1 Effect of O2 and CO2 content on particle surface temperature and size of coal char during combustion Milena Rodriguez and Risto Raiko Tampere University of Technology Department of Energy and Process Engineering FINNISH-SWEDISH FLAME DAYS Naantali Finland, 28 - 29 January 2009 Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 2 Effect of O2 and CO2 content on particle surface temperature and size of coal char during combustion Presentation Outline: • Introduction • Char Combustion Model • Experiments • Equipment • Conditions • Results • Conclusions • Future Plan Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 3 Introduction The Project: Oxy-concepts and Flue gases recirculation (FGR) Main Goals: • To produce information for CFD modelling on coal char burning and for theoretical combustion model • Pyrolysis and Combustion mass loss • Particle surface temperature • Particle velocity and diameter • Developing a method for measurements • Developing equipment for measurements Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 4 Char Combustion Model Regimes of Char combustion Char combustion controlled by Diffusion R" Ni " ; N " MolarFlow i i Number of Moles, Stoichiometric Coef . N " kd C Sh Cs kd d p 2 0.6 Re p Sh Di 1 2 Sc 1 3 From Poltto ja palaminen Energy Balance Char combustion controlled by Kinectic R" kc C sO2 kc Ae E mol q conv m2s RT Ts4 Tw4 hc Ts Te q rad hc Ts Te Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content Hm W / m2 Ts4 Tw4 A: Pre-exponential factor, for first order [1/s] E: Activation Energy [kJ/mol] kc: Reaction rate constant R" W / m2 C O2 C 1 O2 2 CO2 CO Hm Hm 393.55kJ / mol 110.54kJ / mol 4.2.2009 5 Experiments Measurement Devices Conditions needed for measurements • Stable temperature profile • Different atmospheres • Visualization Drop-Tube Reactors • • • • Pyrolysis and combustion reactor, 60 cm, after modification 15 cm Measuring windows Pyrometer High-speed Camera Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 6 Experiments Specifications of the Drop-Tube Reactor • • • • Height: 1.3 m, Heating length: 60 cm Inside diameter: 26.3 mm Material: Stainless Steel, Austenitic Cr-Ni Heat resisting. 253 MA ASTM A-312 Temperature resistance: Up to 1373 K Parameters • • • • • • • Fuel: USA Coal Char Particle size: 100 – 200 m Temperature: 973, 1123 and 1273 K Volume flow: 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 l/min O2 content: 3, 6, 12 , 25, 35 and 50 (vol-% in N2) O2 content: 3, 6, 12 , 25, 35 and 50 (vol-% in CO2) Combustion lenght: 15 cm Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 7 Experiments Measurement Devices Two-Colour Pyrometer • Temperature (above detection limit) • Diameter and velocity (used as reference values to back up the camera) • Emissivity of the particles has to be evaluated • At the end of combustion the pyrometer detects only the ”super particles” High Speed Camera • Accurate velocity and diameter • Particle flame disturbes the analysis Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 8 Experiment Fuel analysis: High volatile bitiminous Analysis Proximate Moisture (as received) Volatile (TG) Fixed C (TG) Ash (815 C) Ash (TG) CO2 (TG) C (TG) Ultimate C H N S Cl O (Calculated) Department of Energy and Process Engineering Unit wt-% wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry Coal USA 2.1 30.8 50.2 8.1 7.3 5.9 1.6 wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry wt-% dry 66.6 4.2 1.05 0.52 0.0013 19.5 Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 9 Experiment Temperature profile along length of reactor Temperature profiles 700°C Temperature [°C] 1000 800 600 Average Temp Wall 400 Temp.gas 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Reactor length [cm] Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 10 Results RESULTS • Pyrolysis • Mass loss in function of temperature and size • Char combustion • Temperature in function of oxygen concentration • Temperature in function of the gas temperature Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 11 Results Pyrolysis: Mass loss in function of temperature and size USA COAL Reactor length 15 cm 60% 100-125 m 40% 180-200 m 20% 0% 700°C 850°C Vo latile M at ter (w t% m f) Vo latile M atter (w t% m f) USA COAL Reactor length 60 cm 60% 40% 100-125 m 20% 180-200 m 0% 1000°C 700°C Tem perature (°C) 1000°C Temperature (°C) Volatile matter of USA coal as a function of gas temperature and particle size Department of Energy and Process Engineering 850°C Volatile matter of USA coal as a function of gas temperature and particle size Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 12 Results Char combustion: Particle surface temperature and diameter in function of oxygen concentration USA coal char, Tg: 850°C, 100-125 m Department of Energy and Process Engineering USA coal char, Tg: 850°C, 100-125 m Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 13 Results USA Coal 100-125 µm Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 14 Results Char USA coal 100-125 µm 850 ° C Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 15 Results Char combustion: Particle temperature and diameter of individual coal char at different oxygen concentration. Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 16 Results Velocity distribution of coal char by two colour pyrometer an CCD. (Dp = 100-125 m, Tp = 1123 K and O2 = 3 vol-% in CO2) Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 17 Results Char combustion: Particle surface temperature in function of oxygen concentration in nitrogen and carbon dioxide Gas Temperature: 1273K and particle size: 180-200 m Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 18 Results Char Combustion: Particle surface temperature in function of time P arti cle Tempera ture 2600 3 vol% O2/N2 Measured 2400 12 vol% O2/N2 Measured Tp [K] 2200 30 vol% O2/N2 Measured 2000 30 vol% O2/CO2 Measured 1800 3 vol% O2/N2 12 vol% O2/N2 1600 30 vol% O2/N2 1400 30 vol% O2/CO2 1200 1000 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 time [s] Char USA Coal , 100-125 µm, Tg: 850°C Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 19 Results Char Combustion: Mass loss in function of time Mass Loss 100 90 Mass Loss [%] 80 70 3 vol-% O2 in N2 60 12 vol-% O2 in N2 50 30 vol-% O2 in N2 40 30 vol-% O2 in CO2 3 vol-% O2 in N2 Measured 30 12 vol-% O2 in N2 Measured 20 30 vol-% O2 in N2 Measured 10 30 vol-% O2 in CO2 Measured 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 tim e [s] USA Coal Char , 100-125 µm, Tg: 850°C Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 20 Conclusion Device • Experimental equipment is now working Experiments • • • The oxygen concentration has more effect on the particle surface temperature and diameter that the gas temperature. The Carbon dioxide has a cooling effect on the burning particle. Char combustion model (data) • Particle sphericity • Measurements errors Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 21 Future plans • Coal combustion mass loss • Moving to smaller particle size (chemical kinetics) Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 22 Acknowledgements TEKES, VTT, Metso Power Oy, Fortum Oy, PVO Oy and Foster Wheeler Energy Oy. Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009 23 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!! QUESTIONS? Department of Energy and Process Engineering Milena Rodriguez – Combustion at Different Oxygen Content 4.2.2009