Celebr ati ng Palm er ston P.S. 2014 to 2015 HIGHLIGHTS

June 2015
Celebr ating Palm er ston P.S.
2014 to 2015
What has been Happening at Pal mer st on p.s.
Behind t heScenes?
Be t he best you can
Fais de t on mieux.
As the year comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight
some the wonderful professional opportunities and resources afforded to our
school over the past school year. It has been a busy and productive year with the participation
in and support of the following:
- OFIP (Ontario Focused Intervention Partnership: see Ministry website at
www.edu.gov.on.ca/ eng/ literacynumeracy/ ofip)
- Board workshops and learning opportunities
- Elementary curriculum leaders and coaches
- SWST worker (Student Work Study Teacher)
- District Support Visit
- Community and Parents
- OFIP Plan and School Improvement Plan (posted on school website
http:/ / www.ugdsb.on.ca/ Palmerston)
Prof essional Learning Opport unit ies
- Jump Math Workshop (Why? Helping to build students' conceptual knowledge and fluency in math.)
- Building Innovative Practices in Math (Why? Cross-panel sharing of best practices in math;
elementary and secondary panel.)
- Various Professional Learning Teams with our Elementary Curriculum Leader (Why? Collaborating
with colleagues to increase understanding around specific math and literacy questions.)
- SWST worker (Why? Professional learning program that supports teacher inquiry into student
- Data Driven Conversations (Why? Teacher-led, assessment driven conversations with classroom
teachers, resource teacher, and administration to assess and support individual learning needs of
- Collaborative Inquiry into Literacy (Why? Intermediate teachers with high school teachers examining
EQAO data and how to best meet the learning needs of students.)
- Deconstruction of Math Curriculum (Why? Helping teachers to deepen their understanding of the
math curriculum across the grades.)
- Levelled Literacy Intervention Workshop (Why? Assist teachers with understanding the
administration of this effective reading intervention).
- GB+ Workshop (Why? To increase and build teachers' understanding of using reading diagnostics
with students in order to better program for specific reading needs.)
- Mock EQAO (Why? Demystify the EQAO test for students in order that they may do their best for the
real EQAO.)
- Northern Campus (Why? Building relationships with Northern school community with a focus on
leadership for students and teachers.)
- Four Diagnostic Math tests using EQAO-type questions, multiple choice and open response (Why?
Allowing students to practice answering questions and providing teachers with the opportunity to
provide feedback to students and look at students' answers from an error analysis standpoint. )
New Resources at Pal merst on PS
As a result of our participation in OFIP, the District Support
Process, and Program, we have had the opportunity to buy a
number of effective resources. Listed below are just some of the
new professional and classroom resources:
- JUMP math workbooks for all students and JUMP math
teacher resources: A program aimed at increasing students'
understanding and love of math.
- Levelled Literacy Intervention: A program designed to
increase reading competency.
- GB+ Assessment Materials for French Immersion: A
diagnostic tool used for targeted reading instruction.
- Fountas and Pinell Assessment : A diagnostic tool used for
targeted reading instruction.
- Number Talks by Sherry Parrish for Primary Teachers: A
professional resource aimed at improving students' mental
math and computation strategies.
- Making Math Meaningful by Marion: A professional resource
to help teachers make math meaningful and engaging for
- Dreambox : An on-line math tool for ages 4 to 8 to help build
critical thinking and problem solving skills at school and at
- Fountas and Pinell Reading and Writing Prompts: A practical
tool providing specific questions for teachers to use during
small group instruction.
Parent and Communit y Connect ions
The school community has certainly benefited from the
numerous parent and community connections over the year:
Digital Saturday
Family Math Night
Kindergarten Welcome Night
Healthy Schools Committee Meeting
iRead Book Club
Tour For Humanity
Focus on Nature
Numerous activities with Norwell DHS
Voyageur Visit
Colour Teams and Spirit Days
Community Wrap Around (with community partners)
Intermediate Science Fair
Safe Routes and Parking
Updating of school website with calendar and Twitter
Forward Thinking For 2015-16
As we move forward to the next school year,
we anticipate another great year. To help
you understand and participate in
discussions around important topics, the
following topics will be part of the
administrator's report at school council
meetings and included with the monthly
October --School Improvement Plan
and Math Plan
November -- School Schedules
January --Safe Schools/ Lock Downs/ Fire
February-- DPA/ Health
March --Student Voice/ School Spirit
April--Special Education
May -- Assessment
Thank you for your support over the school year. We look forward to next year. We have much to celebrate here at
Palmerston P.S. and we hope that this newsletter has given you some insight into some of the great things that
happen behind the scenes. Please know that we are only a phone call away.
(Wilma Shannon and Katherine Wainman)