Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2009, Article ID 941920, 11 pages doi:10.1155/2009/941920 Research Article Probabilities as Values of Modular Forms and Continued Fractions Riad Masri and Ken Ono Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Ken Ono, ono@math.wisc.edu Received 12 May 2009; Accepted 26 August 2009 Recommended by Pentti Haukkanen We consider certain probability problems which are naturally related to integer partitions. We show that the corresponding probabilities are values of classical modular forms. Thanks to this connection, we then show that certain ratios of probabilities are specializations of the RogersRamanujan and Ramanujan- Selberg- Gordon-Göllnitz continued fractions. One particular evaluation depends on a result from Ramanujan’s famous first letter to Hardy. Copyright q 2009 R. Masri and K. Ono. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction and Statement of Results In a recent paper 1, Holroyd et al. defined probability models whose properties are linked to the number theoretic functions pk n, which count the number of integer partitions of n which do not contain k consecutive integers among its summands. Their asymptotic results for each k lead to a nice application: the calculation of thresholds of certain two dimensional cellular automata see 1, Theorem 4. In a subsequent paper 2, Andrews explained the deep relationship between the generating functions for pk n and mock theta functions and nonholomorphic modular forms. Already in the special case of p2 n, one finds an exotic generating function whose unusual description requires both a modular form and a Maass form. This description plays a key role in the recent work of Bringmann and Mahlburg 3, who make great use of the rich properties of modular forms and harmonic Maass forms to obtain asymptotic results which improve on 1, Theorem 3 in the special case of p2 n. It does not come as a surprise that the seminal paper of Holroyd et al. 1 has inspired further work at the interface of number theory and probability theory. In addition to 2, 3, we point out the recent paper by Andrews et al. 4 Here we investigate another family of probability problems which also turn out to be related to the analytical properties of classical partition generating functions. 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences These problems are relatives of the following standard undergraduate problem. Toss a fair coin repeatedly until it lands heads up. If one flips n tails before the first head, what is the probability that n is even? Since the probability of flipping n tails before the first head is 1/2n1 , the solution is 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 5 ··· − . 2 2 1 − 1/2 1 − 1/4 3 2 1.1 Instead of continuing until the first head, consider the situation where a coin is repeatedly flipped: once, then twice, then three times, and so on. What is the probability of the outcome that each nth turn, where n is odd, has at least one head? More generally, let 0 < p < 1, and let {C1 , C2 , . . .} be a sequence of independent events where the probability of Cn is given by Pp Cn : 1 − pn . 1.2 For each pair of integers 0 ≤ r < t, we let Ar, t : set of sequences where Cn occurs if n / ≡ ± r mod t . 1.3 In the case where p 1/2, one can think of Cn as the event where at least one of n tosses of a coin is a head. Therefore, if p 1/2, the problem above asks for the probability of the outcome A0, 2. Remark 1.1. Without loss of generality, we shall always assume that 0 ≤ r ≤ t/2. In most cases Ar, t is defined by two arithmetic progressions modulo t. The only exceptions are for r 0, and for even t when r t/2. It is not difficult to show that the problem of computing Pp Ar, t : “probability of Ar, t” 1.4 involves partitions. Indeed, if pr, t; n denotes the number of partitions of n whose summands are congruent to ±r mod t, then we shall easily see that the probabilities are computed using the generating functions ⎧ ∞ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ , ⎪ tnr ⎪ 1 − q 1 − qtnt−r ⎪ n0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ∞ ∞ ⎨ 1 , pr, t; nqn P r, t; q : ⎪ n1 1 − qtn ⎪ n0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ∞ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ , ⎩ 1 − qtnt/2 n0 if 0 < r < if r 0, if r t , 2 1.5 t . 2 This critical observation is the bridge to a rich area of number theory, one involving class field theory, elliptic curves, and partitions. In these areas, modular forms play a central role, and International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 so it is natural to investigate the number theoretic properties of the probabilities Pr Ar, t from this perspective. Here we explain some elegant examples of results which can be obtained in this way. Throughout, we let τ ∈ H, the upper-half of the complex plane, and we let qτ : e2πiτ . The Dedekind eta-function is the weight 1/2 modular form see 5 defined by the infinite product ητ : qτ1/24 ∞ n1 1 − qτn . 1.6 We also require some further modular forms, the so-called Siegel functions. For u and v real numbers, let B2 u : u2 − u 1/6 be the second Bernoulli polynomial, let z : u − vτ, and let qz : e2πiz . Then the Siegel function gu,v τ is defined by the infinite product B u/2 2πivu−1/2 gu,v τ : −qτ 2 e ∞ n1 1 − qz qτn 1 − qz−1 qτn . 1.7 These functions are weight 0 modular forms e.g., see 5. For fixed integers 0 ≤ r ≤ t/2, we first establish that Pp Ar, t is essentially a value of a single quotient of modular forms. Theorem 1.2. If 0 < p < 1 and τp : − logp · i/2π, then Pp Ar, t ⎧ ⎪ t−1/24 ⎪ ⎪ · qτp ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −t2/48 ⎪ ⎨ qτ p η τp , η tτp if r 0, η τp η tτp · , η t/2τp if r ⎪ 1 − qτt/2 ⎪ p ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −2t1/24 −πir/t ⎪ ⎪ e qτp ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ − · ⎩ 1 − qr τp t , 2 1.8 η τp , otherwise. g0,−r/t tτp One of the main results in the work of Holroyd et al. see 1, Theorem 2 was the asymptotic behavior of their probabilities as p → 1. In Section 4 we obtain the analogous results for log Pp Ar, t. Theorem 1.3. As p → 1, one has ⎧ π2 ⎪ ⎪ 1− ⎪ ⎪ ⎨6 1 − p − log Pp Ar, t ∼ ⎪ ⎪ π2 ⎪ ⎪ 1− ⎩ 6 1−p 1 , t 2 , t if r 0, t , 2 otherwise. 1.9 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Table 1: Values of Lp. Pp A2, 5 0.692 · · · 0.576 · · · .. . 6.43 · · · × 10−14 5.65 · · · × 10−21 3.11 · · · × 10−42 p 0.3 0.4 .. . 0.97 0.98 0.99 Pp A1, 5 0.883 · · · 0.776 · · · .. . 1.03 · · · × 10−13 9.11 · · · × 10−21 5.03 · · · × 10−42 Lp 0.61607 · · · 0.61778 · · · .. . 0.61803 · · · 0.61803 · · · 0.61803 · · · To fully appreciate the utility of Theorem 1.2, it is important to note that the relevant values of Dedekind’s eta-function and the Siegel functions can be reformulated in terms of the real-analytic Eisenstein series see 5 Eu,v τ, s : e2πimunv m,n∈Z2 m,n / 0,0 ys |mτ n|2s , τ x iy ∈ H, Res > 1. 1.10 One merely makes use of the Kronecker Limit Formulas e.g., see 5, Part 4. These limit formulas are prominent in algebraic number theory for they explicitly relate such values of modular forms to values of zeta-functions of number fields. We give two situations where one plainly sees the utility of these observations. Firstly, one can ask for a more precise limiting behavior than is dictated by Theorem 1.3. For example, consider the limiting behavior of the quotient Lp : Pp A2, 5/Pp A1, 5, as p → 1. Table 1 is very suggestive. Theorem 1.4. The following limits are true: √ Pp A2, 5 −1 5 , lim p → 1 Pp A1, 5 2 √ Pp A3, 8 lim −1 2. p → 1 Pp A1, 8 Remark 1.5. Notice that 1/2−1 √ φ : 1.11 5 −1 φ, where φ is the golden ratio √ 1 1 5 1.61803 . . . . 2 1.12 Theorem 1.4 is a consequence of our second application which concerns the problem of obtaining algebraic formulas for all of these ratios, not just the limiting values. As a function of p, one may compute the ratios of these probabilities in terms of continued fractions. To ease notation, we let a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 ··· 1.13 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 5 denote the continued fraction a1 b1 a2 . 1.14 a3 b3 · · · b2 The following continued fractions are well known: 1 1 1 1 1 1 ··· 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ··· 1 1 ··· 1 1 2 2 √ −1 5 , 2 −1 √ 1.15 2. 1 2 ··· Theorem 1.4 is the limit of the following exact formulas. Theorem 1.6. If 0 < p < 1 and τp : − logp · i/2π, then one has that Pp A2, 5 Pp A1, 5 Pp A3, 8 Pp A1, 8 2 3 1 qτp qτp qτp , 1 1 1 1 ··· qτ2p qτ4p qτ6p 1 . 1 qτp 1 qτ3p 1 qτ5p 1 qτ7p ··· 1.16 Theorem 1.6 can also be used to obtain many further beautiful expressions, not just those pertaining to the limit as p → 1. For example, we obtain the following simple corollary. Corollary 1.7. For p1 1/e2π and p2 1/eπ , one has that √ Pp1 A2, 5 1 5 5 , e−2π/5 −φ Pp1 A1, 5 2 √ √ Pp2 A3, 8 42 2− 32 2 . e−π/2 Pp2 A1, 8 1.17 Remark 1.8. The evaluation of Pp A2, 5/Pp A, 1, 5 when p 1/e2π follows from a formula in Ramanujan’s famous first letter to Hardy dated January 16, 1913. Theorem 1.6 and Corollary 1.7 follow from the fact that the Fourier expansions of the relevant modular forms in Theorem 1.2 are realized as the q-continued fractions of Rogers-Ramanujan and Ramanujan-Selberg-Gordon-Göllnitz. We shall explain these results in Section 5. 6 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences We chose to focus on two particularly simple examples of ratios, namely, Pp A2, 5 , Pp A1, 5 Pp A3, 8 . Pp A1, 8 1.18 One can more generally consider ratios of the form Pp Ar1 , t . Pp Ar2 , t 1.19 It is not the case that all such probabilities, for fixed r1 and r2 , can be described by a single continued fraction. However, one may generalize these two cases, thanks to Theorem 1.2, by making use of the so-called Selberg relations 6 see also 7 which extend the notion of a continued fraction. Arguing in this way, one may obtain Theorem 1.6 in its greatest generality. Although we presented Theorem 1.4 as the limiting behavior of the continued fractions in Theorem 1.6, we stress that its conclusion also follows from the calculation of the explicit Fourier expansions at cusps of the modular forms in Theorem 1.2. In this way one may also obtain Theorem 1.4 in generality. Turning to the problem of obtaining explicit formulas such as those in Corollary 1.7, we have the theory of complex multiplication at our disposal. In general, one expects to obtain beautiful evaluations as algebraic numbers whenever τp is an algebraic integer in an imaginary quadratic extension of the field of rational numbers. We leave these generalizations to the reader. 2. Combinatorial Considerations Here we give a lemma which expresses the probability Pp Ar, t in terms of the infinite products in 1.5. Lemma 2.1. If 0 < p < 1 and τp : − logp · i/2π, then ∞ 1 − qτnp · Pp Ar, t P r, t; qτp · n1 2.1 Proof. By the Borel-Cantelli lemma, with probability 1 at most finitely many of the Cn ’s will fail to occur. Now, for each pair of integers 0 ≤ r ≤ t/2, let Sr, t be the countable set of ≡ ± r mod t, and an 0 for at binary strings a1 a2 a3 a4 · · · ∈ {0, 1}N in which an 1 if n / most finitely many n satisfying n ≡ ±r mod t with the appropriate modifications on the arithmetic progressions modulo t for r 0, and for t even with r t/2. Then the event Ar, t can be written as the countable disjoint union Ar, t Cn ∩ a1 a2 a3 ···∈Sr,t n:an 1 n:an 0 Cnc . 2.2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Using this, we find that a1 a2 a3 ···∈Sr,t n:an 1 Cnc n:an 0 Pp Ar, t Pp Cn ∩ 1 − qτnp a1 a2 a3 ···∈Sr,t n:an 1 ∞ i1 ∞ n1 ∞ n1 1 − qτnp qτnp a1 a2 a3 ···∈Sr,t n:an 0 1 − qτnp · qτnp n:an 0 2.3 1 − qτnp a1 a2 a3 ···∈Sr,t n:an 0 qτnp qτ2np qτ3np · · · 1 − qτnp · P r, t; qτp . 3. Proof of Theorem 1.2 We first note that qτp e2πiτp p, and by 1.6 we have ∞ n1 1 − qτnp qτ−1/24 η τp . p 3.1 Now we prove each of the three relevant cases in turn. First, suppose that r 0. By Lemma 2.1 we need to show qτ−1/24 η p ∞ −1 t−1/24 η τp tn 1 − qτp τp qτp . η tτp n1 3.2 This follows from the identity ∞ n1 1 − qτtnp −1 ∞ n1 n 1 − qtτ p −1 −1 1/24 qtτ η tτp . p 3.3 Next, suppose that t is even and r t/2. By Lemma 2.1 we need to show qτ−1/24 η p −t2/48 ∞ qτp η τp η tτp tnt/2 −1 1 − qτp τp . η t/2τp 1 − qτt/2 n0 p 3.4 8 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Observe that ∞ n1 tnt/2 −1 1 − qτp ∞ n1 2n1 1 − qt/2τ p ∞ n1 2n 1 − qt/2τ p ∞ n1 n 1 − qtτ p −1 n 1 − qt/2τ p n 1 − qt/2τ p −1 −1 3.5 . Then 3.4 follows from the identities ∞ 1− n1 n qtτ p −1/24 qtτ η tτp , p ∞ 1− n1 n qt/2τ p −1 1/24 qt/2τ η p t τp 2 −1 . 3.6 Finally, suppose that 0 < r < t/2. By Lemma 2.1 we need to show qτ−1/24 η p −2t1/24 −πir/t ∞ −1 −1 qτp 1 − qτtnr 1 − qτtnt−r τp − p p n0 e 1 − qτrp η τp . g0,−r/t tτp 3.7 Observe that ∞ n0 1 − qτtnr p ∞ 1 − qτtnt−r 1 − qτrp 1 − qτt−r 1 − qτtnr 1 − qτtnt−r p p p p n1 ∞ −1 tn1 1 − qrτp qτtnp 1 − qrτ 1 − qτrp 1 − qτt−r q p p τp n1 −1 ∞ 1 − qτrp 1 − qrτ q p tτp n −1 n 1 − qrτp qtτ 1 − q q rτp tτp p −1 1 − qrτ q n1 p tτp 3.8 ∞ n −1 n 1 − qrτp qtτ 1 − qrτ 1 − qτrp q p tτp p n1 It follows from the definition of the Siegel function gu,v τ that ∞ n1 n 1 − qrτp qtτ p 1/12 πir/t −1 n 1 − qrτ −qtτ q e g0,−r/t tτp , p tτp p 3.9 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 9 from which we obtain ∞ n0 1 − qτtnr p −1 1 − qτtnt−r p −1 −1 −1 −πir/t r 1 − q −qτ−t/12 e g0,−r/t tτp . τ p p 3.10 Substitute the preceding identity into the left-hand side of 3.7 to obtain the result. 4. Proof of Theorem 1.3 Recall that the partition generating function is defined by Gx : ∞ 1 − xn −1 , 0 < x < 1. 4.1 n1 We now prove each of the relevant cases in turn. First, suppose that r 0. Then P0, t; qτp Gqτt p , and by Lemma 2.1, − log Pp A0, t log G qτp − log G qτt p . 4.2 Make the change of variables x e−w . Then a straightforward modification of the analysis in 8, pages 19–21 shows that, for each integer α ≥ 1, 1 π2 log 1 − e−αw Cα Ow as w −→ 0 log G e−αw 6αw 2 4.3 for some constant Cα . It follows from 4.3 that π2 1 t log G qτp − log G qτp ∼ as p −→ 1. 1− t 6 1−p 4.4 Next, suppose that t is even and r t/2. Then t , t; qτp P 2 1 ∞ n 1 − qt/2τ p −1 n 1 − qtτ p −1 G qτt p G qτt/2 p , 4.5 t t/2 log 1 − qτt/2 log G q − log G q log G qτt p − log Pp A , t τ τp p p 2 2 1 π2 ∼ as p −→ 1. 1− t t 6 1−p 4.6 1 − qτt/2 p n1 1 − qτt/2 p and by Lemma 2.1 and 4.3, 10 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Finally, suppose that 0 < r < t/2. Then by Lemma 2.1, ∞ ∞ −1 −1 tnr tnt−r − log . 1 − qτp 1 − qτp log Pp Ar, t log G qτp − log n0 4.7 n0 One can show in a manner similar to 4.3 that for each integer β ≥ 1, log ∞ 1−e n0 −αnβw −1 ∞ −βwk e − log 1 − e−βw αwk2 k1 4.8 1 log 1 − e−αβw Cα,β Ow as w −→ 0 2 for some constant Cα,β . It follows from 4.3 and 4.8 that ∞ ∞ −1 −1 tnr tnt−r − log log G qτp − log 1 − qτp 1 − qτp n0 n0 2 π2 ∼ 1− t 6 1−p 4.9 as p −→ 1. 5. Proof of Theorem 1.6 and Corollary 1.7 Here we prove Theorem 1.6 and Corollary 1.7. These results will follow from well-known identities of Rogers-Ramanujan, Selberg, and Gordon-Göllnitz e.g., see 9. We require the celebrated Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction R q q1/5 1 q q2 q3 , 1 1 1 1 ··· 5.1 and the Ramanujan-Selberg-Gordon-Göllnitz continued fraction H q q1/2 q2 q4 q6 1 . 1 q 1 q3 1 q5 1 q7 ··· 5.2 It turns out that these q-continued fractions satisfy the following identities e.g., see 10: ∞ P 2, 5; q 1 − q5n−1 1 − q5n−4 1/5 R q q1/5 q , 5n−2 1 − q5n−3 P 1, 5; q n1 1 − q ∞ P 3, 8; q 1 − q8n−1 1 − q8n−7 1/2 1/2 H q q . q 8n−3 1 − q8n−5 P 1, 8; q n1 1 − q Theorem 1.6 now follows easily from Theorem 1.2. 5.3 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 11 To prove Corollary 1.7, notice that if p 1/e2π resp., p 1/eπ , then τp i resp., τp i/2. In particular, we have that qτp e−2π resp., qτp e−π . Corollary 1.7 now follows from the famous evaluations e.g., see 11 and 12, page xxvii which is Ramanujan’s first letter to Hardy R e−2π −φ H e−π √ 1 5 5 , 2 √ 42 2− 5.4 √ 3 2 2. Acknowledgment Ken Ono thanks the support of the NSF, the Hilldale Foundation and the Manasse family. References 1 A. E. Holroyd, T. M. Liggett, and D. Romik, “Integrals, partitions, and cellular automata,” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 356, no. 8, pp. 3349–3368, 2004. 2 G. E. Andrews, “Partitions with short sequences and mock theta functions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 102, no. 13, pp. 4666–4671, 2005. 3 K. Bringmann and K. Mahlburg, “Asymptotics for partitions without sequences,” preprint. 4 G. E. Andrews, H. Eriksson, F. Petrov, and D. Romik, “Integrals, partitions and MacMahon’s theorem,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 545–554, 2007. 5 S. Lang, Elliptic Functions, vol. 112 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, New York, NY, USA, 2nd edition, 1987. 6 A. Selberg, “Über einge arithmetische Identitäten,” Avh. Norske Vidensk. Akad, vol. 23, no. 8, 1936. 7 A. 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