Sensitivity of tropical precipitation extremes to climate change The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation O’Gorman, Paul A. “Sensitivity of Tropical Precipitation Extremes to Climate Change.” Nature Geoscience 5.10 (2012): 697–700. CrossRef. Web. As Published Publisher Nature Publishing Group Version Author's final manuscript Accessed Mon May 23 10:56:52 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms Sensitivity of tropical precipitation extremes to climate change Paul A. O’Gorman 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Precipitation extremes increase in intensity over many regions of the globe in simulations of a warming climate1–3 . The rate of increase of precipitation extremes in the extratropics is consistent across global climate models, but the rate of increase in the tropics varies widely, depending on the model used3 . The behaviour of tropical precipitation can, however, be constrained by observations of interannual variability in the current climate4–6 . Here I show that, across state-of-the-art climate models, the response of tropical precipitation extremes to interannual climate variability is strongly correlated with their response to longer-term climate change, although these responses are different. I then use satellite observations to estimate the response of tropical precipitation extremes to the interannual variability. Applying this observational constraint to the climate simulations and exploiting the relationship between the simulated responses to interannual variability and climate change, I estimate a sensitivity of the 99.9th percentile of daily tropical precipitation to climate change at 10% per K of surface warming, with a 90% confidence interval of 6-14% K−1 . This tropical sensitivity is higher than expectations for the extratropics3 of about 5% K−1 . The inferred percentage increase in tropical precipitation extremes is similar when considering only land regions, where the impacts of extreme precipitation can be severe. 1 Increases in precipitation extremes (defined here as high percentiles of daily precipitation) associated with climate change would have important impacts, such as on flooding, soil erosion, and landslides7, 8 . Changes in the distribution of precipitation are expected in a warmer climate because of the dependence of the saturation vapor pressure of water on temperature3, 9, 10 . Observations suggest that precipitation extremes may have increased in intensity as the climate warmed in recent decades, at least regionally11, 12 . Extratropical precipitation extremes consistently increase at close to the “thermodynamic” rate (∼ 6%K−1 ) in simulations with global climate models, corresponding to little change in the magnitude of vertical winds associated with the extremes3 . The thermodynamic rate is similar in the tropics, but the simulated rate of increase of tropical precipitation extremes may be substantially lower or higher depending on the model used, with close to no change in some models and rates of increase of up to 30%K−1 in others3 . This inter-model scatter likely results from the strong dependence of tropical precipitation on moist-convective processes that must be represented by subgrid parameterizations in global climate-change simulations13 . Recent idealized studies of radiative-convective equilibrium using models that resolve convective-scale dynamics found that intense precipitation increases with warming at close to the thermodynamic rate14, 15 , but a different response could occur in the tropics because of convective organization and large-scale dynamics that were not included in the idealized studies. Given that climate models simulate robust large-scale patterns of temperature change in the tropics16 but have difficulty in reliably simulating tropical precipitation extremes, it is reasonable to ask whether observations of temperature and precipitation may be used to help constrain the expected response of tropical precipitation extremes to climate change. Studies of observed 2 variability within the current climate suggest stronger increases in certain types of precipitation extremes with warming than given by the thermodynamic rate4, 5, 17 . But the sensitivity of precipitation extremes to temperature changes within a given climate cannot be assumed to be the same as the sensitivity under climate change. For example, interannual variability in tropical precipitation extremes is largely related to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which has distinct temperature patterns and dynamics compared with global warming18, 19 . Here, I show that the sensitivity of tropical precipitation extremes to temperature changes associated with variability is in fact strongly correlated across models with the sensitivity to global warming (although the sensitivities are not the same). I use this relationship between sensitivities to variability and climate change, together with observations of variability, to constrain the climate-change sensitivity of tropical precipitation extremes. Similar approaches have previously been used to constrain snow-albedo feedback20 and climate sensitivity21 using the observed seasonal cycle. An important feature of the approach presented here is that it is physically plausible that the same subgrid parameterizations responsible for moist convection (and the division between convective and stratiform rainfall) cause the inter-model scatter in the response of tropical precipitation extremes to both variability and climate change. The default simulations used involve 18 climate models from the World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP’s) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (CMIP3) archive. Simulated variability is analyzed over the period 1981-2000 in the 20C3M simulation, and climate change is calculated as the difference between this period and 2081-2100 in the SRES-A1B sce- 3 nario (slightly different time periods are used for some models; see Supplementary Information). The analysis was also repeated for a subset of “good-ENSO” climate models that have been identified as having ENSO temperature variability similar to that found in observations22 , and for simulations drawn from the recently-available CMIP5 archive. The default precipitation observations are taken from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) using the dataset from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) over the period 1991-200823 , and four other observational precipitation datasets are used for comparison. Surface temperatures are taken from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Merged Land-Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis24 . Climate change is calculated over the whole tropics or over tropical land, while variability is generally analyzed over the tropical oceans because this is found to give the strongest constraint on sensitivities to climate change. Results are also reported using variability over the whole tropics. Time series are first constructed of precipitation extremes and mean surface temperature over the tropical oceans between 30S and 30N (Methods). The influence of ENSO on precipitation extremes over the tropical oceans is clearly evident in observations, as shown in Fig. 1 for the 99.9th percentile of daily precipitation and consistent with results from previous studies4–6 . Positive anomalies in surface temperature tend to be associated with positive anomalies in precipitation extremes; the calculated sensitivity to surface temperature (Methods) is 25%K−1 with a 90% confidence interval of 16 to 36%K−1 . A similar behavior is found in the climate-model simulations, but with different time series of surface temperature because coupled models are considered, and with very different sensitivities depending on the climate model used (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. S1). 4 Sensitivities to climate change are calculated over the whole tropics in the climate model simulations and are normalized by changes in mean surface temperature (Methods). For the 99.9th percentile of precipitation, the sensitivities to climate change are strongly correlated across models with the sensitivities to variability (Fig. 2), with a correlation coefficient of 0.866. The relationship between sensitivities is further quantified using ordinary-least-squares regression (Table S1). The regression line passes close to the origin, and the sensitivity to variability is greater than the sensitivity to climate change by roughly a factor of 2.5. The relationship between the sensitivities to variability and climate change, together with the observed sensitivity to variability, yields an inferred sensitivity to climate change. For the 99.9th percentile of precipitation, the inferred sensitivity to climate change is 10%K−1 , which is higher than what most of the models simulate (Fig. 2). Uncertainty is estimated by a bootstrapping procedure involving resampling of the models used and 12-month blocks in the observed and simulated time series (Methods). The resulting 90% confidence interval of 6 to 14%K−1 is substantially narrower than the inter-model scatter of 2 to 23%K−1 , clearly illustrating the value of the observational constraint. The inferred sensitivity to climate change increases with percentile from the 98th to the 99.9th percentile and decreases slightly to the 99.95th percentile (Fig. 3a); it exceeds the multimodelmedian sensitivity (and by as much as 68%), although the associated 90% confidence interval does not exceed the multimodel median for all percentiles. multimodel median continues to increase with percentile. Both intermodel scatter and the strength of the relationship between sensitivities 5 for variability and climate change increase with percentile (Table S1), such that the observational constraint is more useful for higher percentiles of precipitation. The inferred sensitivities were also calculated to climate change over land only, with variability over the ocean as before. A strong relationship holds between climate change and variability for the higher percentiles of precipitation considered (Fig. S2, Table S2), and the inferred sensitivities to climate change over land approach the sensitivities over the whole tropics at these percentiles (Fig. 3b). This similar response over land and the whole tropics occurs despite ∼60% greater surface warming over land than ocean (all sensitivities to climate change are normalized by temperature changes over the whole tropics for ease of comparison). Indeed, the percentage changes in precipitation extremes in the simulations of climate change are close to equal over land and ocean across all the models (Fig. S3), which is likely related to the importance of oceanic water vapor sources for precipitation over land and to decreases in land surface-air relative humidity under global warming25 . For the “good-ENSO” subset of models (Supplementary Information), the relationship between sensitivities to climate change and variability is very tight for the 99.9th percentile of precipitation (Fig. S4), with a correlation coefficient of 0.997, and the resulting inferred sensitivities to climate change are similar to what is obtained using all the models (Table S1). This robustness suggests that the inferred response to climate change is not strongly affected by the relativelypoor quality of simulated ENSO temperature variability in some of the model simulations. Similar results are also obtained using the CMIP5 simulations; the relationship between sensitivities to 6 variability and climate change is less tight than in CMIP3 for the 99.9th percentile of precipitation (Fig. S5 and Table S3), but the inferred sensitivities to climate change are only slightly higher at 11%K−1 versus 10%K−1 (Fig. 3c). To help assess uncertainties related to observational estimation of precipitation (which are not included in the estimates of uncertainty given above), the analysis was repeated for four alternative observational precipitation datasets: the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF)26 applied to SSM/I radiances, a dataset from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI), the 1-degree daily merged dataset from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP 1DD)27 , and the TRMM 3B42 merged daily dataset28 . Most of these alternative precipitation datasets cover a shorter time period than the default precipitation dataset, but they all give similar inferred sensitivities to climate change (Table S4, Fig. S6). Similar results are also obtained whether variability is calculated over the whole tropics or over the tropical oceans (using the SSM/I GPROF dataset because the default precipitation dataset does not include values over land), despite different relationships between variability and climate change in each case (Table S5). The results presented show how the simulated response to climate change of an important aspect of the tropical hydrological cycle may be constrained using observed variability. The inferred sensitivities of tropical precipitation extremes under climate change have ranges of uncertainty that are considerably narrower than the intermodel scatter. The inferred sensitivity of 10%K−1 (with a 90% confidence interval of 6 to 14%K−1 ) for the 99.9th percentile of tropical precipitation is 7 higher than what climate models simulate for the same percentile of extratropical precipitation (36%K−1 across models and 5%K−1 in the multimodel median3 ). A higher sensitivity in the tropics than the extratropics is physically possible if, for example, the circulations associated with precipitation extremes strengthen with warming in the tropics while they remain roughly constant in the extratropics3 . One caveat is that other sensitivities may apply at hourly timescales for extratropical convective storms17 . The similarity of the inferred response when the analysis is restricted to climate change over tropical land regions only (for sufficiently high percentiles of precipitation) is important for impacts of climate change, and it suggests that precipitation extremes over land may be more strongly tied to changes in surface temperatures over ocean rather than land. The observational constraint provides additional motivation for monitoring of tropical precipitation and efforts to better understand the associated observational uncertainties. Consistent estimates were obtained from only a decade of observations for three of the datasets considered (Table S4) which suggests that the analysis could be applied reasonably quickly to data from new observing platforms. Ongoing research continues to lead to improvements in the parameterization of moist convection in climate models, but precipitation extremes are particularly challenging for convective parameterizations13 and observational constraints are expected to continue to be useful. Methods Calculation of sensitivities Details of the climate models and observational datasets used are given in the Supplementary Information. All precipitation datasets are first conservatively interpolated to an equal-area grid with constant spacing in longitude of 3 degrees. The interpolation 8 method is 1st order and weights data according to the area of overlap between gridboxes in the original and coarse grid,29 consistent with the treatment of precipitation as a flux30 . The use of a conservative interpolation scheme and a relatively-coarse common grid helps to allow for a fair comparison of precipitation extremes in observations and simulations with different native resolutions30 and improves the robustness of the observational estimates. For the SSM/I and TMI observational datasets, both ascending and descending passes are given equal weight in the interpolation when available. Time series of surface temperature and precipitation extremes are constructed as follows. For each month, daily precipitation rates are aggregated in time over the month and in space between 30S and 30N. Precipitation extremes are then calculated as high percentiles of the aggregated precipitation rates (including rates equal to zero) to yield one value per month for each percentile. Given a balance between the desire to study extreme precipitation and a sample size of roughly 70,000 precipitation rates per month or less, the 99.9th percentile is the primary focus, but results for other percentiles are also reported. Monthly surface temperature is spatially averaged between 30S and 30N (again giving one value per month). Surface skin temperatures are consistently used throughout the paper with the exception of the results in Table S5, for which the observed temperatures over land are surface air temperatures. In the case of sensitivities to variability, the time series of precipitation extremes and surface temperature are calculated either over the whole tropics or over the tropical oceans (30S to 30N). The time series are deseasonalized by subtracting the mean seasonal cycle as estimated from the time series themselves. The time series are then detrended and filtered with a 6-month running 9 average, followed by ordinary-least-squares regression of precipitation extremes against surface temperature. The calculated sensitivities (% K−1 ) are expressed as a fraction of the mean value of the precipitation extremes over the time period. This simple sensitivity to variability is adequate despite the spatially-heterogeneous response to ENSO because it is used as an observable that is strongly correlated with the sensitivity for climate change and not to fully characterize the response of precipitation to ENSO. In the case of sensitivities to climate change, the time series for precipitation and surface temperature described above are calculated either over the whole tropics or over tropical land (30S to 30N). The time series are then averaged over the 20th and 21st century time periods, and the climate-change sensitivity of precipitation extremes (% K−1 ) is expressed as the difference in precipitation extremes normalized by their 20th century value and the difference in surface temperature. Relatively strict land and ocean masks are used in this study. The masks are specified such that grid boxes with less than 90% ocean are excluded when considering ocean, and grid boxes with less than 90% land are excluded when considering land. The masks are applied after interpolation to the common grid in the case of precipitation. The use of a relatively strict mask is needed for consistency between the observational datasets for ocean-only precipitation; the SSM/I RSS dataset has missing values over land that would bias the sensitivities to variability otherwise. The use of a relatively strict mask also helps to minimize the contribution of ocean precipitation when calculating climate change over land in the climate-model simulations. 10 Estimation of uncertainty Uncertainty is estimated using a bootstrapping method. A total of 2000 bootstrap estimates of the inferred sensitivity to climate change are generated by resampling both the models used and the time series for models and observations. Time series are resampled using 12-month moving blocks because of autocorrelation in the time series; use of shorter blocks results in smaller error estimates. In the case of the model time series, resampled time series are used in the calculation of the sensitivities to both variability and climate change. The same block resampling of time series is used in the calculation of confidence intervals of the sensitivities for variability. It is important to note that the estimates of uncertainty do not account for errors in the estimation of observed precipitation rates (cf. Fig. S6 and Table S4). Note also that the models used are not truly independent. For example, models GFDL-CM2.0 and GFDL-CM2.1 are developed at the same laboratory and share many of the same components. At a minimum, the simulations from these models may be regarded as giving independent realizations with a similar physical model. 1. Kharin, V. V., Zwiers, F. W., Zhang, X. & Hegerl, G. C. Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes in the IPCC ensemble of global coupled model simulations. J. Climate 20, 1419–1444 (2007). 2. Sun, Y., Solomon, S., Dai, A. & Portmann, R. W. How often will it rain? J. Climate 20, 4801–4818 (2007). 3. O’Gorman, P. A. & Schneider, T. The physical basis for increases in precipitation extremes in simulations of 21st-century climate change. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106, 14773–14777 (2009). 11 4. Allan, R. P. & Soden, B. 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For CMIP the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. SSM/I (V6) data were provided by Remote Sensing Systems ( and sponsored by the NASA Earth Science MEaSUREs DISCOVER Project. SSM/I and TMI GPROF (V10) data were downloaded from GPCP 1DD (V1.1) data were downloaded from TRMM 3B42 (V7) daily data were provided by the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center. NOAA Merged Air Land and SST anomalies (V3.5.1) were provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD from their website at I acknowledge support from NSF grant AGS-1148594 and NASA grant NNX-11AO92G. Competing Interests The author declares that he has no competing financial interests. Correspondence Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.A.O’G. (email: 15 Observations mm/day 10 P99.9 0 25%K−1 −10 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 mm/day Model: GFDL−CM2.0 P99.9 15 51%K−1 Implied 0 −15 1985 1990 1995 2000 Model: ECHAM5/MPI mm/day 3 P99.9 0 11%K−1 Implied −3 1985 1990 1995 2000 Figure 1: Time series of precipitation extremes and surface temperature over the tropical oceans in observations and simulations (GFDL-CM2.0 and ECHAM5/MPI). Anomalies in the 99.9th percentile of precipitation (blue) and surface temperature rescaled by the sensitivity (%K−1 ) for variability in each case (green) are shown. Also shown (red) for the models are surface temperature anomalies rescaled by the sensitivity to variability implied by the sensitivity to climate change (over the whole tropics) and the regression relationship between sensitivities to variability and climate change for all the CMIP3 models (Table S1). Time series are filtered with a 6-month running average. 16 Climate change (% K−1) 20 Inferred 10 Observed 0 0 20 40 Variability (% K−1) 60 BCCR BCM2.0 CGCM3.1 T47 CGCM3.1 T63 CNRM−CM3 CSIRO−Mk3.0 CSIRO−Mk3.5 GFDL−CM2.0 GFDL−CM2.1 FGOALS−g1.0 ECHAM4/INGV ECHAM5/MPI INM−CM3.0 IPSL−CM4 MIROC3.2−med MIROC3.2−hi MRI−CGCM2.32 NCAR−PCM1 NCAR−CCSM3.0 Figure 2: Sensitivities (%K−1 ) of the 99.9th percentile of precipitation for variability versus climate change in the CMIP3 simulations. The solid line shows the ordinary-least-squares best fit. Histograms show estimates (with uncertainty) of the observed sensitivity to variability and the inferred sensitivity to climate change. Sensitivities to variability are over the tropical oceans and sensitivities to climate change are over the whole tropics. 17 Sensitivity (% K−1) (a) Default Inferred Model max, min Model median 20 10 0 Sensitivity (% K−1) 20 (b) Land only Default inferred 10 0 Sensitivity (% K−1) (c) CMIP5 20 10 0 98 99 99.5 99.8 99.9 Percentile of precipitation 99.95 Figure 3 Inferred and simulated climate-change sensitivities (%K−1 ) for high percentiles of precipitation. Black lines with circles show inferred sensitivities, shading shows the associated 90% confidence intervals, solid green lines show multimodel maxima and minima, and dashed green lines shows multimodel medians. (a) CMIP3 models and the whole tropics. (b) As in (a) but for climate change over land only and normalized by temperature changes over the whole tropics. (c) As in (a) but for CMIP5 models. Black dashed lines in (b) and (c) reproduce the inferred sensitivities shown in (a). 18 Sensitivity of tropical precipitation extremes to climate change Supplementary Information Paul A. O’Gorman 1 Climate-model simulations The 18 CMIP3 models used are BCCR-BCM2.0, CGCM3.1 T47, CGCM3.1 T63, CNRM-CM3, CSIRO-Mk3.0, CSIRO-Mk3.5, GFDL-CM2.0, GFDL-CM2.1, FGOALS-g1.0, ECHAM4/INGV, ECHAM5/MPI, INM-CM3.0, IPSL-CM4, MIROC3.2-med, MIROC3.2-hi, MRI-CGCM2.32, NCARPCM1, and NCAR-CCSM3.0. The time periods used are 1981-2000 (20C3M) and 2081-2100 (SRES A1B), except for BCCR-BCM2.0 (1981-1998, 2081-2098), CNRM-CM3 (1981-1999, 20812099), FGOALS-g1.0 (1981-1999, 2081-2099), MIROC3.2-hi (1981-1999, 2081-2099), NCARPCM1 (1980-1999, 2080-2098), and NCAR-CCSM3.0 (1980-1999, 2080-2099). Models not included in the analysis were primarily excluded because of lack of availability of the necessary data or because of corrupt data. The GISS-AOM model was excluded because it has extremely weak ENSO temperature variabilityS1 (it also gives a negative sensitivity of precipitation extremes to variability). Inspection of Fig. 2 suggests that the two GFDL models may be influential in the regression of sensitivities; omitting the GFDL models from the analysis changes the inferred sensitivity to climate change of the 99.9th percentile of precipitation from 10%K−1 to 8%K−1 . (The inferred sensitivity using the CMIP5 ensemble remains at 11%K−1 if the GFDL models are omitted.) 1 The CMIP3 models with relatively-good simulations of ENSO (the “good-ENSO” models) are taken to be ECHAM5/MPI, GFDL-CM2.0, GFDL-CM2.1, IPSL-CM4, and MRI-CGCM2.32. This subset of models follows the selection in a previous studyS1 , with the exception of the UKMOHadCM3 model for which the necessary daily data were not available. The 15 CMIP5 models used are ACCESS1.0, BNU-ESM, CCSM4, CSIRO-Mk3.6.0, GFDLESM2G, GFDL-ESM2M, GFDL-CM3, HadGEM2-CC, HadGEM2-ES, IPSL-CM5A-MR, IPSLCM5B-LR, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, MIROC5, MRI-CGCM3, and NorESM1-M. The time periods used are 1981-2000 (historical) and 2081-2100 (RCP 8.5), except for ACCESS1.0 (1980-1999, 2081-2100), GFDL-CM3 (1980-1999, 2081-2100), HadGEM2-CC (1981-2000, 2081-2099), HadGEM2ES (1981-2000, 2081-2099), IPSL-CM5A-MR (1980-1999, 2081-2100), MIROC5 (1980-1999, 2080-2099), MRI-CGCM3 (1980-1999, 2081-2100), and NorESM1-M (1980-1999, 2081-2100). 2 Observational precipitation datasets The default precipitation observations used are based on passive-microwave retrievals and are taken from the SSM/I (V6) datasetS2 of Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) for the period 1991-2008 using the satellites F10 (1991-1995) and F13 (1996-2008). The time series could have been extended three years further back in time by also using F08, but using only two satellites helps to minimize uncertainties related to intercalibration. Results for four other observational datasets are presented in Fig. S6 and Table S4, and the time periods used are specified in Table S4. SSM/I GPROF refers to version 10 of the Goddard Profiling AlgorithmS3 using the same satellites and time periods as for 2 the default SSM/I dataset. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) dataset used is also based on the GPROF version 10 algorithm. The 1-degree daily merged product V1.1 from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP 1DD) includes inputs from infrared, passive-microwave, and gauge measurementsS4 . The TRMM 3B42 V7 merged daily dataset includes inputs from infrared, passive and active microwave, and gauge measurementsS5 . Taken together, the observational datasets for precipitation include different satellites, types of sensors, and retrieval algorithms, although they are not independent. TRMM 3B42 has somewhat different variability from the other datasets in the case of mean precipitation, but it gives similar results to the other datasets in the case of precipitation extremes (Fig. S6). An earlier version (V6) was found to be inconsistent with the other datasets as regards interannual variability of both mean and extreme precipitation, a discrepancy that is noted in previous papersS5, S6 . Daily precipitation is accumulated in models but must be combined from estimates at discrete times during the day in satellite observations. This may be expected to affect the absolute daily precipitation rates, but not necessarily their fractional changes. Some confidence that this issue does not strongly impact the final results comes from the similarity of inferred sensitivities (Table S4) from SSM/I (at most one ascending and one descending pass per day at each location), TMI (a similar number of passes but with different orbital characteristics from SSM/I), and the merged datasets GPCP 1DD and TRMM 3B42. 3 3 Dependence on tropical cyclones and choice of domain The high precipitation percentiles considered in this study include contributions from a range of different types of tropical systems, including tropical cyclones. To assess the influence of tropical cyclones on the results, the analysis was repeated over the latitude band 5S to 5N in which there is little tropical-cyclone activity. Although the relationship between sensitivities to variability and climate change is not as strong for this narrower latitude band, similar results are obtained for the inferred sensitivity to climate change. For the 99.9th percentile of precipitation, the inferred sensitivity is 11%K−1 when 5S to 5N is used compared with 10%K−1 when 30S to 30N is used. More generally, the calculated sensitivity to variability depends on the domain chosen (e.g., which parts of the Pacific are included or how much land is included) because of the spatiallyheterogeneous response of precipitation to ENSO. But this does not imply that the inferred sensitivity to climate change depends strongly on the choice of domain because both modeled and observed sensitivities to variability are affected by the choice of domain. For example, for the 99.9th percentile of precipitation and the SSM/I GPROF precipitation dataset, the sensitivity to variability is 33%K−1 over ocean and 21%K−1 over the whole tropics, while the resulting inferred sensitivities to climate change are 13%K−1 in both cases. However, it is important that land is masked out in a consistent way in both the models and observations. Results based on variability over land alone are not reported because this gives a sensitivity to variability that is not strongly related to the response to climate change. 4 4 Dependence on method of calculation of precipitation extremes The sensitivities of tropical precipitation extremes to climate change calculated here are similar but not exactly the same as those in a previous studyS7 , the results of which are used for comparison. In particular, the multimodel-median sensitivity in the tropics for the 99.9th percentile of precipitation is similar at 6%K−1 in this study and 5%K−1 in ref. S7, but the intermodel scatter is smaller in this study. The differences arise because of slightly different sets of climate models used and different methods of aggregation of precipitation rates, and because the precipitation rates used here are interpolated to a common grid prior to calculation of percentiles. In ref. S7, precipitation rates are aggregated at each latitude over the entire time period prior to calculating percentiles, and percentage changes in the precipitation percentiles are then averaged in latitude over the tropics or extratropics. The inferred sensitivity for climate change of the 99.9th percentile of tropical precipitation increases by only 0.1%K−1 when the analysis presented here is repeated using the aggregation method of ref. S7 for climate-change sensitivities. If the precipitation percentiles are also calculated on the native model grids when calculating climate-change sensitivities, the intermodel scatter increases to what was found in ref. S7 and the inferred sensitivity to climate change increases from 10 to 12%K−1 , but with a wider 90% confidence interval of 6 to 17%K−1 . The thermodynamic rates and simulated extratropical sensitivities are more robust than the simulated tropical sensitivities so that it is reasonable to use the values calculated in ref. S7 as a point of comparison for the inferred sensitivities calculated here. 5 Supplementary references S1. Guilyardi, E. et al. Understanding El Niño in ocean–atmosphere general circulation models. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc 90, 325–340 (2009). S2. Hilburn, K. A. & Wentz, F. J. Intercalibrated passive microwave rain products from the unified microwave ocean retrieval algorithm (UMORA). J. Appl. Meteorol. 47, 778–794 (2008). S3. Kummerow, C. et al. The evolution of the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF) for rainfall estimation from passive microwave sensors. J. Appl. Meteorol. 40, 1801–1820 (2001). S4. Huffman, G. J. et al. Global precipitation at one-degree daily resolution from multisatellite observations. J. Hydrometeor. 2, 36–50 (2001). S5. Huffman, G. J. et al. The TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis (TMPA): Quasi-global, multiyear, combined-sensor precipitation estimates at fine scales. J. Hydrometeorol. 8, 38–55 (2007). S6. Liu, C. & Allan, R. P. Multisatellite observed responses of precipitation and its extremes to interannual climate variability. J. Geophys. Res. 117, D03101 (2012). S7. O’Gorman, P. A. & Schneider, T. The physical basis for increases in precipitation extremes in simulations of 21st-century climate change. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106, 14773–14777 (2009). 6 Observations mm/day 10 P99.9 0 25%K−1 −10 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 mm/day Model: GFDL−CM2.0 P99.9 15 51%K−1 Implied 0 −15 mm/day Model: GFDL−CM2.1 P99.9 15 42%K−1 Implied 0 −15 mm/day Model: IPSL−CM4 5 P99.9 0 24%K−1 Implied −5 Model: ECHAM5/MPI mm/day 3 P99.9 0 11%K−1 Implied −3 Model: MRI−CGCM2.32 mm/day 3 P99.9 0 8%K−1 Implied −3 1985 1990 1995 2000 Fig. S1. As in Fig. 1 but showing time series for all of the “good-ENSO” subset of CMIP3 models. 7 Climate change (% K−1) 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 BCCR BCM2.0 CGCM3.1 T47 CGCM3.1 T63 CNRM−CM3 CSIRO−Mk3.0 CSIRO−Mk3.5 GFDL−CM2.0 GFDL−CM2.1 FGOALS−g1.0 ECHAM4/INGV ECHAM5/MPI INM−CM3.0 IPSL−CM4 MIROC3.2−med MIROC3.2−hi MRI−CGCM2.32 NCAR−PCM1 NCAR−CCSM3.0 Variability (% K−1) Fig. S2. As in Fig. 2 but for climate change over tropical land only. The sensitivity to climate change over land is normalized by the change in surface temperature over the whole tropics. Variability is calculated over the tropical oceans. 8 Land (% change) 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Ocean (% change) BCCR BCM2.0 CGCM3.1 T47 CGCM3.1 T63 CNRM−CM3 CSIRO−Mk3.0 CSIRO−Mk3.5 GFDL−CM2.0 GFDL−CM2.1 FGOALS−g1.0 ECHAM4/INGV ECHAM5/MPI INM−CM3.0 IPSL−CM4 MIROC3.2−med MIROC3.2−hi MRI−CGCM2.32 NCAR−PCM1 NCAR−CCSM3.0 Fig. S3. Percentage changes in the 99.9th percentile of precipitation over land versus ocean in the CMIP3 simulations. The solid line corresponds to equal percentage changes over land and ocean. The correlation coefficient of percentage changes over land and ocean is 0.897. Unlike in other figures, the results shown are not normalized by changes in surface temperature. 9 Climate change (% K−1) ECHAM5/MPI GFDL−CM2.0 GFDL−CM2.1 IPSL−CM4 MRI−CGCM2.32 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 Variability (% K−1) Fig. S4. As in Fig. 2 but based on the “good-ENSO” subset of CMIP3 models. 10 Climate change (% K−1) ACCESS1.0 BNU−ESM CCSM4 CSIRO−Mk3.6.0 GFDL−ESM2G GFDL−ESM2M GFDL−CM3 HadGEM2−CC HadGEM2−ES IPSL−CM5A−MR IPSL−CM5B−LR MIROC−ESM−CHEM MIROC5 MRI−CGCM3 NorESM1−M 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 Variability (% K−1) Fig. S5. As in Fig. 2 but based on the CMIP5 climate models. 11 99.9th percentile SSM/I RSS SSM/I GPROF GPCP 1DD 3B42 TMI 10% 0 −10% SSM/I RSS SSM/I GPROF GPCP 1DD 3B42 TMI Mean 10% 0 −10% 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 Fig. S6. Anomalies (%) in (top) the 99.9th percentile of precipitation and (bottom) mean precipitation over the tropical oceans in the default (SSM/I RSS) and four other observational datasets. Time series are filtered with a 6-month running average. Time periods differ for the different datasets and are longest for SSM/I RSS and GPROF (see Table S4). 12 Table S1. Inferred sensitivities to climate change with 90% confidence intervals (CIs) for different high percentiles of precipitation based on CMIP3 models and the “good-ENSO” subset of CMIP3 models. The correlation coefficient (r) and regression coefficients (a,b) for the relationship sc =a+bsv between the sensitivity to variability (sv ) and the sensitivity to climate change (sc ) are also given. The sensitivity to variability is over the tropical oceans, and the sensitivity to climate change is over the whole tropics. Percentile All Models Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) “Good-ENSO” models a b %K−1 Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) a b %K−1 98 3 (1, 5) 0.124 2.5 0.03 -3 (-10, 6) -0.600 5.2 -0.26 99 6 (3, 7) 0.392 2.2 0.12 7 (-13, 15) 0.345 0.8 0.22 99.5 7 (4, 9) 0.522 2.2 0.18 10 (-8, 17) 0.753 -0.4 0.38 99.8 9 (6, 12) 0.735 2.2 0.28 10 (7, 16) 0.988 1.1 0.38 99.9 10 (6, 14) 0.866 1.4 0.37 11 (8, 17) 0.997 0.4 0.43 99.95 9 (5, 13) 0.882 1.3 0.38 9 (5, 16) 0.973 0.6 0.43 13 Table S2. As in Table S1 but for the response of precipitation extremes to climate change over tropical land only. To facilitate comparison with Table S1, the inferred sensitivities to climate change are normalized with respect to surface temperature change averaged over the whole tropics. Variability is calculated over the tropical oceans. Percentile All Models Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) “Good-ENSO” models a b %K−1 Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) a b %K−1 98 0 (-3, 3) -0.398 3.6 -0.13 -3 (-14, 5) -0.453 5.0 -0.27 99 3 (0, 6) -0.063 3.4 -0.02 2 (-10, 7) -0.128 3.9 -0.06 99.5 5 (2, 8) 0.199 3.3 0.08 7 (0, 13) 0.509 3.6 0.12 99.8 9 (5, 12) 0.609 2.0 0.27 10 (8, 16) 0.908 3.3 0.29 99.9 9 (6, 12) 0.735 2.1 0.28 11 (8, 15) 0.927 4.4 0.26 99.95 8 (5, 11) 0.760 2.3 0.28 10 (7, 16) 0.876 5.5 0.24 14 Table S3. As in Table S1 but comparing results using the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. Percentile CMIP3 (All Models) Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) CMIP5 a b %K−1 Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) a b %K−1 98 3 (1, 5) 0.124 2.5 0.03 5 (2, 8) 0.407 1.4 0.13 99 6 (3, 7) 0.392 2.2 0.12 8 (4, 11) 0.528 0.9 0.24 99.5 7 (4, 9) 0.522 2.2 0.18 9 (5, 14) 0.604 1.3 0.29 99.8 9 (6, 12) 0.735 2.2 0.28 10 (7, 15) 0.658 2.9 0.30 99.9 10 (6, 14) 0.866 1.4 0.37 11 (8, 16) 0.741 3.3 0.33 99.95 9 (5, 13) 0.882 1.3 0.38 10 (6, 15) 0.743 3.9 0.30 15 Table S4. Sensitivities of the 99.9th percentile of precipitation based on the default and alternative observational precipitation datasets and the CMIP3 models. Sensitivities to variability over the tropical oceans (sv ) and inferred sensitivities to climate change over the whole tropics (sc ) are shown. Dataset Time period sv Inferred sc %K−1 (90% CI) %K−1 (90% CI) SSM/I RSS (default) 1991-2008 25 (16, 36) 10 (6, 14) SSM/I GPROF 1991-2008 33 (22, 49) 13 (7, 18) TMI 1998-2008 33 (22, 40) 13 (7, 16) GPCP 1DD 1997-2008 21 (14, 31) 9 (6, 12) 3B42 1998-2008 21 (12, 31) 9 (6, 12) 16 Table S5. As in Table S1 but comparing results using variability over ocean only or variability over the whole tropics. Climate change is over the whole tropics in both cases. The results in this table are based on the SSM/I GPROF precipitation dataset because the default precipitation dataset does not include values over land. The full set of CMIP3 models is used. Percentile Ocean variability Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) Land+ocean variability a b %K−1 Inferred sc r %K−1 (90% CI) a b %K−1 98 3 (2, 4) 0.124 2.5 0.03 3 (2, 4) 0.182 2.3 0.08 99 6 (3, 7) 0.392 2.2 0.12 6 (3, 7) 0.478 1.8 0.25 99.5 8 (4, 10) 0.522 2.2 0.18 8 (4, 10) 0.555 2.0 0.30 99.8 10 (6, 14) 0.735 2.2 0.28 10 (6, 15) 0.660 2.0 0.44 99.9 13 (7, 18) 0.866 1.4 0.37 13 (7, 20) 0.793 1.6 0.56 99.95 13 (7, 19) 0.882 1.3 0.38 13 (7, 20) 0.820 1.6 0.55 17