January, 2013 Waverley Drive Public School Principal’s Message

Waverley Drive Public School
January, 2013
Waverley Lions’ Pride Focus for January is “Social Responsibility”
Principal’s Message
On behalf of our staff I would like to wish our families a “Happy New Year” It has been a very
busy term and I am looking forward to a great year as we enter 2013. The first term reports
will be issued on February 8th and I know that our students are working hard to meet the high
expectations set out by our teaching staff.
Monday, January 21, 2012 is a Professional Activity Day for our staff. The focus of the day is
assessment and evaluation. Please mark this day on your family’s calendar as there is no school
for our students.
All the best in 2013!
Larry Lacey
Entry to the School
A huge thank you to parents and grandparents for waiting outside of the building during morning
entry and afternoon dismissal. Our students’ safety is our number one priority, and to ensure
the children remain safe and secure we need to know who the visitors are in the school at all
times. It is a concern for staff when doors are unlocked as strangers can enter the building
without our knowledge.
Unfortunately there have been too many tragedies in schools. If we can continue to keep the
building locked and account for all of the students and adults, we are doing our part to ensure
our children are safe and secure each day at Waverley. If you have any questions or concerns,
please don’t hesitate to inquire at the office. Thank you for your support.
Tara Topping
School Council Meeting
Our next School Council Meeting will be Wednesday, January 30th, starting at 7:00 pm. We
encourage participation and welcome new members.
Grade 8’s looking to Grade 9
It’s time for our grade 8 students to begin thinking about their course selections for grade 9.
John F. Ross will be visiting on January 23 to hand out course selection sheets and discuss
program with students. College Heights will also be visiting in January but the date has not yet
been confirmed. For parents, John F. Ross will be offering a Parents’ Night on Thursday,
January 17 at 7:00 pm and College Heights, Parents’ Night is Wednesday, January 16 at 6:30 pm
As your child brings home Grade 9 course selection information, review it with them and if you
have any questions or concerns, please contact the school.
Registration for new junior kindergarten and senior kindergarten students for September 2013
will take place February 4-8, 2013. If you know families with children born in 2008 or 2009,
please encourage them to register. We need to know kindergarten numbers in order to
effectively assign teachers to classrooms for the following September.
Buses Cancelled - Inclement Weather Procedure
If your child usually walks to school and school buses/taxis are cancelled, please call the school
if your child will not be attending school on that particular day.
If your child takes a school bus/taxi to school, please do not call if your child stays home
when buses/taxis are cancelled due to the weather conditions.
Cold Weather Is Here
It is extremely important that our students dress appropriately for the winter. This includes
warm coats, hats, mitts or gloves, scarves, and perhaps snow pants. All students are expected
to participate in school activities, including joining their classmates outside at recess and noon
hours. Even when a student has a cold, it is healthy to get fresh air and exercise. When the
weather is extreme we hold an indoor recess. From time to time, we receive notes asking that
students remain indoors for recess. We feel that if a student is healthy enough to attend
school, she or he should take part in outdoor recess.
Indoor Shoes
Parents are asked to ensure that all students have indoor shoes (or running shoes). With the
wet weather outside, it is inevitable that the floors will occasionally be wet. It is unhealthy
and dangerous for students to walk around school floors in socks.
Coughs,Colds,Sore Stomachs and More!
Children who do not feel well do not learn well. If your child is feeling sick, please keep him/her
at home for the day. We do not have the facilities nor staff available to supervise children too
ill to go outdoors at recess times. If your child becomes sick at school, we will make every
attempt to contact you at home or work. Please keep us informed if your
home/business/cell/emergency contact telephone numbers change.
Kindergarten Vision Screening
The Upper Grand District School Board and the Lions of District A-15 are happy to provide
vision screening for all Kindergarten (JK & SK) students at Waverley Drive Public School. The
intent of the screening is to identify any child who may have vision problems seeing things
either at a distance, up close, or in making both eyes work together. In the event your child has
some difficulty, in any of the areas, we will recommend you attend a professional vision care
provider. This year screening is scheduled for Wednesday, January 16th, 2013.
School Lockdown Drills
New board policy requires all schools to do lockdown drills. We will be
holding drills in February. Students are directed by the staff as to where
to go and what to do in case an intruder enters the school and poses a
threat to the safety of our students and staff. Staff will be reviewing the
emergency procedures developed in conjunction with the Guelph Police.
Lockdown drills will become familiar to students just like fire and tornado
drills which are also a requirement every year. If you have any questions,
we would be happy to discuss them with you.