Perkins College of Education Department of Human Services Advisory Council February 15, 2013 Program reports/search updates • Counseling • Deaf & Hard of Hearing • Rehabilitation Services • School Psychology • Special Education • Speech and Language Pathology • VI/O&M • Committee reports: College Assessment Oversight Committee (Dr. Solmonson); Service Learning Advisory Board (Michael Munro); Tenure & Promotion issues (i.e., terminal degrees; site of publications; presentations = publications); Diversity (Ellis-Hervey/Steward) and Core Curriculum Committee Reports (Chair). Current Reports/Business Program Directors’ Responsibilities (Ginger Kelso) TracDat revisions due March 1. Adjunct faculty compensation rule E-mail the class times for program training environment evaluations (before springbreak). Status of Current Searches (School Psychology, Speech Language Pathology, Neuroscience, Visual Impairment/Orientation Mobility) Core Curriculum (SPH 172—Beginning American Sign Language; SPH 272—Intermediate American Sign Language; RHB 222-- Introduction to Alcoholism and Substance Abuse; EPS 250—Disability in Society)— Deadline TODAY! Summer and Fall schedules due TODAY!! Seeking standardization of administrative support responsibilities Seeking standardization of P&T departmental policies Annual Evaluations will consider attention to administrative tasks: “Failure to attend to the following during the academic year may result in an unsatisfactory annual evaluations: monthly leave reports; posted office hours; syllabi/vitae submitted before the 1st day of the semester; submission of complete FARs (i.e., updated vitae, course evaluations for the period evaluated; under-load teaching assignments; inclusion of information on FAR ONLY for the academic year), attendance at program/departmental/college meetings, assigned committee meeting attendance/ participation, graduation ceremony attendance as required by university policy.” Peer Review results will be distributed after Springbreak. Annual Evaluation/Promotion and Tenure variables for consideration in review of TEACHING: 1. Overall Course Evaluation 2. Range of ratings within each course evaluation 3. Student response rate 4. Positive/negative commentary (%) 5. Rigor of course (i.e., complexity of assignments, amount of work, # examinations)? 6. # students in class 7. Undergraduate/master’s/doctoral 8. Practica/Internship 9. Grade Distribution 10. Didactic vs. Skills building 11. On-line vs. Direct Instruction 12. Travel-time requirement 13. Syllabus adherence to university/college/required template