October NEWS, 2015
Principal: Mitch Zuk
Vice Principal: Wayne Peeters
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Welcome to October:
As the weather becomes cooler, it’s nice seeing all the students
settle into their routines. There have been some great activities
happening at Hyland Heights; soccer, cross-country, and
peer/library helpers are just a few of the activities our staff have
helped organize. As Mrs. Ebherhardt needs to update personal information, please return
the Student Verification Sheets to school as soon as possible. Other handouts such as:
Dental Screening, insurance options and Freedom Of Information should be completed and
returned as soon as possible.
Our enrollment continues to grow. Currently we are around 370 students and look forward
to welcoming the new and future families to Shelburne.
In this month of reflection, all the staff and administration would like to extend a warm
wish to you and your family for a Happy Thanksgiving.
October Dates
Terry Fox Run
Anaphylactic Presentation- Int/Jr Classes
Anaphylactic Presentation- Jr/Pr Classes
Parent Council (6 pm library)
Dental Screening 1
Anaphylactic Presentation- Kindy Classes
Dental Screening 2
Fluoride VarnishTreatment (Public Health)
HPV/HepB/Menactra Shots (Gr 7’s and 8’s)
Thurs Oct 1
Thurs Oct1
Fri Oct 2
Mon Oct 5
Tues Oct 6
Wed Oct 7
Fri Oct 9
Mon Oct 12
Mon Oct 19
Wed Oct 21
Labour Relations Updates can be found on the UGDSB website at www.ugdsb.on.ca
Student Absences
If your child is going to be
late or absent from the
school, please call the
school attendance line before 8:15 a.m.
(519-925-3745, ext. 100). As part of our
safe arrival program, we will contact all
students who are absent from the school
and for whom we have not received a
note or a message. If your child’s absence
is going to exceed 14 consecutive days,
please contact the office for special
instructions. Always let the office know if
your child is going to be late or absent.
This is especially important on “No Bus
Days.” If your child does NOT ride a bus to
school but will be absent on a “No Bus
Day”, please call in your child’s absence.
Life Threatening
Management Plans
To keep our children safe,
and help them and their
peers understand about anaphylactic
reactions, Nurse Rudy from Headwaters
Health will provide a 20 min presentation
to each class on Thurs Oct 1, Friday Oct 2
and Wed Oct 7.
These presentations will help students,
recognize and understand allergic
reactions. "What is it?" "What does it do?"
And, "What should I do?" Our
administrative responsibility lies in
ensuring that the right supports and plans
are in place to ensure students are safe
via: Life Threatening Plans, Notifications,
Maplewood, Signs, Epi-pens carried by
students or stored in the medical room,
and yearly online staff training.
Indoor Shoes
Students are asked to
bring a pair of nonmarking “indoor shoes” to
wear at school. This helps
to ensure our school remains safe, clean,
and healthy. A considerable amount of
mud, dirt and other undesirables, are
tracked in on students footwear and we
prefer this be left outside. Please help
your child with a plan to ensure they have
clean indoor shoes at school.
Lates/ School day
We ask that students
arrive at school between
8:30 and 8:45 am. Outside
adult supervision does not begin until
8:30 am. When students are late for the
start of their school day, they miss the
critical start of a lesson. This places them
in a catch-up position. We all know how it
feels to be behind and have to catch-up in
any task, not to mention, learning
something new, or acquiring a new skill.
Please take school punctuality seriously
and ensure your student is on time, ready
for learning. To further support your
child’s learning by honouring the 8:45 to
3:15 school day, please avoid scheduling
any appointments during the school day,
if possible.
Life Threatening Allergies
Please note that HHES does
not allow nuts or fish in the
school. This includes peanut
butter. Wow Butter is not
allowed in-schools due to its resemblance
to peanut-butter. Students and staff who
are allergic to nuts and/or fish can
experience anaphylactic shock by simply
coming into contact with small particles
of nuts or nut residue. We also have
students and staff in our building who
have life threatening allergies to bee
stings, latex, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.
The symptoms of anaphylactic shock
include: difficulty breathing, swelling of
the tongue and throat, unconsciousness.
Please, do not bring these products into
the school. If your child has a life
threatening medical condition, contact
the office so we can establish a Life
Threatening Illness Management Plan.
Lock Down Drill
In the interest of student
safety, the Upper Grand
District School Board has
directed all schools to conduct two
Lockdown drills each school year. A
lockdown is used when it is suspected
that an intruder has entered the school
and poses a threat to the safety of our
students and staff. Detailed procedures
have been developed in conjunction with
our local police services and provided to
all schools as part of our emergency
procedures manual. In a lockdown,
students and staff are directed to secure
areas where doors can be locked and the
children are kept out of sight (such as
classrooms and portables). No one may
leave their secure area until they receive
an “all clear” from the authorities.
In planning to do a drill, I have asked the
Police Chief, Kent Moore to monitor and
assist us by observing our school
response and providing feedback.
Lockdown drills will become familiar to
students just like fire and tornado drills
which we are also required to do every
year. Our first lock down drill will occur
Wednesday Oct 21st.
Terry Fox Run 2015
This year’s Terry Fox
School Event took place
on Thursday Oct 1st. Thank
you to Mrs. Manzerolle and her class for
coordinating this special event. Totals will
be announced in Novembers letter.
Parking and Student
Please use the parking lot
and student Drop-
off/Pick-up Zone that is located near the
Kinderpak (between the high school and
HHES) for picking up or dropping off your
child. Only buses are allowed in the front
area of the school. Students being
dropped off in the morning can access
their playground from this area and
students who are late should use the front
walkway to enter through the front doors
for a late slip. For those students
requiring an end of day pick-up, please
instruct your child to exit through their
designated enter/exit door and proceed
to the east end of the school where the
Drop-off/Pick-up Zone is located. For the
safety of students, the bus loading zone
needs to be kept clear to allow for buses
to make their way in and out of the front
loop. Thanks in advance for your
attention to this safety concern.
No Dogs on School
Property Please!
To ensure student safety
and well-being, we ask
that you do not bring pets onto school
property while dropping off or picking up
your child. While they may be considered
friendly, there are a number of children
who have had unpleasant experiences
with animals and are fearful of their
presence. Not all animals are predictable
in their behaviour especially around other
animals. To prevent any frightening or
hurtful incidents, we ask that you leave
your pet at home or tie them up off
property while stopping at the school.
Our responsibility is to ensure that
students feel safe at school and we ask for
your cooperation to make this
On-line Bully Reporting Tool
Did you know that in
the majority of cases,
bullying stops within
10 seconds when
peers intervene or don’t support the
bullying behavior?
The Upper Grand District School Board
takes all incidents of bullying seriously.
That’s why we developed an online
bullying reporting tool. Stop a Bully
gives students and parents 24/7 access
for reporting bullying. You don’t have to
identify yourself – just your school – and
your message gets sent directly to your
school principal for follow-up. We will
follow up on your report.
You’ll find the Stop a Bully button on our
school’s website and the board’s website
If your child is the victim of bullying or
sees bullying behavior at school, please
encourage him/her to speak with
someone at school or use the Stop a Bully
tool. For more information, contact the
Talking About Mental Health!
Welcome to the new school year! My
name is Dr. Lynn Woodford and I am the
Mental Health and Addiction Lead for the
school board. Every month I write a
column for school newsletters about
mental health and provide strategies and
resources for families.
Hope that the transition back to school
has been a positive one for you and your
family. If your child or youth is
experiencing any challenges with the
transition back to school, please talk to
your child or youth’s teacher or
The UGDSB has many resources available
on its website: http://www.ugdsb.on.ca/
for parents and students to access. To
access these resources: click on the
Parent tab then click on the Mental Health
Tab. There is also a Student tab with a
Mental Health tab, which you can share
with your children and youth.
Once you are on site, you will find
information about local mental health and
addiction resources:
Canadian Mental Health Association
Waterloo Wellington Dufferin Branch
 To access Addictions, Mental Health
(including eating disorders and first
episode psychosis) and Crisis Services
(Guelph/Wellington for
Children/Youth and
Guelph/Wellington/Dufferin for
Adults) contact:
 HERE247 at 1 844 437 3247 (1 844
HERE247) www.here247.ca
 wwd.cmha.ca
 Dufferin Child and Family Services
(Services for Children/Youth in
Dufferin County)
 To access Addictions, Mental Health
and Crisis Services 519-941-1530
 Talk in Services on Tuesdays 1:007:00
655 Riddell Road, Orangeville
There is an Access to Mental Health
Resources document that provides more
details about counselling and supports in
Guelph Wellington Dufferin. There are
also links to useful websites with
information for parents about mental
health and addictions such as:
 Kids Help Phone (1 800 668 6868)
www.KidsHelpPhone.ca provides
phone and web counselling for youth
under the age of 20. Support is free,
24/7, anonymous and confidential.
The ABCs of Mental
Health http://www.hincksdellcrest.or
g/ABC/Welcome provides
information related to different
mental health concerns, according to
developmental ages.
Hope these resources are helpful for you
and your families. Hope you have a
wonderful fall!
Dr. Lynn Woodford is the Mental Health
and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand
District School Board
Cold & Flu Season
With cold and flu season
approaching it’s that time of
year again to get your flu shot.
The flu is a respiratory illness that
spreads quickly from person to person.
Common flu symptoms include fever,
cough, sore throat, muscle pain, joint pain,
and weakness. The flu is more serious for
the very young and elderly. They can get
the flu from school-aged children who
don’t seem sick but may have a mild case.
Get your free flu shot. It protects
everyone. If you don’t like needles, there's
an alternative called FluMist®. FluMist is
a nasal spray available for children and
adults ages 2 to 59. FluMist® is not
available at drop-in clinics and should
you choose this option you will have to
call to make an appointment. The
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
Unit offers free flu shots with no
appointment necessary and drop-ins are
welcome. Feel free to call 1-800-2657293 or visit the following website at
www.wdgpublichealth.ca for more
Parent council held its first meeting on
Monday, September 14 at 6pm. Thank you
to all who attended and participated in the
election process for this year's executive
Welcome to the new and returning
members of this 2015-2016 parent
Charity Pigeau
Rebecca Hall
Treasurer: Becky Cunnington
Secretary: Andrea Carson-Pedri
Parent Representatives:
Callan Kivell, Shannon Partridge,
Amanda Jenkins, Julie Hofstede
Amanda Whitten, Tracy Mercer
Candice Kitchen, Wendy Wicks
Corena Bouzane, Tina Coates
We invite you to join us at our next
meeting on October 5th at 6pm. New
people are always welcome and
babysitting is provided.
Pizza days will be continuing every Wednesday once
again this year starting in October. The Parent
Council could use a few extra helping hands so if you
are available to help with money counts, envelope
distribution or pizza distribution please contact our
pizza coordinators Candice Kitchen or Kristen
October14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18,25
A BIG THANK YOU to Oasis Tanning
and Esthetics for inviting us to
participate in their 1st annual spa-Bque. The proceeds generated were
donated to our playground fund. We
appreciate all of your support!
For up to date information and
reminders, please like our Facebook page:
Hyland Heights Parent Council