Upper Grand District School Board Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 30, 2014 Minutes

Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
Upper Grand District School Board
Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 in the Board Room at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph,
starting at 7:05 p.m. All Trustees were present with the exception of Trustee Cooper.
Student Trustees Challinor and Woodford were also in attendance.
Trustee Bailey requested a moment of silence to show respect for the sudden passing
of two Board employees; Steve Ratz, Vice-Principal at Westside SS, and Marie-Helen
Lessard, teacher at Centennial Hylands PS.
Opening Prayer
Trustee Schieck recited a poem which he felt was very appropriate for young people,
entitled “Somebody's Mother” by Mary Dow Brine (1816-1913).
Trustee Bailey, Chair, reported that condolences were sent on behalf of the Board to the
following: the family of Robin James, supply secretary; Martha Duncan, teacher at
James McQueen PS, on the loss of her mother; John Duncan, teacher at Arthur PS, on
the loss of his mother-in-law; the family of Cyra Oosterhuis, past student at J.D. Hogarth
PS; Nancy Stepien, teacher at Victoria Terrace PS, on the loss of her sister-in-law;
Scott Montgomery, teacher at Elora PS, on the loss of his father; Amanda Leathem,
Principal at Gateway Drive PS, on the loss of her father-in-law; the family of Dave Hall,
retired plumber for the Board; Graham Fiddes, teacher at Aberfoyle PS, on the loss of
his father; Malcolm Pryor, teacher at Centre Wellington DHS, on the loss of his motherin-law; Joy Pryor, former teacher, on the loss of her mother; Jennifer McKnight, teacher
at Eramosa PS, on the loss of her father-in-law; Doug Morrell, Superintendent of
Education, on the loss of his mother-in-law; Linda Wilkinson, office coordinator at Alma
PS, on the loss of her mother; Heather Aitken, custodian at Orangeville DSS, on the
loss of her brother, and Marni Reijmers, resource/teacher librarian at Salem PS, on the
loss of her mother-in-law.
Good News
Dr. Rogers highlighted the Good News as follows:
Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning
Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning, is going to be recognized by her peers at the
Ontario Professional Planners Institute symposium this week. She will be receiving the
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
2014 OPPI Member Service Award. This recognizes a member's outstanding service to
the Institute and to the planning profession. We are very proud of Jennifer's
achievement and grateful to have such a well-recognized professional leading our
Planning Department. Congratulations Jennifer.
Priory Park PS
Priory Park PS received a new playground structure thanks to community donations
from their neighbour, Sifton Properties, and the Royal Canadian Legion John McCrae
Branch #234 Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary provided $1,500 of the total cost,
supplementing years of fundraising by the School Council. Sifton Properties’ latest
donation of $21,000 put the project over the top. As a long-standing community partner,
Sifton Properties supports the school through an annual $500 donation to purchase
birthday books for each student’s special day. They also donated an outdoor class
space with a berm and plants two years ago. The Learning Foundation also made a
huge contribution to this project.
Matthew Burnside, Teacher at Orangeville DSS
We owe a big thank you to Matthew Burnside, a teacher at Orangeville DSS. It was his
quick thinking and calm response that kept everyone safe and avoided his science lab
from receiving substantial damage. Earlier this month, as class was beginning and
Matthew was preparing his class for a quiz, the students entering the room noticed an
odour that initially he couldn’t identify. Soon after, there was a spark and one of the
hanging ceiling lights caught fire and began to smoke. Matthew’s first reaction was to
turn off the lights, cutting the power supply. However, the flames continued to grow and
the plastic casting began to melt, causing the flames to drop onto the side lab benches.
At this point he calmly instructed the students to clear out of the room and grabbed the
fire extinguisher and put out the fire. His class was quickly relocated to another room
and the fire department was notified to check everything out.
Terry Fox School Run Day
All schools in Upper Grand participated in the Terry Fox School Run again this year with
most of the events held last week. The annual September Run is National and it
honours Canada’s own Terry Fox, raises money for cancer research and Terry’s “One
Dream - a World Without Cancer”. This is a big event for our students - from in class
discussions on Terry, his dream, the legacy and his own run, to principals, viceprincipals and teachers who do all kinds of silly things to raise money.
This is just a snapshot of what went on this year to celebrate Terry Fox and his dream:
At Centre Dufferin SS, Principal Pat Hamilton and Vice-Principal Jen Meeker had pies
thrown in their faces by the DD class (who raised the most money). They also suffered
through the ALS Bucket Challenge!
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
It was a Superhero Day at Mitchell Woods PS on Friday. Principal Mike McNamara and
Vice-Principal Heather Davis appeared as Batman and his trusty side kick Robin all
because the kids raised more than the $2000 challenge. Teachers in classes were
sporting coloured hair, too – blue for $75 pledges and rainbow for $200.
At Rickson Ridge PS they had a Water Balloon Challenge – teachers whose classes
made their dollar goals had water balloons lobbed at them. Principal Sue Guest and
Vice-Principal Catherine McNinch got a bit wet, too!
Over at one of our new schools, William C. Winegard PS, it was toonies for Terry.
Principal Curt McQueen had pie on his face while he ran in a silly outfit because the
students raised $613 in toonies!
At Kortright Hills PS the students raised more than their challenge, which meant that
Principal Wendy Donaldson and Vice-Principal Amy Ewing camped out on Friday night
behind the school. There was a Kortright Hills Family Fun night until dark, and the
Principal and Vice-Principal woke up Saturday morning and held a pancake breakfast to
raise even more money! Thankfully it was warm and dry overnight!
Last year Upper Grand schools raised more than $166,000 for cancer research. Our
grand total is $1,441,588.39 over the course of our involvement! That’s a big help in
making Terry’s “One Dream – a World Without Cancer” come true.
Confirmation of the Agenda
Trustee Fairbairn moved, seconded by Trustee Schieck, that the agenda be
confirmed as printed.
The motion carried.
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest.
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held August 26, 2014
Trustee Topping moved, seconded by Trustee Borden, that the minutes of the
meeting held August 26, 2014, and the minutes of the Committee of the Whole
meeting held immediately prior to the Board meeting, be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
Ratification of Business Transacted by the Committee of the Whole In Camera
Trustee Gohn moved, seconded by Trustee Waterston, that the business
transacted by the Committee of the Whole In Camera be now ratified by the
The motion carried.
Director’s Performance Appraisal
Trustee Bailey stated that it was his privilege to announce that Trustees voted
unanimously in support of our leader, Director Rogers. Trustees had previously given
Trustee Bailey permission to share some of the comments written on the performance
appraisal survey. The comments shared are as follows:
“Words written on paper cannot adequately describe my appreciation of you and all that
you do (and have done) for the staff and students of the UG. Thank you so much for all
that you have done to provide a safe, accessible, and sound environment for our
“Martha continues to work extremely hard. She sets a high standard for herself and
strives to reach her goals. Martha models leadership to us all but continues to keep us
on a “team” level. It continues to be an honour to work with Martha as part of her team.”
“Dr. Rogers brings a great deal of personal currency to her organizational leadership
role, this is evident in her exemplary financial business and strategic skills, her excellent
labour relationships, and an overarching understanding of the educational sector locally,
provincially, and internationally.”
“Congratulations. Your accomplishments and dedication to education earn you total
respect not just locally but province-wide. We are fortunate to have you at the helm and
it is a privilege to work with you.”
Trustee Bailey made a public statement indicating unanimous confidence in our Director
for her dedication, passion, and leadership role in our system and for our students.
Trustees expressed their appreciation with a round of applause.
Motion to Rise and Sit in Committee of the Whole
Trustee Borden moved, seconded by Trustee Topping, that the Board rise and sit
in Committee of the Whole with the Chairperson presiding.
The motion carried.
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
Program Committee
Trustee Topping moved that the minutes of the Program Committee meeting held
September 9, 2014 be received and considered.
The motion carried.
Trustee Topping moved that:
The verbal report on Environmental Education be received.
The verbal report on “All About Me” be received.
The motion carried.
Business Operations Committee
Trustee Schieck moved that the minutes of the Business Operations Committee
meeting held September 16, 2014 be received and considered.
The motion carried.
Trustee Schieck moved that:
The revised report “Resignations and Retirements” dated September 16,
2014 be received, with thanks.
The verbal report on Health and Safety be received.
The motion carried.
Special Education Advisory Committee
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the minutes of the Special Education Advisory
Committee meeting held September 10, 2014 be received and considered.
The motion carried.
Policy Management Committee
Trustee Gohn moved that the minutes of the Policy Management Committee
meeting held September 9, 2014 be received and considered.
The motion carried.
Trustee Borden moved that item # 1 (Policy 105 Trustee Honoraria be approved),
as contained in the minutes of the Policy Management Committee Meeting held
September 9, 2014 be considered separately.
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
The motion carried.
Trustee Moziar moved that item # 5 (P.12 Suicide Prevention, Intervention and
Postvention be received as information as amended), as contained in the
minutes of the Policy Management Committee Meeting held September 9, 2014,
be considered separately.
The motion carried.
Trustee Gohn moved the adoption of recommendations 2, 3, and 4, as contained
in the minutes of the Policy Management Committee Meeting held September 9,
2014 as follows:
Policy 706 Corporate Credit Card be approved.
Policy 506 Physical Activities be approved as amended.
Policy 505 Concussion be approved.
The motion carried.
Trustee Gohn moved the adoption of recommendation # 1 (Policy 105 Trustee
Honoraria be approved) as contained in the minutes of the Policy Management
Committee Meeting held September 9, 2014
The motion was lost.
Trustee Moziar suggested that section 4.2 Potential Risk be changed to include a
reference to the Crisis Line. She noted her opposition to section 5.2 memorials,
regarding student suicide, and not to dedicate a physical memorial to the student, not
to dedicate songs and not to have assemblies that focus on the student who died by
suicide. She also suggested that an additional resource entitled the Grief Recovery
Handbook be listed in section 6 resources. It was suggested that Trustee Moziar
discuss these issues with Superintendent Lindsay.
Trustee Gohn moved the adoption of recommendation # 5 (P.12 Suicide
Prevention, Intervention and Postvention be received as information amended),
as contained in the Minutes of the Policy Management Committee Meeting
minutes meeting dated September 9, 2014.
The motion carried.
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
Trustee Gohn moved that the minutes of the Policy Management Committee
meeting held September 30, 2014 be received and considered.
The motion carried.
Trustee Gohn moved that Policy 105 Trustee Honoraria be approved, as
The motion carried.
Resignations and Retirements (nil report)
Architect Selection
Facility Projects Team Leader Capling advised that in compliance with policy 308
Selection of Architects (adopted June 2000), a pool of qualified architectural firms needs
to be maintained to undertake additions and major renovations to existing facilities as
required. The existing pool was established in November 2010, and has met the limit of
4 years. Therefore, a new pool of architects needs to be selected. He noted that
architect submissions are due October 2, 2014, the short-listing committee meeting is
scheduled for October 7, 2014, the architect selection committee interviews are
scheduled for October 21, 2014, with a recommendation scheduled to go to the
November 11, 2014 Business Operations Meeting.
Trustee Waterston moved that:
The report entitled, “Architect Selection Process” dated September 30th,
2014 (CP:14-03) be received.
Three Trustees be appointed to the Architect Selection Committee for
The motion carried.
Trustee Gohn moved that Trustees Bailey, Schieck, Borden, and Waterston be
appointed to the Architect Selection Committee for 2014.
The motion carried.
2013-2014 Interim Financial Reporting on August 31, 2014
Superintendent Wright presented the report entitled “2013 2014 Interim Financial
Reporting on August 31, 2014”. The purpose of this report was to share with Trustees
the preliminary August 31st financial position of the Board for the 2013 2014 fiscal year.
Ms. Wright commented that the Board is in good standing with overall operating
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
spending compared to budget forecasts. Trustees expressed their thanks for a great
report, and a job well done.
Trustee Waterston moved that the report “2013 2014 Interim Financial Reporting
on August 31, 2014” dated September 30, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Board Correspondence
Trustee Moziar moved that the Board Correspondence dated September 30,
2014, be received.
The motion carried.
Trustee Questions and Reports
Trustee Waterston advised that, last year, the loose change collected at Board
meetings from Trustees and Senior Administration amounted to over $600.00. This
money contributed to Free to Achieve to help with the cost of the playground at Priory
Park PS. She also noted that there is no administration fee associated with these funds
donated, and therefore the program benefits from the entire donations.
The Communications Department announced the following:
“Sunday October 5 is World Teachers Day. In honour of our great elementary and
secondary teachers, we at Upper Grand celebrate the great student learning that is
fostered by our ETFO and OSSTF colleagues. If you listen to CJOY or Magic FM in
Guelph, you’ll hear radio announcements all next week that talk about all of those
teachers who go out of their way to inspire students to achieve, talk and listen to our
kids and make learning fun in Upper Grand schools. We will Tweet as well @ugdsb
and post a World Teachers’ Day tribute on our website. A special thank you to our
teachers on World Teachers’ Day this week, next week, and every week.
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the Trustee Questions and Reports dated
September 30, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Dates of Future Meetings
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the October 2014 schedule for Board and Standing
Committee Meetings be approved as follows:
Program Committee
October 7, 2014
Business Operations
October 14, 2014
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
Board Meeting
October 28, 2014
The motion carried.
Director of Education Rogers added the following to the Dates of Future
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
delete PMC
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Architect Selection Committee, short listing
3:00 p.m., Room 9
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Elementary Vice-Principal short listing group
8:30 a.m., Room 4
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Secondary Principal short listing
9:00 a.m., Room 4
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Secondary Vice-Principal short listing
1:00 p.m., Room 4
Friday, October 10, 2014
Elementary Principal short listing
8:30 a.m., Room 4
Monday, October 20, 2014
Dufferin Parent Council, Island Lake PS, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Architect Submission Committee Interviews,
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Room 9
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Elementary Principal interviews, 8:30 a.m., Room 3
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Accessibility Committee meeting, delete
(moved to October 28)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Accessibility Committee meeting, 1:30 p.m., Room 9
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Safe, Equitable and Inclusive Steering Committee,
4:30 p.m., Room 9
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Delete tech council meeting
Monday, November 3, 2014
Parent Involvement Committee
Board Meeting, September 30, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Official Opening, Ecole Arbour Vista PS, 7:00 p.m.
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the Dates of Future Meetings dated September 30,
2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Motion to Rise and Report to the Board
Trustee Borden moved that the Committee of the Whole rise and report to the
The motion carried.
Ratification of Business
Trustee Topping moved, seconded by Trustee Borden that the business
transacted by the Committee of the Whole be now ratified by the Board.
The motion carried.
Trustee Waterston moved, seconded by Trustee Topping that the Board adjourn
and this meeting now close at 8:05 p.m.
The motion carried.