FacuJty Minutes May 9, 2008 Dr. Martin called the meeting to order at 1:3 5 p.m. Present: Saracino, Gilbert, Swearingen, Bridwell Greer, OIle, Kenner, O'Dwyer, Wittenbach, Marques, Runnels, Underwood, Perritt. Not present: Pfatfenberg (Research Academy) ,Bradley (attendingTDA), Pharris (attending LEAD) Dr. Martin explained the Key Assessments. Discussion tollowed regarding ranking of 1 - 3 for reporting purposes. Underwood corrected the 372 to SED 372. Discussion of number of papers to keep per semester with the decision to keep a small number for examples but not entire class projects. Dr. Saracino explained the assessment procedure. Generic statements were determined by the faculty. Using the 7 skills, then rank them 3 - 2 - 1 on the form. All votes were unanimous on the process. Individual professors will make their own criteria for HMS 420 - Excellent, Satisfied, Unsatisfied. Dr. Saracino addressed the senior survey. Emails will be used for students and employers. Create a link to the survey through the email. Surveys will be done every spring for seniors beginning 2009. Do survey for employers every 3 years. Swearingen inquired about surveys for specific majors. Suggestion was fOT Assessment Committee to investigate assessment by program area. Dr. Marques announced Fall Forum. Wednesday, Sept 17, 12 :00 - 1 00 p.m. Dr. Marques will inform faculty as to plan. Dr. Perritt announced Convocation for April 8, 2009. Nelda is worlcing on newsletter. Will be emailed, not mailed. Dr. Martin requested all annual report information be turned in to her. Dr. Martin has placed videos, CD's, etc in copy room for all faculty to use. Dorma Pharris is attending LEAD and suggests a Green Week for September. Paper was distributed with ideas. Dr. Martin reported on President's budget speech. 2.5 million for salaries. Recommending dropping equestrian program. Add women's golf, women ' s bowling. Evaluate course fees annually. Recruitment and retention are driving funding. IEAF funding needs to go for infrastructure. Compliments to Quantity Foods for creating visibility. Kudos to Dr. Wittenbach. Underwood reported on brochure for Master's Online. Suggestions for marketing: Campus email to other grad programs ~ My SFASU.edu Flyers in various buildings > Email ad ministration in Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma > > Committee Reports 1. Curriculum - revisions and will meet this summer 2. Certificates - Program in Construction Management and Hospitality Executive and Undergraduate Hospitality. 3. Facilities and Treasures - Inventory of furnishings to be made 4. Scholarships - Bridwell reported 2 Regents Scholarship gIven. Recognize scholarship at Fall Forum. Food, Nutrition & Dietetics has new track approved . Swearingen reported that Ambassador comments would be put on the webpage. Bridwell showed samples of upholstery. Agreement was reached with Calabasas Earth, Kimball Office. Discussion occurred regarding disbursement offumiture in lounge. FTGOTO followed. Meeting adjourned at 3: p.m.