Each tender must be submitted in a separate, clearly marked sealed envelope, indicating the
I N V I TAT I O N TO T E N D E R the City of Cape Town). For technical
enquiries please contact Mr Johan Gerber, contents and Tender No. Tenders must be Tel no. (021) 400 2723 or via email to
deposited in the relevant tender box as
specified by no later than the Closing date and time indicated in the individual tender
advertisements. The closing time of tenders will be regulated with the Telkom electronic time signal available at tel 1026.
Faxed tenders will not be considered. The
Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part.
Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically to the registration requirements stated in the
tender/contract documents in respect of the
City of Cape Town’s Vendor Database, the
Western Cape Supplier Database and the
Construction Industry Development Board’s
Register of Contractors, as applicable.
CLOSING DATE Tender No. 317Q/2011/12:
Period tender for design, manufacture, supply, delivery to site, Off-Loading,
installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of 72,5 and 145 kV
Switchgear, Associated Equipment and civil works (This tender covers a period of 3 years from date of commencement until 30 June 2015). Closing Date: 20 April
2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 62 at the Tender
Submission Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level
*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town).
CIDB Grading Required: 7EP or higher, For technical enquiries contact Mr E Capes, tel 021 918 7097, fax 021 918 7637, e-mail
Edgar.Capes@capetown.gov.za (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape
Town website.) (The above tender was
advertised in the Cape Times on 9 March 2012.
(Please be advised that the closing date has been extended to 20 April 2012.)
2. Tender No: 343Q/2011/12: Design-Build of Mechanical and Electrical Works for an
Additional Primary Settling Tank at
Athlone Wastewater Treatment Works.
Closing Date: 4 May 2012 at 10.00. Tender Box
115 at the Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor,
Concourse Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-
refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the
City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 4ME or higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a noncompulsory but strongly recommended briefing session) will take place on the 16 April 2012 at
11:30 at the Administration Building, Athlone
Wastewater Treatment Works Jan Smuts Drive
Athlone. For technical enquiries contact Mr
C Little, tel 021 526 5712, fax 086 606 9483, e-mail: Chris.Little@aurecongroup.com. (This tender document is not available on the City of
Cape Town website).
3. Tender No: 357C/2011/12: Appointment of a Service Provider to Identify and
Evaluate Environmentally Friendly
Remediation Products for Mitigating
various types of Pollution in Stormwater
Systems. Closing Date: 30th April 2012 at
10:00. Tender Box 92 at the Tender Submission
Office, 2nd Floor Concourse Level *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). A non-
compulsory but strongly recommended
briefing session will be held on the 18th April
2012 at 10:00, at the Offices of the City of Cape
Town, 18th Floor Room E2, 12 Hertzog Boulevard
Civic Centre Building, Cape Town. For technical enquiries please contact Mr M
Adonis, tel 021 400 3120, fax 021 400 4554 or via email to melvin.adonis@capetown.gov.za
4. Tender No: 358C/2011/12: Provision of
Professional Services in respect of the
Management of the City of Cape Town
Railway Sidings to comply with the
requirements of the National Railway
Safety Regulator Act No 16 of 2002.
Closing Date: 07 May 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box
1 at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd Floor
Concourse Level *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-
refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the
City of Cape Town). A non-compulsory but strongly recommended briefing session will be held on the 17 April 2012 at 10:00, Offices of the City of Cape Town, Transport Department,
Boardroom E1, 18th Floor Civic Centre,
Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. For technical enquiries please contact Mr Jonathan Louw, tel 021 400 3880 or via email to
Jonathan.Louw@capetown.gov.za (This
document is not available on the City of Cape
Town website).
5. Tender No: 359S/2011/12: Grounds and
Horticultural Maintenance at Steenbras
Power Station. Closing Date: 14th May 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 87 at the Tender
Submission Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level
*. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). A compulsory site inspection will be held on 24th
April 2012 from 10:15 at Steenbras Power
Station, off Sir Lowry’s Pass Road, near Gordons
Bay. All prospective tenderers must attend the site inspection to familiarise themselves with the tender. For technical enquiries contact
Mr Hein Baard, tel 021 856 1864 or Cell No.
083 291 6979.
6. Tender No. 360Q/2011/12: Construction of a New Floating Roof on the Prince
George Reservoir, Simons Town. Closing
Date: 26 April 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 80 at the Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor,
Concourse Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-
refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the
City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 3CE or
3SN or higher. A compulsory site visit/ clarification meeting (a non-compulsory but strongly recommended briefing session) will take place on Thursday, 12 April 2012 at 10:00 at the Dido Valley Water Pump Station, Cnr Of
Main Road and Dido Valley Road, Simons
Town. For technical enquiries contact Mr C
Mubadiro, tel 021 710 8038, fax 021 710 8237, e-mail: Collin.Mubadiro@capetown.gov.za.
(This tender document is not available on the
City of Cape Town website.)
7. Tender No: 361S/2011/12: Armed
Carrier Service for the City of Cape
Town’s Cash Receiving Offices and
Facilities. Closing Date: 08 May 2012 at 10:00.
Tender Box 51 at the Tender Office, 2nd Floor
Concourse Level *. Tender fee: R50 (Non-
refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the
City of Cape Town). For technical enquiries please contact Christopher Wyngaard, tel
021 400 9561.
8. Tender No: 362S/2011/12: Management and Operation of the Transport
Information Centre. Closing Date: 15 May
2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 89 at the Tender
Submission Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level
*. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). A
Compulsory Briefing Session will be held on
Monday, 23rd April 2012 at 10:00, 1st Floor,
Board Room of the Transport Management
Centre, Corner of Smartt and Richmond
Streets, Goodwood. All Prospective Tenderers
Must Attend The Briefing Session To Familiarise
Themselves With The Tender. For technical enquiries contact Ester Moag, tel 021 400
6732 or Cell No. 083 458 5479 or via email to:
9. Tender No: 363C/2011/12: Provision of
Professional Services: Prelimenary
Design, Design and Tender Working
Drawings and Construction Monitoring
Incremental Development area on Erf St
1154-31 Sir Lowry’s Pass Village Project.
Closing Date: 4 May 2012 at 10:00. Tender
Box109 at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd
Floor Concourse Level *. Tender fee: R100
(Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to
Johan.Gerber@capetown.gov.za (This
document is not available on the City of Cape
Town website).
10. Tender No. 364Q/2011/12: Hazendal
Infill Housing Project: Civil Engineering
Service Construction. Closing Date: 30 April
2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 99 at the Tender
Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse
Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape
Town). Tenderers should have an estimated
CIDB contractor grading of 4 CE or higher. A site visit/clarification meeting (a non-compulsory but strongly recommended briefing session) will take place on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 at 10:00 at Jonathon Road, Hazendal, Athlone. For technical enquiries contact Mr Bernardus
Wentzel, tel 021 710 8224, fax 021 710 8087, e-mail: bernardus.wentzel@capetown.gov.za.
(This tender document is not available on the
City of Cape Town website.)
Tender documents are obtainable on www.capetown.gov.za/tenders (unless
otherwise stated) or are obtainable from the
City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office,
2nd Floor Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12
Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town during office hours from 07:30 to 15:00. For further
information regarding the collection of tender documentation , please contact the
Tender Distribution Office on telephones
021 400 2481; 021 400 5123; 021 400 2405.
• R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 and Section 17(ii)(a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark
Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton (PO Box 35, Milnerton, 7435) and that any
enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, at 021 550 1093, Beryl.Shamrock@capetown.gov.za
and fax 021 550 7517, weekdays during 08:00-14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Environmental and Land Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town weekdays from 08:00 to 12:30 and
13:00 to 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483
4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons
therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the above-mentioned Director: Land
Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, and a copy at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at PO Box 35, Milnerton 7439 on or before 16 May 2012, quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under mentioned reference number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: DB Town & Regional Planners
Application number: 193925
Address: 219 Blaauwberg Road, Table View
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erf 3468, 219
Blaauwberg Road, Table View, to enable the owner to operate an office facility from the dwelling on the property.
Rezoning of the subject property in terms of Section 16(1) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance
15/1985 from GR5 (General Residential 5) to GB2 (General Business 2) to enable the owner to operate an office facility from the dwelling on the property.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 and Section 17(ii)(a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark
Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton PO Box 35, Milnerton, 7435 and that any
enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, tel 021 550 1093, Beryl.Shamrock@capetown.gov.za
and fax 021 550 7517, weekdays during 08:00-14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Environmental and Land Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town weekdays from 08:00-12:30 and
021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the above-mentioned Director: Land
Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, and a copy at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at P O Box 35, Milnerton 7439 on or before 16 May 2012 , quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under mentioned reference number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Elco Property Developments
Application number: 210330
Address: 107 Blaauwberg Road, Table View
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erf 3671, 107
Blaauwberg Road, Table View, to enable the owner to utilise the property for business purposes to enable the construction of an office block on the property.
Rezoning of the subject property in terms of Section 17(1) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance
15/1985 from GR5 (General Residential 5) to GB2 (General Business 2) to enable the owner to utilise the property for business purposes to enable the construction of an office block on the property.
block on the
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton, PO Box
35, Milnerton, 7435 and that any enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, at (021) 550 1093,
Beryl.Shamrock@capetown.gov.za and fax no 021 550 7517, weekdays during 08:00-14:30. The
application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Environmental and Land
Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape
Town weekdays from 08:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098.
Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the above mentioned Director: Land Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, and a copy at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at PO Box 35, Milnerton 7439 on or before 16 May 2012 , quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under mentioned reference number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after
aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Elco Property Developments
Application number: 213850
Address: Cnr Beach & Coral Roads, Table View
Nature of Application:
Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erven 4538, 4539 & 4485, Cnr Beach &
Coral Roads Table View, to enable the owners to consolidate the 3 erven and to enable the three owners to register a new Sectional Title Scheme over the properties for the construction of a block of flats.
Application number: 199122
Address: 111 Arum Road, Table View
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erf 3727, 111
Arum Road, Table View, to enable the owner to subdivide the property into two portions: Portion
1 (± 557m²) and Remainder (± 447m²) in extent for residential purposes.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Provincial Notice No. 5988 that the Council received an application from Abduragman Orrie for the purchase of City land being Erf 36299
Cape Town, off Pluto Road, Surrey Estate, Athlone in extent approximately 1109 m², as shown on Plan STC 1584/1 for gardening and security purposes. The recommended selling price is R70
000 exclusive of VAT and subject to terms and conditions to be imposed by the Director:
Property Management in exercise of her delegated powers. The application is available for
inspection, on appointment, at the office of Mrs G du Plessis, tel 021 400-6557, during office hours (08:00–13:00 and 13:30–15:30), 3rd Floor, Media City Building, cnr Heerengracht and
submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the undersigned at PO Box 4557 Cape
Town, 8000 or fax 021 421-8349 on or before 6 May 2012. (L7/10/793)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton, PO Box
35, Milnerton, 7435 and that any enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, at 021 550 1093,
Beryl.Shamrock@capetown.gov.za and fax 021 550 7517, weekdays during 08:00-14:30. The
application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Environmental and Land
Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape
Town weekdays from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the above-
mentioned Director: Land Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, and a copy at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at PO Box 35, Milnerton 7439 on or before 16 May 2012, quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under-mentioned reference
number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after
aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Elco Property Developments
Application number: 209091
Address: 234 Blaauwberg Road, Table View
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erf 5176, 234
Blaauwberg Road, Table View, to enable the owner to utilize the property for office purposes and a hair salon.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton, PO Box
35, Milnerton, 7435 and that any enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, at 021 550 1093,
Beryl.Shamrock@capetown.gov.za and fax 021 550 7517, weekdays during 08:00-14:30. The
application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Environmental and Land
Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape
Town weekdays from 08:00- 12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the above
mentioned Director: Land Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, and a copy at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at P O Box 35, Milnerton 7439 on or before 16 May 2012 , quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under mentioned reference number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after
aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: C Hoedemaker
Application number: 207865
Address: 8 Rubens Road, Table View
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to Erf 4734, 8
Rubens Road, Table View, to enable the owner to utilize the property for business purposes.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 17 & 15 of Ordinance 15 of 1985 and the Section 7
Zoning Scheme Regulations that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at the First Floor, Municipal Offices, cnr/o
Victoria & Andries Pretorius Streets, Somerset West. Objections may be lodged to PO Box 19,
Somerset West, 7129, e-mail to objections.helderberg@capetown.gov.za, tel 021 850 4346 or fax 021 850 4487 week days 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager on or before 7 May 2012, quoting the above relevant legislation, the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be
considered invalid.
Applicant: Messrs Diesel & Munns Inc
Owner: Messrs Asla Devco (Pty) Ltd
Application number: 216652
Notice number: 9/2012
Address: Cnr/o Solomon, Nombula & Majola Streets, Nomzamo, Strand
Nature of Application:
(a) The rezoning of Unregistered Erf 30445, Strand from Minor Business to Single Residential purposes;
(b) The Council’s special consent to allow the property to be utilized for Institutional Use for the purposes of establishing a clinic on the property;
(c) The departure from the Section 7 Zoning Scheme Regulations for the:
• Relaxation of the 5 m street building line (along Majola Street) to 4,66 m to accommodate an external staircase and landing to the proposed clinic;
• Relaxation of the 5 m street building line (along Majola Street) to 2,02 m to accommodate a portion of the proposed clinic;
• Relaxation of the 5 m street building (along Solomon Street) to between 4,353 m and
1,552 m to accommodate a proposed clinic;
• Relaxation of the 5 m street building line (along Nombula Street) to 0 m to accommodate an external staircase and landing and a portion of the building for a proposed clinic;
• Relaxation of the 5 m street building line along Majola Street to 0 m to establish a security kiosk and carports for the proposed clinic;
• Proposed clinic to exceed the permissible coverage of 33 ? % in order to provide for a
coverage of 38,71 %;
• Relaxation of the on-site parking requirements of 22 bays, in order to provide for only 19 parking bays.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 3(6) of the Act 84 of 1967 & 15 of Ordinance 15 of
1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the
office of the District Manager, First Floor, Municipal Offices, cnr/o Victoria & Andries Pretorius
Streets, Somerset West. Objections may be lodged to objections.helderberg@capetown.gov.za,
PO Box 19, Somerset West, 7129, tel 021 850 4346 or fax 021 850 4487 during 08:00–14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, must be lodged in writing at the office of the District
Manager at the First Floor, Municipal Offices, cnr/o Victoria & Andries Pretorius Streets,
Somerset West on or before 7 May 2012, quoting the above relevant legislation and the
objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. The application is also open to inspection at
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act 84 of 1967 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg Road & Ixia Street, Milnerton, PO Box
35, Milnerton, 7435 and that any enquiries may be directed to Ms B Shamrock, at 021 550 1093,
Beryl.Shamrock@capetown.gov.za and fax 021 550 7517, weekdays during 08:00-14:30. The
application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Environmental and Land
Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape
Town weekdays from 08:00- 12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the above
mentioned Director: Land Management: Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, and a copy at the office of the aforementioned District Manager at P O Box 35, Milnerton 7439 on or before 16 May 2012 , quoting the above Act and Ordinance, the under mentioned reference number, and the objectors erf, phone numbers and address. Any objections received after
aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Elco Property Developments
Government of the Western Cape at Room 601, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00–12:30 and
13:00–15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483
9787 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections received after the
abovementioned closing date may be considered to be invalid.
Applicant: Dan Stevens (on behalf of R C & A D Woodford)
Owner: R & A Woodford
Application Number: 213761
Notice Number: 8/2012
Nature of Application:
(a) The removal of restrictive title deed conditions on Erf 4541, 23 North Road, Westridge,
Somerset West, which limits the property to a single dwelling and which limits the building envelope, to enable the owners to erect a second dwelling on the property;
(b) The departure from the Somerset West Zoning Scheme Regulations on Erf 4541, 23 North
Road, Westridge, Somerset West for: