Reducing electricity use in Victoria through demand management Dr. Philip Wallis Research Fellow, Uniwater Akaash Sachdeva Research Assistant, MSI MSI Collaborative Project • Water, energy and transport • Infrastructure 21 Summit (Brisbane, October 2008) • Working group on efficiency and demand management Full report at: Index of per capita consumption (%) Project Rationale 700 600 500 Electricity Fuel Population Water 590% Per capita consumption Indexed to 1961 400 300 217% 200 206% 100 73% 0 1960 1980 2000 Year 2020 Sources: ABS, ABARE and Melbourne Water Electricity demand by end-use Appliances Demand Management in California Per capita Total Sources: ABARE 2008, ABS 2008; Energy Information Administration (US), Annual Energy Review 2007 Objectives • Helen Macpherson Smith Funded • Four Stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. DM measures Victorian context Recommendations Engagement History of the situation 1921 – State Electricity Commission of Victoria 1982 – Reforms 1990 – Partial privatisation 1992 – Openly competitive market 1994 – Market unbundling 1998 – National Electricity Market (NEM) 2002 – Full retail competition Industry structure Loy Yang Mgt. Co. Snowy Hydro Hazelwood Power TRUenergy IPM Australia 2120 MW 1812 MW 1600 MW 1512 MW 1000 MW Ecogen Energy AGL Valley Power Pacific Hydro Energy Brix Aust. 932 MW 855 MW 300 MW 216 MW 195 MW Pyrenees Wind SECV Aurora Energy Energy Pacific EDL Group 192 MW 150 MW 94 MW 48 MW 30 MW Transmission businesses SP AusNet (Network owner) AEMO (Network services) Distribution businesses Powercor SPI Electricity United Energy Jemena Citipower AGL Australian Power and Gas Click Energy Country Energy Energy Australia Momentum Energy Neighbourhood Energy Origin Energy Powerdirect Red Energy Simply Energy TRUenergy Victoria Electricity Generators in Victoria* Retailers Organisations Generators IPM Australia Hazelwood Power Loy Yang TRUenergy Mgt. Co. Energy Pacific Pacific Hydro AGL SECV Powercor SPI Electricity Snowy Hydro Valley Power Ecogen Energy Momentum Energy United Energy Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Federal Treasury Ministerial Council on Energy Australian Energy Regulator Department of Climate Change Energy Australia Country Energy Origin Energy AGL Simply Energy Distribution Federal SP AusNet Red Energy Aurora Energy Australian Energy Market Operator Transmission Energy Brix Aust. Pyrenees Wind Citipower Jemena ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY EDL Group Local Councils Click Energy Australian Power and Gas COAG Victorian Department of Primary Industries TRUenergy Powerdirect Neighbourhood Energy GOVERNMENT Australian Energy Market Commission Retailers Victoria Electricity Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria Sustainability Essential Victoria Services Commission Environmental Protection Energy Safe Agency Victoria Project, programs and policies ACTS, STRATEGIES & POLICIES Victorian Energy Efficiency Targets Act 2007 Environment Protection Act 1970 State Electricity Commission Act 1958 Victorian Climate Change Green Paper Renewable Energy Act 2006 Sustainability Victoria Act 2005 Electricity Industry Act 2000 Electricity Safety Act 1998 Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 Victorian Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme National Strategy on Energy Efficiency Australian Energy Market Act 2004 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Acts National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 National Framework for Energy Efficiency Federal Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulation 2006 Federal Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program Energy Efficient Homes Package Renewable Energy Target VEET Scheme Green Loans Federal NEM Australian Carbon Trust Energy Meter Rollout Climate Communities Solar Hot Water Rebate ResourceSmart Gas Hot Water Rebate Victorian Whitegoods Appliance Rebate PROGRAMS & PROJECTS Victorian electricity system NON-ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONS Generators Snowy Hydro IPM Hazelwood Australia Energy Brix Power Valley Aust. Loy Yang Power TRUenergy Mgt. Co. Pyrenees Wind Ecogen Energy Pacific Energy Pacific Hydro Red Aurora AGL Energy SECV Energy Powercor Momentum Energy Citipower Jemena SPI Electricity Simply Energy Distribution Ministerial Council on Energy Federal Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Federal Treasury Australian Energy Regulator Department of Climate Change Energy Retailers Association of Australia Energy Supply Association of Australia Australian Energy Market Operator Local Councils Industry associations Energy Users Association of Australia Energy Networks Association State Electricity Commission Act 1958 TRUenergy Sustainability Victoria Act 2005 COAG Victorian Victoria Electricity Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Consumer Action Law Centre Financial and Consumer Rights Council Victorian Council of Social Service Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 National Strategy on Energy Efficiency Australian Energy Market Act 2004 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Acts Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program Energy Efficient Homes Package Alternative Technology Association Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance Municipal Association of Victoria Beyond Zero Emissions Environmental Defenders Office Renewable Energy Target National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 National Framework for Energy Efficiency Federal Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulation 2006 Federal NEM Australian Carbon Trust VEET Scheme Green Loans Federal Energy Meter Rollout Climate Communities Solar Hot Water Rebate ResourceSmart Gas Hot Water Rebate Victorian Whitegoods Appliance Rebate PROGRAMS & PROJECTS SUPPORTING AND INTEREST GROUPS Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre Electricity Safety Act 1998 Powerdirect Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria Sustainability Essential Victoria Services Commission Environmental Protection Energy Safe Agency Victoria Consumer rights groups Electricity Industry Act 2000 Victorian Neighbourhood Energy Australian Power and Gas Department of Primary Industries Renewable Energy Act 2006 Environment Protection Act 1970 Retailers Click Energy Country Energy GOVERNMENT Australian Energy Market Commission Electrical Energy Society of Australia SP AusNet Energy Australia Victorian Climate Change Green Paper Victorian Energy Efficiency Targets Act 2007 Transmission Origin Energy AGL United Energy ACTS, STRATEGIES & POLICIES ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY EDL Group Environmental groups Zero Emission Network Moreland Energy Foundation Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action Environment Victoria Demand Management Measures STRATEGY Pricing Smart operating systems Regulation Behaviour change METHOD Pricing structures TECHNIQUE Consumer incentives Rebate schemes and subsidies Energy saving certificates Green loans Peak-time rebates Metering Real-time electricity metering In-Home displays Direct load control Power factor correction Utility incentives South Australia A/C load control trial Efficiency Mandated minimum efficiency standards Voluntary efficiency standards Influences on behaviour The rational economic model of behaviour Social-psychological factors and models Strategies for behaviour change Persuasion Social learning theory Participatory problem-solving Community based social marketing Consumer information Appliance Labelling Consumption information at billing Time-of-use variable pricing Real-time pricing Pre-paid electricity Critical-peak pricing Rate decoupling New South Wales D-Factor Systems benefit charges Shareholder incentives Demand Bidding Loading Order $0 to $10 0% Wholesale costs 8000 $300+ 29% $200 to $300 2% 40.63% $10 to $20 8% $20 to $30 23% Number of half hours 7000 $150 to $200 1% 6000 26.12% 5000 4000 $100 to $ 150 2% 18.48% $75 to $100 4% 3000 2000 1000 6.49% 1.38% 0 $0 to $10 $50 to $75 $40 to $50 7% 8% 4.31% 1.48% 0.59% 0.08% 0.24% 0.20% $10 to $20 to $30 to $40 to $50 to $75 to $100 to $150 to $200 to $300+ $20 $30 $40 $50 $75 $100 $ 150 $200 $300 Spot Price Range ($/MWH) $30 to $40 16% 35 30 12:00 AM 40 11:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 5:00 AM 4:00 AM 3:00 AM 2:00 AM 1:00 AM Retail electricity price / c/kWh Pricing mechanisms High demand day Critical peak pricing Time of use tariff Real time pricing Postage stamp tariff 25 20 15 10 5 35 12:00 AM 40 11:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 5:00 AM 4:00 AM 3:00 AM 2:00 AM 1:00 AM Retail electricity price / c/kWh Pricing mechanisms Average demand day Time of use tariff Real time pricing Postage stamp tariff 30 25 20 15 10 5 35 12:00 AM 40 11:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 5:00 AM 4:00 AM 3:00 AM 2:00 AM 1:00 AM Retail electricity price / c/kWh Pricing mechanisms Low demand day Time of use tariff Real time pricing Postage stamp tariff 30 25 20 15 10 5 Smart operating systems Smart Meters In Home Displays Direct Load Control Consumer incentives Rebates Green Loans Energy Saving Certificates Efficiency standards Voluntary Standards Improved market efficiency Mandatory Standards Utility incentives Barrier Technique Cost of implementation System Benefits Charge Lost revenue Revenue Decoupling Management motivation Shareholder Incentives Behaviour change models Social Context Economic Rational model Price Information Pricing & Smart meters Persuasion campaigns Internal Values Price & Information Subconscious Habits Behaviour Change Recommendations Purpose Target Mechanism Pricing CONSUMERS: Responsibility and response-ability Reducing Electricity Use Recommendation TIME-DEPENDENT PRICING USING SMART METERS Purpose Target CONSUMERS: Responsibility and response-ability Reducing Electricity Use Mechanism Recommendation Pricing TIME-DEPENDENT PRICING USING SMART METERS Consumer attitudes and awareness COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE STRATEGY Purpose Target CONSUMERS: Responsibility and response-ability Mechanism Pricing TIME-DEPENDENT PRICING USING SMART METERS Consumer attitudes and awareness COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE STRATEGY Consumer access and knowledge Reducing Electricity Use Recommendation ENABLING FRAMEWORK FOR REDUCING ELECTRICITY DEMAND (EFFICIENCY SCHEMES) Purpose Target CONSUMERS: Responsibility and response-ability Mechanism Pricing TIME-DEPENDENT PRICING USING SMART METERS Consumer attitudes and awareness COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE STRATEGY Consumer access and knowledge Reducing Electricity Use Consumer access BUSINESS: Efficiency of equipment and appliances Recommendation Regulation & standards ENABLING FRAMEWORK FOR REDUCING ELECTRICITY DEMAND (EFFICIENCY SCHEMES) Purpose Target CONSUMERS: Responsibility and response-ability Mechanism Pricing TIME-DEPENDENT PRICING USING SMART METERS Consumer attitudes and awareness COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE STRATEGY Consumer access and knowledge Reducing Electricity Use Consumer access BUSINESS: Efficiency of equipment and appliances ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY: Investment in demand management Recommendation ENABLING FRAMEWORK FOR REDUCING ELECTRICITY DEMAND (EFFICIENCY SCHEMES) Regulation & standards Organisational attitudes and incentives INCENTIVES FOR ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY TO PURSUE DEMAND MANAGEMENT Purpose Target CONSUMERS: Responsibility and response-ability Mechanism Pricing TIME-DEPENDENT PRICING USING SMART METERS Consumer attitudes and awareness COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOUR CHANGE STRATEGY Consumer access and knowledge Reducing Electricity Use Consumer access BUSINESS: Efficiency of equipment and appliances ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY: Recommendation ENABLING FRAMEWORK FOR REDUCING ELECTRICITY DEMAND (EFFICIENCY SCHEMES) Regulation & standards Organisational attitudes and incentives INCENTIVES FOR ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY TO PURSUE DEMAND MANAGEMENT Regulatory policy EMBED SUSTAINABILITY IN REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Investment in demand management Acknowledgements • John Langford (Uniwater) • Janet Stanley, Anna Skarbek, Dave Griggs (MSI, ClimateWorks) • Graeme Hodge, Diana Bowman (Centre for Regulatory Studies) • CPUC, CUAC, ESC & others • Helen Macpherson Smith Trust