Manuscript Collection Inventory Illinois History and Lincoln Collections University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Note: Unless otherwise specified, documents and other materials listed on the following pages are available for research at the Illinois Historical and Lincoln Collections, located in the Main Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Additional background information about the manuscript collection inventoried is recorded in the Manuscript Collections Database ( under the collection title; search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding collection record in the database. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois History and Lincoln Collections phone: (217) 333-1777 email: The -letters are arranged chronologically, beginning in Folder 4, They are preceded by r:ther miscellaneous manuscripts, also in chronological order, f n addit.ion t,o William Osman himself , the correspondents, either as authors or recipients represented in the collection: M. Beck B. C " Cook W" Dumon ? W. H. German R. E. Goodell George William Heilie Jacob Hise John Hise Jesse Klinger Ro]lin Means ? t' "Mother Joshua Osman Moses Osman Robert Osman Samuel Osman Wiltiam Osman (nephew) J. M. Roberts George Schreiber John T. Stuart Willet Terr;. Jacob Walder W. H. L. Wallace Georgie F. Weaver C. Witmer f ollowing r:f lett.ers, are 1 item). 3 iterns ) . 1 item). I item). 1 itern). 5 itens ) . 1 item). 7 items ) . 2 items ) . 1 item). 1 item). 2 items ) . 18 items ) . (conformed cop5' af Will ) . (12 items ) . (1 item)" ( I iten). (1 item). { 1 item, addressed t,o Stuart ( 1 item). (2 iterns ) . ( 1 i tem, acldressed to Wallace ) . 1l items, + 3 itens 2 items ) . ?) ) WII,LIAM OSMAN PAPERS INVENTORY Folder No. L i. 2 , 3. 4 , 5. 6. 7. 8. S. 10. 11. 1?, 13 . 14 , 15. 16 . 17, 18. 19. tetter Book, Feb. 1836-Aug. 1838 (internittent), 50 pages; 31 entries. [Pag* numbers refer to the L, Book itage numbers , ] William Osman (Harrisburg, Pa.) to "Mr, G. I.I{. F, W._"fi,e., George F. Weaver?.|. Feb. 29, 1846. (pp. 1-3). I{iilliam Osrnan { Harrisbr,rrg ) to "Mother. " June 7 , 1836. (pp. 3_I). "{i. F, w-__" Ii.e., George F. Weaver] (Aaronsbur-q, Pa. ) tr: William Osman. Sept, B, 1836. (pp. 5-7\, William Osman ( near Gratz, Pa. ) to "Fred-erick" I i . e. , George F. Weaverl (Aaronsburg ) . Sept. 15, 1836. {pp. 7-10)" George F. Weaver (Aaronsburg) to WiIli,an Osman. Nov. L4, 1836" (pp. 10-13), William {)sman (Harrisburg) to "Dear Brother" Ii.e., Moses Osmanl (Gratz). Apr. 18, i837. (pp. 13*16). Moses Osman (Gratzl) t,: William Osman. Apr. 22, 183?. (pp. 16-181. Samuel Osman {Bellefonte, Pa" } to William Osman (Harrisburg). Apr, 4, 1837. (p. lB). "(f. P. Q. " (?) to "Editor"--"Fair Dealing. " Apr. B, 1837. {pp. 18-20). Kl inger (Lower Mahantango, Schur.l ki11 Cio. o Pa . ) to 'lesse I,\Iilliam Osman {Harrisburg}. Jrrne 15, lBgT. {p. Z0). William Osman (Harrisbnrg) to "Nephe*" ( i.e, , Jesse Itlinger) (Lor,rer }fahentango). June 2I , 1837. {pp" 20*22\. lloses Osman (Halifax, Pa.) to william Osman. Jr"rJ.y 8, 1837. (p . 22\ , william Inlases ( I{arrisburg ) to lt{oses Osman. August, 31,183?. (pp. 23-24\ , lfr:ses Osman Osman. Sept. 3 , i 8g? . { Gratz ) to william l)i t^^ otr\ La-LJ \lJlr. t. Iloses Osman (Gratz ) to William Osman. Oct. 5, 1gg?, (p. 26t, 1,\'i11iam Osman (Harrisburg ) to lloses Osman { Gratz ) . Oct. 18, 1837. (p,26-29), "Speech on t,he quest,ion 'Do the signs of the Ti.mes indicate the d,:wnf al1 of the repuhlic?' Del iv'ered before the Jefferson Debating Societp.. olri t.he 1Qth of No\-. 7837," (i:1:. 29-31). "Sl:eech d-e1ir,-ered bef ore the Young men, s Debati ng Society ori the Question: 'Should Negro Slaver_v in the {-I. S. be imnediately abo}ished, ' on the Bth of Januar--v, 1837" fi.e., 1B3Bl. {pp. 32-34\, William Osman (Harris]:urg) to Samuel Osman. Jan. 10, 1838. (pp, 34-36). 2 20, "Speech d.elivered before the young men,s Dehrating Soclety on t.he 22 of January, 1838, on the er_restion: 'Is Trades t LInion benef icial to the communitS;f r " (pp. 36-39). 2L " Speech , d-el ivered bef ore the young men , s De]:at ing Society on the Questir:n: 'Shor-rld Teras ire aclrnltted j,nto the Union, ' on the 30th r:f January, 1838. " (pp. 39-41). 22. Samuel Osman ( Be11efonte to William Osman. I\1a"r' 13, 1838. (P. 41). 23 " Wi11iam Osman ( Harrisburg to Samuel Osman. Ma.. 15, 1838. (p. 41). 21 , t{i11iam Osman {Gettyshrurg r Pa. ) to "Dear Weirich" I i . e. , George F. I,{eaver ?1 May 2G, 1818. {pi:. 4I-121 . 25, "W. F. Pentz" Ii.e. , George F. Weaver?] {Harrisburg) to William Osman. June 4, 1836 [i.e., 1938]. (pp. 42-43). 26 , Samuel Osman ( Bellef onte ) to William Osman. ) ) June 7 , 1838. (p. 43 ) . Wiltiam Osman (Gett.ysblrrg) to ,Sanuel Osman. June 11, 1838. (pp. 44-15\. 28. William Osman (Get.t;rsburg) to W, H. German (Harrisburg). July 5, 1838. (p . 45-47 \ . 29 , C, Witmer, "Conscience. " Aug. 1 , 1838. ( pp , 47 - 49) . 30. William Osman, "Conscience A Correct. Guirfe." Aug. 4, 1838. (pp. 48-49). 31. I{illiam osman, "'The violent par:ty politicians' Reacl bef ore Prof . Reynolds of Prep. Dep. pa . colleg:e, Augr.rst 23, 1B3B." (pp, 49-50), 27 2 . "Adventures of Joshua and William"-*Nov. l--11 , 1838. 24 irregiular pages, one partially cut off , and ot.hers partially defaced with pencil marks. tA chronology rvritten in the satirical "travel adl'enture" t,raclit,ion of Henrl- Fielding's Jrsseph r{nrjrer.:s and Tam Jones, telling r:f the travels of the two brothers_ in and around Dauphin Count,;., Pennsylvania during the f irst days of November, 1838. ) Diary Fragments--Apr. 4-16, 1839. 12 pages, 13 entr:ies (2 pages cut in half ). (William Osmarr r\'as working for a printer in Philadelphia at this time.) Letter:s--1838. 6 items " f See also the 14 entries in the Letter Book (Folder with dates from Jan.-Aug. 1B3Il From W. Drrmon ?, AFr. 19, 1838. language fGerman ?1. George Schreiber to Holyon ( ? ) . In a foreign Aug. 1 , 1838. 1) 3 3. 4. George F. Weaver (Harrisburg) to William Osman (Gettysburg ) . Aug. 30, 1838. Unsigned. Sept. 8, 1838. Appears to be a draft of a form WiIliam f)sman at college in Gettl'sburg to a 5. letter brot,her. George F. Weaver (Harrisburg) to william ( Gettl'sfuurg ) . Sept . 10 , l" I3B . 6. [See also items for Nov. 1-110 1B3B in Folder 21, Unsigned (Gettysbure!) tc William osman. Dec. 5., 1838. Appears t,o he from a fellors college student; pages apparentl y missing. 5 tetters--1839. 1 . 2 , 3. 4 , 5. 6 . 7 , Osman 2l items. Samuel Osman ( Bellef onte ) to William Osman (Harrisbr"lrg ) . Jan. 2A , 1839 . C. I{it,mer ( Gettystrurg ) to i{ilIiam Osman { Pottstown ' Pa. ) ' c. Feh. 24 , 1839 . John Hise (Ilarrisfugrg) to Willian Osman {Pottstorvn}. Feb. 25 , 1839. Jghn FIise ( Harrisburg ) to William Osman ( Pott.stown ) . Mar. 3 ' 1839. (Harrisfuurg) tr1 William Osman {Pc'ttstown). John Hise Mar. 4, 1839, John Hise ( Harrisburg ) t.o William Osman Pa. } . Mar . 12 , 1839 . { Phi}adelphia, (Harrisburg) t,o william Ctsman (Philadelphia) . John Hise also includes a previous This letter Mar, 29, 1839. person rshose name is illegible; a l-etter to Hise from paper for his letter to the reused Hise apparentl.rOsman ' I. 9. 10. 11" 72, i3. 1,4 , lsee also diary entries for Apr. 4-16' 1839 in Folder 3. l Unsignecl (Philadelphia ) . Llnaddressed. May 16 ' 1839 . Possiblv a. draft letter b:' williarn Osmani notes and quotations on reverse sicle. John Hise ( Harrisbtrrg ) to william Osman (Philadelphia) May 29, 1839. william Osman (Philadelphia) to John Hise. May 31' 1839" Appears to be an uncompleted draft letter. Samuel Clsman (Bellefonte) to Willian Osman (Philaclelphia). June 9, 1839. Harrisburg Weaver F. } tc, William Osman Geclrge { . 1839 22 . June , { Philade}phia ) (Harrisburg Osman. W11liarn t.o Osman Moses ) 26 1839. June o George F ' Weaver ( Harristrurg ) to williarn Osman (Philadelphia). c. June' 1839. . ,i 15. George F. Weal'er (Harrisburg) to William Osman {unsigned and r-rnadclressed, b,ut author and recipient are apparent from the context ) . July 1, 1839. i6 . M. Beck ( Harrisl:urg ) t,o Wiltiam Osman { trhiladelphia ) . July 6 , 1839 . (Itrritten in German. ) Also contains note from Moses Osman to William Osman. 17, George F. Weaver {Harrishrurg) to Wl11iam Osman Sept. 15 1839. t Philadelphia ) . 18. William Osman (Philadelphia)' to George Wiltiam Heilie. Oct. 1, 1839. Appears t,o be an uncompleted draft letter. 19. George william Heilie {Harrisburg) to witliam osman ( Philadelphia ) . 0ct. 27 , 1839 20. Moses Osman (Harrisburg) to william Osman. Nov" 1, 1839. Samuel Osman { Be1lef ont,e ) to Wi 1I iam Osman 21, , (Philadelrrhia). Nov. 10, 1839. . 8 items. 6 tetters--1840. 1. Samuel Osman (Bellefonte) to William Osman (Harrisburg). May 77 , 1840. George F. Weaver (Cltt'awa, I1') t.o I'di.lliam Osman (Harrisburg). MaJ' 25, 1839 [i.e. ' 1840]. Osman (Harrisburg ) . George F. Weaver (Ot,"{a ) to William 2, 3. June 29, 1840. Llnsigned (Harrisburg) to William Osman (Ottawa). Aug. 21, 1840. Moses Osman ( Harrisbr-rrg ) to william Osman. 5. Sept , 29, 1840. 6. Samuel f)sman (Bellef onte ) to william osman { ot.t,awa ) . Oct . 3, 1840. 7. George William Heilig (Harrisburg) to william osman {Ottawa). Nov. 3, 1840. B, Moses Osman (Harrishurg) to William Osman' Nov. 10, 1840. 4. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6 6 items. GeorEie WilIian Heilig (Harrisburg) to william osman (Ottawa) . May L, 1841. Samuel- Osman (Bel1ef onte ) to william Osman (Ottawa ) . May 4, 1841. Moses Osman (Harrisburg) to I{illiam Osman {Ottar'ra) . Ma5' 30' 1841. George Witfiam Heilie {Harrisburg) t'o William Osman (Ottawa ) . Jul.v 29, 1841' Moses Osman {Harrisburg) to William Osman {Ottawa). Aug. 17, 1841, L\ril1iam Osman ( Ot,tarva ) to Mcses Osman { Harrishurg ) . Oct. 1.2, 1841. Letters--1841. . 5 B 1. 2, 3. I Letters*-1842. 3 items. Willet Terry {Ottarva} to John ?. Ster^rart, li.e,, Striartl {Washington City, D.C. ). Jan. 3, 7842. f stuart r^ras a memLrer of Congress at, this time.l Moses Osman {Harris'brirg ) to wil liam C}sman. Jan. 28, \842, "Tacoh Walder (Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ) to I{illiam Osman {0ttawa ) . Mal' 9, 1842, tetters--1843. 3 items. 1". Moses Osman (Ftrarrishurg ) to Willian Osman (Ottawa) , Jan. 27 , 1843. 2, Joshua Osman (Peach Bottom, Pa. ) to will.iam Osman {Ottar^'a). Mar. 24, 1843, 3, R. E. Gr:odell { Chicago, I} , ) to William Osman { Ot,tarra. Mar. ZB, 1843. l0 tetters--1844. 11 tetters--1845. ) . 4 items. 1. B. C. Co,:k (Cato, N.Y.) to Mases and William Osman (Ottarsa). Ju15' 16' 1844. Incl,ucles a nerr's repart by Cook d-ated July 13, 7844 from Osrrego, N.Y. , of Democratic party political actj-vities in the Polk & Dallas presicl-ent.iaf campaign. 2, J, M. Br:Lrerts ( St. Louis, Mo. ) ta Williarn Osman {Ot.tawa). Sept,. 19, 1844. 3. Balssett,s I Brlssett, ' s ? I School Patron Meet ing Minut,es . Dec. 77, 1844 " William Osman, Secretary. "A1ice" to "Dear Friend" [wh,: from the context, appears 4" ta be Wiltiam Osmanl. Dec. 30, 7844, 1. 2, 3 . 1, 12 1. 4 items. B. C. Cook (Springfield, fI.) to William Osman {fJt,t.awa}. Jan. 2A, 1845. (Includes a letter t.o the "Editors"-presumably of Witliam Osman's Free, I Jacob Walder (Wilkes-Barre) tr: William Osman (Ott.awa) June 29, 1845. Rollin Means ? { Jacksonville, 11. } to Williarn {)sman and Briton C, Cook (Ottarva) . Oct. 77 , 1845, Llnsigned (Littleford, ?) to "Brother Bil-1," Dec, 2, 1845. Appears to be an unfinished letter draft. " Letters-*1846. I item. Jacob Hise {Ottaway Isic.J) Mar. 22 n 1846. to "Son" {Pittshur€h, Pa.). 6 13 1 . 14 Letters--1847, I item. William Osman ( Salti-Ilo , Mexico ) to W, H. L. Wallace ( 1st I1l. Vol. ) . Apr. 12, 1847. Letters--Unascertainable Date. B items. 1. Llndated. Unsigned. Appears to be a draft of a school essa)' on the "t'ittts" use of language. 2. Undated. "W" Ii.e., William Osman]. Appears to be an essay on the timelessness of defaming prr:minent people. lAccording to the Webster's New Internatjonaf Dictionary, r_rnabriclged 2nd ed"it.ion, a "Roorback" ( or "Roorbach" ) is a defamatory falsehood published for political effect, It states further that. the word originated in L844, when there was published, tc, the detriment of James K. Pofk, t.hen a candidate for Presidentr on extract purporting to be from Raorbackts Tour through the Western and Southern States in 1956,) 3. William Osman Inephew of Willian Osman](St, Louis] to William Osman (Ottarva) . Aug. 2A, 184?. Nephew i^rrites his uncle asking for money, as he is sick and_ cannnt pay rent ; nephew's landlord,, H, G. Barret.t , also encloses a note, entreating unc].e tc pa1' nephewrE ,1eht, 4. IJndated, Llnsignecl to "Dear brother. " 5. I-hdated. Linsignecl. Fragmentary notes on nl assical hist'or-v and literatr"rre. 6. Fragment of letter , with s ignature "Cous in Ba,rneJr " " I-lndated. Unsignerl . "To Colorrr Green" ; 'nTo Color.rr 7, Scar1et."; "To Cr:Iour Pink" (d--r'1r'r* inst.rr-tctions ) . B. Llndaterl . I-lnsi.gned " Speeeh on the responsib j I i f es of child rearing. 15 tegal Paper:s. 2 items. 1" Llndated. t-lsigned. Dr:aft cf Partnership Dissolut,ion Agreement r.lissolvin.g the partnership formerlS' entitled "Hise &. osman" and recent,ly entitled- "Wm* Osman & Co." 2, Conformed copy of the Witl. of Robert Osman, dated Aug. 21 , 1826; indicates Letters Testamentar.v grant.eri to the Co-Executors under the Will by Register in Dauphin Count.y, Pennsylvaniar on Mar. 23, 1fi:1 , 1.6 Obituary of William Osman. 2 items. 1. Photocopy of the Obituary of trrillinm {)sman nr-inf*-d ir, The Daif y Free Trader, Trrescl,ar... .Tanrrar-r- 1q . l 9nq. p, 2, 2, Original iqsr.te of Thp !)ail.t, .7r*e Trader. Tr.resda..., JanLrarr' 19 , i 909 . L7 1. I e A 0. Newspapers. The rfLinois,state Register & rLLinctis Advocate, Friday, March 25, 1836. (Reprintl The New York HearJd, Saturday, April 1b, 196b. The Ottawa Free Trader, Saturday, March Z, 1867. Free Trader-JournaL and ottawa Fair DeaJer, wednesd"ay, January 5, 1927 , "Ot,tawats Civif War Veterans Honorecl , " The DaiJy Tines (Ottawa, fllinois), Wednesday, October 1S, 1ggB, p. g (discusses Col. Douglas Hapeman, who was William Osman's trus j-ness partner f rom 1BGT to 1BBB ) . The Daily Tines (Ottawa, Illinois), Special lS0th Anniversary Section, Friday October I4, 1gg4 {cover showing pedigree of the newspaper, including Willian Osman and The Ottawa Free Trader\. 1B Miscellanous. I q 6 items 3 items. Miscellanous newspaper clippings regarding members of the Osman family, 1898-1946. crarence Griggs, €d., sauvenir: one Hundreth Anniversary of Christ Episcopal Church, Ottawa, fflinois, A,D, 1838-A"D, 1938 {October 16, 1938) (discusses William Osman's 19th-century affiliation with the church) Edmund R. Travers, M.D. "The Therapeutical Value of Lime as Contained in the Ottawa Mineral Springs " " Amboy, Lee County, f 1l-inois, April 7, lBTb . "John E. scott" written on the back of the last page. Encroserf in envelope pr:stmarked. October 31, 1908. "