Western Illinois University Department of Geology Geology Minor A Geology minor can benefit students with majors in the following areas: Biology Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Geography Physics Influences from geology can be found in all aspects of human society. This includes crop growth, safe drinking water, natural disaster recovery, infrastructure and goods, international trade, and consumer goods. Many courses in geology do not require a student to have taken math, physics, or chemistry beyond those required by their major. Is Geology just for those in Science? The answer to this question is no. Students in any major can benefit from a minor in geology, especially students in the following majors: Construction Management Agriculture Recreation, Parks & Tourism Emergency Management Engineering City Planning Education Actuarial Science Military Science Law Enforcement Education Political Science Biology Why Choose a Geology Minor? Geology provides the knowledge about the environment and habitat that is required to fully understand any form of life. Geologic knowledge is also used for controlling pollution, preserving water resources, and remediation of hazardous waste sites. A proper understanding of Earth history and Earth processes is critical for the study of evolution. Emergency Management Geology can be particularly important for Biology and Forensic Chemistry majors. Additionally it is beneficial to students in Agriculture, Construction Management and Emergency Management. Knowledge of the processes of the Earth is critical to many areas in these subjects. Forensic Chemistry Crimes rarely take place in a chemistry lab. Many crime scenes are outside and knowledge about the environment in which the crime took place can be important to solving the case. The number of cases being solved based on soil evidence is greatly increasing as the importance and knowledge of geology to criminal investigations is increasing. Being a geology minor will give you the advantage in solving crimes because of your knowledge in the key areas such as soils, mineralogy, and polarized microscopy. Agriculture Proper understanding of soil types, erosion, and rock strength are critical in agriculture and engineering. Different soil types have different elements necessary for plant growth. Knowledge of how these soils form, behave, and how they are affected by erosion can be especially useful in Agriculture. Construction Management Understanding how rock can support structures and knowledge of the underlying geologic processes, such as faults, can greatly affect Engineering and Construction locations. From being able to affordably provide the material to build roads to providing salt and sand to keep them safe in winter weather, geology plays a major role in transportation and construction. Being able to identify rocks and minerals in the field for these positions can greatly impact one’s career. A region’s geology also has a tremendous impact on building codes, and understanding the forces of the earth at play can make the difference between the creation of a safe structure or one that endangers lives in a disaster. Understanding natural geologic disasters can have an impact on evacuations and emergency planning. Knowledgeable reactions in the event of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic events, sink- holes, landslides, and floods are important to law enforcement, emergency management, city planners, and government officials. A background in geology can help locate available safe drinking water for communities as well as allow cartographers and planners to prepare maps for evacuation plans, property values, and insurance rates. Minor in Geology: 18 s.h. 1. GEOL 110 Introduction to the Earth, 4 s.h. (General Education/Natural Sciences) GEOL 112 History of the Earth, 4 s.h. (General Education/Natural Sciences) 2. Departmental Electives chosen from among: 10 s.h. GEOL 200 Mineralogy GEOL 301 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology GEOL 310 Geologic Field Methods GEOL 320 Structural Geology GEOL 330 Paleontology GEOL 340 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology GEOL 375 Environmental Geology GEOL 380 Hydrogeology GEOL 420 Geomorphology GEOL 421 Glacial Geology For More Information Department of Geology 115A Tillman Hall 1 University Circle Macomb, IL 61455 USA (309) 298-1151