Department of Anthropology Anthropology 200-010 Introduction to the History of Anthropological Theory

Department of Anthropology
Anthropology 200-010
Introduction to the History of Anthropological Theory
Fall 2010
Dr. Donna Budani
Class Time: 11:15am – 12:05pm
Classroom: McKinley 002
Dr. Budani’s Office: Department of Anthropology, 138 Munroe Hall
Office Hours:
Web Page:
Voice Mail: 831-1859
This course examines the history of anthropological theory from the founding
perspective of social evolution to the present theoretical perspective of post
modernism. We will examine key theoretical perspectives of British, American
and French anthropology through the 19th century to the early 21st century. This
course takes as its starting point the conviction that ideas are manifested by
human actors within ever-broadening circles of context (Stocking 1992: 115).
Thus, this course places major theorists and their theories within historical
contexts. Our goal, following Richard Handler, is to discover “why at certain
moments, in certain contexts, one interpretation is seen as unimpeachable and
super in comparison to others which are dismissed or highly questioned” (p.
457). Besides classic readings, we will also read two ethnographies each with an
emphasis of the relationship between anthropological theory and ethnographic
At the end of this course, students will be able
• To be knowledgably informed of the major theoretical perspectives in
cultural anthropology from the 19th century to the 21st century
• To formulate informed ideas about social cultural theory and be able to
write critical reflections of theories discussed in class
• To assess the effectiveness of the different theories we study as
frameworks to guide fieldwork.
1. History of Anthropological Theory, 3rd edition. Paul Erickson and Liam D.
Murphy, authors
2. Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, 2nd edition. Paul Erickson
and Liam D. Murphy, editors
3. A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism and Ethnographic
Responsibility. Margery Wolf, author
4. Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and
Theorists. 3rd edition Jerry Moore, author
5. Designs For An Anthropology Of The Contemporary. Paul Rabinow and
George E. Marcus
Each class will be divided into the following segments:
• Opening mini-lecture
• Student reading critiques followed by discussion of reading critiques and
student questions.
• In-class writing time in which you revise, expand, comment on, or rethink
or expand your ideas based on the discussion in the previous segment
• Reading Assignments
• Weekly Three Reading Critiques Based on Assigned Readings
• Class Informal Presentations
• Class Annotated Reading Critique
• Three Short Answer Essay take Home Exams
A reading critique is not a summary of the readings. A reading critique is about
your reactions to what you have read. For example, what would you say is/are
the theorist main point(s) in the assigned reading? Does the theorist introduce
any new concepts in the assigned reading? What are they? Any questions about
what you have read? What do you think the theorist means when s/he uses the
term “culture”, and the term “society’? What are some of the concepts associated
with a particular theorist? What are some of the critiques of particular theory?
What are some of the contributions the theorist made to anthropology? What
question would you ask the theorist if you had the opportunity to speak to him
or her? What do you think is an important sentence(s) or paragraph in what you
read? Why is it important? What questions do you have about the work you
read? What concepts and/or ideas confused you? What is your own assessment
of this theorist or/and her or his work? What impression have you formed
about this theorist? Mention the questions you had while reading the assigned
work. Finally end your reading critique with two questions you yourself write
based on your reading.
You may write a reading critique either on one readings or a summary of all
readings assigned. What is important about reading critiques is that they are
question based (see above).
It is not necessary to incorporate all the above questions. Select the questions you
can best discuss. I recommend that students do some Internet research on the
theorist/author when preparing a presentation. If you incorporate a secondary
source, make sure you identify the source from which you obtained the
information. When discussing a secondary source, the objective is to summarize
the central argument(s).Your reading critique is composed of three or four
paragraphs based on the above questions or any other question /comments that
comes to mind as you read. Write legibly so I can read your critique. Use a black
ball point or felt tip pen. If I cannot read your writing, I will require that you type
your reading critique.
Ten minutes before the end of class, you will be given time in class to write as a means to
revise, expand, comment on, rethink, or expand your ideas as expressed in your reading
critique.. Your annotation should reflect your thoughts in reaction to class discussion or
may focus on one particular idea or may synthesize a number of ideas. You should feel
free to write in response to any of the questions raised in class, including responding to
the ones you have posed in your own reading critique
Insert this URL in your browser You will find
student summaries for all the major theories we will study. To familiarize
yourself with key concepts, key theorists, and over-all summary of the
theoretical perspective of the time, you should read these summaries of
particular anthropological theories. Though I do not list reading these
theoretical summaries under reading assignments, I assume that you are reading
them. They are crucial for your exams. However, these summaries are in no way
substitutes for the reading assignments. I suggest you either book mark the page
or when we study a particular theory or print a copy of the theories.
Students are expected to engage fully in each class discussion, demonstrating
your knowledge of, and critical thinking about, the assigned for a particular day.
This grade will also be based on how carefully you listen and therefore respond
to others’ ideas. There are many ways to engage each other in discussion. For
example, you can respond to something the presenter says and you can
volunteer you own ideas prompted by the assigned reading. Another way is to
pose a question about something you are not sure about and address it to the
class. Also, you might direct a question to me and I in turn will respond with
another question?
Three short answer essay question exams will be given during the course of the
term. Exams are take-home. There will be several essay questions from which
you are to self select the number required. For example you may receive 13 short
answer questions from which you are to select 10 questions. All essays must be
typed. Instructions for preparation of essays will be distributed in class. See
course schedule for dates that the exam will be distributed in class and the date
the exam is due in class
Besides the theory summaries mentioned above, I encourage you to use online
encyclopedias as a research source for theories, concepts and theorists. Also I
encourage you to do a Google and Wikipedia search on theories and theorists...
Students, in prior classes, found doing research on theorist and/or theory to be
very beneficial before doing the reading assignment. Finally, see course schedule
where in some places I have listed specific reading available on the internet. Do a
Google search to access these readings. Besides URL addresses, I give you
author identification and other descriptive data that will make identifying these
readings easier to locate.
1. Attendance and Late Work Policy
Consistent consecutive attendance is required. Attendance will be taken regularly at each class
session and recorded per student for the class session. The material presented in lecture is not
easily learned from someone else's notes. To do well in this course, you will need to attend
class regularly. Absences due to prolonged illness or family obligations will be dealt with on
an individual basis. Please let me know as far ahead of time as possible if you are unable to
attend class. If you miss class without having obtained my permission, you will jeopardize
your standing in the course and may be asked to withdraw from it. If you are absent from class
without my permission and with no good reason, you will suffer a penalty of 10 points
deducted from your final grade per each absence.
As a matter of general practice, I do not accept late work. However, there are times when,
through no fault of your own or a situation beyond your control happens, you find yourself
unable to complete an assignment. In such cases, students should contact me immediately in
order to obtain my permission to hand in work past the due date. I tend not to give permission
to submit a late reading report unless the student provides a very good reason. Keep in mind
that my standards are very high. If a student is sick, the student must provide me with a
doctor’s note and/or copy of prescription given to the student by his or her doctor.
2. Student Daily Class Performance Assessment
When I am evaluating your daily participation in class, I ask the following
questions about individual participants:
• Is prepared having read and thought about reading assignment?
• Writes a good critique and poses questions that probe and explore the
reading assignment with rigor?
• Cite reasons and evidence for their statements?
• Listen to others respectfully
• Talk to each other about ideas and discoveries made while reading the
• Ask for help to clear up confusion?
• Support each other? Questions other in a civil manner
• Listens to and builds on one another’s comments
• Moves conversation forward and brings others into conversation
3. Required Reading on Electronic and Traditional Reserve
Please note that on your course schedule, where daily reading assignment are
listed. There are some readings label On Electronic and Traditional Reserve.
Material on Traditional Reserve can be found in the Reserve Room in Morris
Library. You are responsible for these readings. I will give you the class code so
that you will be able to access readings electronically.
4. Student Participation and Reading Notes
I expect that students in the class come prepared to discuss the reading
assignments. To be prepared means that you have given the assignment a
thorough and comprehensive reading. Preparation also means that you have
annotated your reading assignment with questions, comments and observations,
particularly those things for which you need clarification and/or elaboration.
Such annotations can serve the basis for your reading critique. I urge you not to
highlight your text. Highlighting only colors your text. If you prefer, take notes
on a separate paper and remember to label your notes with citations that is
references to pages and paragraph.
5. Called Upon in Class
Students must be so thoroughly prepared for class that if called upon, they can
give a comprehensive overview of their understanding of the reading
assignment. On the other hand, if you are confused about the material or have
little understanding about the assignment, I expect that you will say you need
guidance as to how to understand the assignment. In either case, students
called upon should have a demanding and tough question to pose to the class.
All students must be prepared to actively participate in discussion by listening
carefully, commenting on the responses of others and drawing others into the
For example, you may have a question about the material, even one as basic as
“How am I to understand what I read?” or, “I have read the assignment but I
do not understand it. For example, when x says y, what does he/she mean” “I
have read the material and this is my understanding: . . . . . . . . . . . My question
is why would people believe such a thing?” Why is it important for me to
know this? “Why are anthropologist still concerned about this? “Are they still
concerned about this? I do not think I understand the relationship between the
social/historical contexts of this perspective. Can anybody explain it to me?
Questions are addressed to others in the class. For example, I understand x of
what Tyler says do you agree? Why? Thus, students must be prepared to pose
and answer this sort of question.
6. Class Start-Up Time
Class begins at 11:10am. Students are expected to arrive in class promptly. If
there is a valid reason for lateness, please speak to me as soon as possible.
Repeated tardiness will result in a deduction of 10 points per occasion for
repeated tardiness.
7. Class Etiquette
The University is a place for adults. I expect that students in this class will act as mature
students dedicated to learning. Accordingly,
a. Turn off Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices before Class begins. If a phone rings
during class, I will answer the phone
b. Sitting in class doing work for another class or being otherwise engaged [sending or receiving
text messages] will result in an “F” for the class for that day
c. Use of a computer for a class other than Anth200-010 is not permitted. If you disregard this
warning, you will receive a failing grade for the class period.
d. Important matters, such as missing classes, must be discussed with me in person, either after
class or during office hours but NOT VIA EMAIL
e. Once class begins, I expect your attention to be placed on lecture and presentations. Also, I
expect all socializing to cease and no speaking to each about matters that have nothing to do
with class.
PART 111
Study Hints
1. Reading with a Purpose
You are reading with a purpose which is to learn about different theoretical
perspectives and the notable theorists. You need to know what the perspectives
attempted to explain, What are the perspective’s strengths and weaknesses?
What contributions did this perspective make to anthropology and what are the
criticisms of this particular theory?? Keep in mind that you are reading ideas
expressed in words, phrases and sentences that have a particular meaning in a
social historical context. Therefore, you should not assume that any word or term
you come across has the same meaning as it has today.
Some of the readings are difficult to understand and present challenges. I
expect you to have problems with understanding the readings. If you have
difficulty, contact me before your presentation and come to class prepared to
acknowledge that you did not understand the assigned readings. Do not to be
concerned for if you have difficulties others are also having difficulties.
2. Active Learning
Active learning requires the full participation of Professor and students. It is my
teaching style to place less emphasis on teaching – as something the professor
does - and more on learning and understanding as something we do together.
My teaching methods are learner-centered. Students are responsible for the
learning accomplished in this course. My role is to facilitate learning by
providing material in ways suited to your learning styles and to teach materials
in ways that fulfill the course learning outcomes. It is your responsibility as
much as it is mine to make this course enjoyable and stimulating. This requires
your active participation in class discussion.
3. How to Take Reading Notes That Count
When reading your assignment, I strongly urge you to annotate your text by
making marginal notes indicating what seemed like the strongest parts of the
text. When you read, think of it as a conversation between you and the author.
What is the author saying? Is it important? Why? Is this something I should
know? Underlying and highlighting a text is a passive activity. All you
accomplish is coloring the page. Before you reach for a highlight pen ask
yourself: Is this section important? Why? When you have completed reading
once through the text, go back and take notes in outline form, by paraphrasing
sentences or paragraphs until you have reduced the many pages of text to a few
pages. (Make sure to keep an accurate citation to the work so that any future use
of these notes and paraphrases can be appropriately cited. You do not want to
find yourself engaged in plagiarism.) Do not rely on underlining. This is
insufficient. In order to "know" a text, you need to convert it into your own
words, or your own organization of the text. The text needs to be processed in
several different ways in your brain. Underlining is passive and does not help
you learn the material.
University and Department Policies
1. Plagiarism
Plagiarism occurs when you take the words and ideas of another without giving
credit to the original author. Even if the paper uses original language but the
ideas belong to another, it is still plagiarism. If I find instances of plagiarism in
your written material, you will receive a failing grade. It is easy to avoid
plagiarism: do your own work, use your own words and give credit to the
sources of your ideas whether that source is an author of a book or article or any
information you obtain from the Internet. Do a Google search to find examples of
criteria to apply to evaluate web based sources and apply the most rigorous
model you find.
2. Final Grades
Letter Grades are converted to numerical grades
A = 94% plus; A- = 90%
B+ = 88%; B = 85%
B- = 80%; C+= 78%
C = 75%; C- = 70%
D+ = 67%; D = 65%
D- = 60%; F=59% or below failure
*Course Schedule
Anthropology 200-010
Introduction to the History of Theory in Anthropology
Fall 2010
* Please note: This schedule of class topics and student assessments (i.e. exams
and essays) is subject to change. If for pedagogical reasons, I decide to change
or amend any part of the course schedule, I will give students ample time to
make the required changes and adjustments. Students will be informed in
class or via email about changes and/or re-adjustments.
Wednesday, September 1st
Review of the Syllabus and Introduction to the Course
Review of Assigned Books
Guides to Reading
Why Study the History of Theory in Cultural Anthropology?
Friday, September 3rd
Topic: Introduction
Reading Assignment
1. In Erickson and Murphy, A History of Anthropological Theory (from here
onwards identified as HAT) Introduction and Part One, page11-page 43 but not
including Marxism.
2. In Erickson and Murphy, Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory
(from here onwards identified as RHAT) Overview page 3 – 20
3. In Moore, read Introduction
Wednesday, September 8th
Topic: Victorian Anthropology
Reading Assignment:
On Reserve in Morris Library: (electronic and reserve reading)
In, Victorian Anthropology George Stocking, author Chapter 3 Travelers and
Savages: The Data of Victorian Anthropology?
Friday, September 10th
Topic: Victorian anthropology
Early 20th Century Anthropology Strangers Abroad Series Film: Sir Baldwin
Spencer, Fieldwork, Vol. 1 VHS 5435
Monday, September 13th
Topic: Social Evolution: Mid 19th Century – Early 20th Century European
Reading Assignment:
1. In RHAT, read Ethnical Periods by Lewis Henry Morgan, pages 42 - 50 from
2. In RHAT, read The Science of Culture, by Edward Burnett Tylor, pages 29 - 41
3. In HAT, Classical Cultural Evolution read pages 48-59
Review Questions 1-3 page 41 &1-3 page 50
4. In Moore, Visions of Culture (Hereafter noted as VOC) read Edward Tylor.
Pages1-16, The Evolution of Culture and Lewis Henry Morgan, Pages 21-32, The
Evolution of Society
Internet Research:
Wednesday, September 15th
Topic: Beginnings of French Anthropology & Sociology
Reading Assignment:
1. In HAT, Durkheim pages 76-80
2. In RHAT, Introductions [The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life] Study
Guide Questions page 79
3. In VOC, Emile Durkheim: The Organic Society
Internet Research:
a) Read Emile Durkheim, What is a social fact?
Review essay by Jeanne Curran & Susan R. Takata
Friday, September 17th
Early 20th Century Anthropology Strangers Abroad Series Film Everything is
Relative, Vol. 3 W.H. Rivers VHS 5435
W.H. Rivers
Reading Assignment
a) Durkheim
b) Marcel Mauss
Search Wikipedia Marcel Mauss, read Theoretical Views and search The Gift (the
book) read Argument and Influence
c) Anthro Base, Dictionary of Anthropology: Read Marcel Mauss
Monday, September 20th
Topic: Max Weber:
Reading Assignment
1. In HAT, Max Weber read pages 81-84
2. Wikipedia Search Max Weber on Spirit of Capitalism
Read Chapter 2, The Spirit of Capitalism
4. Internet Research:
Read Profile Max Weber
5. Internet Research:,
Read Max Weber on Capitalism
Wednesday, September 22nd
Topic: French Structural Anthropology
Reading Assignments:
Internet Research:
1. Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Search: Structural Anthropology, The Structural Anthropology of Levi-Strauss and The
Critiques of Structural Anthropology
2. In Moore, VOC, Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralism, pages 231-246
3. In HAT, French Structural Anthropology, page 111-122 (but not including
Structural Marxism)
4. In RHAT, The Scope of Anthropology, pages 144-151 and Study Questions, page
5. In RHAT, Edmund Leach, Structuralism in Social Anthropology. Study Questions
page 164
Friday, September 24th
Topic: Boas and the Challenge to Social Evolutionism
Reading Assignment
1. In Wikipedia Franz Boas Read All Contents and Search Historical
2. In VOC, Franz Boaz Culture in Context
3.In, HAT, American Cultural Anthropology, page 73 – 83 but not including The
Influence of Sigmund Freud Franz Boas
4. Internet Research: Franz Boas
Monday, September 27th
Strangers Abroad Series: Film Vol. 2 Shackles of Tradition Franz Boas VHS
Reading Assignment
1. In RHAT, Franz Boas The Methods of Ethnology. Study Questions 105
Internet Research
On the Limitations of the Comparative Method
*2. On Electronic and Traditional Research in Morris Library Reserve Room
“The Aims of Anthropological Research” in, Race, Language and Culture Franz Boas,
3. Boas and cultural relativism
*4. Boas and the Culture Concept in Historical Perspective
At Google select MORE then select books. In Google Book Search, Insert search
terms Franz Boas and Race. Access book RACE and DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY
Read Forward and skim read chapter IV, Race What is it?
*Supplemental reading
Wednesday, September 29th
Topic: Boas’s Students & American Anthropology First Half 20th Century
Reading Assignment
1. in RHAT, Introduction/Coming of Age in Samna Margaret Mead, author, page
124-129. Study Questions page 129
2. In VOC, Margaret Mead, The Individual and Culture, page 104-115
3. Correspondence between Margaret Mead and Franz Boas
Friday, October 1st,
Film Strangers Abroad Series Vol. 5, Margaret Mead, Coming of Age VHS5435
Reading Assignment
1. In HAT, Margret Mead read pages102-107
Internet Research
Wikipedia: Search terms Margaret Mead and Coming of Age in Samoa
1. Why Remember Mead?
. On Electronic and Traditional Reserve in Morris Library
American Anthropologist Vol.90 (no.3) 1988. “Margaret Mead and Samoa: Coming
of Age in Fact and Fiction.” Pages 656-663
Monday, October 4th
Topic: Boas’s Students & American Anthropology First Half 20th Century
Reading Assignment
1. RHAT, The Individual and the Pattern of Culture, Ruth Benedict, author,
pages130-142. Study Questions 142 - 143
2. In VOC, Patterns of Culture, Ruth Benedict
3. In HAT, page-106-111
4. Internet Research
Wikipedia search category: Ruth Benedict
Read Contents: Sections 1-7 & 11
Wednesday, October 6th
Topic: Boas’s Students continued
Reading Assignment
1. In RHAT, Robert Lowie Conclusion (Primitive Society). Study Questions page
2. In RHAT, Alfred L. Kroeber, What Anthropology Is About? Study Questions
page 123
3. In VOC, Edward Sapir, Culture, Language and the Individual
4. Internet Research
Read Editor David Mandelbaum’s Introduction
Friday, October 8th
Topic: British Social Anthropology
Malinowski, and VHS 5435
Pre-Reading Exercises
Do a WIKIPEDIA search on the following: Bronislaw Malinowski, A.R.
Radcliffe-Brown, E.E. Evans- Pritchard, Edmund Leach, Raymond Firth, British
Social Anthropology, and Malinowski’s Diary [read British Social Anthropology
Summary obtained from Anthropological Theory Web site mentioned above)
Monday, October 11th
Topic: British Social Anthropology
Reading Assignments:
1. In HAT, Pages 123-134
2. In VOC, Bronislaw Malinowski: The Functions of Culture
3. In RHAT, The Subject, Method, and Scope of This Inquiry Study Questions
page 186
4. Internet Research
Wikipedia: Bronislaw Malinowski: Life, Ideas and Works & (new search)
Structure Functionalism
Wednesday, October 13
Topic: British Social Anthropology-A.R. Radcliffe-Brown’s StructureFunctionalism
Reading Assignments:
1. In VOC, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown: The Structures of Society
2. In RHAT, Social Structure. Study Questions page 170
3. Internet Research
4. Internet Research
Search A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, Content #1 & 2.1-2.5
Friday, October 15th
Topic: British Social Anthropology
Reading Assignment
1. In RHAT, Introduction [African Political Systems] Meyer Fortes and E.E.
2. In VOC, Edwards Evan-Pritchard Social Anthropology, Social History
3. Electronic and Traditional Reserve Reading Reserve Room Morris Library
The Political System of the Tallensi of the Northern Territories of the Gold
Coast, in African Political Systems, Meyer Fortes and E.E. Evans Pritchard,
Monday, October 18th
Strangers Abroad Series: VOL 6 Strange Beliefs, E.E. Evans-Pritchard,
Wednesday, October 20th
Topics: British Social Anthropology
Reading Assignment
1. In HAT, read pages 123-134
2. In RHAT, Max Gluckman, Rituals of Rebellion in South East Africa
3. Internet Research
Max Gluckman: The Kingdom of the Zulu of South Africa
Friday. October 22nd
Topic: Materialist Approach: Julian Steward and Marvin Harris
Reading Assignments
1. In VOC, Julian Steward: Cultural Ecology and Multilinear Evolution
2. In VOC, Marvin Harris: Cultural Materialism
3. In RHAT, The Epistemology of Cultural Materialism
4. In HAT, Neo- Evolution & Materialists Approaches, pages 141-150
Monday, October 25th
Topic: Marxist Perspectives in Anthropology
Reading Assignments
1. In HAT, Marxism. Page 43-48
2. Internet Research Marxist Anthropology.
3. Internet Research Marxist Anthropology
Please note: at site select Marxist Anthropology from drop down menu center
3. In Perspectives of Marxist Anthropology read Introduction, and Salt money
and The Circulation of Commodities Among the Baruya of New Guinea
Wednesday, October 27th
Topic: Feminist Anthropology
Reading Assignments
1. In HAT page 189 – 173
Internet Research:
2. Go to Google and select More then select books. In Search insert Feminist
Anthropology. Select book Feminist Anthropology, Pamela L Gellar & Miranda K.
Stockett. Read Feminist Anthropology: Perspective in Our Past Present and
3. Repeat instructions above. In Search insert Feminist Anthropology. Select book
Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Poetics, Praxis and Poetics, Irma Mc
Claurin, author. Read Seeking the Ancestors: Foraging a Black Feminist
Tradition in Anthropology
4. In Gender and Society Vol. 9 No.3, June 1995, pp277 – 288 Feminist
Anthropology? Lynn Walter, author
Friday, October 29th
Topic: Symbolic Anthropology
Reading Assignment
1. In RHAT, Victor Turner, Symbols in Ndembu Ritual. Study Questions page 317
2. In VOC, Victor Turner: Symbols, Pilgrims, and Drama
3. In HAT, page 137-139 but not Clifford Geertz
Monday, November 1st
Topic: Symbolic Anthropology
Reading Assignments:
1. In VOC, Sherry Ortner: Symbols, Gender, Practice
Wednesday, November 3
Topic: Political Economy
Reading Assignments
1. In HAT, Political Economy page 173 – 180
2. In RHAT, Eric Wolf, Introduction [Europe and the People Without History]
Study Questions page 386
3. In VOC, Eric Wolf: Culture, History and Power
Friday, November 5th
Topic: Interpretive Anthropology
Reading Assignments
1. In HAT, Clifford Geertz and Interpretive Anthropology page162-164; 166.184
2. In VOC, Clifford Geertz: An Interpretive Anthropology
Monday, November, 8th
Topic: Geertzian Anthropology
Reading Assignment
1 In RHAT, Clifford Geertz’s Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of
Culture. Study Questions page 336
Wednesday, November 10th
Topic: Theory Late 20th Century
Reading Assignment:
1. In RHAT, Sherry Ortner Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties. Study
Questions page 485
Friday, November 12th
Topic: Post modernist Anthropology
Reading Assignments
1. In RHAT, George E. Marcus and Michael M.J. Fischer, Crisis of Representation in
the Human Sciences. Study Questions page 452
2. In, HAT. Pages 177-191
3. In Cultural Anthropology Vol. 23, No.1 (February, 2008) pp1-14. The End(s) of
Ethnography: Social/Cultural Anthropology’s Signature Form of Producing
Knowledge in Transition. George E. Marcus
Monday, November 15th
Topic: Postmodernist Anthropology
Reading Assignment
1. In HAT, page 163 - 165
2. In RHAT, James Clifford, Partial Truths
Wednesday, November 17th
Topic: Pierre Bourdieu
Reading Assignment
*1.On Google select More, then select Book, then in search insert Pierre
Bourdieu. Select book entitled Pierre Bourdieu by Richard Jenkins. Read Preface
to 2002 edition and Chapter 1 A Book for Reading.
1. In RHAT, Pierre Bourdieu The Production and Reproduction of Legitimate
Friday, November 19th
Reading Assignment
Topic: Michel Foucault
Reading Assignment
*1.On GOOGLE select More, then select Book, then in search insert Michel
Foucault. Select book entitled Michel Foucault by Clare O’ Farrell. Read A Tool
Box For Cultural Analysis
*Please note that some pages may be missing
Monday, November 22nd
Topic: Contemporary Anthropology
Reading Assignment
Introduction and Dialogue 1 in Designs For An Anthropology Of The
Wednesday, November 24th
No Class
Reading Assignment: A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism and
Ethnographic Responsibility
Friday, November 26th
Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 29th
Reading Assignment
Dialogue 11, Dialogue 111 and Dialogue IV in Designs For Anthropology Of The
Wednesday, December 1st
Reading Assignment
Dialogue V, and Dialogue VII in Designs For Anthropology Of The
Friday, December 3rd
Reading Assignment: A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism and
Ethnographic Responsibility
Monday, December 6th
Reading Assignment: A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism and
Ethnographic Responsibility
Wednesday, December 8th
Reading Assignment: A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism and
Ethnographic Responsibility
The University of Delaware's Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty and Students have
together developed a set of policies and procedures governing the rights and responsibilities of
those engaged in the education process. Certain of these policies and procedures apply to the
conduct of classes and are clearly explained in the annual STUDENT GUIDE TO
UNIVERSITY POLICIES prepared by the Office of Campus Life. It is a responsibility of both
students and faculty that they be knowledgeable about the content of this document which can be
accessed at Students in anthropology classes will
be held responsible for understanding and adhering to the Statement of Academic Policy.
Plagiarism ( and other forms
of cheating will be handled through the University's judicial process. If you have doubts about
correct practice, you should seek the advice of your instructor before completing assignments.
For those anthropology courses that require written, out of class papers, the Department strongly
advises, and in some courses may require, the use of A Manual for Writers of Term Papers,
Theses, and Dissertations, Sixth Edition, by Kate L. Turabian. It is available in the University
The Department of Anthropology subscribes to University Policies and seeks to remain in
conformity with them; it will expect of students that they do the same. It is your
responsibility to familiarize yourself with the University’s Code of Conduct.
As a Department we are especially concerned that students be aware of their rights as well as
their responsibilities. Since we expect to hold you to your responsibilities we expect to be held to
ours. As members of a faculty and as anthropologists we have both an institutional and
disciplinary commitment to just and equitable regard for human differences; differences of
gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, physical condition and sexual preference. Humor or
disparagement directed at individuals or groups merely by virtue of their inclusion in such a
category is unacceptable. Where patterns of such humor or disparagement are recognized, they
should be called to the attention of the faculty member or to the Department Chairperson (Dr.
Karen Rosenberg, 135 Munroe Hall, ). All communication with the Chairperson
will be held in strict confidence.
While policies regarding disruptive behavior are clearly presented in the STUDENT
GUIDE, those regarding courtesy are less clear. Courtesy is essential to the unrestricted
flow of information and we regard it as a responsibility owed to all parties in the
education process: student to teacher, teacher to student, and student to student. Private
conversations carried on during class are both discourteous and disruptive, as are early
and unannounced exits from class. While individual faculty may establish attendance
policies for classes, students are expected to remain in classes they attend unless they are
taken ill during class or have indicated at the beginning of class that they will need to
leave early. Students who have reason to exit early should find seats as close to the exit
as possible.