Wind Power Kolumnentitel Wind Trade: The London Array and Its Market Conditions From planning and commissioning to the political environment, London Array as the world’s largest offshore wind power plant illustrates some important points about the dynamics in the offshore wind investment market. Text: Dennis White Illustration: Christoph Ohanian T wenty kilometers off the coast of England’s Kent and Essex counties, where the Thames flows into the North Sea, the world’s largest offshore wind power plant has been developed. The power output of the 175 turbines of Phase 1 of the London Array project is 630 megawatts on average and should produce enough energy to power half a million homes in the UK, while saving about 925,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, which equals the emissions of 300,000 passenger cars. Building London Array has been an impressive achievement in itself (see p. 78). But an equally interesting question is what London Array says about the current state of 76 Living Energy · No. 9 | December 2013 investment in offshore wind power across Europe and about what we might be able to expect in the future. Offshore wind benefits from economies of scale. Larger sites with more wind turbines have the same development, consenting, and site setup costs as smaller projects. Large projects make best use of specialist vessels and turbine installation speeds up as crews learn. The Crown Estate, the landlord of the sea in Great Britain, believes London Array to be the most efficiently constructed wind farm to date. But size presents a financial challenge. Projects cost billions of euros, and raising the money is beyond u Living Energy · No. 9 | December 2013 77 Wind Power How the London Array Was Built It took 12 years from a series of environmental studies in the outer Thames estuary until power began to flow from London Array in October 2012. But, though the planning and authorization stages are of course necessary, in opening the offshore plant this year, British Prime Minister David Cameron rightly paid homage to those who had in just two years carried out its construction: “This project has been built by some of the bravest seamen, some of the most talented engineers, some of the hardest workers.” Chris Randle is the Siemens senior project manager who helped manage this feat, although like Cameron, he is quick to credit the team that he led from Siemens Wind Power – “a vast team of experts from 16 countries; over 400 people, including health and safety, quality, finance, engineering, legal, planning, logistics, technicians, and vessel specialists who worked towards the single goal of making this project a success, an incredible team effort by all,” and also the client team, representing London Array’s three owners, and colleagues from Siemens Energy Transmission and Siemens Renewables Service who all worked to make this happen. of components in line with the program and critical path, such as the installation vessel load-out dates. The following stage was transport and construction. The largest items – turbine towers, blades, nacelles – embarked from Esbjerg port in Denmark. Effective planning and coordination made this process relatively easy to manage, while installation can be a more challenging process due to the nature of the works and the conditions offshore. For London Array, two specialized jack-up installation vessels were required – each designed for different water depths – which lower their jack-up legs into the seabed, then raise the hull above the waves for a solid working platform. They can only operate up to a certain level of sea state – and installation of each turbine can take between 6 and 22 hours of continuous work, often in harsh conditions. As Michael Hannibal, CEO of Offshore EMEA at Siemens Wind Power in Denmark, puts it, “the wind will later be your best friend, but first it is your worst enemy.” While the Array’s components were ready to ship from Esbjerg in November, rough weather meant they couldn’t actually leave port until the following January. Looking back on this, his first offshore wind farm, Randle lays out the key stages of construction. The first involved clarification and understanding, as client and contractor got to know one another and the work ahead. Randle’s advice is to “actively engage early and create an open, honest, and collaborative culture,” and they began doing this at a series of workshops. With this basis, the Siemens and client teams proceeded to detailed planning. This is extensive, given that 175 turbines had to be placed into an area equivalent to 7,200 football pitches, with water depths up to 25 meters, as well as areas that dry out at low tide – all subject to unpredictable seas. Three substations were also required – including two at sea, each weighing around 1,250 tonnes – in order to deliver power to the grid. After installation on the foundations supplied and installed by others, the turbines are individually commissioned. The crew for this stage is located on a hotel ship offshore and transferred to the turbines via small transfer vessels – for London Array, it took only six months in total to commission all 175 turbines – an amazing achievement when considering most of the commissioning work took place in the winter season. At the same time, the grid connections are being established and the control system installed. The maritime substations bundle the power that the turbines generate and transmit it via the array cables to the offshore substations and then via four high-voltage subsea export cables, almost 50 kilometers to the mainland substation at Cleve Hill in Kent. Randle admits that the final stage of “energization” is “hugely satisfying.” It was celebrated with the client, subcontractors, and suppliers at a barbecue at the Siemens onshore construction management facility. The cornerstone of success has been the positive attitude, enthusiasm, and collaboration between many human interfaces. Randle concedes that there were “daily challenges and several influences that effected the project deliverables during construction,” but counsels: “Projects, like any relationship, need open, honest communication and for you to put yourself in the perspective of the other.” Next, the Array’s extensive components were manufactured and preassembled. Randle explains that “delivering so many components, especially during difficult economic times, placed additional strain on subsuppliers. It was vital Siemens kept a close dialog with all of the parties involved in component production” by effectively monitoring and working with the large supplier base. If an issue arose, Siemens was able to step in with resources, equipment, tools, and management to secure the delivery 78 Living Energy · No. 9 | December 2013 the capacity of a single developer or even utility. London Array brings together three investors: DONG Energy (50 percent stake), E.ON (30 percent stake), and Masdar (20 percent stake). Typically, projects in Britain are developed on the balance sheet by a consortium of equity investors, and then construction finance (debt) is provided by a group of banks. Usually, each bank will lend at most €150 million, and they will expect the equity investors to raise around 40 percent of the total cost. Often, state-backed banks like the European Investment Bank or export credit agencies are also involved. This makes financing a large offshore wind farm a complex exercise in financial engineering. Each of the lenders will want to analyze every possible risk and secure agreements that show exactly who is responsible and what insurance is in place. High Winds Bring Many Challenges Offshore wind projects naturally present many physical challenges. Since they are positioned in windy places, the seas can be rough. The scale and size of offshore wind farms and the dynamic nature of the technology involved puts them amongst the most challenging energy projects in the world. The entire construction process involves many suppliers, who have challenging milestones to reach. Detailed planning is vital. Michael Liebreich of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, a keen observer of the market, comments on how real an issue this can be in financial terms in the North Sea: “With one stormy summer, you can lose a year.” That can equate to a considerable sum, given that the total construction cost of London Array was around £2 billion. The same weather variability creates further risk for power production. Financiers have to factor these risks into their models. Fortunately, Siemens has more experience of successfully managing such risks than any other supplier. The choice of key suppliers and even the experience of key staff can make a difference in the willingness of banks to lend to a project. This is a significant advantage for all parts of Siemens involved in offshore wind. Different countries have different market structures for electricity. In Germany, the feed-in tariff paid to renewable generators can bring the risk of “negative” prices for traders and grid operators. “Market risk” on top of construction risk would drive up the cost of wind projects. In Great Britain, the coalition government has spent three years developing a new reaching up to US$2.8 billion annually. Alternately, it may lead to the involvement of different (risk- and reward-hungry) investors in the construction phase compared to (more risk-averse) investors in the relatively safer operational phase. Location, Location, Location The next feature to note is London Array’s location. With 4.6 gigawatts of offshore capacity, operating or in construction, the UK has captured “A pipeline of projects since 2000 has brought volume to the industry, allowing offshore to industrialize.” Michael Hannibal, CEO of Offshore EMEA at Siemens Wind Power regime to support low-carbon generation that will be introduced from 2014. The new Contract for Difference (CfD) sets a known strike price for future electricity from the wind farm. Removing market risk allows lower-cost sources of finance like pension funds to lend to offshore wind projects. This will be vital for the UK, given the scale of its ambitions for offshore wind. A large utility may self-insure against these possibilities, diversifying risk by taking shares in a range of projects in different locations and jurisdictions. But the range of investors is widening, and now includes funds with low-carbon mandates as well as pension funds that require stable dividend yields. This is stimulating demand for insurance. According to Swiss Re, by the end of this decade, a 50 percent rise in renewable investment will produce more than a doubling of insurance in the world’s six leading renewable energy markets, almost 60 percent of the world’s total offshore wind investment. Almost three-quarters of the capacity installed in the EU in 2012 was in the UK. Michael Hannibal, CEO of Offshore EMEA at Siemens Wind Power in Denmark, explains: “The UK really made a market, with a pipeline of projects since 2000 that has brought volume to the industry, allowing offshore to industrialize.” Several factors drive this. The first is the British government’s target of sourcing 33 percent of its electricity from renewable power by 2020 (compared to 11 percent at present), which will both help reduce climate change and increase UK energy security, given that the fuel is neither imported nor correlated with commodity prices. The government hopes that up to 18 gigawatts of offshore wind will be onstream by 2020. None of the main parties in the UK are seeking specific renewables targets beyond 2020, but all are committed by the 2008 Cli- u Living Energy · No. 9 | December 2013 79 Wind Power 80 Living Energy · No. 9 | December 2013 Siemens’ scope of supply Siemens provided the turbine technology, grid connections, and onshore and offshore substations as well as ongoing operations and maintenance services. Siemens Wind Power supplied, installed, and commissioned the 175 turbines for Phase 1: 175 x SWT-3.6-120 wind turbines 58.5-meter blades of fiberglass-reinforced epoxy cast in a single piece Each turbine self-starts when the wind reaches 3–5 per hour) and can withstand a three-second gust of m/s (16 kilometers 70m/s. If the wind exceeds 25m/s, the High Wind Ride Through feature ensures the turbines will continue operating, but reduces the produced power. The wind turbines are explicitly designed for offshore use, including increased anticorrosion elements. Nacelle weight: 145 tonnes Tower height: 90 meters Rotor diameter: 120 meters The total height to blade tip is The cost of offshore wind energy has dropped by 40 percent every ten years. 147 meters, higher than the London Eye, which has a diameter of 135 meters. Connecting to the grid The two offshore substations’ electrical systems and onshore substation work were designed and built by Siemens Energy Transmission. Operations and maintenance A warranty and five-year turbine servicing contract are provided. Siemens’ Renewables Service team, based at the recently opened London Array operations and maintenance base, will provide O&M services for the next five years. Setting Cost-Reduction Goals But as with any new technology, there is uncertainty regarding the future. Despite the UK’s good record to date, policy risk remains. All three main UK political parties support offshore wind in different degrees. The Energy Bill, which paved the way for the CfD, received the strongest vote of any bill in this parliament; only 8 out of 650 members of parliament voted against it. The prospect of shale gas has been widely discussed, but politicians recognize it will not significantly change the price of gas or how much can be burnt within the carbon bud- Photo: Siemens mate Change Act to an 80 percent reduction in CO2 by 2050. The Act requires governments to set Carbon Budgets that will achieve the 2050 target. This means that the electricity sector in Great Britain must fully decarbonize by the mid-2030s. Next, the country’s eastern coastline offers good wind conditions and shallow water depths, unlike the Atlantic drop-off to the West. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg stated in July of this year: “As an island nation, and with our weather, you could say it was technology designed for us.” Then, as Michael Liebreich points out, the UK grid is well managed, helping it deal with the volatility of wind generation. Furthermore, Liebreich claims that whereas Spain and the Czech Republic have seen governments backtracking on previous promises on renewable tariffs, contracts are more sacrosanct in northern Europe. Great Britain has been more consistent in encouraging the development of the wind industry, but significant details of the CfD still remain to be finalized to encourage investment. Siemens has a significant footprint in offshore wind in Great Britain and has been involved in 13 offshore developments to date across three businesses representing technology, grid, and service. Siemens has also invested £9 million in an integrated service technician training center in the northeast of England, incorporating a dedicated wind power training school. Almost 900 people are employed in Siemens’ Renewables Service business, whose technicians service over half the UK’s wind generating capacity. Siemens’ Energy Transmission business has built a new Renewable Energy Engineering Centre in Manchester. Subject to the continued development of the market and the necessary customer orders, Siemens plans to develop production facilities on the east coast. The government’s recently produced “Industrial Strategy for Offshore Wind” forecasts that continued growth in the industry could create up to 30,000 jobs by 2020. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Kolumnentitel gets. Reducing the cost of offshore wind and therefore its reliance on government is the best way to ensure a future for the industry. Offshore wind costs have fallen steadily. As Michael Hannibal explains, “each decade, we have reduced the cost of energy by 40 percent. So far, this has mainly been through turbine development, but looking ahead, we will need other innovations.” The future cost trajectory is subject to debate, however. The UK government and the industry agree that a target of £100 per megawatt-hour by 2020 is achievable, compared to perhaps £140 now, of which turbines represent around 40 percent of the investment cost. Hannibal believes €100 per megawatt-hour is attainable by 2020, with improvements expected in the balance of plant, such as concerning the foundations and electrical infrastructure. But Liebreich’s colleague, Justin Wu, thinks that £118–120 is more likely, citing bottle- necks for items such as installation ships, as projects move ever further offshore. However, positive signs are also in evidence. Siemens has entered into a framework contract with DONG Energy for 300 offshore turbines. This milestone marks a clear evolution from the project-by-project basis that has guided manufacturing until now to a standardized serial production basis. The success of London Array shows politicians, investors, and the public what offshore wind can achieve. More projects like this in Great Britain and elsewhere will cement Siemens’ market leadership and help the industry deliver its potential as a major contributor to a low-carbon future. p “As an island nation, and with our weather, you could say it was technology designed for us.” Nick Clegg, British Deputy Prime Minister Dennis White is a London-based business and technology journalist specializing in energy markets. His work has been published by several leading British media outlets. Living Energy · No. 9 | December 2013 81