WBU Application for Graduation Associates in Applied Science (AAS) Bachelor of Science in Occupational Education (BSOE) lighting the way I request a replacement Diploma for D AAS D BSOE orD BCM degree (check one) from Wayland Baptist University. The last campus I attended with Wayland was----------------------! am providing the following information to process my application: (Please print clearly) REPLACEMENT DIPLOMA Please return this application and the appropriate fee to the Plainview campus-Attn External Programs. I want my name PRINTED ON MY DIPLOMA as Date of Graduation Social Security Number Current Mailing Address Street, Number, or PO Box City Current Phone Numbers Zip Code State (Wo,k) (Home) E-mail Address Permanent Address Street, Number, or PO Box City Zip Code State The fee for requesting a REPLACEMENT DIPLOMA is $50.00 per diploma requested. The "Replacement Diploma" request form with payment is sent to Wayland Baptist University, 1900 West 7'\ Attn: External Programs #1267, Plainview, TX 79072 My signature below signifies that I understand that this request will take from four (4) to six (6) weeks to process. I further acknowledge that I reviewed the information I listed above for correctness, and I assume full responsibility for any errors that I have made on this REPLACEMENT DIPLOMA request form. Signature of Student Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Bnsiness Office.________________ Graduation Fee Paid ( $ 50.00 per diploma) (date), _____ All Obligations arranged (date),_________ Bnsiness Office.________________ Diploma Granted (date)____________ Registrar -------�M ajor _______ - -- Revised 5-10-2005 - - -