ສະມະຄົມພັດທະນາກະສິກາ ແລະ ສິິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ ແບບຍືນຍົງ (ສກສຍ) Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA) ທຬຄຈຳ ພ ິ ິ ຈ - Co-Director ົ ຄພ NSC of SGP/GEF/UNDP ກຬຄບະຆ ່ ຽຘກ ່ ຽວກັນກຳຘພັຈທະຘຳກະສ ິ ກຳຬ ິ ຘຆ ີ ໃຘ ສບບ ຸ ມແລກບ ລຳວ, ວັຘທ ີ 10-11/12/2012, ່ີ ທ PAFO LNT Tel: 021 264290, Fax: 021 31581, P.O.Box: 4881, VTE Email: saedalao@gmail.com, www.saedalao.org 3 Strategic Areas 1. Develop/promote Sustainable Agriculture/Organic Agriculture 2. Pesticides Risk Reduction 3. Biodiversity development and conservation Training Need Assessment 1. Economic/Money 20% 2. Natural resource/Environment 18% 3. Infrastructure 16% 4. Social 14% 5. Human (health, knowledge, skill...) 32% Steps of Promote groups 1. Build model farmer/expert farmers 2. Farmers to farmers extension (FFE) 3. Informal group 4. Formal group 5. Association 6. Cooperative Value of support groups National SAFA Province SAFAs District SAFAs SAFAs Group productions Group productions villages SAFAs SAEDA The Key mechanisms of support “Farmers to Farmers Extension (FFE)” Steps of Supporting 1. Learning/Exchange 2. Food security/sufficiency 3. Marketing (local) 4. Export? Promotion activities for consumers 1. Advertising: TV, radio, news spaper… 2. Tools: VDO, Posters, brochure, handouts… 3. Campaign impact of pesticides 4. Survey ideas/needs/recommendations 5. Field visit 6. Exhibition/Market fair 7. Exchange/report/training Lesson Learned from Implementing Items Cost/Invest Loan Yield/Production Income/Economic Livelihoods Environment Health Social and culture Family happiness SA/OA ຂອບໃຈຫຼາຍໆ Thank you ! ຆຳວຘຳໄຈ ຸ ຂະພຳນ, ້ ເວ ້ ບະກັຘທຳຄຈ ່ ຳ ກຳຘຳ້ ້ ຳຘສະນຽຄຬຳຫຳຘ, ສ ົ ້ ຳວ ່ີ ສຄແວຈລ ່ີ ຘ ແມ ່ີ ້ ຬມ ແລະ ກຳຘຘຳໃຆ ້ ຆັນພະງຳກຬຘທ ້ ຬຄຖ ່ ຘບັຈໃທ ່ີ ສ ສະັຘທ ຸ ຈໃຘກຳຘພັຈທະຘຳຆ ້ ື ງຘງ ີ ິ ວຈຂຬຄເຂ ົ ຳເ ົ ້ ຳໃຫ ົ ຄ