AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Ofer Heyman for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geography presented on December 1, 2003. Title: A Per-Segment Approach to Improving Aspen Mapping from Remote Sensing Imagery and Its Implications at Different Scales. Abstract approved: A. Jon Kimerling A per-segment classification system was developed to map aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands on Winter Ridge in central Oregon from remote sensing imagery. A 1-meter color infrared (CIR) image was segmented based on its hue and saturation values to generate aspen "candidates", which were then classified to show aspen coverage according to the mean values of spectral reflectance and multi-resolution texture within the segments. For a three-category mapping, an 88 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.82 was achieved, while for a two-category mapping, a 90 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.78 was obtained. In order to compare these results to traditional per-pixel classifications, an unsupervised classification procedure based on the ISODATA algorithm was applied to both pixel-based and segment-based seven-layer images. While differences among various per-pixel classifications were found to be insignificant, the results from the per-segment system were consistently more than 20 percent better than those from per-pixel classifications. Both the per-segment and per-pixel classifications were applied at various spatial resolutions in order to study the effect of spatial resolution on the relative performance of the two methods. The per-segment classifier outperformed the per-pixel classifier at the 1-4-m resolution, performed equally well at the 8-16-m resolution and showed no ability to classify accurately at the 32-m resolution due to the segmentation process used. Overall, the per-segment method was found to be more scale-sensitive than the per-pixel method and required some tuning to the segmentation algorithm at lower resolutions. These results illustrate the advantages of per-segment methods at high spatial resolutions but also suggest that segmentation algorithms should be applied carefully at different spatial resolutions. ©Copyright by Ofer Heyman December 1, 2003 All Rights Reserved A Per-Segment Approach to Improving Aspen Mapping from Remote Sensing Imagery and Its Implications at Different Scales by Ofer Heyman A DISSERTATION Submitted to Oregon State University In partial fulfillment of The requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented December 1, 2003 Commencment June 2004 Doctor of Philosophy dissertation of Ofer Heyman presented on December 1, 2003. APPROVED: Major Professor, representing Geography Chair of the Department of Geosciences Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my dissertation will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my dissertation to any reader upon request. Ofer Heyman, Author CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Dr. Gregory G. Gaston assisted with data collection and with the design of Chapter 2. Mr. Jeffery T. Campbell assisted in preliminary field work and with the writing of the Chapter 2. Dr. A. Jon Kimerling assisted with the design and writing of Chapters 2, 3 and 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2. A PER-SEGMENT APPROACH TO IMPROVING ASPEN MAPPING FROM HIGH-RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGERY ............................................................. 8 Abstract ....................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 10 Study Area ................................................................................................................ 13 Data........................................................................................................................... 15 Methods .................................................................................................................... 15 Segmentation ......................................................................................................... 17 Classification ......................................................................................................... 19 Results ...................................................................................................................... 20 Discussion................................................................................................................. 23 Literature Cited ......................................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER 3. PER-SEGMENT VS. PER-PIXEL CLASSIFICATION OF ASPEN STANDS FROM HIGH-RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING DATA ...................................................... 27 Abstract ..................................................................................................................... 28 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 29 Per-Pixel Classification ......................................................................................... 30 Per-Segment Classification ................................................................................... 31 Data and Study Area ................................................................................................. 33 Methods .................................................................................................................... 36 Data Preparation .................................................................................................... 36 Segmentation ......................................................................................................... 36 Classification ......................................................................................................... 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Accuracy Assessment ........................................................................................... 39 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................. 40 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 47 References ................................................................................................................ 48 CHAPTER 4. THE EFFECT OF IMAGERY SPATIAL-RESOLUTION ON THE ACCURACY OF PER-SEGMENT AND PER-PIXEL ASPEN MAPPING ..................................................... 51 Abstract..................................................................................................................... 52 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 53 Data and Study Area ................................................................................................. 56 Methods .................................................................................................................... 59 Data preparation .................................................................................................... 59 Classifications ....................................................................................................... 59 Accuracy assessment ............................................................................................ 63 Comparisons ......................................................................................................... 63 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................. 64 Per-segment classification .................................................................................... 70 Per-pixel classification .......................................................................................... 72 Inter-resolution comparisons ................................................................................ 80 Three-category per-segment classifier .............................................................. 80 Two-category per-segment classifier ................................................................ 80 Two-category per-pixel classifier ...................................................................... 81 Inter-method comparisons .................................................................................... 81 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 82 References ................................................................................................................ 84 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................... 87 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 90 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Winter Ridge, Oregon study area..................................................................... 14 2.2 Per-segment classification model for aspen stand mapping ............................ 16 2.3 Histograms of hue (left) and min saturation (right). The ranges of values used for the segmentation lie between bold vertical lines .................... 18 2.4 Results of aspen mapping on Winter Ridge, Oregon, based on persegment classification model ........................................................................... 21 3.1 Per segment classification concept ................................................................... 32 3.2 NHAP color infrared image used for aspen mapping ...................................... 34 3.3 Winter Ridge, Oregon study area..................................................................... 35 3.4 Per-segment classification model for aspen stand mapping ............................ 38 3.5 Per-segment classification results for aspen mapping ..................................... 41 3.6 Per-pixel classification results for aspen mapping ........................................... 45 4.1 Color infrared image used for aspen mapping ................................................. 57 4.2 Winter Ridge, Oregon study area..................................................................... 58 4.3 Per-segment classification model for aspen stand mapping ............................ 61 4.4 Overall accuracy of per-segment and per-pixel aspen mapping ...................... 65 4.5 Per-segment and per-pixel classification results for aspen mapping at varying spatial resolutions: (a) per-segment at 1-m resolution, (b) perpixel at 1-m resolution, (c) per-segment at 2-m resolution, (d) per-pixel at 2-m resolution, (e) per-segment at 4-m resolution, (f) per-pixel at 4m resolution, (g) per-segment at 8-m resolution, (h) per-pixel at 8-m resolution, (i) per-segment at 16-m resolution, (j) per-pixel at 16-m resolution, (k) per-segment at 32-m resolution, (1) per-pixel at 32-m resolution .......................................................................................................... 67 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.1 Error matrices for accuracy assessment of per-segment aspen mapping. Top to bottom: original system settings; thresholding level change from 0.125 to 0.160; disabling of morphological opening operation ....................... 22 3.1 Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-segment classification for three-level aspen mapping ................................................................................ 42 3.2 Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-segment classification for two-level aspen mapping ................................................................................. 42 3.3 Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-pixel classification for aspen mapping using ISODATA with 20 classes ............................................ 44 3.4 Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-pixel classification for aspen mapping using ISODATA with 50 classes ............................................ 44 3.5 Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-pixel classification for aspen mapping using ISODATA with 20 classes masked for vegetation only by an initial 50-class ISODATA .............................................................. 46 4.1 A summary of accuracy assessment results of all combinations of classification method, category level and spatial resolution tested in this study of aspen mapping in Winter Ridge, Oregon ........................................... 66 4.2 Error matrices for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 1-m ground resolution .................................................................... 74 4.3 Error matrices for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 2-m ground resolution .................................................................... 75 4.4 Error matrices for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 4-m ground resolution .................................................................... 76 4.5 Error matrices for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 8-m ground resolution .................................................................... 77 4.6 Error matrices for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 16-m ground resolution .................................................................. 78 LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table 4.7 Page Error matrix for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 32-m ground resolution ................................................................................ 79 A Per-Segment Approach to Improving Aspen Mapping from Remote Sensing Imagery and Its Implications at Different Scales Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION Numerous automatic methods for vegetation mapping using remote sensing data have been developed by researchers in many countries during the last three decades. In the intermountain West, however, most forest mapping is still done in a non-automatic fashion using ground and airborne visual surveys, as well as manual interpretation of aerial photographs. Bolstad and Lillesand (1992) argued that the main reason why forestland managers had been very slow in adopting digital remote sensing data was the unacceptably low (<80 percent) classification accuracy. For example, Kalkhan et al. (1998) obtained a 60 percent accuracy utilizing double sampling compared to a 50 percent accuracy with traditional single sampling of the reference points in Rocky Mountain National Park using Thematic Mapper (TM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. Aspens, which covered one percent of the study area, were mapped at less than 15 percent accuracy. Laba et al. (2002) checked the New York Gap Analysis Project land cover map and found 42-74 percent overall accuracy (class level dependent) using conventional accuracy assessment, which was improved by up to 20 percent using fuzzy accuracy assessment. Joy et al. (2003) combined 30-m TM data with 10-m field samples and used decision tree classifications for vegetation mapping in Northern Arizona to obtain overall accuracy of 75 percent with a K-hat statistic of 0.50. One way to improve the accuracy of vegetation land-cover mapping utilizing per-pixel methods is by using higher spectral resolution data. Too often, however, the results are not sufficiently better in terms of mapping accuracy. For example, Ustin and Xiao (2001) mapped boreal forests in interior Alaska and achieved 74 percent accuracy at a species level using 20-m ground resolution Advanced Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) imagery with 224 10-nm bands, compared to 43 percent accuracy using Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) data. Kokaly et al. (2003) mapped vegetation in Yellowstone National Park and obtained 74 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.62 using 15-m AVIRIS hyperspectral data. Franklin et al. (2001) obtained 80 percent accuracy at a species dominance/codominance level incorporating spatial co-occurrence texture with one-meter resolution Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) imagery. These examples demonstrate the weakness of per-pixel methods in exploiting the information contained in multi- and hyper-spectral remote sensing data, and the need for alternative ways to obtain higher accuracy vegetation mapping. Another drawback of per-pixel classification methods is that although the information content of the imagery increases with increased spatial resolution, the accuracy of land cover classification may decrease due to an increase in variability within each class (Irons et al., 1985; Cushnie, 1987). Hsieh et al. (2001) illustrated the inverse effect of spatial resolution on the classification errors associated with pure pixels and mixed pixels. They conclude that the typical per-pixel classifier may not take advantage of the information available in high-resolution imagery. Chen and Stow (2002) showed a consistent increase in the K-hat statistic as spatial resolution decreases from 2-m to 16- m through 4-m, 8-m and 12-m. Mumby and Edwards (2002) noticed better delineations of habitat patches with higher resolution IKONOS data, but did not obtain higher accuracy using these data compared to their results using TM data. As more and more high spatial-resolution data become available (e.g. IKONOS, QuickBird), there is a growing need to develop innovative methods to overcome the drawbacks of current methods and to take advantage of the additional information embodied in the data in order to improve mapping accuracy. Per-segment, as opposed to per-pixel, classification provides a tool in which the texture and spatial variability inherent in high spatial resolution imagery can be exploited. With a per-segment approach, segments or objects, rather than arbitrary pixels, are classified as independent units. Segmentation algorithms have been used in land cover mapping to partition images into elements that were then classified by a maximum likelihood or other allocation rule (e.g., Johnsson, 1994; Ryherd and Woodcock, 1996; Lobo et al., 1996; Lobo, 1997; Aplin et. al., 1999; Geneletti and torte, 2003). The per-segment method is particularly effective for mapping specific types of vegetation. In this study, the target species was quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), which has been identified as a key habitat for wildlife, including many bird species (DeByle, 1985; Dieni and Anderson, 1997). Aspen mapping is crucial to many ecological studies and is required for successful land management, particularly in areas like Central Oregon where aspens are a minor component of the landscape. In order to address the issue of improved-quality aspen mapping in the intermountain West, a per-segment system was developed through this research using color infra-red imagery scanned at 1-m ground resolution. The algorithm used the image itself for the segmentation based on its hue and saturation values, and the segments were then classified according to their spectral and multi-resolution textural characteristics. Utilizing this method, an 88 percent overall accuracy was obtained with a K-hat statistic of 0.82 for three categories of aspen coverage and a 90 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat value of 0.78 for a two-category coverage scheme. Then, rigorous comparisons of the results to those obtained by per-pixel classifications using the same data were made, which showed a significant difference in accuracy between the methods, with the per-pixel mapping not exceeding 70 percent overall accuracy. Finally, this research studied the effect of spatial resolution of the source imagery data on the relative performance of per-segment and per-pixel classifiers. For this purpose, both per-segment and per-pixel classifications were implemented using the same data from the same study area at various resolutions. This procedure allowed the examination of the effect of spatial resolution on each method, and the comparison of the methods at each resolution. The per-segment classification method was found to be more scale-sensitive and to significantly outperform per-pixel classification of aspen stands. This study was carried out in three phases, each of which was summarized into a manuscript and was submitted to a peer reviewed journal with the author of this dissertation as the primary contributor. In the first phase, which is presented in the second chapter, the per-segment classification system for aspen mapping was developed and applied to the study area in Central Oregon (HEYMAN, 0., G. G. GASTON, A. J. KIMERLING, AND J. T. CAMPBELL, 2003. Journal of Forestry 101 (4): 29-33). In the second phase, which is presented in the third chapter, the results obtained by the per-segment classification method were compared to those from traditional per-pixel classifications. Rigorous comparisons were made using various classification methods and schemes, utilizing error matrices and Z test statistics. In the third phase, which is presented in the forth chapter, both per-segment and per-pixel classification methods were applied to at various spatial resolutions in order to study the effect of spatial resolution on the relative performance of the two methods. References APLIN, P., P. M. ATKINSON, and P. J. CuRRAN, 1999. Per-field classification of land use using the forthcoming very fine spatial resolution satellite sensors: problems and potential solutions. In Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis (ATKINSON, P. M., and N. J. TATE, Eds.), John Wiley & Sons: 219-239. BOLSTAD, P. V., AND T. M. LILLESAND, 1992. Improved classification of forest vegetation in northern Wisconsin through a rule-based combination of soils, terrain, and Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Forest Science 38 (1): 5-20. CHEN, DM., AND D. STOW, 2002. The effect of taining strategies on supervised classification at different spatial resolutions. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 68 (11): 1155-1161. CusHNIE, J. L., 1987. The interactive effect of spatial resolution and degree of internal variability within land-cover types on classification accuracies. International Journal of Remote Sensing 8 (1): 15-29. DEBYLE, N. V., 1985. Wildlife. In Aspen: Ecology and Management in the Western United States (DEBYLE, N. V., and R. P. WINOKUR, Eds.), USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-119: 135-152. DIEM, J. S., and S. H. ANDERSON, 1997. Ecology and management of Aspen forests in Wyoming, literature review and bibliography. Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming, 118 pp. FRANKLIN, S. E., A. J. MAUDIE, AND M. B. LAVIGNE, 2001. Using spatial cooccurrence texture to increase forest structure and species composition classification accuracy. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 67 (7): 849-855. GENELETTI, D., AND B. G. H. GoRTE, 2003. A method for object-oriented land cover classification combining Landsat TM data and aerial photographs. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (6): 1273-1286. PF., L. C. LEE, AND NY. CHEN, 2001. Effect of spatial resolution on classification errors of pure and mixed pixels in remote sensing. IEEE HSIEH, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 39 (12): 2657-2663. IRONS, J. R., B. L. MARKHAM, R. F. NELSON, D. L. TOLL, D. L. WILLIAMS, R. S. LATTY, and M. L. STAUFFER, 1985. The effects of spatial resolution on the classification of Thematic Mapper data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 6 (8): 13851403. from SPOT satellite data. JOHNSSON, K., 1994. Segment-based land-use classification Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 60 (1): 47-53. Joy, S. M., R. M. REICH, AND R. T. REYNOLDS, 2003. A non-parametric, supervised classification of vegetation types on Kaibab National Forest using decision trees. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (9): 1835-1852. KALKHAN, M. A., R. M. REICH, AND T. J. STOHLGREN, 1998. Assessing the accuracy of Landsat Thematic Mapper classification using double sampling. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 (11): 2049-2060. KoKALY, R. F., D. G. DESPAIN, R. N. CLARK, AND K. E. Livo, 2003. Mapping vegetation in Yellowstone National Park using spectral feature analysis of AVIRIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment 84: 437-456. LABA, M., S. K. GREGORY, J. BRADEN, D. OGURCAK, E. HILL, E. FEGRAUS, J. FIORE, AND S. D. DEGLORIA, 2002. Conventional and fuzzy accuracy assessment of the New York Gap Analysis Project land cover map. Remote Sensing of Environment 81 (2-3): 443-455. LOBO, A., 1997. Image segmentation and discriminant analysis for the identification of land cover units in ecology. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 35 (5): 1136-1145. LOBO, A., O. CHIC, and A. CASTERAD, 1996. Classification of Mediterranean crops with multisensor data: per-pixel versus per-object statistics and image segmentation. International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 (12): 2385-2400. MUMBY, P. J., AND A. J. EDwARDS, 2002. Mapping marine environments with IKONOS imagery: enhanced spatial resolution can deliver greater thematic accuracy. Remote Sensing of Environment 82: 248-257. RYHERD, S., and C. WOODCOCK, 1996. Combining spectral and texture data in the segmentation of remotely sensed images. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 62 (2): 181-194. USTIN, S. L., AND Q. F. XIAo, 2001. Mapping successional boreal forests in interior central Alaska. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (9): 1779-1797. Chapter 2. A PER-SEGMENT APPROACH TO IMPROVING ASPEN MAPPING FROM HIGH-RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGERY HEYMAN, 0., G. G. GASTON, A. J. KIMERLING, AND J. T. CAMPBELL. Journal of Forestry 5400 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, NID 20814-2198 June 2003, Volume 101, Number 4, p. 29-33. Abstract Aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands on Winter Ridge in central Oregon were mapped from remote sensing imagery utilizing a per-segment approach. A 1-meter color infrared (CIR) image was segmented based on its hue and saturation values to generate aspen "candidates", which were then classified to show aspen coverage according to the mean values of multiresolution texture and spectral reflectance within the segments. With three broad categories for aspen distribution, overall accuracy was 88 percent, with K-hat statistics of 82 percent. The classification method holds promise for more detailed mapping of aspen from fine-resolution satellite imagery. Introduction Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) has been identified as a critical habitat for wildlife, including many bird species (Dieni and Anderson, 1997). DeByle (1985) argued that, in many instances, aspen forests provide the only available nesting microhabitat for ground- and shrub-nesting species, as well as opportunities for cavity- nesting species. Aspen mapping is therefore crucial to many ecological studies and is required for successful land management. Aspen populations are declining throughout the western United States. All states in the West have suffered from this decline, but as yet there is no consensus on the cause (FRL, 1998). To assist in studying these processes, an efficient and reliable method of aspen mapping at a high level of detail is required. Numerous automatic methods for forest classification using remote sensing data have been developed by researchers in many countries during the last three decades. In the intermountain West, however, identifying aspen stands is still done in a traditional fashion using ground and airborne visual surveys, as well as manual reviews of aerial photographs. Bolstad and Lillesand (1992) argued that the main reason why forestland managers were very slow to adopt remote sensing data was the unacceptably low (<80 percent) classification accuracy. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Satellite Pour 1'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), and other remote sensing data with 10- to 30-meter ground resolution have been used extensively for land cover mapping despite overall accuracies as low as 40-70 percent and even lower for individual classes. Laba et al. (2002) checked the New York Gap Analysis Project land cover map and found 42-74 percent (class-level dependent) overall accuracy using conventional accuracy assessment, which could be improved by using fuzzy accuracy assessment (for more details on fuzzy accuracy assessment, see Gopal and Woodcock, 1994). Kalkhan et al. (1998) evaluated land cover classification in Rocky Mountain National Park and showed accuracies on the order of 50 percent, which rose to 60 percent by using double sampling. Ustin and Xiao (2001) noted that in the mapping of successional boreal forests in interior central Alaska, they achieved 74 percent accuracy using Advanced Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data compared with 43 percent using SPOT data. Some improvements were achieved by using multi-date data (e.g., Wilson and Sader 2002) and incorporating texture and ancillary GIS data (e.g., Bolstad and Lillesand, 1992; Debeir et al., 2002). Franklin et al. (2001) increased the accuracy at the stand level to 75 percent by using spatial cooccurrence texture with high-spatial-resolution (<1 m) multispectral imagery. Detailed and accurate mapping of aspen stands requires images with high spatial resolution. Given the preference for imagery with high spatial resolution and appropriate spectral information, a choice of classification technique must next be made. A drawback of traditional automatic classification methods, which use per-pixel classification, is that although the information content of the imagery increases with increased spatial resolution, the accuracy of land-use classification may decrease because of an increase in the variability within each class (Irons et al., 1985; Cushnie, 1987). Although Salajanu and Olson (2001) show a 10 percent increase in accuracy with 20 m SPOT-XS versus 30 m Landsat TM data, they achieve no more than 70 percent accuracy at the species level using supervised classification with a maximum likelihood decision rule. To extract aspen stands in an automatic fashion from high-spatial-resolution imagery, this study uses a per-segment approach. Per-segment as opposed to per-pixel classification takes advantage of the spatial variability and texture inherent in finespatial-resolution imagery. Segments or objects, rather than pixels, are classified as independent units. This concept has been applied successfully to agricultural study areas with parcel maps or other field-related data (e.g., Aplin et al., 1999). In a forested environment, such field data are not available, and the image itself must be used for the initial segmentation. Segmentation algorithms have been used in land cover mapping to partition images into elements that were then classified by a maximum likelihood or other allocation rule (e.g., Johnsson, 1994; Ryherd and Woodcock, 1996; Lobo et al., 1996; Lobo, 1997). Here, the image itself was used for the initial segmentation to create aspen stand "candidates," which were then classified into three broad categories of aspen coverage based on their spectral and textural characteristics. Study Area The 6-square-kilometer (2.3-square-mile) study area is located on Winter Ridge in central Oregon within the Fremont National Forest (Figure 2.1). Although Winter Ridge is well known for its aspen stands, no detailed map depicting those stands is available (R. L. Wooley, pers. comm., 2001). The study area contains a variety of sizes of aspen stands, some pure and some mixed with conifers, mainly lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). Aspen grows under a wide variety of climatic and environmental conditions. In the West, aspen forms extensive pure stands in some areas but is a minor component of the forest landscape in other areas (Jones, 1985). Winter Ridge, with an elevation of 1,950 to 2,150 meters (6,500 to 7,000 feet), a gentle western slope of 4 percent, annual precipitation of 320 millimeters (12.6 inches), only 18.6 hot days (>329C/909F) a year (OCS 2001, statistics from 1971 to 2000), and a variety of stands, may be regarded as a typical aspen site. Corvallis s...:.. Figure 2.1. Winter Ridge, Oregon study area. 15 Data Aerial CIR photographs from the USGS National High Altitude Photography Program were used as the major data source. These photos were acquired on September 8, 1982, at an average scale of 1:58,000 using a 210-mm (8.25-in.) focal length mapping camera with a ground resolution as small as 1-2 m (USGS 2001). The 9-in. CIR transparencies were scanned with a photogrammetric scanner that produced pixels with a 1.2-m ground resolution. Ground truth data were obtained from color aerial videography, acquired on October 6, 2000, along with a field survey. The aerial images had no better than 2-m spatial resolution, yet the timing during the peak of the aspens' "golden season" made them a good source of ground truth information. Methods Aspen stands in the Winter Ridge study area were mapped using a per-segment approach, in which segments rather than arbitrary picture elements were partitioned from the remote sensing image and then classified by their spectral and textural properties. A general illustration of the algorithm is shown in Figure 2.2. Segmentation The image was segmented based on its hue and saturation values according to the following procedure. The image was first transformed from RGB (red representing reflected nearinfrared, green for reflected red, and blue for reflected green) to IHS (intensity, hue, and saturation). This was done because human experts use hue as a major cue when interpreting such imagery. - Hue and saturation images were derived from the original CIR image by an RGB to IHS transformation. Intensity is the overall brightness of the scene and varies from 0 (black) to 1 (white). Hue is the color or dominant wavelength of the pixel and is defined as an angle on a hue circle from 0 (red) to 360 (violet). Saturation describes the purity of color and varies linearly from 0 (achromatic gray) to 1 (pure) (ERDAS, 1999). - A minimum filter in a 3x3 neighborhood was applied to the saturation image: S'1 = min (S.; i-1 < m < i+l, j-1 < n < j+1) This operation smoothed the image and created a more distinctive histogram for thresholding. Overlapping areas of hue and minimum saturation values in the range that corresponds to aspen according to their histograms (Figure 2.3) were considered initial aspen stand candidates, represented as is in a binary output image. Initial candidate = I. if [(60 < H < 115) AND (0.125 < S')] and 0 otherwise Hue ill Saturation . o, 60 115 360 0 0.125 Figure 2.3. Histograms of hue (left) and min saturation (right). The ranges of values used for the segmentation lie between bold vertical lines. A minimum filter in a 5x5 neighborhood followed by a maximum filter in the 0 same neighborhood was applied to the initial candidates' image. This morphological opening process enables better separation of the segments and eliminates small ones. The binary segments were then clumped to join neighboring pixels into contiguous groups, which were sieved to eliminate clumps smaller than 25 pixels. The remaining clumps constituted the basic segments to be classified. Classification The aspen stand candidates extracted from the image as described above were classified to reflect aspen percentage coverage. The classification was carried out based on the mean values of spectral reflectance and multiresolution texture within the segments using unsupervised ISODATA clustering with 20 classes, which were converted into general categories of aspen coverage. 1. Multiresolution texture statistics were generated by applying an adaptive texture operator to the near-infrared band of the original image and to images reduced spatially by factors of 2, 4, and 8. Texture has proven useful in classification methods, and variance has been suggested as a useful parameter (Zhang, 2001). The standard deviation in a 5x5 window was used as the basic texture parameter, which was replaced by the minimum texture value among the nearest neighbors in a 3x3 window: T'1 = stdv (Z,,,,,; i-2 < in < i+2, j-2 < n < j+2) T;j = min (T',,,I,; i-1 < in < i+1, j-1 < n < j+l) 2. Mean values were calculated for each segment from the three CIR reflectance channels and the four texture images. 3. Twenty classes were generated by applying unsupervised classification of the segments based on the seven features using the ISODATA algorithm. These 20 classes were split into two general categories of aspen coverage within the stands, 2 namely less than 50 percent aspen and 50 percent or more aspen, using aerial videography and 1:12k aerial color photographs as interpretation aides. Results The study area was divided into three categories to depict aspen distribution. Areas with no aspens, whether open spaces or other tree species, were categorized as 0 percent aspen. Mixed stands of aspen and other tree species, in which aspens are minor component, were categorized as less than 50 percent aspen, and stands dominated by aspens were categorized as 50 percent or more aspen. These mapping results, which are shown in Figure 2.4, were achieved by classifying candidate segments derived from the image as described in the methods section. To assess the accuracy of the mapping, 200 random points were generated, at least 50 in each category. The segments (when they existed) containing each point were examined in the field and on the ancillary imagery to determine their percentage of aspen cover. The data for all 200 points were also categorized to the same three classes (0 percent, <50 percent, and >50 percent) and constituted the reference data in the error matrix used to validate the results (Table 2.1). -i 21 /! F`a '<' `Ta' r,jaY i'd1'Y. , tt'~ \ t; s d y' ' ' Y.`\+!, 7..( t L.h,tip:V1 '. i tr .lc.,,r .. '!*it ':.ltti Y ,r -r yr- vac y ,ra .tl:;` ,ti r{ fr L \`r\ `!+ !: dtr' :fs: tq-, ryr q.. ', fi 7 + ~'S r_ !'. t " i;' s, iAt .. ,ry _..7. mot' ti`f C` '2 .r. +F?L. . s.t: ._ via:. sr' v `; ,f... M ;`y't r 10 } .Y .7 t.r. },r1>: , i "r 41 1\ ' ; -, w !'.... 1.-` tF'`i1 a rd i ^+,... .M. t . J 1 'M \ Rl 7.1 ' 'a7+ 17,.i \ c '.R+.,_` ` \ sy S'',-,`. t v' 1.V .1 j r^R .'^`v_ ~ `` ,t. TR" , r rf . yt 3 tit H', *\rj"; .`.f . ° f rr. t f !_ ^1.L.O1',-i, ¢ ' \ r'a'y7.7 It + i.7{S''. T? '. 'i . f V'sJ` 1 *4 ,"1r. `1"; .Ji 7 fir '; .,`, t, `'- V;j: `. . ':`, `yt,{'. :,i'ir !,.t '-. ,. , ', w: ;.Yti .yam ' \?tlt : 4t 'l j'r i 1 , a'irLY; ; ; , i' .+1 `. ` ',[ TC'r : L ?' t =' i.^ a.` -- 1r, y1 S." - T 4% +c'. Aspen Coverage None Minor (<50%) Predominant (>50%) :. 2 *. wt NIP- .- Figure 2.4. Results of aspen mapping on Winter Ridge, Oregon, based on per-segment classification model. Table 2.1. Error matrices for accuracy assessment of per-segment aspen mapping. Top to bottom : original system settings; thresholding level change from 0.125 to 0.160; disabling of m orphological opening operation jMapped/Reference--3 No aspens 0%-50% as pen 50%-100% aspen Total Producer Accuracy J,M[apped/Reference--> No aspens 0%-50% as pen 50%-100% aspen Total Producer Accuracy 0%-50% aspen 50%-100% aspen Total User Accuracy 47 3 0 0 0 61 8 50 69 13 77 200 79% 68 76 89% 94% 88% 84% K-hat Statistics: 82% Overall Accuracy: 88% No aspens 0%-50% aspen 50%-100% aspen Total User Accuracy 47 3 0 0 64 50 73 77 94% 88% 87% 47 77 83% 0 9 67 76 88% No aspens 47 100% 100% 10 K-hat Statistics: J.Mapped/ReferenceNo aspens 0%-50% as pen No aspens 47 0%-50% aspen 200 83% Overall Accuracy: 89% 50%-100% aspen Total User Accuracy 49 96% 87% 80% 2 58 9 50%-100% aspen 17 Total Producer Accuracy 47 77 67 76 100% 75% 88% K-hat Statistics: 81 79% 67 84 200 Overall Accuracy: 86% To test the sensitivity of the mapping system to the thresholding level used in the segmentation process, the whole procedure was applied with a different saturation threshold value. The natural-break level of 0.125, which was selected visually from the histogram, was found to be near optimal. An optimal manually selected level of 0.160 resulted in some minor differences and only a 1 percent increase in overall accuracy. The morphological opening operation applied to the segments was found to better visually match the aspen stands on the videography, and it improved the overall accuracy by 3 percent. Discussion The per-segment approach yielded 88 percent overall accuracy of aspen mapping into three categories on Winter Ridge, Oregon. The reference data used for the accuracy assessment, which were based on aerial videography and a field survey, were defined on the CIR photo and thus overcame the issue of the 18-year time gap between the photo and the videography. Nevertheless, the changes on the landscape were very minor within the whole study area. A full comparison of the results with those of traditional per-pixel classification requires a careful modification of the reference data, as the outcomes are fundamentally different, and will be carried out and reported in a separate paper. The categories used in the classification may be changed according to the mapping goals. In this study, three general classes (no aspen, minor, predominant) were used, mimicking the outcomes of common mapping done by human experts. The system, however, has the potential to provide more detailed information about the delineated aspen stands. For accuracy mapping at a finer level, additional features, such as extracted shadows from the image, should be used in the classification. The minimal mapping unit of the system was defined as 25 square meters. Smaller segments were sieved out after the clumping step and were treated as noise, since an attempt to classify them would require further investigation. Many variables play a role in the crucial segmentation process, and therefore any change in the mapping system parameters may affect the results. The thresholding values were tested because they appeared to be the most sensitive components of the system. However, before the system can be applied on a wider scale, the robustness of the segmentation should be tested on other areas and using various data sources. Literature Cited APLiN, P., P.M. ATKINSON, and P.J. Curran. 1999. Per-field classification of land use using the forthcoming very fine spatial resolution satellite sensors: Problems and potential solutions. In Advances in remote sensing and GIS analysis, eds. P.M. Atkinson and N.J. Tate, 219-39. New York: John Wiley & Sons. BOLSTAD, P.V., and T.M. Lillesand. 1992. Improved classification of forest vegetation in northern Wisconsin through a rule-based combination of soils, terrain, and Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Forest Science 38(1):5-20. CUSHNIE, J.L. 1987. 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Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 67(12):1359-65. Chapter 3. PER-SEGMENT VS. PER-PIXEL CLASSIFICATION OF ASPEN STANDS FROM HIGH-RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING DATA Abstract A recently developed per-segment classification method for aspen mapping was compared to traditional per-pixel classifications. The remote sensing data source was a CIR aerial photograph of Winter Ridge, Oregon scanned at a one-meter ground pixel size, and an unsupervised classification procedure based on the ISODATA algorithm was applied to both pixel-based and segment-based seven-layer images. While differences among various per-pixel classifications were insignificant, the results from the per-segment system were consistently more than 20 percent better than those from per-pixel classifications. Introduction Numerous automatic methods for forest classification using remote sensing data have been developed by researchers in many countries during the last three decades. In the intermountain West, however, most forest mapping is still done in a non-automatic fashion using ground and airborne visual surveys, as well as manual interpretation of aerial photographs. Bolstad and Lillesand (1992) argued that the main reason why forestland managers had been very slow in adopting digital remote sensing data was the unacceptably low (<80 percent) classification accuracy. In this study area, the target species was quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), which has been identified as a key habitat for wildlife, including many bird species (DeByle, 1985; Dieni and Anderson, 1997). Aspen mapping is crucial to many ecological studies and is required for successful land management, particularly in areas like Central Oregon where aspens are a minor component of the landscape. In order to provide detailed and accurate mapping of aspen stands, high spatial resolution images are required. A crucial drawback of traditional automatic classification methods, which use per-pixel classification, is that although the information content of the imagery increases with increased spatial resolution, the accuracy of land use classification may decrease due to an increase of the variability within each class (Irons et al., 1985; Cushnie, 1987). In order to successfully extract aspen stands in an automatic fashion from high spatial resolution imagery, a per-segment classification system was developed by Heyman et al. (2003). In this study, per-segment classification performance is compared to than of per-pixel classification. Per-Pixel Classification The most commonly used automatic method for land cover mapping utilizing remote sensing data is either supervised or unsupervised classification. With either method, each picture element (pixel) of the image is assumed to be a classifiable object and is classified according to its spectral characteristics (see Jensen, 1996 for more details). Additional data may be used in conjunction with the spectral bands to increase separability between classes and to improve the classification results. Ustin and Xiao (2001) mapped boreal forests in interior Alaska utilizing supervised maximum likelihood classification. They achieved 74 percent accuracy at a species level using Advanced Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) imagery with 224 10-nm bands and 20-m ground resolution, compared to 43 percent accuracy using SPOT data. Franklin et al. (2001) incorporated spatial co-occurrence texture with five- band one-meter Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) imagery to obtain 80 percent accuracy at a species dominance/co-dominance level applying maximum likelihood classification. Kalkhan et al. (1998) used TM and digital elevation model (DEM) data with an unsupervised classification to derive a five-class land cover mapping in Rocky Mountain National Park. They showed 60 percent accuracy using double sampling compared to 50 percent with traditional single sampling of the reference points. Aspens, which covered one percent of the study area, were mapped at less than 15 percent accuracy. Laba et al. (2002) checked the New York Gap Analysis Project land cover map and found 42-74 percent (class level dependent) overall accuracy using conventional accuracy assessment, which was improved by up to 20 percent using fuzzy accuracy assessment. This land-cover mapping was accomplished by applying an unsupervised classification to generate 240 spectral classes from TM data and assigning each of them to one of 29 land cover types. For the purposes of this comparison study, an unsupervised classification using the ISODATA algorithm was used. With this method, the best per-pixel classification results could be obtained and verified by changing the number of classes generated and the classification scheme level. Per-Segment Classification Per-segment, as opposed to per-pixel, classification provides a tool in which the texture and spatial variability inherent in fine spatial resolution imagery can be exploited. With a per-segment approach, segments or objects, rather than pixels, are classified as independent units. The general idea is to classify objects of interest according to their pertinent characteristics (Figure 3.1). This method is particularly effective when pursuing a specific mapping purpose, such as aspen mapping. In order to implement the concept, segments have to be identified first. This is done either by using ancillary data such as field polygons, or by extracting the objects from the image itself. Then, each polygon/object/patch/segment is assigned feature values based on statistics and indices describing the values and arrangement of the pixels defining each segment. Examples include mean spectral reflectance, variations in spectral reflectance, band ratios, and other mathematical relationships among features. After assigning each segment corresponding feature values, the segments are classified using either an unsupervised clustering algorithm like ISODATA, a supervised algorithm such as maximum likelihood, a neural network, or a rule-based system. Feature generation Feature Layers Image Per-segment statistics c Segmentation / Polygons i 'Ift 7L OEI c O Classifier Figure 3.1. Per segment classification concept. The per-segment concept has been applied successfully to agricultural study areas utilizing parcel maps or other field-related data (Aplin et al., 1999). In the natural environment, such field data are not available and the image itself must be used for the initial segmentation. Segmentation algorithms have been used in land cover mapping to partition images into elements that were then classified by a maximum likelihood or other allocation rule (e.g., Johnsson, 1994; Ryherd and Woodcock, 1996; Lobo et al., 1996; Lobo, 1997). More recently, Geneletti and Gorte (2003) segmented highresolution (7.5 m) orthophotographs to obtain more accurate boundary locations and a two percent improvement in performance for their land cover classification from TM data. They did not, however, implement a fresh per-segment classification but rather used the original per-pixel classification results to reclassify each segment. Heyman et al. (2003) used the image itself for the initial segmentation to create aspen stand 'candidates', which were then classified into three broad categories of aspen coverage based on their spectral and textural characteristics. The results from this per-segment classifier were compared to those from traditional per-pixel classifiers. Data and Study Area Aerial CIR photographs from the USGS National High Altitude Photography (NHAP) program were used as the major data source. These photos were acquired at an average scale of 1:58,000 using a 210 mm (8.25 in) focal length mapping camera with a ground resolution as small as one to two meters (USGS, 2001). The 9-in CIR transparencies were scanned with a photogrammetric scanner that produced pixels with a 1.2 m ground resolution (Figure 3.2). The 6-km2 study area is located on Winter Ridge in Central Oregon within the Fremont National Forest (Figure 3.3). Although Winter Ridge is well known for its aspen stands, no detailed map depicting those stands is available (R. L. Wooley, pers. comm., 2001). The study area contains 3-4 percent overall aspen cover with a variety of sizes of aspen stands, some pure and some mixed with conifers, mainly lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). , . a l F*v [L, { , 1 S" r f 1 -. .Yw y , r ty' ' ,Wl: r ' . }-P o V. .. .- " Iy i. r.`ot V . . S F;:. ;.. AlIT ' jp. a ' a j ar j.. V olf. TC jt r `yj.' YLtla , . r T}7- X -o :: r 1 R`._ 1 - - fl I ' ' . - - '_, i'n .+ , `4 ' 4- M T_L}_:':'A. . fL! y>I .L ;. '/i` aij ;;', PCX r~ :c - ,ii1 ` ..ks .Ji: , .,,, 1 nl f fr;ir,`I,.ay r C'f L='d_.x' y'M1i .f ry!;,6 +... '1. .I r ? :.:,,' ,t.'i1. f.l; r- 1a1' ' 1 y./' 1lw-')Ji (R' - .j;i., 7`"/y t /r7p , fl : ' "` t '.,y..r s rA'7ti .' .i.?r` ,r , /l)y!}!Q, . 1 f'.. `t'c.; /t~ 'a ='. i .., .t' V r ' r t', . '. 3 F L'.["L r .i firt . `', "f. ;f.' f f( J J: i'1.'S!... t '. y,s; grTr :.':iy. , _': i f:= .'.., - 4., jy}y.' . :' 4;; .. r ;*. . rI75 1,af+i- 1/kplQe(!' t/b' 1t.'', r' ± t. t . t"- :tattyrl 't-9r i..,! /' rl,-1. : '.,t 1Y.'"_Z'Trt':SY)r J1 }i, ; .. L r{S'r r 1 f4.rt: i ' Ii ,'-li+_ t, y^ r. ` 5 r (1' fT-i a. t tVr f' . . f `a. rt. .,;`,a s:, ,Y -! :'`.. ; ,b,` ' .. / l.+s:,`.ti .Ljr ; "I. iArf', T' tr:'t''t / Flj.r ':.Yy .` .` l C'~ j' of . . r r';Y _ . ' ,'x , -, y' ( Si o 'j rta i ";- ldn' (,ii, - ,j1 y ..,v K. -. ! A, Y j f(AI;rfC!. t-a %C ,', Ii'.rist,,, f . , %4r°_ - Y (lr-/ 1YJ }' `.s i f .-..WY,.. I X'f ft s' _1/,, : .'4'' ~ .ry'i,J '.'. r /G, r`K'y.(1¢1 }+L-1f' r°(j ' _'y 1rf ' , i'r*r t. .fir. K .1;,tiyy ,tt Ff {'; vf/}ji `ray ,1 I ./" yy,7 t r* i }:~.t tr,%t.i ' v .r C.. r ., it.4 * r'}. 'f '.fit .. f r r' } f `}_ r jr !y1'lll`.j 11r r f+ 7.: iS-l:RRf,. v"y; (i 1r7i n'lt q, I ... ti 1'!i t.. L . ' y' { /'!7!;:''i.C..t.C r r r,,' t4 It 'y f. r y 4Nil14.:Yk4... tL i`::t!''l .rr. 06 1 I'fi: i ; 2'y t ' f *-. b s ' ! V Lf M; W, ea ' rt9 Y 1:;y'C- 1Z -f.iY 1i. - ,r . - ''(, '{\''J -j1'I S-'tai/( * or- -{i ,' r7 y4l.r- Figure 3.2. NHAP color infrared image used for aspen mapping. Figure 3.3. Winter Ridge, Oregon study area. Methods Aspen stand maps from both traditional per-pixel classifications and per-segment classifications were created and compared utilizing the following methodology. Data Preparation The scanned CIR image was rectified using a second-degree polynomial transformation and resampled to UTM coordinates with 1-m ground pixel size. Multiresolution texture statistics were generated by applying an adaptive texture operator to the near infrared band of the original image and to images reduced spatially by factors of 2, 4 and 8: T'1 = stdv (Z1Y111i i-2 < m < i+2, j-2 < n < j+2) (1) Ty = min (T',,,,,; i-1 < m < i+1, j-1 < n < j+1) (2) This operation was applied by moving a window across the image. First, a 5x5 window was used to calculate the standard deviation of the 25-pixel neighborhood. Then, a 3x3 window was used to calculate the minimum value among the 9-pixel neighborhood. This minimum value was assigned to the central pixel to represent its texture at this level/scale. The additional four texture layers were then stacked together with the three spectral bands to be used in the per-pixel classifications. Segmentation The image was partitioned based on its hue and saturation values according to the segmentation model for per-segment classification introduced by Heyman et al. (2003). This rule-based process created spatial clusters of aspen stand 'candidates' to be classified by their spectral and textural properties. Mean values were calculated for each segment from the three CIR reflectance channels and the four texture images. The seven mean layers were stacked in one file to be used in the per-segment classification. A general illustration of the algorithm is shown in Figure 3.4. Classification An unsupervised classification procedure based on the ISODATA algorithm was applied to both the pixel-based and the segment-based seven-layer images. This classification method was chosen for several reasons. Not only has it proved useful for per-segment classification (Heyman et al., 2003), this method also allows thorough examination of the various parameters of the classification results, especially the optimal separation available. By comparing the outcomes of classifications with different number of classes, it can be determined whether more classes yield better results. In addition, the effect of applying a majority filter and the use of a two-step approach were tested as well. These comparisons were important in order to make sure that the results of the per-pixel classification are optimal given the input data. 38 Aspen coverage categories were assigned to the ISODATA classes according to a classification scheme based on image interpretation of the CIR and 1:12,000 color aerial photographs. For the per-pixel classifications, the scheme included two categories, aspen and no aspen, while for the per-segment classification, three levels were discerned, following a commonly used scheme of no aspen, minor aspen (<50 percent) and dominant aspen (>50 percent). The reference data were constructed using a five-category scheme (0, 0-20, 20-50, 50-80, and 80-100 percent aspen coverage). A two-level look-up table was used to assess the accuracy of the per-pixel classifications while the five categories were reduced to three for the accuracy assessment of the persegment classification results. In order to compare per-pixel to per-segment utilizing a K-hat based Z test statistic, which is valid for identical schemes only, a two-category scheme was applied to the per-segment classification as well. Accuracy Assessment A site-specific assessment employing an error matrix was carried out for each of the classification results based on the technique presented by Congalton and Green (1999). For this accuracy assessment process, 200 random points were generated within the study area, at least 50 in each mapping category, to be used as the reference data in the error matrix. Each point was examined in the field or using ancillary imagery to determine the aspen coverage at both the specific location and the surrounding segment. With the error matrix as a starting point, overall accuracy, producer's accuracy, user's accuracy, and the K-hat statistic (and its variance) were calculated (see Congalton and Green, 1999 for the mathematical formulas). In order to compare the results from two different classifications, the Z statistic test was applied to determine if two independent matrices were significantly different: Z= KI-K21 (3) var(K,) + var(K2) Finally, the p-value was derived from a standard normal distribution table. Results and Discussion In order to rigorously compare the results from the various classification methods and schemes, error matrices were created and Z test statistics were calculated based on the accuracy parameters, as described in the methods section. Utilizing a per-segment approach, Heyman et al. (2003) showed an 88 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.82 for three categories of aspen cover using unsupervised ISODATA classification with 20 classes. These per-segment mapping results are illustrated in Figure 3.5 and the corresponding error matrix is shown in Table 3.1. Since per-pixel classifications could use only two categories for aspen mapping, a two-category scheme was used with the per-segment system to generate an error matrix (Table 3.2) with valid parameters for a Z test statistic, yielding overall accuracy of 90 percent with a K-hat statistic of 0.78. 4 1 t . T f: }'[ I 4y J, f . ; r . , T r. h. , C'/ :, .t t 1 .tif'; r -y}1' .'t icy- ; ,., h ~l {' F l F . s ' + 7f s ,{ ; -. {`f . I fi 3 Y: +. Lr 1 /. }/ 1, . `y ) . j i , 7 j . ;fir,. ` ma yi / .51 11 !' ; wtC {-p.. tM:. \ 'f t ;.I 1' t(. rJ : "r t . .! ii-l '_...\.L ' i _:`_ : J - rtia.i'+s `T w //I Tcc.. . ' ff, tL y ,,_ i f I ,-ya 1 ;11 .' r.eyf`L'.I ,'` .. ,1 1.:; nCF, ? 1., u ... j:wF J el t.fl I:'t rl '.".1! ; , .Tf-.: ' 3' a Ys+ ,R k. ya:¢ u# tf. t .s,aii,'t -'fZ': . N . w y C'' . .i -4 (0r, ,'..i. . ~ Jy..±, t!4. r{ f"i. l4. i . f yIt r r' i.`.. Tom, y rl,j ffL t ij r I' fN,F =.r .i. . , L I l-T"/.. i `'-; 7J. y z ' , p.V[ ^i.'q-1, a. i'' i w i' i}1 Z!_'s :rr`} 1 fr .,f. ,K jf i:' .' , ',:i.. .. ,, ^7 ri f>+ '' ._ ..., { " : ,1. . s t 'R' !`i*i{(' i. i y //Y,1 'r,,f, 3 .1`. . ; , t- 1 :, .isr"it:.1.'It~'li t4 j;` 5. 't'.lf '.f 1 iS - pp rf1 C 'l& i, R, it.'/ 1. yf . {:. . ,t, ,.r 4 t w ; . ; ` o ',.rte ',r ., )'.+'. t ', ../l %y r "^ , 7t.'frj;',/} },11' `I T vt ...r..t^1..ti}i. ' t!.. f,;5.}rf. .. FA Z f l t " . ' ' 1. Tf`'',` , tr ."C~ 1 y tr1s.i , Y ..,ri` Tj:g A4 i.(. L i% /f /1rs y yt r:rf 'w' T:. '1 t /t /1 ..4 .'t. I' t Ids .Y ? ". f 12..rr ( i1 ' Y.+;a 1 ,'! t, ")/.?: YTy,. li r.vh. H. ,w b i`.! =I ;.{fF% . i (I ^+/17µ.r .,f i '1141. ' w ij ,.. C 'e/ i s !a. Predominant (>50%) n FL Figure 3.5. Per-segment classification results for aspen mapping. 400 Meters 200 0 None Minor (<50%) ^ 1 am Of w 14 (i M 4'S ` ;,.r ,%' LJ /;JC.i y .r :; y.* y .l'/ : y i s; 6n 4L Aspen Coverage Table 3.1. Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-segment classification for three-level aspen mapping. J,Mapped/Reference-> No aspens < 50% aspen > 50% aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): No aspens 47 0 0 47 100% < 50% aspen 0.00126 3 61 Total 50% aspen 0 50 69 8 88% 84% 77 79% 68 76 89% 200 K-hat Statistic: 0.82 Overall Accuracy: 13 81 Table 3.2. Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-segment classification for two-level aspen mapping. 1Mapped/Reference--+ No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00206 < 50% aspen > 50% aspen Total 111 13 8 119 81 124 90% K-hat Statistic: 68 76 89% 200 0.78 Overall Accuracy: User Accuracy 94% User Accuracy 93% 84% 90% 88% In order to compare these results to those achieved by a per-pixel classification system, a per-pixel mapping was implemented using unsupervised ISODATA classification with 20 classes using the same data. Accuracy was estimated using the same 200 random locations, only based on the individual pixel's cover with the same two-category classification scheme. Overall accuracy was 64 percent with a K-hat statistic of 0.33 (Table 3.3). Before comparing the per-segment to the per-pixel results, several comparisons were made of various per-pixel classifications using different parameters. The main purpose for those comparisons was to make sure that with the given data, no significantly better per-pixel results can be achieved and hence the best per-pixel classification is compared to per-segment. First, the number of classes in the ISODATA clustering was changed to 50. Since the accuracy level was decreased by 1 percent (Table 3.4) and the difference was found to be insignificant (2-sided p-value of 0.94), 20 classes were chosen for the final comparison to per-segment. In order to follow the common use of per-pixel classification for land cover mapping and to obtain better results, a two-step approach was adopted. A 50-class ISODATA classification was used to specify the vegetation pixels, which were then classified by a second iteration 20-class ISODATA clustering for the aspen mapping. With this method, overall accuracy reached 67 percent with a K-hat statistic of 0.36, although still no significant difference was found (2-sided p-value of 0.5). These per-pixel mapping results are illustrated in Figure 3.6 and the corresponding error matrix is shown in Table 3.5. fable 3.3. Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-pixel classification for aspen mapping using ISODATA with 20 classes. jMapped/Reference-> < 50% aspen 62 62 No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00534 W3 M H Table [SOD 124 50% K-hat Statistic: ? 50% aspen Total 10 72 66 76 87% 0.33 128 User Accuracy 86% 52% 200 Overall Accuracy: 64% matrix for accuracy assessment of per-pixel classification for aspen mapping using 50 classes. 1Mapped/Reference--> No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00586 < 50% aspen > 50% aspen Total User Accuracy 54 5 92% 70 71 59 141 124 44% K-hat Statistic: 76 93% 0.32 50% 200 Overall Accuracy: 63% .f pj '.L} A S. Figure 3.6. Per-pixel classification results for aspen mapping. . y .j !i' a ,Y , r / ijr' llr+'i i Is, a ry r 4 nvv+. . ) a 10 t y1 T a'` I v J h i; lY6 ., r a ar i la s rT.r \a '' { . k / . f A e - ! I. Jr.- , o' C. t '+' ,c rr 4 .! Yr}y` .S'' .\ 4 y 1 1+ Ip 1 .. lA4LI. 'tea L .s v `]_ ..i ,'N14 r:r /,its y I ` r lY.' `i ;T Q. 5 to rt 1 O r 4 'l, w. `til fi rf,4 ..r T .1 a L. yy t1flh Y..I '. `S,f f'A',. D .y1 lr ,_T r / 'J f'b R ^' -Y y 7 00 ! 3 ( r '{a y a.} w ti 4n !':.\a r .J A 7l rr¢, 6 r, f IYI>r`F+;`'\ ar, 'f S 1 + <1.1y y. y`y' si J)'_ Is 'J JIr I. Is Al'y/.' a%' fti jJ.,.'."'!yT'y +}' i+t, /f 'T/ % 'Sf £STff':T 1 ; yir 'li4} { ry) _ iY-. f . S °r, rYR {Jr`# / F7'rw_; t ' / ati j'Jy.e''1 /f,Y j / .: i.f af4i /y '/Y !" i it y t ,i'. rk 1 :; -'G e 4 ,f{/ 'fM1N 1^'S. r r, '1 / a, f 1d .Yil 4Y.-dr t Y ^f ! Gn, ! -0 }r .! IZ yT r {l+l,> Zt / i. j3 rJ A r5v s,'l1 S _'/TZ 'C ` w{...+ _ +` r T -- +y '.. .L \ + . .,rn 'I l ('r j,, it%7,/r 44.'J ray-w r+ ± `'rry-, ` 5 i a`- s ,\ . _ /'.t`1 S"f W F .} 1 ( L J. r ml l 5 _- i } Vr w 4 ''iY . r Sth Ass h. .' +. Is f E tiY.y , = ' {,'. 1' Alas 4. T r fi r jf . :rF.', _:l-r.: 2rs;^!- i{y M1-'- ''./I f '( 4.-. .` ye `' SI CY t Is. . `.,Cr *'1 / .. * , ''Z O'..`"e n:l Vf - i' f` ^ i' i' ~ e :.r. r i v, .. ' + v - +.o y . .^r . 7}Q ia ^Tff ,y S.r Y `f 1"y frS.r ri \rl I. / '\ <r';/ Ifu \ _ . ti. .G. /yr. .. k S. 'r}4 M r1J 1 \.' l\ i r '. 1! .. .ir ~ - F1 wT, FJ 3 . iry`1i\ ri: v 7 F -rt -tt -Vts: YI i.F7 ! v fl. ' ,- -OF` cD -0 .. CD > /n -G r Table 3.5. Error matrix for accuracy assessment of per-pixel classification for aspen m apping using ISODATA with 20 classes masked for vegetation only by an initial 50-class ISODATA. jMapped/Reference--> No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00474 < 50% aspen 72 50% aspen Total User Accuracy 84% 54% 52 62 86 114 124 76 200 58% K-hat Statistic: 82% 0.36 Overall Accuracy: 14 67% In addition, the effect of applying a majority filter to the clusters was tested as well. A 5x5 majority filter resulted in 2 percent increase and a 3x3 filter in 3 percent increase in overall accuracy. K-hat statistics were decreased by 7 percent and 1 percent, respectively, and no significant difference was found (2-sided p-value > 0.5). Finally, a comparison between per-pixel and per-segment classifications was made. The per-segment classification yielded 21-27 percent greater overall accuracy than per-pixel classifications with changing parameters. Even the best per-pixel results were convincingly less accurate than the per-segment classification results (2-sided pvalue < 0.0001). Conclusions Aspen mapping from 1-m NHAP CIR imagery using per-pixel classification yielded no more than 67 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.36. Even with texture statistics added and major parameters of the clustering algorithm changed, the results could not be further improved. This leads to the conclusion that with the given data a different approach for the classification should be taken in order to successfully and reliably map aspen stands in the study area in Central Oregon. The per-segment approach presented by Heyman et al. (2003) showed a significant improvement in the mapping results, obtaining an 88 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.82 for three-level mapping and 90 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.78 for two-level mapping . These comparisons are particularly important as they provide the incentive to further develop the per-segment classification system and apply it in other areas. Yellowstone National Park is of particular interest for aspen mapping (Hessl, 2002; Ripple, 2003) and would be a good choice for both enhancing the persegment system and making it useful for change analysis on a wider scale. Although implementing such a per-segment classification system may require additional image processing and analytical skills, the results, in conjunction with the development of emerging off-the-shelf packages to generate per-segment classifications, seem to well worth the effort. Moreover, the limitations of per-pixel methods and the high performance of a per-segment system with the same data encourage further investigations in this direction for other vegetation types and more general feature extraction and land-cover mapping from high-resolution remote sensing data. References ANDERSON, J. R., E. E. HARDY, J.T. ROACH, AND R. E. WITMER, 1976. A land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data. USGS Professional Paper No. 964, Washington DC, 28 p. APLIN, P., P. M. ATKINSON, and P. J. CuRRAN, 1999. Per-field classification of land use using the forthcoming very fine spatial resolution satellite sensors: problems and potential solutions. In Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis (ATKINSON, P. M., and N. J. TATE, Eds.), John Wiley & Sons: 219-239. BOLSTAD, P. V., AND T. M. LILLESAND, 1992. Improved classification of forest vegetation in northern Wisconsin through a rule-based combination of soils, terrain, and Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Forest Science 38 (1): 5-20. CONGALTON, R. G., AND K. GREEN, 1999. Assessing the accuracy of remotely sensed data: principles and practices. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, 137 p. CusBNIE, J. L., 1987. The interactive effect of spatial resolution and degree of internal variability within land-cover types on classification accuracies. International Journal of Remote Sensing 8 (1): 15-29. DEBYLE, N. V., 1985. Wildlife. In Aspen: Ecology and Management in the Western United States (DEBYLE, N. V., and R. P. WINOKUR, Eds.), USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-119: 135-152. Dmr,n, J. S., and S. H. ANDERSON, 1997. Ecology and management of Aspen forests in Wyoming, literature review and bibliography. Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming, 118 pp. FRANKLIN, S. E., A. J. MAUDIE, AND M. B. LAVIGNE, 2001. Using spatial coto increase forest structure and species composition classification accuracy. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 67 (7): occurrence texture 849-855. GENELETTI, D., AND B. G. H. GORTE, 2003. A method for object-oriented land cover classification combining Landsat TM data and aerial photographs. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (6): 1273-1286. HESSL, A., 2002. Aspen, elk, and fire: the effects of human institutions on ecosystem processes. BioScience 52 (11): 10/1-/022. HEYMAN, 0., G. G. GASTON, A. J. KIMERLING, AND J. T. CAMPBELL, 2003. A persegment approach to improving aspen mapping from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Journal of Forestry 101 (4): 29-33. IRONS, J. R., B. L. MARKHAM, R. F. NELSON, D. L. TOLL, D. L. WILLIAMS, R. S. LATTY, and M. L. STAUFFER, 1985. The effects of spatial resolution on the classification of Thematic Mapper data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 6 (8): 13851403. JENSEN, J. R., 1996. Introductory digital image processing, a remote sensing perspective. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 318 p. from SPOT satellite data. JOHNSSON, K., 1994. Segment-based land-use classification Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 60 (1): 47-53. KALKHAN, M. A., R. M. REICH, AND T. J. STOHLGREN, 1998. Assessing the accuracy of Landsat Thematic Mapper classification using double sampling. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 (11): 2049-2060. LABA, M., S. K. GREGORY, J. BRADEN, D. OGURCAK, E. HILL, E. FEGRAUS, J. FIORE, AND S. D. DEGLORIA, 2002. Conventional and fuzzy accuracy assessment of the New York Gap Analysis Project land cover map. Remote Sensing of Environment 81 (2-3): 443-455. LOBO, A., 1997. Image segmentation and discriminant analysis for the identification of land cover units in ecology. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 35 (5): 1136-1145. LOBO, A., O. CHIC, and A. CASTERAD, 1996. Classification of Mediterranean crops with multisensor data: per-pixel versus per-object statistics and image segmentation. International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 (12): 2385-2400. W. J., 2003. The aspen RIPPLE, project. Available online at RYHERD, S., and C. WOODCOCK, 1996. Combining spectral and texture data in the segmentation of remotely sensed images. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 62 (2): 181-194. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS), 2001. National High Altitude Photography and at online Available National Aerial Program. Photography http://edc.usgs. gov/Webglis/glisbin/gui USTIN, S. L., AND Q. F. XIAO, 2001. Mapping successional boreal forests in interior central Alaska. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (9): 1779-1797. 5 Chapter 4. THE EFFECT OF IMAGERY SPATIAL-RESOLUTION ON THE ACCURACY OF PER-SEGMENT AND PER-PIXEL ASPEN MAPPING Abstract Both per-segment and per-pixel classification methods were applied to aspen mapping using remote sensing data at various spatial resolutions in order to study the effect of spatial resolution on the relative performance of the two methods. The per-segment classifier outperformed the per-pixel classifier at the 1-4-m resolution, performed equally well at the 8-16-m resolution and showed no ability to classify accurately at the 32-m resolution due to the segmentation process used. Overall, the per-segment method was found to be more scale-sensitive than the per-pixel method and required some tuning to the segmentation algorithm at lower resolutions. These results illustrate the advantages of per-segment methods at high spatial resolutions but also suggest that segmentation algorithms should be applied carefully at different spatial resolutions. Introduction Most automatic methods for vegetation mapping using remote sensing data are based on per-pixel classifications (classifying each pixel separately), although the accuracy obtained by such methods is usually low (<80 percent) (Bolstad and Lillesand, 1992). Kalkhan et al. (1998) obtained a 60 percent accuracy utilizing double sampling compared to a 50 percent accuracy with traditional single sampling of the reference points in Rocky Mountain National Park using Thematic Mapper (TM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. Aspens, which covered one percent of the study area, were mapped at less than 15 percent accuracy. Laba et al. (2002) checked the New York Gap Analysis Project land cover map and found 42-74 percent overall accuracy (class level dependent) using conventional accuracy assessment, which was improved by up to 20 percent using fuzzy accuracy assessment. Joy et al. (2003) combined 30-m TM data with 10-m field samples and used decision tree classifications for vegetation mapping in Northern Arizona to obtain overall accuracy of 75 percent with a K-hat statistic of 0.50. One way to improve the accuracy of vegetation land-cover mapping utilizing per-pixel methods is by using higher spectral resolution data. Too often, however, the results are not sufficiently better in terms of mapping accuracy. For example, Ustin and Xiao (2001) mapped boreal forests in interior Alaska and achieved 74 percent accuracy at a species level using 20-m ground resolution Advanced Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) imagery with 224 10-nm bands, compared to 43 percent accuracy using Satellite Pour 1'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) data. Kokaly et al. (2003) mapped vegetation in Yellowstone National Park and obtained 74 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.62 using 15-m AVIRIS hyperspectral data. Franklin et al. (2001) obtained 80 percent accuracy at a species dominance/codominance level incorporating spatial co-occurrence texture with one-meter resolution Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) imagery. These examples demonstrate the weakness of per-pixel methods in exploiting the information contained in multi- and hyper-spectral remote sensing data, and the need for alternative ways to obtain higher accuracy vegetation mapping. Another drawback of per-pixel classification methods is that although the information content of the imagery increases with increased spatial resolution, the accuracy of land cover classification may decrease due to an increase in variability within each class (Irons et al., 1985; Cushnie, 1987). Hsieh et al. (2001) illustrated the inverse effect of spatial resolution on the classification errors associated with pure pixels and mixed pixels. They conclude that the typical per-pixel classifier may not take advantage of the information available in high-resolution imagery. Chen and Stow (2002) showed a consistent increase in the K-hat statistic as spatial resolution decreases from 2-m to 16- m through 4-m, 8-m and 12-m. Mumby and Edwards (2002) noticed better delineations of habitat patches with higher resolution IKONOS data, but did not obtain higher accuracy using these data compared to their results using TM data. As more and more high spatial-resolution data become available (e.g. IKONOS, QuickBird), there is a growing need to develop innovative methods to overcome their current drawbacks and to take advantage of the additional information embodied in the data in order to improve mapping accuracy. Per-segment, as opposed to per-pixel, classification provides a tool in which the texture and spatial variability inherent in high spatial resolution imagery can be exploited. With a per-segment approach, segments or objects, rather than single pixels, are classified as independent units. Segmentation algorithms have been used in land cover mapping to partition images into elements that were then classified by a maximum likelihood or other allocation rule (e.g., Johnsson, 1994; Ryherd and Woodcock, 1996; Lobo et al., 1996; Lobo, 1997; Aplin et. al., 1999; Geneletti and torte, 2003). The per-segment method is particularly effective for a specific type of vegetation mapping, such as aspen mapping. In order to address the issue of improved- quality aspen mapping in the intermountain West, Heyman et al. (2003) developed a per-segment classification system in which the image itself was used for the segmentation based on its hue and saturation values, and the segments were then classified according to their spectral and multi-resolution textural characteristics. In order to reliably map stands as small as 25-m2, color infrared (CIR) aerial photos were scanned at a 1-m ground pixel size. Utilizing this method, an 88 percent overall accuracy was obtained with a K-hat statistic of 0.82 for three categories of aspen coverage, and a 90 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat value of 0.78 for a twocategory coverage scheme. Rigorous comparison of the results to those obtained by 56 per-pixel classifications using the same data showed a significant difference in accuracy between the methods, with the per-pixel mapping not exceeding 70 percent overall accuracy (Heyman and Kimerling, in review). The purpose of this research is to study the effect of spatial resolution of the source imagery data on the relative performance of per-segment and per-pixel classifiers. In order to test the level of accuracy as a function of spatial resolution of the imagery, both per-segment and per-pixel classifications were implemented using the same data from the same study area at various resolutions. This procedure allowed the examination of the effect of spatial resolution on each method, and the comparison of the methods at each resolution. Data and Study Area Aerial color infrared (CIR) photographs were used as the remote sensing data source (Figure 4.1). These photos were acquired at an average scale of 1:58,000 using a 210 mm (8.25 in) focal length mapping camera with a ground resolution as small as one to two meters (USGS, 2003). The 9" x 9" CIR transparencies were digitized with a photogrammetric scanner that produced pixels with a 1.2-m ground resolution at a 24bit depth. The scanned image was rectified and resampled to UTM coordinates with 1m ground pixel size. The 6-km2 study area is located on Winter Ridge in Central Oregon within the Fremont National Forest (Figure 4.2). The study area contains 3-4 percent overall ... 3 t. . v MJ . Figure 4.1. Color infrared image used for aspen mapping. .' 1 L,9A.' % 's'1 {jjyrf . . ,L,rr' , ' % ' ' r -7 a+ +rp / ~ -,1 i.4.i }if r4.'rO 'L + a .'. _ ... r. 44 , i/, . . 'r1 i ..r ".- ..I .'1.'1''t' r1 .s .r MOP ''i! i 1 Y 5't' '/ 4'.', ,`Yt . 'r .R1%r f Af TL ..J.i ( 4'+° - ' f ,. r.A . J ten. "r.4 .i,1, ,iit/ ' ., r1.. w.+` { * . . ys 4,. l RR it-i.- : .. 1.3 yr R! : .., .. / -,t:" 'Lt L 'ry , . i4T w'Sr E:f 'Fiir'. or 4! x ., it }* I''wi' y k '-'7 t1 ., p .rR ! in,, '''. t .. + 1 TYi sl it R:J{ 1 w. ,, 1 : %J i_ lr° t, ' _ 'ry} . . i,. , r.'4_%. _}a ql_ r ' j f . /r I7 "'a '"tr+ 'j G: ,K; y 1nf .'tf 1 J, _ l J. 1 3 JY ' l R r;'r. Ijti j . /r,w,o, 'f ,,.. / !f .>ti'1'',{ J <:.. ti.;.;`til ,,..+qy... rte, J.iJ ,;r ,,f Ll'!+r4' ,' 1: . r <'A' at.=F/1' a41a `'1l, i vy - 4 rjl_ 7i'.y I.IF.¢ 43 ry .''.II R 1 r.. Icy , 1 '^. i frA y4 ?i: :»'<,( 1 i` ; 1 'f'<i{!;'i i'I I 'I,' f ! '.f) v .S°j _,. J `i Vr,: jt ,.':.ry,P i ' t, i.Q',,,r.' '' mo. tS ,.` r > '.. 4.0 f tf ijr. . a} - . . "'Jr it ' a= j. .'t -0'.: I' ' .,SI1,' 'f .+?' ti ' t i..... ' f}.,'+,: '1'l1ly/ .r., ' - ' +IFtr,. /''' ..'a11% f J ^;.,' t'. f ,r `-! r: - 11 , yr1syV i '," . ..J4, _'i' i,I/" ,1 'i'f,' )rr {: zr .C I -1'i'r t f' ,,:i 1i' «i! S?1, ' rry . %j `!n j, .t Yt ,.1It:' 'y iw /.+ I '11 / . ' 'l w.J lJ..tti4r, ' A. ; fyy 1' } ' i Ir ,. f'!i ,. ...;.:,,, of ' ( ;!tC' IL n .,_. .. i fJ If" r ' f iI r' 4; ' S, 'ti`p. y /« t ''' . .4 `"f j. . i 54,1"F . ' ,urvV!'y,`I-' ; .: K. .-' tj { raJ'!f' ` ?'. I,f ,,. jC'+ `fI.^i'+ j,,^,.,ikt'` ;w aspen cover with a variety of sizes of aspen stands, some pure and some mixed with conifers, mainly lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). California Figure 4.2. Winter Ridge, Oregon study area. 58 Methods Aspen stands in the Winter Ridge study area were mapped using per-segment and per- pixel classifications. Both methods were applied to the original remote sensing data at 1-m ground resolution, and to images at the reduced resolutions of 2-, 4-, 8-, 16- and 32-m. Comparisons were made in order to assess the effect of spatial resolution on each of the methods and on their relative performance utilizing the following method. Data preparation The original data consisted of rectified 1-m CIR imagery. Coarser resolution images were created by reducing the resolution in steps. At each step the resolution was reduced by a factor of 2 (a 2-m image was created from a 1-m, a 4-m from a 2-m, and so forth) by averaging the neighboring four pixels. Six images at 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16- and 32-m ground resolution were created in this manner. Classifications Both per-segment and per-pixel classification methods were applied to the remote sensing data at the six different ground resolutions. The per-segment classification was implemented following the method developed by Heyman et al. (2003), in which the image was partitioned based on its hue and saturation values to create spatial clusters of aspen stand 'candidates', which were then classified by their spectral and textural characteristics. Since this algorithm, illustrated in Figure 4.3, was developed at 1-m spatial resolution, it required some tuning for better performance at lower resolutions. The segmentation algorithm itself relied on the histograms of both the hue and the saturation of the image, where all pixels within a certain range of the hue and saturation values constituted the segments to be classified. In order to avoid redeveloping a segmentation algorithm for each resolution, but yet to allow more variability in the comparisons, three different tunings were used for each per-segment classification. In the first tuning, the original thresholding levels defined the segments as: Initial candidate =1 if [(60 < H < 115) AND (0.125 < S')] and 0 otherwise , (1) where H is the hue value of the pixel and S' its minimum saturation value (within a 3x3 neighborhood). Since this tuning produced a significantly smaller number of segments at lower resolutions, two other tunings were used. In the second, the saturation values were discarded, and the segments were based only on the hue values with the same thresholding levels, Initial candidate = l if (60 < H < 115) and 0 otherwise, (2) In the third tuning, the thresholding of the hue was more aggressive to produce more segments, Initial candidate =1 if (0 < H < 115) and 0 otherwise , (3) 61 The rest of the per-segment system was not changed. Mean values were calculated for each segment from the three CIR reflectance channels and four texture images (see Heyman et al., 2003 for more details). The seven mean layers were then stacked in one file to be used in the per-segment classification. Once segmentation was accomplished, both segment-based and pixel-based images were ready for classification, and an unsupervised classification procedure based on the ISODATA algorithm (ERDAS, 2002) was applied to all images. All the classifications in this research used the ISODATA algorithm with 20 classes following Heyman and Kimerling (in review), which showed no significant differences in aspen mapping results between various per-pixel methods (e.g. different number of classes, two-step process). Although Heyman and Kimerling (in review) did not find any significant effect of applying either a 3x3 or a 5x5 majority filter to their per-pixel classifications, those effects were tested in this study in order to examine their interaction with the effect of different spatial resolutions. Aspen coverage categories were assigned to the ISODATA classes based on image interpretation of the CIR images and 1:12,000 color aerial photographs. A twocategory scheme of 'aspen' and 'no aspen' was used for both per-segment and per-pixel classifications. For the per-segment classification only, a three-level scheme of 'no aspen', 'minor aspen' (< 50 percent) and 'dominant aspen' (> 50 percent) was also used in order to see how it is affected by spatial resolution. Accuracy assessment A site-specific assessment employing an error matrix was carried out for each of the classifications, based on the technique presented by Congalton and Green (1999). For the accuracy assessment, 200 random points were generated within the study area, at least 50 in each mapping category, to be used as the reference data in the error matrix. Each point was examined in the field or using ancillary imagery to determine the aspen coverage at both the specific location and the surrounding segment. With the error matrix as a starting point, overall accuracy, producer's accuracy, user's accuracy, and the K-hat statistic (and its variance) were calculated (see Congalton and Green, 1999 for the mathematical formulas). Comparisons Four types of comparisons were made in order to quantitatively assess the effect of spatial resolution on the classification results. First, at each resolution, per-segment classifications based on different tunings of the segmentation process were compared in order to identify the best setting. These comparisons were carried out separately on the three- and two-category classifications. Second, at each resolution, per-pixel classifications were compared to determine the optimal majority filter. Then, for each method (three-category per-segment, two-category per-segment and two-category per- pixel) the best performing classifier was compared to the one at the next level of spatial resolution (e.g., best three-category per-segment at 1-m to best three-category per-segment at 2-m). Finally, at each resolution, the best per-segment results were compared to the best per-pixel results at the same category level. In order to compare the results from two different classifications, the K-hat-based Z test statistic was applied to determine if two independent error matrices were significantly different: KIK21 Z= (4) J var(Kl) + var(KZ) Since this Z test is valid for identical classification schemes only (Congalton and Green, 1999), it was not used to compare the three- to two-category classification results. P-values were derived from a standard normal distribution table in order to interpret how significant was the difference found between any two compared sets of results. Results and Discussion For each combination of resolution, category-level and mapping method, an error matrix was constructed and statistical parameters were generated, as described in the methods section. A summary of the results is presented in Table 4.1 and illustrated graphically in Figure 4.4. The best mapping results of each system at each resolution are shown in Figure 4.5. Comparisons were then made and inferences were derived based on Z test statistics to quantitatively assess the effect of spatial resolution on the relative performance of the two methods. First, each method was examined separately at each resolution, then direct comparisons were made for each method between different resolutions and, finally, the methods themselves were compared at each resolution. 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 d 3-Category Per-Segment N 2-Category Per-Segment 0.40 2-Category Per-Pixel 0.30 020 0.10 0.00 4 8 16 Spatial Resolution (m) Figure 4.4. Overall accuracy of per-segment and per-pixel aspen mapping. Table 4.1. A summary of accuracy assessment results of all combinations of classification method, category level and spatial resolution tested in this study of aspen mapping in Winter Ridge, Oregon. Overall Accuracy K-hat Statistic Var Level, Category Resolution Classification Method 1-m per-segment, 2974 segments 3 0.88 0.82 0.00126 1-m per-segment, 2974 segments 2 0.90 0.78 0.00206 1-m per-pixel, 3x3 majority filter 2 0.67 0.32 0.00467 2-m per-segment, 1662 segments 3 0.81 0.71 0.00189 2-m 2 0.86 0.70 0.00262 2-m per-segment, 902 segments per-pixel, 5x5 majority filter 2 0.70 0.32 0.00504 4-m per-segment, 290 segments 3 0.62 0.45 0.00247 4-m 2 0.87 0.71 0.00270 4-m per-segment, 290 segments per-pixel, 5x5 majority filter 2 0.79 0.54 0.00386 8-m per-segment, 50 segments 3 0.41 0.20 0.00538 8-m per-segment, 50 segments 2 0.76 0.42 0.00545 8-m per-pixel, 5x5 majority filter 2 0.78 0.54 0.00374 16-m per-segment, 5 segments 3 0.30 0.07 0.00935 16-m per-segment, 5 segments 2 0.68 0.17 0.0116 16-m per-pixel, 5x5 majority filter 2 0.73 0.39 0.00477 32-m per-pixel, 3x3 majority filter 2 0.69 0.27 0.00606 67 r fl.,aC n. u'^G ° ,t a4,T.; 4 F., a s.. { J.r > '. a,r+ lr+ _.src*tiT^. r- 4/4 y.y - {. .' ` A k 'cp>'+t *Y. iGi ; Jw ! U'.°f"', sf- s cf r.. +"iLf f. .}^v '_ yn It d f 1 .. l pp.+...;Zti .. kris-: e - .-.. tiir,lrr yv `td t' .. a+S. y 7:w -.+ +A ) t .'1 +r5 Zy r l ':;`4 } 1. of r Y ?.yam .X. Y `.. r i a 'a r' r ' '. yr n, T . ^ .+y 'ts'2 r a,aT, y w.'4S g" >3l y-. .t ti. ..fir _ t M + ' '+ TC -e Aspen Mapping None Aspen 0 200 400 Meters Figure 4.5. Per-segment and per-pixel classification results for aspen mapping at varying spatial resolutions: (a) per-segment at 1-m resolution, (b) per-pixel at 1-m resolution, (c) per-segment at 2-m resolution, (d) per-pixel at 2-m resolution, (e) per-segment at 4-m resolution, (f) per-pixel at 4-m resolution, (g) per-segment at 8-m resolution, (h) per-pixel at 8-m resolution, (i) per-segment at 16-m resolution, (j) per-pixel at 16-m resolution, (k) per-segment at 32-m resolution, (1) per-pixel at 32-m resolution. r -ryrl .} " a: t`crn DR L CJ* +a 1`t"i7! .1 . F If) 'tDRjv y.f , 1 r"y'.''.{p,.:t iZ <.Y r' :r' irrro " "' JlS h, ,='`r ' JL tin liAi i ` 'l'!J tla..-. ;, .i 1'^ r:a,Ti '. i ^t r y< t. j!tr.1 l'`Y.. t i r ,t , 'fiYr ' If"'i t ,r .. t'{ ,,,is"s "aI' +fw ,t4{C - +.(,'..C`A. ). -i 'A i ... ' . `wA a is L 7 IN arG . jib % C. H'# rk.,Pv{VfM 1.s . ry ,' _i +; rl rM .., .. trti T1.I.Y v t: '' 7' ', ;i . ..;... r Y[ 11 , ,+tji' 'K_s; w.ri,z: a ,7^ :'!', a- 4r,,jgti ,;,! ^t'* IG. ,v /r'1' r' r ^' ,Iv: ... w` _1 J, :' ,. r tw i rr -Yf, )j}: '`r f ,l .;/.Y1 ? J y, ` ,-7 {+ ! ."I ,, r ray - tvyt n{'c' »,-I'R [."t r 5 .: r.. -s 3r`'MS- `r4.v L'`rI. i. 7'l!` 3. :,r;{+ w >r ,..`'.? f i/. 'Y[:°''"?s. yJ T'7G ?, .ye, , _ Ltr''r:?<ae,j"w'»Jr: . ;..7,. '=,i r xi fit- -);vrY.!r,Y 't :. 1.-X.... .-:rte. .fir :: fin :r j r' r. +f !J - y' `^.. -yT a. a .1 x^L'., 'fJ + :l f v,V i..ti ' a e! Z. aiNr'T''. ),R `_ .1 "r t.i .-_ ji't' -. rw,.. ' rP;i{,, , ` "r << l d' - 4k .. i,I . - -.iJ . `ti "jI* tt t ao.Kf e` .4c rK's'' FTjCa: . {, ,. C , k, .Q. .. . K wf - <, r.T .a 1,A.. i_{a + r r t... .C-~Ji. r " .acfY?G r. : ..._ 2 .- ) . i-.a. F-'.. .N 'rr. i... r'.r, ', ti+9 * t .t,i -.,.:7;: .r' ,;,.i YO'T'a'-':ia'. , ,5.. r 1C'5++.Y)1.i `R ?* ?ail ,, '!f f, t K 7. u.f : . .-t'-i y',i4 r. s., r s,p 'f c n it 0+ 6` .LYfst -+: f d. " .wr ' .{ y Y. r:' r.. p L ,` ' i! ` l n y ..j tC cR, 'fir` 7,c a r`. "Ti.: - ..r.r i log. >t it'.!.'".`L - .',\.,, .`::. "?.- '"'i.r-.rli- ,' . 1.r= 11: ft' r{ P lLi-,'t. k` t *.l ._1., ~''n L ;' -&q-. fr i. 1!!/ ^L-4 y 'y4i! t` r d''.,t i :' ` ''f ! r.n.-LME t ~r1tl - `)., `` till v,: s ` s,ry` ,1j arP+. .af 1 +kt'. Fi,urc 4 5 Continued + Y.' ./, «. 1" 1('.'y' 3 'ycf ire. LT v}7,,,,n :r i w:t +1 ). t, J '`,+ y Fx .- ,p..,.,, F:,.. L,S l,-. . ' FcC;. ri `' !,-;r.. -' w:71,+,. .a1^'.l +. ,. ,... -:`r t.''d .' llrti Y,- ',` ' 2r,.}. r'j ,w l, • • • :. • • :' •••• • — 1? •• •.,-*:' Fi,ure 4.5. Continued •- •:.. I. 4 • 70 Figure 4.5. Continued Per-segment classification The original per-segment system for aspen mapping, developed by Heyman et al. (2003), was based on 1-m ground resolution imagery and demonstrated a good distinction between three categories of aspen coverage. In order to broaden the use of the system, to implement it at coarser resolutions, and to compare it to per-pixel classification systems, the effect of the parameterization of the segmentation process on the performance was examined at varying resolutions for both three- and two-category aspen mapping. At 1-m resolution, the original segmentation process generated 2974 segments. For the three-category mapping, an 88 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.82 was achieved. For the two-category mapping, a 90 percent overall accuracy with a K- hat statistic of 0.78 was obtained (Table 4.2). Using only the hue at the same thresholding levels almost doubled the number of segments (5629) and produced results at lower accuracy by 8 percent for three-category mapping with moderate evidence for a difference (p-value = 0.03). At 2-m resolution, the original segmentation created only 327 segments, while changing the thresholding parameters (without saturation and with low threshold of hue set to zero, as explained in the methods section) generated 902 and 1662 segments, respectively. With three categories, the most aggressive segmentation (1662 segments) showed significantly better results (p-value < 0.004) with an 81 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.71 (Table 4.3). With two-category mapping, however, the segmentation effect was less significant (0.07 < p-value < 0.40) and the best results were achieved with the intermediate segmentation (902 segments), showing an 86 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.70 (Table 4.3). At 4-m resolution, the number of segments dropped to 19, 65 and 290 according to the threshold parameters used. For both three- and two-category mappings, the most aggressive segmentation (290 segments) performed significantly better (p-value < 0.004). The overall accuracy dropped to a 62 percent with a K-hat statistic of 0.45 for three-category mapping and remained high for two-category mapping with an 87 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.71 (Table 4.4). At 8-m resolution, the most aggressive segmentation produced 50 segments and performed better than the intermediate segmentation that produced only 5 segments. The third segmentation tuning produced no segments, and became irrelevant. Overall accuracy dropped to a very low level for three-category mapping, with a 41 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.20. A 76 percent overall accuracy with a Khat statistic of 0.42 was obtained for two-category mapping (Table 4.5). At 16-m resolution, only 5 segments were created by the most aggressive segmentation, but these segments included the biggest aspen stands and thus gave meaning to the classification. With three-category mapping, the results were meaningless (a 30 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.07). With two- category mapping, overall accuracy was 68 percent but with a low K-hat statistic of 0.17 (Table 4.6). At 32-m resolution, no more than a single segment was generated and hence no aspen mapping could be done. Per pixel classification The per-pixel classification was based on the ISODATA algorithm with 20 classes. Before comparing the results from the per-pixel classification method at varying resolutions to the corresponding per-segment results, the effect of applying majority filters was tested as a function of spatial resolution. Although Heyman and Kimerling (in review) did not find significant differences in classification results at the 1-m ground resolution using various majority filters (without applying any majority filter and with either a 3x3 or a 5x5 filter), the spatial resolution dependance of the majority filter suggests that similar examinations are needed for the various resolutions used in this study. At both 1- and 2-m resolutions, no significant difference was found between the three filters (p-value > 0.5). At 1-m resolution, the best results were obtained using a 3x3 filter with a 67 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.32 (Table 4.2). At 2- m resolution, the best results were found using a 5x5 filter, with a 70 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.32 (Table 4.3). At both 4- and 8-m resolutions, the best results were obtained using a 5x5 filter, which produced 79 and 78 percent overall accuracies with identical K-hat statistics of 0.54 (Table 4.4, Table 4.5). Using a 3x3 filter lowered the accuracy by 3-6 percent with no evidence for a difference (p-value > 0.2), whereas the results without any filter showed suggestive but inconclusive evidence for a difference (p-value = 0.05). At 16- and 32-m resolutions, the differences in performance were insignificant (pvalue > 0.3). At the 16-m resolution, the best results were achieved using a 5x5 filter, with a 73 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.39 (Table 4.6), and at the 32-m resolution using a 3x3 filter, with a 69 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.27 (Table 4.7). Table 4.2. Error matri ces for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 1-m ground resolution. (a) per-segment classi fication (2974 se gments), three-category level. No aspens < 50% aspen > 50% aspen IMapved/Reference-* 47 0 No aspens 3 0 8 < 50% aspen 61 0 13 68 >_ 50% aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): Total User Accuracy 50 69 94% 88% 84% 81 47 77 76 200 100% 79% K-hat Statistic: 89% 0.82 Overall Accuracy: 0.00126 (b) per-segment classification (2974 segments), two-category level. jMapped/Reference-* No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00206 < 50% aspen > 50% aspen Total 111 13 124 8 119 81 90% K-hat Statistic: 68 76 89% 0.78 200 Overall Accuracy: (c) per-pixel classification (3x3 majority filter), two-category level. < 50% aspen > 50% aspen jMapped/Reference--+ No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00467 85 39 124 69% 27 49 76 64% K-hat Statistic: 0.32 User Accuracy 93% 84% Total 112 88 90% User Accuracy 76% 56% 200 Overall Accuracy: 67% 88% Table 4.3. Error matri ces for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 2-m ground resolution. (a) per-segment classi fication (1662 se gments), three-category level. < 50% aspen > 50% aspen 1Mapped/Reference--> No aspens 0 No aspens 44 3 17 1 59 < 50% aspen 59 2 15 >_ 50% aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): Total User Accuracy 47 77 76 94% 77% 78% 47 94% 77 76 200 77% 0.00189 K-hat Statistic: 78% 0.71 Overall Accuracy: (b) per-segment classification (902 segments), two-category level. Total > 50% aspen j,Mapped/Reference-* < 50% aspen 113 No aspen 104 9 87 20 67 Aspen 200 76 Total 124 88% Producer Accuracy 84% Overall Accuracy: Var (K-hat): 0.00262 K-hat Statistic: 0.70 User Accuracy 92% 77% 86% (c) per-pixel classification (5x5 majority filter), two-category level. IMapped/Reference--+ No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00504 < 50% aspen 102 22 124 82% K-hat Statistic: > 50% aspen 22 37 76 49% 0.32 Total 141 59 User Accuracy 72% 63% 200 Overall Accuracy: 70% 81% Table 4.4. Error matrices for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 4-m ground resolution. (a) per-segment classifica tion (290 seg ments), three-category level < 50% aspen > 50% aspen jMapped/Reference- No aspens 49 15 No aspens 46 18 2 < 50% aspen 1 10 59 > 50% aspen 0 76 77 Total 47 78% 23% 98% Producer Accuracy 0.00247 0.45 K-hat Statistic: Var (K-hat): (b) per-segment classification (290 segments), two-category level < 50% aspen > 50% aspen lMapped/Reference--+ No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00270 Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00387 110 21 69 Overall Accuracy: 131 114 10 17 59 69 124 76 78% 200 0.71 Overall Accuracy: 92% K-hat Statistic: User Accuracy 42% 86% 86% 200 Total (c) per-pixel classification (5x5 majority filter), two-category level < 50% aspen > 50% aspen IMapped/Reference--> No aspen Total User Accuracy 87% 86% 87% 131 User Accuracy 81% 74% Total 106 25 18 51 69 124 85% K-hat Statistic: 76 67% 200 0.54 Overall Accuracy: 79% 62% Table 4.5. Error matri ces for accu racy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 8-m ground resolution. (a) per-segment classi fication (50 segments), three-categor_y level No aspens < 50% aspen > 50% aspen iMapped/Reference--> 47 45 No aspens 69 8 0 4 < 50% aspen 31 0 4 > 50% aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 47 100% 0.00538 Total User Accuracy 161 29% 100% 89% 4 77 76 35 200 5% 41% 0.20 Overall Accuracy: K-hat Statistic: (b) per-segment classification (50 segments), two-category level Total < 50% aspen > 50% aspen IMapped/Reference--> 165 120 45 No aspen 4 35 31 Aspen 200 124 76 Total 97% 41% Producer Accuracy Overall Accuracy: K-hat Statistic: Var (K-hat): 0.00545 0.42 User Accuracy 73% 89% 76% (c) per per-pixel classification (5x5 majority filter), two-category level J,Mapped/Reference--> No aspen Aspen Total Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00374 User Accuracy 83% < 50% aspen > 50% aspen Total 100 20 120 24 56 76 74% 80 200 70% 0.54 Overall Accuracy: 78% 124 81% K-hat Statistic: 41% Table 4.6. Error matrices for accuracy asses sment of aspen mapping using imagery at 16-m ground resolution. (a) per-segment classification (5 segments), three-category level 50% aspen < 50% aspen No aspens J.Mapped/Reference-+ 65 No aspens 47 76 1 0 0 < 50% aspen 11 0 0 >_ 50% aspen 76 47 77 Total 14% 100% Producer Accuracy 1% 0.07 Var (K-hat): K-hat Statistic: 0.00935 (b) per-segment classification (5 segments), two-category level < 50% aspen 50% aspen IMapped/Reference-+ 124 65 No aspen 11 Aspen 0 124 76 Total 14% 100% Producer Accuracy Var (K-hat): 0.00116 K-hat Statistic: 0.17 Total 188 User Accuracy 25% 100% 100% 1 11 200 Overall Accuracy: Total 189 User Accuracy 66% 11 100% 200 Overall Accuracy: 68% (c) per-pixel classification (5x5 majority filter), two-category level Total User Accuracy < 50% aspen >_ 50% aspen jMapped/Reference--> No aspen 141 74% 105 36 Aspen 59 68% 40 19 200 124 76 Total 53% 85% Producer Accuracy Overall Accuracy: 73% K-hat Statistic: Var (K-hat): 0.00477 0.39 30% Table 4.7. Error matrix for accuracy assessment of aspen mapping using imagery at 32-m ground resolution. (a) per-pix el classification (3x3 majority filter), two-category level Total < 50% aspen > 50% aspen jMapped/Reference- * 157 109 48 No aspen 43 15 28 Aspen 200 124 Total 76 88% Producer Accuracy 37% Overall Accuracy: Var (K-hat): 0.00606 K-hat Statistic: 0.27 User Accuracy 69% 65% 69% Inter-resolution comparisons For the investigation of the direct effect of spatial resolution on the performance of the classifiers, the results at the six spatial resolutions were compared and statistical inferences were derived as described in the methods section. Three-category per-segment classifier Overall accuracy of the three-category per-segment classifier at 1-m resolution was higher by 7 percent than the accuracy at 2-m resolution with suggestive but inconclusive evidence for a difference (p-value = 0.054). A very significant drop in performance occurred in the transition from 2- to 4-m resolution (20 percent difference with p-value < 0.0001) and from 4- to 8-m resolution (21 percent difference with p-value = 0.0047). Between 8- and 16-m resolutions, a non-significant (p-value = 0.3) drop of 12 percent in overall accuracy was found, while at 32-m resolution the classifier appeared useless. Two-category per-segment classifier The two-category classifier maintained a high level of overall accuracy with no significant differences (p-value > 0.21) at 1-m resolution (90 percent), 2-m resolution (86 percent) and 4-m resolution (87 percent). At 8-m resolution, overall accuracy decreased to 76 percent with convincing evidence for a difference from 4-m resolution (p-value = 0.0014), while at 16-m the overall accuracy further dropped by 8 percent with moderate evidence for a difference (p-value = 0.06). Two-category per-pixel classifier In general, the per-pixel classifier showed moderate changes in performance across all checked resolutions, with overall accuracy ranges from 67 to 79 percent. From 1- to 2- m resolution, overall accuracy increased by 3 percent with no evidence for a difference (p-value > 0.9), while at 4-m resolution a more significant (p-value = 0.025) 9 percent increase was observed. At both 4- and 8-m resolution, the best results (78-79 percent overall accuracy) among all resolutions were achieved with no significant difference between the two (p-value > 0.9). Overall accuracy decreased to 73 percent at 16-m resolution with suggestive evidence for a difference (p-value = 0.11) and 69 percent at 32-m resolution with no evidence for further difference (p-value = 0.25). Inter-method comparisons Statistical comparisons were made between the corresponding per-segment and per- pixel classification results at the same resolution for two-category aspen mapping. At 1- and 2-m resolutions, the per-segment method outperformed the per-pixel classifier by 23 and 16 percent, respectively, in overall accuracy with convincing evidence for a difference (p-value < 0.0001). At the 4-m resolution, the per-segment results were higher by only 8 percent, with moderate evidence for a difference (p-value = 0.03). At 8- and 16-m resolutions, no significant difference was found (p-value = 0.22 and 0.09, respectively) where the per-segment classifier had an overall lower accuracy of 3 and 5 percent, respectively. At the 32-m resolution, no comparison was made since the per-segment method generated only a single segment. Although these comparisons brought out some limitations of the per-segment method, they confirmed the superiority of the per-segment system at high spatial resolution and pointed out directions for improvement. Conclusion This study demonstrates that a per-segment classification approach for aspen mapping yields significantly higher accuracy results than a traditional per-pixel method when using high resolution data at 1-4-m ground pixel size. The results presented in this study, however, are of significance beyond the direct comparison of the two classification methods. They show the effect of spatial resolution on each method and its main parameters, giving a better understanding of how robust the methods are at varying spatial resolutions, Overall, the per-segment classifier was found to be more sensitive to changes in spatial resolution over the 1-32-m range than the per-pixel classifier. The per-segment classifier, originally developed for data at 1-m ground resolution, demonstrated impressive performance in distinguishing between three categories of aspen coverage. However, it did not maintain this level of accuracy at resolutions of 4-m or coarser even with tuning of the segmentation algorithm. For two categories of aspen coverage, high accuracies (86-90 percent) were achieved down to 4-m resolution, with lower but reasonable accuracies obtained at coarser resolutions of 8- and 16-m (68-76 percent). The main conclusion from these results is that the segmentation process is scale- dependent and merely tuning the algorithm may not make it robust enough. In order to achieve similar high performance at various resolutions, a different segmentation algorithm should be developed for each. The per-pixel system, which cannot distinguish between more than two categories of aspen cover, did not yield overall accuracy higher than 79 percent at any spatial resolution. Nevertheless, this method maintained a much more uniform level of accuracy across resolutions, which is an indication for a higher robustness to resolution changes. An increase in mapping accuracy with decreasing resolution, which has been reported in the literature for per-pixel classifications, was observed between 1-2-m and 4-8-m resolutions, but was inverted, although not significantly, between the 4-8-m and 16-32-m resolutions. In summary, even with its limited robustness, the per-segment approach outperformed the per-pixel one significantly at the 1-, 2- and 4-m spatial resolutions, whereas at 8and 16-m resolution the performances were not significantly different. These results show the advantages of the per-segment classifier and encourage its use in other applications in order to reach high accuracy levels using remote sensing data at spatial resolutions of 4-m or finer. Even at coarser resolutions, the per-segment approach has a good chance to perform better if the segmentation process has been developed for data at a similar resolution. In addition, further information can be extracted from the image, such as shadows, that can be used in the per-segment mapping to exploit specific characteristics of the segments that cannot be applied to individual pixels. Moreover, these comparisons are particularly important as they provide the incentive to further develop the per-segment aspen classification system and apply it in other areas. Yellowstone National Park is of particular interest for aspen mapping (Hessl, 2002; Ripple, 2003) and would be a good choice for both enhancing the per-segment system and making it useful for change analysis on a wider scale. Although developing per-segment mapping systems requires higher image processing skills and deeper understanding of the remote sensing data in hand, the results presented in this study indicate the effort is well expended. 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Available online at USTIN, S. L., AND Q. F. XIAO, 2001. Mapping successional boreal forests in interior central Alaska. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (9): 1779-1797. Chapter 5. CONCLUSIONS Aspen mapping from 1-m NHAP CIR imagery using various per-pixel classifications yielded no more than 67 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.36. Even with texture statistics added and major parameters of the clustering algorithm changed, the results could not be further improved. This leads to the conclusion that with the given data a different approach for the classification of aspens should be taken in order to successfully and reliably map stands in the study area in Central Oregon. The persegment approach developed through this research showed a significant improvement in the mapping results, obtaining an 88 percent overall accuracy and a K-hat statistic of 0.82 for three-level mapping and 90 percent overall accuracy with a K-hat statistic of 0.78 for two-level mapping. This study demonstrates that a per-segment classification approach for aspen mapping yields significantly higher accuracy results than a traditional per-pixel method when using high resolution data at 1-4-m ground pixel size. The results presented in this study, however, are of significance beyond the direct comparison of the two classification methods. They show the effect of spatial resolution on each classification method and its main parameters, giving a better understanding of how robust the methods are at varying spatial resolutions. Overall, the per-segment classifier was found to be more sensitive to changes in spatial resolution over the 1-32-m range than the per-pixel classifier. The per-segment classifier, originally developed for data at 1-m ground resolution, demonstrated impressive performance in distinguishing between three categories of aspen coverage. However, it did not maintain this level of accuracy at resolutions of 4-m or coarser even with tuning of the segmentation algorithm. The main conclusion from these results is that the segmentation process is scale-dependent and merely tuning the algorithm may not make it robust enough. In order to achieve similar high performance at various resolutions, a different segmentation algorithm should be developed for each. Per-pixel classifications did not yield overall accuracy higher than 79 percent at any spatial resolution, but maintained a much more uniform level of accuracy across resolutions, which is an indication for a higher robustness to resolution changes. The results presented in this study show the advantages of the per-segment classifier and encourage its use in other applications in order to reach high accuracy levels using remote sensing data at spatial resolutions of 4-m or finer. Even at coarser resolutions, the per-segment approach has a good chance to perform better if the segmentation process has been developed for data at a similar resolution. In addition, further information can be extracted from the image, such as shadows, that can be used in the per-segment mapping to exploit specific characteristics of the segments that cannot be applied to individual pixels. Moreover, these comparisons are particularly important as they provide the incentive to further develop the per-segment aspen classification system and apply it in other areas. 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