Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 4 (1989) 625-632 625 THE CLOSED NEIGHBORHOOD AND FILTER CONDITIONS IN SOLID SEQUENCE SPACES P.D. JOHNSON, JR. Department of Algebra, Comb[natorlcs, and Analysis 120 Math Annex Auburn University Auburn, Alabama, 36849, U.S.A. (Received June 30, 1988) ABSTRACT. Let E be a topological vector space of scalar sequences, with topology (E,T) satisfies the closed neighborhood , nelghborhoods at the origin, for to the topology condition Iff 7 of every to 7, converges with respect to Iff there is a T; basis of consisting of sets whlch are closed with respect coordlnate-wlse filter, condlt[on Cauchy . convergence wlth E; (E,) satisfies the filter on respect to , convergent with respect Examples are given of solid (deflnltion below) normed spaces of sequences which (a) fall to satisfy the filter condition, or (b) satisfy the filter condition, but not the closed fulfilling neighborhood (a), (Robertson condition. others and have given examples and examples fulfilllng (b), but these examples were not solid, normed spaces.) However, it is pairs (E,T), the filter and closed shown sequence that neighborhood among separable separated, conditions are solid and equivalent, equivalent to the usual coordlnate sequences constituting an unconditlonal Schauder basis for (E,T). unconditional pair Consequently, Schauder basis the in usual every coordinate complete, sequences separable, do constitute separated, an solid (E,). KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. separated, separable, Topological vector space, sequence space, norm, Banach space, solid, filter condition, closed neighborhood condition, unconditional Schauder basis, Abschnltt-Konvergenz (AK). 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 46A45. BACKGROUND AND DEFINITIONS. . and Suppose that E is a topological vector space under two topologles, the closed satisfies that [I] (E,) shall say and Garllng [2], we Following Robertson neighborhood condition (with respect to 7) if and only if there is a base of r-nelghborhoods of the origin which are -closed, and that (E,T) satisfies the filter P.D. JOHNSON, JR. 626 (with respect to ) if and only if each filter in E, Cauchy with respect condition to T, and convergent with respect , to converges with respect to T. (More exactly, Robertson might say that (E,) satisfies the filter condition with respect to (E,T) and the identity injection of Observe that (E,z) if is condition, with respect to any theorem of Robertson (Hausdorff), and The . complete, . importance (E,) of (E,z) trivially then , filter I) worth is noting: if (E,) is separated then the completion of (E,T) is naturally embedded (E,T) if and only if satisfies the filter condition, with closed neighborhood condition arises the the satisfies Although the result will not be used much here, a Theorem is finer than in the completion of respect to [I], (E,).) into from a result of ([3], Proposition 8, Chap. i., I), which may also be found in Treves [4] (Lemma 34.2); this result is approximately Proposition I0 of [I], which we restate Bourbaki here. LEMMA l_f (E,) I.I. is separated, closed neighborhood condition, then T is finer than (E,z) satisfies the In this paper E will be a subspace of , , and (E,) satisfies the filter condition. the vector space of all scalar sequences will be the topology of (the scalars may be either the real or complex numbers); This is the relative topology on E induced by the coordlnate-wlse convergence on E. product topology on m, thought of as a countable product of copies of the scalar field. the solid hull of x is If x E A subset of elements. solid is if and only if it Throughout, E will be solid. contains A topology the solid hull of each of its T on E (with which E becomes a t.v.s.) will be called solid if there is a neighborhood base at the origin for are solid, we will refer to (E,z) When both E and consisting of solid sets. as a solid pair. Note that if a norm p on E satlslfes y E S(x)E implies that p(y) (I.I) p(x), and E is solid, then the norm topology on E associated with p is solid. Conversely, if E is solid, any solid norm topology on E is associable with such a norm (since the convex hull of a solid set is solid); when satisfies (I.I) will be called a solid norm. LEMMA 1.2. denote the Suppose that E is solid, and p is a solid norm on E. Let }. Then (E, ) satisfies the {x e E; p(x) closed neighborhood condition if and only if the closure of U i__n_n (E,w)is bounded topology on E defined by p, and let U in (E, ). 627 CLOSED NEIGHBORHOOD AND FILTER CONDITIONS IN SEQUENCE If the closure W of U in (E,) is bounded in (E,), then {rW; r PROOF. a neighborhood base at the origin in (E,) consisting of sets closed in the other hand, (E,)satslfes the closed neighborhood condtion, in (E,) of some set rU, r > 0, is contained in U; thus > 0} Is (E,). If, on then the closure Wc_r-Iu. The coordinate projections on E are the functlonals f de[ined by n f (x) =x n n The following lemma is well known. A proof of the equivalence of (a) and (c) appears in Johnson and Mohapatra [5] (Prop. 2.5). Suppose that (E,) is a solid pair. The following are equivalent. LEMMA 1.3. The coordinate p.roJectlons are continuous on E. (a) (b) is finer than (E,) (c) The coordinate m, e (m) 7. is separated. sequences are the sequences en e defined by en(m) We shall assume throughout that E contains the coordinate E E defined by The finite sections are the functions P n Following the terminology in Kothe [6] if for each x e E the 0 otherwise. n sequences. Y. xkek. P (x) kgn sequence (Pn(X)) converges to x in When (E, ) is a (E, ), we will say that (E, ) is AK (for Abschnitt-Konvergenz). form a sequences separated solid pair, (E,)is AK If and only if the coordinate then guarantees that the basis is Schauder basis for (E,); the solidity of E and unconditional. The following is Proposition 2.9 of [5]. LEMMA 1.4. Suppose that (E,) is an AK solid pair. Then (E,) satisfies the closed neighborhood condition. In the next section we give two examples of solid, solidly normed spaces the first fails to satisfy the filter condition, and the second satisfies the E filter condition, but not the closed neighborhood condition. the supply of such examples; The object is to augment see Lindenstrauss and Tzafrlfi [7], Garllng [2], and A far as we know, these are the first known (or, in the case of Example 2.1, noticed) such examples in which (E,x) is a solid, solidly normed is the topology of coordlnate-wlse convergence on E. sequence space, and The norm topology in Example 2.1 is not consistent in the sense of Ruckle [9]; by Gaposhkin and Kadets ([8]). Theorem of [2] It could not possibly be. In section 3 The norm in Example 2.2 is consistent. it is shown that among separable, separated solid pairs (E,z), the (E,) filter and closed neighborhood conditions are equivalent, and are equivalent to being AK. As an easy consequence, it follows that in every complete separable separated solid pair (E,), the coordinate sequences form an unconditional Schauder (E,z). (Thus, the famous separable Banach spaces with no Schauder basis, basis of P.D. JOHNSON, JR. 628 while possibly realizable as sequence spaces, are not realizable as solid, solidly normed sequence spaces.) In Section 4 we discuss a problem mentioned in [5], still unresolved, related to the results of this paper, and one other problem that arises from these results. 2. EXAMPLES. EXAMPLE 2.1. ; (nx) n {x Let E (.[x n 12) 1/2 p(x) + lira is bounded}. n suplnXnl. Let x Clearly E is solid, and p is a solid norm on E. x x (x(k)) k Then for all k; (k) n n (k) -I if n k, by Lemma 1.3, (x thus, each n, define (E,), and O(x (k)) > the norm topology converge tn (E,’), : (k)) cannot Consequently, (E,) does not satisfy the filter condition. Partition the positive integers into infinite sets . n=l O(x) IXkl k J n Pn(X) < [. + n lira sup n } and define p on E by Pn(X)" , Clearly E is solid and p is a solid norm on E; E is an ), each isomorphic to so E, with , For each n, let gn Jn’ 0 otherwise. and O(Pk(gn )) (E,) does 3. gn(m) "I direct T for each k, and gn (gn is the limit, in the spaces is the topology determined by p. denote the characteristic sequence of Note that sum" of Consequently, (E,) is complete. satisfies the filter condition, where, as usual, m For Ji,J2, by on Pn Pn(X)--sup keJ Jn e E be defined by is Cauchy with respect to p, converges to zero in EXAMPLE 2.2. {x (k) 0if n <k. associated with p. Let E Let p be defined by n + (E,), Jn; i.e. for each n. of (Pk(gn))k gn(m) if Also, By Lemma 1.2, not satisfy the closed neighborhood condition. ON SEPARABLE SOLID PAIRS. THEOREM 3.1. Suppose that (E,) is a separable, separated solid pair. The following are equivalent. (E,) satisfies the filter condition. (E,) satisfies the closed neighborhood condition. (c) (E, I) is AK. PROOF. By Lemma 1.3 and I.I, (b) implies (a), and (c) implies (b) by Lemma 1.4. (a) (b) 629 CLOSED NEIGHBORHOOD AND FILTER CONDITIONS IN SEQUENCE What remains to be shown is that (a) implies (c). Suppose that (E,x) is not AK. Then there is some x E E such that the sequence (P (x)) does not converge to x in (E x). But (P (x)) does converge to x In (E,); n n therefore, if (a) holds, it must be that (P (x)) is not Cauchy in (E,x). Therefore, n there is a solid T-nelghborhood U of the origin in E and two sequences (nt), t) of U is (m positive integers satisfying n < t m nt+ t and P If t < m (x)- P n t r then n < t m (x) nr, t Pn r (x) Pnt(X) consequently, U, t so Pint(x) Pnt(X) 1,2, t U for > r t, e S(P n (x) P r because P mt (x) (x)); n P t nt (x) U and solid. For each t, let B {n t t + n t+1 }" For each set T of positive integers, let yn(T)= Y(T) n Each y(T) x if n s n y(T)E be defined by UB t’ tT 0 otherwise. is in the solid hull of x, so y(T) E for each T. (T (T sets of positive integers, then the solid hull of y y (T P nt+ (x) P n Suppose (x) U, for some t; consequently y (T y 2 T If T 2 are two contains 2 t V is satisfying V + VU. positive Integers open T-nelghborhood of balanced, The paragraph preceding Implies that a the {y(T)+ origin V; T is a in E set of is an uncountable collection of mutually disjoint r-open non-empty subsets of E; consequently assuming (a) and not (c). (E,x) is not separable. Consequently, We have arlved at this conclusion (a) implies (c), when (E,x) satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem. COROLLARY then (E,x) PROOF. 3.1. If (E,x) is a complete separable, separated solid pair, is AK. If (E,x) is complete, then (E,x) satisfies the filter condition. It has been pointed out to the author that the hard part of the theorem above, (a) implies (c), resembles a corollary of a well known result about Banach lattices ([7], Proposition l.a.7). Since the scalars may be the complex numbers here, it would P.D. JOHNSON, JR. 630 be reckless to deduce the theorem from the Banach lattice result, even in the special (E,T) case in whlch to is a Banach space, but the point is well made; the author admits rediscovered having an argument and a result already in the literature, in a The author is of the opinion that such rediscoveries, if somewhat different settlng. recognized as such, do no harm, and may serve to stimulate interest in the original. 4. REMARKS AND PROBLEMS. Suppose (E,T) is a solid pair negative entries and no zero columns. [5, I0, II], (a and A is mn an infinite matrix with non- Followlng the notation of Johnson and Mohapatra we set nor-A-l(E) {x : Alx ( n amnlXnl)m E}. -I (E) is a solid subspace of ; if we require each column of A to be in E, then nor-A (E) contains the coordinate sequences; further, nor-A (E) is naturally -I t.v.s, topology, nor-A (T), obtained by taking as a equipped with a solid Then nor-A -I neighborhood base at the origin, the sets nor-A-l(u) {x e w; A[x[ U}, as U ranges over solid T-neighborhoods of the origin in E. -! -I [5] it is shown that (nor-A (E), nor-A ()) will inherit a great deal from (E,z) (the property of being AK, for instance), but there seems to be a In [5] (Theorem 2.13) and [II] (Prop. mysterious difficulty regarding completeness. nor-A-l()) is complete when (E,z) is, provided I.I) it is shown that In (nor-A-l(E), either that (E,T) satisfies the closed neighborhood condition, or that the rows of A (In [II], A is lower triangular, but this condition can be Richard Haydon and Mireille Levy have since shown the author, in a private communication, that these provisions can be omitted when (E,T) is a Banach space, and In their proof extends to the cases in which (E,T) is locally convex and metrizable. are finite sequences. relaxed.) general, however, the problem remains unresolved. PROBLEM 4.1. Suppose (E,T) is a separated, complete solid pair infinite matrix with non-negative entries, no zero columns, and (nor-A -I (E), nor-A and A is an every column in E. l__s (T)) necessarily complete? The remarks preceding say that if a counterexample can be found, then A will have to have some entries, and rows (indeed, infinitely many rows) with infinitely many non-zero (E,) will not be locally convex and metrizable. It is shown in [5] (Theorem 2.10) that if (E,T) satisfies the closed neighborhood -I -I condition, then so does (nor-A (E), nor-A Suppose that (E,z) and A are as in Problem 4.1, except that (E,T) is not necessarily compl@te.. Suppose that (E,z) satisfies the filter condition. Does PROBLEM 4.2. CLOSED NEIGHBORHOOD AND FILTER CONDITIONS IN SEQUENCE (nor-A -I (E), nor-A -I 631 ()) necessarily satisfy the filter condition? Problems 4.1 and 4.2 are equivalent in the following sense. Suppose that C is a class of separated solid pairs, with the property that if (E,T) c C and (E,) (E,)of (E,)also satisfies the fiter condition, then the completion C. of (By Robertson’s straightforward ([I]), (E,) Theorem (,) that see to will be be will solid a a pair). is an element sequence space; the answer If it to is the question in 4.1 or 4.2 is yes, whenever (E,T) is confined to C, then the answer to the whenever (E,) is in C (with A fixed, or allowed to question in the other is yes, range over some selection of matrices). Thus, for instance, the result of Haydon and mentioned above implies that when (E,) Is locally convex, metrlzable, and satlfles the filter condition, and A satisfies the hypothesis of Problem 4.1 with respect to(E,), then (nor-A (E), nor-A ()) sat[sfles the filter condition. For Levy another instance, the answer to 4.2 whenever yes is the of rows A are finite sequences. We omit the proof of the equivalence. In one direction the proof uses the theorem of Robertson mentioned above, and the fact that the completion of a solid pair s a solid pair, when it In the other direction the proof space. a sequence is resembles that of Theorem 2.13 of [5]. Finally, we note a problem left unresolved by the results of sections 2 and 3. Does there exist a separable, separated solid pair (E,), preferabl PROBLEM 4.3. normed, which does not satisfy the filter condition? To see this, let The space in Example 2.1 is not separable. Dr; r c c} be a collection of infinite sets of positive integers indexed by the continuum c with the property that r r that K 2 implies the r 0 K r is obtained by rational numbers, and for each real number r, sequence of putting distinct 2.1, (r p(x {x(r): (r x rationals 1/n if n defined by x positive K integers convergent x(r) n r’ (Such a collection may be finite. 2 in to one-to-one taking K r.) 0 otherwise. r correspondence to be with the the elements of a For each r c, let x(r) e be Then, with E and p as in Example r E e} is an uncountable collection of elements of E, with 2 ) for r r 2. The theorem of section 3 bears on Problem 4.3; it suffices to find a separable, separated solld pair (E,z) which each x E E, the sequence (Pn(X)) is not AK. The proof of that theorem says more; for will have to be Cauchy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Besides Richard Raydon and Mireille Levy, whose invaluable (to me) contribution is mentioned earlier in this section, I would like to thank R.N. Mohapatra, Stan Rajnak, and M.S. Ramanujan for various helpful and illuminating remarks on the subject of this paper. 632 P.D. JOHNSON, JR. REFERENCES ROBERTSON, W., Completions of topological vector spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 8(1958), 242-257. 2. GARLING, D.J.H., The filter condition, the closed neighborhood condition, and consistent semlnorms, Duke J. 38 (1971), 299-303. 3. BOURBAKI, N., Elements de Mathemat[que, livre V: Espaces vectorlels topologlques Act. Sc[en. et Ind., nos. [189,1229, Hermann, Paris !953-5. 4. TREVES, R., Topological Vector Spaces, Distrlbut[ons, and Kernels, Academic Press, New York London, 1967. 5. JOHNSON, P.D., Jr. and MOHAPATRA, R.N., The maximal normal subspace of the Inverse image of a normal space of sequences by a non-negative matrix transormatlon, Annales Polonlci Math. XLV (1985), 105-120. 6. KOTHE, G., ToPological Vector Spaces I., translation by D.J.H. Garllng, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1969. 7. 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