- -------------- i I i i i - (C) 180 0 I 4 ..-.-................. ... ... ... .. CYCLE 1 400.4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -T E 1200-M P E ....- ----..... ............................................................................ . \ ... \ \~ 3 4 ----------- 1000- R 5 6 7 800- .................. - ------ -------......... 600400- - --- - - - - --------- -.................. - .............-...-..- -- - - - ---------------- -.........--- - --................................................. - 200- 0.0 I - A T U R E 1 2 0.1 0.2 I 0.3 0.4 AXIAL DISTANCE FROM THE Figure 9.23 0.5 0:6 0:7 0.8 0.9 CENTER OF FYING INTERFACE Axial temperature distribution electrogalvanized steel AM100 during 1.0 (nun) welding of 8 9 10 11 12 C,' W7 (C) I I I I I I 1600- T E 12004 M P E 1 0004R A T 800-U R E 6001- ... F - 1400- C,' C,' 4 004- '.11 0.0 0.1 I I 0.2 0.3 I 0.4 I I 0.5 0.6 AXIAL DISTANCE FROM FAYING 0.7 0.8 INTERFACE CENTER 0.9 (mm) AM100 EXPC LS ION NUGGET ------- - AMBR EXPULSION NUGGET .................. AM100 NOMINAL NUGGET NOMINAL NUGGET -AMBR Figure 9.24 Axial temperature distributions at the start of nugget formation for different welding conditions 1. 0 (C) 1 6004 14 004 T E 1 2004 M INTERFACE E 1000. R A T 800U R E BARE 100g/sq. m a' 600- 400- - CONTACT RADIUS :2.48 mm 200- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 AXIAL DISTANCE FROM FAYING INTERFACE CENTER Figure 9.25 0 0.8 (mm) Effect of interface properties on the axial temperature profiles in the welding of materials with small contact area (C) 6004- -- -------- --- 1400- -.- - - - -- --- - - - - - T 12001 E M E 10 004 R A T 800U R E 60W- INTERFACE --------- bare - -- -100g/sq. '.IU 296m COTC CR 400- 200- 0 .0 0.2 AXIAL 0.4 0.6 DISTANCE FROM FAYING INTERFACE Figure 9.26 0.8 CENTER m 1.a0 (mm) Effect of interface properties on the axial temperature profiles in the welding of material with large contact area - - 258 10 PARAMETRIC ANALYSES OF NUGGET GROWTH 10.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter the effect of each characteristic parameter was numerically simulated to determine the most important parameters in controlling nugget growth. The simulated material is a electrogalvanized low carbon steel. The parameters used for AM68 material in chapter 9 were chosen as a reference value. Firstly, in section 10.2 the effect of changes in the basic variables were evaluated. Then using these results the important characteristic parameters are discussed. A new indexing formula is presented as an index of the sensitivity of nugget growth to various parameters. It was seen in Chapter 2 that the weldability of a material may be characterized by several parameters. Those were categorized in four groups, i.e. the material parameters, geometrical parameters, electrical parameters and the thermal parameters. These parameters are listed in table 2.6 of chapter 2. Among these, some parameters are controllable while others are inherent to the system. The difficulties confronted in assessing the weldability of spot welding is mainly due to the combined effects of these parameters. Furthermore, there is some variability in each parameters from weld to weld. The material properties may not always be the same even though the material classification is the same. The electrode contact area and the surface condition of the electrode also change during the welding sequence. All these uncertainties affect the weldability of a material to a greater or lesser extent. In most cases, it is very difficult to experimentally quantify the variability in each parameter. Thus , in order to investigate the sensitivity of nugget growth to changes in each parameter this model was produced. For a given variability in each parameter, the differences in weld time required for a nominal nugget size of 2.0mm radius was estimated from each upper and lower nugget growth curve. Thus the total range of variations in each parameter is double - - 259 the variation in one direction. nugget growth behavior. The difference was taken as a measure of change in An increase in nugget development time results in a larger energy input requirement. This is equivalent to the requirement of higher weld current level. This difference is also representative of the lobe width. A large difference in weld time can be thought to be equivalent to the larger lobe width on the current axis. This assumption is thought be reasonable particularly in the normally used weld schedule range. In the very high or very low current range the assumption made above is not applicable due to the closing or opening lobe curve shape in these current ranges. 10.2 ESTIMATION OF THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN BASIC VARIABLES 10.2.1 Effect of Material Related Variables In chapter 2, two parameters were derived as material characteristic parameters. , Those were the ratio of thermal conductivity to the bulk electrical resistivity, kb/a, and the ratio of heat capacity to the bulk electrical resistivity, pC,/ab . Table 2.5 showed that these parameters are representative of the weldability of materials in general. To see the effect of changes in material properties, the thermal conductivity, heat capacity and electrical resistivity were varied in the model by +5%. Figure 10.1 shows the changes in the nugget growth curve caused by changes in thermal conductivity of the steel. The thermal conductivity was changed up to the melting temperature by the percentage shown in the figure. As predicted in chapter 2, nugget formation starts later as thermal conductivity increases. However, the effect is not strong. weld cycle. The nugget initiation time does not vary more than a quarter of one The reason can be ascribed to a lower heat loss to the electrode and - - 260 surrounding material. If heat conduction to the electrode is dominated by interface control, one cannot expect a strong effect of the thermal conductivity on nugget growth, particularly when the specimen thickness is thin. In the case of thin material even though the geometric parameter b/L 2 is large, heat can not flow as rapidly to electrode when the contact resistance dominates. The thermal characteristic parameter hc/kb also represents the heat loss characteristics of the nugget. If the value for hc is small, more heat will flow to the surrounding material rather than the electrode. However, due to a large b/L2 value the heat loss to the surrounding material is also small. In this particular case it is believed that most of the heat is contained within the nugget development region due to the small thickness and low he value. This can be compared with the effect of bulk electrical resistivity changes as shown in figure 10.2. The electrical resistivity shows a much stronger effects than does the thermal conductivity. As the resistivity increases, the nugget forms earlier. The starting time varies by one half cycle for a ten percent variation. One important observation made in these nugget growth curves is that the difference in nugget growt time becomes larger as nugget size increases. Higher electrical resistivity reduces the nugget starting time and increases the nugget growth rate. The slope of the nugget growth curve in the early stage of welding of the material with higher electrode resistivity is steeper than that of material with lower electrical resistivity. This implies that materials with high resistivity experience a faster heat build up in the nugget and complete the nugget formation in shorter time. In contrast material with 95% resistivity starts nugget growth one half cycle later and grows more slowly. The difference in time required for the development of a nugget with 2.0mm in radius is about I cycle. By the time the nugget reaches its nominal size the difference has increased by one cycle. - - 261 Table 10.1 : Effect of material characteristic parameter Increase in Increase in nugget (by 10%) growth time (cycle) thermal conductivity 0.50 specific heat 0.75 electrical resistivity -1.0 specimen thickness -0.25 electrode radius 4.5 current -2.5 contact radius 2.5 contact resistance at -0.001 faying interface contact resistance -0.125 contact resistance at -0.125 electrode interface contact heat transfer -0.125 coefficient The reason of this increased sensitivity comes from the cumulative effect of electrical resistivity. The electrical resistivity of the material simulated in this chapter increases with temperature. For a material with higher initial electrical resistivity the faster initial rise of temperature raises the resistance more rapidly and generates more heat. If the effect of increasing considered, the effect is even greater. power absorption with increasing resistance is The dependence of electrical resistivity on the - - 262 temperature is very important in this respect. Materials with greater temperature dependence will raise the temperature rapidly, thus absorbing more heat. Thus the nugget growth curve will become steeper with a shorter nugget development time. This phenomenon may not be beneficial in terms of stable nugget growth. As explained in chapter 9, the slope of dOb/dt has another very important effect in its contribution to the redistribution of the current. Due to the geometry of the welding system the center part of the nugget is usually the highest temperature region. Thus the center part will have the highest electrical resistivity. The higher resistance at the center part will push the current to the periphery of nugget increasing the temperature in this peripheral region more rapidly. Thus it is not clear whether the greater slope in temperature dependence of electrical resistivity is benificial or not. Fig 10.3 shows the effect of changes in heat capacity. The curves in this figure show good contrast to the ones presented in figure 10.2. The nugget starting time differs by I cycle between nugget growth curves of 105% and 95% change. However the time required for a nugget with 2.0 mm radius differs by only one half cycle. of heat capacity is reversed compared to the effect of resistivity. The effect Since the heat consumption is greater for the case of 105% heat capacity, the nugget starts later in time. The difference in slope of the lines can be explain by the temperature dependence of the specific heat. For the case of a 5% increase in specific heat, the time required to raise the work piece temperature to the melting temperature is longer. Since the temperature rise time is longer, the temperature field in the work piece has more chance to even out the temperature profile in the radial direction. By the time nugget melting starts, the temperature field in the work piece is higher as compared to the case of 95% specific heat. Thus, once the nugget starts to form, the nugget can grow faster. Materials with high heat capacity show a shorter nugget growth time and longer nugget initiation time. The effects of the variables considered in this section are summarized in table 10.1. - - 263 10.2.2 Effect of Geometrically Related Variables As was discussed in section 10.2.1, the nugget growth time was estimated for various size of electrode face radius, b. for a 5% variation of electrode size. Figure 10.4 shows the nugget growth curves In the calculation, the contact size at the faying interface was also increased in proportion to the electrode size. The effect of electrode size is very strong producing variation in radius. impossible. changes in nugget growth time of 4.5 cycle for a 10% This change may be great enough to make nugget formation The reason is believed to be the reduced current density. Figure 10.5 shows the effect of 5% variation in the work piece thickness. effect is only 0.25 cycle. As the thickness increases, the nugget forms earlier. The Since the thicker material loses less heat to the electrode, in the ratio of b/L 2 more heat is available for nugget formation. This was explained in chapter 6 with the experimentally obtained temperature profiles in one dimensional welding simulation. It was stated in chapter 9 that the contact area at the faying interface is an important factor in nugget development. Figure 10.6 shows the effect of faying interface size on the nugget growth behavior. In this calculation the electrode size was kept constant. Only the contact size at the faying interface was varied. This shows indirectly the effect of electrode force or the effect of zinc coating thickness. It was seen in figure 9.10 and 9.11 that electrode force and zinc halo formation are the primary sources of changes in contact area at the faying interface. One interesting observation in these nugget growth curves is the varying effect of contact size. The significance of changes in contact size depends on the direction of the change, Decreasing contact size shows more significant changes in nugget development time than increasing contact size. A five percent decrease in contact size decreased nominal nugget formation time by 1.75 cycle while a 5% increase in contact size increased the nugget formation time by only 0.75 cycle. Two reasons can be postulated. The first is the stronger effect of current redistribution when welding a - - 264 small contact as discussed in chapter 9. This was related to the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of the work piece. The other is the quadratic effect of the current density on the heat generation rate at the faying interface. according to the position in the axial direction. The effect varies The electrode interface does not see any change in current density when the contact size changes. The most significant change in current change occurs at the faying interface and it is quadratic. For example if the contact area increases by 5%, the decrease in current density at the faying interface is about 10% reducing the heat generation rate at the faying interface by 18%. all. However, the current density at the electrode interface does not change at This phenomenon makes the effect of contact area more significant in nugget development mechanism. It was seen in chapter 9 that. the ratio of contact radius to the electrode radius was about 1.2 at the early stage of welding, In this case the heat generation rate at the faying interface is only 48% that at the electrode interface. One can see the real importance of the size of contact area. In figure 10.7 the effect of changes in current level is shown. In this figure a decreasing current level produces a more significant effect than an increasing current level. In this simulation the geometry was kept constant. level are exactly the same as a changes in current density. Thus, changes in current An increase in current density of 5 % resulted in a reduction in nugget formation time by 1.1 cycle, while a decrease in current by 5 %, increased the nugget formation time by 1.5 cycle. shift of the nugget growth curve is more to the right direction in the graph. The This is due to the larger heat loss of a low current welding. It was seen in chapter 2 that the increase in load resistance increases the power delivered to the work piece. If the contact size or the electrode size increases the total resistance in the system will decrease due to the increases in the current flow area. This will reduce the welding current and the power absorbed by the work piece. Thus the increasing electrode size or the contact size will shift the nugget formation time further to the longer weld time direction. H - - 265 So far in this section one has seen the effect of electrode size, the effect of contact size and the effect of work piece thickness. The geometric characteristic parameter derived in chapter 2 does not include any effect of contact size. However, the results presented in this section and the estimation of contact size in chapter 9 (see figure 9.4) show characteristics. the significance of contact size in the nugget development In section 9.4 it was shown that a small contact size helps the nugget grow gradually by redistributing the current to the nugget periphery. Therefore, it is very useful to include the contact size as a representative parameter in characterization of nugget growth. Since the contact size is primarily related to the electrode face size, the ratio of contact size at the faying interface to the electrode size, D/b, should be an important parameter. The contact size, D, does not necessarily mean the mechanical contact area. It includes the total area of the current path. It was seen in figure 9.9 that electrode force. the transient contact size is dependent on the Even though the contact size is insensitive to the load at room temperature, the contact size during welding changes significantly due to the thermal expansion in the electrodes and in the work piece. The deformation characteristics depend on the mechanical properties of these materials. For a given material the value for D/b is determined by the loading condition and the presence of a coating. It was seen in chapter 9 that the zinc coating increased the contact area significantly. As a general rule, a larger value of D/b will localize the heating of material at the electrode interface and will make welding difficult. thin material. This is particularly true for welding of As the displacement induced by thermal expansion is cumulative in nature, the total thermal displacement of thin material at the center line is smaller than that of a thick material roughly by the ratio of specimen thickness. The smaller thermal displacement at the center of contact will make the contact at the periphery closer. This will results in a larger D/b value for thin materials. Table 10.1 summarizes the effect of geometrical parameters on the nugget growth time. - - 266 10.2.3 Effect of Interface Related Variables Two electrical parameters were derived in chapter 2. The first was the ratio of contact resistance to the bulk resistance . The second was the ratio of contact resistance at faying interface to the contact resistance at the electrode interface. The heat generation pattern in the work piece is basically determined by these two parameters and the contact size at the faying interface. this study are presented The electrical resistance determined in in figures 8.21 and 8.22. This data shows that the contact resistance at the faying interface is smaller than the contact resistance at the electrode interface. In general the contact resistance at the electrode interface is also greater in other published data [10.1,10.2]. The static contact resistance of bare steel is much higher compared to the one for galvanized steel. dynamic contact resistance. However this is not true for the The contact resistance at the faying interface decays to zero while the contact resistance at the electrode interface remains finite throughout the welding process. This general characteristic can also be seen in the experimentally measured data in figure 1.4. One other important aspect to be noted here is that the contact thermal coefficient at the electrode interface is coupled to the electrical contact resistance at this interface. This means that one cannot change the electrical contact resistance without affecting the thermal contact heat transfer coefficient. However, the electrical contact resistance at the faying interface can be changed by modifying the surface condition. simulation , In this when the contact resistance at the electrode interface was changed the contact heat transfer coefficient was also changed by the same percentage used for the change of resistance. As shown in table 8.1 the standard deviation of the contact heat transfer coefficient is roughly 20%. Thus variation of 20% in contact resistance or in the contact heat conductivity was employed in the simulation. Figure 10.8 shows the result of 20% change in the contact resistivity at the faying interface. It is seen in this figure that a 20% change, or even a 40% change does not - - 267 show any significant contribution to the nugget development behavior. An effect can only be seen in the early stages of nugget growth. The early stages of welding nugget growth is delayed by 0.25 cycle for 40% changes in the electrical resistivity at the faying interface. There is no difference in the nugget growth time for the nominal size nugget. Figure 10.9 shows an additional graph for the case of very large changes in contact resistance at the faying interface. The case of 1000% change in contact resistance shows only one cycle decrease in the weld time. Figure 10.10 shows the effect of contact resistance change both at the faying interface and at the electrode interface. In this simulation, the contact heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface was also changed by 20%. The difference in the nugget growth time is about 0.5 cycle. Figure 10.11 shows the effect of contact resistance changes at the electrode interface. The figure also shows a difference of 0.5 cycle in the nugget growth time for nominal size nugget. It seems that the effect of a contact resistance change at the electrode interface is more pronounced in the later stages of nugget growth. If the nugget growth curves in figure 10.11 and the curves in figure 10.9 are added together, the nugget growth curves will roughly match the ones in figure 10.10. Thus far it is seen that a variation of 40% in the electrical contact resistances either at the faying interface or at the electrode interface has small effect on the nugget growth curve. Table 10.1 summarizes the effect of changes of the electrical contact properties on the nugget growth time. In table 10.1, the 40% increase used in the simulation was linearly interpolated to estimate the effect of a 10% change. Therefore, the values listed are one fourth of the value measured for the 40% range. Three parameters were derived as thermal characteristic parameters in chapter 2. Those were the ratio of heat transfer coefficient at the water cooling interface to the resistance, the ratio of contact heat transfer coefficient to the resistance and the ratio of contact heat transfer coefficient to the thermal conductivity of a bulk material. The effect of changes in all of these parameters was discussed in the previous section. The only remaining variable is the heat transfer coefficient at the coolant interface. - -268 It was seen in chapter 5 that the effect of coolant flow rate is small compared to the effect of electrode face thickness. The effect of flow rate becomes more important as the electrode thickness decrease to a certain threshold value. It may be useful to investigate the effect of electrode cooling on the nugget development mechanism. For this analysis it is necessary to investigate the heat transfer characteristic at the coolant interface. The electrode surface temperature measured in chapter 5 (see table 5.1) is generally high enough to make a gaseous or boiling boundary layer at the internal cooling surface particularly in the electrodes with small face thickness. If the higher temperature inside the electrode body is considered, the possibility of these types of boundary layer is even greater. In this case, as a transient problem, the temperature dependence of the heat transfer coefficient should be obtained first. Since heat transfer at the coolant interface is such a complicated problem, it was decided to leave this analysis for future work. 10.3 SENSITIVITY OF NUGGET GROWTH CURVE TO PARAMETERS The effect of variations in the basic parameters was illustrated in the previous section. The data listed in table 10.1 has information about the sensitivity of nugget growth to these variations. If a linear dependence of the difference in nugget growth time on the parameters is assumed in the range of 10% variation in these parameters, the following formula can be derived as an index of sensitivity, M. M= 5 {kb}- 10{clb}+7.5{C,}-2.5{L}+45{b}-25{I}+25{D} -0.01 {R }- 1.25{Rcorhc} (10.1) One other important assumption made in this formula is the additive effect of each variable. In general the effect should be multiplicative. However, for simplicity of comparison of the effect of each variable, the formula is written in additive form. The variables in the brackets represent the percent changes in that variable. The - - 269 coefficient of each variable is the sensitivity coefficient for that particular variable. The effect of contact resistance is splitted into the effect of contact resistance at the faying interface and the effect of contact resistance at the electrode interface. The sensitivity index, M, is an additive measure of the contribution of each variable. This formula is applicable only to the welding case considered in this simulation, that is the welding of low carbon steel with varying coating thickness. As an example, if the electrode radius is changes by 5%, the welding current needs to be increased by 9% for the same size nugget. In this formula, the most influential coefficient is the electrode size. Generally variations in the geometry have the greatest potential to influence the weldability. The effect of the electrically related variables generally has an influence on the current level. Increases in the resistance will reduce the current. If all the sensitivity coefficients related to electrical resistance are added, the sum is -12.5. This can be compared to the sensitivity coefficient of the welding current of -25. Thus, the effect of the current is roughly double the effect of the electrical resistance. Table 10.2 was constructed to show the effect of characteristic parameters derived in chapter 2. Using the data in table 10.1, the range of nugget development time was estimated for each characteristic parameter. In constructing this table it was assumed that the variation in the component is less than 10%, which was the range used in the simulation. Thus the results are only applicable to the particular case considered in this section. For example, the effect of maximum possible range. kb/ob and pCP/ab were calculated by considering the If the 10% increase in kb/Gb results from a change in kb the increase in weld time will be 0.5. However if the 10% change results from a 10% decrease of a,, the increase in nugget growth time becomes 1.0. Combining the effects of each variable in this manner, one can estimate a parameter index. This index can be used as a measure of the sensitivity of nugget growth to changes in the characteristic . parameters - - 270 Table 10.2 : Sensitivity Index for the Characteristic Parameters Increase in possible range of (by 10%) change in nugget growth time (cycle) kb/cb 0.5-1.0 PC P/ab 0.75-1.0 b/L 2 D/b 0.125-4.5 2.5-4.5 R /Rb o0.125-1.0 Rf/Rc' 0.001-0.125 hc/R 0.125-1.125 hC/kb 0.125-0.5 Among all these characteristic parameters, the geometrical parameters show the strongest effects. This table shows that the most important parameter is the ratio of contact size to the electrode size. The next is the ratio of electrode radius to the square of work piece thickness. The material parameters have intermediate importance. The electrical parameters and the thermal parameters show the least importance in this classification. This is true for the case of low carbon steel. However, if a larger variability of the electrical parameters and the thermal parameters is considered, these - - 271 parameters can be more important than the other parameters. As an example, even though the effect of the geometrical parameter is the strongest, if the variability of this parameter is very small, the effect of other parameters can be more important. 10.4 APPLICATION OF SENSITIVITY INDEX Welding of very thin zinc coated steel is known to be very difficult. believed to be due to the large b/L 2 and D/b value. another less important reason. As the This is The lower value of RC/Rb is an thickness becomes less more heat flows to the electrode. For ideal contact conditions this may help produce a sound nugget. In ideal case a larger heat transfer to electrodes will lower the-work piece temperature at the electrode interface making the temperature gradient in an axial direction steeper. This will help increase the temperature difference between faying interface and the electrode interface. Figure 6.22 shows the lower work piece temperature at the electrode interface of a thinner material. However as b/L 2 is large, the temperature difference between faying interface and electrode interface is very small as shown in figures from 6.14 to 6.16. In addition a mismatch or a tilted contact will localize the welding current distribution, resulting in a severely localized temperature. In the welding of thick material, this localization is believed to be dissipated very quickly due to the larger heat conduction path. For thin material, the conduction path is limited to nearly one dimension and rapid heat conduction from the hot spot is not possible. One good way to help reduce this problem is to increase the heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface while increasing the electrical contact resistance at the faying interface. It was seen in chapter 6 that the ratio of contact resistance at the faying interface to the contact resistance at the electrode interface is a very important parameter in the welding of thin materials. The desirable heat distribution pattern is the one which has the highest temperature at the faying interface, particularly at the nugget center. It was also discussed in section 9.3 and section 10.2 that the effect of contact size is the major factor in-determining the nugget growth characteristics. The larger contact area - - 272 will reduce the current density at the faying interface and will prevent the nugget from growing in a gradual way. More heat will generate at the electrode interface. Slower heating in a larger faying interfacial area decrease the temperature gradient in a radial direction and will make the nugget growth very abrupt. An experimental lobe for 0.6 mm thick G40 material was produced. Figure 10.12 shows the lobe curve of the original material containing zinc on both surfaces. This lobe curve has only a 0.5 kA lobe width when welded with 8 cycles. Figure 10.13 shows the lobe of the modified material. The zinc coating at the faying interface was etched away leaving a bare steel surface, but the zinc at the electrode interface remained. The purpose was primarily to decrease the contact size at the faying interface rather than to increase the contact resistance. One has seen that the effect of the contact resistance is much less than that of the contact size. The result shows that the lobe width increases by more than 250%. The heat distribution pattern reported by Kabasawa in figure 10.14 shows the different thermal behavior of the similar case of welding [10.3]. This figure clearly shows the differences in temperature evolution. As expected, the welding with zinc at the electrode interface shows a good welding behavior. The nugget starts from the center of the faying interface and grows gradually both in radial direction and in axial direction. As explained previously this is due either to the small contact area at the faying interface or to the larger heat conduction across the electrode interface. Since the zinc at the electrode interface enhances the heat transfer across the electrode interface, the temperature gradient in axial direction is steeper with lower work piece temperature at the electrode interface. The smaller contact area of a bare steel raise the faying interface temperature more rapidly at the center of faying interface. Thus a stable nugget growth is possible with a larger workable range. On the contrary, welding with zinc at the faying interface shows a higher temperature at the electrode interface at the early stages of welding. The bare steel contact at the electrode interface works as a greater thermal barrier. In addition, due to a larger contact area at the - - 273 faying interface, the heat generation rate is higher at the electrode interface. The combination of these two effects reduces the temperature gradient in both direction. Thus, a nugget starts with a larger size with shorter nugget growth time. The nugget thickness is also larger for this case. This means a smaller nugget envelope thickness and the higher susceptibility to an expulsion. 10.5 SUMMARY To summarize the following conclusions can be made. 1. The most important factor in determining the variability of nugget growth behavior is the ratio of contact radius to the electrode radius and the ratio of electrode radius to the square of specimen thickness. 2. The ease of welding bare steel is believed to be due to the small contact size rather than the high contact resistance. 3. The sensitivity of the nugget growth curve for each parameter was estimated. In general for a variation of 10%, the geometrical parameters are most important followed by the material parameters. parameters are the least important. The electrical parameters and the thermal (mm) 5- 3. 0-- N U 2. 5-G G E 2. 0-T R A 1. 5-D I U 1. 0 S 0. 5-- 0. 0 0- .5. U WELD TIME (CYCLES - .................. Figure 10.1 OF 60 Hz AC) 105% 100% 95% Effect of changes in the thermal conductivity .5... 4 (mm) 5- 3. - N U 2. G G E 2. 5-T R A 1. D I S t-3 1. 0-- C,' 0. 5-- -- O^f 1L 0 WELD TIME (CYCLES .................. Figure 10.2 OF 60 V Hz AC) 105% 95 100% % U Effect of changes in the electrical resistivity 12Z 14 I - - , R' NP 1. - - - , '- - , (mm) 3.5 3. N U 2. 5-G G E 2 T R A D 5-- I 1.' -4 U S 0. 5- .L 4 IU WELD TIME (CYCLES - .................. Figure 10.3 OF 60 Hz AC) 95% 105 100% Effect of changes in the heat capacity .L I2 / 0 % 0. L 14 (MM) 3. r. 3. I I ---- - 0-- -- N U 2. 5-G G E 2. 0T R A 1 5-D I 0-- - U S 0. 5-- 0. 0- 0 14 WELD TIME OF 60 Hz AC) 105% 110 (no nugget) 100% % ................-- (CYCLES -95% Figure 10.4 Effect of changes in the electrode diameter (mm) 3. 5- 3. 0-0N U 2. 5G G E 2. 0T R A D 5-- I S 0- ** 0. 5- 0. 00 10 WELD TIME (CYCLES .................. OF 60 Hz AC) 100% 95% 1 05 % U Figure 10.5 Effect of changes in the specimen thickness 12 -1 - -1 , t II e 11 0016 I (mm) 3. 0-N U 2. 5-G G E 2. 0 T R . A 1. 5-D I U 1 0-- S (0 0.5--- U-I I V I 10 0 WELD TIME (CYCLES OF 12 60 Hz AC) 100% .__ 95% ................. 1 05 - - - ---- 97% --------- 103% % 0. Figure 10.6 Effect of changes in the contact diameter at the faying interface 14 (mm) 3. 3. 5- -...... 0- ..-N U 2. 5-G G E 2. 0 T . R A 1 5-D I U S 0-00 0 0. 5-- 0. 10 0 12 4 (CYCLES .................. Figure 10.7 OF 60 Hz AC) 95% 1 05 100% % WELD TIME Effect of changes in the current level (mm) 3. 5- 3. 0-N U 2. G G E 2. 0. T R 5-- A D . I 1 U 0-- S 00 0. 5 0. -112 0 (CYCLES .............---. Figure 10.8 OF 60 Hz AC) 100% 120% 80 % WELD TIME Effect of changes in the electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface (small change) 1A 4 (mm) 3. 5- N U 2. 5-G G E 2. T - 3. 0---~- 0.- - R A 1. 5-D I U 1. S 0-- 0. 5-- I0 0 WELD TIME (CYCLES I / 0. 01 OF 60 Hz AC) 100% 5 times .................. Figure 10.9 10 times Effect of changes in the electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface (large change) 14 (mm) 5- 3. 0-N U 2. 5.G G E 2. T R A 1. 5-D I U 1. 0-- 00 S 0. 5- 0. 0U 10 TIME (CYCLES ................. OF 60 Hz AC) 100% 120% 80 % WELD Figure 10.10 Effect of changes in the electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface and at the electrode interface 14 (mm) 3. - 03. 5- N U 2. 5-G G E 2. 0 T R A 1. 5-D I U 1. 0--- 0. 5- 0. 00 10 WELD TIME (CYCLES .................. OF 60 12 Hz AC) 100% 120% 80 % S Figure 10.11 Effect of changes in the contact properties at the electrode interface 14 25- Material: G-40 Thikness: 0.60 mm Force: 500 lb Min Nugget Diam.: 0.15 Electrode Tip Diam.: 3/16 20- 15- m 10 00 cJ1 5- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CURRENT (KA) Figure 10.12 Lobe curve of 0.6 mm thick G40 hot dip galvanized steel 15 25G-40 Material: (Zn removed from faying interface) Thikness: 0.60 mm Force: 500 lb Min Nugett Diam.: 0.15 Electrode Tip Diam.: 3/16 " " 20- n) 15C) U10- 5- 08 9 10 11 12 13 14 CURRENT (KA) Figure 10.13 Lobe curve of modified 0.6 mm thick G40 hot dip galvanized steel (coating only on the electrode side)) 15 (EG 40/0 0 . 8 t) (I=8.OkA) (sec.) - Weld time 0.06 0.08 0.10 .I (after [10.41) - - 00 - - 288 11 CONCLUSION AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATION This study was performed to investigate the fundamental parameters controlling the weld lobe shape. For this purpose, a lumped parameter model was developed. Using this model, characteristic parameters which can influence the shape and the position of lobe curves were derived. To investigate the relative importance of these parameters, two numerical models were developed; the first was a one dimensional model, which was used to characterize the interfacial properties. two dimensional model. The second was an axisymmetric This model was used to investigate the mechanical contact behavior. This model was also used in the calculation of the nugget growth curve. The calculated nugget growth curves were compared to determine the relative importance of each parameter. investigated. The thermal and the electrical contact properties were also A new method was developed and was used to characterize the contact properties. The electrode temperature was also investigated. In this chapter the results from each part of the investigation are summarized. Using these conclusions, the practical importance of the results are discussed. 11.1 CONCLUSIONS Lumped Parameter Analyses 1. The ratio of the heat loss rate in the electrode compared to the heat loss rate in the work piece is a function of the electrode diameter divided by the square of the work piece thickness. This is an important geometrical parameter for spot welding. 2. The ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical resistivity and the ratio of heat capacity to electrical resistivity are material weldability of the material. parameters which are representative Increases in of the the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity of the sheet metal increase the lobe width while increases in the electrical resistivity decrease the lobe width. - - 289 3. The ratio of electrical contact resistance to the bulk resistance and the ratio of contact resistance at the faying interface to the contact resistance at the electrode interface are the most important electrical parameters for spot welding. Larger values of these parameters provide better weldability. 4. The ratio of the heat transfer coefficient at the cooling water interface to the electrical resistance and the ratio of the heat transfer coefficient at the electrode interface to the electrical resistivity are thermal parameters which are representative of spot welding. Increases in these parameters require higher energy inputs and produce wider lobe curves. 5. The wider lobe width of long time - low current welds is due to the gradual nugget growth behavior caused by the larger amount of total heat dissipation into the surrounding sheet and electrode at longer weld times as well the larger heat loss area of large nuggets. 6. There exists a threshold value for the load resistance below which the power generation in the work piece increases with an increase in the work piece resistance, R, and above which the power generation decreases with an increase in R Most spot welding machines work in the former region and hence increases in R increase the power to the work piece. For a doubling of R, the power may increase by 70%. 7. Small variations in the electrode-work piece thermal contact characteristics can result in great inconsistencies in the weldability of thin sheets. High Speed Cinematography Analyses 1. A significant thermal discontinuity exists at the electrode interface. 2. In high current welding, heat generation is usually asymmetric and highly localized in the early stages of welding. - - 290 3. The heating rate in the work piece, when welding hot dip galvanized and electrogalvanized steel, is slower than when welding galvannealed steel. 4. In the welding of zinc coated steel with a truncated cone electrode, nugget glow starts at the faying interface. In contrast, welding with dome type electrodes produces nugget glow which initiates at the electrode interface. Electrode Temperature 1. The maximum electrode temperature of an electrode with a conventional face thickness (8.5 mm) is 380 *C when electrogalvanized steel is welded with 10.6 kAmp. 2. It is 460 *C when welded with 12.6 kAmp. The maximum electrode face temperature can be reduced by 60 to 80 *C by optimizing the electrode face thickness and coolant flow rate. 3. There exists a critical electrode face thickness above which heat conduction across the electrode interface controls the maximum electrode temperature and below which convective heat transfer at the water coolant interface is rate limiting. 4. As coolant flow rate is increased, the time the electrode face surface experiences above a certain temperature can be reduced due to more rapid water cooling after the weld current is terminated. One Dimensional Simulation Welding 1. For a given tap and heat control setting in the welding machine, as the coating thickness increases, the induced welding current increases due to a lower contact resistance. However, the temperatures experienced by work piece and electrode decrease. This is due to a decreased power absorption of the materials with thicker coating. 2. The temperature differences in welding of materials with different coating morphology and specimen thickness are most pronounced at the faying interface. - - 291 3. As the electrode force increases, the temperature difference between materials decreases due to the decreased effect of the contact properties. 4. Thicker materials are less sensitive to contact characteristics due to the decreased ratio of contact resistance to the total resistance. 5. Thinner materials experience faster temperature rise and lose more heat to the electrodes. Interface Characterization 1 The contact heat transfer coefficient for material with zinc coating (coating weight from 0 g/m 2 to 100 g/m 2 ) ranges from 0.5 W/mm 2 *C to 2.0 W/mm 2 *C in the temperature range of 100 to 400 degrees centigrade. 2. The ratio of electrical contact resistivity at the faying interface to the electrical contact resistivity at the electrode interface is less than one when using bare steel and zinc coated steel. Contact Area 1. The ratio of contact radius at the faying interface to the electrode radius is about 1.2 at the start of welding. 2. There is a pressure concentration at the periphery of the faying interface contact and at the edge of the electrode. 3. Due to thermal expansion, the contact size and the pressure concentration at the periphery of the faying interface decreases during the course of welding. is believed to lead to expulsion. This If the current level is very high, the localized heat generation induces a local thermal expansion which results in very easy expulsion. This explains the tailing of the lobe curve in the high current short weld time region. - - 292 4. The electrode force has an affect not only on the contact interface properties but also on the contact area. Previously, the effect of electrode force in spot welding has been explained with regard to the electrical contact resistance. Little attention has been paid to the thermal conductance across the interface. 5. The contact area has a more important effect than the contact resistance at the faying interface. The contact area at the faying interface determines the current level and the ease of welding. Sensitivity Analyses 1. The most important factor in determining the variability of nugget growth behavior is the ratio of contact radius to the electrode radius and the ratio of electrode radius to the square of specimen thickness. 2. The ease of bare steel welding is believed to be due to the small electrical contact size at the faying interface rather than the high contact resistance. 3. The sensitivity of the nugget growth curve to each parameter was estimated. In general for a variation of 10%, the geometrical parameter is the most important followed by material parameters. The parameters of lowest importance are the electrical parameters and the thermal parameters. 11.2 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS As a first step in evaluating the spot weldability of a certain material the parameters in table 2.6 are good measures. It was seen in table 2.3 that the ratio of contact resistance to the bulk resistance can be representative of weldability. parameter is over a value of roughly 50, welding is difficult. resistance can result in premature surface expulsion. If the value for this Too high a contact Another important electrical parameter was the ratio of contact resistance at the faying interface to the contact resistance at the electrode interface. In general the greater the ratio is, the better is I - - 293 the weldability. If the contact resistance at the faying interface decays very rapidly, the contact resistance at the electrode interface is more significant. In addition, the contact resistance at the electrode interface is coupled with the contact heat transfer coefficient across the electrode interface. A lower contact resistance means higher heat transfer coefficient. Thus a lower contact resistance at this interface is preferable for a good weld. This suggests the importance of the surface condition and the electrode force for good weldability. There are many different sources of variation of the surface condition, such as the surface smoothness, surface contaminations by mill oil, rust and variation in the coating thickness. Changes in these parameters can affect the weldability greatly. This will cause problems of reproducibility and the repeatability during spot welding. Another source of variability in the contact properties is the electrode force. It was seen that the effect of electrode force on the temperature decreases as the electrode force increases in one dimensional simulation welding. It was also seen that the effect of electrode force is more important in the welding of thin materials. Generally speaking, the dynamic characteristic of a welding machine is different from machine to machine due to differences in the friction and mass of the moving parts, pressure system and the like. The contact heat transfer coefficient can increase by three fold by increasing the electrode force from 500 lbs to 650 lbs when welding both zinc coated and bare steel. In this respect it is very important to maintain a very well regulated force mechanism. As the data in table 8.1 shows, the heat transfer coefficient of a bare steel is slightly more dependent on the electrode force than zinc coated steels. However, the scatter of data in zinc coated materials are larger by approximately two fold. The variations in the thermal contact properties is strongly coupled with electrical contact properties. It was seen in one dimensional simulation welding that the induced weld current and the temperature profiles, particularly the temperature at the sheet to sheet contact, changes significantly with varying electrode forces. In general, the lobe data from one machine cannot be used with other welding machines due to these - - 294 variations in the dynamic force. As a counter measure it may be helpful to use the an electrode force on the high side of the acceptable range as long as indentation and electrode wear is not excessive. The electrode force affects not only the contact properties. It also has an effect on the change of contact size at the faying interface and the contact pressure during welding. It was seen that the contact pressure at the periphery of the contact decreases as welding progresses. This is directly related to expulsion of the nugget. Since the decrease in the contact pressure at the contact periphery is related to the thermal expansion in the electrode and in the work piece, the transient mechanical reaction of the electrode is believed to be very important in relation to expulsion phenomena. If the welding machine head is sluggish enough it does not follow the displacement produced by the thermal expansion particularly in the welding with an alternating current. This will help suppress the fluctuation in the contact pressure resulting in a more stable mechanical seal around the nugget. constant. Thus the expulsion limit can be maintained more This is particularly true when welding with high current. It was experimentally seen that asymmetric localization of heating is very prominent when welded with high current very short time. This localization is coupled with very rapid thermal expansion during high current welding. This will result in very easy expulsion, which is the reason why the lobe curve for expulsion and the lobe curve for the minimal nugget meets in the high current region. However, when welding with low current at longer weld times, i.e the intermediate current level and weld time, the nugget grows slowly losing more heat to the electrode and to the surrounding material. The pressure redistributes more evenly and a better mechanical seal is formed. Thus the nugget can grow in a more stable manner. However, if the current level is high as in welding of expulsion nugget, severe indentation will result and will limit the operational range of welding. If the current level is low as when making minimum nugget size welding, a sound mechanical seal can be obtained with a moderate nugget growth. Generally, with intermediate current level and weld time where the most -295- practical welding is performed, the major factors controlling the nugget formation will be the geometrical parameters along with the interface properties. If the weld time is very long with low current, the heat dissipation may exceed or balance with heat generation. Thus the shape of a lobe curve in this region is vertical showing no effect of weld time. Another reason can be the generic relationship between weld current and weld time. As was discussed in chapter 2, the lobe curve is the result of the square of weld current and the weld time and hence is a hyperbola. If this lobe curve on linear weld current and weld time axes, as is conventionally presented, the slope of a lobe curve becomes almost vertical in the very long weld time region. The ratio of thermal conductivity to the electrical resistivity can also be used as a first measure of spot weldability. It was seen that if the value for this ratio is over 100 as with copper, the weldability is very poor or even impractical. If it is too small as with Rene 41, it is also very difficult to make a weld. This means that a balance between heat generation and heat dissipation should be maintained for a good welding. It is impossible to control these properties in the field. These should be controlled during the material production stage. It was seen in the sensitivity analyses that even a 10% change in these properties can result in a one cycle difference in weld time. Care needs to be taken in the control of the chemical composition and also in the control of morphology during the material production stages, both of which influence this ratio. It was found that the most influential parameters in assessing the spot weldability are the geometrical parameters. The ratio of contact radius to the electrode radius was the most important. This ratio is directly related to the current density and thus to the heat generation rate. The heat generation rate at the electrode interface can be double the heat generation rate at the faying interface. However this phenomenon is not controllable for a given material. It is an inherent welding characteristic of a given material. This is particularly true for the materials with free zinc on the surface. Thus a material with large contact area is inherently difficult to weld. The abrupt nugget growth behavior of this type of material was explained in this study as being due to - - 296 the large contact size. As the nugget growth is very abrupt when welding materials with large contact area, there is virtually no difference in the weld current for the minimum nugget and the nominal nugget. The current range between the nominal nugget weld and the expulsion nugget weld for this type of material is also small due to the shallow temperature gradient across the specimen thickness. However a material with a small contact area will have a wider current range between the minimum nugget weld and the nominal nugget weld. The current range between nominal nugget and the expulsion weld is also large when welding materials with small contact area. The steeper temperature gradient across the specimen thickness helps reduce the temperature at the electrode interface and thus expulsion can be retarded. It was seen that materials with smaller contact area use lower weld current. This also helps expand the current range. As the weld current level decreases, the ratio of heat generation rate at the electrode interface to that at the faying interface decreases. Since the current density at the electrode interface is larger, the decreased ratio in heat generation rate means larger temperature differences between the faying interface and the electrode interface. The effect of large contact area is even worse if the specimen thickness is very small. The thinner material experiences a very shallow temperature gradient in the axial direction due to the small distance between the faying interface and the electrode interface. Thus gradual nugget formation is almost impossible. In this case, the nugget grows in a very abrupt manner resulting in a very narrow weldable current range. This phenomenon is generally true for welding of very thin material of any kind. As the geometrical parameter, b/L 2, shows, the thinner material is more dependent on the characteristics of the electrode interface. For better weldability of a thin material it is necessary to modify the axial temperature profile to produce a high temperature gradient. Two different methods can be contemplated in this respect: the first is modification of the faying interface. A reduction in contact area or an increase in the ratio of electrical contact resistance at the faying interface to the electrical contact resistance at the electrode interface is - - 297 beneficial. The second is tailoring of the axial temperature profile by modifying the current wave form. In this case heat is generated for a certain time and then the current is halted or reduced. The electrode interface cools down more quickly and the faying interface maintains its heat and hence a higher electrical resistance. reheating follows with successive cooling. Then This cycle is repeated till formation of a nugget starts. This scheme should be coupled with a method which enhances the heat flow at the electrode interface. As the data in table 8.1 shows, an electrogalvanized surface with a thick coating is a good candidate for this purpose. This type of zinc coating has a smaller electrical contact resistivity. A reduction of contact size can be made as was done in the previous section 10.4, where a bare steel surface was used at the faying interface. However this is not practical in terms of corrosion protection. Another possibility of decreasing the contact size is to use a galvannealed surface at the faying interface. As the contact heat transfer coefficient data in table 8.1 shows, the galvannealed steel has quite similar thermal contact characteristics as bare steel. For this reason the welding of galvannealed steel is generally reported to have the welding characteristics of bare steel. Thus a material with an electrogalvanized surface at the electrode interface and a galvannealed surface at the faying interface will be beneficial. Changes in electrode size were the most influential among all the basic variables. An increase of 10% in the electrode radius, which is generally smaller than the commonly observed increases in actual welding, delayed the nugget formation by 4 cycles. This is large enough to make the nugget formation impossible. As the electrode wears during the course of welding, which is not avoidable with conventional electrodes, it is necessary to design a new type of electrode. One good concept may be the composite electrode. By considering the thermal, mechanical and electrical behavior of the electrode materials the wear pattern may be modified to maintain a more constant electrode contact. A - - 298 Reference 1.1 Metals Handbook, American society for Metals, 8th ed., Vol 6, 1971. 1.2 D. W. Dickinson, 'Welding in the automotive industry', Report SG81-5, Committee of Sheet Steel Industries, AISI, Aug., 1981. 1.3 P. Howe, and S. C. Kelly, 'A comparison of the resistance spot weldability of bare, hot-dipped, galvannealed, and electrogalvanized DQSK sheet steels,' SAE paper 880280, 1988 1.4 'Development of a new resistance spot weldability test for coated sheet steel', Edition Welding Institute, Proposal No. A7127, May 16, 1988 1.5 T. V. Natale, S. G. Denner, 'A review of the resistance spot welding behavior of galvanized steel sheet,' Sheet Metal Welding Conference III, AWS, Oct., 1988. 1.6 H. A. Nied, 'The finite element modeling of the resistance spot welding process', Welding Journal, pp.123s-132s, April, 1984. 1.7 J. A. Greenwood, 'Temperatures pp.316-322, June, 1961. in spot welding', British Welding Journal, 1.8 A. F. Houchens, R. E. Page, W. H. Yang, 'Numerical modeling of resistance spot welding', Numerical modeling of manufacturing process, edited by R. F. Jones Jr., D. W. Taylor, H. Armen, J. T. Hong, ASME, pp.1 17-129, 1977. 1.9 W. Rice, E. J. Funk, 'An analytical investigation of the temperature distribution during resistance welding', Welding Journal, pp.175s-186s, April, 1967. 1.10 J. E. Gould, 'An experimentation of nugget development during spot welding, using both experimental and analytical technique', Welding Journal,, Jan., 1987. 1.11 G. R. Archer, 'Calculation for temperature response in spot welds', Welding Journal, pp.327s-330s, Aug., 1960. 1.12 K. P. Bentry, J. A. Greenwood, P. McK Knowlson, R. G. Baker, 'Temperature distribution in spot welds', British Welding Journal, pp.613-619, Dec., 1963. 1.13 D. W. Dickinson, J. E. Franklin, A Stanya, 'Characterization of spot welding behavior by dynamic electrical parameter monitoring', Welding Journal, pp.170s-176s, June, 1980. 1.14 S. P. Owusu-Ofori, S. M. Wu, 'Signature analysis of contact voltage of resistance welds', Welding Journal, pp.185s-189s, July, 1983. 1.15 S. Nakada, M. Nishikawa, M. Kawasaki, J. Horie, M. Juri,'In-process quality control of spot weld by detecting voltage between electrode tips', Proceedings of international conference on welding research in the 1980's, Section B, pp.251-256, International Conference Committee, Osaka, Japan, Sep., 1980, 1.16 J. Kelly, P. M. Knowlson, 'The BWRL quality monitor and spot-welding galvanized steel sheet - an evaluation', Welding Journal, pp.I14s-120s, March 1967. - - 299 1.17 D. G. Waters, K. -C. Lee, R. J. Mayhan, D. W. Dickinson, 'A microcomputer based sensor system for resistance welding studies', Conference Proceedings, Sheet Metal Welding Conference, Paper No.13, AWS, 1984. 1.18 J. M. O'Brien, 'Adaptive feedback control for galvanized welding', Conference Proceedings, Sheet Metal Welding Conference, Paper No.26, AWS, 1984. 1.19 I. L. Hawkins, 'Superior quality production spot welding using adaptive control', Conference Proceedings, Sheet Metal Welding Conference, Paper No. 22, AWS, 1984. 1.20 D. K. Watney, G. L. Nagel, 'Forms of dynamic resistance curves generated during resistance spot welding', IIW Doc. No. 111-823-85, IIW, 1985. 1.21 W. F. Savage, E. F. Nippes, F.A. Wassell, 'Static contact resistance of series spot welds', Welding Journal, pp.365s-370s, Nov., 1977. 1.22 W. F. Savage, E. F. Nippes, F. A. Wassel, 'Dynamic contact resistance of series spot welds', Welding Journal, pp.43s-50s, Feb., 1978. 1.23 J. G. Kaiser, G. J. Dunn, T. W. Eagar, 'The effect of electrical resistance on nugget formation during spot welding', Welding Journal, pp.167s-174s, June, 1982. 1.24 S. A. Gedeon, 'Resistance spot welding of galvanized steel sheet', M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984. 1.25 S. Bhattacharya, D. R. Andrews, 'Resistance-weld quality monitoring', Sheet Metal Industries, pp.460-466, July,1972, 1.26 G. L. Nagel, A. Lee, 'A new approach to spot weld feedback control', SAE 880371,1988. 1.27 A. Lee, and G. L. Nagel, 'Basic phenomena in resistance spot welding', SAE 880277, 1988 1.28 J. A. Greenwood, J. B. P. Williamson, 'Electrical conduction in solids, II. Theory of temperature-dependent conductors', Proc. of Royal Society of London, A246, 1958. 1.29 R. J. Bowers, T. W. Eagar, 'Non-uniform current distribution in spot welding', Conference Proceedings, Sheet Metal Welding Conference, Paper No.15, AWS, 1986. 1.30 K. Nishiguchi, K. Matsuyama, 'Influence of current wave form on nugget formation phenomena in spot welding of thin sheet', IIW doc. No. 111-805-85, IIW, 1985 1.31 B. M. Brown, 'A comparison of AC and DC resistance welding of automotive steels', Welding Journal, pp.18-23, Jan., 1987. 1.32 M. Kimchi, 'Spot weld properties when welding with expulsion - a comparative study', Welding Journal, pp.58s-63s, Feb., 1984. 1.33 K. Nishiguchi, 'A study on surface expulsion phenomenon and its suppression in series spot welding', IIW Doc. 111-637-80, IIW, 1980. 1.34 J. E. Gould, W. A. Peterson, 'Electrode life parametric study', Sheet Metal Welding Conference III, AWS, OCT., 1988. - - 300 2.1 see reference 1.30 2.2 see reference 1.8 2.3 see reference 1.24 2.4 Y. S. Touloukian et al, 'Thermophysical properties of matter, metallic elements and alloys', Plenum, 1973. 2.5 see reference 1.10 2.6 see reference 1.23 2.7 K. C. Wu, 'RSW of high contact-resistance surfaces for weldability,' Welding Journal, pp. 4365-4435, Dec. 1975. 2.8 see reference 1.27 2.9 L. S.-Y. Yen, G.B. Hunter, T. W. Eagar, 'RSW of super alloys', progress report #1 to G.E. MPL, MIT. 2.10 ASM Handbook, Vol. 1, 8 ed. 2.11 Smithells, Metal reference book, 5th ed., Butterworths, 1978. 2.12 Resistance welding products, Contacts Metals Welding inc., 1984 2.13 G. McPherson, An introduction to electrical machines and transformers, John Wiley & Sons, 1981. 3.1 see reference 2.4 3.2 Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, 8th ed., Vol 1, 1961. 3.3 see reference 2.11 3.4 D. D. Peckner, I. M. Bernstein, Handbook of stainless steel, McGraw-Hill Co., 1977 3.5 T. Satoh, J. Katayama, and H. Abe, 'Temperature distribution and breakdown of oxide layer during resistance spot welding using a two-dimensional model, Report 1, Journal of Japan Welding Society, pp.38-48, Vol.39, No.1, 1970 3.6 T. Satoh, J. Katayama, and H. Abe, 'Temperature distribution and breakdown of oxide layer during resistance spot welding using a two-dimensional model, Report 2, Journal of Japan Welding Society, pp.124-137, Vol.39, No.2, 1970 3.7 W. R. Upthegrove, and J. F. Key, 'A high speed photographic analysis of spot welding', Welding Journal, pp.23s-244s, May, 1972 3.8 C. T. Lane. C. D. Sorensen, G. B. Hunter, S. A. Gedeon, and T. W. Eagar, 'Cinematography of resistance spot welding of galvanized steel sheet', Welding Journal, pp.260s-265s, Sep., 1987 3.9 Tempil Division, Big Three Industries, Inc. I -301- 3.10 C. D. Sorensen, M. L. Lin, J. Putnam, T. W. Eagar, 'Resistance spot welding of superalloys', Final report to General Electric, Material Processing Center, MIT, 1986. 3.11 T. W. Eagar, 'Spot welding of galvanized steel', Progress report to GM, ILZRO, Ford, Material Processing Center, MIT, May 16, 1987. 4.1 see reference 1.24 6.1 see reference 1.24 6.2 T. V. Natale, 'A comparison of resistance spot weldability of hot dip and electrogalvanized sheet steel', SAE Technical Paper 860435, 1986. 6.3 see reference 1.3 6.4 see reference 2.11 6.5 see reference 3.11 7.1 Geiger, Poirier, Transport phenomena in metallurgy, Addison Wesley, 1973. 7.2 see reference 2.4 7.3 see reference 2.10 7.4 see reference 2.11 7.5 Y. Iwamura, E. F. Rybicki, ' A transient elastic plastic thermal stress analyses of flame forming', Journal of Engineering of Industry, Feb., 1973. 8.1 J. P. Homlman, Heat transfer, 4th ed., 1976. 8.2 B. B. Mikic, 'Thermal contact conductance; theoretical consideration', Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.17, pp.205-214, 1974. 8.3 J. E. Gould, D. H. Cambell, 'The effect of conducting primers on the resistance spot weldability of automotive type sheet steels', Sheet Metal Welding Conference III, AWS, Oct., 1988. 8.4 see reference 1.27 8.5 R. Holm, Electrical contacts, 4th ed., Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1967. 9.1 see reference 2.12 9.2 see reference 3.11 10.1 see reference 8.3 10.2 see reference 1.27 10.3 M. Kabasawa, Y. Matsuda, I. Watanabe, 'Resistance spot weldability of coated steel sheets', IIW Doc. 111-837-86, International Institute of Welding, July, 1986.