OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY COUNCIL MINUTES Minutes, December 6, 2011 Roll: (Absentees Underlined) President Daniel DiBiasio, Interim VP David Crago, Interim VP Roger Young, VP Ken Block, VP Larry Lesick, VP Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw, Dean Catherine Albrecht, Dean Eric Baumgartner, Dean Jon Sprague, Dean James Fenton, Chaplain Rory Stauber, Dr. Jeffery Allison, Dr. Khalid Al-Olimat, Dr. Nathaniel Bird, Dr. Bob Carrothers, Dr. Keith Durkin, Dr. Howard Fenton, Dr. Kevin Hill, Prof. Jennifer Kunkler, Dr. John Jay Mager, Dr. Michael Milks, Ms. Marsha McMunn, Prof. Sue Montenery, Dr. Ronald Peterson, Mr. Clyde Pickett, Dr. Harold Putt, Dr. Susan Schertzer, Dr. David Smith, Dr. Stephen Veltri, Dr. Jenny Walton, Dr. Rob Waters, Dr. Dexter Woods, Dr. Sherry Young Jeff Allison, Vice Chair of Council, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Dicke Hall 230. I. Minutes of November 15, 2011 meeting approved after correction to the President’s comments that more than 500 (not 7500) persons have signed up for Nixle emergency texting messages (Albrecht, Putt). II. Reports from Constitutional Committees a. Budget & Appropriations. Considered revenue side of the budget with various tuition levels and will add expenses to the considerations at future meetings. b. Academic Affairs. No further report. c. Student Activities. Working with Catalyst Indoor Color Guard student group to help get its governing documents in shape for committee approval. d. Personnel. Will meet Friday to go over sabbatical requests. III. Reports from Operational Committees a. Athletics. No further report. b. Information Technology. No further report. c. Cultural & Special Events. No further report. d. International Affairs. No further report. e. Religious Affairs. No further report. f. General Education. Encourage all faculty with tagged courses to prompt their freshmen students to submit their artifacts for their portfolios. Students in required courses who fail to submit their artifacts will have to take the course over again. VI. Other Reports a. Vice-Presidents. i. Academic Affairs. No report. ii. Financial Affairs. No report. iii. University Advancement. No report. iv. Admissions and Financial Aid. Applications down 10% with a slight uptick recently from additional email and telemarketing efforts. Spring will bring additional financial aid leveraging. Communication with Brian Zucker, president of Human Capital Research consulting firm from Chicago, regarding marketing and financial aid regimen for incoming freshmen students. HCR offers modeling, competitor analysis, high school feeder school information, prospect probability analysis, and student surveys. v. Student Affairs. Interviews for chaplain in the final stages with a recommendation expected shortly after New Year’s. b. Deans i. Arts and Sciences. Many end of semester activities including ONU symphony, student research presentations, art students sale, wind orchestra, ONU improv performance. ii. c. d. Eng gineering. Sp potts lecturer on February 13, 2012 willl be Kevin B Bennett, direcctor of eng gineering at the Mayo Clinicc in Rochesterr, Minnesota. ONU engineeering alum M Miranda Shaaw helped secu ure Mr. Bennettt’s appearancee and will introdduce him. iii. Phaarmacy. Admission interview ws of prospectiive students occcur at the end of this week aand the beg ginning of nextt. iv. Bussiness Adminiistration. Preesentation andd evaluation oof student caapstone projeccts are und derway. Capstone projects arre trending tow ward live and ccollaborative (rrather than texttbook) cases, including th hree separate cases c for Meijeer and numerouus cases with enngineering studdents. w. No report v. Law Student Senate. Fuel the Fire F event occcurred and wennt fine with foood, music, andd brush pile buurning. m event with reepresentatives passing out caandy and senaate informationn. Senate new wsletter Dorm Storm available on web site. Pressidential petitio ons currently oout for electionns in January. Health Serviices Advisory Committee. C No N report. V VII. Announ ncements. Un niversity Coun ncil meeting tim me will be at 5:30 p.m. (ratther than 6:00 p.m.) during spring semesteer. Council wiill continue to meet m in Dicke Hall 230. V VIII. Presideent Comments//Questions. Ciity and universsity representattives had a prooductive meetinng about townn/gown plannin ng. VP for Fiinancial Affairrs search is dow wn to 7 semifi finalists (5 of w whom are sittinng VPs). Interrviews will be on campus January 9-10. Executive E comm mittee of the B Board of Trusteees met on Satuurday and full Board will meet in Februarry regarding ittems such as tuition, capitaal improvemennts, faculty perrsonnel actionns, and M with Stt. Rita Hospitaal’s executive lleadership team m to explore ccollaborative prrojects honorary degrees. Meeting w No questions for the Preesident and he hoped h to see uus all at the holiiday gathering on Friday. went well. X. IX Unfinisshed Business. None. X X. New Business. Nonee X XI. Adjourrnment at 6:15. Next meeting g scheduled forr January 17, 22012. R Respectfully sub bmitted, D Dexter Woods, Secretary S