DAKKS Deutsche Akkred itieru ngsstel le Deutsche Akkreditieru ngsstelle GmbH German Accreditation Body Annex to the Accreditation Certificate D-PL-L1055 -L2-00 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Period of validity: 27.02.2072to 26.02.2017 Holder of certificate: Siemens AG Materialprüflabor Nürnberg (E T TR qM) Katzwangerstraße 150, 90461 Nürnberg Tests in the fields: determination of material properties of insulating liquids especially transformer oil and magnetic properties of electrical sheet for use in transformers Abbreviations used: see last page IEC 60567 20LL Oil-filled electrical equipment - Sampling of gases and analysis of free and dissolved gases - Guidance lEC6202L-I 2003 lnsulating liquids - Determination of acidity - Part 1: Automatic potentiometric titration IEC 6202L-2 2007 lnsulating liquids - Determination of acidity - Part2: Colourimetric titration lEC60247 2004 lnsulating liquids - Measurement of relative permittivity, dielectric dissipation factor (tan) and d.c. resistivity IEC 601.56 1995 lnsulating liquids - Determination of the breakdown voltage at power frequency - Test method 14210 2003 Surface active agents - Determination of interfacial tension of solutions of surface active agents by the stirrup or ring method EN This document is a translation. The definitive version is the original German annex to the accreditat¡on cert¡ficate. DAKKS Deutsche Akkreditierun gsstel le Annex to the accreditation certificate D-Pt-l1055-12-00 IEC 61L98 1993 Mineral insulating oils - Methods for the determination of 2-furfural and related compounds IEC 60814 L997 lnsulating liquids - Oil-impregnated paper and pressboard Determination of water by automatic coulometric Karl Fischer titration rEc 60404-3 2002 Magnetic materials - Part 3: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetic sheet and strip by means of a single sheet tester rEc 60404-1L Magnetic materials - Part 11: Method of test for the determination of surface insulation resistance of magnetic sheet and strip 1999 abbriavations sed: EN tEc Period of European Standard lnternational Electrotechnical Commission validity:27.02.2Ot2to26.02,20t7 Translation 212