11/18/2010 Cryogenic History A story of people intertwined by Curiosity Necessity Industry Ideal and not-so-Ideal Gases Boyle (UK)-1662 & Mariotte (FR)-1676 Ideal Gas Law: P V = constant Amontons-1702 Absolute Zero— Temperature at which Pressure goes to zero at fixed Volume Amontons Also proposed Theory of Friction Celsius Scale-1742 • On Fahrenheit scale, two • Why not, Celsius very significant things thought, simplify for humans happened at things a bit and call two very insignificant the freezing point zero points. The temperature and the boiling point at which water freezes is 100. at 32 degrees and the temperature at which water boils is at 212. • Why did Mr. F. do this? Thermometry • Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) • German physicist • invented alcohol thermometer (1709) • Hg thermometer in (1714) • Introduced temperature scale - Fahrenheit Scale-in 1724. First artificial production of ice1748 William Cullen-University of Glasgow (UK) obtained ice by evaporation of water in vacuo First method of artificial refrigeration Anders Celsius 1 11/18/2010 Backwards Steam Engine James Watt-1769 Invented steam engine. Running backward it was used to cool a wall = a refrigerator! Johann Lambert-1779 • In 1779 Joseph Lambert proposed a definition for absolute zero on the temperature scale that was based on the straightline relationship between the temperature and pressure of a gas. What is the difference between this and what Amontons conjectured in 1702? Powerful Man Charles Law-1787 Law stating that the volume of a given mass of gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (temperature in kelvin). It was discovered by French physicist Jacques Charles 1787, and independently by French chemist Joseph Gay-Lussac 1802. Jacques Alexandre César Charles The gas increases by 1/273 of its volume at 0°C for each °C rise of temperature. This means that the coefficient of expansion of all gases is the same. The law is only approximately true. 1823 Liquefaction of chlorine Michael Faraday • British Physicist and Chemist (1791-1867). • Important contributions to the theory of electricity and magnetism, among others. • Liquefaction of chlorine. KELVIN, Lord (William Thomson) (1824 - 1907) • Proposed an absolute scale of temperature in 1848. • The absolute scale that he proposed was based on his studies of the theory of heat, in particular the theory proposed by Sadi Carnot 2 11/18/2010 William Thomson Kelvin-1848 John Gorrie-1844 It was Thomson's studies in thermodynamics though which led him to propose his absolute scale of temperature in 1848. Kelvin is an absolute scale in that temperatures below 0K (absolute zero) do not exist anywhere in the universe. Equivalent to -273.15° Celsius or 459.67° Fahrenheit, 0K is the temperature at which molecular energy is a minimum i.e. all molecular motion would cease. He developed it by 'extrapolating' backwards on volume-temperature and pressure-temperature graphs. He discovered that the temperature axis was cut at -273°C. Kelvin was also aided in the developing of his scale by a 'carnot engine'. Kelvin defined his thermodynamic scale so that a Kelvin was exactly the same as one degree Celsius. An American physician, John Gorrie, built a refrigerator based on Oliver Evans' design in 1844 to make ice to cool the air for his yellow fever patients. Gorrie was unsuccessful in marketing his ice maker in New Orleans. He died early in his life as an unheralded broke man. Refrigeration Apalachicola Museum Gorrie-1850 First Ice Machine Ferdinand Carre -developed successful Ice Business Ice comes from…. From the Simpsons’ featuring the cultivation of ice from the North Pole. When the ice deliveryman arrives at the Quik - E – Mart with his cargo, he says to Apu, “you’ve got to start charging more than a dollar a bag. We lost four more men on this expedition!” to which Apu replies, “If you can think of a better way to get ice I’d like to hear it.” “If the ice crop was poor, the price rose to the exorbitant rate of $1.25 a pound.” In today’s dollar this price corresponds to over $150 for a typical 3lb bag of ice (3). Then Now Rankine, William (1820-1872) • Invented an absolute temperature based on the interval of one degree Fahrenheit termed the Rankine temperature scale. • 1850 – “Mechanical Action of Heat.” –formulated heat theory. 3 11/18/2010 1852 Quick Quiz • • • • • • The most famous Floridian of all time is: A. Rick Scott B. Tim Tebow C. John Gorrie D. Steve Spurrier E. Mickey Mouse 4