Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

Ontario Secondary
School Literacy Test
 Introduction & Attendance
 Review of Orange Sheet
(Understanding your OSSLT results)
 Sample Test Booklets & Helpful Web
You will be called by home form to
pick up your orange sheet (OSSLT
You must pick up your OSSLT results
sheet (orange sheet) from Mrs. Young
or Mrs. Mitsopoulos
Quietly read your test result comments
Understanding your
Read the comments in the box on the
right hand side of your paper, under
“Reading” and “Writing”
Underline key words for each of the
For example; need to improve ability
to understand information that is
clearly stated
How Can Reading and Writing
Comments Help You?
Each comment is personalized to your test
results from last year
Understand the areas you did well in and
areas you need to improve upon
If comments say, “you are able to…” that
means you were successful in that area
Post this sheet somewhere visible at home so
you can continue to review before the test
Need to improve your ability to
understand information that is
clearly stated.
 Need to improve your ability to
connect ideas from different parts
of a text and make conclusions.
Reading Comments continued
Need to improve your ability to
connect ideas from a text to your
own ideas to interpret and make
judgments about what the text is
Writing Comments
Need to improve your ability to
develop a main idea with enough
supporting details to be easily
understood by the reader.
Writing Comments continued
Need to improve your ability to
organize and order ideas in a clear
and understandable way.
 Need to improve your ability to use
correct spelling, punctuation and
grammar to make your writing
Understanding Your
OSSLT Results
 In the left hand column is your final
mark: Your Score
 A score of 300 is a pass for the
literacy test out of 400
Never leave a question unanswered!
Helpful Web Sites
Cawthra Park High School Sample Test
 http://www.cawthrapark.com/eqao/sam
A great site that provides questions and answers.
Read Write Rock
 http://www.readwriterock.com/
Fun interactive cartoon web site with music and
helpful tips for answering multiple choice questions &
written responses.
Ontario Quality & Accountability Office
 http://www.eqao.com/Students/Second
This is the official ministry website that
provides literacy tests from the past three