Statistics & Probability Letters 53 (2001) 21 – 26 The strong approximation for the Kesten–Spitzer random walk Li-Xin Zhang Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Xixi Campus, Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310028, China Received January 2000; received in revised form September 2000 Abstract In this note we study the strong approximation for a one-dimensional simple random walk in a general i.i.d. scenery when the scenery has only 0nite lower moments. Namely, an approximation is obtained when the scenery has only 0nite c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved (2 + )th moments. MSC: 60F15; 60J55; 60J15; 60J65 Keywords: Local time; Random walk in random scenery; Brownian motion in Brownian scenery; Strong approximation Let = {x }x∈Z (sometimes also written {(x)}x∈Z ) denote a sequence of independent and identically distributed real-valued random variables (i.i.d. r.v.’s) such that E(0 ) = 0 and E(02 ) = 1: (1) Any realization of the sequence {x }x∈Z is called a “scenery”. Let S = {Sk }k∈N0 be a simple symmetric random walk on Z starting at S0 = 0, independent of . The process K = {K(n)}n∈N0 , de0ned by K(n) = n (Sk ); n ∈ N0 (2) k=o is usually referred to as the Kesten–Spitzer random walk in random scenery (cf. Kesten and Spitzer, 1979, R@ev@esz, 1990). There is a continuous analogue for K introduced and analyzed by Kesten and Spitzer (1979). To describe this, let B = {B(t); t ¿ 0} and W = {W (x); x ∈ R} be independent real-valued standard Brownian motions with B(0) = W (0) = 0. Let {L(t; x); t ¿ 0; x ∈ R} denote the jointly continuous version of the local time Research supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10071072). E-mail address: (L.-X. Zhang). c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 0167-7152/01/$ - see front matter PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 7 1 5 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 4 3 - 1 22 L.-X. Zhang / Statistics & Probability Letters 53 (2001) 21 – 26 process of B. Now, de0ne the process G, which is called Brownian motion in Brownian scenery, by G(t) = L(t; x) dW (x); t ¿ 0: (3) R It is proved by Kesten and Spitzer (1979) that in law {n−3=4 K([nt]); 0 6 t 6 1} → {G(t); 0 6 t 6 1}; (4) in law where “ → ” stands for weak convergence in D[0; 1]. Khoshnevisan and Lewis (1998) studied a strong vision of (4) in the special case where the random scenery is Gaussian. More precisely, they proved that, if 0 is a Gaussian N(0; 1) variables, then (on a suitably enlarged probability space) one can construct a pair of K and G such that, for any ¿ 0, a:s: max |K(m) − G(m)| = o(n1=2+ ); 06m6n n → ∞: (5) Cs@aki et al. (1999) extended (5) to a more general random scenery. They proved the following theorem. Theorem A. Let {x }x∈Z be a random scenery satisfying (1) and E|0 |p ¡ ∞ for all p ¿ 0. Then on a suitably enlarged probability space there exists a coupling of K and G; such that; for any ¿ 0; a:s: max |K(m) − G(m)| =o(n5=8+ ); 06m6n n → ∞: (6) An application of Theorem A yields the law of iterated logarithm: lim sup n→∞ K(n) 25=4 a:s: = 3=4 (n log log n) 3 (7) if {x }x∈Z satis0es (1) and E|0 |p ¡ ∞; for all p ¿ 0. The aim of this paper is to show (6) and (7) under the conditions of 0nite lower absolute moments. Our result reads as follows: Theorem 1. Let {x }x∈Z be a random scenery satisfying (1) and E|0 |p ¡ ∞; where 2 6 p 6 4. Then on a suitably enlarged probability space there exists a coupling of K and G; such that; for any ¿ 0, a:s: max |K(m) − G(m)| =o(n1=2+1=(2p)+ ); 06m6n n → ∞: (8) An application of Theorem 1 yields that (7) holds if E|0 |2+ ¡ ∞ for some ¿ 0. Denote the number of walker’s visits to x until time n by (n; x) = n I {Sk = x}; n ∈ N 0 ; x ∈ Z; (9) k=0 which is often referred to as the local time of the random walk S. Then (2) can be rewritten as x (n; x); n ∈ N0 : K(n) = x∈Z We shall prove Theorem 1 in two steps. (10) L.-X. Zhang / Statistics & Probability Letters 53 (2001) 21 – 26 23 Step 1. Let = {x }x∈Z satisfy (1). Then there is a coupling of , S and B such that is independent of (S; B) and for any ¿ 0, a:s: x ((n; x) − L(n; x)) =o(n1=2+ ); n → ∞: (11) x∈Z Proof. According to a theorem by R@ev@esz (1981) and a result by Khoshnevisan and Lewis (1998), one can construct a random walk S from the Brownian motion B such that, for every ¿ 0, a:s: sup|(n; x) − L(n; x)| =O(n1=4+ ); n → ∞; x∈Z (12) and for any q ¿ 1, supE(|(n; x) − L(n; x)|q ) 6 cq nq=4 ; x∈Z n ∈ N; (13) where cq is a constant depending only on q. De0ne I (N; n) = N x ((n; x) − L(n; x)); N; n ∈ N: (14) x=−N Following the argument of Cs@aki et al. (1999), in order to prove (11) we only need to show that, for every ¿ 0, a:s: I ([n1=2+ ]; n) =O(n1=2+ ): (15) For each x ∈ Z, let Xx = x I {|x | ¿ |x|1=2 }; Yx = x I {|x | 6 |x|1=2 } − Ex I {|x | 6 |x|1=2 } and YP x = x I {|x | ¿ |x|1=2 } − Ex I {|x | ¿ |x|1=2 }. De0ne I1 (N; n) = N Xx ((n; x) − L(n; x)); x=−N I2 (N; n) = N Yx ((n; x) − L(n; x)); x=−N I3 (N; n) = N ((n; x) − L(n; x))Ex I {|x | 6 |x|1=2 }; x=−N for all N; n ∈ N. Note that ∞ P(|x | ¿ |x|1=2 ) 6 cE02 ¡ ∞: x=−∞ It follows that P(Xx = 0; i:o:) = 0: On the other hand, by (12), for each 0xed x ∈ Z, a:s: Xx ((n; x) − L(n; x)) =o(n1=4+ ); n → ∞; (16) 24 L.-X. Zhang / Statistics & Probability Letters 53 (2001) 21 – 26 and therefore a:s: I1 ([n1=2+ ]; n) = o(n1=4+ ); n → ∞: (17) For I3 , by (12) we have N 1=2 |I3 (N; n)| = ((n; x) − L(n; x))Ex I {|x | ¿ |x| } x=−N 6 N |(n; x) − L(n; x)|E|0 |I {|0 | ¿ |x|1=2 } x=−N N 6 sup|(n; x) − L(n; x)| E|0 | + x |x|−1=2 E02 x=−N; x=0 a:s: =O(N 1=2 )o(n1=4+=2 ) as n → ∞; N → ∞: Hence a:s: I3 ([n1=2+ ]; n) =O(n1=4+=2 )o(n1=4+=2 ) = o(n1=2+ ); n → ∞: (18) At last, by (16) – (18), it suRces to show the summability of P(I2 ([n1=2+ ]; n) ¿ n1=2+ ). For 0xed (S; B), by the Rosenthal inequality (cf., Petrov, 1995) we have for any q ¿ 2, q=2 N N E[|I2 (N; n)|q |(S; B)] 6 cq ((n; x) − L(n; x))2 EYx2 + |(n; x) − L(n; x)|q E|Yx |q x=−N 6 cq N x=−N q=2 ((n; x) − L(n; x))2 Ex2 + x=−N 6 cq (2N + 1) N x=−N q=2−1 N |(n; x) − L(n; x)|q N (q−2)=2 Ex2 |(n; x) − L(n; x)|q x=−N 6 cq N q=2−1 N |(n; x) − L(n; x)|q : (19) x=−N By (13) and (19), we have E|I2 (N; n)|q 6 cq N q=2−1 N E|(n; x) − L(n; x)|q 6 cq N q=2 nq=4 : x=−N Hence P(|I2 ([n1=2+ ]; n) ¿ n1=2+ ) 6 cq n−(1=2+)q n(1=2+)q=2 nq=4 = cq n−q=2 ; which is summable for any q ¿ 2=. This concludes the proof of Step 1. Step 2. Let {x }x∈Z satisfy (1) and E|0 |p ¡ ∞, where 2 6 p 6 4. Then there is a coupling of ; S and W such that (; W ) is independent of (S; B) and for any ¿ 0, a:s: x L(n; x) − L(n; x) dW (x) = o(n1=2+1=(2p)+ ); n → ∞: (20) x∈Z R L.-X. Zhang / Statistics & Probability Letters 53 (2001) 21 – 26 25 Proof. Following the line of the proof of Proposition 2:2 of Cs@aki et al. (1999), it suRces to show that, for any 0xed b ¿ 12 and any ¿ 0, a:s: J ([nb ]; n) = o(n1=4+b(1=2+1=p)+ ); where J (N; n) = Wn !(N ) 0 {Wn (t); t ¿ 1} n → ∞; (21) A2n (x) d x ; N; n ∈ N; (22) is a Brownian motion for each n ∈ N; An (x) = L(n; x) − L(n; j) if x ∈ (!j−1 ; !j ]; !(n) = !n = n Ti ; n∈N i=1 p=2 and {Ti }∞ 6 i=1 is a sequence of i.i.d. non-negative random variables with ET1 = Var(0 ) = 1 and ETi p cp E|0 | ¡ ∞. By (2:21) and (2:22) of Cs@aki et al. (1999) we have for any a ¿ 0 that a:s: max max |Wi (s)| =O(na=2 (log n)1=2 ); 16i6n 06s6na a:s: sup |L(t; x) − L(t; y)| =o(t 1=4+a=2+ ); |x−y|6t a n → ∞; (23) t → ∞; ∀ ¿ 0: (24) On the other hand, since the sequence {Ti }i∈N is i.i.d. with ETi = 1; E|Ti |p=2 ¡ ∞ and 1 6 p=2 6 2, by the classical LLN or LIL, we obtain if 2 6 p ¡ 4; n + o(n2=p ) a:s: !(n) = n → ∞: (25) n + O((n log log n)1=2 ) if p = 4; Now 0x b ¿ 12 and ¿ 0. For any 0 ¡ x 6 !([nb ]), there exists 1 6 j 6 [nb ] such that x ∈ (!j−1 ; !j ]. Since by (25), |x − j| 6 n2b=p+ and x 6 2nb , we can apply (24) to conclude that sup a:s: |An (x)| = o(n1=4+b=p+ ); 06x6!([nb ]) Therefore, by (25), !([nb ]) A2n (x) d x 6 !([nb ]) 0 sup n → ∞: a:s: A2n (x) = o(nb+1=2+2b=p+2 ): 06x6!([nb ]) (26) By (23) and (26), we have a:s: J ([nb ]; n) = O(n1=4+b(1=2+1=p)+ (log n)1=2 ) = o(n1=4+b(1=2+1=p)+2 ): The proof of Step 2 is now completed. Putting together (10), (11) and (20), we get (8). References Cs@aki, E., KSonig, W., Shi, Z., 1999. An embedding of the Kesten–Spitzer random walk in random scenery. Stochastic Process. Appl. 82, 283–292. Kesten, H., Spitzer, F., 1979. A limit theorem related to a new class of self similar processes. Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 50, 5–25. 26 L.-X. Zhang / Statistics & Probability Letters 53 (2001) 21 – 26 Khoshnevisan, D., Lewis, T.M., 1998. A law of the iterated logarithm for stable processes in random scenery. Stoch. Process. Appl. 74, 89–121. Petrov, V.V., 1995. Limit Theorems of Probability Theory. 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