September 14, 2010
The Business Operations Committee of Upper Grand District School Board met on
Tuesday, September 14, 2010, in the Board Room at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph,
Ontario commencing at 7:00 p.m.
Trustee Busuttil, Chair, presided and the following Trustees were present: Bailey,
Edwards, Gohn, Moziar, Schieck, Topping and Waterston together with Student Trustees
MacDougall and Vander Vlugt.
Chair Busuttil welcomed members of the gallery, including Mike Brewer and Mary
Robison, students from Brock University.
Present from the Administration were Superintendents Benallick, Boswell, Fyfe, Morrell
and Wright; J. Alder, Manager of Plant Operations; D.S. Cuomo, Manager of Planning; M.
McFadzen, Communications Officer; J.L. Rose, Executive Officer of Human Resources; J.
Shanks, Chief Information Officer; and P. Scinocca, Manager of Capital and Renewal Projects.
Trustee Busuttil informed members of the following amendments to the agenda:
The report “Elementary Enrolment and Staffing Update” was added as number 6, and the
remainder of the agenda was renumbered accordingly. The Taylor Evans Woodlot Tour was
added under 9. Other Business, and it was noted that there would be no report for items 7, 13
and 14.
Trustee Schieck moved that the agenda be approved as amended with items 11
through 16 to be considered in camera.
The motion carried.
Trustee Waterston moved that the Minutes of the Meeting of June 10, 2010 be
approved as recorded.
The motion carried.
There were no declarations of conflict of interest.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, September 14, 2010
Mr. P. Scinocca, Capital Projects Manager, introduced and reviewed the report entitled,
“Environmental Learning Centres – Project Update, Westwood Public School, J.D. Hogarth
Public School, Rockwood Centennial Public School, Minto Clifford Public School. Several
unique features of the projects that are in varying states of completion were highlighted. It was
explained that the Ministry of Education has discontinued Primary Class Size funding which
was to be used for part of the construction of the Environmental Learning Centre planned at
Westwood Public School and direction is being sought in order to pursue approval from the
Ministry for unspent PCS or NPP funding for the project and to proceed with the design work.
Recommendation #1
Trustee Waterston moved THAT:
1. the report entitled “Environmental Learning Centres – Project Update, Westwood
Public School, J.D. Hogarth Public School, Rockwood Centennial Public School,
Minto Clifford Public School,” dated September 14, 2010,” CP:10-08, be received.
2. staff be instructed to proceed with the design work on the Environmental Learning
Centre at Westwood and pursue approval from the Ministry for unspent PCS or NPP
funding for the project and, if obtained, proceed to construction.
The motion carried.
Mr. Paul Scinocca, Capital Projects Manager, introduced and reviewed the report
entitled “King George Public School - Building Project Report,” dated September 14, 2010 and
Appendix A – King George Public School Building Project Report, Appendix B – King George
PS Projected Enrolment (After Consolidation) and Appendix C – King George P.S.
Replacement Business Case. The Ministry approved the Business case, adjusted the grant for
full day learning and committed approximately $10,500,000 to the project. The funds are
provided within the capital framework as part of a Prohibitive to Repair Grant. The new school
is to utilize approximately $8,840,330.59 of this grant and will provide a total of 504 pupil
places. The preliminary time lines for the project are consistent with a target opening of the
new King George P.S. in September 2012.
It was reported that every effort is taken to reclaim, salvage and recycle as much as
possible during demolition of the existing building with requirements included in the demolition
specifications and contract. Classroom size is based on the standard class size of 750 sq. ft.
used across the province and that two larger specialty classrooms (1,000 sq. ft.) have been
included in the project. Any surplus funds will be directed to address needs resulting from the
displacement of students from King George School in order to accommodate them elsewhere,
Business Operations Committee Minutes, September 14, 2010
e.g. Porta Pack at F.A. Hamilton, improvements to retrofit John McCrae for transition to JK-8
school, etc.
An initial implementation report for the Central Guelph Accommodation Review will be
presented at the October Business Operations Committee meeting with a second report to
follow in November. A plan to house the regular track students from King George for one year
during the demolition and construction of the new school will bhe developed following
consultation with parents.
Ms. J. Wright, Superintendent of Finance, clarified that at this point, it is anticipated that
the Ministry will make payment for the project in its entirety at its completion; however, there
may still be a need for an Ontario Financing Authority loan and that the Ministry would then
flow the payments to us for the period of the loan.
The information regarding the project has been circulated to determine any potential
partnership for community use and no interest has been expressed.
Recommendation #2
Trustee Moziar moved THAT:
1. the report entitled “King George Public School – Building Project Report,” dated
September 14, 2010, CP 10-02, be received.
2. the “King George Public School – Building Project Report,” attached as Appendix
“A:, dated September 14, 2010, CP 10-02, be approved.
3. the existing King George Public School building be demolished and a new King
George Public School be constructed to accommodate a JK-8 program with a target
opening date of September 2012.
4. The King George Public School Building Committee be established and up to three
(3) Trustees be appointed to the Building Committee.
The motion carried.
Jennifer Rose, Executive Officer of Human Resources, introduced and reviewed the
report entitled, “Elementary Enrolment and Staffing Update,” dated September 14, 2010. The
Board approved the budget for 2010-11 that included a staffing level of 1171.8 Full Time
Equivalent teachers for the elementary schools, based on a projected ADE of 19,855.5
Elementary students. At the end of the first week of school, the ADE was 20,142.5 students,
resulting in the need to consider hiring additional teachers. Following the required parameters,
an additional 15.6 FTE teachers are required. The funding for the additional students covers
the costs of the additional teachers. It was acknowledged that we continue to experience
declining enrolment from last year and that opening of early learning classrooms helped
mitigate surplus staffing issues this year.
Business Operations Committee Minutes, September 14, 2010
Recommendation #3
Trustee Bailey moved THAT:
1. the report Elementary Enrolment and Staffing Update dated 2010 09 14 be received.
2. the F.T.E. staff for elementary schools be set at 1187.4 for the 2010-11 school year.
The motion carried.
Ms. J. L. Rose, Executive Officer of Human Resources, provided a verbal report
highlighting the Health and Safety activities for the past month. An accessibility audit has been
completed by an independent contractor for all but 7 locations to determine existing barriers in
our schools and facilities. The rest of the locations will be audited this fall. A gap analysis has
been performed to determine training priorities for Plant Operations staff and a schedule based
on the priorities has been determined and monthly training sessions began in June and will
continue until completion. A series of training programs for summer students and new staff
were undertaken. In addition, meetings with County Fire Safety Prevention Officers took place
to standardize fire safety procedures county-wide so that the same standards apply to all
Recommendation #4
Trustee Gohn moved that this Committee recommend to the Board that the verbal
report on Health and Safety, as presented by Ms. J.L. Rose, Executive Officer of
Human Resources, be received as information.
The motion carried.
King George School Day Care
In response to a question from Trustee Moziar, it was clarified that there is no provision
for day care facilities at the new King George School. The current programs are connected to
the City of Guelph and provided through the Three Rivers Neighbourhood Association on a
volunteer basis.
Taylor Evans Woodlot Tour
Ms. J. Wright, Superintendent of Finance, reviewed the invitation to participate in the
Taylor Evans Woodlot Tour on September 27, 2010 at 7 p.m., as distributed at the meeting.
The event is organized by the Board and the City of Guelph. The “living classroom” will be
utilized by the forestry students of John F. Ross C.V.I. and during the first semester, the
Business Operations Committee Minutes, September 14, 2010
students will be pruning and spacing the trees to ensure a vibrant, safe and abundant urban
Recommendation #5
Trustee Moziar moved that the verbal report regarding the Taylor Evans Woodlot Tour
as presented by Superintendent J. Wright, be received.
The motion carried.
Trustee Schieck moved that this Committee adjourn at 9:30 p.m. to report to the Board.
The motion carried.