Luke Campus
University Mission:
Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learningfocused and distinctly Christian environment for professional success, lifelong learning, and service
to God and humankind.
Course Number and Title:
EDUC 5301: Principles and Practices in Education
Class Time: May 30, 31 and August 1, 2 (Fridays, 5:30-9:40 PM,
Saturdays 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) at Luke Campus Rm 3149
Blackboard Instruction
Observations in Schools
Term and Date: Summer 2014
Catalogue Description:
Development of skills related to the teaching learning process. Students develop knowledge of
educational psychology and apply this knowledge to the schools and individual classrooms. A field
based component is an integral part of this course (minimum 8 hours).
Required Resource Materials:
Woolfolk, Anita (2013). Educational Psychology, 12th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
(ISBN: 9780132613163)
Dr. Paul Tighe
ptighe@muhs.com, paul.tighe@wayland.wbu.edu
Phone: C: 623-640-1887
W: 928-634-8640
I can most easily be reached at my work email address.
Use the Wayland email address for assignment submission.
Attendance Policy:
The University expects students to make class attendance a priority. All absences are to be
explained to the instructor who will determine whether omitted work may be made up. When a
student reaches the number of absences considered by the instructor to be excessive, the instructor
will so advise the student and file an unsatisfactory progress report with the dean at the campus
where the course is offered. Any student who misses 25% or more of the regularly scheduled class
meetings will receive a grade of “F” in the course. Student appeals may be addressed, in writing, to
the campus dean. Three times arriving late will equal one absence, and three times leaving class
early will equal one absence. (Arrival more than five minutes late or departure more than five
minutes early is deemed a late arrival/early leave.)
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
Provisions for Special Needs:
It is University policy that no otherwise qualified disabled person be excluded from participation in,
be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in
the University.
Plagiarism Policy:
Intellectual integrity and truthfulness are fundamental to scholarship. Plagiarism is a form of
cheating. Plagiarism occurs when a student fails to give proper credit when information is either
quoted or paraphrased or when a student takes credit for another person’s work. Plagiarism may
result in an “F” in the course or expulsion from the class or the University.
Course Objectives:
Goals to be reached by the end of the course:
1. The student possesses and draws on knowledge of content and pedagogy to provide relevant
and meaningful learning experiences for all students.
2. The student responds appropriately to diverse groups of learners. While acting as an
advocate for all students and the school, the teacher demonstrates effective professional and
interpersonal communication skills.
3. While acting as an advocate for all students and the school, the teacher demonstrates
effective classroom management skills.
Students will be able to:
 describe the impact of educational psychology on learning and teaching
 identify the impact of major theorist on learning
 identify the stages of moral and social development
 utilize knowledge and skills gained to integrate students under IDEA into the classroom
 design classrooms that are culturally compatible
 identify techniques and strategies that will enhance long-term memory and problem solving
 describe the impact of constructivist teaching strategies on learning
 develop a plan for student and class motivation
 describe processes necessary for creating and maintaining a positive learning environment
 describe when to utilize various instructional strategies for teaching content material
 design and utilize various assessment strategies to measure student mastery
Course Outcome Competencies:
Professional teachers:
 recognize the individual differences that distinguish their students from one another and they
take account for these differences in their practice
 understand how students develop and learn
 respect the cultural and family differences students bring to their classroom
 are concerned with their students’ self-concept, motivation and the effects of learning on peer
 are also concerned with the development of character and civic responsibility
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
Course Requirements:
It is very important for teachers to effectively communicate ideas to colleagues, parents, and
administrators. Writing clear and error free English is a priority at Wayland’s Division of Education.
Therefore, each student’s ability to express his/her knowledge of educational concepts and theories
within the conventions of academic discourse will be assessed through both oral presentations and
written assignments. Criteria for evaluation will be based on both content and mechanics. Integration
of information from lectures, readings, discussions, and field experiences will be taken into
consideration, as will correct and appropriate format and organization. Written work in this course
must be prepared according to APA style.
1. The student will attend classes, read all assigned materials, and participate in class
activities/assignments (100 points).
2. The student will write and post in Blackboard short reflections on each of the 15 chapters of the
text (20 points each; 300 points total). Each reflection should address the following:
a. Write a one paragraph summary of the key points/concepts of the chapter.
b. Identify at least one concept from the chapter and, in one paragraph, describe how you it
could apply to you as a teacher.
The instructor will post a forum for each student to post his/her summary. Each student will also be
expected to read and post a substantive response to each summary posted by other students (see
3. Each student will be required to read the summaries posted by other students (see #2) and post a
substantive response to at least two summaries per chapter. A substantive response should be at
least 250 words and reflect critical thoughts related to the original summary posted (10 points each
chapter; 150 points total). Students are encouraged to also respond to the responses of other
students, as an online discussion.
4. The student will observe at least two lessons at a local school and conduct brief interviews of the
cooperating teachers. The field experiences should total a minimum of 8 hours and must be
documented on University’s Field Experience Documentation Form. Given that this course is being
conducted during the summer, there will be flexibility with defining “field experiences.” This will be
discussed in class. A 3-5 page reflective summary of each observation will be expected (100 points
each). The summary should include a description of the setting, an overview of the observation, and
personal reactions to the interactions with the teacher and the observation itself. The personal
reactions should include a reflection of the things that worked well and things that may not have
worked so well.
5. The student will write a 5 page research paper in APA format regarding a topic of choice in
education. The student will prepare and present a PowerPoint slide show (20 slides maximum)
regarding the topic and research findings (100 points for paper plus 50 points for presentation).
6. The student will write a final reflection paper, approximately 3-5 pages in length, following APA
format, reflecting on course activities and learning experiences (100 points). Details of this paper
will be discussed in class.
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
All assignments are due, as noted on course outline, unless otherwise announced in class or
on Blackboard. Assignments not completed on time will reflect a lowered grade of 10%
deduction per day minimum. Late work will not be accepted after
7 days. If a student misses class the day an assignment is due, he or she must still turn in the
assignment no later than the regular class meeting time to receive possible full credit for the
University Grading Policy
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = 0 – 59%
Course Calendar
Week 1: (5/26/14) Meeting 5/30 & 5/31 at Luke Campus
Course Syllabus
Chapter 1
Week 2: (6/2/14)
Chapters 2 & 3
Confirm field experiences placements for observations (email info to Dr. Tighe)
Post Reflection of Chapter 1 in Blackboard (due 6/6/14)
Week 3: (6/9/14)
Chapters 4 & 5
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-1 due 6/11/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 2 & 3 in Blackboard (due 6/13/14)
Week 4: (6/16/14)
Chapters 6 & 7
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-2 & 3 due 6/18/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 4 & 5 in Blackboard (due 6/20/14)
Week 5: (6/23/14)
Chapters 8 & 9
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-4 & 5 due 6/25/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 6 & 7 in Blackboard (due 6/27/14)
Observation 1 Reflective Summary (due 6/27/14; email as a Word attachment)
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
Week 6: (6/30/14)
No Classes this Week
Week 7: (7/7/14)
Chapters 10 & 11
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-6 & 7 due 7/9/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 8 & 9 in Blackboard (due 7/11/14)
Week 8: (7/14/14)
Chapters 12 & 13
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-8 & 9 due 7/16/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 10 & 11 in Blackboard (due 7/18/14)
Observation 2 Reflective Summary (due 7/18/14; email as a Word attachment)
Week 9: (7/21/14)
Chapters 14 & 15
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-10 & 11 due 7/23/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 12 & 13 in Blackboard (due 7/25/14)
Week 10: (7/28/14) Meeting 8/1 & 8/2 at Luke Campus
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-12 & 13 due 7/30/14)
Post Reflections of Chapters 14 & 15 in Blackboard (due 8/1/14)
Research Paper & Presentation to Class (due 8/1/14)
Field Experiences Record (due 8/1/14)
Week 11: (8/4/14)
Post Responses to Other Students’ Reflections in Blackboard (CH-14 & 15 due 8/6/14)
Final Reflection Paper (due 8/8/14)
Summary of Assignments:
Class Attendance & Participation
Text Chapter Reflections
Responses to Text Reflections
Observation 1 Reflection Paper
Observation 2 Reflection Paper
Research Paper & Presentation
Final Reflection Paper
Each Class
See Schedule
See Schedule
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
EDUC 5301:
Advanced Principles and Practices in Education
Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) Alignment
#100: Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities (PPR) EC-4
Preparation Manual
The Beginning Teacher:
Domain 1: Designing Instruction and assessment to promote student learning
Competency 002: The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences and design
assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all students’ learning.
Understands cultural and socioeconomic differences (including differential access to technology) and
knows how to plan instruction that is responsive to cultural and socioeconomic differences among students.
Understands the instructional significance of varied student learning needs and preferences.
Competency 004: The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning and
demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate assessments.
Understands the role of learning theory in the instructional process and uses instructional strategies and
appropriate technologies to facilitate student learning (e.g., connecting new information and ideas to prior
knowledge, making learning meaningful and relevant to students).
Analyzes ways in which teacher behaviors (e.g., teacher expectations, student grouping practices, teacherstudent interactions) impact student learning, and plans instruction and assessment that minimize the
effects of negative factors and enhance all students’ learning.
Analyzes ways in which factors in the home and community (e.g., parent expectations, availability of
community resources, community problems) impact student learning, and plans instruction and
assessment with awareness of social and cultural factors to enhance all students’ learning.
Incorporates students’ different approaches to learning (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic) into
instructional practices.
Domain II: Creating a positive, productive classroom environment
Competency 006: The teacher understands strategies for creating an organized and productive learning environment
and for managing student behavior.
Schedules activities and manages time in ways that maximize student learning including using effective
procedures to manage transition; to manage materials, supplies and technology; and to coordinate the
performance of non-instructional duties (e.g., taking attendance) with instructional activities.
Domain Ill: Implementing effective, responsive instruction and assessment
Competency 007: The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating effectively to varied
teaching and learning contexts.
Demonstrates clear, accurate communication in the teaching and learning process and uses language that is
appropriate to students’ ages, interests, and backgrounds.
Engages in skilled questioning and leads effective student discussions, including using questioning and
discussion to engage all students in exploring content; extends students’ knowledge; and fosters active student
inquiry, higher-order thinking, problem solving, and productive, supportive interactions, including appropriate
wait time.
Communicates directions, explanations and procedures effectively and uses strategies for adjusting
communication to enhance student understanding (e.g., by providing examples, simplifying complex ideas,
using appropriate communication tools).
Practices effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills (including both verbal and nonverbal skills
and electronic communication) for meeting specified goals in various contexts.
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
TExES #110 Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities 4-8
Preparation Manual (similar to TExES #100):
The Beginning Teacher:
Domain 1: Designing Instruction and assessment to promote student learning
Competency 001: The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge
to plan instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their
developmental characteristics and needs.
Recognizes that positive and productive environments for middle-level students involve creating a
culture of high academic expectations, equity, throughout the learning community, and
developmental responsiveness.
1 .2
Knows the typical stages of cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development of middle-level
Competency 002: The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences
and design assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all
students’ learning.
(see competency above)
Competency 004: The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning
and demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate
(see above)
Enhances learning for middle-level students by providing instruction that encourages the use and
refinement of higher-order thinking skills (e.g., prompting students to explore ideas from diverse
perspectives; structuring active learning experiences involving cooperative learning, problem
solving, open-ended questioning, and inquiry; promoting students’ development of research
Analyzes ways in which teacher behaviors (e.g., teacher expectations, student grouping
practices, teacher-student interactions) impact student learning, and plans instruction and
assessment that minimize the effects of negative factors and enhances all students’ learning.
Analyzes ways in which factors in the home and community (e.g., parent expectations, availability
of community resources, community problems) impact student learning, and plans instruction and
assessment with awareness of social and cultural factors to enhance all students’ learning.
Incorporates students’ different approaches to learning (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic)
into instructional practices.
Domain Ill: Implementing effective, responsive instruction and assessment
Competency 008: The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the
learning process.
(see above competency)
Competency 010: The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students with
timely, high-quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all students.
(see competency above)
Competency 012: The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively interacting with
other members of the educational community and participating in various types of professional activities.
(see competency above)
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe
TExES #130
Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities 8-12
Preparation Manual (similar to #100 and #110):
The Beginning Teacher:
Domain 1: Designing Instruction and assessment to promote student learning
Competency 001: The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge
to plan instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their
developmental characteristics and needs.
Recognizes the importance of helping students in grades 8 through 12 learn and apply life skills
(e.g., self-direction, decision-making, goal-setting skills, workplace skills) to promote lifelong
learning and active participation in society.
Competency 002: The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences
and design assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all
students’ learning (see competency above).
Competency 004: The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning
and demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate
(see 4-8 competency above)
(see 4-8 competency 4.5)
(see 4-8 competency 4.10)
Analyzes ways in which various teacher roles (e.g., facilitator, lecturer) and student roles (e.g.,
active learner, observer, group participant) impact student learning.
(see 4-8 competency 4.13)
Domain III: Implementing effective, responsive instruction and assessment
Competency 007: The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating
effectively to varied teaching and learning contexts (see competency above).
Competency 008: The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the
learning process (see competency above).
Competency 010: The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students with
timely, high-quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all students
EDUC 5301 Advanced Principles and Practices in Education – Summer 2014 – Tighe