JD Hogarth Parent Council Meeting April 7, 2016 6:45 pm

JD Hogarth Parent Council Meeting
April 7, 2016
6:45 pm
Present: Crysten Miller, Julia Leary, Marni Barrow, Shirley Downes, Laura
Smylie, Jenn Collins, Calum McGeachie, Julia MGeachie, Jenn T., Jenn
Hatch, Andrea Leising, Virginia Greenaway, Hanna Kouwen,
Guests: Mrs. Preston, Student representatives
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of previous minutes
Principal's Report/Vice Principal's Report
• Thank you to everyone helping at dance-a-thon and at the chocolate fundraiser.
There was a lot of work involved and we really appreciate those helping out. School
uniforms arrived, kids are wearing them. Coldwell Banker paid for the full price of the
jerseys. Special thanks to Julia Leary for arranging the Spirit Wear orders and
distributing. Thanks to Laura Oliver for assisting with the online set-up and collecting
funds. Arts Day coming up on the 13th. Mrs. Ray has been working hard to set that
o Character education to focus on the board traits. Proud of staff & students.
o Mrs. Preston has taken on a big role to deal with character education. Gave a
condensed presentation to Council.
o Students presented the ABC’s of Compassion to Council
6. Treasurer’s Report – Summarize numbers from sheet. Profit of Dance-a-thon of
$1932.05. Raised approx. $3800 on chocolate bars. Jenn T. did a spreadsheet for
Dance-a-thon on what was bought, used and popular. May need to re-examine the fundraisers chosen with a cost-benefit analysis or timing.
7. Old Business
● Arts Day – April 13th
● Spirit Wear – Thanks to Laura Oliver for setting everything up online. Made the
ordering easier, less work. Will be sending out again next year.
● Gift Card Fundraiser – Ready to launch, whenever we decide to go ahead. We
would be responsible for printing advertising materials. Have a booth at the
Spring BBQ – to distribute information. Julia McGeachie volunteers to run the
Gift Card Table I move that we launch at the May BBQ – Shirley moves– Calum
McGeachie seconds.
Survey – Shirley presented results. Suggestions to provide a quick synopsis on
FB page of what happened at meeting(Julia). Suggestion to ask teachers and
other speakers to council meetings to speak on topics of appeal to parents for
short periods 10 -15 minutes.
Vote for Co-chair – Jenn H. nominates Crysten for Co-Chair, Steve seconds
Motion passed. Will want to try and recruit a Treasurer to backfill behind
Crysten, for now, but definitely in September
Communication about head lice - Nicole to contact Public Health about
assistance they can provide to school.
TD Grant for Music and Art for kids – Ms. Smylie will look into. Thinks it is the
school board that applies on school’s behalf
Meeting Schedule and voted decisions – Andrea – We will set the days in June
for the following year and if the dates need to be changed, the communications
will be clear.
Spring BBQ
▪ The Sports Council that sets up the games and activities, also volunteer
at primary intramurals twice a week. Would like to give them some
recognition, an ice cream party, approx. $40. Julia motioned, Steve
seconded, motion passed.
▪ Lots of details many people don’t know about BBQ. Must buy pre-cooked
hamburgers and hot dogs. Last year the buns were bad, had to go buy
more. Pre-buying tickets wasn’t as successful as people came really late
to get their food and it ran out. Two separate tickets – pre-ordered, and
onsite. Onsite will be limited to the amount of food on hand so we don’t
sell more tickets than there is food available to be sold. Jenn H. will get
order forms out to parents. Steve will purchase food items. Small prizes
to be provided by council. Mrs. Smylie will organize silent auction baskets
again. Dan and Steve and Darryl Walsh to BBQ. Will need some BBQ’s
for cooking, Jenn T.’s BBQ, Jenn W. and Steve to get one. Andrea to call
high school to look for student volunteers. Julia to post on FB, will forward
any volunteers to Jenn H.
8. New business
● Website update ● PIC Meeting update from March – Nicole Clark
▪ Diversity Celebration Willow Rd. P.S. May 4th 5-7:30 pm Various cultures,
demonstrations and foods
▪ On UGDSB website under Policies and Procedures – looking for public
feedback on policies 504 Equity and Inclusion 502 Alcohol and Drugs.
Pupil Accommodation Review, Boundary Review, Funding for New
Schools – More likely to receive funding for elementary vs. High schools.
▪ PRO Grant – Partnerships with Public Health – Taking back recess.
Provide activity ideas.
▪ All school websites will have the same look by 2017. Changing to
WordPress to make it easier for schools to make their own changes.
Going to look at communication from the board filtering out through
schools to parents.
▪ Next PIC meeting May 30th at 6:45 pm - UGDSB Board office on Victoria
Rd. in Guelph.
▪ They host various symposiums and conferences
● Pro Grant Ideas – move to next meeting
● Buddy Benches – Get in Touch for Hutch may donate the bench to school –
many details to be ironed out. Pushed to the next meeting
9. Additions to Agenda – Guest speaker on internet safety social media – June 16th?
10. Adjournment
• Motion to adjourn ­ Shirley moved, Andrea seconded. Motion passed. Meeting
adjourned at 8:30 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 @ 6:45 pm J.D. Hogarth Library