Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 3 (1989) 615-618 615 RESEARCH NOTES A NOTE ON GLOBAL EXISTENCE FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS CHUAN J. CHYAN and JOHNNY HENDERSON Department of Algebra, Combinatorlcs and Analysis Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 36849 U.S.A. (Received May 21, 1987) ABSTRACT. Upper and lower solutions are used in establlsning global existence results for certain two-polnt boundary value problems for y(n) and _-f(x, y, y’, KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. f(x, y, y’, y’’) Boundary value problem, global existence. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. y’’’ ..., yn-l))." 34B15. INTRODUCTION. In this paper, we will be concerned primarily with the global existence of solutions of boundary value problems for the third order ordinary differential equation f(x, y, y’, y’’), y’’’ (1.1) satisfying boundary conditions of the form The result we obtain y(a) Y3, a < b. Y2, y’(b) Yl, y’(a) an (1.2) for (I.I), is extension, in some sense, of (1.2) those for boundary value problems for second order equations which appeared in a recent paper by Umamaheswaram and Sunaslni [I]. [I] made use of, or were compared The results in to, results dealing with upper and lower solutions for second order equations obtained 0y Jackson and ScOrader I], [2], Lees [3], and Schrader [4-b]. In [I, Theorem the following is proved. THEOREM I.I. Assume that with respect to the second order equation, y" -g(x, y, y’), the following are satisfied: g2 R is continuous. (A.I) g: [u, 8] (B.I) Solutions of initial value problems exist on [a, B] or become unbounded. + =, such that (C.I) There exists a sequence [Mj} of real numbers f(x, Mj, 0) > 0, for every j > 1 and all a < x < 8. -=, such that (D.I) There exists a sequence [Nj} of real numbers a x all and 8. for every j > < <_ f(x, Nj, 0) < 0, Then the boundary value problela y" Y(Xl) where a < x < x2 < 8, and g(x, y, y’), Yl, Yl, Y2 e R Y(X2) Y2, has a solution. In Section 2, we extend Theorem I.I to boundary value problems (I.I), (1.2). C.J. CHYAN AND J. HENDERSON 616 For this extension, we generalize (C.I) and (D.I) so that the conditions set forth by [7] for (I.I), (1.2) are satisfied for any Klaasen Yl e R i=l, 2, 3. In Section 3, the results we obtained for (I.I), (1.2) are generalized somewhat to boundary value problems for the nth order equation yCn) y(n-1)), fCx, y, y’, (1.3) satisfying Y(i-l)(a) 1 Yi’ <_ i <_ y(n-21b) Yn’ n-l, < a (1.4) b. We conclude Section 3 with an example. GLOBAL ExISrENCE FOR (I.I), (1.2). 2. In this section, a theorem is proved concerning the global existence of (I.I), 41.2). solutions of We assume in this section that with respect to (I.I), the following are satisfied. (A.2) (B.2) f(x, R3 u3): [a, b] Ul, u2, R is continuous. Solutions of initial value problems for 41.1) extend to [a, b] or become unbounded. (C.2) + , M. and a <x< (D.2) There eist sequences -, I. a<x< x + Mj (Kj} f(x, such that Li, Mj, of real numbers with both O) > O, for all i, j > I L3 and + all Nj x + of real numbers, with both {Nj} and Ki, Nj, O) _< 0, for all i, j _> K.j and all b. x, u2, u3. for each fixed u is nonincreaslng in has a solution for any choice of (I.I), (1.2) Let PROOF. I, J (D.2) are satisfied and that Assume that (A.2) THEOREM 2.1. exist f(x, such that {M} and b. N and {L} There exist sequences N g e R YI’ Y2’ Y3 be given. f(x, Ul, u2, u3) Then the boundary value problem YI’ Y2’ Y3 e R By hypotheses (C.2) and (D.2), there such that -< and (x) =Njx + K I [a, b], for i 0, I. Defining Nja + K I < Yl Mja + LI, Nj < mln {Y2’ Y3 < max {Y2’ Y3 and (x) Mjx + L1, it follows -< Mj. (1)(x) < (1)(x) (D.2), y(x) on 41.1)on [a, hi. of lower and upper solutions, respectively, Furthermore, by (C.2) and and (x) on are It follows from results due to Klaasen [7] that there exists a solution y(x) of (I.I), (1.2), for this choice of YI’ Y2’ Y3’ and furthermore y(x) < y(x) _< (x) on [’a, 6f. ["de proof s comZeCe. yfx)" S and Nj < S GLOBAL EXISTENCE FOR (1.3), (1.4). In this section, we will be concerned with the existence of solutions of (1.3), (1.4). For this consideration, results due to Kelley [8] will De used. We assume 3. here that with respect to (A.3) (B.3) (1.3), the following are satisfied. Rn R is continuous. [a, b] f(x, u I, u2, Solutions of initial value problems for (1.3) extend to Un): [a, b] or become unbounded. (C.3) that There exist sequences Mk, j + , {MI,j} {M 2,j}, [Mn_l,j} of real numbers, such n-I I < k < n-l, and such that if PJlJ2 Jn-I ()= I k ’Jk k=l x GLOBAL EXISTENCE FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS f(x, pj then >-- J n-I Jl’ (D.3) (x) Jn-I PJla all and <x< {N There exist sequences PJl-(n-2)""’J-n(), (x), Jn-I 617 > 0) O, for b. of real numbers, such {Nn_l, j} }, {N 2 ,j ,j n-I < that Nk, then f(x, qj > n-l, and such that if (x) Jn-I Jn-I Jl < k (x), qJl all and qJlJ2 Jn-I (n-2) qJl Jn-I (x), Jn-I _< x _< a (D.3) that, if b] suco that ounded on I. Further,more, assume Assume in addition to conditions (A.3) THEOREM 3.1. that for has I, then y(n-l)(x) is n-2, f(x, Ul, u2, ..., u n) is bounded on <i< earn ..., Ui_l, Ui+l, ..., Un. a solution for any choice of Yl R PROOF. Let Yi e R 1 _< i _< n, be fixed x, Ul, that there exist Jn-I Jl’ J2’ (n-2) (n-2) (a) Jn-I e N for each (1.3), (1.4) n. such that < (a) Jn-I < min {Yn_l, Yn < max {Yn-l’ Yn 7(x) Jn-I < n-Z, (n-2) (n-2)! pj > i [a, hi. (x), 0, for all It follows (a). dn_l,Jn_l PJl a Jn-I it follows from < x (i-l)(a) > y(i-l)(a), < i < n-2, that y(i-l)(x) < (i-l)(x) < i < n-7. Furthermore? fro--m (C.3) and (D.3), (x and (x) solutions, respectively, of (1.3) on ul, It follows from (C.3) and (0.3) given. (x) and (x) -= qJl Jn-I (n-2)(x) (n-2)(x) (n-2)(a) y(n-2)(a) Defining is noancreaslng in < I< < Yl < --PJl Nn_l,Jn_l C [a, I Then the boundary value problem (i-1) qi-1) Jn-I(a) qj Jk K=I O)< 0, for all b. a solution of (1.3) wlttl f,axlmal interval of existence y(n-2)(x) k-I < b, and from [a, hi, for on are lower and upper from the other hypotheses of the Theorem and from a result due to Kelley [8] that there exists a solution of (1.3), (1.4), for this choice of y(i-l)(x) < (i-l)(x) EXAMPLE. R g(u)-- < n-l. Tnls completes the proof. (ru/e"’) Moreover, [0, ] + 2e n+ < u -2u -2e ..., Un): f(x, u i < _< be defined by Sin and let < [a, b], for on g: R Let Yl n. i y(x) (i-l)(x) < I Sin R 0, 0iuie (u/e), u > e be defined by ..., + f(x, ul, Un_ 1, o n The conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied with respect to the differential equation y(n) In particular, ’i f(x, y, y’ 1 < i < <_ k < n-2, {j}, for wereas, the sequences satisfy condition (D.3). .-, y(n-1)) g 2Un. (y(n-2) + 2y(n-l) n, are plecewlse continuous and bounded on hence initial value problems of {Mk, j} g(Un_ 1) {Nk, j} (3.1) exist on and {Mn_l, j} {-j}, for 1 [0, ]. R n, Also, the sequences (l+4j)e Z-(n_Z)! < k <_ (3.1) J [0, n-2, and satisfy condition (C.3), [Nn_l, -j e Hence, by Theorem 3.1, boundary value problems for (3.1) 618 C.J. CHYAN AND J. HENDERSON satisfying Y(i-I)(O) In fact, / c k [eXslnx +2 C (-4 21-2 x 41-3 ]], [eX(slnx- n= _< n-l, [ +221-I + (i-z 11, x 41-2 2, x 41 (-I) I [221 ((i): i=1 41-2 x y(n-2)(.) ’n 4i-I + x 4+ 2, = o, :, k cosx) + i [22i-I (_l)i + < 1 Yi’ are solvable. 41-I + x <i-): 4k + 3, k-- O, 1, 2, n y(x) C [- x +221-I C where 0 y(i-l)(o < C < + 41-I x x (_:) [2 + (t) (i [eX(sl +22i-2 -: k o ], 4i+I Irnvr. n= k + cosx) + 4i + raw.) 4(+t), = 0, [ (-l)i [2 21-1 t, 2, 41-2 4i-3 x x + ) ((41"Z)l 4i-4 ]], I, 2, I, are infinitely ny solations of (3.1) tisfying O, I < i < I. n 4k+l, k y[n-2)() REFERENCES I. UMAMESWARAM, S. and SUflASINI, M.V.S. A global existence theorem for the boundary value problems of y" f(x, y, y’), Nonlinear Anal. 10 (1986), 679-681. 2. JACKSON, L. and SCHRADER, K. equations, J. Diff. 3. 4. Eqns. 3 LEES, M. A boundary value problem for nonlinear ordinary differential equations, J. Math. Mech. I0 (1961), 423-430. SCHRADER, K. 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