Course of Study: GLE/GLS 1O Learning Strategies with Assistive Technology

Course of Study: GLE/GLS 1O
Learning Strategies with Assistive Technology
Ministry of Education Policy Document
Guidance and Career Education, The Ontario
Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10
School Board
Upper Grand District School Board
College Heights Secondary School
Student Services
Department Head
Ben McCabe
Developed by
Mark Howe
September 2011
Course Title
Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School
Course Codes
GLE1O (for identified students); GLS10 (for non-identified students)
Course Description
This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become
better, more independent learners. Students will learn how to
develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personal management
skills, and interpersonal and teamwork skills to improve their learning
and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community. The
course helps students build
confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in
secondary school and beyond.
Overall Expectations:
Learning Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
• identify and use a variety of literacy skills and strategies to
improve reading, writing, and oral communication in everyday
• identify and use a variety of numeracy skills and strategies to
improve their practical application of mathematics in everyday
• demonstrate an understanding of learning skills and strategies
required for success in school.
Personal Knowledge By the end of this course, students will:
and Management
• apply knowledge of their personal skills and learning strengths to
develop strategies for success in secondary school;
• identify and describe personal-management skills required for
success, and explain their use to help maximize learning;
• demonstrate the use of personal-management skills and strategies
to enhance learning.
Knowledge and
By the end of this course, students will:
• identify and describe the knowledge and skills necessary for
successful interpersonal relations and teamwork;
• assess their interpersonal and teamwork skills and strategies, and
explain how those skills requiring further development affect their
• demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate interpersonal and
teamwork skills in a variety of learning environments.
Exploration of
By the end of this course, students will:
• apply their knowledge of school,work, and community involvement
opportunities to develop a personal learning plan;
• demonstrate an understanding of school and community resources
and how these can be utilized to support their learning needs;
• develop a portfolio of documents pertaining to self-assessment,
research, and career exploration that are necessary for planning a
pathway for secondary school success.
Course Enduring Understandings
• Success is available to everyone.
• Setting good goals is the first step on the path to success.
• Having good learning skills is critical to success in school and beyond.
Course Essential Questions
• How can I achieve success?
• Where can I find help when I struggle?
• How do I improve my learning skills?
Course Skills
The core skills taught in this course are the Learning Skills and Work Habits assessed in each
class, and reported upon on the Provincial Report Card. These skills are required for
success in all courses, and are found in the expectations for this course. These are:
• Responsibility
• Collaboration
• Independent Work
• Initiative
• Self Regulation
• Organization
Since most, if not all, students taking this course have an IEP, careful attention to specific
accommodations is required. For example, some students may require an alternate setting
for tests and exams due to anxiety or difficulty concentrating. That being said, there are
many common accommodations that would be beneficial to all students (Universal Design
for Learning) and should be extended to all students. Some of those include:
• Instructional
• Assessment
◦ Rewording/Rephrasing Information
◦ Extra Time for Processing
◦ Chunking Material
◦ Read Instructions
◦ Assistive Technology
◦ Assistive Technology (Word Q,
Kurzweil, Dragon, Speak Q)
◦ Graphic Organizers
◦ Reduced/Uncluttered Format
◦ Extra Time for Processing
• Environmental
◦ Strategic Seating
Me as a Learner
20 hours
Learning Together
15 hours
Skills for Success
25 hours
Exploring My Future
15 hours
Literacy and Numeracy
35 hours
Assessment and Evaluation:
The assessment categories are evenly split, although some assessments may have a heavier
weight on different categories.
Knowledge and Understanding – 25%
Thinking – 25%
The final mark breakdown is calculated as follows:
• Course Work – 70%
• Final Evaluation – 30%
▪ Course Culminating Activity – 20%
▪ Exam - 10%
Application – 25%
Communication - 25%
Unit 1: Me as a Learner
Enduring Understandings
• You need to know about yourself to improve yourself.
• Setting good goals opens the path to success.
• Self-advocacy is an essential skill for high school and beyond.
Diagnostic Assessments
• Ontario Comprehension Assessment (OCA) to inform literacy instruction throughout
the year.
• Learning Style and Multiple Intelligence tests to help with differentiating instruction
• Check for understanding using exit tickets, thumbs up/down, observations.
• Assistive technology survey to inform how much students have used certain
programs, how often they use it in their classes, and how independently they are
with using it.
Assessment FOR Learning
Subsequent Assessment OF
Activity Name
Strengths and
Areas of Need
Focuses on reading their IEP, learning about Setting SMART Goals
their identified strengths and areas of
All About Me
need, and the accommodations available to
them. To create a goal, students will need
to know their areas of needs and what
strengths they have to help them out.
Terry Fox's
To understand what a SMART Goal is and
Setting SMART Goals
how to make sure you can achieve it. This
activity provides practice using the SMART
Goal template that breaks down each of the
components of a SMART Goal.
All About Me
Mind Map
Gathers information they learn about
All About Me
themselves from tests (e.g. learning styles,
multiple intelligences) into a mind map
where they answer some questions about
their findings. Allows them to practice
using Smart Ideas and Word Q.
Assessment OF Learning
Activity Name
Overall Expectations
Setting SMART
Demonstrate an
understanding of learning
skills and strategies
required for success in
Categories Focus
To identify personal areas
of need at school, and
develop a goal for
improvement in one or
more of those areas.
To share what they have
learned about their
strengths and areas of
need, the ways that they
learn, and some of the
influences on their school
life (ie. Values, interests in
and out of school, etc.).
Apply knowledge of their
personal skills and learning
strengths to develop
strategies for success in
secondary school.
All About Me
Demonstrate an
understanding of learning
skills and strategies
required for success in
Apply knowledge of their
personal skills and learning
strengths to develop
strategies for success in
secondary school.
Technology Components
• Students will receive their SEA computers (or one that they will be using) part way
into this unit.
• Students will be introduced to Word Q, Kurzweil 3000, and Smart Ideas, and required
to use them for several of their daily activities and assessments.
• Word Q should be used for all writing activities for word prediction and assistance
with self-editing when listening work being read back to the student.
• Kurzweil should be used for students with reading comprehension difficulties, or to
boost comprehension in students who are more proficient with their reading.
Unit 2: Learning Together
Enduring Understandings
• Working well with others is a skill that requires practice and patience.
• Active listening and communication skills are essential to make a group successful.
Diagnostic Assessments
• In the first two classes of this unit, students will participate in some small and large
group activities that will show what areas of strength and need exist in the group as
a whole, as well as individually.
• Performance in these activities will assist with choosing subsequent activities for the
class that will target those lacking skills/areas of need.
Assessment FOR Learning
Subsequent Assessment OF
Activity Name
Types Scenarios
After learning about the different
Bitstrips Communication
communication types (aggressive, passive, Scenario
manipulative and assertive), students will
complete a quiz to demonstrate their
understanding of communication types
when responding to a given situation. They
will also have to create four of their own
responses to a given scenario.
Active Listening
Focus on why it is important to listen/focus, Performance in Group
how to show others that you are listening, Activities
how to actively listen to others.
What is
Identifying exactly how we collaborate with Final Reflection on Group
“collaboration”? each other, and what skills are essential for Activities
success. Link collaboration to other
contexts and classes. Discuss division of
Group Activities Giving students practice and feedback on
(after diagnostic how to improve performance in group
group activities) activities. Self, peer and teacher
assessment/feedback for improvement.
Performance in Group
Group Work
After participating in group activities,
Final Reflection on Group
Reflections 1 & 2 students write reflections that focus on the Activities
skills the class identified. Students will also
pick out a skill that they need to work on in
particular, and develop a plan to improve at
group work.
Assessment OF Learning
Activity Name
Overall Expectations
Identify and describe the
knowledge and skills
necessary for successful
interpersonal relations
and teamwork
Demonstrate the ability to
apply appropriate
interpersonal and
teamwork skills in a variety
of learning environments.
Categories Focus
Students will create a
Bitstrips comic to show a
scenario that has or could
happen to them, and how
one may respond in
aggressive, passive,
manipulative and assertive
Activity Name
Overall Expectations
Categories Focus
Performance in
Group Activities
Demonstrate the ability to
apply appropriate
interpersonal and
teamwork skills in a variety
of learning environments
Students will participate in 20
three group activities at
the end of the unit.
Assessment of individual
growth in identified group
work skills deficits (from
reflections), with
particular focus on active
listening and
communication skills.
Final Reflection
on Group
Identify and describe the
knowledge and skills
necessary for successful
interpersonal relations
and teamwork
Final reflection on
performance during
activities and self
assessment of growth
throughout the unit.
Written answers to
questions (can be done
orally as well).
Assess their interpersonal
and teamwork skills and
strategies, and explain how
those skills requiring
further development affect
their learning
Technology Components
• Word Q should be used for all writing activities for word prediction and assistance
with self-editing when listening work being read back to the student.
• Kurzweil should be used for students with reading comprehension difficulties, or to
boost comprehension in students who are more proficient with their reading. It may
also be used for responding to questions on handouts.
• Brainstorming collaboration/group work skills using Smart Ideas (as a class).
• Recording students working in groups on video to help with self-assessment for those
students struggling with reflections.
Unit 3: Skills for Success
Enduring Understandings
• Having good learning skills is critical to success in school and beyond.
• Stress is a fact of life, so we must learn how to deal with it positively.
• When you fully prepare for a test, confidence and success will come.
Diagnostic Assessments
• Monthly binder checks – not just for Learning Strategies, but for all courses –
throughout the course helps to give students direct feedback to improve the
organization of their binders. It also shows the teacher which students struggle with
organization, and which ones do not. Some students may be referred for additional
organization coaching from their resource teacher or an educational assistant.
Assessment FOR Learning
Subsequent Assessment OF
Activity Name
Learning Skills
Learning Skills Presentations
After completing an activity in class
discovering each of the Learning Skills,
students will complete an open book quiz.
This will highlight any gaps in their learning
of the topic.
Lets help Josh
Students will set up a schedule for the busy Lets help YOU organize
organize his time life of a fictional student, balancing their
your time
various responsibilities and commitments.
Managing My
Students will reflect on what causes stress
in their own life and those around them,
and how people can deal with stress in a
positive way.
Study Skills and
Test Taking Tips
After reading an article on taking tests and Study Skills and Test Taking
making study notes, students will
Tips Poster
summarize the article, identify the tips that
have helped them most in the past, and 3-4
tips or strategies that may help them in the
Assessment OF Learning
Activity Name
Overall Expectations
Learning Skills
Identify and describe
skills required for success,
and explain their use to
help maximize learning
Categories Focus
Identify and describe
skills required for success,
and explain their use to
help maximize learning.
Demonstrate the use of
skills and strategies to
enhance learning.
Students will work in pairs 20
to create a presentation
using Prezi, Open Office
Impress, or SMART
Notebook on their assigned
Learning Skill or Work
Habit. The purpose is to
give others in the class
strategies for
improvement, and avoiding
common pitfalls.
Students will compile their 10
daily responsibilities and
commitments to create a
calendar for two months.
They will have options for
creating their calendar,
including cell phone,
online and traditional
paper types of calendars.
Demonstrate an
understanding of learning
skills and strategies
required for success in
Lets help YOU
organize your
Stress Public Service
Stress Public
Identify and describe
skills required for success,
and explain their use to
help maximize learning.
Students will create a PSA 40
that tells other students
about how stress affects
students and the negative
ways some deal with
stress, and encourages
them to deal with stress in
a positive way.
Using the summary and
tips they identified in their
Assessment for Learning
task, students will create a
poster (or similar product)
that communicates their
findings to other students
to encourage them to
improve their studying
Demonstrate the use of
skills and strategies to
enhance learning.
Study Skills and
Test-Taking Tips
Identify and describe
skills required for success,
and explain their use to
help maximize learning.
Demonstrate the use of
skills and strategies to
enhance learning.
Technology Components
• As a time management aid, students may be encouraged to use their personal
electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, iPod Touch) as a tool rather than a toy by using
the calendar feature.
• Word Q should be used for all writing activities for word prediction and assistance
with self-editing when listening work being read back to the student.
• Kurzweil should be used for students with reading comprehension difficulties, or to
boost comprehension in students who are more proficient with their reading.
• Dragon Naturally Speaking or Speak Q may be used for those students who are
comfortable using it.
Unit 4: Exploring My Future
Enduring Understandings
• Effective goals lead to effective plans for the future.
• Opportunities to gain work experience are available if you're willing to try.
• Effective plans lead to success in all parts of life.
Diagnostic Assessments
• To help narrow down potential career pathways, students will complete a career
diagnostic survey on Career Cruising.
Assessment FOR Learning
Subsequent Assessment OF
Activity Name
My Volunteering
Students will research and complete a chart My Portfolio
describing at least four places they could
achieve their 40 volunteer hours required
for graduation.
My Cover Letter
and Resumé
Students will write a draft cover letter and
resumé that will be self, peer and teacher
Revisiting My
Long-Term Goal
for the End of
High School
Students will revisit the goal they set at the My Portfolio
beginning of the course for the end of high
school, looking specifically at if anything
has changed, if the goal is still realistic, and
any other considerations they should take
into account.
My Portfolio
Assessment OF Learning
Activity Name
Overall Expectations
Categories Focus
My Portfolio
Apply their knowledge of
school,work, and
community involvement
opportunities to develop a
personal learning plan.
Demonstrate an
understanding of school
and community resources
and how these can be
utilized to support their
learning needs.
Develop a portfolio of
documents pertaining to
self-assessment, research,
and career exploration that
are necessary for planning
a pathway for secondary
school success.
The portfolio will include a
volunteering plan, cover
letter and resumé, and a
reflection on their long-term
goal. The portfolio will also
include other important,
relevant information to help
them prepare for their
future, such as their career
pathway, Career Cruising
assessments, My Blueprint
work, and/or transcript.
Technology Components
• Word Q should be used for all writing activities for word prediction and assistance
with self-editing when listening work being read back to the student.
• Kurzweil should be used for students with reading comprehension difficulties, or to
boost comprehension in students who are more proficient with their reading.
• Dragon Naturally Speaking or Speak Q may be used for those students who are
comfortable using it.
Unit 5: Literacy and Numeracy
Enduring Understandings
• Literacy is more than just simply reading and writing.
• Basic numeracy skills are important in everyday life.
• Researching online must go beyond “Googling” to be effective.
Diagnostic Assessments
• The Ontario Comprehension Assessment may be used to highlight strengths and areas
of need for students.
• Diagnostic assessments in math, and the assistance of the MAT1L teacher, will help
with designing necessary scaffolding for the numeracy portion of this unit.
Assessment FOR Learning
Subsequent Assessment OF
Activity Name
Researching on
the Internet
Students will learn how to find different
Internet Research
resources on the internet, and decide their Assignment
relevance and validity to what they are
researching. They will choose from a list of
topics to research, including their
researched material in a graphic organizer.
Reading: Short
Answer 1
Students will complete a reading and short
answer question (summary) in the style of
the OSSLT, and submit it for feedback.
Writing: Opinion Students will complete a short answer
Short Answer 1
opinion question in the style of the OSSLT,
and submit it for feedback.
Writing: News
Report 1
Writing: Opinion Short
Answer 2
Students will complete a news report in the Writing: News Report 2
style of the OSSLT, and submit it for
Writing: Series of Students will complete a short essay in the
style of the OSSLT, and submit it for
Expressing an
Opinion 1
Numeracy: Skill
Review Practice
Reading: Short Answer 2
Writing: Series of
Paragraphs Expressing an
Opinion 2
Students will complete a review of a unit in Numeracy: Skill Review
which students struggled and require extra Assessment
practice, as identified by their MAT1L
Assessment OF Learning
Activity Name
Overall Expectations
Categories Focus
Identify and use a variety
of literacy skills and
strategies to improve
reading, writing, and oral
communication in everyday
Students will use research 60
they have gathered, and
feedback they have
received on their research
organizer, and analyze and
synthesize it to create a
blog post, Glogster or
Demonstrate an
understanding of learning
skills and strategies
required for success in
Reading: Short
Answer 2
Identify and use a variety
of literacy skills and
strategies to improve
reading, writing, and oral
communication in everyday
Students will complete a
reading and short answer
question (summary) in the
style of the OSSLT using the
feedback they received on
their first attempt.
Writing: Opinion
Short Answer 2
Identify and use a variety
of literacy skills and
strategies to improve
reading, writing, and oral
communication in everyday
Students will complete a
short answer opinion
question in the style of the
OSSLT using the feedback
they received on their first
Writing: News
Report 2
Identify and use a variety
of literacy skills and
strategies to improve
reading, writing, and oral
communication in everyday
Students will complete a
news report in the style of
the OSSLT using the
feedback they received on
their first attempt.
Writing: Series of Identify and use a variety
of literacy skills and
strategies to improve
Expressing an
reading, writing, and oral
Opinion 2
communication in everyday
Students will complete a
short essay in the style of
the OSSLT using the
feedback they received on
their first attempt.
Numeracy: Skill
Students will complete an 20
assignment or test to
assess their progress on the
skill practiced in the
Assessment for Learning.
Identify and use a
variety of numeracy
skills and strategies to
improve their
practical application
of mathematics in
everyday contexts
Technology Components
• With the main focus on literacy for this unit, assistive technology is a natural fit.
• Word Q should be used for all writing activities for word prediction and assistance
with self-editing when listening work being read back to the student.
• Kurzweil should be used for students with reading comprehension difficulties, or to
boost comprehension in students who are more proficient with their reading.
• Dragon Naturally Speaking or Speak Q may be used for those students who are
comfortable using it.
Course Culminating Activity
Activity Description
• Students will expand on their portfolio created during Unit 4 by adding entries that
summarize the most important course concepts.
• The focus of the assignment components is on the Enduring Understandings of each
• The complete portfolio, in the end, will hopefully be a document that can be added
to throughout high school.