DAKKS Deutsche Akkred itie ru ngsstelle Deutsche Akkred¡t¡eru ngsstelle Gm bH Entrusted according to Section I subsectionl AkkstelleG in connection with Section 1 subsection 1 AkkStelleGBV Signatory to the Multilateral Agreements of EA, ILAC and IAF for Mutual Recognition Accreditation The Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH attests that the Siemens AG Materialprüflabor Nürnberg (E T TR qM) Katzwangerstraße 150, 90461 Nürnberg is competent under the terms of DIN EN ISO/IEC L7025:20O5 to carry out tests in the following fields: determination of material properties of insulating liquids especially transformer oil and magnetic properties of electrical sheet for use in transformers The accreditation certificate shallonly apply in connection with the notice of accreditation of 27.02.2012 with the accreditation number D-PL-11055-12 and is valid until 26.02.2017.lt comprises the cover sheet, the reverse side of the cover sheet and the following annex with a total of 2 pages. Registration number of the certificate: D-PL-11055-12-00 Berlin,27.02.2012 Head of Division This document ¡s a translat¡on. The definitive version is the origirral German accreditation cert¡ficate. see notes overleaf