Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. ii NO. 3 (1988) 493-496 493 A NOTE ON CERTAIN SUBCLASS OF CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS SHIGEYOSHI OWA Department of Mathematics Kinki University Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577, Japan LIU LIQUAN Department of Mathematics Heilongjiang University Harbin, China WANCANG MA Department of Mathematics Northwest University Xian, China (Received June 25, 1987 and in revised form July 31, 1987) ABSTRACT. to class The object of the present paper is to show a result for functions belonging P’(I-e,0) which is a subclass of close-to-convex functions in the unit disk U. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. , Close-to-Convex of order Class P’(e), Class P’(I-,0), subordination. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. 30C45. INTRODUCTION Let A denote the class of functions of the form f(z) z + (I.i) anZ nffi2 which are analytic in the unit disk U is said to be in the class {z: P’(=) (according Izl < i}. to Goodman A function f(z) belonging to A [4]) if and only if it satisfies the condition Re{f’(z)} for some (0 < > = (1.2) i) and for all z e U. Note that P’(a) the subclass of close-toFurther, let P’(I-e,0) (according to convex functions of order e in the unit disk U. Goodman [4]) be the subclass of A consisting of all functions which satisfy the condition If’(z) for some (0 < < 11 < 1 (1.3) e i) and for all z U. S. OWA, L. LIQUAN, and W. MA 494 It is clear that P’(l-a,0) is the subclass of P’(a) for 0 & Fukui, Owe, Saitoh and Sekine [I] showed that functions in Izl < r Nunokawa, are starlike in is the root of the equation I, where r (I-=)r212) 2 (21(3-=)) 2 (r- 1 I. P’(l-e,0) Sin-l((1-a)r) + log . 2 Also, Fukui, Owe, Ogawa and Nunokawa [2] proved that functions in P’(a) are starlike in Izl < r 2, where r 2 is the smallest root in Sin 2(1-a)r -1 [0,i) of the equation . 1 + log (2a-1)r 2 r 2 For the functions f(z) and g(z) belonging to A, we say that f(z) is subordinate to g(z) in D if there exists an analytic function w(z) in U such that lw(z)l < for z’ U and f(z) g(w(z)). We denote by f(z)- g(z) this subordination. In particular, g(0) if g(z) is univalent in U the subordination f(z)- g(z) is equivalent to f(0) and f(U) g(U) (cf. [3]). MAIN RESULT In order to prove our main result, we have to recall here the following lemma due to Miller and Mocanu [5]. 2. Let q(z) be an injective mapping of U onto Q, with q(0) Let p(z) LEMMA. q(z) be analytic in U with and i, such that + pl z + p2 z 2 +... is regular on U except for at most one pole on U. p(Izl < Iz01) p(z) z0p’(z 0) Q, then c If there exists a point z e U such that p(z 0 e i8 and w where m 0 I. - O) e 8U =-q-l(p(z0)). mw0q’(w0), Applying the above lemma, we derive Let the function f(z) defined by (I) be in the class P’(I-a,0). THEOREM. f(z) z PROOF. Let q(z) holds true if p(z) E Assume that p(z) (I a)z I + (1.4) 2 + (i i a)z/2 and p(z) f(z)/z. It is clear that the result for z e U. for z e U and the subordination U. Then there exists a point z e U such that 0 Therefore, applying the lemma, we get f’(z0) Then p(z 0) e p(z)-q(z) does not hold in 8q(U) and p(Izl < Iz01) c q(U). z0p’(z 0) + p(z 0) nw0q’(w0) + q(w0) m(l-)w 0 + (l-)w 0 2 2 + (m + 1) (l-a)w 0 +I (1.5) CERTAIN CLASS SUBCLASS OF CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS where R >- [Wo[ and I. 95 Thus (R+ i) (i -a) a 11 [f’(z 0) which contradicts the hypothesis that in U. a, (1.6) 2 f(z) e P’(1-a,0). So we Rust have p(z)-q(z) This coRpletes the proof of Theorem. Finally, we have CORALLARY 1. Let the function f(z) defined by (1.1) be in the class P’(1-a,0), Then Re ei f(z) > 0, Z where 181 Sin-l(l /2 CORALLARY 2. )/2. Let the function f(z) defined by (I.I) be in the class P’(l-a,0). Then f(z) Re >0. Z ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The authors would like to thank the referee of the paper for his thoughtful encouragement and numerous helpful advlces. i. 2. REFERENCES NUNOKAWA, M., FUKUI, S., OWA, S., SAITOH, H. and SEKINE, T., On the Starlike Boundary of Univalent Functions, to appear. FUKUI, S., OWA, S., OGAWA, S. and NUNOKAWA, M., A Note on a Class of Analytic Functions Satisfying Re{f’(z)} > Bull._ Fac. Edu. Wakayama Univ. Nat. SGi. , 36 (1987) 13-17. 3. 4. 5. DUREN, P.L., Univalent Functions, Grudleheren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 9, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg and Tokyo, 1983. GOODMAN, A.W., U.n.ival.ent Functions. Vol. !L Mariner Publ. CoRp. Inc., 1983. MILLER, S.S. and MOCANU, P.T., Second Order Differential Inequalitiesln the Complex Plane, J. Math. LAnal,_ AppI.. 65 (1978) 289-305.