“Be The BEST That You Can Be” “Fais De Ton Mieux”

District School Board
530 Prospect Street, Box 430, Palmerston, ON, N0G 2P0
“Be The BEST That You Can Be”
“Fais De Ton Mieux”
Newsletter #8
April 1, 2015
We hope that everyone has enjoyed their March Break and hopefully weather conditions will soon
improve so it feels more like spring. Please remind your children to dress for the weather conditions. We are
now entering our final stretch of the school year and April, May and June will pass quickly. The next few
months will be filled with learning and engaging activities. We hope that everyone will commit to working
diligently, playing hard, showing respect, and enjoying the rest of the school year.
Students are asked to wear blue on April 2nd for “Autism Awareness Day.” We also continue with our
school-wide focus on “3-Up, 2-Down. The goal is to have our school and community adopt a healthy active
living focus through educating our students. The “3-Up” is about eating more fruits and vegetables, getting
more sleep, and being more physically active. The “2-Down” is about reducing screen time (e.g., playing video
games, watching T.V., social media on the internet), and also reducing the amount of sugary or ‘junk’ food that
our children consume.
There are many exciting events coming up in April. Please keep the school calendar as a handy
reference. There is a live button on the school website that links to the calendar. We appreciate you taking
the time to discuss upcoming events with your children so they can look forward to each day at Palmerston
Have a joyful Easter holiday!
Wilma Shannon, Principal
Katherine Wainman, Vice-Principal
Arrangements for students who normally eat lunch at school, but wish to go out for lunch should be
made before school starts. Parent notes should be sent with them in the morning.
With the warm weather approaching our students are anxiously waiting for our playground structure
to reopen. This is a good time to remind everyone - students, parents, staff and yard supervisors of the rules
that help make these structures fun and safe places to play.
Our playground is designed for users aged 12 and under and we do not provide supervision,
maintenance and inspections outside of school hours. Board policy determines that the equipment is off
limits from November 1st to March 31st, and at other times as determined by the school administration. This
includes periods of freezing temperatures, when there is freezing rain, if the ground cover is frozen, or if there
is a build up of snow and ice. Due to continuing cold temperatures and snow all playground equipment,
including swings, continue to be closed until further notice.
Rules for Students
No pushing
No running around play structures
No fighting
No eating while on the playground equipment
No throwing sticks, stones or other objects.
The following are not allowed on the equipment:
Bicycle helmets, skipping ropes, ropes, scarves or loose drawstrings on children’s clothing.
Our school has the following rules which apply to our playground:
Rules for the swings
Hold onto the swing with both hands.
Do not stand on the swing.
Only one person on the swing at a time.
Do not stand in front or behind the swing when another person is swinging. Wait your turn outside the
pea gravel area.
5. No jumping from the swing – remain seated until the swing stops.
6. Do not twist the chains of the swing.
7. Take turns.
Rules for Creative Playground
Take turns.
Do NOT push, run or fight on the Creative.
Do not pick up or throw stones, sticks or other objects.
If someone is injured report to the supervisor immediately.
Travel down the slides on your seat. No walking up the slide.
Sit when sliding.
Before sliding down, make sure no one is at the bottom of the slide.
Scarves and bike helmets should not be worn on the Creative.
We know how much the children enjoy our play structure and are looking forward to the spring
weather so they can use it again. We make safety at play our major concern, and will be reminding our
students and staff on a regular basis about the playground rules. We hope that you will reinforce them at
home with your child.
Our Me to We group has an amazing opportunity, and is sharing it with P.P.S grade 6-8 students. On
April 15th, approximately 1300 students from 13 different schools within Upper Grand will be participating in
EmpoWErment Day 2015. Drayton Heights Public School is hosting this incredible opportunity, for students to
come together and be inspired. Our morning will begin with a very talented local musician, Sarah Smith.
Followed by one of our WORLD’s top motivational speakers, Spencer West.
Spencer West lost both legs from the pelvis down at the age of five, and has tackled challenge after
challenge, learning to navigate in a world set against those with disabilities. Spencer has accomplished many
amazing things throughout his journey to redefine his own possibilities. In 2012, he was the featured keynote
speaker at the YPO/WPO Global Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, and he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro on his hands
and in his wheelchair to bring the world’s attention to the devastating drought in Kenya. He is one of Free the
Childrens many inspirational and motivational speaker and he will be sharing his journey with us.
Drayton Heights Student Council is asking each student and teacher to bring a nonperishable food
bank item as admission to the event. The food bank items will be collected as students come into the arena.
The food bank items will be distributed evenly amongst our communities food banks.
Free The Children will also be setting up a booth full of merchandise and information. Students
interested can visit this booth during intermission. T-Shirts will be available for the cost of $20-$25. Rafiki
Bracelets will be available for $10. Students interested in purchasing these items should be bring money.
7 .
Thank you to everyone who is selling chocolate bars. All money is due at the office on Tuesday, April
School starts at 8:55 a.m. Please ensure that your children are here on time.
When sending money with your child for milk, etc. please send in the correct amount of money. We
do not always have change to send home.
As part of fundraising for Me2We, popcorn is being sold in the foyer on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the
first nutrition break. This healthy, pre-packaged popcorn comes in an assortment of 5 flavours (white cheddar;
dill pickle, sea salt & vinegar. light salt & butter, and sweet & salty.) The popcorn is sold for $1.25 a bag.
Thanks for your support.
Just a reminder that you can still order magazines online for upcoming birthdays, or relaxed summer
reading! Please go to: www.qsp.ca
Our school number is 7846, but you can look it up at the site if you don't have it handy. You can only
pay with a credit card when ordering online.
Thank you so much for your generous support of all our fundraisers at Palmerston Public School!
The Upper Grand District School Board is hosting an open house featuring displays on how students are
using technology to learn. “Digital Saturday” takes place on May 2, 2015 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm at
Palmerston PS, 530 Prospect Street in Palmerston.
Doors will open at 9:00 am for displays. The open house will close at 12:30 pm.
Digital Saturday will be an opportunity to explore and learn about:
new technologies in the classroom like Chromebooks and Google Apps for Education
assistive technologies to support all learners including Kurzweil and Read&Write for Google
online digital resources for assisting student learning such as UG2GO, UGCloud and Homework Help
parent engagement strategies for home use of technology
appropriate use of technology, digital citizenship and personal technologies in our classrooms
Also on hand will be staff from the board’s Special Education department. “Understanding Your Child’s
IEP”, from 9 a.m. to noon, is an opportunity for parents and students to learn more about Individual Education
Plans through one-on-one conversations with a Special Education Consultant.
We hope to see you there as partners in education!
For more information:
Maggie McFadzen, Communications Officer
519-822-4420 ext. 725
Mark Weidmark, Administrative Officer - Communications
519-822-4420 ext. 544
mark.weidmark@ugdsb.on.caMaggie McFadzen, Communications Officer
Come out to this hands on information night with the Community Food Advisors. You will get a chance
to plant your own herb garden and take it home. You will also get an opportunity to sample food using those
same herbs!
Child minders will be available. This will give the little ones a chance to help out, but have someone to
watch over when they have had enough allowing you to participate and enjoy the program.
Please contact Brenda Duimering by April 10 to register. Phone: 519-574-1127 or e-mail:
Our Live Free day was a huge success. The final total raised was $1,548.60. Thank you to everyone who
supported this cause. Every dollar raised goes back to funding the snack bin program.
Our last salad day was just as popular as the first. The students really like this new food day! We will
continue to provide these by donation, give what you can to enjoy a healthy salad lunch. The remaining dates
for this year are: April 22, May 13, and June 10. Mark them on your calendar. We had a very generous
donation of a food processor from Palmerston Home Hardware to help with our food preparation. The next
time you are in Home Hardware, please give a big thank you to Terry and Wendy Cormack!
We received a very generous donation from the Palmerston Blessings Thrift & Gift Store of $1,500 to
help support our program. Wow, thank you so much! The new and improved Main Street store is now open,
located in the former 'Blooms N Things' on the corner of Main & Jane St. (across from Foodland), in
Palmerston. The store hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 4:30, and Saturdays from 10 to 1. The new
receiving facility (the old 'Bookery') is now open and is gratefully accepting donations of household items
and gently used clothing. Because of space limitations, please make an appointment to drop off any furniture
or larger items. The drop-off is located off James St (Turn at the CIBC, make a quick left to go behind the Main
St. stores - follow the signs!) Please don't drop at the front doors. The receiving depot hours are the same
as the store. Take your donations to the back door and they will help you unload! If you have any questions,
call Blessings at 343-3082. Please consider supporting this wonderful organization that gives back to our
“Show What YOU know on EQAO”
Tips For Your Child’s Success!
What is EQAO:
EQAO undertakes research for two main purposes:
1) to maintain best-of-class practices and student improvement
2) ensure high standards of education quality
Standardized tests provide different information. A standardized test is essentially a snapshot in time using one method
of assessment. Teachers assess their students using a broad range of tools. A more holistic and complete picture of a
student's performance can be seen from various types of assessment that the teacher does throughout the year.
There is no need to study. The EQAO assessment does not count towards a child's marks in grades 3 and 6, so
there is no need to increase anxiety by cramming. If you are curious about the questions your child will be
asked, check out the EQAO site and run through some practice tests yourself so you have some understanding of
the structure of the assessment and can better reassure your child.
● Remember this is practice. Let your child know that this is a way to show off what he or she knows and to
practice test-writing skills so your child can be prepared for tests in later grades.
● Be supportive. It is normal and natural to get nervous and this is a big deal for your child. Do not downplay fears
or dismiss them as silly. Instead, encourage your child to talk about these fears
● Talk to the Teacher. If your child is experiencing severe anxiety, there are things the teacher or school can do to
● Set the alarm. The best thing you can do for your child the day of the assessments is to make sure your child is
well rested, fed and gets to school on time.
● Read more. For more on EQAO assessments and what they mean for your child, check out our Parent's Guide to
EQAO Assessments.
● Understand the Test. Don't use your child's EQAO test scores to measure overall achievement. You're better off
relying on regular contact with the teacher who can show you your child's portfolio, which is being updated all
year long. You'll have a more clear and accurate picture of your child's progress.
EQAO resources
April Environmental & Character Education Theme
Celebrate the Earth! – be CREATIVE AND ENTHUSIASTIC
Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural
environment. Earth day was a day founded as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970.
While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization took it international in
1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Earth Day activities in 1990 shone a spotlight on important
environmental issues like species extinction, water and energy conservation and pollution on the
worldwide stage. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network,and is celebrated
in more than 180 countries every year. Numerous communities also celebrate Earth Week, an entire
week of activities focused on environmental initiatives.
Earth day is a very special day that allows us to participate with millions of other people all over the
world in reflecting on the importance of protecting our planet. We can show our creativity for this
event by coming up with posters to promote Earth day or by writing a reflection in our journal about
what Earth day means to us personally. We can write a poem about our favourite thing in nature or
we could write a letter to the government asking for better environmental laws. We could come up
with more creative ways to conserve energy, or reduce, reuse or recycle items we personally use. We
can show our enthusiasm for our planet by researching topics that interest us and coming up with
new ideas on how to spread the word about the environmental issues that we are passionate about.
Make Earth Day last all year! - Let’s go green, everyone!
In 1974, 1 in 5,000 people, or 4,400 Canadians, had Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Today, 1 in 88,
or almost 400,000 are diagnosed. What will the next 40 years look like?
The seventh annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2015. Every year
autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and
awareness raising events. By bringing together autism organizations all around the world,
we will give a voice to the millions of individuals worldwide who are undiagnosed,
misunderstood and looking for help. Please join Upper Grand District School Board in our
effort to inspire compassion, empowerment and hope by wearing BLUE on Thursday April
2, 2015.
Autism Ontario
Kerry's Place Autism Services
Child and Youth Mental Health Week is about promoting mental wellness, increasing awareness of the child
and youth mental health, decreasing stigma and understanding that support is available.
This year’s theme for Child and Youth Mental Health Week at the Upper Grand District School Board is:
Have a SUPER Week! Let’s increase everyone’s mental health and well being!
Social Connections
Uplifting Emotions
Personal Health
Emotional Calming
Resilient Thinking
Each day of the week will focus on a different aspect of Mental Health and Well Being. The schools will be
provided with resources and activities related to each day’s theme. Some schools will also have their own
Mental Health Week activities that are specific to their school.
As a parent, you can increase the Mental Health and Well-being of your children and family too! Here are
some suggestions:
Monday May 4: Focus on Social Connection
Draw a picture or diagram of social connections.
Who does your child/youth feel close to: At home? At school? Friends? Extended family? In the
community? If there are missing parts, make a effort to try and make a new connection. Connection to
caring adults is the best protective factor that a child/youth can have.
Tuesday May 5 – Focus on Uplifting Emotions
Focus on the positive. Smile with your children/youth. Have them smile with each other. Read a book
that makes you and your children happy. Watch a video or sing a song that focuses on being happy.
Think of a positive sentence to say during your day. Put a positive note on the fridge or tweet out
positive thoughts. Put a note in your child’s lunch: Have a happy day!
Wednesday May 6 – Personal Health – Eating Well, Sleeping Well and Being Active
Wear green to support Mental Health Awareness today! Eat a good nutritious breakfast. Focus on
fruits and veggies for snacks. Walk with your child to school or go for walk after work/school. Go
outside! Go with your child to the park or for a swim or a bike ride! An hour before bed, start winding
down. No screens. Read a book or listen to calming music. Take a bath. Prepare for a good night’s
Thursday May 7 – Emotional Calming
Just breathe. Taking deep calming breaths is on the most powerful things you and your children/youth
can do to be calm. Start the day with a few deep breaths at breakfast. Have you and your child/youth
to take three deep breaths every time they walk through a doorway. So at the start of each class, your
child/youth can start with three deep breaths.
Friday May 8 – Resilient Thinking
Have your child/youth talk about their strengths. What are their strengths as a brother, sister, son or
daughter? What are their strengths in their relationships with their friends? What are the strengths
related to school, activities, interests? What do they enjoy doing and why? Talk about a time when
they used their strengths to overcome a difficult experience.
At the end of the week, think about the things that made you or your child feel more positive, more resilient
and continue to use them every day!
Our community partners will also be taking part in events around Child and Youth Mental Health Week.
The GLOWW (Giving Light Offers Worth and Wellness) youth committee of CMHA WWD is giving bracelets to
all High School students in Guelph/Wellington. The bracelets have a positive mental wellness message on the
outside and contact information on the inside.
CMHA WWD and GLOWW are having a Walk for Mental Health in Exhibition Park, Guelph from 12-5 on
Saturday May 2. Also, check out DCAFS http://dcafs.on.ca/ for events in Dufferin.
Supports for Students:
Within our board we have many mental well-being and mental health supports including Social Workers,
Psych Consultants, Child and Youth Counsellors, and several specialized teams to support students. Consult
your principal or vice principal if you feel one your students is struggling. Connected to our board we have
Mental Health and Addiction Nurses and Mental Health Workers who work with students who are not
attending school due to Mental Health issues.
Community Supports:
DCAFS 1 519 941 1530 - Services for Children/Youth in Dufferin. Talk-in Clinic Tuesdays 1-7 pm.
CMHA WWD 1 844 HERE 247 (1 844 437 4237) - Services for Children/Youth in Guelph/Wellington and Adults
in Guelph/Wellington/Dufferin. Walk In Clinic Tuesdays 1:30-7pm.
KidsHelpPhone.ca (1 800 668 6868) for children and teens to call anytime when they need someone to talk to.
For youth there is also an online chat with a counselor on Thurs to Sun nights. The website has lots of good
information about mental wellness and mental health issues.
Most of all… have a SUPER week!
Dr. Lynn Woodford is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School Board
Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford
Dear Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa and of course the dog and anyone else living at our house
I heard about these fun math games to play at home. Do you think we could try them out? I think math
is really important and I just need some extra practice.
Guess My Number
Goal: Can you guess the number I’m holding?
One player takes two playing cards. The cards can be ordered any way.
Be sure no one else can see the cards!
All other players take turns guessing what the number is by asking math questions.
"Is it even?" "Is it odd?" "Is it greater than 10?" "Is it a factor of 20?" and so on.
The payer holding the cards can only answer with a "Yes" or "No", until the actual number is guessed.
Let’s Get Loonie
(Materials: 2 dice, coins 8 pennies, 2 nickels, 4 dimes, 6 quarters and 1 loonie.)
Roll the two dice and add the two numbers together.
Take that amount of money from the centre.
(Try to always have the least number of coins in front of you at a time).
Object: to be the first player to get “Looney”.
On the Way Home from Soccer or Baseball
How many goals/runs were scored in the game?
How many more goals/runs did we need to get to make 10, 18, and 25?
How many players are on the team? If they each have one sibling how many children would that be? What if
half of them had 2 siblings? Now how many children would that be?
It cost $50.00 to fill up the van with gas. How much would 5 tanks cost? What about 8 tanks?
And for those nights that get rained out, how about some old favourites.
Puzzles, Pay Day, Monopoly, Rummoli, Phase 10 or Payday.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Grilled Cheese
Gr. 3 classes to Pizza
Perfect in Elora
Day 4
Day 5
Chocolate Bar fundraiser
ends – all money due
Skills Competition
Wear blue for Autism
Awareness Day
Gr. 8 trip Cupcake Sales
Jr. Basketball tournament
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 1
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
6:30 pm School Council
Spring & Sibling picture
Int. Basketball game @
Arthur PS
Hot Dogs
Int. Basketball game @
Victoria Cross PS
Gr. 7 Hep B & Gr.8 Girls
Salad Day – by donation
Growing our Food
Presentation 6:30 pm
Neon Day
Gr. 6, 7, 8 Spring Dance
Movie Night at Norgan
6:30 pm
Int. Basketball tournament
@ Wellington Heights SS
Ms Lange class trip to
Wellington County
MON. APRIL 6, 2015
2:00 PM