Eramosa Public School January 2015 - Issue 5

Eramosa Public School
5757 Fifth Line ✧ R.R. 1 ✧ Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
Telephone 519-856-9529 ✧ Fax 519-856-4239
Katrina Plazek,
January 2015 - Issue 5
Sheri MacKenzie,
Office Co-Ordinator
Our January newsletter will be arriving in your homes before the holiday break and we would like to send
you our very best wishes for a festive season with family and friends. It was wonderful to see so many
families out at the EPSAC Breakfast With Santa event on December 6th, 2014. This event would not be
possible without the generous donation of time advertising, organizing, shopping for food and assorted
items, and cleaning up; various donations of food as well. A special thanks to Chef Dale McCarthy who
was up in the wee hours the night before, cooking pancakes, sausages and bacon for a very hungry
crowd! Also to Mr. Davis for checking Santa’s schedule and making sure he was able to visit with us!
We were also very happy to see many families join us for our Holiday Hoopla school event where craft
making and tasty treats and beverages helped us get into the holiday spirit. We will look forward to
returning in January well rested and ready for more fun and learning at our school. Keep safe everyone.
Happy holidays to all, from the Staff at Eramosa.
East Wellington Community Services Food Drive
A huge thank you for your generous donations to the food drive. Together our school
community has helped many people to be able to provide nutritious food for their
families. Although we live in a relatively affluent society compared to the rest of the
world, we know that there are children in our community who go to bed hungry
sometimes and who wonder where their next meal will come from. Thanks for making
a difference in the lives of our neighbours.
CSA approved Hockey Helmets for Ice Skating on Feb. 11/15 and Mar. 6/15
This is another reminder that it will be a mandatory requirement for all people skating (students, staff
and volunteers) to wear a CSA approved Hockey Helmet while skating on the ice. We have
booked our ice pads. We hope to have many parents/guardians join us, and this is a new
requirement for many of us. Please ask Santa to bring one for Christmas or borrow one from
your neighbor so we can all have fun!
Bus Cancellations – Notification
Please ensure that you register for email notification of bussing information for your child (school
closures, bus delays, etc.) at Click on Delays and
Cancellations and click subscribe to enter your email.
Our new AIZAN voice messaging system will be used to notify families when the Upper Grand District
School Board Transportation consortium makes the decision to cancel buses to Eramosa PS, when
possible. If the phone lines, power lines or internet system is down the system will not function. This is
an additional notification. Listening to CJOY, or checking the UGDSB website are also great ways to
find out about current bussing information.
EPSAC Save the Dates!
EPSAC will be sending home order forms for Elmira Poultry on January 12th. Forms are due back by
January 22nd and pick up will be on February 10th, 2015.
The Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction will take place on February 12th. Donations for
the Silent Auction would be gratefully received. More info will be coming home in the
new year.
Extra Socks and Mitts and Supplies
When we return in January, we are sure to have more snow and cold weather. Children
spend a lot of time outdoors here at Eramosa. If you can pack an extra pair of socks and
mitts, it will make the day more comfortable if a change needs to be made. Our kindies
could use a full set of clothing in case of an accident. This is a great time to check school
supplies, laces and whether shoes still fit!
Kindergarten Registration
Registration for full day Kindergarten will take place on February 4th, 2015. If your child is 4 years of age
by December 31st, 2015 (s)he is eligible to register for JK (Junior Kindergarten). If your child is 5 years
of age by December 31st, 2015 s(he) is eligible to register for SK (Senior Kindergarten). If you have a
neighbour with children entering Kindergarten for the first time, would you please pass this information
along to them
Recycle Your Pop Tabs and Used Batteries after the Holiday
Please remember to send in your pop tabs and old batteries to the school where we
can recycle them. The pop tabs help raise money to purchase wheelchairs. The
battery recycling program keeps toxic materials out of the regular landfill.
Food Program Changes
If you wish to make any changes to your child(ren)’s food program order, please write a note to Ms.
MacKenzie in the office advising of the changes. Changes will be effective February 2nd onward.
Digital Saturday for Parents and the Community
On Saturday, January 24th, from 9 am till noon UGDSB will be hosting a Digital Saturday event at Island
Lake ES in Orangeville. This information day is intended to provide parents and the community with
information about the technology in our classrooms through a variety of demonstrations and information
booths. For more information, please visit:
Choir Sings at the January 11, 2015 Storm Game
Our junior choir will be singing O' Canada to open the Guelph Storm Game on Sunday, January 11th at
6:30 pm, when the Storm take on the Kitchener Rangers. Choir members and their families will be
attending. If you are in the audience that evening make sure you come and say Hi to Mr. Ellis and the
Eramosa crowd!
Career Pathways in High School
Our students are only in elementary school, but they will be in high school before you can even imagine.
At a meeting that I was at last week, a local high school came to give a 15 minute talk on the co-op
programs and Specialist High Skills Major options in high school. Two students spoke highly of the
programs. I have included a couple of handouts we received at the meeting. Children entering high
school often do not know the pathway they will pursue so parents and high school staff become their
primary advisors and the more information families have the better. Please visit the links for further
information or keep a copy for future reference. There are many different options out there and by the
time your child reaches high school, there will undoubtedly be even more. Career planning is very
important to help students find success and fulfillment in the careers they choose. Thought you might be
interested. .... Mrs. Plazek
1428 Gordon St., Guelph
To Register Call:
OR Online
Acrylic on
Art Attack
Thurs Jan 29, 5-5:50 pm, 7
Cartooning &
Teen Art
Thurs Jan 29, 6-6:50 pm, 7
Learn to paint on canvas with
acrylic paint.
Designed for the creative young
artist to produce amazing art
Animated cartooning characters
on paper and 3D sculpting.
Thurs Jan 29, 8-9:15 pm, 7
Great program for building your
art portfolio.
Fri Jan 23, 9-4:30 pm, 1 Day
Fri Mar 20, 9-4:30 pm, 1 Day
Red Cross, certificate course.
Learn basic skills in order to
care for infants & children up to
school age.
Dates & Times
Thurs Jan 29, 7-8 pm, 7 Wks
Thurs Jan 29, 6-6:50 pm, 8
Learn skills and be prepared to
Tues Jan 27, 5-5:50 pm, 8
Learn the game and improve
your skills.
Creative Workshop Gr 7 &
Wed Mar 25-May 27, 4-5:15
Visual and dramatic art
Dynamic Dance
Tues Jan 27, 5-5:50 pm, 8
Tues Jan 27, 6-6:50 pm, 8
Dancing from ballet,
contemporary and hip hop. No
dance experience required.
Kiddie Kickers
Thurs Jan 29, 5-5:45pm, 8
Learn basic soccer skills and
team cooperation.
Kids Only Cooking
Thurs Feb 12, 6-8:15 pm, 3
Chef Susan will teach the
basics of cooking from scratch.
Learn rules and soccer skills.
Location: College Heights SS
Tues Jan 27, 6-6:50 pm, 8
View Course Guide online at: or
What are the Four Categories
of Student Achievement?
What is learning?
Learning is defined as the activity or
process of gaining knowledge or a
skill through instruction and/or
Over the years, there have been many changes made to the way we
assess and evaluate student learning. Learning used to be determined by
comparing students to each other. Today, student learning is measured in a
more holistic manner using four Categories of Achievement: knowledge and
understanding, thinking, communication and application.
What is achievement?
These categories are organized in a chart, for each subject, outlining a
Achievement is something that has standard set of criteria that link learning and individual achievement. This
been done or achieved through effort achievement chart supports teachers in making consistent judgements about
- essentially, the result of hard work. student performance across all subject areas. When reporting, teachers use
the categories as well as the curriculum expectations to determine an overall
achievement level for each student.
In 2010, the Ontario
Ministry of Education released
the 1st Edition of Growing
Success: Assessment, Evaluation
and Reporting in Ontario Schools
(Grades 1-12).
The purpose of this new policy
document is to ensure valid and
reliable reporting of student
achievement across our Province. The
7 principles guiding assessment and
evaluation of student learning is that it
● equitable
● carefully planned and student
● clearly communicated to
students and parents
● ongoing and varied
● specific and meaningful
feedback of the learning
● developed to promote student
self assessment
As outlined in Growing Success, a partnership among students, parents
and teachers is vital to the learning and assessment process. We can support
our students by helping them to use the categories of achievement as a
learning tool.
The questions next to each category are meant to initiate dialogue with
your child around his/her learning.
Achievement Chart Categories:
Knowledge & Understanding—
What did you learn?
relates to the grade specific subject content
Thinking— the use of critical and creative thinking skills and processes used to learn the content
How and why did you learn it?
Communication— explaining the knowledge and understanding
Explain or show me what and how you learned it?
Application—use of knowledge and skills to make connections
When and where can you use what you learned? How does this
learning connect to what you already know?
by: Patricia Josephson (Curriculum Leader) &
Gina Betts (Instructional Coach)
January Environmental & Character Education Theme
Save water – be RELIABLE in your conservation efforts
In terms of environmental awareness, you should know that water is our most precious resource. Over
70% of our Earth's surface is covered by water (we should really call our planet "Ocean" instead of
"Earth"). Although water is seemingly abundant, the amount of fresh water available for us to drink is
only 3%. The message we need to learn is that, as the population of the Earth increases, we need to be
very careful to not pollute our water sources and to use it very wisely.
We all can make a difference in protecting our most precious resource – water. Water conservation is a
big challenge, but every little bit helps, so don't think that what you do doesn't matter. Demonstrate your
reliability in conserving water by using the following ideas: Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
Install water-saving devices such as low-flow showerheads and toilet dams or low-flush toilets. Shorten
your shower by a minute or two and you'll save up to 500 liters per month. Use a broom instead of a
hose to clean your driveway. Wash your cars and bikes with a bucket of water and sponge, instead of a
hose that wastes around 15 litres of water per minute if left running. Use a rain barrel to collect rain
water to water your plants instead of using precious tap water. It’s OK to let your lawn go dormant during
the summer and let the rain water it naturally. Water conservation needs to be a way of life, not just
something we think about once in a while. If we all do our part in conserving water, we can make a huge
difference for the environment.
Don't waste water – its more valuable than you think. - Let’s go green, everyone!
Transitions and Transition Planning
While it may feel like it is early in the year to think about transitioning to the next school year, many plans
are well underway to ensure that students have a successful transition. For students that are changing
schools, such as Grade 8s moving to secondary school, visits may have already begun. Such
transitions can be very stressful for students, just as it can be stressful for adults to move houses or
change jobs. With careful planning and a collaborative approach toward supporting the transition, this
stress can be minimized.
New requirements from the Ministry of Education came into effect in September 2014 requiring all
students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to have a transition plan. This plan includes goals and
actions to meet each goal, and considers the strengths and needs of the student. Some goals may
address smaller transitions throughout the day, such as moving from recess to the classroom or from
one activity to another, or larger transitions, such as moving from one school year to the next, or from
one school to another. For many students, the supports provided to the whole class are all they need to
have a successful transition, which means they may not need a specific transition plan goal and actions
on their IEP at this time. However, for students that have challenges with transitions -- large or small -- a
plan should be in place.
When planning for any transition, the student’s physical, emotional, and learning needs are considered.
As a parent, your collaboration with the school team is crucial to make sure that the needs of your child
are fully understood, and that actions taken at home and at school will ensure a successful transition.
Physical needs, such as changes made to a washroom for a student in a wheelchair, may be part of a
plan, just as visits and pictures of a new school may be helpful meeting the emotional needs of a child.
A student’s current teacher will also share successful strategies and accommodations with next year’s
teacher, this will help the new teacher prepare for the learning needs of the student.
As a parent, you can play an important role in transition planning for your child, you know your child best.
Whether planning for next year's new classroom, or for a new school, working together with school staff
to provide visits to the new school, talking about the transition in a positive way, and looking at pictures
of the new teachers and building may give the reassurance that your child needs. Preparation is crucial
for transitions to be successful, and a team approach between home and school is key.
More information about transition planning from the Ministry of Education is available. The new rules for
transition planning for students with special education needs can be found at: The Ministry also has a resource guide for
transition plans with a focus for secondary students available at the following link:
Family Literacy Day is January 27th, 2015
ABC Life Literacy Canada is encouraging Canadian families to have "15 Minutes of Fun" learning
together. Learning can happen at any time. Practicing literacy together every day has tremendous
benefits for both children and parents. Here are some great ways to get started:
Read a “wake up” story in the morning (after reading your bedtime story the night before).
Search online for fun places to go in your community. Pick out a spot for your next family day trip.
Make up a new recipe together and post it online.
Tell knock-knock jokes together while doing the dishes.
Create a story with your family: take turns writing one sentence at a time, then read the whole story
aloud when you’re done.
Write a review of a book you read together as a family. Send it to the author through email or snail mail.
Organize a book swap at your school or with your friends.
Track your trip to school, the park, and the grocery store on a map. Find a different route to take to each
Learn to play a musical instrument. What about the ukulele?
Write a note to include in a grown-up’s lunch – ask them to write back!
Make a popsicle stick model with your family.
Write your names graffiti-style using chalk on your sidewalk – you may need to shovel first!
Play a board game together.
Look up the words to your favourite song online. Have a sing-off with your friends!
Count how many steps it takes to get from your bedroom to your kitchen. Find out who in your family has
the most steps to a snack!
Wellington County Library – Rockwood Branch, January Events
Family Literacy Scavenger Hunt (all ages)
Celebrate Family Literacy during the month of January! Follow our Library Scavenger Hunt to receive a
ballot to enter our contest.
January 2 to 27 during branch hours
Page Turners Book Club (Grades 1-5)
Read together and come to discuss at this parent-child book club. This month we're discussing "Gabriel
Finley & the Raven's Riddle" by George Hagen. Please register.
Tuesday, January 13th, 6:30 p.m.
PA Day: Frozen Movie Morning
Join us for our special P.A. day movie event, as we watch and sing along to Frozen: the Sing-Along
Edition! (Rated G). Dress up as your favourite character and sing together! Please register.
Friday, January 23 at 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
85 Christie Street Rockwood, ON
519.856.4851 •
Eramosa Public School
January 2015
First day of
School for
-Choir Sings at
the Storm
Game 6:30pm
Elmira Poultry
-Gr. 5
-Gr. 5
-Gr. 5
-Math Games
-Pizza Day
-Hotdog Day
-Gr 6 OPP
Society Visit
-Gr 5 & 6
Curling Trip
-Jersey Day
-Pita Day
-Pizza Day
-River Run trip
1/2A & 2/3B
-Hotdog Day
-River Run trip
-Pita Day
Literacy Day
- Elmira
forms Due
-Gr 5 & 6
Curling Trip
-Pizza Day
-Gr 5 & 6
Curling Trip
P.A. Day
No School for
-Pizza Day
Saturday @
Island Lake ES