UNCTAD/LDC/2006 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Geneva THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES REPORT, 2006 Annex UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2006 Statistical Annex BASIC DATA ON THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES The Statistical Annex has been prepared using the same data sources as recent Least Developed Countries Reports. This is to ensure continuity. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 307 Contents Page Explanatory notes ............................................................................................................................................... 308 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 309 Tables 1. Per capita GDP and population: Levels and growth ................................................................................ 311 2. Real GDP, total and per capita: Annual average growth rates ................................................................. 312 3. Agricultural production, total and per capita: Annual average growth rates ............................................. 313 4. Food production, total and per capita: Annual average growth rates ....................................................... 314 5. The manufacturing sector: Annual average growth rates and shares in GDP ........................................... 315 6. Gross capital formation: Annual average growth rates and shares in GDP ............................................... 316 7. Indicators on area and population .......................................................................................................... 317 8. Indicators on demography ...................................................................................................................... 318 9. Indicators on health ................................................................................................................................ 319 10. Indicators on nutrition and sanitation ..................................................................................................... 320 11. Indicators on education and literacy ....................................................................................................... 321 12. Indicators on communications and media .............................................................................................. 322 13. Indicators on transport and transport networks ....................................................................................... 323 14. Indicators on energy and the environment ............................................................................................. 324 15. Indicators on the status of women in LDCs ............................................................................................. 325 16. LDCs' refugees population, by country or territory of asylum, end-2004 ................................................. 326 17. Leading exports of all LDCs in 2002–2003 ............................................................................................. 327 18. Main markets for exports of LDCs: Percentage shares in 2004 (or latest year available) ........................... 328 19. Main sources of imports of LDCs: Percentage shares in 2004(or latest year available) ............................. 329 20. Composition of total financial flows to all LDCs in current and in constant dollars .................................. 330 21. Distribution of financial flows to LDCs and to all developing countries, by type of flow .......................... 331 22. Share of LDCs in financial flows to all developing countries, by type of flow ........................................... 332 23. Net ODA from individual DAC member countries to LDCs as a group ................................................... 333 24. Bilateral ODA from DAC member countries and total financial flows from multilateral agencies to all LDCs ............................................................................................................. 334 25. ODA to LDCs from DAC member countries and multilateral agencies mainly financed by them: Distribution by donor and shares allocated to LDCs in total ODA flows to all developing countries ........................................................................................ 335 26. Total financial flows and ODA from all sources to individual LDCs ......................................................... 336 27. ODA from DAC member countries and multilateral agencies mainly financed by them, to individual LDCs .................................................................................................................................. 337 28. Foreign direct investment: inflow to and outflow from LDCs .................................................................. 338 29. External debt (at year end) and debt service, by source of lending .......................................................... 339 30. Total external debt and debt service payments of individual LDCs ......................................................... 340 31. Debt and debt service ratios ................................................................................................................... 341 32. LDCs’ debt reschedulings with official creditors, 1990–2005 .................................................................. 342 33. Arrangements in support of structural adjustment in LDCs ...................................................................... 344 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 308 Explanatory Notes Definition of country groupings Least developed countries The United Nations has designated 50 countries as least developed: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Timor-Leste (as of December 2003), Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu, Yemen and Zambia. Major economic areas The classification of countries and territories according to main economic areas used in this document has been adopted for purposes of statistical convenience only and follows that in the UNCTAD Handbook of International Trade and Development Statistics 2005.1 Countries and territories are classified according to main economic areas as follows: Developed market economy countries: Andorra, Australia, Canada, the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom), Faeroe Islands, Gibraltar, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the United States. South-East Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Developing countries and territories: All other countries, territories and areas in Africa, Asia, America, Europe and Oceania not specified above. Other country groupings DAC member countries: The countries members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. OPEC member countries: The countries members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Kuwait, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Other notes Calculation of annual average growth rates. In general, they are defined as the coefficient b in the exponential trend function yt = aebt where t stands for time. This method takes all observations in a period into account. Therefore, the resulting growth rates reflect trends that are not unduly influenced by exceptional values. Population growth rates are calculated as exponential growth rates. The term “dollars” ($) refers to United States dollars, unless otherwise stated. Details and percentages in tables do not necessarily add to totals because of rounding. The following symbols have been used: A hyphen (-) indicates that the item is not applicable. Two dots (..) indicate that the data are not available or are not separately reported. A zero (0) means that the amount is nil or negligible. Use of a dash (–) between dates representing years, e.g. 1980–1990, signifies the full period involved, including the initial and final years. 1 United Nations Publication, Sales No. E/F.05.II.D.29. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries Abbreviations ACBF ADF AfDB AFESD AsDB BADEA BDEAC BITS BOAD CCCE CEC CIDA CIS DAC DANIDA DCD ECA EDF EEC ESAF ESCAP EU FAC FAO GDP GNI GTZ IBRD IDA IDB IFAD ILO IMF IRF IRU IsDB ITU KFAED KfW LDC ODA OECD OECF OPEC PRGF SAF SDC SDR SFD SITC UNDP UNESCO UNFPA African Capacity Building Foundation African Development Fund African Development Bank Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development Asian Development Bank Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Banque de Développement des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale Swedish Agency for International Technical and Economic Cooperation West African Development Bank Caisse centrale de coopération économique Commission of the European Communities Canadian International Development Agency Commonwealth of Independent States Development Assistance Committee Danish International Development Agency Development Cooperation Department Economic Commission for Africa European Development Fund European Economic Community Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific European Union Fonds d’aide et de coopération Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations gross domestic product gross national income German Technical Assistance Corporation International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association Inter-American Development Bank International Fund for Agricultural Development International Labour Organization International Monetary Fund International Road Federation International Road Transport Union Islamic Development Bank International Telecommunication Union Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau least developed country official development assistance Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Structural Adjustment Facility Swiss Development Corporation special drawing rights Saudi Fund for Development Standard International Trade Classification (Revision I) United Nations Development Programme United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Population Fund 309 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 310 UNHCR UNICEF UNTA USAID WFP WHO United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations Children’s Fund United Nations Technical Assistance United States Agency for International Development World Food Programme World Health Organization Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 1. PER Country CAPITA GDP Per capita GDP (In 2004 dollars) 311 AND POPULATION : LEVELS AND GROWTH Annual average growth rates of per capita real GDP (%) Level (Millions) Population Annual average growth rates (%) 1980–1990 1990–2000 2000–2004 2004 1980–1990 1990–2000 2000–2004 1980 1990 2004 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao PDR Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalub Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia .. 1 398 246 445 285 291 109 .. .. 456 258 579 337 .. .. .. .. 273 .. 192 807 550 .. 436 814 360 159 .. 345 384 188 .. 152 359 234 1 694 564 278 493 .. 348 .. 488 .. .. .. 1 439 .. 629 .. 1 304 280 415 476 311 123 .. 1 263 392 328 567 272 1 178 1 127 .. 97 271 341 244 615 482 254 543 222 285 129 .. 287 359 172 .. 191 260 209 1 605 375 572 241 677 .. 341 .. 381 .. 160 239 1 457 538 505 .. 1 298 408 498 751 376 90 333 1 915 334 454 472 118 851 6 572 219 107 281 381 182 421 636 416 765 138 241 144 2 345 371 455 286 .. 252 228 208 1 978 407 673 202 519 .. 551 382 344 .. 246 288 1 526 631 469 .. 0.4 1.3 -0.9 5.4 0.9 1.1 .. 3.7 -1.1 3.3 -0.3 -1.4 -6.7 -0.7 .. -1.1b -0.1 1.6 1.5 -2.5 -1.2 1.1 2.3 -8.3 -1.7 -1.9 .. -1.6 -0.5 -1.0 .. 2.2 -3.2 -1.3 0.6 -0.6 0.1 -1.9 3.2 .. All LDCs All developing countries Developed market economy countries South-East Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States 343 964 297 1 079 .. -1.9 .. -0.7 1.9 -0.3 .. -2.2 .. -1.1 2.6 1.4 3.4 1.2 -3.8 4.2 3.5 -0.3 -1.1 -1.6 -7.5 -3.7 18.4 3.8a 1.1 -0.5 1.2 -1.8 -2.9 3.2 3.9 2.6 -0.2 -1.0 1.8 5.6 1.3 1.7 3.2 .. 2.4 -1.0 -1.4 1.7 0.0 0.9 -5.9 -0.4 .. 3.0 -12.2 0.4 .. 3.8 0.1 1.1 1.9 -1.9 .. 5.1 3.1 1.2 3.6 1.9 -0.2 3.5 2.3 -2.7 10.3 -0.5 0.7 0.6 9.3 -1.2 1.2 0.8 0.7 -4.1 -2.4 -0.3 3.3 3.1 -9.6 -1.9 -0.5 4.1 3.2 2.2 6.3 .. 0.4 0.6 2.6 1.0 1.9 2.1 11.0 -2.8 .. 4.0 -5.7 -0.2 .. 2.3 4.7 -2.7 0.4 2.6 28.6 15.5 139.2 8.2 0.9 12.8 7.3 13.8 0.5 4.0 9.4 0.8 55.9 0.8 0.5 4.2 75.6 1.5 9.2 1.5 8.4 0.1 5.8 1.8 3.2 18.1 12.6 0.3 13.1 3.0 19.4 50.0 26.6 13.5 8.9 0.2 0.2 11.4 5.3 0.5 8.0 35.5 0.9 6.0 0.0 27.8 37.6 0.2 20.3 11.5 -0.8 3.0 2.4 3.4 2.1 2.6 3.3 4.1 2.1 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.0 5.2 5.0 2.6 3.3 3.7 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.1 1.4 2.9 4.6 3.2 2.5 2.3 0.9 1.9 2.3 3.2 3.5 0.4 2.2 3.0 2.4 3.3 0.1 2.7 2.6 3.7 1.6 3.5 3.3 2.4 3.9 3.3 5.0 2.8 2.2 3.3 3.0 2.8 1.2 2.7 2.4 2.4 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.4 2.5 1.5 3.0 3.5 3.1 3.0 1.4 2.2 2.5 1.2 4.1 3.0 1.9 3.0 2.7 2.7 3.0 1.6 2.5 3.4 1.2 1.0 1.8 2.6 0.8 2.8 0.4 2.4 -0.5 3.1 0.8 3.2 2.9 2.5 4.0 2.5 4.8 2.9 1.9 3.2 2.7 3.2 2.9 2.0 2.4 1.3 3.6 2.7 2.8 2.2 2.3 4.5 2.5 2.9 2.2 3.0 1.4 2.1 2.3 0.1 1.3 2.8 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.2 2.1 3.5 2.5 0.9 2.3 2.4 4.4 2.7 3.2 1.9 5.4 2.8 0.5 3.4 2.0 2.0 3.2 1.8 349 1 604 -0.1 1.1 0.9 3.1 2.5 2.0 740.4 5100.7 2.6 2.1 2.6 1.7 2.4 1.5 21 543 25 621 32 732 2.6 1.9 1.3 956.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 .. -4.0 6.6 331.9 0.8 -0.1 -0.3 .. 3 336 2 793 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, online data. Note: GDP per capita data are based on World Bank data on GDP and population data are based on United Nations/DESA/Population Division. Data for Ethiopia prior to 1992 include Eritrea. Population data for Bhutan is from national sources. 1993–2000. Population 10,466 and area 26 km2. a b The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 312 2. REAL GDP, TOTAL AND PER CAPITA : ANNUAL AVERAGE GROWTH RATES (Percentage) Country Real GDP 1980– 1990 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia All LDCs All developing countries Developed market economy countries South-East Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States Source: a 1990– 2000– 2000 2004 .. .. .. 3.4 1.6 8.1 3.7 4.8 5.1 2.5 4.8 4.5 7.6 6.5 6.4 3.6 4.0 5.2 4.4 -2.6 2.7 .. 6.7 5.6 5.9 6.0 4.7 1.4 2.0 -1.4 6.1 1.9 14.3 2.8 1.3 2.2 1.6 -4.9 3.5 -0.7 -1.4 2.8 1.5 21.3 11.8 .. 4.3a 3.3 b 2.2 4.2 3.7 3.6 3.0 3.8 4.6 4.4 2.9 4.0 1.2 -1.2 -0.2 -1.5 -1.0 1.5 5.5 1.8 3.8 6.5 5.7 4.5 3.9 3.3 -7.0 3.9 -8.4 1.1 2.0 0.9 2.5 3.7 1.8 .. .. 6.7 0.8 4.1 6.3 1.8 4.4 5.3 -0.1 6.4 8.5 .. .. .. 4.6 4.9 2.6 -0.1 2.4 4.1 2.2 -0.3 5.1 1.0 2.7 1.9 1.8 1.8 4.3 3.1 3.6 4.6 0.5 -5.1 15.8 6.6 2.4 -0.1 .. .. .. 2.3 5.4 6.0 .. .. -0.6 1.7 3.5 2.6 .. .. .. 2.9 7.1 5.8 5.4 2.9 6.8 2.1 3.7 -0.7 .. 6.0 3.6 1.0 0.5 4.4 2001 2002 Real GDP per capita 2003 2004 1980– 1990 .. 3.1 5.3 5.0 7.0 5.9 3.2 5.6 3.8 1.5 9.9 2.3 -2.0 1.9 1.5 9.2 8.8 5.8 3.8 0.2 -1.1 1.8 5.8 3.2 4.9 6.0 -5.0 3.3 12.1 2.8 13.0 .. 5.5 7.1 6.7 6.2 4.0 5.6 18.2 -9.0 .. 6.1 16.5 -0.2 .. 6.1 6.2 -2.7 4.6 4.9 .. 14.4 4.4 6.0 6.7 4.4 4.5 5.5 4.6 -0.8 9.9 2.3 3.5 2.6 17.6 0.7 1.9 -3.2 4.2 -7.2 -0.5 1.0 5.8 3.5 3.3 -12.7 2.7 6.1 4.2 3.2 7.4 .. -0.6 3.0 9.4 1.2 4.1 1.1 27.4 -1.6 .. 6.0 -6.7 4.1 .. 6.8 7.2 -4.9 3.9 3.3 .. 3.4 5.3 3.9 6.7 6.5 -1.2 5.3 5.0 -5.4 11.3 2.1 5.6 3.5 14.7 3.0 -3.7 6.7 1.2 0.6 0.4 2.5 5.3 3.3 -31.0 9.8 4.4 8.4 7.4 8.3 7.1 .. 3.1 5.3 1.0 -1.0 4.5 6.5 9.2 5.1 .. 6.0 -6.2 2.7 .. 4.7 7.1 2.4 3.1 5.1 .. 11.2 5.5 2.7 4.9 3.9 5.5 6.0 5.5 0.9 31.0 1.9 6.3 3.0 10.0 1.8 13.4 8.3 2.6 4.3 -3.8 1.8 6.0 3.0 2.0 5.3 3.8 8.8 2.2 6.6 7.8 .. 3.7 0.9 3.7 3.2 4.5 6.0 7.4 3.8 .. 6.0 1.8 3.0 .. 5.7 6.3 3.0 2.7 4.6 .. 0.4 1.3 -0.9 5.4 0.9 1.1 .. 3.7 -1.1 3.3 -0.3 -1.4 -6.7 -0.7 .. -1.1b -0.1 1.6 1.5 -2.5 -1.2 1.1 2.3 -8.3 -1.7 -1.9 .. -1.6 -0.5 -1.0 .. 2.2 -3.2 -1.3 0.6 -0.6 0.1 -1.9 3.2 .. 1990– 2000– 2000 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 .. -1.9 .. -0.7 1.9 -0.3 .. -2.2 .. -1.1 2.6 1.4 3.4 1.2 -3.8 4.2 3.5 -0.3 -1.1 -1.6 -7.5 -3.7 18.4 3.8a 1.1 -0.5 1.2 -1.8 -2.9 3.2 3.9 2.6 -0.2 -1.0 1.8 5.6 1.3 1.7 3.2 .. 2.4 -1.0 -1.4 1.7 0.0 0.9 -5.9 -0.4 .. 3.0 -12.2 0.4 .. 3.8 0.1 1.1 1.9 -1.9 .. 5.1 3.1 1.2 3.6 1.9 -0.2 3.5 2.3 -2.7 10.3 -0.5 0.7 0.6 9.3 -1.2 1.2 0.8 0.7 -4.1 -2.4 -0.3 3.3 3.1 -9.6 -1.9 -0.5 4.1 3.2 2.2 6.3 .. 0.4 0.6 2.6 1.0 1.9 2.1 11.0 -2.8 .. 4.0 -5.7 -0.2 .. 2.3 4.7 -2.7 0.4 2.6 .. 0.4 3.2 1.8 4.0 2.7 0.9 3.4 1.4 0.0 6.2 -0.4 -4.4 -0.7 -0.9 4.8 6.1 2.6 1.6 -2.7 -2.5 -0.3 3.3 2.7 1.7 3.0 -7.3 0.6 8.9 -0.2 10.6 .. 3.2 3.5 2.2 5.2 1.8 3.0 13.8 -11.5 .. 4.0 14.0 -3.1 .. 2.7 4.1 -4.6 1.3 2.9 .. 11.2 2.4 2.7 3.8 1.1 1.7 3.4 2.2 -2.1 6.0 -0.4 0.8 0.3 14.9 -3.7 -0.6 -6.0 2.0 -9.9 -1.9 -1.1 3.4 3.3 1.8 -15.1 0.3 3.4 1.1 0.1 5.2 .. -2.7 -0.5 6.5 0.3 1.8 -1.3 21.9 -4.2 .. 4.0 -11.1 1.3 .. 3.3 5.1 -6.8 0.7 1.5 .. 0.5 3.3 0.6 3.9 3.1 -4.3 3.3 2.5 -6.6 7.4 -0.6 2.6 1.5 12.1 -1.5 -6.0 3.7 -1.0 -2.4 -1.0 0.4 2.9 3.3 -31.3 6.8 2.1 5.7 4.3 5.1 5.0 .. 1.0 1.8 -0.7 -1.8 2.1 3.9 4.4 2.4 .. 4.0 -12.1 0.0 .. 1.2 5.0 0.4 0.0 3.3 .. 8.0 3.5 -0.5 2.3 0.6 1.9 4.0 3.1 -0.4 26.6 -0.7 3.2 1.1 7.5 -2.5 10.7 5.4 0.4 1.2 -5.2 -0.2 3.6 3.2 1.4 2.4 1.6 6.1 -0.8 3.5 5.7 .. 1.6 -2.4 2.2 2.4 2.1 3.5 3.0 1.1 .. 4.0 -5.0 0.4 .. 2.1 4.3 1.0 -0.5 2.9 2.6 3.5 3.6 4.9 5.0 3.4 5.2 2.5 4.6 2.3 4.6 3.7 5.9 5.5 -0.1 1.1 0.9 3.1 2.5 2.0 2.7 1.1 2.1 1.0 2.1 2.2 3.4 4.1 3.3 2.6 1.9 1 1.3 2.2 3.3 2.6 1.9 1.3 0.4 0.7 1.6 2.7 .. -3.9 6.4 5.8 5.1 7.1 7.8 .. -4.0 6.6 6.1 5.4 7.4 8.1 World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, online data; United Nations/DESA/Population Division. 1993–2000. b Data for Ethiopia prior to 1992 include Eritrea. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 3. AGRICULTURAL Country 313 PRODUCTION , TOTAL AND PER CAPITA : Percentage share of agriculture in: Total labour force ANNUAL AVERAGE GROWTH RATES Annual average growth rates (%) GDP Annual average growth rates (%) Total agricultural production* 1990 2002 1990 2004 1990–1994 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao Peoples. Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda Utd. Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 70 75 65 64 94 92 92 74 31 80 83 78 68 82 75 80 86 82 87 85 68 30 78 41 72 78 87 33 86 55 83 73 94 90 92 42 71 77 67 77 75 69 .. 66 33 85 84 43 60 74 66 71 54 52 94 92 90 69 22 71 73 73 62 78 69 77 82 78 83 82 61 26 76 39 67 73 82 21 80 52 81 70 93 87 90 33 63 73 61 72 70 59 .. 59 25 79 80 35 48 68 .. 18 30 36 43 28 56 47c 14 48 29 39 30 3 62 22c 49 29 24 61 33e 19 61 24 .. 29 45 .. 46 30 37 57 52 35 33 .. 28 20 32 .. 65 43e 41f 34 .. 57 46 21 24 21 52a 9b 21 36 33b 31 51 36 7 61b 61 41b 58a 4d 7b 15 46 32 25 71 28a 14a 49b 16 .. 29 39 .. 38b 19 26b 57d 40 40b 42b 16 17 53 .. .. 39a 26d 41 .. 32 45b 15d 15 21 .. 4.9 0.1 6.3 1.8 5.8 -2.2 0.7 0.4 2.5 1.5 2.7 1.3 -4.9 -2.4 35.8 1.1 0.9 5.0 1.4 -2.0 4.8 2.0 3.4 -5.3 1.1 -0.8 3.7 2.6 -1.1 -3.4 6.7 1.0 3.0 -12.9 -3.5 9.8 1.5 -1.1 3.0 .. 8.2 5.4 4.0 .. 2.1 -1.0 -2.7 4.3 3.6 LDCs Developing countries 76 61 69 51 36 15 28b 11 1.6 3.7 2000–2004 Per capita agricultural production* 2002 2003 2004 1990–1994 2000–2004 .. 2.5 0.9 7.5 0.8 8.6 2.1 2.2 -1.4 0.3 3.9 1.1 -0.6 2.9 -1.7 -2.5 2.6 -11.0 2.9 1.9 -0.1 2.2 2.3 0.4 -0.6 1.5 -3.9 3.1 6.1 2.1 2.7 3.9 2.7 5.9 3.0 0.6 2.2 -5.0 4.8 8.5 .. 2.8 3.1 3.6 .. 2.2 1.6 -0.6 2.1 2.5 .. 0.2 2.2 9.3 -6.6 3.7 4.7 -4.3 -5.8 0.0 -1.1 -0.5 -0.9 3.3 -5.3 -22.1 2.6 -40.1 1.4 -1.8 2.4 1.6 8.4 -5.7 -2.5 -2.0 -25.6 9.4 -6.6 5.6 1.8 2.9 2.8 2.5 24.7 -0.4 1.2 -35.7 4.8 2.1 .. -3.2 7.4 10.8 .. 4.1 1.6 -9.3 -0.7 0.3 .. 2.0 3.0 15.2 5.1 6.3 -1.7 15.6 3.0 -2.1 -0.3 2.9 0.6 6.4 1.2 13.7 -2.8 9.8 3.3 2.5 1.7 0.5 -3.9 -1.2 0.1 1.9 9.9 0.2 15.6 2.4 3.1 6.6 4.9 7.8 -9.1 1.7 4.5 36.2 5.4 4.6 .. 9.6 -0.6 -0.5 .. -2.9 -0.8 4.7 -0.7 11.0 .. -1.1 -1.3 2.9 -1.7 0.7 -2.7 -7.5 -2.3 1.8 5.7 0.2 -0.7 0.0 0.0 -0.8 4.3 -3.8 2.4 5.2 -2.7 6.2 4.1 9.0 2.4 8.0 8.5 1.0 -1.1 0.5 0.0 -2.7 -0.7 -1.4 0.0 0.0 0.9 -0.8 -0.9 42.3 .. -3.6 3.6 1.4 .. 3.7 3.8 3.5 4.6 0.0 .. 1.8 -2.3 2.8 0.5 2.8 -3.8 -2.7 -1.9 -0.2 -1.3 -0.3 -2.3 -6.2 -4.8 35.3 -1.9 -2.6 1.2 -1.8 -3.6 3.1 -0.6 2.0 -4.4 -1.7 -1.9 0.7 -0.2 -3.5 -6.7 4.9 -1.4 -0.3 -6.8 -4.1 7.1 -1.0 -1.2 -0.2 .. 5.7 2.1 1.8 .. -1.0 -4.3 -5.4 -0.7 0.8 .. -0.7 -1.2 4.7 -2.2 5.5 -1.0 -0.2 -3.3 -1.0 0.9 -1.7 -3.4 1.2 -4.3 -6.0 0.1 -13.4 1.3 -1.1 -1.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 -4.7 -1.3 -5.8 0.1 3.0 -0.9 0.9 2.5 0.5 2.2 0.7 -0.3 -0.4 -7.3 0.7 5.4 .. 0.6 -1.0 1.2 .. -1.0 -0.4 -3.0 -1.5 1.2 2.3 3.2 1.2 2.7 4.0 4.1 -0.2 3.1 .. 1.8 .. 1.6 2002 2003 2004 .. -3.0 0.2 6.3 -9.5 0.6 1.6 -6.6 -7.7 -1.3 -4.1 -3.3 -3.6 1.4 -7.8 -24.9 0.1 -41.7 -0.1 -4.7 1.1 -0.7 6.0 -6.1 -6.7 -4.8 -27.1 6.2 -9.2 2.5 0.0 1.5 0.5 -1.2 21.6 -1.0 -1.4 -37.1 0.5 -0.8 .. -5.4 3.5 8.1 .. 0.9 -0.4 -11.5 -4.2 -0.9 .. -1.3 0.9 12.2 2.1 3.2 -4.9 12.9 0.9 -3.2 -3.1 0.1 -2.4 4.9 -1.5 9.6 -5.2 6.8 1.9 -0.6 0.3 -0.7 -6.1 -1.3 -3.7 -0.9 7.8 -2.6 12.1 -0.7 1.2 5.3 2.7 4.0 -10.4 0.5 2.0 32.9 1.0 1.5 .. 7.3 -5.6 -2.6 .. -6.0 -2.7 2.2 -4.1 9.8 .. -4.3 -3.3 0.2 -4.4 -2.1 -6.0 -9.7 -4.3 0.5 2.6 -2.6 -3.8 -1.3 -2.5 -4.4 1.8 -6.1 0.8 2.2 -3.9 5.1 1.7 9.0 -1.1 4.9 6.4 -2.1 -4.2 -2.5 -1.6 -4.0 -3.0 -4.9 -1.2 -1.1 -1.6 -3.2 -4.6 38.3 .. -5.7 -1.8 -0.8 .. 0.3 1.8 1.0 0.9 -1.1 .. 1.2 .. 2.5 .. 1.6 Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from FAO online data; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, CD-ROM, UNDP, Human Development Report 2005. Note: * base year 1999–2001. a 2002. b 2003. c 1993. d 2000. e 1996. f 1998. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 314 4. FOOD PRODUCTION , TOTAL AND PER CAPITA : Country 1990–1994 2000–2004 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Laos Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia LDCs Developing countries ANNUAL AVERAGE GROWTH RATES (Percentage) Total food productiona Net per capita food productiona 2002 2003 2004 1990–1994 2000–2004 .. 5.2 0.0 4.2 1.8 7.2 -2.4 0.5 0.4 3.2 2.6 2.7 1.5 -4.9 -1.8 36.4 0.3 0.5 5.0 1.6 -1.9 4.8 3.4 2.5 -4.9 1.3 -1.1 3.7 2.8 -1.1 -3.8 6.8 1.0 2.9 -12.5 -3.5 9.8 1.7 -1.3 3.0 .. 9.4 5.8 3.8 .. 1.7 -0.9 -2.7 4.2 3.5 .. 2.7 0.9 9.1 0.8 6.8 2.1 2.2 -1.4 1.3 3.9 1.1 -0.6 2.9 -1.9 -2.5 2.6 -11.1 3.8 1.8 -0.1 2.2 3.2 0.4 -1.5 1.5 -3.5 3.1 3.8 2.1 2.3 4.0 2.7 6.3 3.1 0.6 2.2 -5.6 4.9 8.5 .. 2.7 3.4 2.1 .. 2.0 1.2 -0.6 2.0 2.7 .. 0.4 2.5 6.1 -6.6 -1.5 2.5 -4.2 -5.8 1.3 -1.4 -0.5 -1.5 3.3 -5.9 -22.2 3.0 -40.2 3.9 -1.9 2.4 1.6 9.2 -6.0 -4.0 -1.4 -28.1 9.4 -1.4 5.6 1.7 3.0 2.9 2.4 25.9 -0.4 1.3 -36.3 5.0 2.1 .. -2.9 9.3 7.3 .. 3.6 2.9 -9.3 -0.7 0.2 .. 2.0 3.0 23.0 5.1 7.2 0.2 15.0 3.0 -0.2 3.3 2.9 1.0 6.4 1.3 13.9 -2.9 9.8 3.5 2.5 1.7 0.5 -2.7 -1.2 -0.2 1.5 12.0 0.2 9.4 2.4 2.9 6.6 4.9 8.7 -9.1 1.7 4.5 35.4 5.4 4.6 .. 9.4 -0.6 0.1 .. -2.4 -0.5 4.7 -0.8 12.3 .. -1.1 -1.4 3.2 -1.7 -4.6 -2.8 -7.7 -2.3 1.9 1.1 0.2 -0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.8 3.6 -3.8 2.5 5.4 -2.7 6.2 2.6 9.3 1.8 8.0 9.3 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.0 -2.9 -0.9 -1.3 -0.3 0.0 0.9 -0.9 -1.0 42.5 .. -4.1 4.2 -0.1 .. 3.3 1.1 3.6 4.8 0.0 .. 2.0 -2.4 0.8 0.5 4.2 -4.0 -2.9 -1.9 0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -2.2 -6.2 -4.2 35.7 -2.9 -2.9 1.2 -1.6 -3.5 3.1 0.8 1.1 -4.1 -1.5 -2.2 0.7 0.1 -3.5 -7.1 5.0 -1.3 -0.4 -6.3 -4.1 7.2 -0.9 -1.4 -0.2 .. 6.9 2.4 1.6 .. -1.4 -4.2 -5.4 -0.7 0.8 .. -0.6 -1.2 6.2 -2.2 3.7 -1.0 -0.2 -3.3 0.0 0.9 -1.7 -3.4 1.2 -4.5 -6.0 0.1 -13.5 2.2 -1.1 -1.4 0.6 0.9 0.2 -5.6 -1.3 -5.4 0.1 0.7 -0.9 0.5 2.6 0.5 2.5 0.8 -0.3 -0.4 -7.9 0.8 5.4 .. 0.4 -0.6 -0.3 .. -1.2 -0.7 -3.0 -1.5 1.4 1.7 4.0 2.3 3.1 1.4 2.8 4.1 4.3 -0.6 2.4 .. 2.1 .. 1.6 Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from FAO online data. a base year 1999-2001. 2002 2003 2004 .. .. .. -2.8 -1.3 -4.3 0.4 1.0 -3.4 3.3 19.7 0.5 -9.5 2.1 -4.6 -4.3 4.0 -7.3 -0.4 -3.1 -6.2 -6.4 12.3 -9.9 -7.7 0.9 -4.3 0.0 -1.4 0.6 -4.3 0.3 -2.0 -3.3 0.1 -2.6 -4.3 -2.0 -3.5 1.4 4.9 -1.3 -8.5 -1.4 -2.6 -25.1 9.7 -4.4 0.4 -5.2 1.1 -41.8 6.8 -6.1 2.5 2.0 0.9 -4.8 -0.5 2.2 1.0 0.4 -3.9 -0.7 -0.7 5.1 6.7 -4.9 0.4 -6.2 -1.4 9.4 -8.2 -4.0 -1.7 -4.1 -1.4 5.1 -29.6 10.0 7.2 6.2 -2.6 -2.1 -4.3 6.2 -2.2 2.5 -0.7 -2.5 -0.1 1.1 -1.6 1.5 5.4 -4.0 0.6 2.6 -3.0 -1.2 4.8 -4.8 22.8 -10.4 -1.4 -1.0 0.5 -1.1 -1.4 1.9 -1.5 -37.7 32.3 -3.3 0.9 1.0 -4.7 -0.8 1.5 38.4 .. .. .. -5.1 7.1 -6.1 5.1 -5.6 -1.1 4.7 -2.1 -2.3 .. .. .. 0.4 -5.5 -0.1 0.9 -2.4 -0.7 -11.5 2.2 1.1 -4.2 -4.3 1.3 -1.0 11.0 -1.1 .. 1.3 .. 2.7 .. 0.9 Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 5. THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR : ANNUAL 315 AVERAGE GROWTH RATES AND SHARES IN GDP (Percentage) Country Share in GDP Annual average growth rates 1980 1990 2004 1980– 1990 1990– 2000 2000– 2004 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Republic of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Republic Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia .. 10b 14 8 3 15 7 .. 7i 7 11l 4 14 .. .. .. 8 6 .. 14i .. 2 .. 8 .. 11b 14 .. 7 13b .. 10 4 4 15 .. 9i 11 5 .. 5 7 .. 8 .. 4 .. 4 .. 18 .. 5 13 8 8 15 13 9f 8 11 14 4 11 5 2f 9f 8 7 5 8 .. 1 10 14 .. 11 19 .. 9 10 10 8 6 7 18 .. 5 13 5 .. 5 .. .. 10 .. 6 9 5 9 36 18a 4c 16 9 8c 14 9e 22c 1 9k 7 4c 4a 3k .. 11 .. 5 4 9 .. 1a 19a 20a .. 15 10 .. 3c 9 15a 7k 9 7c 11 .. 4 13 5 .. .. 9a 3p 9 .. 9 7c 4p 5 12c .. -11.1d 5.2 5.1 13.0 2.0 .. .. 8.6j 5.0 .. 4.9 .. .. .. .. .. 7.8 .. 9.2 -1.7 -10.7 8.7d 9.8 .. 2.4m 3.6 .. 6.8 -2.1d .. .. 9.3 -2.7d 2.6 .. 0.5j 4.6 .. .. .. 4.8 .. 1.7 .. 3.9m .. 12.2m .. 4.1 .. -0.3 7.2 5.8 6.5 1.6 .. 17.9g 4.8 -0.2 .. 1.7 .. -7.3 .. 8.2g .. 0.9 4.0 -2.0 -8.4 8.9 11.7 6.6 .. 2.0 0.5 .. -1.4 -1.3 19.1o .. 8.9 2.6 -6.0 -2.6o 1.4 4.0 .. .. .. 4.4 -26.0 1.8 .. 14.1 2.7 2.3 3.7 0.8 .. 11.3 6.5 5.9 5.8h 2.2h .. 13.9h 4.7 4.0h .. 1.3 .. .. .. 6.6 .. 4.2 2.0 14.6 -3.3 7.3 10.7h 5.8 .. 1.4 -2.1 .. 5.3 5.9n 12.2 .. -2.5h 3.9h 5.8 5.8h 2.9h 5.3 .. .. .. -7.5q 6.9n 7.6 .. 5.0 7.6 -8.5n 2.5 5.8 All LDCs 11 11 12c 2.9 4.8 5.4h 2001 2002 2003 2004 .. 9.8 6.7 9.0 9.3 8.1 .. 14.2 4.7 4.0 .. 4.1 .. .. .. 8.0 .. 2.7 5.5 5.9 -9.6 18.6 12.1 7.9 .. 10.7 -14.2 .. -14.0 5.9 27.2 .. 3.8 3.4 7.8 12.2 2.7 5.1 .. .. .. -16.2 6.9 6.5 .. 7.0 5.0 -8.5 3.3 4.2 .. 10.2 5.5 5.5 0.3 -0.3 .. 15.1 4.7 4.0 .. -0.6 .. .. .. 10.0 .. 4.5 6.0 14.4 1.6 -3.0 13.0 6.9 .. -18.3 -0.2 .. 22.7 .. 4.0 .. -10.0 3.3 5.0 -0.9 3.0 10.1 .. .. .. 2.1 .. 10.6 .. 5.3 8.0 .. 4.8 5.7 .. 12.1 6.7 4.6 10.1 0.0 .. 12.0 4.7 4.0 .. 1.4 .. .. .. 5.5 .. 4.7 -4.0 27.5 0.5 .. 6.3 5.2 .. 15.3 0.8 .. -5.5 .. 12.8 .. 2.0 5.0 5.2 8.8 3.0 0.3 .. .. .. .. .. 6.3 .. 4.0 8.6 .. -2.0 7.6 .. 13.5 7.4 5.4 .. .. .. .. 4.7 .. .. 1.0 .. .. .. 2.0 .. 4.7 2.0 6.0 -9.3 .. .. 3.0 .. 6.1 4.0 .. 20.9 .. 10.0 .. .. .. 5.8 .. .. 5.9 .. .. .. .. .. 6.6 .. 4.0 8.0 .. 5.3 5.1 5.2 4.8 6.3 .. Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from the World Bank , World Development Indicators 2005, online data. a 2002. b 1985. c 2003. d 1985-1990. e 1999. f 1993. g 1993-2000. h 2000-2003. i 1986. j 19861990. k 2000. l 1983. m 1983-1990. n 2000-2001. o 1994-2000. p 2001. q 2000-2002. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 316 6. GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION : ANNUAL AVERAGE GROWTH RATES AND SHARES IN GDP (Percentage) Country Share in GDP 1980 1990 2004 Annual average growth rates 1980- 1990- 2000- 1990 2000 2004 .. .. 7.2 -5.3 .. 8.6 6.9 .. -4.7g .. .. 7.5 6.4 .. 7.7 4.8c 13.2 7.7 .. 12.8 -2.4 -4.1c .. .. -13.5 10.8 2.3 -7.7 -8.6 -0.5 .. .. -7.1 .. 12.0 -6.0 1.9c 4.7 .. 12.7 .. .. .. 0.4 .. .. 10.0 .. .. .. 19.5 .. 5.8 .. 6.2 9.6 .. 6.6 7.4 8.1 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao PDR Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep.Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia .. 18a 14 15 31 15 14 9d 33f 7 3 33 10 .. .. .. 13l 27 15f 28 17 33 7a 29 .. 15 25 .. 16 26 8 22 18 28 16 .. 17 12 16 36 42 15 .. 28 .. 6 .. 26a .. 23 .. 12 17 14 32 18 15 8 23 12 7 19 9 8i 17 8k 12 22 18 30 13 93 26i 53 .. 17 23 31i 23 20 22 13 18 8 15 .. 16 14 10 29 16 .. .. 27 .. 13 26 35 15 17 .. 12 23 20 53b 19 11 23 22 7 25 11 18 13j .. 22 20 24 11 12 23 .. 19 41 14 24 11 26b 20 17b 22 12j 24b 16 21 .. 33 21 20 .. .. 20 27 18 .. 22 19 .. 17 25 19.0h -4.2 -5.1 .. .. .. 4.7m 0.0 3.3g 12.9 -0.6 .. .. 5.0 .. 4.9 -2.8 .. 3.6 6.9 3.8 .. .. .. 4.3 .. -0.8g 5.2 .. .. .. -1.8 .. 2.7 .. 8.0p .. .. .. -4.3 .. .. 9.2 12.2 .. 7.0 0.4 11.2e 0.2 .. 4.4 -4.1 2.6 .. .. 19.1 6.4 1.9 2.8 -6.5 7.7 .. .. 1.5 .. 3.4 -8.0 9.2n 0.4 8.6 11.4 .. .. .. 1.4 .. 0.7 7.6 .. .. .. 0.2o .. -0.1 .. 8.9 -1.6 .. 10.9 5.4 All LDCs 16 16 21 3.0g 6.1 2001 2002 2003 2004 .. .. 5.8 6.4 .. 10.5 2.8 19.4 -3.6 .. 102.0 4.4 -12.1 .. .. -2.5 15.8 3.2 5.6 -1.6 -2.1 .. .. -4.0 .. 22.6 -87.4 8.6 55.4 13.8 0.9 .. .. .. 1.6 .. -28.5 5.2 .. .. .. 6.9 .. 2.8 .. -6.0 5.8 .. 4.2 15.9 .. .. 8.2 -1.5 .. 10.6 6.9 10.5 19.5 .. 56.7 6.3 4.7 .. .. -12.4 13.3 1.0 -2.2 -43.3 -3.9 .. .. -11.6 .. -31.4 -15.9 -4.4 -28.2 .. 12.2 .. .. .. -11.3 .. .. 5.4 .. .. .. 25.6 .. 7.7 .. 9.9 17.8 .. 0.0 10.7 .. .. 7.9 12.2 .. 1.1 .. 19.5 1.5 .. -16.6 -2.0 .. .. .. -26.7 2.4 0.0 -21.9 2.7 24.9 .. .. -6.0 .. 33.8 -1.7 .. 35.2 .. 19.1 .. .. .. 2.8 .. .. 16.4 .. .. .. 21.7 .. 5.0 .. 10.0 4.6 .. 11.2 12.8 .. .. 7.7 10.3 .. 10.8 .. 2.8 12.8 .. -39.5 -9.4 .. .. .. -3.4 15.4 6.9 -5.1 21.8 -21.4 .. .. -4.7 .. 63.8 -0.6 .. -15.2 .. -5.9 .. .. .. 14.0 .. .. 12.4 .. .. .. 20.5 .. 7.6 .. 8.1 9.1 .. 13.0 -11.8 8.4 7.3 9.5 6.8 Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, online. a 1985. b 2002. c 2000-2002. d 1988. e 1993-2000. f 1986. g 1986-1990. h 1983-1990. i 1995. j 2000. k 1992. l 1981. m 1981-1990. n 1995-2000. o 1996-2000. p 1982-1990. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 7. INDICATORS Country All LDCs All developing countries ON AREA AND POPULATION Area Total Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Republic Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalub Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 317 Population % of arable land % of and land under land area permanent covered crops by forests (000 km2) 2004 2002 652.1 1 246.7 144.0 112.6 47.0 274.0 27.8 181.0 4.0 623.0 1 284.0 2.2 2 344.9 23.2 28.1 117.6 1 104.3 11.3 245.9 36.1 27.8 0.7 236.8 30.4 111.4 587.0 118.5 0.3 1 240.2 1 025.5 801.6 676.6 147.2 1 267.0 26.3 2.8 1.0 196.7 71.7 28.9 637.7 2 505.8 14.9 56.8 0.0 241.0 883.7 12.2 528.0 752.6 12.4 2.6 58.5 25.0 3.5 16.1 48.5 21 11.2 3.2 2.8 59.2 3.3 0.1 8.2 4.3 9.7 22.6 6.3 15.2 39.6 53.4 4.2 11.0 5.4 6.0 20.6 40.0 3.8 0.5 5.5 15.7 22.4 3.6 52.6 45.4 56.3 12.7 8.4 2.6 1.7 6.6 9.2 46.3 .. 29.9 5.4 9.8 3.2 7.0 20 740.9 80 828.5 6.8 11.5 Density Total Activity ratea % Urban Pop./km2 2004 (millions) 2004 % 2004 M F 2002 T 2.1 56.0 10.2 24.0 64.2 25.9 3.7 52.9 21.1 36.8 10.1 4.3 59.6 0.3 62.5 13.5 4.2 48.1 28.2 60.5 3.2 38.4 54.4 0.5 31.3 20.2 27.2 3.3 10.8 0.3 39.0 52.3 27.3 1.0 12.4 37.2 28.3 32.2 14.7 88.8 12.0 25.9 34.3 9.4 .. 21 43.9 36.7 0.9 42.0 44 12 967 73 19 47 262 76 123 6 7 348 24 34 18 36 68 131 37 43 303 134 24 59 29 31 106 1078 11 3 24 74 181 11 337 65 159 58 74 16 12 14 60 105 400 115 43 17 39 15 28.6 15.5 139.2 8.2 0.9 12.8 7.3 13.8 0.5 4.0 9.4 0.8 55.9 0.8 0.5 4.2 75.6 1.5 9.2 1.5 8.4 0.1 5.8 1.8 3.2 18.1 12.6 0.3 13.1 3.0 19.4 50.0 26.6 13.5 8.9 0.2 0.2 11.4 5.3 0.5 8.0 35.5 0.9 6.0 0.0 27.8 37.6 0.2 20.3 11.5 24 36 25 45 9 18 10 19 57 43 25 36 32 84 49 20 16 26 35 35 38 47 21 18 47 27 17 29 33 63 37 30 15 23 20 22 38 50 40 17 35 40 8 36 55 12 36 23 26 36 88 90 87 83 91 90 94 86 90 87 90 86 85 .. 91 87 86 90 87 91 82 .. 90 85 83 89 87 86 90 87 91 90 86 93 94 .. .. 87 85 89 87 86 .. 87 .. 91 88 .. 84 87 50 75 56 76 60 78 86 85 50 68 70 64 63 .. 48 77 59 70 80 60 58 .. 78 50 56 71 79 68 74 65 83 68 58 71 86 .. .. 63 46 82 65 35 .. 55 .. 81 83 .. 32 67 69 83 78 79 76 84 90 86 68 77 80 75 74 .. 69 82 73 80 84 75 70 .. 84 67 70 80 83 77 82 76 87 79 72 82 90 .. .. 75 65 86 76 61 .. 71 .. 86 86 .. 58 77 27.6 20.3 36 63 740.4 5 100.7 27 42 88 87 66 60 77 73 2002 Sources: UNCTAD; Handbook of Statistics 2005; FAO, online data and State of the World's Forest 2003; ILO, World Labour Report 2000; and UNDP Human Development Report 2005. a Economically active population, labour force participation rates calculated as a percentage of those in the labour force at age 15–64 to total population at age 15–64. b Population 10,466 and area 26 km2. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 318 8. INDICATORS Country Infant Under-5 mortality rate mortality rate (Per 1,000 live births) 1990 2004 1990 ON DEMOGRAPHY Average life expectancy at birth (Years) 2004 Crude birth Crude death rate rate (Per 1,000 population) M 1990 F T M 2004 F T 1990 2004 1990 2004 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Republic Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 153 158 96 119 91 129 121 113 49 104 121 88 117 116 123 98 118 106 142 145 88 .. 110 80 159 103 141 74 146 112 140 94 98 178 123 40 83 94 183 38 150 95 150 101 .. 94 108 46 97 101 147 136 56 103 53 120 104 93 28 97 115 55 117 90 100 62 97 74 103 117 60 .. 86 65 139 76 108 40 131 94 98 72 61 150 115 25 81 82 163 33 122 70 90 91 .. 80 105 33 66 93 260 275 138 190 145 214 210 176 63 179 213 125 205 175 215 147 206 185 240 255 145 .. 181 116 244 176 237 101 251 186 242 147 142 315 205 50 113 152 326 63 250 159 224 152 .. 167 166 58 140 175 248 241 74 157 79 194 183 136 34 174 202 73 208 136 178 90 168 123 159 206 107 .. 136 122 219 127 179 51 216 152 176 108 83 259 190 30 110 129 286 56 203 116 128 135 .. 136 164 40 90 170 45 38 54 52 53 46 43 53 62 46 44 55 44 49 44 46 45 48 47 41 47 .. 48 56 42 49 44 62 45 47 42 54 54 40 30 62 61 52 38 60 40 51 45 56 .. 44 52 62 54 45 45 42 55 54 55 50 47 56 68 52 48 58 48 52 48 50 49 51 48 44 51 .. 51 60 45 52 48 59 47 51 45 58 54 40 34 68 62 54 40 62 44 54 47 60 .. 48 56 65 55 48 45 40 55 53 54 48 45 54 65 49 46 56 46 51 46 48 47 50 47 42 49 .. 50 58 43 51 46 60 46 49 43 56 54 40 32 65 62 53 39 61 42 52 45 58 .. 46 54 64 54 47 46 40 62 54 62 47 43 53 67 38 43 62 43 52 42 52 47 55 54 43 51 .. 54 34 42 54 40 67 47 51 41 58 62 45 43 68 62 55 40 62 46 55 55 53 .. 48 46 67 60 38 47 42 64 55 65 49 45 60 73 40 45 66 45 54 43 56 49 58 54 46 53 .. 56 36 43 57 40 67 49 55 42 63 62 45 46 74 64 57 42 63 48 58 57 56 .. 49 46 71 62 37 46 41 63 54 63 48 44 56 71 39 44 64 44 53 43 54 48 56 54 45 52 .. 55 35 42 56 40 67 48 53 42 61 62 45 44 70 63 56 41 63 47 57 56 54 .. 48 46 69 61 38 51 53 35 47 39 50 47 44 39 42 48 41 48 43 44 42 47 43 45 50 38 .. 43 35 50 44 51 41 50 42 44 31 39 57 48 34 37 44 48 38 46 39 40 44 .. 50 44 37 51 46 49 48 27 42 30 47 45 30 30 37 48 36 50 35 43 39 40 35 42 50 30 .. 35 28 50 39 44 31 49 41 40 20 30 54 41 28 34 37 47 33 45 33 50 39 .. 51 37 31 40 41 21 25 12 15 14 18 20 13 8 17 19 11 19 14 20 16 18 16 18 23 16 .. 17 11 21 15 19 9 20 16 21 12 13 26 33 7 10 14 26 9 22 14 18 12 .. 18 13 7 13 17 19 22 8 13 8 17 19 11 5 22 20 7 20 13 20 11 16 12 13 20 13 .. 12 25 21 12 21 6 17 14 20 10 8 21 18 6 9 11 23 7 18 11 12 12 .. 15 17 5 8 23 ALL LDCs All developing countries 114 75 96 61 187 111 157 92 48 60 59 62 49 61 50 62 52 66 51 64 43 29 38 23 16 9 14 9 Source: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: 2004 Revision. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 9. INDICATORS Country Low Percentage of birth-weighta women attended infants childbirth by (%) trained personnel 1998–2003c 319 ON HEALTH Percentage of 1-year-old children immunized against: Tuber- DPT3b Measles culosis 1995–2003c 2003 Estimated number of people Adult living with HIV/AIDS prevalence children adults and children rate (0–14 (0–49 (15–49) years) years) years) End 2003 End 2003 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Republic of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Republic Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia .. 12 30 16 15 19 16 11 13 14 17d 25 12 .. 13 21d 15 17 12 22 21 5 14 14 .. 14 16 22 23 .. 14d 15 21 17 9 4d .. 18 .. 13d .. 31 24 15 5 12 13 6 32d 12 14 45 14 66 24 31 25 32 89 44 16 62 61 61 65 28 6 55 35 35 24 85 19 60 51 46 61 70 41 57 48 56 11 16 31 100 79 58 42 85 34 86 24 49 99 39 36 89 22 43 59 62 95 99 93 83 84 76 78 70 72 75 68 63 73 91 76 99 78 84 71 99 65 83 43 72 91 98 63 84 87 79 91 64 88 73 99 97 80 76 65 53 80 84 99 96 91 63 67 94 54 46 85 88 95 84 74 69 78 40 47 75 49 68 33 83 56 90 45 77 43 99 50 79 38 55 84 98 69 76 72 77 78 52 96 94 94 73 70 71 40 50 70 64 93 81 95 49 66 80 50 62 77 83 88 76 75 65 68 35 61 63 54 66 51 84 52 90 52 61 53 88 42 70 53 55 77 96 68 71 77 75 75 64 90 99 87 60 73 78 40 57 60 58 95 82 97 48 66 84 … 23 000 … 5 700 … 31 000 27 000 7 300 .. 21 000 18 000 … 110 000 680 … 5 600 120 000 500 9 200 … 19 000 .. … 22 000 8 000 8 600 83 000 … 13 000 … 99 000 7 600 … 5 900 22 000 … … 3 100 … … … 21 000 … 9 300 … 84 000 140 000 … … 85 000 … 240 000 … 68 000 … 300 000 250 000 170 000 .. 260 000 200 000 … 1100 000 9 100 … 60 000 1 500 000 6 800 140 000 … 280 000 .. 1 700 320 000 100 000 140 000 900 000 … 140 000 9 500 1 300 000 330 000 61 000 70 000 250 000 … … 44 000 … … … 400 000 … 110 000 … 530 000 1 600 000 … 12 000 920 000 … 3.9 … 1.9 … 4.2 6.0 2.6 .. 13.5 4.8 … 4.2 2.9 … 2.7 4.4 1.2 3.2 … 5.6 .. 0.1 28.9 5.9 1.7 14.2 … 1.9 0.6 12.2 1.2 0.5 1.2 5.1 … … 0.8 … … … 2.3 … 4.1 … 4.1 8.8 … 0.1 16.5 All LDCs All developing countries 18 17 32 59 79 85 68 76 67 75 1 009 480 2 100 000 11 822 100 34 900 000 3.2 1.2 Source: UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children 2005; UNAIDS, 2004 Report on the global AIDS epidemic. a b c d Less than 2,500 grams. Diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified in the column heading. Indicates data that refers to years or periods other than those specified in the column heading, differ from the standard definition, or refer to only part of the country. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 320 10. INDICATORS Country Total food supply (dairy calories intake per capita) 1990 2003 ON NUTRITION AND SANITATION Population using improved drinking water sources (%) 2002 Total Urban Rural Population using adequate sanitation facilities (%) 2002 Total Urban Rural Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 1 791 2 071 2 305 .. 2 297 1 888 1 809 2 940 1 863 1 697 1 898 2 204 1 779 .. 1 483 1 510 2 412 2 013 2 252 1 783 2 592 2 158 2 400 2 102 2 138 1 927 2 324 2 235 2 517 1 849 2 620 2 426 2 165 1 827 .. 2 299 2 306 1 991 1 953 .. 2 136 2 510 2 279 .. 2 321 2 065 2 498 2 022 1 961 2 089 2 187 2 455 .. 2 485 1 612 1 967 3 308 1 949 2 245 1 735 1 535 2 218 .. 1 690 2 037 2 300 2 362 2 481 2 045 2 922 2 309 2 320 1 946 2 072 2 168 2 587 2 376 2 764 1 980 2 822 2 459 2 118 2 086 .. 2 567 2 277 1 913 2 272 .. 2 288 2 819 2 358 .. 2 360 1 959 2 604 2 019 1 975 13 50 75 68 62 51 79 34 80 75 34 94 46 80 44 57 22 82 51 59 71 64 43 76 62 84 48 56 42 80 84 46 73 88 79 72 57 70 57 70 29 69 52 51 93 56 73 60 69 55 19 70 82 79 86 82 90 58 86 93 40 90 83 82 45 72 81 95 78 79 91 77 66 88 72 75 96 99 76 63 76 95 93 80 92 91 89 90 75 94 32 78 73 80 94 87 92 85 74 90 11 40 72 60 60 44 78 29 73 61 32 96 29 67 42 54 11 77 38 49 59 53 38 74 52 34 62 78 35 45 24 74 82 36 69 88 73 54 46 65 27 64 51 36 92 52 62 52 68 36 8 30 48 32 70 12 36 16 42 27 8 23 29 50 53 9 6 53 13 34 34 39 24 37 26 33 46 58 45 42 27 73 27 12 41 100 24 52 39 31 25 34 33 34 88 41 46 50 30 45 16 56 75 58 65 45 47 53 61 47 30 38 43 55 60 34 19 72 25 57 52 59 61 61 49 49 66 100 59 64 51 96 68 43 56 100 32 70 53 98 47 50 65 71 92 53 54 78 76 68 5 16 39 12 70 5 35 8 19 12 0 15 23 27 46 3 4 46 6 23 23 22 14 32 7 27 42 42 38 9 14 63 20 4 38 100 20 34 30 18 14 24 30 15 83 39 41 42 14 32 All LDCs All developing countries 2 082 2 517a 2 148 2 669 58 79 80 92 50 70 35 49 58 73 27 31 Source: FAO, Food Balance sheets online data; and UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children 2005. a 1993. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 11. INDICATORS Country Adult literacy rate ON EDUCATION AND LITERACY Youth literacy rate Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia (%) 2000–2004 M F 51 21 82 54 49 30 46 23 61 34 19 8 67 52 85 64 85 66 65 33 41 13 63 49 80 52 76 54 92 76 67 45 47 31 44 30 55 27 54 24 52 48 .. .. 77 61 74 90 70 37 76 65 75 54 96 96 27 12 60 43 60 29 94 86 63 35 20 9 70 59 99 98 .. .. 51 29 40 21 .. .. .. .. 69 50 .. .. 68 38 .. .. 78 57 78 62 .. .. 68 25 76 60 T 36 67 40 34 47 13 59 74 74 49 26 56 65 65 84 56 39 37 41 38 50 .. 69 81 54 71 64 96 19 51 44 90 49 14 64 99 .. 39 30 .. .. 59 .. 53 .. 67 69 74 46 68 (%) 2000–2004 M F T .. .. .. 83 63 71 .. .. .. 58 33 44 .. .. .. 25 14 19 76 69 72 88 79 83 .. .. .. 70 47 58 55 23 37 .. .. .. 77 61 69 .. .. .. 94 94 94 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83 75 79 .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 68 70 82 71 76 98 98 98 32 17 24 68 55 61 .. .. .. 96 93 94 81 60 70 26 14 20 77 76 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 41 49 47 30 38 .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 69 75 .. .. .. 83 63 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. 81 76 78 .. .. .. 72 33 53 73 66 69 All LDCs All developing countries 63 83 53 76 70 89 Source: a b c d 43 69 321 57 81 64 85 School enrolment ratio (%) Primarya 1999–2005d M F T ... ... ... 66 57 61 82 86 84 69 47 58 ... ... ... 42 31 36 62 52 57 96 91 93 100 98 99 ... ... ... 72 49 61 59 50 55 ... ... ... 40 32 36 91 78 85 49 42 45 55 47 51 79 78 79 73 58 65 53 37 45 ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 82 85 83 89 86 79 61 70 78 79 79 ... ... 100 92 93 92 50 39 44 68 67 68 58 53 55 84 85 84 75 66 70 45 31 38 85 88 87 99 96 98 100 94 97 71 66 69 ... ... ... ... ... 72 ... ... ... 50 42 46 ... ... ... 99 83 91 ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 81 82 93 95 94 84 59 72 69 68 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. Secondaryb 1999–2005d M F T ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 47 44 26 12 ... ... ... ... 11 7 9 10 8 9 30 19 24 55 61 58 ... ... ... 17 6 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 17 21 ... ... 24 25 18 22 23 13 18 39 27 33 28 13 21 11 6 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 32 35 18 27 22 23 13 18 11 12 11 32 26 29 48 55 51 ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 10 12 36 34 35 ... ... ... 7 5 6 ... ... ... 59 65 62 32 26 29 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 36 17 27 ... ... ... 17 16 16 5 4 5 27 28 28 47 21 35 25 21 23 .. .. .. .. .. .. Tertiaryc 1999–2005d M F T ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 4 6 6 1 4 ... ... ... 2 1 1 3 1 2 5 2 3 4 5 5 3 1 2 2 ... 1 3 2 2 ... ... ... 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 ... 2 4 1 3 ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 4 5 2 4 3 ... 15 ... 2 2 2 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 6 2 4 1 1 1 8 15 12 8 3 5 2 1 1 4 2 3 7 6 7 1 1 1 ... ... ... 3 1 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 6 7 10 15 12 6 1 4 ... ... ... 4 2 3 2 1 1 ... ... 4 17 5 11 3 2 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) estimates and projections, online data (September 2005), UIS May 2005 Assessment 2005 and World Culture Report 2000; UNDP, Human Development Report 2005; UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children 2005. Net primary school enrolment. Net secondary school enrolment. Gross tertiary school enrolment. Or latest year available. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 322 12. INDICATORS Country ON COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA Post offices Circulation Radio Television setsa open to of daily receiversa the publica newspapersa (Per 100,000 inhabitants) Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia All LDCs All developing countries Source: a Telephone Cellular Personal Internet mainsubcomputersa usersa linesa scribersa (Per 1,000 inhabitants) 2004 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2 0 7 2 5 1 0 1 11 1 0 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 26 4 9 0 3 3 67 1 1 2 3 16 0 0 20 6 1 6 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 1 16 1 2 5 11 53 5 .. 1 2 2 .. 2 0 .. 3 .. 5 .. 0 2 .. 5 3 .. 4 8 13 5 3 20 1 1 3 9 12 0 0 .. .. 5 4 .. 1 26 .. 4 .. 2 4 .. 15 12 2001 132 54 50 110 19 33 152 128 183 83 242 141 376 84 428 484 196 394 49 44 55 212 143 49 329 198 250 129 54 151 40 70 39 66 102 1 035 272 142 274 141 53 271 .. 227 384 127 279 350 64 160 14 20 61 33 27 12 35 7 100 5 5 23 2 76 .. 53 6 15 17 40 60 44 53 37 .. 17 6 128 27 44 163 16 .. 119 8 148 92 39 13 10 17 378 .. 120 .. 15 42 13 298 59 2 7 5 9 34 5 3 3 156 2 2 17 .. 15 18 9 6 29 3 8 17 51 12 16 2 4 8 105 6 14 4 7 16 2 3 73 46 22 5 13 8 27 .. 12 68 2 4 31 28 8 10 10 10 30 10 20 10 40 120 10 10 .. 20 30 80 10 .. 80 10 .. 40 10 20 50 .. 20 10 230 20 130 20 .. .. 10 20 60 30 60 10 .. 20 20 .. 40 .. 30 30 40 30 20 .. 2 8 4 14 2 2 2 76 2 2 6 .. 22 6 3 2 14 6 .. .. 11 4 .. .. 5 2 70 2 11 4 6 4 1 .. 7 .. 21 .. 38 2 6 .. 32 .. 4 6 14 7 8 2003 1 3 2 10 20 4 2 2 44 1 2 6 1 10 4 2 1 19 5 15 18 23 3 14 .. 4 3 53 3 4 33 3 .. 17 3 22 99 22 2 5 7 9 .. 42 188 5 7 36 5 6 3 8 7 40 170b 321b 50c 183c 8 113 16 134 .. .. 4 53 UNDP, Human Development Report 2005; UNCTAD, Handbook of Statistics 2005; UNESCO, Statistical Yearbook 1999 and World Culture Report 2000; Universal Postal Union, Postal Statistics online data. Or latest year available. b Data refer to 1997. c Data refer to 2002. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 13. INDICATORS Total km Afghanistan 21 000 Angola 51 429 Bangladesh 207 486 Benin 6 787 Bhutan 4 007 Burkina Faso 12 506 Burundi 14 480f Cambodia 12 323d Cape Verde 1 100 Central African Republic 23 810 Chad 33 400 Comoros 880 Dem. Rep. of the Congo157 000h Djibouti 2 890 Equatorial Guinea 2 880 Eritrea 4 010 Ethiopia 31 571 Gambia 2 700 Guinea 30 500 Guinea-Bissau 4 400 Haiti 4 160 Kiribati 670 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 21 716 Lesotho 5 940 Liberia 10 600 Madagascar 49 827 Malawi 28 400 Maldives .. Mali 15 100 Mauritania 7 660 Mozambique 30 400 Myanmar 28 200 Nepal 15 308 Niger 10 100 Rwanda 12 000 Samoa 790 Sao Tome and Principe 320 Senegal 14 576d Sierra Leone 11 300 Solomon Islands 1 360 Somalia 22 100 Sudan 11 900 Timor-Leste .. Togo 7 520 Tuvalu 8 Uganda 27 000 United Rep. of Tanzania 88 200 Vanuatu 1 070 Yemen 67 000 Zambia 91 440 Source: a b c d ON TRANSPORT AND TRANSPORT NETWORKS Railwaysb Road networksa Country Paved % 323 Density km/ 1,000 km2 13.3 32.2 10.4 41.3 9.5 1 440.9 20.0 60.3 60.7 78.5 16.0 45.6 .. 520.2 16.2d 68.1d 78.0 272.7 2.7e 38.2 0.8 26.0 76.5 393.7 .. 67.0 12.6 124.6 .. 102.7 21.8 34.1 12.0 28.6 35.4 239.0 16.5 124.1 10.3 121.8 24.3 149.9 .. 922.9 44.5 91.7 18.3 195.7 6.2 95.2 11.6 84.9 18.5 239.7 .. .. 12.1 12.2 11.3 7.5 18.7 37.9 12.2 41.7 30.8 89.8 7.9 8.0 8.3 455.6 42.0 279.1 68.1 332.0 29.3d 74.1d 8.0 157.9 2.5 47.1 11.8 34.7 36.3 4.7 .. .. 31.6 132.4 .. 307.7 6.7 112.0 4.2 99.8 23.9 87.8 11.5 126.9 22.0 88.7 Network km Density Freight km/ mill. ton 1,000 km2 per km .. 2 523 2 746 579 .. 607 .. 601 .. .. .. .. 5 088 100 .. .. 781 .. 940 .. 100 .. .. 16 493 1 030 789 .. 642 650 3 150 2 775 52 .. 2 652 .. .. 906 84 .. .. 4 756 . 514 .. 1 100 3 575 .. .. 1 924 .. .. 2.0 1 890 19.1 718 5.1 220 .. .. 2.2 72 .. .. 3.3 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.2 1 836 4.3 .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 103 .. .. 3.8 660 .. .. 3.6 .. .. .. .. .. 0.5 .. 4.4 .. 1.8 93 6.7 48 .. .. 0.5 4 0.6 16 623 3.9 1 420 4.1 648 0.4 .. .. .. 100.7 2 140 .. .. .. .. 4.6 386 1.2 .. .. .. .. .. 1.9 1 970 .. .. 9.1 17 .. .. 4.6 82 4.0 523 .. .. .. .. 2.6 1 625 Civil aviationc Passenger mill. pass. per km .. 360 5 348 230 .. 152 .. 80 .. .. .. .. 580 .. .. .. 185 .. 116 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 40 .. 9 7 500 4 675 .. .. 2 700 .. .. 179 .. .. .. 985 .. 132 .. 315 935 .. .. 547 World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, online data; IRU, World Transport Statistics 1996. Data refer to 2002 or latest year available. Data refer to 1996 or latest year available. Data refer to 2003. 2000. e 2001. f 1996. g 1999. h 1997. Freight Passenger mill. tons. thousands per km. 7.8d 56.5 179.0 7.4e 0.2 7.4e .. 2.6 0.4 7.4e 7.4 .. 7.4 .. .. .. 93.5 .. 1.4g 0.1 h .. 0.8g 1.9 .. .. 9.6 1.2 13.2d 7.4e 7.4e 6.6 2.1 18.9 7.4 .. 1.5 0.1 7.4e 6.7 0.7 .. 36.3 .. 7.4e .. 23.4 1.8 1.5 48.7 0.5d 150d 198 1 579 46e 36 55 12g 116 253 46e 46e 27f 9.5e .. 21 g .. 1147 .. 59g 20e .. 28g 219 1g .. 404 109 60 46e 116 281 1117 625 46e .. 198 36 130 14 68 .. 421 .. 46e .. 40 150 83 844 51 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 324 14. INDICATORS Country ON ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Coal, oil, gas Fuelwood, charcoal Net installed Electricity Carbon dioxide and electricity and bagasse electricity capacity Kilowatt/ consumption per capita Kilowatt- emissions per capita Metric tons Consumption per capita in kg. of coal equivalent 1,000 inhabitants hours 1980 2000 1980 1996 1980 2002 1980 2002 1980 2002 48 135 45 51 9 33 14 22 194 26 22 48 75 326 124 .. 21a 128 85 81 56 220 30 .. 480 86 58 129 27 178 151 65 18 50 28 310 213 214 79 212 108 81 .. 72 .. 29 44 248 187 403 23 174 114 116 172 43 20 20 155 38 8 54 37 290 170 76 40 93 69 104 89 141 62 .. 72 57 38 875 23 530 76 99 70 46 36 405 317 191 48 177 48b 93 .. 152 .. 38 58 193 211 159 99 362 23 347 777 277 252 213 .. 358 206 .. 298 .. 645 .. 296 452 246 177 322 .. 354 .. 709 194 288 .. 196 1 351 143 305 191 292 145 .. .. 709 .. 192 282 .. 66 .. 235 331 68 45 496 99 183 24 344 262 312 255 218 .. 335 208 .. 335 .. 383 .. 285 338 221 134 288 .. 308 .. 589 242 314 .. 191 1 323 149 282 200 232 149 .. .. 237 126 315 289 .. 94 .. 236 392 48 8 502 25 85 11 4 8 6 2 6 21 13 8 10 64 124 32 .. 9 17 39 9 22 33 78 .. 163 11 24 13 6 35 156 19 5 6 8 84 43 30 29 53 5 16 .. 13 .. 12 14 85 20 301 26 31 26 7 404 6 6 3 15 11 3 8 61 117 38 44 8 21 22 14 32 32 51 .. 104 13 16 144 9 41 127 32 18 8 5 133 41 22 27 27 11 22 .. 7 .. 10 15 60 42 204 .. 214 30 37 17 16 12 15 55 29 10 26 161 416 83 .. .. 70 85 18 58 .. 68 .. .. 49 66 25 15 60 364 44 17 39 32 252 96 115 62 93 .. 47 .. 74 .. 28 41 171 .. 1125 .. 135 119 92 236 32 25 10 99 28 12 25 91 296 54 66 32 96 95 41 73 .. 133 .. .. 42 80 448 33 58 378 135 62 40 23 597 115 141 54 69 .. 89 .. 120 .. 61 83 208 159 603 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0.4 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.3 .. 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 .. 1.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 .. 0.2 .. 0.1 0.1 0.5 .. 0.6 0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 .. 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.4 0 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.4 .. 0.3 .. 0.3 .. 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.2 All LDCs 66 All developing countries 521 82 886 212 125 210 135 28 88 30 232 83 388 106 1155 0.1 1.3 0.2 2 Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia Source: United Nations, Energy Statistics Yearbook 1983 and 2002, and Statistical Yearbook 1985/86. UNDP, Human Development Report 2005, and World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, online data. a Includes Eritrea. b 1989. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 15. INDICATORS Country Education, training and literacy: Female–male gapsa Adult literacy rate Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia All LDCs Source: School enrolment ratiob Average age at first marriage (years) Women as a percentage of total: 2002-2005 2005d Labour force 2004 .. 0.65f 0.50 0.24 .. 0.34i 0.45i 0.40 1.09 0.19f 0.17f 0.77 .. 0.81 0.43f 0.24i 0.33 0.29i .. 0.18f .. .. 0.57 1.48 .. 0.83i 0.41 .. .. 0.27i 0.73 1.75e 0.34 0.34i 0.46 0.90 0.56 .. 0.4i .. .. 0.92i 1.58f 0.20i .. 0.52i 0.44 .. 0.28i 0.46i 18 18 17 18 .. 17 22 21 25 19 17 22 20 19 .. .. 18 .. 16 18 24 .. .. 21 19 20 18 19 16 19 18 22 18 16 21 25 18 18 18 21 20 19 .. 19 .. 18 19 23 18 19 7 7 3 6 4 7 7 4 4 5 7 5 7 5 6 6 6 5 6 7 4 .. 5 4 7 5 6 4 7 6 6 3 4 8 6 4 4 5 7 4 7 4 8 5 .. 7 5 4 6 6 1900 1700 380 850 420 1000 1000 450 150 1100 1100 480 990 730 880 630 850 540 740 1100 680 .. 650 550 760 550 1800 110 1200 1000 1000 360 740 1600 1400 130 .. 690 2000 130 1100 590 660 570 .. 880 1500 130 570 750 36 46 43 48 40 48 48 52 39 46 45 43 43 40 36 47 41 45 47 41 43 .. 47 38 40 44 49 44 46 44 49 44 40 43 49 37 .. 43 37 48 43 31 45 40 .. 47 49 .. 29 43 .. .. 14 .. .. 13 13 .. 32 10 .. 24 .. 33 .. .. 26 .. .. .. 44 .. .. 38 .. .. 13 17 17 15 .. .. 15 8 15 37 32 .. .. 8 64 .. 16 53 .. 30 52 .. 25 .. 28 .. .. 28 .. .. .. 57 .. .. 24 .. .. 57 44 15 23 .. .. 36 17 33 9 26 .. .. 74 40 .. 66 60 .. 54 55 .. .. .. 22 74 .. 67 64 60 4 37 .. .. 39 .. .. 58 29 53 38 82 .. 61 24 53 8 54 20 20 .. .. 24 39 .. .. 15 .. .. .. .. 8 16 .. 19 5 .. 43 .. .. 0.86 1.04 0.69 .. 0.73 0.84 0.95i 0.98 .. 0.68i 0.84 .. 0.90 0.85 0.86 0.65 0.99i 0.8 0.71f .. .. 0.93 1.07 .. 1.00 .. 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.91 1.01 0.88i 0.69 1.04 0.98 0.94f 0.89 .. .. .. 0.83i .. 0.84 .. .. 0.98 1.02i 0.71 0.98 .. Economic activity, employment 1997c .. 66 62 49 .. 44 78 76 80 52 31 77 65 .. 83 67 69 .. .. .. 93 .. 79 123 .. 85 72 100 44 73 50 92 56 48 84 99 .. 57 52 .. .. 72 .. 56 .. 75 80 .. 41 78 .. LDCS Health, fertility and mortality Maternal mortality (per 100,000 live births) 2003 70 ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN Total fertility rate (births per woman) Primary Second- Tertiary ary 2002–2003 .. .. 1.11 0.48 .. 0.67 0.78i 0.64i 1.11 .. 0.31i .. .. 0.69 0.58 0.48 0.57 0.68i 0.48i 0.55 .. .. 0.83 1.53i .. 1.03i 0.81i 1.15f .. 0.77i 0.70 0.94 .. 0.67 .. 1.11 0.83f .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.48i .. 0.90i .. 1.01f 0.46i 0.83i 325 Political participation Female labour force: Agriculture/ total Employ. SelfUnpaid ees employed family c c 1998 1998 1998c Women Seats in in parliaments govern- held by ment at women ministerial level (%) (% of total) 2002 2005g 2005h 72 .. .. .. 83 83 64 52 98 93 97 73 21 78 84 86 76 83 89 81 79 89 88 95 49 14 79 54 75 82 95 18 81 63 95 73 98 97 97 33 74 81 76 83 82 74 48 .. 39 .. .. 13 55 54 .. 74 88 .. 69 54 61 .. 83 87 37 75 75 .. 6 8 19 0 15 11 7 19 10 12 .. 13 5 5 18 6 20 15 38 25 .. 0 28 .. 6 14 12 19 9 13 .. 7 23 36 8 14 21 13 0 .. 3 22 20 .. 23 15 8 3 25 .. 15 2 7 9 12 18 10 11 .. 7 3 12 11 18 22 8 13 19 14 4 5 23 12 8 7 14 12 10 4 35 .. 6 12 49 6 9 19 15 0 .. 10 25 6 0 24 21 4 0 13 .. .. 78 .. .. UNDP, Human Development Report 2005; United Nations, The World’s Women 1970–1990 and 2000: Trends and Statistics; Women’s Indicators and Statistics (Wistat); UNESCO, 2005 Statistical data online, Statistical Yearbook 1999, World Culture Report 2000; UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children 2005; and FAO, online data. a Females as percentage of males. b Net primary school enrolment, Net secondary school enrolment, and Tertiary school enrolment is generally calculated as a gross ratio. c Or latest year available. d UNICEF, WHO and UNFPA adjusted from the reported data and estimates for the year 2005. e Data refer to the 2000/2001 school year. f Data refer to the 2001/2002 school year. g Data are as of 1 January 2005. h Data are as of 1 March 2005 and refer to the lower or single house. i Estimates subject to revision. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 326 TABLE 16. LDCS Countrya Afghanistang Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia Total LDCs REFUGEES POPULATION BY COUNTRY OR TERRITORY OF ASYLUM OR RESIDENCE , END-2004 Refugees populationb begin year 22 13381 19792 5034 466 40971 76 44753 146400 234033 27034 3889 130276 7465 184341 7551 33998 3202 10009 475 311 123667 328 36608 20726 61194 368 138163 3 12396 230903 649770 61881 226697 2476183 end year 30 13970 20449 4802 492 48808 382 25020 259880 199323 18035 4240 115980 7343 139252 7536 15172 3682 11256 473 623 124928 344 50221 20804 65437 357 141588 3 11285 250482 602088 66384 173907 2404576 Asylumseekersc 29 929 10 1053 518 11893 316 2748 Returned refugeesd Internally displacede 449 40 602 6317 141 5 3335 1085 117 4892 654 41 3248 2412 138 334 4271 10 390 1809 166 1270 84 940469 90246 90321 368 184 13843 9893 7 2 56872 210 14136 26271 18069 290 120 91 2 39 - 159549 498566 662302 - 49660 1261433 1320417 354 Returned IDPsf 27391 1970 - Others 250000 - Total 33050 - 7 35 29500 10737 37416 - 1127468 105145 270459 5855 1010 152992 698 28136 260064 213520 18035 14589 116027 7945 145571 7677 603700 7017 12341 30090 5515 210 136319 385 67605 23216 91846 18760 845867 13 11795 252382 602256 67693 173991 62411 327695 5426192 Source: UNHCR: 2004 Global Refugee Trends Notes: The data are generally provided by Governments, based on their own definitions and methods of data collection. a Country or territory of asylum or residence. b Persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a humanitarian status and those granted temporary protection. c Persons whose application for asylum or refugee status is pending at any stage in the procedure or who are otherwise registed as a asylum-seekers. d Refugees who have returned to their place of origin during the year. e Persons who are displaced within their country and to whom UNHCR extends protection and/or assistance, f Persons who have returned to their place of origin during the year. g According to the Government, the number of Afghans in the Islamic Rep. of Iran and Pakistan are estimated to be some 2.0 million and 1.8 millions, respectively. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 17. LEADING EXPORTS OF ALL 327 LDCS IN 2002–2003 Valuea SITC Item All commodities Petroleum oils, crude and crude oils obtained from bituminous minerals Outergarments and other articles, knitted Petroleum products, refined Outer garments, men’s, of textile fabrics Undergarments knitted or crocheted Outergarments, women’s, of textile fabrics Cotton Undergarments of textile fabrics Crustaceans and molluscs, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine or dried Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones unworked or worked Gas, natural and manufactured Gold, non-monetary Fish, fresh, chilled, frozen Copper Other wood rough, squared Vegetables, fresh,chilled,frozen or simply preserved Coffee and coffee substitutes Aluminium Printed matter Tobacco, unmanufactured 333 845 334 842 846 843 263 844 036 667 341 971 034 682 247 054 071 684 892 121 Source: a As percentage of: LDCs Developing countries World 37’159.5 12’041.8 100.00 32.41 1.69 4.66 0.54 3.33 2’394.3 1’982.6 1’465.7 1’322.6 1’059.5 1’049.4 1’021.5 902.2 6.44 5.34 3.94 3.56 2.85 2.82 2.75 2.43 6.32 2.76 6.59 5.77 3.20 37.67 11.58 8.11 4.29 1.23 4.00 3.60 1.96 12.86 8.78 5.20 888.4 2.39 4.61 1.51 737.5 677.2 563.6 559.2 501.4 483.9 427.4 424.9 422.7 337.2 1.98 1.82 1.52 1.50 1.35 1.30 1.15 1.14 1.14 0.91 2.21 5.14 5.82 4.33 29.89 5.99 7.59 3.72 7.51 12.07 0.80 2.54 2.30 1.82 6.77 1.76 4.71 0.82 1.21 6.24 ($ millions) UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from the United Nations Statistics Division. Annual average 2002–2003. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 328 18. MAIN MARKETS FOR EXPORTS OF Country LDCS: PERCENTAGE SHARES IN Total Developed economies EU 25 Japan USA and Others Canada Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 34.4 50.7 78.3 11.3 .. 16.3 59.0 90.9 96.1 77.3 83.9 72.9 76.1 3.8 74.7 .. 47.5 57.0 50.1 28.6 90.3 87.9 31.8 .. 88.8 87.5 52.8 63.4 23.7 67.5 75.6 21.9 43.0 66.4 13.3 70.3 64.4 28.1 88.9 20.8 2.0 19.0 .. 19.2 68.4 54.3 44.6 22.0 6.3 35.4 20.3 10.4 50.0 11.0 .. 13.4 27.3 25.6 78.3 69.2 7.9 28.8 65.6 3.3 28.6 .. 28.9 53.2 40.4 4.9 3.4 48.3 27.7 .. 72.7 47.5 35.7 14.8 21.9 52.8 73.4 15.6 17.5 48.8 10.7 3.8 62.4 26.0 81.5 6.9 1.0 5.0 .. 13.9 68.4 37.0 33.3 12.1 1.6 17.4 0.6 0.1 1.0 0.0 .. 2.6 0.6 3.5 0.5 1.6 0.0 1.4 0.7 0.0 1.4 .. 8.7 2.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 28.7 1.3 .. 0.0 2.3 2.5 8.6 0.1 12.9 1.2 5.1 1.1 8.0 0.0 1.0 .. 1.2 0.1 9.5 0.6 13.7 .. 0.1 .. 1.1 5.5 7.3 1.4 7.7 12.9 40.2 26.5 0.3 .. 0.1 5.6 60.8 17.7 6.4 76.0 42.5 9.5 0.4 44.3 .. 6.0 1.3 9.5 23.3 85.9 9.2 1.8 .. 12.7 37.2 12.5 39.9 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.6 23.4 9.7 2.5 5.1 1.0 0.3 7.2 1.8 0.4 0.4 .. 0.4 .. 4.1 2.7 1.1 1.3 2.5 0.6 0.0 0.9 .. .. 0.2 .. 0.9 .. 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.5 .. 3.8 0.0 0.1 .. 0.8 2.3 1.0 .. 3.4 0.6 2.1 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.0 0.1 60.5 1.0 0.7 0.1 2.5 0.1 0.0 .. 4.9 0.0 12.1 3.1 1.5 2.0 7.8 LDCs Total Developing 50.2 53.1 26.0 18.0 2.7 8.7 20.3 24.0 1.2 2.4 2004 (OR LATEST YEAR AVAILABLE ) South-East Developing economies Europe Total OPEC Others and CIS d 5.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 Unallocated .. 0.8 0.1 .. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.6 0.8 23.3 .. 0.0 .. 0.1 .. 0.2 0.1 6.4 0.0 0.1 5.4 0.6 0.1 0.0 .. 0.9 0.0 .. 0.0 0.2 .. 0.0 0.1 .. 0.3 0.0 0.7 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 60.7 49.3 8.7 88.4 .. 81.0 14.7 9.1 3.4 22.7 16.1 26.0 23.5 96.2 25.3 .. 35.7 42.2 26.6 71.4 9.5 12.1 39.1 .. 11.0 10.8 39.7 36.6 72.9 25.5 17.7 76.4 54.0 33.5 53.6 24.8 35.6 57.0 10.5 76.8 97.9 80.1 .. 79.8 26.3 38.8 47.1 77.7 93.5 64.5 3.9 1.1 1.2 8.5 .. 1.9 0.0 0.1 2.0 8.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 .. 8.1 0.0 3.2 13.9 0.7 .. 0.8 .. 0.2 0.2 0.9 6.8 1.9 2.8 0.5 0.7 0.0 24.4 37.6 19.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 29.9 7.6 .. 3.4 .. 2.3 4.9 6.0 9.8 0.9 56.8 48.2 7.5 79.9 .. 79.2 14.7 9.0 1.5 14.0 16.0 26.0 23.5 96.1 25.3 .. 27.6 42.2 23.4 57.5 8.8 .. 38.3 .. 10.8 10.6 38.8 29.8 71.0 22.7 17.1 75.7 54.0 9.1 16.0 5.8 33.7 56.5 10.0 76.3 68.0 72.4 .. 76.4 .. 36.5 42.2 71.7 83.7 63.6 0.0 0.0 12.9 0.2 .. .. 25.6 0.0 .. -0.1 0.0 1.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 .. 16.2 0.0 0.0 .. 0.2 .. 29.0 .. 0.0 1.7 1.0 0.0 3.3 1.6 6.1 1.7 3.0 .. 32.2 4.9 .. 14.8 0.4 .. 0.1 0.8 .. 0.7 5.3 6.2 7.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.7 1.2 42.8 43.4 2.6 3.8 40.2 39.7 6.3 2.2 Source: UNCTAD, Handbook of Statistics 2005, based on data from IMF, Direction of Trade Statistics, CD-ROM. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 19. MAIN SOURCES OF IMPORTS OF Country 329 LDCS: PERCENTAGE SHARES IN 2004 (OR South-East Europe and CIS LATEST YEAR AVAILABLE ) Total Developed economies EU 25 Japan USA and Others Canada Developing economies UnTotal OPEC Other allocated Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Republic of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Republic Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 27.2 64.7 20.8 33.6 .. 48.3 46.8 9.3 80.7 46.3 66.7 41.4 48.4 27.1 71.3 .. 38.0 29.4 54.1 40.7 62.2 61.5 12.3 .. 33.0 33.3 23.8 20.2 31.1 57.3 25.1 7.3 9.8 47.1 29.9 46.5 85.3 54.9 56.0 39.4 6.8 32.5 .. 44.1 46.2 30.5 30.9 36.2 31.3 15.5 14.9 43.8 8.7 29.0 .. 44.3 32.7 4.1 68.3 29.1 54.2 40.1 40.3 18.4 41.3 .. 18.3 24.0 42.8 39.4 7.5 7.7 8.4 .. 10.8 28.9 18.0 12.3 27.3 44.9 9.9 3.0 5.0 40.4 25.1 2.3 75.3 49.5 47.1 3.0 4.8 20.7 .. 39.9 13.8 20.0 19.9 3.2 21.3 10.6 3.4 6.7 5.6 0.7 .. 0.4 4.4 2.5 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.8 3.5 1.0 .. 3.1 0.6 1.4 0.1 2.8 10.3 1.4 .. 19.9 1.6 1.5 1.2 0.3 2.7 1.2 3.1 1.4 0.5 0.8 7.2 3.3 0.8 0.7 3.6 0.0 3.8 .. 1.5 17.1 4.6 2.8 9.5 2.7 1.0 8.4 13.2 3.2 2.7 .. 3.1 8.7 1.9 12.1 15.9 11.6 0.8 6.2 5.0 27.3 .. 15.7 4.4 6.3 1.0 51.2 2.6 0.7 .. 1.3 2.3 3.9 2.2 2.9 7.6 3.8 0.4 2.1 5.6 2.9 4.6 5.7 3.8 7.8 1.8 1.8 3.1 .. 2.4 1.2 4.9 5.4 3.7 4.9 2.5 0.6 1.0 3.3 1.3 .. 0.5 1.1 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.1 0.3 1.8 .. 0.9 0.4 3.6 0.1 0.7 40.9 1.8 .. 0.9 0.5 0.3 4.5 0.6 2.1 10.2 0.9 1.2 0.6 1.1 32.4 0.0 0.8 0.5 30.9 0.2 4.9 .. 0.3 14.4 1.0 2.8 19.8 2.4 1.3 14.9 0.9 2.0 0.1 .. 3.9 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 2.6 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 .. 4.9 0.5 1.9 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.6 .. 5.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 1.6 2.9 0.0 1.9 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.0 0.3 2.7 6.4 0.0 0.0 2.2 .. 2.8 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 3.5 0.1 57.9 34.3 66.3 65.8 .. 44.1 49.2 90.5 15.0 26.9 30.7 56.1 49.0 68.5 28.5 .. 48.7 70.1 43.7 46.7 37.5 38.5 85.2 .. 61.6 57.6 73.8 79.6 57.3 30.2 48.2 90.6 86.8 50.1 45.3 52.7 14.6 42.3 34.0 47.2 80.4 55.1 .. 51.8 53.8 68.5 64.8 62.2 64.4 84.4 1.5 0.4 10.3 3.2 .. 3.0 0.8 3.3 3.1 0.9 6.3 9.3 0.4 24.1 0.1 .. 26.6 3.3 3.4 0.0 2.4 0.3 0.1 .. 0.1 10.5 0.2 9.6 0.7 3.2 1.9 1.9 16.9 8.8 2.5 3.3 1.1 13.8 1.4 1.6 6.0 19.6 .. 2.9 0.0 8.9 11.4 0.3 27.8 5.5 56.4 33.9 56.0 62.6 .. 41.2 48.3 87.2 11.9 26.0 24.5 46.8 48.5 44.4 28.4 .. 22.1 66.8 40.3 46.7 35.1 38.1 85.1 .. 61.5 47.1 73.5 70.0 56.5 26.9 46.3 88.7 69.9 41.2 42.8 49.4 13.4 28.5 32.6 45.6 74.4 35.5 .. 48.9 53.8 59.6 53.4 61.9 36.7 79.0 0.0 0.0 10.9 0.5 .. 3.7 3.8 0.0 3.8 26.6 0.0 1.4 2.4 4.2 0.0 .. 8.4 0.0 0.3 12.2 0.1 0.0 2.0 .. 0.0 8.8 2.4 0.2 10.0 9.6 26.6 0.1 2.9 2.1 23.7 0.8 -0.1 0.1 3.6 13.4 12.7 10.3 .. 1.3 0.0 0.7 4.1 1.6 0.8 0.0 All LDCs All developing countries 32.9 50.8 20.8 23.6 4.1 10.8 5.8 13.2 2.3 3.3 2.2 2.4 60.1 43.6 8.7 6.5 51.3 37.1 4.8 3.3 Source: UNCTAD, Handbook of Statistics 2005, based on data from IMF, Direction of Trade Statistics, CD-ROM. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 330 20. COMPOSITION OF TOTAL FINANCIAL FLOWS TO ALL LDCS IN CURRENT AND IN CONSTANT DOLLARS (Net disbursements) Millions of 2000 dollarsf Millions of current dollars 1985 Concessional loans & grants Of which: DAC 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 1985 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 9 503 16 752 13 838 18 094 23 791 24 908 10 677 14 567 14 120 18 094 22 235 .. 8 835 16 175 13 594 17 358 23 678 24 703 9 927 14 065 13 871 17 358 22 129 .. Bilateral Multilaterala 5 484 3 351 9 888 6 287 7 766 10 365 16 513 5 828 6 993 7 165 15 852 8 852 6 162 3 765 7 924 10 365 15 433 5 947 6 993 6 696 .. .. Grants Loans 6 413 11 842 2 422 4 333 10 822 14 135 20 271 2 772 3 223 3 407 21 626 3 078 7 206 10 297 11 042 14 135 18 944 2 721 3 768 2 829 3 223 3 184 .. .. Technical assistance Otherb 2 221 3 375 6 614 12 800 2 848 3 391 4 085 10 745 13 967 19 592 4 080 20 623 2 496 2 935 2 907 3 391 3 818 7 431 11 130 10 965 13 967 18 311 .. .. OPEC Bilateral Multilateralc Grants Loans Non-concessional flows Of which: DAC Bilateral official Multilaterala Export creditsd Direct investment Othere Total financial flows Source: a b c d e f 729 648 581 571 290 187 751 653 50 11 303 59 819 728 8 598 5 467 505 497 296 191 751 653 47 10 .. .. 81 9 102 98 40 244 91 8 104 98 37 .. 434 295 520 60 55 235 156 595 20 31 48 255 488 331 452 52 56 239 156 595 18 29 .. .. 430 737 1 355 -2 481 4 205 1 742 483 641 1 383 -2 481 3 930 .. 402 497 743 692 1 356 - 119 -2 485 - 403 4 205 1 037 1 746 - 607 451 559 646 601 1 383 - 122 -2 485 - 403 3 930 969 .. .. 248 - 330 - 64 35 - 528 250 - 57 67 135 - 178 - 658 - 985 48 -2 022 1 611 156 - 483 1 665 279 - 371 - 72 30 - 459 217 - 59 69 138 - 178 - 658 - 985 45 -1 890 1 506 .. .. .. 50 295 1 329 - 261 3 530 1 015 56 257 1 356 - 261 3 299 .. 15 193 15 613 27 996 26 650 11 160 15 208 15 503 15 613 26 165 .. 9 933 17 489 UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on OECD/DAC: International Development Statistics, online data. From multilateral agencies mainly financed by DAC member countries. Grants (excluding technical assistance grants) and loans. From multilateral agencies mainly financed by OPEC member countries. Guaranteed private. Bilateral financial flows originating in DAC countries and their capital markets in the form of bond lending and bank lending (either directly or through syndicated “Eurocurrency credits”). Excludes flows that could not be allocated by recipient country. The deflator used is the unit value index of LDCs imports 2000 = 100. Data are not available for 2004. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 21. DISTRIBUTION OF FINANCIAL FLOWS TO LDCS 331 AND TO ALL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES , BY TYPE OF FLOW (Percentage) To least developed countries Concessional loans & grants Of which: DAC 1985 1990 95.7 95.8 2001 To all developing countries 2002 2003 2004 1985 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 91.1 115.9 85.0 93.5 68.0 70.9 28.4 68.0 39.8 40.3 88.9 92.5 89.5 111.2 84.6 92.7 61.5 62.9 27.6 63.8 39.3 39.7 Bilateral Multilaterala 55.2 33.7 56.5 35.9 51.1 38.4 66.4 44.8 59.0 25.6 59.5 33.2 42.8 18.7 45.4 17.4 18.2 9.4 42.2 21.6 28.1 11.2 27.4 12.3 Grants Loans 64.6 24.4 67.7 24.8 71.2 18.2 90.5 20.6 72.4 12.2 81.1 11.5 40.6 20.9 43.9 19.0 21.7 5.9 52.5 11.4 36.0 3.4 37.6 2.1 Technical assistance Otherb 22.4 66.6 19.3 73.2 18.7 70.7 21.7 89.5 14.6 70.0 15.3 77.4 16.1 45.4 15.4 47.5 8.3 19.3 19.3 44.5 11.8 27.6 10.4 29.3 7.3 6.5 3.3 3.3 1.9 1.2 4.8 4.2 0.2 0.0 1.1 0.2 6.6 6.3 8.1 8.0 0.7 0.6 3.9 3.7 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 OPEC Bilateral Multilateralc 0.8 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 Grants 4.4 3.0 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.2 5.4 7.9 0.3 1.7 0.1 0.2 Loans 3.0 0.3 1.5 3.8 0.1 1.0 1.3 0.1 0.4 2.2 0.1 0.3 4.3 4.2 8.9 -15.9 15.0 6.5 32.0 29.1 71.6 32.0 60.2 59.7 4.0 5.0 4.2 4.0 8.9 -15.9 -0.8 -2.6 15.0 3.7 6.6 -2.3 32.6 8.3 28.8 11.6 71.6 -1.4 30.1 -0.5 58.3 -3.6 57.2 -5.1 2.5 -3.3 -0.6 0.2 -3.0 1.4 -0.4 0.4 0.9 -1.1 -4.2 -6.3 0.2 -7.2 5.8 0.6 -1.8 6.2 20.1 3.7 10.5 15.0 -0.7 28.5 5.8 2.9 62.8 -8.6 1.7 90.2 -5.4 4.0 45.9 -3.7 6.2 56.5 0.5 1.7 8.7 -1.7 12.6 3.8 -9.9 -25.5 1.6 -52.6 17.4 3.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Non-concessional flows Of which: DAC Bilateral official Multilaterala Export creditsd Direct investment Othere Total financial flows For source and note, see table 20. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 332 22. SHARE OF LDCS IN FINANCIAL FLOWS TO ALL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, BY TYPE OF FLOW (Percentage) 1985 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 38.0 35.5 37.2 41.7 48.0 45.5 39.1 34.9 38.6 32.7 37.5 32.5 42.6 38.5 48.4 47.1 45.8 42.6 Multilaterala 48.9 54.2 47.1 50.6 51.4 52.9 Grants Loans 43.1 31.5 40.5 34.3 38.0 35.9 42.2 44.4 45.3 81.2 42.4 106.7 Technical assistance Otherb 37.6 39.7 32.9 40.5 26.1 42.5 27.5 49.1 27.8 57.1 28.9 51.8 29.9 27.9 10.8 10.8 31.5 23.4 30.2 27.6 17.3 4.3 44.3 17.1 Multilateralc 70.2 14.6 87.1 81.9 94.0 72.1 Grants 22.1 9.8 13.9 14.1 14.0 18.5 Loans 62.6 70.2 44.9 43.1 20.4 60.1 3.7 3.8 1.4 .. 5.6 2.1 3.4 16.2 3.4 3.9 9.0 0.3 1.4 6.3 .. .. 136.4 3.2 5.8 .. .. 2.2 8.7 .. Export creditsd Direct investment Othere . .. .. 110.1 1.3 .. 1.8 0.2 64.9 .. .. 0.8 .. 2.8 16.3 .. 2.2 22.1 Total financial flows 27.1 26.3 11.6 24.4 22.5 19.6 Concessional loans & grants Of which: DAC Bilateral OPEC Bilateral Non-concessional flows Of which: DAC Bilateral official Multilaterala Note: No percentage is shown when either the net flow to all LDCs or the net flow to all developing countries in a particular year is negative. For other notes and sources, see table 20. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 23. NET ODAa Donor countryb FROM INDIVIDUAL DAC 333 MEMBER COUNTRIES TO % of GNI LDCS AS A GROUP Millions of dollars 1990 2000 2002 2003 Norway Portugal Norway Denmark Luxembourg Netherlands Sweden Ireland Belgium France United Kingdom Switzerland Finland Germany 0.52 0.17 0.52 0.37 0.08 0.30 0.35 0.06 0.19 0.19 0.09 0.14 0.24 0.12 0.26 0.11 0.27 0.34 0.26 0.21 0.24 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.27 0.10 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.29 0.26 0.21 0.14 0.16 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.07 0.27 0.14 0.36 0.32 0.27 0.20 0.27 0.21 0.35 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.10 Total DAC 0.09 0.05 0.06 New Zealand Canada Austria Australia Italy Japan Spain United States Greece 0.04 0.13 0.07 0.06 0.13 0.06 0.00 0.04 - 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 2004 1990 2000 2002 0.33 0.53 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.08 532 100 532 462 10 834 775 21 367 2286 834 325 317 1769 455 118 424 537 46 793 528 113 213 1141 1406 269 109 1207 424 120 625 547 58 1180 629 210 353 1626 1153 250 154 1332 0.08 0.08 15153 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 18 740 61 171 1382 1753 194 2199 - 2004 2004/1990 625 878 837 735 87 1453 762 322 645 3169 2988 399 153 2312 17.6 777.2 57.4 58.9 770.9 74.2 -1.7 1430.4 75.6 38.6 258.2 22.7 -51.8 30.7 12169 15137 22237 23490 55.0 27 307 59 211 388 2127 142 1986 18 30 349 170 192 1045 1813 252 3012 37 2003 % change 449 205 801 673 65 981 822 266 1088 2965 2273 405 183 2508 45 634 169 259 1104 1922 342 4474 55 65 702 168 350 788 1684 424 4504 65 257.1 -5.1 175.7 104.4 -43.0 -3.9 118.0 104.8 - Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on OECD, Development Co-operation Report, various issues, and OECD/ DAC, International Development Statistics, online database. a b Including imputed flows through multilateral channels. Ranked in descending order of the ODA/GNI ratio in 2004. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 334 24. BILATERAL ODA FROM DAC MEMBER COUNTRIES AND TOTAL FINANCIAL FLOWS FROM MULTILATERAL AGENCIES a TO ALL LDCS (Millions of dollars) Net disbursements 1985 Commitments 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 1985 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 A. Bilateral donors Australia Austria Belgium 58.2 12.1 179.2 104.5 60.9 273.5 151.7 71.7 190.8 172.8 125.6 252.7 204.4 64.3 959.9 296.5 54.8 458.9 59.1 11.9 83.5 97.0 132.4 273.5 179.6 66.3 209.5 138.0 137.2 260.7 236.6 75.4 959.9 249.7 46.2 488.6 Canada Denmark Finland 329.6 126.0 60.6 391.6 295.1 194.6 198.6 396.6 70.6 224.8 371.1 78.3 487.7 448.0 99.3 548.6 493.5 109.9 352.0 148.6 127.7 354.0 269.2 129.8 208.5 177.1 101.9 316.4 371.0 97.9 466.7 254.8 97.5 655.7 663.2 109.9 France Germany Greece 723.9 584.9 - 1857.1 1160.6 - 645.4 601.6 2.3 1108.7 819.6 9.7 2247.6 1551.4 10.8 2269.3 963.2 14.4 901.7 843.8 - 1480.3 1323.2 - 765.5 576.6 2.3 1279.9 952.1 9.7 2755.8 1709.3 10.8 2503.6 1009.5 14.4 Ireland Italy Japan 10.4 420.1 562.9 13.9 968.8 1067.2 123.6 187.2 1188.8 181.1 772.6 1036.5 226.1 722.1 1078.0 270.7 287.6 914.9 10.4 530.7 633.2 13.9 846.0 1144.7 123.6 211.4 1709.7 181.1 782.4 1207.9 226.1 723.2 1127.3 270.7 302.2 1848.8 Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway 256.2 7.0 156.8 7.9 592.8 13.3 356.7 40.5 761.9 25.4 314.9 50.6 920.2 25.5 452.0 55.9 980.7 37.0 577.6 70.8 957.5 56.3 617.4 251.9 12.2 151.1 681.7 9.7 187.0 40.5 753.7 25.4 428.2 50.6 857.7 27.9 478.0 55.9 733.9 35.4 649.2 70.8 802.1 57.6 634.2 Portugal Spain Sweden 200.8 99.6 96.7 530.2 155.0 78.5 325.7 155.9 130.4 344.7 150.8 160.4 608.8 824.5 169.2 586.9 210.5 332.4 155.0 87.0 355.1 155.9 138.9 367.9 152.6 170.4 739.7 829.1 195.6 527.7 87.2 281.6 1427.0 232.1 473.0 1098.0 163.3 1079.2 992.4 190.0 855.7 2086.3 255.2 1348.6 4238.6 257.7 137.4 2195.7 232.3 3433.5 1362.4 214.9 480.0 1152.2 174.2 1119.3 1227.3 165.7 885.0 2321.3 269.0 1402.3 4774.0 278.8 2204.1 4421.2 Total bilateral concessional 5484.4 9888.0 7765.6 10364.8 16513.0 15851.5 6060.4 9121.7 8697.6 11183.3 17625.8 18183.5 Switzerland United Kingdom United States B. Multilateral donors 1. Concessional AfDF AsDF 173.4 229.6 561.3 448.2 307.2 271.9 437.0 330.6 374.1 293.5 554.8 0.6 1178.9 1168.4 2138.0 1499.8 2394.5 1686.8 2897.2 2309.7 3186.5 IDB Sp.Fund 10.7 IFAD 108.0 SAF+ESAF+PRGF(IMF) -108.8b 11.7 120.6 297.9 0.3 88.8 86.0 3.8 76.7 305.6 25.8 85.1 -272.3 1204.1 1541.1 1163.4 1239.3 1148.9 276.2 366.6 157.2 154.7 171.8 220.0 - - - - - - 26.4 201.8 126.6 46.3 197.6 232.7 89.3 201.4 184.2 106.1 254.9 168.9 110.9 203.5 194.5 114.1 164.1 202.8 - - - - - - 62.0 346.3 3351.4 59.0 501.3 6287.1 81.9 234.8 5828.3 113.2 241.9 6993.4 123.7 229.0 7164.6 114.9 186.0 8851.6 4314.3 7053.9 6724.2 7008.5 9406.1 9144.8 AfDB AsDB EC 142.9 -0.9 20.0 106.9 -0.5 -14.0 -66.1 20.6 8.3 -77.3 24.3 30.6 -51.7 19.1 61.1 -87.9 95.9 165.3 IBRD IFC Total 55.0 20.5 237.6 -82.0 18.5 28.9 -17.7 -2.5 -57.5 -118.6 -36.5 -177.6 -14.9 34.8 48.4 -10.4 -7.0 155.8 EC IBRD IDA Other: Of which: UNDP UNFPA UNHCR UNICEF UNTA WFP Total 675.6 161.8 344.4 383.7 864.4 536.4 973.3 422.1 661.1 708.5 971.4 721.4 967.0 638.8 2642.6 579.0 3925.7 1584.4 790.8 2986.0 1316.6 3532.4 1947.8 3253.6 3380.5 3764.9 2585.8 24.7 83.2 - 56.0 72.1 - 2.0 158.7 - 1.9 130.0 - 203.7 187.3 - 2.3 185.6 - 1305.5 1314.9 1748.3 269.2 263.1 117.5 91.1 18.7 109.4 -3.7 4614.7 2. Non-concessional Total concessional(A+B1) 8835.7 16175.1 13593.9 17358.2 23677.6 24703.1 Grand total 9073.3 16203.9 13536.4 17180.6 23725.9 24859.0 10374.7 16175.7 15421.7 18191.8 27031.9 27328.3 Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on OECD/DAC, International Development Statistics, online data. a Multilateral agencies mainly financed by DAC countries. b IMF Trust Fund. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 335 25. ODA TO LDCS FROM DAC MEMBER COUNTRIES AND MULTILATERAL AGENCIES MAINLY FINANCED BY THEM: DISTRIBUTION BY DONOR AND SHARES ALLOCATED TO LDCS IN TOTAL ODA FLOWS TO ALL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (Percentage) Distribution by donor Share of LDCs in ODA flows to all developing countries 1985 1990 2001 2002 2003 2004 1985 Australia 0.7 0.6 1.1 1.0 Austria 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.7 Belgium 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.5 4.1 1990 2001 2002 2003 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.2 1.9 2004 11.9 15.4 27.7 29.1 27.6 32.0 7.5 153.1 19.9 59.1 48.1 23.9 75.6 72.2 60.7 59.8 85.6 71.4 Bilateral donors Canada 3.7 2.4 1.5 1.3 2.1 2.2 44.6 39.5 44.0 32.8 77.2 49.3 Denmark 1.4 1.8 2.9 2.1 1.9 2.0 60.6 61.3 55.5 54.4 67.1 57.4 Finland 0.7 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 54.9 53.1 54.4 54.1 54.5 52.8 France 8.2 11.5 4.7 6.4 9.5 9.2 39.2 38.7 25.5 31.2 45.6 43.1 Germany 6.6 7.2 4.4 4.7 6.6 3.9 35.6 29.9 30.0 41.8 50.5 35.9 Greece - - 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 - - 25.6 53.9 26.4 32.0 Ireland 0.1 0.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 92.2 87.3 85.2 81.9 78.5 81.1 Italy 4.8 6.0 1.4 4.5 3.0 1.2 65.0 54.4 99.4 91.6 86.7 64.3 Japan 6.4 6.6 8.7 6.0 4.6 3.7 23.3 17.2 20.0 19.8 25.1 21.6 Luxembourg - 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 - 60.4 52.4 55.2 49.2 55.0 Netherlands 2.9 3.7 5.6 5.3 4.1 3.9 40.0 37.4 45.6 52.4 56.2 60.9 New Zealand 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 22.1 22.6 40.9 37.1 37.4 46.1 Norway 1.8 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.4 2.5 58.1 62.2 56.3 63.8 63.2 66.7 Portugal - 0.6 1.1 0.9 0.6 3.3 - 100.0 97.1 95.3 94.2 97.8 Spain - 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 - 19.5 8.6 18.7 19.8 15.8 Sweden 2.3 3.3 2.4 2.0 2.6 2.4 50.1 57.8 52.2 55.6 64.1 57.5 Switzerland 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 51.6 60.1 53.4 50.9 53.5 52.8 United Kingdom 3.2 2.9 7.9 4.9 5.7 8.9 43.4 44.1 57.4 41.8 49.6 55.2 United States 16.2 6.8 7.3 12.0 17.9 13.9 28.3 20.2 23.2 35.7 42.0 34.1 Total 62.1 61.1 57.1 59.7 69.7 64.2 34.9 32.7 32.5 38.5 47.1 42.6 AfDF 2.0 3.5 2.3 2.5 1.6 2.7 83.8 94.4 76.1 73.8 80.9 82.8 AsDF 2.6 2.8 2.0 1.9 1.2 0.7 59.3 41.3 36.6 38.6 37.6 26.2 EC 6.3 7.2 11.0 9.7 9.8 10.7 59.6 53.0 42.7 50.1 53.3 48.3 IBRD 0.0 - - - - - 1.9 - - - - - IDA 13.3 13.2 17.6 16.7 13.5 15.9 45.4 54.7 51.7 54.6 61.2 59.8 IDB Sp.Fund 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 3.3 10.4 0.1 2.7 10.0 7.9 IFAD 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 41.8 49.2 56.9 57.3 63.1 76.1 Multilateral donors n.a 1.8 0.6 1.8 n.a 0.0 36.5 92.7 856.8 56.5 n.a 2.5 11.8 8.7 7.0 6.0 4.4 4.1 45.4 46.3 40.5 41.2 41.4 41.5 Other 0.6 0.9 1.7 1.2 0.5 1.3 42.8 136.0 70.1 60.0 49.7 52.4 Total 37.9 38.9 42.9 40.3 30.3 35.8 48.9 54.2 47.1 50.6 51.4 52.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 39.1 38.6 37.5 42.6 48.4 45.8 SAF+ESAF+PRGF(IMF) UN Grand Total Source: n.a UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on OECD/DAC, International Development Statistics, online data. Percentage share can not be expressed because of the numerator is negative. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 336 26. TOTAL FINANCIAL FLOWS AND ODA FROM ALL SOURCES TO INDIVIDUAL LDCS (Net disbursements in millions of dollars) Country Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Comoros Congo Dem.Rep. Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Laos Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome & Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Tanzania Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda Vanuatu Yemen Zambia Total financial flows Of which: ODA 1985 1990 2001 2002 2003 -6 258 1 105 97 24 190 154 15 71 112 179 51 462 103 28 790 48 108 63 142 12 67 118 - 294 210 118 11 377 224 330 311 244 285 184 20 12 306 56 22 380 1 117 556 -5 91 3 220 39 402 523 129 91 2 167 243 50 347 255 42 107 254 315 45 1 410 192 62 988 108 284 135 154 20 151 148 519 430 518 38 474 219 1 051 117 429 382 286 54 54 759 64 58 488 740 1 128 -5 257 5 665 149 331 583 390 854 985 291 60 391 149 443 130 66 201 16 288 71 24 281 1 061 46 230 59 166 13 242 - 41 1 033 374 457 38 333 260 1 057 107 475 229 296 43 41 456 343 54 153 173 1 296 249 43 10 757 - 374 496 382 1 305 - 337 895 235 96 490 186 207 161 54 247 - 105 1 025 94 - 415 216 1 093 47 232 60 170 21 265 - 44 - 259 369 392 52 330 306 2 091 78 280 194 360 38 28 541 353 25 197 423 1 019 397 60 37 702 24 759 618 1 611 446 1 273 286 57 524 224 383 186 50 299 26 4 707 99 845 302 1 594 68 230 93 202 18 152 - 50 4 522 550 517 55 559 228 864 61 464 486 341 40 45 524 296 62 179 610 1 623 346 65 6 991 32 389 517 LDCs,Total 9 933 Developing countries 36 708 17 489 15 193 66 608 131 161 memo items: In current dollars per capita: All LDCs 25 All Developing countries 10 34 16 22 27 In constant 2000 dollars (millions)a All LDCs 11 160 15 208 15 503 All Developing countries 40 787 64 668 135 218 In constant 2000 dollars per capita All LDCs 28 All Developing countries 11 29 16 23 28 1985 1990 2 225 1 084 1 515 373 78 643 342 316 206 106 325 24 1 782 74 848 252 1 673 67 230 75 243 17 260 96 1 225 1 217 471 76 533 211 1 368 84 416 453 471 21 32 996 361 124 191 902 1 750 527 94 8 1 143 21 193 909 17 92 1 129 95 24 195 139 15 70 104 181 48 306 81 17 720 50 115 58 150 12 40 93 91 186 113 9 376 207 300 346 234 303 180 19 13 289 65 21 353 1 129 484 111 3 180 22 397 322 131 268 2 095 268 47 331 264 42 108 250 314 45 897 194 61 1 016 99 293 129 168 20 151 142 114 398 503 21 482 237 1 003 163 426 396 291 48 55 818 61 46 494 822 1 173 0 260 5 668 50 405 480 408 289 1 030 274 61 392 137 420 77 67 187 27 263 58 13 281 1 116 54 282 59 171 12 245 56 39 374 404 25 354 268 933 127 394 257 299 43 38 413 345 59 150 185 1 271 195 44 10 793 32 461 349 15 613 27 996 26 650 63 861 124 454 135 853 9 503 24 975 16 752 47 216 22 13 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 1 305 421 913 216 73 473 172 487 92 60 229 32 1 188 78 20 230 1 307 61 250 59 156 21 278 76 52 373 377 27 467 345 2 203 121 365 298 355 37 26 445 353 26 194 351 1 233 220 51 12 712 28 584 641 1 595 497 1 396 293 77 507 225 509 143 50 247 24 5 421 79 21 316 1 553 63 240 145 200 18 299 78 107 539 518 21 543 239 1 039 126 465 457 333 33 38 446 303 60 175 617 1 704 155 47 6 977 32 234 581 2 190 1 144 1 404 378 78 610 351 478 140 105 319 25 1 815 64 30 260 1 823 63 279 76 243 17 270 102 210 1 236 476 28 567 180 1 228 121 427 536 468 31 33 1 052 360 122 191 882 1 746 153 61 8 1 159 38 252 1 081 13 838 37 237 18 094 43 404 23 791 49 578 24 908 54 759 39 25 36 27 24 7 32 12 20 8 26 9 33 10 34 11 15 613 26 165 67 222 125 711 .. .. 10 677 27 750 14 567 45 841 14 120 38 389 18 094 45 688 22 235 50 079 .. .. .. .. 27 8 28 11 21 8 26 9 31 10 .. .. 22 14 36 25 Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on OECD/DAC, International Development Statistics, online data. a The deflator used is the unit value indices of LDCs imports 2000 = 100. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 27. ODA FROM DAC 337 MEMBER COUNTRIES AND MULTILATERAL AGENCIES MAINLY FINANCED BY THEM , TO INDIVIDUAL LDCS Average: 1990–1994 Countrya Mozambique Per capita ODA $ Average: 2000–2004 Total Of which: Bilateral Of which: Multi- Of which: Per Total Of which: Bilateral Of which: Multi- Of which: ODA Technical ODA Grants lateral Grants capita ODA Technical ODA Grants lateral Grants assistance ODA ODA assistance ODA $ mill. As percentage of total ODA $ $ mill. As percentage of total ODA 85.0 1 177.3 11.9 71.5 61.4 28.5 16.8 70.7 1 286.9 14.0 77.8 84.0 22.2 9.4 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 9.8 397.5 15.7 67.1 62.2 32.9 18.9 33.6 1 773.8 4.5 76.3 73.7 23.7 12.0 United Rep. of Tanzania 39.1 1 100.6 15.9 66.2 69.9 33.8 12.3 38.6 1 396.8 10.6 66.2 65.8 33.8 16.9 Ethiopia 19.7 1 075.6 8.2 44.9 44.0 55.1 36.5 17.6 1 269.0 10.2 51.9 52.0 48.1 22.5 Mozambique 82.6 1 181.0 10.1 69.0 58.6 31.0 17.6 67.1 1 253.3 14.2 70.7 74.5 29.3 15.2 Bangladesh 16.1 1 756.5 11.4 49.0 49.5 51.0 11.5 8.7 1 163.0 16.0 52.3 59.8 47.7 11.1 Afghanistan 10.7 182.0 28.2 62.7 64.7 37.3 37.3 42.3 1 102.4 18.8 77.9 78.5 22.1 18.6 Uganda 34.7 659.5 10.9 44.8 40.7 55.2 18.1 34.2 889.0 16.9 60.8 62.5 39.2 21.5 Zambia 90.1 797.6 15.0 66.1 70.2 33.9 11.7 61.9 687.1 16.0 71.5 72.7 28.5 17.5 Madagascar 29.3 374.1 18.3 62.9 72.5 37.1 14.9 33.2 569.6 14.1 46.4 50.3 53.6 21.7 Senegal 76.1 641.4 23.4 71.8 77.5 28.2 11.8 51.1 555.2 29.3 65.7 72.5 34.3 13.5 Angola 28.9 324.6 10.8 54.7 43.0 45.3 40.6 36.3 531.5 10.6 76.8 49.6 23.2 20.6 Burkina Faso 45.5 411.9 24.5 62.9 60.5 37.1 17.7 37.4 450.4 17.3 56.6 57.6 43.4 30.8 Cambodia 18.6 193.7 21.3 56.9 59.3 43.1 35.3 33.7 446.6 27.7 62.8 62.1 37.2 10.0 Mali 46.1 432.1 21.8 59.9 55.1 40.1 17.8 36.0 445.3 24.5 61.3 68.1 38.7 28.1 Malawi 52.4 511.9 10.9 40.7 36.2 59.3 32.7 36.3 438.2 22.3 59.9 62.7 40.1 25.2 Sudan 22.3 610.8 9.8 43.1 44.9 56.9 39.6 12.1 414.4 8.1 72.7 73.2 27.3 28.4 Nepal 21.2 426.0 21.6 62.0 53.9 38.0 11.4 15.7 401.6 26.8 70.7 69.1 29.3 12.4 Rwanda 64.8 411.4 17.2 62.8 61.6 37.2 25.2 41.6 355.2 19.7 53.7 54.2 46.3 29.4 Niger 40.8 368.2 24.3 70.4 71.4 29.6 20.6 27.8 351.1 12.4 50.4 55.3 49.6 24.9 Sierra Leone 38.0 156.2 9.0 43.7 37.2 56.3 21.3 62.5 306.9 11.2 57.3 57.0 42.7 24.0 Benin 48.3 269.4 15.2 55.4 51.6 44.6 16.8 36.4 279.5 24.5 63.1 68.7 36.9 24.3 Lao PDR 40.1 174.5 17.0 47.1 48.3 52.9 14.6 49.3 272.8 26.5 65.3 63.8 34.7 6.8 Yemen 19.1 254.5 25.7 65.2 53.0 34.8 15.2 13.8 264.2 15.8 49.8 52.4 50.2 16.9 Mauritania 116.8 249.1 15.0 52.8 44.3 47.2 22.8 88.9 249.7 12.6 42.4 49.5 57.6 37.7 Eritrea 13.8 42.2 26.7 170.4 170.4 79.6 79.6 64.0 248.6 10.4 60.2 57.4 39.8 16.7 Guinea 56.1 378.3 11.8 48.5 41.2 51.5 19.7 27.1 239.0 23.1 54.7 63.0 45.3 32.7 Chad 38.7 249.3 18.3 57.6 53.8 42.4 18.4 25.1 221.3 11.8 40.8 43.5 59.2 27.0 Burundi 46.5 274.2 17.4 48.4 46.7 51.6 31.5 28.5 195.5 7.2 49.7 49.6 50.3 37.4 Haiti 33.1 234.7 19.1 87.5 95.7 12.5 11.0 23.9 195.3 40.9 79.6 80.4 20.4 18.5 14.6 Timor-Leste Somalia Myanmar Cape Verde Liberia - - - - - - 241.3 81.6 531.4 4.7 75.6 75.6 24.4 21.9 20.2 3.4 144.1 5.9 68.3 44.8 31.7 18.3 305.3 55.0 Guinea-Bissau - 190.6 41.3 85.4 86.8 14.6 150.9 7.3 66.3 67.4 33.7 33.7 2.4 116.6 29.8 68.8 70.3 31.2 31.0 113.9 25.2 69.9 69.3 30.1 19.6 232.2 109.8 28.4 62.5 60.0 37.5 13.9 114.6 32.3 33.4 67.7 62.1 30.0 95.3 15.1 62.6 71.1 37.4 38.2 5.0 111.9 121.2 21.6 61.8 48.3 38.2 17.8 58.0 84.1 14.5 53.2 52.7 46.8 36.9 59.0 186.5 21.6 55.3 55.4 44.7 19.2 18.3 71.2 26.9 63.9 74.4 36.1 36.2 Lesotho 81.7 133.3 24.4 52.1 48.8 47.9 25.8 39.5 71.0 15.4 42.0 44.4 58.0 34.2 Bhutan 95.5 60.8 20.7 63.3 63.3 36.7 28.4 81.3 69.1 24.3 64.9 63.2 35.1 14.8 Djibouti 194.1 112.8 33.9 80.0 72.1 20.0 11.6 90.5 67.7 35.1 54.2 56.0 45.8 19.7 Solomon Islands 136.9 45.9 41.3 75.2 63.9 24.8 17.8 151.3 66.9 62.3 71.7 80.9 28.3 28.7 29.2 Central African Rep. Gambia 93.2 93.8 18.4 53.4 52.0 46.6 20.5 39.8 55.6 13.4 27.7 29.7 72.3 Togo 43.5 181.4 20.2 61.2 56.8 38.8 16.1 9.3 52.6 44.4 83.0 101.3 17.0 22.4 Vanuatu 276.5 43.8 51.6 80.8 78.6 19.2 11.0 175.6 35.0 62.5 78.6 79.4 21.4 13.1 Samoa 310.4 50.9 25.1 59.4 59.3 40.6 14.7 189.3 34.2 54.2 74.7 74.8 25.3 17.0 Sao Tome & Principe 427.8 51.8 17.1 52.4 48.1 47.6 17.9 233.0 34.1 31.3 62.3 59.4 37.7 24.3 Comoros 87.6 48.8 23.8 53.5 54.6 46.5 31.4 32.8 24.2 31.7 46.6 53.4 53.4 28.9 Maldives 129.6 29.8 14.7 53.1 53.1 46.9 17.9 74.7 22.8 16.8 51.6 53.8 48.4 14.5 Equatorial Guinea 141.3 52.3 30.6 60.8 58.0 39.2 20.5 45.3 21.3 33.5 80.4 103.7 19.6 30.3 Kiribati 259.9 19.6 38.8 81.0 81.0 19.0 17.4 184.1 17.2 52.5 77.5 77.5 22.5 12.1 Tuvalu 616.7 5.9 47.2 85.5 85.5 14.5 13.8 759.2 7.8 36.6 83.6 83.6 16.4 13.0 LDCs, Total 29.5 16 281.8 15.3 58.4 56.5 41.6 20.4 26.0 18 364.2 16.4 63.6 64.7 36.4 19.6 All developing countries 10.6 44 469.0 25.9 69.0 54.8 31.0 14.7 8.6 42 710.0 29.1 68.7 69.4 31.3 16.7 Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on OECD/DAC, International Development Statistics, online data. a Ranked in descending order of total ODA received in 2000–2004. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 338 28. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT : INFLOW TO AND OUTFLOW FROM LDCS (Millions of dollars) Country FDI inflow Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa São Tomé and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia All LDCs Developing countries FDI outflow 1985 1990 2000 2003 2003 .. 278.0 - 6.7 - 0.1 .. - 1.4 1.6 .. .. 3.0 53.7 .. 69.2 0.2 2.4 .. 0.2 - 0.5 1.1 1.4 4.9 0.2 - 1.6 4.5 - 16.2 - 0.2 0.5 1.2 2.9 7.0 0.3 .. 0.7 - 9.4 14.6 0.4 .. - 18.9 - 31.0 0.7 - 0.7 - 3.0 16.3 .. - 4.0 14.5 4.6 3.2 51.5 .. -334.5 3.2 62.4 1.6 0.5 1.3 .. 0.3 0.7 9.4 0.4 -14.5 0.1 11.1 .. 12 14.1 17.9 2 8 0.3 6 16.1 225.2 22.4 23.3 5.6 5.7 6.7 9.2 225.1 5.9 40.8 7.7 6.6 .. 56.9 32.4 10.4 5.6 -31.1 22.7 .. -5.9 0 13.1 -130.9 202.8 0.2 878.5 280.4 59.7 -0.1 23.1 11.7 148.5 32.5 0.9 114.8 0.1 23.1 3.3 107.8 27.9 134.6 43.5 9.9 0.7 13.3 .. 34 31.5 20.8 83.0 26.0 13.0 82.4 40.1 139.2 208 -0.5 8.4 8.1 -1.5 3.8 62.9 38.9 1.4 0.3 392.2 41.5 -0.9 180.8 282 20.3 6.4 121.7 0.5 1672.1 52.3 13.5 0.3 15.0 0.0 145.1 12.1 5.6 924.1 0.4 117 3.5 323.4 20 255 42.8 30 3.5 5.7 .. 25 27.2 2.8 8.3 5.9 12.4 243.8 117.6 347.6 191.4 -6.0 2.4 7.4 -0.1 3.0 78.1 1.6 -1.4 0.1 713.2 53.4 2.1 202.9 429.8 8.8 101.7 82.0 2.0 3504.7 268.3 44.7 1.1 29.1 0.0 84.0 13.8 3.3 712.7 1.0 158 11.4 1430.7 22.0 465.0 25.0 79.0 4.0 7.8 .. 19.5 41.9 1.0 12.7 10.0 13.5 132.3 214.1 336.7 291.2 14.8 11.5 4.7 0.5 7.0 52.5 3.1 -2.0 0.3 1349.2 33.7 0.0 210.5 526.8 15.5 5.5 172.0 445.2 578.7 3758.1 6327.2 10350.6 2004 1985 1990 1.0 .. 2047.5 .. 460.4 - 0.3 60.0 .. 1.0 .. 35.0 0.0 3.0 .. 131.4 .. 20.5 .. -12.7 0.6 478.2 0.3 2.0 .. 900 .. 33 .. 1664.1 .. 30.0 .. 545.1 .. 60.0 .. 100.0 .. 5.0 .. 6.5 .. .. .. 17 .. 51.8 .. 20.0 245.0 45.0 .. 16.0 .. 13.0 .. 180.0 .. 300.0 .. 131.9 .. 556.4 .. 10.0 .. 20.0 1.9 10.9 0.0 0.5 .. 54.0 .. 70 3.1 4.9 0.0 -5.0 .. 9.0 .. 1511.1 .. 60.0 0.3 8.5 .. 237.2 - 34.0 469.9 .. 21.9 .. -20.9 0.5 334.0 .. 10702.1 217.6 2000 2002 .. 0.9 0.5 0.3 .. -0.6 0.0 .. 0.3 3.8 0.1 1.1 .. .. 0.1 .. .. 2.8 0.1 .. -8.0 .. 0.2 .. -3.1 1.3 .. .. 0.2 .. 0.2 .. .. 0.0 0.0 .. .. -9.5 0.1 .. .. .. 4.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20.0 28.7 2.0 2.7 3.6 1.4 .. .. 0.2 1.7 0.0 0.0 6.6 6.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 .. .. -1.8 -1.9 .. .. -3.6 0.0 .. .. -1.0 .. 4.7 4.8 0.0 7.0 .. 1.0 .. 1.0 .. .. 9.8 .. .. 0.1 780.3 385.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.0 1.6 0.5 .. -0.2 0.0 .. .. .. .. -0.6 -1.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.4 2.4 .. .. -27.6 .. .. .. .. 0.6 -9.8 11.3 .. .. -4.5 789.6 487.6 2003 2004 .. 23.6 2.8 0.3 .. 1.9 0.0 9.7 .. 0.0 0.0 .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. 6.7 .. 0.5 .. .. 0.1 0.0 80.0 .. .. .. 1.4 -1.0 0.0 .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. 2.7 .. .. .. .. -6.3 .. .. .. 0.7 .. .. .. 30 4.4 .. .. 1.0 .. 10.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.0 .. 0.5 .. .. .. 0.1 60.0 .. .. .. 1.0 .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.0 .. .. .. .. -3.0 .. .. .. 0.8 .. .. 123.1 110.0 14 908.8 35 736.3 253 178.8 155 528.4 166 336.6 233 227.3 4 262.9 225 9651 092 747 599895 577323 637360 Source: UNCTAD, FDI/TNC database and Handbook of Statistics 2005. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 29. EXTERNAL 339 DEBT ( AT YEAR END ) AND DEBT SERVICE , BY SOURCE OF LENDING ($ millions) External debt (at year end)a 1985 2000 2002 2003 2004 Debt service % of total 1985 2004 1985 1990 2000 2002 2003 2004 1985 59 024 106 240 119 963 126 118 136 956 140 360 80.2 86.1 2202 3060 4509 4255 4483 5533 100.0 100.0 Public and publicly guaranteed 58 539 105 387 117 546 123 870 134 746 138 320 79.5 84.8 2145 2979 4441 4187 4381 5417 97.4 1510 2227 2872 2686 2822 3915 68.6 70.7 682 1244 2240 2089 2108 2891 31.0 52.2 22.8 I. Long-term 1990 % of total 2004 97.9 Official creditors 50 739 90 630 107 691 113 708 124 345 127 482 68.9 78.2 A. Concessional 38 328 69 406 91 022 100 243 110 090 114 525 52.1 70.2 Bilateral 25 447 39 481 36 965 37 768 39 222 37 148 34.6 22.8 457 756 1155 850 922 1262 20.7 Multilateral 12 881 29 925 54 057 62 475 70 868 77 377 17.5 47.4 226 487 1085 1239 1186 1629 10.3 29.4 12 411 21 224 16 669 13 466 14 255 12 958 16.9 7.9 827 984 632 596 714 1024 37.6 18.5 7 800 14 757 9 855 10 161 10 401 10 838 10.6 6.6 635 753 1568 7 10 7 12 7 5 0.0 0.0 1 Of which: B. Non-concessional Private creditors Bonds 1 1502 1559 1503 28.9 27.2 0 0 2 1 0.1 0.0 Commercial banks 2 512 3 174 5 038 4 755 5 423 6 533 3.4 4.0 227 174 1273 1315 1012 1084 10.3 19.6 Other private 5 281 11 573 4 810 5 394 4 971 4 301 7.2 2.6 407 578 295 187 545 418 18.5 7.6 486 852 2 418 2 249 2 211 2 039 0.7 1.3 57 81 68 68 102 116 2.6 2.1 9 400 13 072 16 767 14 880 15 119 16 314 12.8 10.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 181 5 397 3.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 73 605 124 708 142 569 147 029 158 266 163 070 100.0 100.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private nonguaranteed II. Short-term III. Use of IMF credit Total external debt Source: 5 839 6 030 6 191 6 397 7.0 UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on World Bank, Global Development Finance, online data. a Refers to debt stocks. The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 340 30. TOTAL EXTERNAL DEBT AND DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS OF INDIVIDUAL LDCS ($ millions) External debta (at year end) Country 1985 1990 2000 2002 Debt serviceb 2003 2004 1985 1990 2000 2002 2003 2004 Afghanistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Angola Bangladesh Benin .. 6 658 854 8 592 12 439 1 292 9 408 15 717 1 591 9 189 17 046 1 836 9 316 18 759 1 828 9 521 20 344 1 916 .. 195 41 283 495 33 1 680 684 60 1 425 624 45 1 352 584 48 2 044 646 60 Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi 9 513 455 84 834 907 204 1 426 1 108 378 1 548 1 214 419 1 736 1 328 593 1 967 1 385 0 25 21 5 28 40 7 38 14 6 34 19 7 43 28 12 62 59 Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad 7 95 344 217 1 845 134 699 529 2 628 327 858 1 138 2 900 414 1 065 1 323 3 139 486 1 038 1 590 3 377 517 1 078 1 701 0 5 12 12 29 6 17 7 19 16 12 24 7 21 0 20 11 19 0 33 16 24 15 35 Comoros 134 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 6 183 Djibouti 144 189 10 259 205 238 11 693 262 276 10 060 335 293 11 254 396 306 11 841 429 2 300 4 1 137 11 2 0 11 5 412 9 3 141 14 3 126 18 Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia 132 .. 5 206 241 .. 8 630 248 311 5 483 260 520 6 526 319 635 7 187 291 681 6 574 2 .. 111 1 .. 201 2 3 123 2 9 73 5 11 82 5 19 117 Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau 245 1 465 318 369 2 476 692 483 3 388 804 576 3 401 699 635 3 457 745 674 3 539 765 1 61 5 30 149 6 19 132 19 14 111 9 20 114 10 22 149 43 749 .. 619 911 .. 1 768 1 169 .. 2 502 1 248 .. 2 665 1 309 .. 2 846 1 225 .. 2 961 21 0 5 14 0 8 33 0 32 15 0 35 35 0 40 125 0 45 Lesotho Liberia Madagascar 175 1 243 2 520 396 1 849 3 689 672 2 032 4 691 658 2 324 4 511 707 2 568 4 952 764 2 706 3 462 18 19 94 23 2 155 56 0 102 64 0 58 64 0 64 52 0 73 Malawi Maldives Mali 1 021 83 1 456 1 558 78 2 468 2 706 206 2 980 2 888 272 2 827 3 099 281 3 114 3 418 345 3 316 76 9 34 103 7 43 51 19 68 28 21 61 33 21 56 56 31 91 Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar 1 454 2 871 3 098 2 113 4 650 4 695 2 378 7 000 5 928 2 240 4 592 6 583 2 328 4 543 7 319 2 297 4 651 7 239 76 57 185 118 64 57 66 84 75 44 64 102 44 73 107 53 74 105 Nepal Niger Rwanda 590 1 195 366 1 640 1 726 712 2 846 1 673 1 273 2 972 1 791 1 437 3 200 2 084 1 540 3 354 1 950 1 656 13 95 14 54 71 15 95 22 21 97 23 14 109 28 19 113 46 29 Samoa 76 Sao Tome and Principe 63 Senegal 2 566 92 150 3 739 197 322 3 607 234 343 4 121 365 349 4 447 562 362 3 938 5 3 103 4 2 226 6 3 185 5 5 189 6 7 206 6 11 311 Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia 711 66 1 639 1 197 121 2 370 1 229 155 2 562 1 443 180 2 689 1 607 178 2 838 1 723 176 2 849 15 3 5 17 10 7 19 9 0 20 6 0 23 9 0 27 17 0 Sudan Timor Leste Togo 8 955 .. 935 14 762 .. 1 281 16 394 .. 1 432 17 297 .. 1 587 18 389 .. 1 715 19 332 .. 1 812 89 0 90 23 0 60 185 0 15 118 0 1 246 0 1 281 0 4 Tuvalu .. Uganda 1 231 United Rep. of Tanzania 9 105 .. 2 583 6 454 .. 3 497 6 931 .. 3 992 6 800 .. 4 555 6 990 .. 4 822 7 800 0 56 140 0 84 137 0 47 150 0 49 96 0 57 77 0 77 95 Vanuatu Yemen Zambia 16 3 339 4 487 38 6 352 6 905 75 5 075 5 723 91 5 225 6 452 95 5 375 6 914 118 5 488 7 246 1 95 87 2 108 171 2 127 177 2 139 157 2 150 485 2 175 164 73 605 124 708 142 569 147 029 158 266 163 070 2 202 3 060 4 509 4 255 4 483 5 533 Haiti Kiribati Lao PDR Total LDCs Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on information from the World Bank, Global Development Finance 2005. a Figures for total debt cover both long-term and short-term debt as well as the use of IMF credit. b Figures on debt service cover long-term debt only. Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 31. DEBT 341 AND DEBT SERVICE RATIOS (Percentage) Country Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Dem. Rep. of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kiribati Lao PDR Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Timor-Leste Togo Tuvalu Uganda United Rep. of Tanzania Vanuatu Yemen Zambia All LDCs Debt service/exportsa Debt/GDP 1985 1990 2000 2002 2003 2004 1985 1990 2000 2002 2003 2004 .. .. 31 82 5 32 40 .. .. 40 21 117 86 42 166 .. 78 109 .. 221 37 .. 26 60 133 88 90 65 111 213 64 .. 23 83 21 63 121 100 83 41 187 72 .. 123 .. 35 .. 13 .. 199 .. 84 41 70 29 27 80 166 40 47 30 72 110 49 182 .. 100 116 88 284 32 .. 204 64 481 120 83 36 102 207 189 .. 45 70 28 46 261 66 184 57 258 112 .. 79 .. 60 152 25 132 210 .. 103 35 71 42 55 163 73 62 90 82 117 272 47 18 49 84 115 109 373 30 .. 145 78 375 121 155 33 123 253 190 .. 52 93 70 85 692 82 194 52 .. 134 .. 108 .. 59 76 30 54 177 .. 85 36 68 63 48 193 72 67 102 66 112 181 57 12 82 108 156 106 344 36 .. 147 94 414 103 155 42 85 226 128 .. 53 83 83 89 682 82 154 76 .. 112 .. 107 .. 68 70 38 53 175 .. 67 36 51 70 42 223 76 61 86 61 92 198 63 11 85 108 173 95 312 45 .. 136 66 581 90 182 41 72 197 105 .. 55 76 91 115 586 69 162 75 .. 103 .. 98 .. 72 68 34 49 159 .. 47 36 47 88 41 211 73 55 81 40 83 180 65 9 74 81 162 101 273 35 .. 123 56 604 79 189 46 68 169 84 .. 50 63 90 155 582 51 160 73 .. 99 .. 88 .. 71 72 37 43 134 .. .. 19 13 0 10 20 .. 10 14 17 9 .. .. .. .. 25 10 .. 52 11 .. 9 7 9 42 40 11 17 25 34 58 7 34 10 15 29 21 15 5 16 14 .. 27 .. 42 40 1 .. 16 .. 8 26 8 5 7 43 .. 5 13 4 2 .. .. 12 .. 39 22 20 31 11 .. 9 4 .. 45 29 5 12 30 26 18 16 17 14 6 34 20 10 12 .. 9 .. 12 .. 81 33 2 6 15 .. 21 9 12 5 15 40 2 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 13 .. 20 .. 4 .. 8 11 0 10 13 4 13 .. 12 4 7 .. 24 .. 26 14 67 .. .. 10 .. 6 .. 8 13 1 4 20 .. 17 7 .. 5 14 61 1 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 8 .. 15 14 3 .. 10 12 0 9 8 4 7 .. 7 4 6 .. 11 .. 26 12 18 .. .. 5 .. 2 .. 6 7 2 3 20 .. 15 6 .. .. 10 66 1 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 7 .. 15 16 4 .. 10 9 0 6 9 4 .. .. 7 4 6 .. 14 .. 31 10 12 .. .. 7 .. 2 .. 7 5 1 3 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64 87 85 80 76 68 21 16 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005, online data, and Global Development Finance 2005, online data. Note: Figures for total debt cover both long-term and short-term debt as well as use of IMF credit. a Exports of goods and services (including non-factor services). Mozambique Mauritania Malawi Mali Haiti Madagascar Guinea-Bissau Gambia Guinea Ethiopia Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Dem. Rep. of the Congo Chad Cambodia Central African Republic Burkina Faso Benin Country II III IVb V VI I II IIIb IV V IIIb V VI VIIb IIb IIIb IV X XI I III IV I IIb IIIb IV V II III IVb Vb VI IIIb IV Ib VII VIIIb IX X IV III IVb V VI V VIb VII VIII III IV Vb VIe VII VIII Number of debta December 1991 June 1993 October 1996 October 2000 April 2003 March 1991 May 1993 June 1996 October 2000 June 2002 January 1995d June 1990 April 1994 September 1998 February 1995d June 1996d June 2001 September 2002 November 2993 May 2000 April 1992d Febuary 1994d December 1992 January 1997 April 2001 April 2002 May 2004 January 2003 November 1992 January 1995 February 1997 May 2001 February 1995 January 2001 May 1995 July 1990 March 1997 March 2001 November 2004 January 2001 October 1992 May 1996 October 2000 March 2003 January 1993 June 1995 March 2000 July 2002 June 1990 March 1993 November 1996 May 1998 July 1999 November 2001 Date of meeting 31 March 1989 31 March 1989 31 March 1989 31 March 1989 31 March 1989 1 January 1991 1 January 1991 1 January 1991 1 January 1991 1 January 1991 31 December 1985 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 30 June 1989 30 June 1989 30 June 1989 30 June 1983 30 June 1983 31 March 1998 .. .. 31 December 1989 31 December 1989 31 December 1989 31 December 1989 31 December 1989 1 July 1986 1 January 1986 1 January 1986 1 January 1986 1 January 1986 31 December 1986 31 December 1986 1 October 1993 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 January 1997 1 January 1988 1 January 1988 1 January 1988 1 January 1988 31 December 1984 31 December 1984 31 December 1984 31 December 1984 1 February 1984 1 February 1984 1 February 1984 1 February 1984 1 February 1984 1 February 1984 15 29 12 15 32 12 30 12 12 34 32 23 36 32 37 34 37 29 36 12 36 40 36 37 13 13 35 39 37 35 10 24 36 36 30 24 32 32 - Consolidation period (months) London terms London terms Naples terms (67%)c Cologne terms Cologne terms Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%)c Cologne terms Cologne terms Naples terms (67%) Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Naples terms Cologne terms Non-concessional London terms London terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Naple terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Cologne terms London terms Naples terms (50%) Naples terms (50%) Cologne terms Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Naples terms (67%) Toronto terms Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Cologne terms London terms Naples terms (67%)c Cologne terms Cologne terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Lyon terms 90% NPV reduction Cologne terms Terms DEBT RESCHEDULINGS WITH OFFICIAL CREDITORS , Cut-off date 32. LDCS’ Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes .. Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes No Arrears 1990–2005 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes - Rescheduling of previously rescheduled debt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Goodwill clause 203 156 .. 151 195 141 117 139 1 247 254 1 057 .. 20 33 4 155 218 66 80 384 719 440 664 .. 1 860 2 800 152 25 209 5 65 63 36 64 1 33 249 4 33 26 24 .. 15 8 980 not stated 16 32 51 441 184 430 7 1 487 Amounts rescheduled/ consolidated ($ million) 342 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 Source: Zambia Yemen a b c d e f VII VIII IXb X XI Ib II III Ib VIII IX X XIb XIIb XIII XIV V VI VIIb VIIIb IX VIII IX Xb V VIb VII VIII III IV Vb VI VII Ib IIb IIIb IV V VIb VIIb VIII IX Number of debta September 1990 March 1994 December 1996 January 2001 May 2004 July 1998 March 2002 May 2005 May 2000 February 1990 June 1991 March 1994 April 1995 June 1998 October 2000 June 2004 November 1992 July 1994 March 1996 October 2001 July 2002 July 1990 June 1992 February 1995 June 1992 February 1995d April 1998 September 2000 March 1990 January 1992 January 1997 April 2000 January 2002 September 1996 November 1997 June 2001 July 1990 July 1992 February 1996 April 1999 September 2002 May 2005 Date of meeting 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 31 December 1994 31 December 1994 31 December 1994 1 April 1999 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 .. 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 July 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 July 1981 1 July 1981 1 July 1981 1 July 1981 30 June 1986 30 June 1986 30 June 1986 30 June 1986 30 June 1986 1 January 1993 1 January 1993 1 January 1993 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 1 January 1983 Cut-off date 28 15 31 37 35 17 37 12 12 15 29 18 16 17 24 36 31 24 24 33 18 12 30 36 36 10 36 18 33 36 36 27 - Consolidation period (months) Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Naples terms (67%) Toronto terms Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%)c Cologne terms Cologne terms London terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) London terms Naples terms (67%)c Lyon terms (80%)f Cologne termsc Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%)c Toronto terms London terms Naples terms (67%) Naples terms (67%) Cologne terms Cologne terms Terms Paris Club Agreed Minutes. Roman numerals indicate the number of debt reschedulings for the country since 1976. Naples terms; number in brackets indicates the percentage of reduction applied. Stock reduction. Dates of informal meeting of creditors on the terms to be applied in the bilateral agreements, as creditors did not call for a full Paris Club meeting. Amendment to the November 1996 agreement. Additional stock reduction (“Topping up”) on previously rescheduled debt. United Rep. of Tanzania Uganda Togo Sierra Leone Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Rwanda Niger Country Table 32 (cont.) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Arrears Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Rescheduling of previously rescheduled debt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Goodwill clause 116 160 128 115 250 64 .. 90 27 107 114 237 169 428 21 463 164 42 39 180 3 88 52 239 39 110 110 145 200 691 608 390 1 245 113 .. 420 963 917 566 1 063 .. 1 763 Estimated amounts rescheduled ($ million) Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 343 IDA Amount African Facility1 400.3 June 2003 - June 2006 Date of approval 22.18 53.05 39.85 39.171 24.1 Mar. 1991 - Mar. 1993 Mar. 1993 - May 1996 June 1996 - Sep. 1999 Sep. 1999 - Sep. 2002 June 2003-June 2006 Nov. 1998 Dec. 1999 May 2005 June 1991 11.0 18.0 39.9 60.0 19.9 June 2005 July 2004 Oct. 2004 Nov. 1993 Nov. 2004 Mar. 2005 May 2005 43.4 4.6 3.4 18.0 20.6 June 1992 Mar. 1994 49.6 Feb. 1992 13.8 4.6 31.1 34.1 3.7 136.8 68.4 196.1 Jul. 2004 Aug. 2004 Apr. 2005 Feb. 1985 33.5 41.3 7.8 25.8 May 1989 June 1991 March 2001 May 1995 147.8 137.0 1.86 132.7 2.56 2.26 109.3 72.2 2.56 175.0 2.46 2.36 2.370 2.0 16.9 14.1 18.8 40.0 ($) 29.9 27.0 ($) 17.1 54.7 35.0 ($) 3.5 IDA June 1987 Apr. 1989 Oct. 1989 June 1990 Nov. 1990 Nov. 1991 May 1992 Oct. 1992 Dec. 1992 Feb. 1994 May 1994 Dec. 1994 Dec. 1995 Nov. 1996 Mar. 2005 21.97 51.95 27.271 27.071 3455 Aug. 1990 - Sep. 1993 June 1989 - June 1992 Jan. 1993 - May 1996 Aug. 1996 - Jan. 2000 July 2000 - July 2003 201.3 Feb. 1987 - Feb. 1990 EC (30); AfDB (20); France (17); Canada (13); Germany (12) Cofinancing2 Burkina Faso 85.0 800.04 68.4 180.0 Date of approval Bhutan Benin Bangladesh July 1979 - July 1980 Dec. 1980 - Dec. 19833 March 1983 - Aug. 1983 Dec. 1985 - June 1987 Amount Feb. 2005 Dec. 2004 Period African Facility 1 Amount France/CCCE (3.2); Netherlands (2.1); Germany/GTZ (2); France/FAC (1.7); EDF (99); AfDB (60.6); CIDA (29.8); Germany (28.6); West African Development Fund (10.2); BADEA (8.5); CCCE & FAC (7.8); IsDB (5.5); BOAD (3.1); UNDP (0.6); France (21); EC (20); AfDB (13) DANIDA (4); ACBF (2) USAID (18.2) Germany (DM 26m) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment DECEMBER 2004) World Bank loans and credits Angola Amount Structural adjustment OF Jul. 2005 May 2005 May 2005 Jan. 2005 Jul. 2004 Jul. 2004 Jul. 2004 Jul. 2004 Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF LDCS (AS Millions of SDRs (except where otherwise indicated) IN SUPPORT OF STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT IN Afghanistan Country Stand-by/Extended Facility IMF arrangements 33. ARRANGEMENTS Energy Administration capacity building HIV/AIDS Economic management Structual adjustment credit III Economic recovery Agriculture Transport sector Fertilizers Rural development Energy Community-driven development Economic management Public expenditure Development support Education Health Industrial policy reform Energy sector '' Financial sector '' '' Public resource management Industry '' Jute sector '' '' '' '' Multi-sector recovery Health Emergency reconstruction Education Transport Public administration capacity Urban reconstruction Institution building Education Investment guarantees Purpose 344 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 July 1980 - June 1981 June 1985 - June 1986 Equatorial Guinea 5.5 9.212 4.6 100.064 116.465 May 1987 - May 1988 June 1989 - June 1990 April 1996 - June 1997 118.059 912.060 228. 061 162.0 214.262 Aug. 1979 - Feb. 1981 June 1981 - June 198421 Dec. 1983 - March 1985 April 1985 - April 1986 May 1986 - Mar. 1988 16.5 16.5 Mar. 1994 - Mar. 1995 Mar. 1994 - Mar. 1995 4.0 10.49 18.010 15.0 15.011 8.0 2.1 2.1 21.0 Amount Feb. 1980 - Feb. 1981 April 1981 - Dec. 1981 April 1983 - April 1984 July 1984 - July 1985 Sep.1985 - March 1987 June 1987 - May 1988 Feb. 1998 - May 1999 Feb. 1998 - Mar. 2000 Aug. 1986 - March 1988 Period 25.2 Feb. 2005 - Feb. 2008 580.0 June 2002 - June 2005 Dec. 1988 - Dec. 1992 Feb. 1993 - Feb. 1996 12.913 12.95 19.171 69.55 June 1996 - June 1999 Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2002 203.763 May 1987 - May 1990 3.2 48.071 Jan. 2000 - Jan. 2003 June 1991 - June 1994 49.65 21.4 49.471 21.3 Sep. 1995 - Apr. 1999 Oct. 1987 - Oct. 1990 July 1998 - Jan. 2002 June 1987 - May 1990 9.071 Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2002 Apr. 2002 - Apr. 2005 58.571 Oct. 1999 - Feb. 2003 69.3 84.05 42.75 Nov. 1991 - Nov. 1994 Jan. 2004 - Jan. 2007 Amount 29.9 Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF Aug. 1986 - Aug. 1989 IMF arrangements Stand-by/Extended Facility Djibouti Dem. Republic of the Congo Comoros Chad Central African Republic Cape Verde Cambodia Burundi Country Table 33 (cont.) 360.4 31.4 Dec. 2001 June 2002 20.2 18.0 22.2 Feb. 1996 June 1997 May 1999 12.3 28.9 34.5 June 1988 June 1990 11.6 9.7 21.9 22.0 Sep. 1986 Dec. 2001 Feb. 2005 Feb. 2000 June 1992 13.2 64.9 May 1986 IDA June 1988 Date of approval 14 14.3 African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment ADF (25) Japan (11); Switzerland (7.7); Japan (18.1); Germany (6); Saudi Arabia (2.9) Cofinancing2 Sep. 2004 Aug. 2004 May 2005 June 1986 June 1987 June 1991 Sep. 2004 Nov. 2004 4.4 41.1 53.9 17.6 42.2 6.0 16.4 17.1 14.4 45.4 April 1989 Mar. 1994 11.9 14.4 11.5 17.1 21.8 11.9 25.4 18.4 6.6 24.0 IDA July 1988 Dec. 1999 July 1987 May 2005 Dec. 1997 July 1988 Sep.1995 May 2005 June 2005 July 2004 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits (60) (94.3) ADF (17); UNDP (1) (16.2) (16.2) African Facility 1 Amount Fiscal consolidation credit Cotton sector Structural adjustment credit Road sector Economic reforms support Economic rehabilitation Structural adjustment credit Education Trade facilitation Agriculture Purpose Japan (15.7) Emergency assistance Economic recovery Emergency social action Restore basic services Industrial sector Agricultural and rural dev. Macroeconomic reform and capacity-building Structural adjustment credit Decentralised development Institutional reform Public sector structural adjustment credit III Public finance and cotton sector USAID (23) Transport sector Germany (22.7): CCCE (13.1); ADF (11.3); BDEAC (10.6); EDF (4.8); OPEC Fund for Int.Dev.(4.5); FAC (3.3); UNDP (0.5) Economic recovery Saudi Arabia (2); Japan (6) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 345 Lesotho Lao People's Dem. Republic Haiti Sep.1994 - Sep. 1995 July 1995 - July 1996 8.4 7.2 14.0 20.0 Mar. 1995 - Mar.1996 Aug. 1980 - Aug. 1981 21.018 34.5 60.025 32.223 Sep.1989 - Dec.1990 Oct. 1978 - Oct. Aug. 1982 - Sep. 1983 Nov. 1983 - Sep. 1985 July 1987 - Aug. 1988 198124 11.6 Dec. 1982 - Nov. 1983 Feb. 1986 - March 1987 Guinea Guinea-Bissau 25.017 33.018 1.6 16.9 12.814 5.1 Nov. 1979 - Nov. 1980 Feb. 1982 - Feb. 1983 April 1984 - July 1985 15 Sep.1986 - Oct. 1987 Gambia 67.5 Amount May 1981 - June 1982 Period 10.6 18.15 7.25 25.071 June 1988 - June 1991 May 1991 - Aug. 1994 Sep.1996 - Sep. 1997 Mar. 2001 - Mar. 2004 20.5 35.25 32.071 June 1993 - May 1997 Apr. 2001 - Apr. 2004 91.15 30.926 Sep.1989 - Sep. 1992 Oct.1996 - Oct. 1999 Dec.1986 - Dec. 1989 11.05 14.071 Jan. 1995 - July 1998 Dec. 2000 - Dec. 2003 70.871 64.071 Jan. 1997 - Jan. 2001 May 2001 - May 2004 5.320 57.95 Nov. 1991 - Dec. 1996 J Oct. 1987 - Oct. 1990 40.519 20.671 20.2 June 1998 - Dec. 2001 July 2002 - July 2005 July 1987 - July 1990 June 1989 30.8 30.0 26.9 13.5 6.6 Feb. 1996 June 2002 Mar. 2005 40.7 June 1989 Oct. 1991 Jan. 2005 18.0 18.0 May 1989 May 2000 8.0 39.3 July 2001 May 1987 0.16 50.8 47.0 22.9 17.9 4.3 176.5 0.36 0.16 150.0 96.2 88.6 IDA Dec. 1992 Dec. 1997 June 1988 Feb. 1986 Aug. 1986 12.016 20.55 Nov. 1988 - Nov. 1991 June 1993 Jan. 1994 Dec. 1994 June 2001 June 2002 Nov. 2004 Date of approval 4 15.6 9.9 African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment Sep.1986 - Nov. 1988 88.55 100.071 Oct. 1996 - Oct. 1999 Mar. 2001 - Mar. 2004 Amount 49.4 Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF Oct. 1992 - Nov. 1995 IMF arrangements Stand-by/Extended Facility Ethiopia Eritrea Country Table 33 (cont.) Switzerland (5.2); Saudi Arabia (3.2); ADF (11.3); IFAD (5.3) Netherlands (4.8); USAID (4.5); ADF (12.0) 22 France (26.7); Germany (9.4); Japan (27.8); Switzerland (4.8) ADF (12); Japan (11.2) United Kingdom (4.5); ADF (9) ADF (6); Netherlands (2.5) Cofinancing2 July 2004 Oct. 2004 Mar. 2005 June 2005 3.5 9.6 40.5 2.7 1.4 8.0 26.8 Jan. 2005 Jan. 2005 32.8 Dec. 1994 2.1 2.8 20.7 17.6 10.1 15.4 2.7 110.0 17.1 27.4 47.8 16.1 34.5 15.9 IDA Mar.1987 Nov. 2004 Dec. 2004 Aug. 2004 June 2005 Dec.1984 June 1990 June 2005 Sep. 2004 Sep. 2004 Sep. 2004 Nov. 2004 Dec. 2004 July 2004 June 2005 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits African Facility 1 Amount Switzerland (SwF 4.5 m) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment HIV/AIDS Water Financial management adj. Social and environment Environment Economic governance Emergency recovery '' Economic recovery Environment Health Structural adjustment credit IV Rural infrastructure Health Economic recovery programme21 Public sector Education sector Local govt. capacity-building Economic rehab. support Structural adjustment credit Roads ICT Education Food security Private sector development Energy Health Purpose 346 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 Mali Malawi (cont.) Malawi Madagascar Country Table 33 (cont.) 30.4 40.5 22.936 12.7 Dec. 1983 - May 1985 Nov. 1985 - March 1987 Aug. 1988 - June 1990 15.0 13.0 May 1982 - May 1993 Nov. 1994 - June 1995 March 1988 - May 1989 Oct. 1979 - Dec. May 1980 - March 1982 Aug. 1982 - Aug. 1983 Sep.1983 - Sep. 1986 26.3 49.932 22.0 81.034 13.330 Sep.1988 - July 1989 198131 64.527 76.728 51.014 33.0 29.5 30.0 Amount June 1980 - June 1982 April 1981 - June 1982 July 1982 - July 1983 April 1984 - Mar. 1985 April 1985 - April 1986 Sep.1986 - Feb. 1988 Period Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF 35.614 79.25 62.05 52.0 9.3 Aug. 1992 - April 1996 April 1996 - Aug. 1999 Aug. 1999 - Aug. 2003 June 2004 - June 2007 45.071 Aug. 1988 - Aug. 1991 Dec. 2000 - Dec. 2003 51.05 Oct.1995 - Dec. 1999 24.071 79.071 Nov. 1996 - Nov. 2000 Mar. 2001 - Feb. 2004 67.05 81.45 Nov. 1996 - Nov. 1999 July 1988 - Mar. 1994 76.95 46.529 Amount May 1989 - May 1992 Aug. 1987 - May 1989 IMF arrangements Stand-by/Extended Facility Dec. 2000 Dec. 2001 Mar. 2005 Dec. 1990 Dec. 2000 Dec. 2000 Nov. 1996 Dec. 1998 19.6 55.0 16.6 50.3 0.4 43.1 2.470 67.2 51.9 28.0 Jan. 1987 36.733 Dec. 1983 Dec. 1985 48.6 0.4 73.5 15.2 23.5 85.7 IDA June 1981 Mar. 1997 Mar. 1997 May 1999 July 2000 Dec. 2000 July 2004 Date of approval 8.4 37.3 African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment EC (20); AfDB (18) Germany/KfW (6.4); Japan/ OECF (22.6); USAID (15) Japan (17.7); United Kingdom (7.5); Germany (5) Cofinancing2 5.16 4.06 85.4 4.36 27.66 3.26 70.3 2.970 Nov. 1990 Nov. 1991 June 1992 Dec. 1992 Nov. 1994 Dec. 1994 April 1996 April 1996 Feb. 2005 Mar. 1994 Jan. 1995 June 1996 June 1990 June 1988 35.6 18.2 34.3 41.6 40.7 29.4 10.1 22.0 4.06 3.86 52.6 Mar. 1989 Oct. 1989 April 1990 Dec. 2004 May 2005 50.6 4.6 34.2 12.3 1.16 0.96 1.26 16 16 June 1988 April 1983 July 2004 June 2005 Mar.1989 Oct.1989 Nov.1990 Nov.1991 Dec.1992 19 90.5 June 1988 IDA May 1986 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits (33) African Facility 1 Amount FAC/CCCE (50.8); SDC (6.9); Netherlands (5.2); Germany (2.9) Japan (38.7); Saudi Arabia (5.9); ADF (45) AfDB (13.4) USAID (25); United Kingdom (16.5); Netherlands (5); Germany, EEC and Japan (6.1) OECF (30); USAID (25); ADF (19.5); EEC (16) IFAD (10.3) KfW (4); Japan (3) ADF (40); Switzerland (8) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment Economic recovery Education Economic management Economic management Structural adjustment credit Growth support Agricultural sector/ investment Public enterprise sector Fiscal restructuring & deregulation programme '' '' Fiscal restructuring and and de-regulation program. II Program Credit III-IDA reflow Program Credit III Health Education Industry and trade Agriculture Entrepreneurship dev. & drought recovery '' '' '' '' '' Agriculture Industrial and trade policy adjustment Smallholder fertilizers Structural adjustment credit II Structural adjustment credit " Community development Health Public sector '' '' '' '' Multisector rehabilitation Public sector Agricultural sector Purpose Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 347 29.737 25.8 12.0 12.0 10.0 July 1980 - March 198238 June 1981 - March 1982 April 1985 - April 1986 April 1986 - April 1987 May 1987 - May 1988 18.0 16.0 13.5 10.1 18.6 Dec. 1985 - April 1987 Oct. 1983 - Dec. 1984 Dec. 1984 - Dec. 1985 Dec. 1985 - Dec. 1986 Dec. 1986 - Dec. 1987 Mar. 1994 - Mar. 1995 Nepal Niger 18.7 June 1981 - June 1982 27.0 Amount Period Stand-by/Extended Facility 23.640 47.25 58.05 59.071 26.3 Dec. 1988 - Dec. 1991 June 1996 - Aug. 1999 Dec. 2000 - Dec. 2003 Jan. 2005 - Jan. 2008 Oct. 1992 - Oct. 1995 Nov. 2003 - Nov. 2007 Nov. 1986 - Nov. 1988 26.1 33.65 49.9 Oct. 1987 - Oct. 1990 75.65 87.271 11.4 June 1996 - Aug. 1999 June 1999 - June 2002 July 2004 - July 2007 July 2003 - July 2006 130.15 6.4 July 1999 - July 2002 June 1990 - Dec. 1995 42.571 Jan. 1995 - July 1998 42.7 42.85 June 1987 - June 1990 50.95 May 1989 - Jan. 1995 Amount 23.739 Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF Sep.1986 - May 1989 IMF arrangements Myanmar Mozambique Mauritania Country Table 33 (cont.) 21.6 48.0 26.5 9.4 54.5 Sep. 2000 Dec. 2000 Nov. 2001 18.3 Mar. 1997 Oct. 1998 Feb. 1986 40.9 46.2 40.9 July 2004 Mar. 1987 June 1989 69.1 0.1 0.1 22.4 14.1 11.7 IDA Feb. 1997 Feb. 1999 Nov. 1999 May 2000 Dec. 2000 June 1987 Date of approval 36.6 21.4 African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment KfW (5) Saudi Arabia (4.8); Germany (2.8) Cofinancing2 2.96 1.96 1.66 1.06 0.46 0.3 Nov. 1990 Nov. 1991 Dec. 1992 Jan. 1994 Nov. 1996 Dec. 1997 May 2005 Mar. 1994 June 1987 July 2004 Sep. 2004 June 2005 June 2005 Oct. 2004 June 1992 June 1994 26.6 18.2 46.0 34.5 34.2 2.0 21.2 75.6 132 141.7 68.2 May 1989 45.5 54.5 Aug. 1987 May 1985 10.2 25.7 30.7 June 1990 Aug. 2004 Mar. 2005 19.4 IDA Feb. 1990 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits 15.4 (18.6) African Facility 1 Amount Switzerland (6) United Kingdom (17.5); Switzerland (12.8); Germany (10.9); Sweden (9.4); Finland (8.9) Switzerland (11.2) CCCE (8); Germany (2); WFP (1); Japan (50); SFD (19.8); KFAED (13.7); AFESD (10.3); Abu Dhabi Fund (6.1); Spain (5); Germany (4) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment Finance recov. adjustment " Public expenditure Public expenditure reform Public sector Public finance reform Economic recovery Public enterprises Education Health Economic reform Rural development Railways Economic recovery Economic recovery II ' Economic rehabilitation programme I Economic rehabilitation programme II Economic rehabilitation programme III Public enterprises '' '' '' '' Public resource management " Public resource management Fiscal reform Fiscal reform Education Agriculture Public enterprises Agricultural sector/ investment Purpose 348 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 48.0 Mar. 1994 - Aug. 1994 11.548 43.1 60.0 22.1 33.2 427.0 198.050 170.0 90.051 Feb. 1980 - Feb. 1981 July 1981 - July 1982 July 1982 - Jan. 1984 Feb. 1985 - Sep.1986 June 1987 - Feb.1989 May 1979 - May 198249 Feb. 1982 - Feb. 1983 Feb. 1983 - March 1984 June 1984 - June 1985 Sudan Nov. 1979 - Nov. 1980 17.0 March 1981 - Feb. 198445 186.044 Feb. 1984 - Feb. 1985 50.246 Nov. 1986 - Nov. 1987 23.2 21.3 Somalia Solomon Islands Sierra Leone Senegal 0.742 3.4 3.4 5.042 Amount Oct. 1987 - Oct. 1988 Aug. 1979 - Aug. 1980 June 1983 - June 1984 July 1984 - July 1985 Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Oct. 1979 - Oct. 1980 Period 30.926 131.071 Sep. 2001 - Sep. 2004 June 1987 - June 1990 27.0 101.95 Mar. 1994 - Mar. 1995 Mar. 1994 - May 1998 Apr. 2003 - Apr. 2006 40.547 24.3 Apr. 1998 - Apr. 2002 Nov. 1986 - Nov. 1989 131.0 107.071 Nov. 1988 - June 1992 Aug. 1994 - Jan. 1998 43.0 59.6 144.7 6.771 Apr. 2000 - Apr. 2003 Nov. 1986 Nov. 1986 - Nov. 1988 2.843 8.9 7.9 39.4 Dec. 2000 Dec. 2001 June 1999 35.9 0.1 6 0.2 6 0.2 70 0.1 21.9 Oct. 1993 Jan. 1994 Dec. 1994 Dec. 1995 Nov.1996 Feb. 2000 74.0 75.7 20.5 62.4 3.5 5.1 3.5 Feb. 1990 May 1990 Nov. 1990 Apr. 1992 May 1998 Sep. 2000 Dec. 2004 18.3 35.0 4.2 5.8 3.1 7.5 53.0 11.8 44.6 67.5 IDA Feb. 1986 May 1987 Mar. 1989 Nov. 2000 June 1987 June 1990 4.0 Aug. 2002 - Aug. 2005 June 1989 - June 1992 Mar. 1999 Dec. 2000 Oct. 2004 71.471 June 1998 - Jan. 2002 Date of approval June 1991 Amount 31.4 2.3 African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment 30.726 Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF April 1991 - April 1994 IMF arrangements Stand-by/Extended Facility Rwanda Country Table 33 (cont.) 7.1 ADF (8.5); ADF(12); IMF (2.6) Switzerland (SwF 10m); Belgium (BF 400m) Cofinancing2 0.26 0.26 April 1992 Dec. 1992 June 1983 June 1989 46.4 54.2 African Facility 1 Amount ADF (25); BITS (0.5) IFAD (5.4) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment 24.2 2.2 10.0 50.2 ($) 31.4 July 2004 June 2005 June 2005 June 2005 20.3 April 1992 20.6 13.8 6.9 10.5 1.8 1.3 35.3 3.5 13.7 16.7 34.3 IDA June 1984 Sep. 2004 Sep. 2004 Nov. 2004 May 2005 Dec. 1995 Nov. 1996 Dec. 1989 Oct. 2004 July 2004 Jan. 2005 Jan. 1995 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits Agricultural rehabilitation Agriculture Structural adjustment credit Economic recovery Economic recovery II Electrocity and water Water Economic recovery Electricity Economic recovery Reconstruction Imports '' '' Agriculture Energy sector Trade reform Electrocity Emergency recovery Marine resources Electricity Agricultural sector Str.adjustment credit III (supplement) Structural credit IV Management credit Governance capacity building Economic recovery Public sector capacity building Electrocity Emergency recovery Purpose Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 349 United Republic of Tanzania Uganda Togo Timor-Leste Country Table 33 (cont.) Sep.1980 - June 1982 Aug. 1986 - Feb. 1988 Sep.1983 - Sep. 1984 179.658 64.2 95.055 12.5 112.5 112.5 23.0 13.0 June 1986 - April 1988 Mar. 1988 - April 1989 Jan. 1980 - Dec. 1980 June 1981 - June 1982 Aug. 1982 - Aug. 1983 15.052 47.553 21.4 19.0 15.4 Amount June 1979 - Dec. 1980 Feb. 1981 - Feb. 1983 March 1983 - April 1984 May 1984 - May 1985 May 1985 - May 1986 Period Stand-by/Extended Facility 181.65 135.071 19.6 Nov. 1996 - Feb. 2000 Apr. 2000 - Apr. 2003 Aug. 2003 - Aug. 2006 13.5 181.95 100.471 Nov. 1997 - Mar. 2001 Sep. 2002 - Sep. 2005 July 1991 - July 1994 120.55 Sep. 1994 - Nov. 1997 74.9 219.257 April 1989 - June 1994 Oct. 1987 - Oct. 1990 69.756 93.270 1.8 0.8 141.8 0.6 0.5 102.6 Feb. 2002 July 2004 19.6 102.6 Dec. 2000 Sep.. 2004 June 1997 Dec. 1997 Dec. 1999 June 2000 Jan. 2001 91.9 1.06 57.8 0.46 90.4 0.16 0.26 39.6 Dec. 1991 Dec. 1992 May 1994 Dec.1994 June 1997 65.25 Sep.1994 - June 1998 June 1987 - April 1989 Mar. 1989 Oct. 1989 Dec. 1990 46.15 May 1989 - May 1993 28.1 33.0 36.9 May 1985 Aug. 1985 3.4 IDA May 1983 Oct. 2004 Date of approval Mar. 1988 Amount 9.7 African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment 26.954 Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF Mar. 1988 - May 1989 IMF arrangements ADF (17.3); Japan (20.8) Cofinancing2 59.2 Oct. 2004 Nov. 2004 Nov. 2004 2.4 102.3 35.6 119.1 8.26 Dec. 1992 Oct. 2001 150.4 11.56 8.66 150.2 9.76 8.36 Mar. 1989 Oct. 1989 Dec. 1990 Nov. 1991 Nov. 1991 22.5 97.6 Jan. 1988 Dec. 1988 Mar. 1990 41.3 47.9 73.2 Nov. 1986 Sep. 2004 Sep. 2004 Mar. 1998 1.36 196 1.26 98.1 1.56 69.5 1.26 72.8 0.86 47.2 50.9 Mar. 1989 April 1989 Oct. 1989 Feb. 1990 Nov. 1990 Dec. 1990 Nov. 1991 May 1993 Jan. 1994 63.5 Feb. 1983 32.2 May 1984 Sep.1987 10.2 April 1996 1.4 ($) IDA Feb. 1991 July 2004 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits (26.0) 38.2 (12.8) 18.8 African Facility 1 Amount United Kingdom (16.8); Switzerland (6.6) Netherlands (40) United Kingdom (20) Germany (17.3); Switzerland (9.2); United Kingdom (7.3); Saudi Arabia (4); ADF (24); United Kingdom (15); Switzerland (14); Netherlands (10) United Kingdom/ODA (16) Italy/DCD (10) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment Stru.adjustment credit Stru.adjustment I-IDA Education development Stru.adjustment I-IDA Environment Social sector Local government '' Agriculture '' Finance Multisector rehabilitation Industrial rehabilitation and trade adjustment '' '' Industrial rehabilitation Industry and trade adjustment Agriculture Multisector rehabilitation Education sector Structural adjustment III Private sector Roads '' '' '' '' '' Agriculture Economic recovery Finance '' Reconstruction Economic recovery Agricultural rehabilitation Economic recovery and adjustment Population and health Power sector Purpose 350 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 Zambia Yemen Country Table 33 (cont.) 250.0 800.066 211.567 22568 229.869 Feb. 1986 - Feb. 1988 105.9 Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2001 April 1978 - April 1980 May 1981 - May 198424 April 1983 - April 1984 July 1984 - April 1986 132.4 Amount Mar. 1996 - June 1997 Period Stand-by/Extended Facility Period SAF/ESAF/PRGF 701.75 254.571 220.1 Mar. 1999 - Mar. 2003 June 2004 - June 2007 264.871 Amount Dec. 1995-Dec. 1998 Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2001 IMF arrangements Aug. 1996 Nov. 1996 Jan. 1999 Jan. 1999 June 2000 Nov. 2000 Dec. 2000 May 2002 Dec. 2004 Nov. 1997 Mar. 1999 Date of approval 62.4 5.4 122.7 2.0 105.5 1.6 23.5 5.3 27.4 58.9 35.8 IDA African Facility1 Amount Structural adjustment Cofinancing2 870 16.0 Dec. 1995 June 1996 19.2 15.16 72.1 7.06 12.16 108.9 9.76 19.1 90.0 Dec. 1992 June 1993 Aug. 1993 Jan. 1994 Mar.1994 Dec. 1994 June 1995 July 1995 July 2004 149.6 19.46 7.66 146.0 24.7 44.3 53.7 IDA Mar. 1991 Mar. 1991 May 1992 June 1992 Jan. 1985 Sep. 2004 April 1996 Date of approval World Bank loans and credits (10) African Facility 1 Amount AfDB (23.4); CIDA (6.8); USAID (5); Switzerland (4.8); Germany (18.8) Cofinancing 2 Sector and other adjustment '' '' '' '' Economic and social ' adjustment '' Economic recovery and investment promotion '' '' Economic and social adjustment Public sector reform and export promotion Fiscal sustainability credit. Fiscal sustainability Fiscal sustainability Fiscal sustainability 5th dim. Economic expansion Economic recovery '' '' Privatization and industry Agricultural rehabilitation Economic recovery Financial sector Public sec. mgmt. adj. credit Education Purpose Annex: Basic Data on the Least Developed Countries 351 1. Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa; amounts in parentheses are expressed in millions of dollars. 2. Including special joint financing and bilateral support; amounts are in millions of dollars unless stated otherwise. 3. Extended Facility arrangement, cancelled as of June 1982. 4. SDR 580 m not purchased. 5. ESAF. 6. Supplemental credit. 7. SDR 6.3 m not purchased. 8. SDR 15.8 m not purchased. 9. SDR 2.4 m not purchased. 10. SDR 13.5 m not purchased. 11. SDR 7.5 m not purchased. 12. SDR 3.8 m not purchased. 13. SDR 3.7 m not purchased. 14. SDR 10.2 m not purchased. 15. Cancelled as of April 1985. 16. SDR 3.4 m not purchased. 17. SDR 13.5 m not purchased. 18. SDR 6.0 m not purchased. 19. SDR 11.6 m not purchased. 20. SDR 1.5 m not purchased. 21. Supported by IMF; (SDR 1.88 m purchased in first credit tranche). 22. Additional financing. 23. SDR 21.4 m not purchased. 24. Extended Facility arrangement. 25. SDR 39 m not purchased. 26. SDR 22.1 m not purchased. 27. Cancelled as of April 1981; SDR 54.5 m not purchased. 28. Augmented in June 1981 with SDR 32.3 m; SDR 70 m not purchased at expiration of arrangement. 29. SDR 33.2 m not purchased. 30. Cancelled as of May 1989; SDR 10.5 m not purchased. 31. Cancelled as of May 1980; SDR 20.9 m not purchased. 32. SDR 9.9 m not purchased. 33. IBRD loan. 34. Original amount decreased from SDR 100 m; SDR 24 m not purchased. 35. Extended Facility arrangement; cancelled as of August 1986. 36. SDR 6.6 m not purchased. 37. SDR 20.8 m not purchased. 38. Cancelled as of May 1981. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. SDR 6.8 m not purchased. SDR 6.7 m not purchased. ESAF; original amount decreased from SDR 50.6 m. Not purchased. SDR 2 m not purchased. Including an increase of SDR 22.3 m in June 1981. SDR 152 m not purchased. Extended Facility arrangement; cancelled as of April 1982. SDR 31.2 m not purchased. SDR 29 m not purchased. SDR 5.5 m not purchased. Extended Facility arrangement; cancelled as of February 1982; SDR 176 m not purchased. SDR 128 m not purchased. SDR 70 m not purchased. SDR 1.75 m not purchased. SDR 40.3 m not purchased. SDR 19.2 m not purchased. SDR 30.0 m not purchased. SDR 19.9 m not purchased. ESAF; original amount increased from SDR 179.3 m. SDR 154.6 m not purchased. SDR 9.0 m not purchased. Cancelled as of June 1982; SDR 737 m not purchased. SDR 30 m not purchased. Cancelled as of April 1987; SDR 166.6 m not purchased. SDR 58.2 m not purchased. SDR 75.5 m not purchased. SDR 41.4 m not purchased. Cancelled as of July 1982; SDR 500 m not purchased. SDR 67.5 m not purchased. Cancelled as of February 1986; SDR 145 m not purchased. Cancelled as of May 1987; SDR 194.8 m not purchased. From IDA reflows. PRGF, Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Trust, formerly Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility. Sources: IMF, Annual Report, 2002 and various issues; IMF Survey (various issues); World Bank, Annual Report, 2002 and various issues; World Bank News (various issues). m = million 352 The Least Developed Countries Report 2006