Upper Grand District School Board Business Operations Committee Minutes

Upper Grand District School Board
Business Operations Committee
December 10, 2013
The Business Operations Committee of Upper Grand District School Board met on
Tuesday, December 10, 2013, in the Board Room at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph,
Ontario commencing at 7:00 p.m.
The Chairperson, Trustee Cooper, presided, and the following Trustees were present:
Bailey, Borden, Fairbairn, Gohn, Moziar, Topping, and Waterston along with Student
Trustees Brown and Dong.
Present from the Administration were Dr. M. C. Rogers, Director of Education, together
with Superintendents Benallick, Lindsay, McDonald, Slater, and Wright,
Communications Officer McFadzen, Administrative Officer Communications Weidmark,
Executive Officer of Human Resources Rose, Student Success Lead Zen, Operations
Officer Scinocca, Manager of Planning Passy, and Manager of Operations Veit.
Approval of Agenda
Trustee Topping moved that the Agenda be approved as amended
The motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Trustee Waterston moved that the Minutes of the Meeting of November 12, 2013 be
approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no declarations of conflict of interest.
Ponsonby PS Boundary Review – Report # 3
Manager of Planning Passy, extended thanks to all staff and the school community for
their involvement in the Ponsonby PS Boundary Review. She noted that, in
accordance with the School Boundary Review Procedures Manual 320-A, report # 3
provides a summary of information contained in the first and second boundary review
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reports, a summary of input received from the public, final staff recommendation(s) and
justification for the recommended boundary change(s),and a communication plan. The
objectives of the review are to develop an attendance area or grade structures for
Ponsonby PS and Elora PS, alleviate the overcapacity pressure projected at Ponsonby
PS, and minimize the impact on students where transitions are proposed. Questions
were answered in response to questions of clarification raised by Trustees.
Recommendation # 1
Trustee Gohn moved that:
Memo PLN:13-36 entitled “Ponsonby PS Boundary Review – Report # 3”
be received.
The Board approves Scenario 1 as described in Section 4.1 in the
report attached to memo PLN:13-36 which assigns the Ponsonby
Grade 6 students to Elora PS, and
The RT boundaries for Ponsonby PS and Elora PS outlined in
Appendix B, Maps 1-3 attached to memo PLN:13-36 “Ponsonby PS
boundary Review – Report 3” be approved.
The implementation timeline applicable to Scenario 1 be approved as
All Grade 6 students will remain at Ponsonby PS, subject to annual
enrolment monitoring.
Staff be directed to implement the transition of the Grade 6
students from Ponsonby to Elora PS in 2015/16 or any year
thereafter, if enrolment projections indicate that there will be more
than 203 pupils at Ponsonby PS. Further, staff be directed to
inform the parents of Ponsonby PS Grade 6 students of the
transition to Elora PS by the end of February for the change to be in
effect for the coming school year.
The motion carried.
James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report # 2
The James McQueen PS Boundary Review process was established to develop grade
structure or attendance areas for James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black
PS that establish viable and sustainable programs, alleviate the overcapacity pressure
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forecasted at James McQueen PS, maximize the number of students within walking
distance to schools, and minimize the impact on students where transitions are
proposed. Manager of Planning Passy advised that French Immersion enrolment in
Centre Wellington, has increased by approximately 30% since 2009 and in order to
accommodate this trend, scenario # 1 as contained in the report was preferred by staff.
Recommendation # 2
Trustee Gohn moved that memo PLN:13-34 entitled “James McQueen PS
Boundary Review – Report # 2” be received.
The motion carried.
Kenilworth Accommodation Review Update
Manager of Planning Passy advised that contrary to earlier timelines set, and in respect
to other priorities, staff have not been able to start the Kenilworth Accommodation
Review at this time. It was suggested that a report will be presented in the spring, and
the review will continue through the 2014 -15 school year.
Recommendation # 3
Trustee Moziar moved that the verbal update on Kenilworth Accommodation
Review be received.
The motion carried.
School Naming Committees
Superintendent Benallick advised that there are a number of building projects coming to
completion and that these schools need to be properly named. She asked that
Trustees consider volunteering for the school naming committees for Lee Street, Zaduk
Place, Settlers Creek, Rockwood, and King George. It was suggested that the public
can have input by contacting the Superintendent of the school. Due to the number of
schools, and in addition to using the Board’s website, it was suggested tat
advertisements be placed in the local newspapers.
Recommendation # 4
Trustee Bailey moved that the verbal update on School Naming Committees be
The motion carried.
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Health and Safety Multi-year plan
Executive Officer Rose, introduced Disability Manager Pyke, and Administrative Officer
Kay, who were responsible for the development of the Health and Safety Three Year
Plan. Ms. Pyke presented the plan and advised that the goal is to formalize our
processes in a more systematic way. The plan was divided into two, the first being
Technological Education and Science which included health and safety binders, online
training programs for technology and science staff, inspection program, equipment
specific hazard/risk assessment program, job hazard analysis program, globally
harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals, technology classroom
layout, and curriculum based equipment selection and review. The second section is
Safety Program Development/Continuous Improvement Plan which includes
accident/incident reporting and investigation program, lockout-tagout program, staff
safety assessment – risk of violent incident, health and safety competency training
matrix, non-routine work program, contactor program (school specific),
custodial/maintenance work instruction system, health and safety orientation, and
purchasing request/receiving program. Trustees expressed their pleasure and thanks
for a job well-done in enhancing health and safety procedures throughout many aspects
of our system, benefiting staff and students, and ensuring continued compliance with
the Ministry of Labour.
Recommendation # 5
Trustee Moziar moved that the “Health and Safety Goals and Objectives Three
Year Plan” dated December 10, 2013 be received.
The motion carried.
Resignations and Retirements - nil report
City of Guelph – Adult School Crossing Guard Program
Manager Passy presented a report regarding the City of Guelph’s Adult School
Crossing Guard Program. In the report, it states that the City can not sustain the
program at its current size, is experiencing significant challenges with respect to
recruitment, retention, and vacancy coverage, and would like to develop a
communication protocol to notify the public when posts will be unattended. Trustee
Bailey advised that he was in the process of corresponding jointly with the Wellington
Catholic Board to request that the City of Guelph re-establish the committee that met
several years ago regarding the adult school crossing guard program, to address this
issue. The Guelph Police strongly supported this program in the past, and it was
requested that they sit on the committee once again.
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Recommendation # 6
Trustee Borden moved that memo PLN:13-37 entitled “City of Guelph – Adult
School Crossing Guard Program” be received.
Trustee Waterston moved that this Committee adjourn at 8:50 p.m. to report to
the Board.
The motion carried.