Lifetime Extension for SIEMENS Gas Turbines

Lifetime Extension
SIEMENS Gas Turbines
VX 4.2
VX 4.3
VX 4.3A
Guido Lipiak
Susanne Bussmann
Christopher Steinwachs
Andreas Lüttenberg
Power-Gen Europe 2006
30 May – 1 June 2006, Cologne, Germany
© Siemens AG 2006. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Objectives of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension ..................................................................4
Why SIEMENS Lifetime Extension? .............................................................................5
The Maintenance Concept............................................................................................... 7
4.1 Maintenance Intervals .............................................................................................7
4.2 SIEMENS Lifetime Extension (LTE) ..................................................................... 9
The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program ................................................................10
Gas Turbine Frame-Specific LTE Analyses .........................................................10
Unit-Specific LTE Analyses .................................................................................14
Modernizations and Upgrades (MODs & UPs) ....................................................15
LTE Planning ........................................................................................................15
Implementation of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Measures .......................................18
© Siemens AG 2006. All rights reserved.
Lifetime Extension for SIEMENS Gas Turbines
Dipl.-Ing. Guido Lipiak, Siemens Power Generation, Gas Turbine Field Service
Engineering, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr/Germany
Susanne Bussmann, Student of Communication Science, University of Applied Sciences,
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Steinwachs, Siemens Power Generation, Gas Turbine Field Service
Engineering, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr /Germany
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Lüttenberg, Siemens Power Generation, Gas Turbine Field Service
Engineering, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr /Germany
The worldwide demand for power grows faster than the world population. SIEMENS Power
Generation develops and builds combined cycle (gas and steam) power plants and power plant
components for all energy resources. SIEMENS gas turbines are renowned for their high
availability and reliability as well as high power output at low emissions.
With a lifetime expectancy of a combined cycle power station of 30 to 40 years, the gas turbine by far exceeds the design lifetime. Essential components of the SIEMENS VX4.2,
VX4.3 and VX4.3A gas turbines - especially the components of the hot gas path and rotor –
are designed for an operating time of 100,000 equivalent operating hours (EOH, for short) or
3,000 starts. Well founded and realistic lifetime concepts are required to keep the costs over
the entire lifetime to a minimum.
Figure 1 SIEMENS Power Station Ambarli, Turkey, 6 x V94.2 (Source : Siemens PG)
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Objectives of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension
To assure reliable and safe operation of the gas turbine even beyond the design lifetime of the
components, SIEMENS has developed the "Lifetime Extension" program (LTE program, for
short). Within the LTE program recommendations are made to the gas turbine operator; the
recommendations are developed based on the original design of gas turbine frames VX4.2,
VX4.3, VX4.3A, the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) fleet operating experience and
the specific characteristics of the gas turbine, such as operating mode and unit history.
This paper will explain how SIEMENS arrives at the recommendations for lifetime extension
measures, and how these measures are subsequently planned and implemented.
Objectives of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension
The objective of the LTE program is to give the operators of SIEMENS VX4.2, VX4.3 and
VX4.3A gas turbines an opportunity to operate the gas turbine beyond the limited design lifetime of the gas turbine components. The LTE measures are to assure high availability, reliability and safety for another lifetime of 100,000 EOH or 3,000 starts.
Figure 2 Trend of Siemens Gas Turbine Frames with Respect to EOH (Source: Siemens PG)
The EOH – a combination of fired hours and start/stop cycles and additional influencing factors like fuel composition or water/steam injection – are only one criterion to estimate the life-
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Why SIEMENS Lifetime Extension?
time consumption of the gas turbine components. Operated at base load, a gas turbine reaches
100,000 EOH after approximately 12 years.
A systematic and uniform course of action for cost-effective evaluation of the SIEMENS gas
turbines is required because the number of VX4.2, VX4.3, and VX4.3A machines that will
exceed 100,000 EOH in the near future increases steadily (refer to Figure 2).
The benefits of the measures derived from the SIEMENS Lifetime Extension by far outweigh
the relatively small expenditure for the LTE study.
Implementation of the LTE measures does not only significantly reduce the operating risk of
the unit, but also significantly decreases potential downtimes due to unscheduled outages or
additional maintenance activities. Significant portions of power and efficiency, which had experienced a reduction during the first 100,000 EOH due to wear and aging, can be regained.
The maintenance concept itself will not be modified; future maintenance costs can be predicted. The lower operating risk may also have a positive effect on the insurability of the machine.
Why SIEMENS Lifetime Extension?
The lifetime of SIEMENS gas turbines is limited, and primarily depends on the type of operating regime (base load, medium load or peak load), utilized fuel, firing temperature and ambient conditions. The gas turbine frame specific design of wear parts in the hot gas path as
well as maintenance intervals and quality play a key role.
Gas turbine components are exposed to stress caused by temperature or static and dynamic
loading like creep, low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and high-cycle fatigue (HCF), erosion, oxidation
and high temperature corrosion as well as mechanical stress and wear. The limitations for useful service life are in the majority of cases based on the load capability of the components exposed to the highest stress or temperatures. Each type of stress causes characteristic damage
which may occur individually or in a combination (refer to Figure 3).
The main components of SIEMENS gas turbines – specifically the components of the hot gas
path and the rotor – are designed for 100,000 EOH or 3,000 starts based on the stress they are
subjected to (refer to Table 1).
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Why SIEMENS Lifetime Extension?
Erosion &
Mechan. Stress
Corrosion &
Low Cycle Fatigue
Figure 3 Examples of Effects Causing Aging in Turbines
Exceptions are components that are refurbished earlier during scheduled maintenance outages
or because they are considered wear parts (e.g. 1st stage blades or ceramic heat shields).
Table 1 Design Criteria and Life Expenditure Effects
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The Maintenance Concept
The Maintenance Concept
Wear is the price paid for the use of a device or a unit. The objective of maintenance therefore
is not only to recognize the wear, but to influence it and create new reserves by repairing the
components or unit (refer to DIN 31 051). Reliable operation of the gas turbine is not feasible
without inspection and potentially re-establishing these wear reserves at inspections and major
overhauls. Inspections are performed to determine the condition of the machine and to define
condition-related corrections and repairs to protect the operator against unscheduled outages,
secondary damage, and loss of operation.
4.1 Maintenance Intervals
Gas turbine components are subjected to a series of inspections and maintenance inspections
at specified intervals:
Figure 4 Maintenance Intervals of SIEMENS Gas Turbines
Components deteriorate as a function of time and temperature (creep processes, corrosion and
oxidation) and also due to cyclic processes (high-cycle fatigue HCF, low-cycle fatigue LCF
and thermo-mechanic fatigue TMF). SIEMENS determines the inspection intervals of the
VX4.2, VX4.3 and VX4.3A gas turbines based on equivalent operating hours (EOH) of the
Maintenance inspection intervals are the basis for safe and disturbance-free unit operation.
SIEMENS gas turbines are subject to different maintenance intervals over the course of their
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The Maintenance Concept
operating time. The intervals, i.e. time between inspections and major overhauls, depend on
the specified maintenance concept. The inspections are performed according to a Checklist.
Currently, there are two basic maintenance inspection concepts [2]:
Figure 5 SIEMENS Maintenance Inspection Concepts
Minor Inspection
Hot Gas Path Inspection
Major Overhaul
Lifetime Extension Inspection
25 33 41
Minor Inspection (MI)
The minor inspection comprises the visual inspection of the accessible regions of the machine, the compressor and turbine inlet, the combustion chamber and the exhaust.
Optionally, non-accessible regions may be examined using borescopes.
The minor inspection includes the examination of various external gas turbine components.
Hot Gas Path Inspection (HGPI)
The turbine is opened for the hot gas path inspection. Based on the findings, the vanes and
blades of the turbine are inspected, refurbished or replaced based on the maintenance concept.
Various non-destructive examinations (NDE) are performed to determine the condition of the
essential components.
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The Maintenance Concept
Figure 6 HGPI of SIEMENS VX4.3A Gas Turbines
Major Overhaul (MO)
At a major overhaul, the compressor casing is removed and all compressor blades are inspected, as necessary and according to the checklist. The coated compressor front stages are
refurbished. The compressor guide vane carrier and the inlet casing are inspected as well.
Non-destructive examinations (NDE) and detailed visual inspections are performed, the rotor
is removed from the machine.
Figure 7 MO of SIEMENS VX4.3A Gas Turbines
4.2 SIEMENS Lifetime Extension (LTE)
The maximum number of EOH reached by a gas turbine in the course of a calendar year essentially depends on the number of starts and the service factor (fired hours) of the unit. Consequently, the time at which a gas turbine should be subjected to an LTE analysis varies between 12 and 25 years.
The scope of the LTE inspection exceeds the scope of the major overhaul. The rotor must be
destacked in order to re-qualify the forged rotor components. New mechanized non-destructive examination (NDE) methods have been developed and qualified to detect critical defects
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
in the volume of service-stressed forgings. Potential LTE measures, for example, are additional visual and non-destructive examinations (NDE) like ultrasonic, eddy current and magnetic flux testing. Tailor-made recommendations for implementation of modifications and upgraded products as well as condition based repair and replacement of components are implemented in the course of the LTE inspection.
The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
The SIEMENS LTE program allows evaluation of gas turbine components with respect to potential remaining lifetime and is therefore the basis for subsequent LTE recommendations.
Unit-specific conditions and operator requests are taken into consideration as well. The
SIEMENS LTE program comprises the examination of each gas turbine frame and the unitspecific analysis of the individual gas turbine.
recommendations for potential
(MODs & UPs) are discussed,
specifically with respect to the
components that should be replaced in the course of the
LTE measures. The gas turbine
operator subsequently has the
Figure 8 LTE on a V94.2 , Source Siemens PG
implemented by SIEMENS Field Service Personnel to extend the lifetime of the gas turbine
for another 100,000 EOH, or only for another interval.
5.1 Gas Turbine Frame-Specific LTE Analyses
SIEMENS implemented frame-specific LTE analyses for the individual gas turbine frames,
i.e. VX4.2, VX4.3 and VX4.3A, based on component design lifetime and the fleet operating
experience. Design-dependent recommendations for LTE measures applicable for the affected
components were determined in gas turbine frame specific LTE programs. As a result, LTE
Checklists for Lifetime Extension Inspections and LTE measures have been prepared in addition to the frame-specific Major Overhaul Checklists.
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
Within the scope of the frame-specific LTE analyses, all essential design groups of the three
gas turbine frames were examined and evaluated with respect to further operation of another
100,000 EOH or 3,000 Starts. This examination and evaluation took place in the course of the
Component Review and Component Analysis.
Component Review
Components for which further operation to 200,000 EOH is considered critical are determined
on the basis of their design and design data, and the SIEMENS gas turbine fleet operating experience.
Example of Component Review on a SIEMENS V94.2 Gas Turbine:
The Component Review of a SIEMENS V94.2 gas turbine starts with selecting the components that are subject to lifetime limitation due to creep and LCF/HCF, corrosion/erosion, and
others, for example:
Figure 9 Selected Components at Component Review
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
The following decisions must be made for the selected components:
Figure 10 Component Review
Component Analysis
The lifetime limitation of individual components is determined in the scope of the "Component Analysis". Main components such as rotor disks and hollow shafts, compressor and turbine vane carriers, casings and piping, but also compressors and turbine blades are analyzed
using different numerical and analytical methods, i.e. finite element method (FEM) and fracture mechanics (FM), ASME Code and AD bulletins (refer to Figure 12).
The parts are analyzed with regard to static and dynamic loading as well as start and stop cycles (steady state / transient). The component lifetime limitations were determined taking the
calculated variables, i.e. stress cycle number for crack initiation, crack growth and creep deformation, and the long-time fleet operating experience of the gas turbine frame into account.
Crucial factors for a meaningful component analysis are the basic design data and a consolidated knowledge of boundary conditions like thermal convection and radiation, mechanical
restrains or contacts during the gas turbine operation. Selecting the appropriate analysis type
applying suitable and sufficient material data are preconditions for interpretation and validation of the computation results with the OEM fleet experience.
The determined component lifetime limitations and critical start numbers always apply for a
gas turbine frame (VX4.2/VX4.3/VX4.3A); they do not take individual deviations during op12
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
eration or configuration of the unit into account. These gas turbine-specific values must be
determined by unit-specific LTE analyses.
Figure 11 Numerical Analysis of Turbine Rotor Disk and Turbine Exhaust Casing
Another result of the component analyses facilitated the definition of critical defect sizes as
well as location and orientation of critical defects in the component volume. This knowledge
in turn allowed the development of specific NDE processes, such as partially mechanized ultrasonic testing of the rotor wheel disks.
The partially mechanized ultrasonic test is used to check internal growth of material defects
caused by the forging process in the region of the wheel disk bores (refer to Figure 11).
It is possible to evaluate critical indications based on available calculation results. The
mechanized test technology and the digital acquisition of the ultrasonic test data allows comparison testing for potential deterioration of previous findings at any time. Recommendations
for specific repair measures or safe further operation of the affected component can be made.
Figure 12: Mechanized Ultrasonic Testing of Wheel Disk in Hub Area a) Mechanized Test System b) Test Probes and Setup
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
Other examples of NDE utilized in the course of the LTE are manual ultrasonic inspection of
all forged turbine components and dye penetrant inspection of the casings. Surface crack detection by magnetic flux inspection will also be used on a number of components. Geometrical measurements, wall thickness measurements and length measurements of components are
enhancing the measures for lifetime extension.
5.2 Unit-Specific LTE Analyses
Unit-specific analyses allow detailed evaluation of each gas turbine. This means, all influental
factors relating to operation and state are gathered on each gas turbine and taken into account
in the analyses. Aspects with respect to history as well as previous and future operating mode
of the gas turbine must be taken into consideration; the data are compiled and documented
using a questionnaire.
Unit history
The history of the gas turbine plays an important role in the unit-specific evaluation. Of special importance are what inspections were already performed and what the results were, and
which components have already been replaced or repaired. Already known damage on the
unit must be disclosed.
Operating Mode
Also included in the evaluation of the lifetime limitation must be the way the machine was
operated in the past, how it is operated now, and how it is supposed to be operated in the
future. A differentiation is made between base load, intermediate load and peak load.
The power plant owner decides whether the gas turbine is to be operated for another 100,000
EOH or only for the next maintenance interval. Decisive in the evaluation of the lifetime are
also the extent of fast loading, the utilized fuel and firing temperature and the use of water or
steam injection.
The results of the gas turbine frame-specific and unit-specific analyses yield the unit-specific
LTE recommendations for lifetime extension measures.
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
5.3 Modernizations and Upgrades (MODs & UPs)
"MODs & UPs" are modernization and upgrade measures that contribute to improved power
or efficiency, lower emissions or longer component lifetime or inspection intervals of the gas
turbine. The improvement options are investigated in the scope of the unit-specific and framespecific analyses. These options may be selected by the gas turbine operator when the
SIEMENS LTE measures are due instead of replacing worn components. SIEMENS, the
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), has developed and is continuing to develop a
number of modernizations and upgrade packages to keep up with the requirements of utilities
to increase output and efficiency, decrease maintenance cost, increase reliability and robustness of the systems as well as availability, and starting reliability. The implementation of
these upgrade measures within the extended LTE work scope does not only improve the specific key performance requirements of the owner but also reduces the cost for intermediateterm operation.
Examples of these modernizations and upgrades are concepts for increased compressor mass
flow, upgrade packages to extend major overhaul intervals of specific hot gas path components, emission reduction packages, e.g. improved low NOx burners and improved NOx control, as well as packages for frequent startup operation or increased firing temperatures, wet
compression or evaporation cooling for power augmentation, upgrades to minimize compressor efficiency losses utilizing improved compressor coating and advanced compressor cleaning methods. [3]
5.4 LTE Planning
The time-consuming planning of LTE ideally begins in the course of preparing for the last
major overhaul or hot gas path inspection before 100,000 EOH are reached (refer to Figure
With this approach, pre-Investigations for LTE for premature wear on strategic components
can already be performed at the last MO or HGPI ahead of the intended LTE inspection.
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
Figure 13 The Date of Planning LTE
It also provides an opportunity to take samples and perform material analyses with respect to
creep rupture strength, low-cycle fatigue, or metallographic analyses of microsections. This
applies, for example, for taking samples from the inner casing and mixing casing on VX4.2
gas turbines.
Consequently, the results of microstructural analyses of stage 3 and stage 4 turbine blades performed in the course of the HGPI after 75,000 EOH will make it easier to estimate the potential remaining lifetime when another analysis is performed on the blades which had remained
in operation until 100,000 EOH, for LTE purposes.
If the gas turbine operator requests a quote for LTE measures, SIEMENS Service Marketing/Sales and SIEMENS Service Engineering will perform the LTE analyses jointly (refer to
Figure 14).
Based on the preceding analyses, a unit-specific recommendation is made with respect to future gas turbine operation, component life extension, repair, or replacement of the compo-
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The SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program
nents. These LTE recommendations are presented to the operator in the form of a bid. The
measures are subsequently implemented by SIEMENS Field Service Personnel.
Figure 14 The Workflow of Planning SIEMENS Lifetime Extension
All results are appropriately documented in the course of LTE planning and implementation.
To assure on-time delivery of replacement parts, the need of required strategic replacement
parts is discussed already after initial operator discussions, and delivery dates are coordinated
between Manufacturing and Marketing/Sales. The advantage of early LTE planning and early
© Siemens AG 2006. All rights reserved.
Implementation of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Measures
ordering thereby is ruling out logistic problems, and assuring smooth execution of the maintenance measures.
The close working relationship between the plant operator and SIEMENS Service Marketing/Sales, SIEMENS Field Service Engineering and SIEMENS Field Service Personnel assures that the appropriate analyses are performed on the individual machines and that the lifeextending measures are implemented optimally. Effective project management is required on
both sides, i.e. manufacturer's side and customer's side.
Implementation of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Measures
Approaching 100,000 EOH, a series of steps must be taken in preparation of lifetime extension measures. The information gained from gas turbine frame-specific experience and calculation results as well as unit-specific analyses are the basis for developing SIEMENS LTE
The first step of implementing the entire SIEMENS Lifetime Extension measures is to contact
the plant operator based on the results of the planned outage prior to the 100,000 EOH to inform him of the LTE concept and the associated implications to assure that he is aware of the
Secondly, the history and operating mode of the gas turbine will be investigated via a questionnaire. Based on the input as well as fleet investigations and recalculations for certain
components, a tailor-made concept will be presented to the specific operator.
Thirdly, depending on the preparation time for the lifetime extension and the time schedule of
the operator, a minor inspection ahead of the LTE inspection will be used for a number of additional investigations in preparation of the unit-specific LTE.
Finally, depending on operator´s intention to use the plant short-term or over decades, the
scope of work, including modernization and upgrade measures, will be defined.
All LTE measures are performed in addition to the scope of a normal major overhaul.
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Implementation of SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Measures
Examples of LTE Measures Implemented on a SIEMENS V94.2 Gas Turbine:
Figure 15 Examples of LTE Measures Implemented on a Siemens V94.2 Gas Turbine
Potential Test Methods
1 Compressor Blades
Magnetic Particle Test/
Eddy Current Test
Corrosion and
© Siemens AG 2006. All rights reserved.
Potential Test Methods
2 Compressor Vanes
Ultrasonic Test
Cracks on
3 Flame Tube/Tile
Standard per LTE Program
Replacement per
LTE Program
4 Burner
NDE / Visual Inspection
5 Seal Ring
Visual Inspection
6 Casing
Dye Penetrant Test
7 Turbine Blades
Sample Taking/
Metallurgical Analyses
Live Extension for
one further
8 Inner Casing
Sample Taking /
Metallurgical Analyses
Repair and life
extension for one
further interval
9 Rotor Disk
Mechanized Ultrasonic
No Findings
and life extension
for 100.000 EOH
Table 2 Examples of Methods, Findings and LTE Measures on Components
The SIEMENS LTE program provides gas turbine-specific recommendations for LTE measures based on gas turbine frame-specific analyses taking unit-specific analyses, machine history and findings into account. Besides SIEMENS LTE measures, modernization and upgrade
options are offered to allow the operator to replace components.
This approach provides a low risk, reliable and significant advantage to the plant operator.
There is also a clear advantage with respect to estimated life cycle cost as well as reliability
and availability of the plant; the lower operating risk alone may have a positive effect on the
insurability of the power plant.
© Siemens AG 2006. All rights reserved.
The SIEMENS LTE Program is crucial for reliable and safe operation of the SIEMENS gas
turbines for another 100,000 EOH or 3,000 starts, thereby assuring business success to the operators of SIEMENS gas turbines beyond the original design lifetime.
[1] Wrede, U.; Bohrenkämper, G.; Umlauft, R.: Lebensdauerverlängernde Maßnahmen an
Gasturbinen; Allianz Report 2/99.
[2] Deblon, B.; Bohrenkämper, G.: Rehabilitation and retrofitting of heavy-duty gas turbine;
Power-Gen Europe Conf., Madrid (Spanien) 17.-19.Juni 1997.
[3] Dibbert, Andreas: Neue Power für Gasturbinen; Energiespektrum 10/2005
Biographical Information
Guido Lipiak
Siemens Power Generation
Guido Lipiak is Manager of the Mature Frame Team in Gas Turbine Field Service Engineering Mülheim, Germany. He earned his degree in mechanical engineering at the University of
Duisburg, Germany. In 1995 he joined Siemens KWU and initially worked for the gas turbine
blade technology and materials engineering departments. For damage clarification and root
cause analysis, he started working as a Fact Finding Engineer in 1996 and became Project
Manager in the Mülheim Gas Turbine Service Department in 1999 where he initiated the
SIEMENS Lifetime Extension Program in 2001.
Since 2005 Mr. Lipiak has been team manager of the Mature Frame Team for the VX4.2 and
VX4.3 Gas Turbines in Field Service Engineering. He is an expert for the fleet operating experience of the SIEMENS V64.3 Gas Turbine.
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