College Heights Secondary School November Newsletter 2013 Principal’s Report


College Heights Secondary School

November Newsletter 2013


Principal’s Report

November is here and it has been as cold and wet as I can ever remember. We are halfway through

Semester 1 and I am sure students and families are anxiously anticipating the upcoming winter break. As part of this mid-term report, I encourage families to communicate with teachers to take steps to help their student be more successful. As always, students who attend daily, complete their work and display good attitude are often rewarded with great marks. This past October we celebrated the success of a number of our students who achieved high marks during the last school year.

As is often the case, College Heights remains a busy and fun place to learn. Just two weeks ago, our grade 10 students and leadership students went away with a number of staff as part of our annual CELE trip to develop leadership skills and foster a positive school climate. The weather was, as usual, terrible but everyone did a great job and it was an excellent experience for all. Coming up shortly is our annual Stand Up To Bullying day and again MAGIC 106 will be on hand in the morning broadcasting live all the fun. As a school we work hard to combat bullying and encourage anyone who has experienced this to use our bullying link on our website to get action started. Details are in this newsletter.

Mid-term is always a good time to reflect and plan ahead towards semester 2 and beyond. By

December course selections will be out for students to make choices for next year. For students interested in technology grade 11 is the year to decide about taking on an SHSM course - speak to Ms. Durst for more information about this including benefits and opportunities. As always guidance and resource teachers are available to assist in making choices for the future and can work with students and their families to make good program choices. Work experience for grade

10 goes from November 18 - 29th and is a great experience for participants.

With only a few short weeks until the winter break we look forward to an earlier end time with December 19th

(Thursday) being the last day of classes. Mark December 18th on your calendars for our annual Christmas luncheon. Have a great next few weeks and a wonderful holiday!

Stephen Gayfer, Principal

Class of 2013

Notice of Drill

Lockdown drill has been rescheduled for the week of November 25.

Any questions about these drills may be directed to Mr. Main, ext. 306.


 On October 17 we celebrated the graduation of 90 students from College Heights. We had 41 students who received the Specialist

High Skills Major diploma, 10 Ontario

Scholars and 16 students who were on the

Honour Roll. There were many staff members who helped to make this event very special and successful. Congratulations to those students!

 Student Recognition 2012 was held on October 21. This assembly recognized 46 students who made Honour Roll and also 32 awards of excellence presented. Keep up the good work!

 Thanks to all our community sponsors who help make our

Commencement and Student Recognition possible. They are:

Atkinson Family, Britton Auto Parts, Bower Family, Children’s

Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, Document Imaging,

Dodge Family, Elliott Coach Lines, Guelph Historical Society,

Guelph Horticultural Society, Guelph Little Theatre, Guelph

Master Gardeners, Guelph Police Association, Guelph Soccer,

Homelife Realty, Oskam Welding & Machine Ltd, Reid’s

Heritage Group, Roof Trusses & Components Ltd, Retired

Staff of College Heights, Doug Wilson, Rotary Club of Guelph,

Ray Scapinello, Thomasfield Homes, Thompson Family,

United Way, Victoria Chapter IODE, West End Women’s

Institute, Rotary Club of Guelph-Wellington, Dumfries Mutual

Insurance, Guelph and District Home

Builders Association, Guelph Wish Fund,

Upper Grand Learning Foundation, College

Heights School Council.

 Ms. Parks’ class continues to do a great job on the recycle program at College Heights! Our Waste Audit is approaching.

 Congratulations to our Careers classes who have made the grade 10 work experience program a huge success. From

November 18-29 fifty-five students will be out in the community actively exploring career options.

 To date there have been 1,975 books signed out of the library!

Course Selections

Throughout the next several weeks students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will be choosing their courses for next year. Students will meet with either their guidance counsellor or their resource teacher to do this. A copy of their course selections will be coming home for your parental perusal and signature.

Note: Grade 9 students choose their courses for next year in FEBRUARY.

From the Bakeshop

The Bakeshop is now taking orders for Christmas items. Orders need to be placed by Friday, December 6,

3:30 pm. All orders must be paid at the time of pick-up. Either call your order into 519-821-4510, ext. 322 or email the bakeshop at The order form may be picked up in the bakeshop or in the main office. We will not be accepting orders that are faxed to us.

Holiday Luncheon

On December 18 we will be serving our annual Holiday Luncheon.

In the past our Hospitality and

Bakeshop students have prepared and served over 500 at this wonderful luncheon. Students won’t want to miss this event! Tickets will be available soon at a low cost to students. Listen to announcements for upcoming ticket sales.

Huskies on the Prowl

Congratulations to the Senior Boys Volleyball team who finished their historic season with a tight game against Georgian Bay Secondary School (Meaford) in their CWOSSA qualifier. Despite their ups and downs throughout the season, they finished with 6 wins and 6 loses on the year, and finished 3rd out of 6 in their district. Well done Boys, we are proud of your success!!!!!!

Next up for District 4 sports are Girls Volleyball and Co-ed Wrestling. Although both teams have begun, see Mr. Skerritt, Ms. McIntosh, or Mr. Taylor if you are interested in getting involved.

Our Intercity Soccer team also had a successful tournament here back in October, coming out on top with a perfect record. Although our Bowling team didn't finish first, they did put up some pretty impressive numbers to make it a close finish. Our intercity volleyball teams will be travelling to Brantford soon for their tournament and on December 6 there will be a dodgeball and a chess tournament in Brantford.

Get out and get involved, please speak to Mr. Skerritt if you want information on any school teams.

We want you on our team!

On-line Bully Reporting Tool

Did you know that in the majority of cases, bullying stops within 10 seconds when peers intervene or don’t support the bullying behavior?

The Upper Grand District School Board takes all incidents of bullying seriously. That’s why we developed an online bullying reporting tool.

Stop a Bully gives students and parents 24/7 access for reporting bullying. You don’t have to identify yourself – just your school – and your message gets sent directly to your school principal for follow-up. We will follow up on your report.

You’ll find the Stop a Bully button on our school’s website and the board’s website (

If your child is the victim of bullying or sees bullying behavior at school, please encourage him/her to speak with someone at school or use the Stop a Bully tool. For more information, contact the school.

School Climate Survey

Parents are encouraged to fill in our voluntary school climate survey by the end of November. Our students will be taking the survey on various days in November. The information we collect will help us find out how safe our students feel at school, develop programs to prevent bullying and promote safe and inclusive schools, and decide if our current programs are working. We’ll use the results to make our school better than ever. All our staff will be asked to take the survey too.

This is easy!

 Go to

 Choose a language by clicking either the “English” or “Français” button

 Enter the survey code (5-MFM-271-N) and click the “Submit Code” button

 Follow the instructions on the survey

Remember – this is your school. Let’s make it safe and inclusive for everyone. Please fill in your survey by the end of November. If you want the survey in another language, ask us for a copy. If you have any questions, contact the school. Thanks for your help.

A great time was had by all!

Rachel’s Challenge


Mark Your Calendars….

 November 22 - Stand Up To Bullying Day (wear pink)

 December 6 - Bakeshop Orders* Due

*(subject to product availability)

 December 18 - Holiday Luncheon

 December 19 - Last day of classes before break

 December 19 - Interim Reports mailed

 December 20 - January 3 - Winter break (school closed)

 January 15 - Grade 8 Parent Night (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)

 January 16 - School Council Meeting (6:30 pm - 7:30 pm)

 January 23 - January 29, 2013 - Exams

 January 30 - PA Day (if there are no exams rescheduled)
