Minutes of the HMS promotion committee Prepared by Carl Pfaffenberg

Minutes of the HMS promotion committee
Meeting held on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 in HMS 102
Prepared by Carl Pfaffenberg
Meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Dr. Saracino. All members present: Natalie Hensarling,
Jamie Cupit, Nancy Sheppard, Carl Pfaffenberg, Darla O’Dwyer. The purpose of the meeting was to
produce a single form for the purpose of peer evaluations applicable in both F2F and online classes.
At the previous meeting, committee members agreed to contact other departments and request a copy
of their peer review form for the committee to consider.
Dr. Sheppard contacted Dr. Scott in Secondary Education and was told that there were no paper forms.
Rather, they have a system of mentoring in-place related to teaching.
Dr. Hensarling contacted the School of Nursing and reported that they have two forms, one for online
and one for F2F that were significantly different forms.
Ms. Cupit contacted Dr. Seward in Human Services and received no response.
Dr. O’Dwyer contacted Dr. Murgia in Kinesiology and Health Science and was informed that there was
no form for peer evaluations.
Dr. Saracino contacted Dr. Vaughan in Elementary Education and was informed that they do not have
peer observation form. Rather, the reviewer writes up a narrative of their observation. Dr. Vaughan did
send two peer observation forms utilized by Tyler Junior College: one for classroom observation and one
for online observation.
An option from West Georgia College was put forth by Dr. O’Dwyer which was sent by Norm Markworth
of CLT. After review of this particular document, committee determined this form was appropriate for
online course evaluation rather than peer evaluation It was determined that its 17 pages might be a bit
bulky, even in a digital format.
The committee agreed that one form, with identical questions, would not suffice for both F2F and online
classes as these formats are significantly different. Therefore, it was decided to re-submit the original
suggested form with minor modifications. The committee also concurred that peer comments about
content mastery are not appropriate for either F2F or online observations.
The committee adjourned at 10:55am.
HMS Peer Teaching Evaluation
Date: _______________________________
Instructor: _______________________________
Course Number & Name: _______________________________
Tenured Faculty Reviewer: _______________________________
Complete for face to face, online and lab delivery:
The instructor:
Conducts class in an orderly, organized fashion.
Demonstrates command of subject matter.
Selects examples relevant to student experiences/course
Presents current developments in the field.
Presents/explains content clearly.
Communicates a sense of enthusiasm and excitement
toward the content.
Demonstrates attentiveness and responds constructively
to student opinions/comments/questions.
Answers student questions clearly and directly.
Respects diverse points of view.
Students appear engaged with the instructor and involved
in the topic.
Information is clear and presented without
grammar/spelling errors.
Utilizes a variety of instructional methods to relay content.
Additional Criteria for evaluating Online and Lab Instruction
ADDITIONAL: Complete if evaluating an online course.
The instructor:
Posts the course syllabus in the content area (providing
instructor contact information, easy access to course
policies, attendance requirements, due dates and
assignments, etc.).
Provides a welcome announcement for students.
Engages with students (through means of
announcements, discussion board posts, grade book
comments, etc.).
Clearly communicates netiquette guidelines; the tone and
atmosphere of discussions are conducive to learning.
Links are updated and in working order
ADDITIONAL: Complete if evaluating a lab course.
The instructor:
Clearly explains directions or procedures.
Has materials and equipment necessary to complete the
activity readily available.
Provides safety supervision.
Allows sufficient time for completion.