JD Hogarth Parent Council Meeting November 12, 2015 6:45 pm

JD Hogarth Parent Council Meeting
November 12, 2015
6:45 pm
Present: Crysten Miller, Julia Leary, Marni Barrow, Barbra Tomkins, Shirley
Downes, Andrea Leising, Laura Smylie, Virginia Greenaway, Jenn Walsh,
Jenn Hatch
Regrets: Sara Morrison
1. Motion to approve previous minutes: Crysten moves to pass, Julia seconded. Motion
2. Old Business
● Julia: Gift cards. She did not receive an answer from her friend regarding gift
card fundraisers. Shirley will forward information to Julia re: gift card fundraiser
she is aware of.
● Babysitters: Can we continue to look into having babysitters at school for parents
to attend council? Crysten will look into finding volunteers to babysit. Ms. Barrow
will discuss a plan with her after school volunteers.
● Monthly meeting: Majority of council members would like to meet monthly. The
Council has added new dates for Dec, Feb, May.
● Spirit Wear: Looking into finding out details not as a fundraiser, but to improve
school spirit. Julia will make a call to Marni’s contact about providing for students.
3. Principal's Report/Vice Principal's Report
● School Council has a box of office supplies, now available in the school office for
our exclusive use.
● Remembrance Day ceremony went well. Intermediates went to Cenotaph.
● Playground: when the construction fence came down the kids were very excited.
Very large usage but not overcrowded so far. Kids are really enjoying it, the
drainage is much better since improvements.
● Sports intramurals picked up quickly, continuing to run.
● Character days going well, Key to Responsibility draw to be held soon.
● Trying to increase parent involvement. Snack program, salad/yogurt days – 20
volunteers working on it. They are doing a wonderful job. Parent volunteers in
almost every primary class. Marni and Barbra gave a presentation on volunteers
with pictures of volunteers at kids in events that are happening around the school
● Food and Friends - snack and salad/yogurt program: Barb brought forward that
the budget is a little short and they could use more volunteers. $3000 short on
budget for this program for the year. In order to fund program they have Pita
Days two times to raise money for snack and lunch program; toonies for hunger
also part of the budget; a link to donate to the school lunch/snack program, was
provided in the newsletter. Jenn Walsh will take the info to the Fergus Lioness
club to see if they can help. Looking for other options to reduce deficit for this
Would to recognize the hard work that the Fresh from the Farm Fundraiser did.
They brought in $2652. Would like to consider giving money to the Food and
Friends program
Julia moved that we support Food and Friends program with $2000 from Fresh
from the Farm fundraiser. Andrea seconded. All in favour, motion passed.
4. Fundraising
● Lamontagne: Was at risk of not happening due to strike. Were able to take over
the planned fundraiser of a Guelph school, after they dropped out. Books were
delivered to the classrooms and went out on time. Orders due back on Nov 20th.
Will need help to organize orders and count money on November 18th. Virginia,
Crysten, Jenn T. Jenn H volunteered. Will need a place to put the orders in
school until Volunteers can come in. Likely delivered the 2nd week of December.
Date: TBD
● Fresh from the Farm fundraiser: Anyone available on Nov 16th to help sort the
orders? Delivery by 2pm. Pick up by parents from 4-7 pm. Let Crysten know.
Would love the volunteer help of a grade 7/8 class to unload truck outside? If
good weather
● Dance-a-thon: Friday, March 11th, last Friday before March Break. Will discuss in
detail during February meeting.
● Chocolate bars: will run before Easter, since Easter bunnies are prizes. Start on
Monday February 29th,until March 22nd, so that bunny prizes go out before
● Jenn Hatch talked to Terry Reeves about having a Test Drive session at school,
which would donate money to the school. Lots of questions to follow up with him
5. Treasurer’s Report ­ No report ­ Treasurer absent.
6. New Business
● Picture Retake tomorrow, Nov 13th
● Julia: Communications coordinator – Would like to set up a FB page for School
Council. It would provide the same kind of information we have on the website,
no pictures of kids, no identifying information. Good way to keep us and the
school in the consciousness of the parents, who are likely on FB regularly. It
would be a broadcast type of a page. Julia moved, Shirley seconded. All in
favour, motion passed.
● Make a copy of the minutes available to parents who either aren’t computer
savvy, or have limited access to a computer. Put one copy on bulletin board in
school for parents.
● Halloween Costume: Black and Orange Day was held this year. Many kids, and
parents, were disappointed with no costume for the kids outside of the
Kindergarten classes. Why did the school implement this policy? Teachers took
an informal poll and determined that they were not wanting to do that this year.
The boisterousness that costumes bring distracts the kids during class time.
Since Thursday the 29th, was not actually Halloween, they wanted it to be as
close to normal day as possible. Didn’t want a whole day of Halloween, when not
actually Halloween.
Orientation for new people to the school – There is an orientation available for all
new to school.
Teacher Appreciation Day: Would like to organize one for June. Will put on the
Agenda for next month.
Motion to adjourn ­ Shirley moved, Julia seconded. 8:00 pm
Next Meeting: on December 17th at Jenn Hatch’s house.