Ohio Northern University Faculty Minutes of the October 11, 2005 Meeting

Ohio Northern University Faculty
Minutes of the October 11, 2005 Meeting
President Baker called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.
Invocation was offered by Dr. Eva McManus.
Minutes from September 13, 2005 were approved as submitted.
Unfinished Business: None.
Questions for the President.
Dr. Beanblossom raised the question about how ONU retirees would be able to interface with the
new Medicare prescription drug plan. Mr. Green indicated that information is starting to become
available and is under review, but no decisions have been made yet.
Dr. Baker reported that the Board of Trustees meeting was held on campus last Thursday through
i. A new Chairman, Robert Smith, and a new Vice Chairman, John Bishop were approved
by the Board.
ii. A Board retreat has been planned for November 18 and 19, 2005.
iii. Two new Board members were approved by the Board: Walter Bettinger from Schwab
Investments, and Tom Compton, President and CEO of Precision Strip.
iv. The Weber Hall Expansion Project was approved by the Board. This project will be
funded through the use of an approved portion of the interest earned on university
endowment funds.
v. Professor Indra Canagaratna provided a report to the Board about improved science
facilities needs at ONU.
vi. The Board accepted the revised budget based on the actual student numbers for 20052006.
vii. Meghan Davlin provided a report of ONU student efforts to raise approximately $1600 to
aid people affected by Hurricane Katrina. Board members discussed the possibility of
matching the student donations, and Dr. Baker encouraged Faculty to also support the
viii. Special appreciation was expressed to the Pharmacy students that have raised
approximately $3000 to support research for Diabetes. Several Pharmacy faculty helped
students celebrate their success by hosting a “cross dressing” event.
The University will now move to reimbursing approved travel at $0.485 per mile as allowed by
the IRS. The rate will be reviewed again in January 2006 and revised if necessary.
President Baker presented details about the revised budget which was accepted by the Board. The
budget revision was based on an additional 106 students (over the number budgeted for before the
start of the school year) registering for fall quarter.
A brief discussion was held about how Board members are nominated and approved by the Board.
University Council:
a. Professor Indra Canagaratna, University Council Chair, reported that she had attended the Board
of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee meeting where topics related to Pharmacy, the new
Bachelor of Nursing program, and the need for balanced growth at ONU were discussed. Also,
she attended the general Board meeting where discussions centered on academic excellence,
university productivity and costs, and infrastructure.
b. Dr. Harold Putt, University Council Vice-chair, reported that he had attended the Board’s
Financial Affairs Committee meeting and topics regarding the revised budget and the expansion of
Weber Hall were discussed.
Reports of Constitutional Committees:
a. Budget and Appropriations. No Report.
Ohio Northern University Faculty
Academic Affairs. No Report.
Student Activities. VP Hilderbrand reported the committee had unanimously approved a new
campus organization, the Ohio Northern University Campus Girl Scouts.
Personnel. No Report.
Reports of Operational Committees.
a. Committee on Athletics. No Report.
b. Cultural and Special Events. Dr. Laurie Bell reported that the committee had met and established
sub committees and is starting the planning process for future events.
c. International Affairs. Dr. Anne Lippert reported that the committee will meet in Dicke Hall 115
on October 25 at 1 pm.
d. Religious Affairs. No Report.
e. Information Technology. Mr. George Gulbis reported that the applications for Teaching with
Technology Grants are due on November 3.
Other Reports. None.
New Business:
a. It was moved and seconded to approve the proposal to amend Faculty Bylaw 5.2.C.1) Cultural and
Special Events Committee. Purpose of the proposal is to place the Director of Multicultural
Development as a member of the Cultural and Special Events Committee.
i. VP Hilderbrand discussed the need for changing the membership of the committee.
ii. Faculty voted unanimously to approve the proposed change.
a. Professor Nils Riess announced that Don McLean will be performing this weekend at the Freed
b. Professor Ray Schuck announced that there is a silent auction at the Hill Building. Proceeds will
benefit the Northern Fund.
c. Dr. Roger Goldberg announced that Tuition Exchange Applications are due to Ms. Christy Cole
by November 3.
d. Dr. Kim Broedel- Zaugg announced that the Spielman Walk to raise funds for Breast Cancer
research will be on Saturday.
e. VP AK Hilderbrand announced the new display in the show case outside of the Office of Student
Affairs and Residence Life. Faculty were encouraged to send checks to the Office of Student
Affairs and Residence Life to match student and Board donations for the victims of Hurricane
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm. The next meeting of the University Faculty will be
November 8, 2005 at 4:00 PM in the Activities Room of McIntosh Center.
Submitted by,
Dr. Bruce W. Berdanier