MATH 150 Syllabus Fall 2008 Sections 501-506: MWF 11:30am-12:20pm HELD 200 Sections 507-512: MWF 12:40-1:30pm BSBE 115 Sections 525-530: MWF 1:50-2:40pm HECC 110 Instructor Information: Instructor: Benjamin Aurispa Office: Blocker 630D Phone: (979) 862-4192 Office Hours: MW: 3:00-4:00pm, T: 2:00-4:00pm, or by appointment E-mail: Please include your name and section number in any email you send me. Check your TAMU email account regularly, because this is where class emails will be sent. Webpage: Check regularly for announcements and important information, as well as for lecture notes, a course schedule, and other helpful links. Catalog Description: Math 150: Functions, Trigonometry, and Linear Systems (Credit 4). Graphs, functions, college algebra and trigonometry, linear systems and vectors. Prerequisites: None Required Materials: Textbook: Stewart/Redlin/Watson, Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 5th edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006. Hard Back: ISBN 0-534-49277-0 Paper Back: 0-495-55750-1 An online version of the textbook can be purchased at Calculator: A TI 83-84 calculator (Plus or Silver editions are fine) or a TI nspire (non CAS version) is required for this class. No calculator that can perform symbolic mathematics will be allowed (such as the TI 89 or 92). The use of any other type of calculator must be approved by me. Calculators will be allowed on exams, but ALL memory must be reset for each exam. Having any unauthorized programs/applications or the use of any unauthorized type of calculator during exams or quizzes will be considered a case of academic dishonesty and reported to the Aggie Honor Council. Course Policies: Grading: Homework and Quizzes: 3 In-Class Exams: Final Exam: Total Available Points: Average x 1.5: 3 @ 100 pts each: Points 150 300 150 600 Points Earned 540-600 480-539 420-479 360-419 < 360 Final Grade A B C D F I will consider class/recitation attendance along with your final exam score when assigning grades in borderline cases. Due to privacy issues, I cannot discuss grades over email or phone. If you have a question about your grade, please come see me in person. Exams: There will be 3 in class exams during the semester. Bring your Texas A&M student ID to all exams. The tentative material and dates for the exams are as follows: Exam 1: (Sections 1.1-1.10 & 2.1-2.8): Friday, September 26 Exam 2: (Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1-4.5, & 5.1-5.4) Friday, October 24 Exam 3: (Sections 6.1-6.5, 7.1-7.5, 8.4-8.5, 9.1) Friday, November 21 Final Exam: The final exam will be cumulative. The day and time of the final exam are determined by the university. Sections 501-506: Wednesday, December 10, 10:30am-12:30pm HELD 200 Sections 507-512: Monday, December 8, 10:30am-12:30pm BSBE 115 Sections 525-530: Tuesday, December 9, 3:30-5:30pm HECC 110 Graded Homework: Graded homework assignments will be done online on the CengageNOW website at For registration instructions and FAQ, go to There is additional information on my webpage. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped. Quizzes: There will be quizzes given weekly during recitation by your TA. There may also be quizzes given periodically during class, either announced or unannounced, as well as take home quizzes. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Suggested Homework: Math cannot be learned by watching someone else do math. It requires a lot of practice. On my webpage there is a list of suggested homework. I STRONGLY suggest that you do these problems for more practice. They will not be collected, but doing them to help you learn the material is very important. The list can be found at Recitation: Recitation sessions are led by a teaching assistant and meet weekly at different times depending on your section. You must attend the recitation for which you are registered. The TA will answer questions, review material, and give weekly quizzes for a grade. The days and times for each recitation section are below: 501: T 9:35-10:25am CE 134 507: T 11:10am-12:00pm CE 136 525: T 8:00-8:50am ZACH 104D 502: R 9:35-10:25am CE 134 508: R 11:10am-12:00pm CE 136 526: R 8:00-8:50am CE 136 503: T 8:00-8:50am CE 137 509: T 8:00-8:50am CE 134 527: T 11:10am-12:00pm PETR 106 504: R 8:00-8:50am CE 137 510: R 8:00-8:50am CE 134 528: R 11:10am-12:00pm PETR 106 505: T 2:20-3:10pm CE 134 511: T 3:55-4:45pm CE 134 529: T 12:45-1:35pm CE 137 506: R 2:20-3:10pm CE 134 512: R 3:55-4:45pm CE 134 530: R 12:45-1:35pm CE 137 Help Session and Week in Review: Help sessions are come-and-go times where you can ask questions and get help with your homework from the student Help Session leaders. For more information, see the link on my webpage. The Week in Review is a weekly session led by an instructor to review the topics of the previous week and to provide additional examples. On the weeks of exams, the Week in Review will be an exam review. This semester, I will be doing the Week in Review. Problem sets will be posted on the Week in Review webpage ( Make-up Policy: Make-up exams and quizzes or late homework will NOT be allowed unless a University approved reason is given to me in writing. Notification before the absence is required when this is possible. Otherwise, you must notify me within 2 working days of the missed exam, quiz, or assignment to arrange a makeup. See University Student Rules for more guidelines. In all cases where an exam/quiz/assignment is missed due to an injury or illness, whether it be more or less than 3 days, I require a doctor’s note. Further, an absence due to a non-acute medical service or appointment (such as a regular checkup) is not an excused absence. Grade Appeals: If you believe an error has been made in grading, you have until the next class period after the exam, quiz, or assignment has been handed back to let me know. Otherwise, you must accept the grade you received. Canceled Class: If class is canceled for any reason, whatever was planned for the canceled day will be done the next day of class, including an exam or quiz. Copyright: All printed handouts and web-materials are protected by US Copyright Laws. No multiple copies can be made without written permission by the instructor. ADA Policy: The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For additional information visit Academic Integrity Statement: Cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Working in groups on homework is fine as long as you understand what is going on. Please do not compromise your integrity for the sake of temporary benefits. Aggie Honor Code: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.” For more information on academic integrity, see the Honor Council Rules and Procedures at Note: This class covers a lot of material and moves quickly. It is very important that you keep up with the suggested homework and that you do not fall behind. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions in class, to come to my office hours, or to send me an e-mail. My goal is not to cram information into your head, but to help you learn. If you are not understanding the concepts, please ask for help. Don't wait until the day before an exam to try and grasp the material. There are week-in-reviews and help sessions regularly, as well as streaming videos and other materials online. Please take advantage of these resources. Tentative Weekly Schedule: Week 1: Syllabus, 1.1-1.4 Week 2: 1.5-1.9 Week 3: 1.10, 2.1-2.4 Week 4: 2.5-2.8 Week 5: 2.8, Review, Exam 1 Week 6: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 Week 7: 4.1-4.4 Week 8: 4.5, 5.1-5.4 Week 9: 5.4, Review, Exam 2 Week 10: 6.1-6.4 Week 11: 6.5, 7.1-7.3 Week 12: 7.4-7.5, 8.4-8.5 Week 13: 8.5, 9.1, Review, Exam 3 Week 14: 10.1-10.3, Thanksgiving Holiday Week 15: Final Review