ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 ETS Proficiency Profile Results Report AY 2009-2014 (Fall 2009-Spring 2014) Prepared by the Office of Student Learning & Institutional Assessment January 2015 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Background The Office of Student Learning & Institutional Assessment (OSLIA) at Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA) has administered the Abbreviated Form of the ETS Proficiency Profile (ETS PP) since Fall 2009 to assess students’ performance on general education outcomes as part of Voluntary System of Accountability (VSA). To comply with the VSA, freshmen and seniors are tested annually. Freshmen are tested in ENG 131 classes, and seniors are tested in upper level classes. Course enrollment is evaluated to find classes that have high numbers of students classified as seniors. These instructors are then contacted and the test administered. Some sophomores and juniors are tested because they are enrolled in the classes being tested, but they are tested at much lower numbers than freshmen and seniors and are not included in the yearly statistical analysis of the ETS PP scores at SFA. The ETS PP is a test of critical thinking, reading, writing, and mathematics designed to measure the academic skills developed through general education courses, instead of the subject knowledge specifically taught in those courses. Aside from measuring the designated skills, the ETS PP also measures three facets of context-based knowledge: humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The abbreviated form of ETS PP is not intended to provide information about individual students, but to measure at least 50 or more students to obtain aggregated performance information. The abbreviated form is a partitioning of the standard form into three smaller formats of 36 questions each. Each of the three abbreviated forms includes equally nine questions measuring four core skill areas of general education: critical thinking, reading, writing and mathematics with a score range of 100 to 130 each. All the skills measured fit into three categories of knowledge: humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences with a score range of 1 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 100 to 130 each. The OSLIA administers the ETS PP to undergraduate students who are categorized into five academic classifications: • First-time freshmen (ETS uses the term “Entering Freshman” with no hours completed); • Freshmen (less than 30 credit hours); • Sophomores (30-60 credit hours); • Juniors (61-90 credit hours); • Seniors (greater than 90 credit hours) The aim of this report is to make external and internal comparisons of SFA students’ performance on the ETS PP for both the current year and the past five years. The current report includes data from Fall 2009 to Spring 2014. Demographic Data Academic Year 2014. A total of 420 SFA students took the ETS Proficiency Profile test during Fall 2013-Spring 2014 academic year. Of those students, 119 (28%) of them were male students and 293 (70%) were female students. The classification of those students taking the test were: 157 first- time freshmen, including 97 female and 57 male (three students did not report gender); 53 freshmen with transferred credits (fewer than 30 semester hours), including 31 female and 21 male (one student did not report gender); 5 sophomores, including 1 female and 3 male (one did not report gender); 2 juniors, both male; and 203 senior students, including 164 female and 36 male (three did not report gender). Students were asked to identify their race and 282 students reported as white (67.1%); 57 African American (13.6%); 61 Hispanic Black, Hispanic and Latino (14.6%); 6 Asian American 2 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 or Pacific Islander (1.4%); 2 American Indian or Alaskan Native (0.5%), and 12 either did not report data or reported other/Decline (2.9%). Participant Gender: AY 2014 n=8 1.9% n=119 28.3% Male n=293 69.8% Female No Response Participant Classification by Gender AY 2014 >90 hours (Senior) 61-90 hours (Junior) 30-60 hours (Sophomore) <30 hours (Freshman) 0 Hours (First-time Freshman) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150160170 0 Hours (Firsttime Freshman) Female 97 Male 57 <30 hours (Freshman) 31 30-60 hours (Sophomore) 1 61-90 hours (Junior) 0 >90 hours (Senior) 164 21 3 2 36 3 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Race of Participants AY 2014 Other/Decline American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian American Hispanic Black, Hispanic, Latino African American White 0 # responses White African American 282 57 50 100 Hispanic Black, Hispanic, Latino 61 150 Asian American 6 200 American Indian or Alaskan Native 2 250 300 Other/Declin e 12 Academic Years 2009-2014. The 2014 sub-sample was combined with the data from the previous years in order to make comparative data with the ETS PP data. From 2009-2014, a total of 2,507 SFA students took the ETS Proficiency Profile test from the Fall 2009-Spring 2014 academic years. Of those students, 818 (32.6%) of them were male students and 1,676 (66.9%) were female students. Thirteen participants did not identify their gender (.5%) The classification of those students taking the test were: 1,079 first- time freshmen, including 700 female and 373 male (six students did not report gender); 239 freshmen with transferred credits (fewer than 30 semester hours), including 117 female and 121 male (one student did not report gender); 50 sophomores, including 25 female and 24 male (one did not report gender); 153 juniors, including 109 female and 42 male (two did not report); and 982 senior students, including 723 female and 256 male (three did not report gender). Students were asked to identify their race and 1549 students reported as white (61.8%); 507 African American (20.2%); 310 Hispanic Black, Hispanic and Latino (12.3%); 35 Asian 4 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 American or Pacific Islander (1.4%); 18 American Indian or Alaskan Native (0.7%), and 88 either did not report data or reported other/Decline (3.5%). Participant Gender: AY 2009-2014 n=13 .5% n=818 32.6% Male n=1676 66.9% Female No Response Participant Classification by Gender AY 20092014 >90 hours (Senior) 61-90 hours (Junior) 30-60 hours (Sophomore) <30 hours (Freshman) 0 Hours (First-time Freshman) 0 0 Hours (Firsttime Freshman) Female 700 Male 373 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 <30 hours (Freshman) 117 30-60 hours (Sophomore) 25 61-90 hours (Junior) 109 >90 hours (Senior) 723 121 24 42 256 5 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Race of Participants AY 2009-2014 Other/Decline American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian American Hispanic Black, Hispanic, Latino African American White 0 # responses 200 White African American 1549 507 400 600 Hispanic Black, Hispanic, Latino 310 800 1000 Asian American 35 1200 1400 American Indian or Alaskan Native 18 1600 1800 Other/Decline 88 External Comparison 2009-2014 ETS PP Total Score Comparison. The following information uses data collected from Fall 2009-Spring 2014 to make comparisons between the five year data from all the 435 participating institutions (N=449,827), 331 four-year colleges and universities (n=372,763), and SFA (n=25,508). Since the focus of the report for our purposes is freshmen and seniors, the results for these groups will be explained in greater detail. Results for all classifications can be found in the charts below. The data will be examined first by overall score on the ETS PP and then broken down by sub-scores for Critical Thinking, Reading, Writing, and Math. First-time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP total score is from 400 to 500. When SFA students’ ETS PP total score was broken down by students’ credit hours obtained, first-time freshman had an average score of 435.81 (n = 1,079). The participating 198 four-year colleges 6 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 and universities had an average first-time student score of 437.6 (n=124,307), and the 228 participating institutions of all types had an average first-time freshman score of 437.2 (n=128,826). SFA first-time freshman had a lower average score when compared with first-time freshman at four-year institutions and with first-time freshmen at all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. The freshmen with 1-30 credit hours had an average score of 435.56 (n = 239). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 439.4 (n = 29,045). The freshmen from the 214 all institution types administering the ETS PP had an average of 438.7 (n = 36,262). SFA 1-30 credited freshmen had a lower average score than their peers when compared with four-year institutions and all institutions. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average score of 444.14 (n = 982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 448.0 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 447.1 (n = 135,037). SFA seniors had a lower average score than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 1 shows the number of students who took the ETS PP at SFA from 20092014, four-year institutions from 2009 -2014 and all institution types from 2009 -2014. Table 1 shows the number of students completing the ETS PP and Table 2 and Figure 1 show the ETS PP total score comparison. Table 1 ETS PP Tested Number of Students AY 2009-2014 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 First-time Freshman Sophomore Freshman 1079 239 48 SFA (2009-2014) 124,307 29,045 38,134 Four-year Institutions (2009-2014) 128,826 36,262 69,187 All Institution Types (2009 -2014) 7 61-90 Junior > 90 Senior 153 56,342 80,391 982 124,635 135,037 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Table 2 ETS PP Score External Comparison-Total AY 2009-2014 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 First-time Freshman Sophomore Freshman 435.81 435.56 434.73 SFA 437.6 439.4 439.4 Four-year Institutions 437.2 438.7 439.5 All Institution Types 61-90 Junior > 90 Senior 438.37 442.7 442.0 444.14 448.0 447.1 Figure 1 ETS PP Score External Comparison-Total AY 20092014 ETS PP Average Total Score 460 450 440 430 420 410 400 0 hours First Time Freshmen <30 Hours Freshmen 30-60 Hours Sophomores 61-90 Hours Juniors >90 Hours Seniors SFASU 435.81 435.56 434.73 438.37 444.14 Four-Year Institutions 437.6 439.4 439.4 442.7 448 All Institution Types 437.2 438.7 439.5 442 447.1 ETS PP Critical Thinking Sub-score Comparison (Table 3, Figure 2) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP critical thinking Sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. First-time freshman at SFA had an average score of 108.83 (n=1079), 198 four-year 8 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 colleges and universities had an average of 109.9 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 109.9 (n=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed lower performance on the critical thinking sub-set than students at both the other four-year colleges and universities all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average critical thinking score of 108.69 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 110.3 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 110.2 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed lower than their peers. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average critical thinking score of 110.92 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 112.7 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 112.5 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 3 ETS PP Total Score External Comparison-Critical Thinking 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 61-90 First-time Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman SFA Four-year Institutions All Institution Types 108.83 109.9 109.9 108.69 110.3 110.2 9 109.06 110.7 110.6 109.27 111.5 111.3 > 90 Senior 110.92 112.7 112.5 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Figure 2 ETS PP External Comparison of Critical Thinking Scores AY 2009-2014 ETS PP Critical Thinking Score 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours SFASU 108.83 108.69 109.06 109.27 110.92 Four-Year Inst 109.9 110.3 110.7 111.5 112.7 All Other 109.9 110.2 110.6 111.3 112.5 ETS PP Reading Sub-score Comparison (Table 4, Figure 3) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP reading sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. SFA first-time freshman had an average reading sub-score of 114.64 (n=1079), 198 fouryear colleges and universities had an average of 115.7 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 115.6 (n=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed lower performance on the reading sub-set than students at both the other four-year colleges and universities and all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average reading score of 114.57 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 10 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 116.2 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 116.1 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed lower than their peers on the reading sub-set of the ETS PP. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average reading score of 117.64 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 119 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 118.8 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 4 ETS PP Total Score External Comparison - Reading 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 61-90 First-time Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman SFA Four-year Institutions All Institution Types 114.6 115.7 115.6 114.6 116.2 116.1 11 113.6 116.7 116.7 116.8 117.6 117.5 > 90 Senior 117.6 119.0 118.8 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Figure 3 ETS PP External Comparison of Reading Scores AY 2009-2014 120 ETS PP Reading Score 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours SFASU 114.6 114.57 113.63 116.84 117.64 Four-Year Inst 114.57 116.2 116.7 117.6 119 All Other 115.6 116.1 116.7 117.5 118.8 ETS PP Writing Sub-score Comparison (Table 5, Figure 4) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP writing sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. SFA first-time freshman had an average writing sub-score of 112.9 (n=1079), 198 four-year colleges and universities had an average of 113 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 112.9 (n=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed slightly lower performance on the writing sub-set than students at other four-year colleges and universities had the same average score on the writing subset as their peers when compared to all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average writing score of 112.4 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 113.3 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 113.1 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed lower than their peers on the writing sub-set of the ETS PP. 12 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average writing score of 114.6 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 114.9 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 114.7 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower on the writing sub-set than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 5 ETS PP Score External Comparison - Writing 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 First-time Freshman Sophomore Freshman 112.9 113 112.9 SFA Four-year Institutions All Institution Types 112.4 113.3 113.1 112.7 113.3 113.2 61-90 Junior > 90 Senior 113.3 114.0 113.8 114.6 114.9 114.7 Figure 4 ETS PP External Comparison of Writing Scores AY 2009-2014 ETS PP Writing Score 115.5 115 114.5 114 113.5 113 112.5 112 111.5 111 SFASU Four-Year Inst All Other 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours 112.9 112.4 112.7 113.3 114.6 113 113.3 113.3 114 114.9 112.9 113.1 113.2 113.8 114.7 13 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 ETS PP Math Sub-score Comparison (Table 6, Figure 5) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP math sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. SFA first-time freshman had an average math sub-score of 112.3 (n=1079), 198 four-year colleges and universities had an average of 112.0 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 111.9 (=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed slightly higher performance on the math sub-set than students at other four-year colleges and universities and higher scores than their peers when compared with all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average math score of 112.7 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 112.6 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 112.3 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed higher than their peers at other four-year colleges and universities and all institution types. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average math score of 113.8 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 114.4 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 114.1 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower on the math sub-set than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 6 ETS PP Score External Comparison - Math 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 First-time Freshman Sophomore Freshman SFA Four-year Institutions All Institution Types 112.3 112.0 111.9 112.7 112.6 112.3 14 112.0 112.2 112.1 61-90 Junior > 90 Senior 112.3 112.8 112.6 113.8 114.4 114.1 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Figure 5 ETS PP External Comparison of Math Scores AY 2009-2014 ETS PP Math Score 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 SFASU Four-Year Inst All Other 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours 112.3 112.7 112 112.3 113.8 112 112.6 112.2 112.8 114.4 111.9 112.3 112.1 112.6 114.1 ETS PP Context-based Humanities Sub-score External Comparison (Table 7, Figure 6) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP humanities sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. SFA first-time freshman had an average humanities sub-score of 111.5 (n=1079), 198 fouryear colleges and universities had an average of 113.0 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 113.0 (n=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed lower performance on the humanities sub-set than students at both the other four-year colleges and universities and all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average humanities score of 112.1 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average 15 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 of 113.0 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 113.3 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed lower than their peers on the humanities sub-set of the ETS PP. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average humanities score of 113.4 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 115.6 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 115.4 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower on the humanities sub-set than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 7 ETS PP Score External Comparison - Humanities 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 61-90 First-time Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman SFA Four-year Institutions All Institution Types 111.5 113.0 113.0 112.1 113.4 113.3 16 111.6 113.8 113.8 111.7 114.6 114.4 > 90 Senior 113.4 115.6 115.4 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Figure 6 ETS PP External Comparison of Humanities Scores AY 2009-2014 ETS PP Humanities Score 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 SFASU 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours 111.5 112.1 111.6 111.7 113.4 Four-Year Inst 113 113.4 113.8 114.6 115.6 All Other 113 113.3 113.8 114.4 115.4 ETS PP Context-based Social Sciences Sub-score External Comparison (Table 8, Figure 7) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP social science sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. SFA first-time freshman had an average social science sub-score of 110.9 (n=1079), 198 four-year colleges and universities had an average of 111.7 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 111.6 (n=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed lower performance on the social science sub-set than students at both the other four-year colleges and universities and all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average social science score of 110.7 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 112.1 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 17 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 112.0 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed lower than their peers on the social science sub-set of the ETS PP. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average social science score of 113.0 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 114.3 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 114.2 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower on the social science sub-set than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 8 ETS PP Score External Comparison - Social Sciences 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 First-time 61-90 Junior Freshman Sophomore Freshman 110.9 111.7 111.6 SFA Four-year Institutions All Institution Types 110.7 112.1 112.0 110.6 112.5 112.4 112.3 113.2 113.1 Figure 7 ETS PP External Comparison of Social Sciences Scores AY 2009-2014 ETS PP Humanities Score 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours SFASU 110.9 110.7 110.6 112.3 113 Four-Year Inst 111.7 112.1 112.5 113.2 114.3 All Other 111.6 112 112.4 113.1 114.2 18 > 90 Senior 113.0 114.3 114.2 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 ETS PP Context-based Natural Sciences Sub-score External Comparison (Table 9, Figure 8) First time freshmen. The range of the ETS PP natural science sub-score ranges from 100 to 130. SFA first-time freshman had an average natural science sub-score of 112.9 (n=1079), 198 four-year colleges and universities had an average of 113.5 (n=124,307), and 228 all institution types had an average of 113.4 (n=128,620). SFA first-time freshman showed lower performance on the natural science sub-set than students at both the other four-year colleges and universities and all institution types. Freshmen with less than 30 hours. Freshmen at SFA with 1-30 credit hours had an average natural science score of 112.6 (n=240). The other 160 four-year institutions had an average of 113.9 (n=29,045). The freshmen from 214 all institution types had an average of 113.9 (n=36,262). SFA freshmen with 1-30 credit hours performed lower than their peers on the natural science sub-set of the ETS PP. Seniors. Senior students with more than 90 credit hours from SFA had an average natural science score of 115.1 (n=982). The other 257 four-year institutions had an average of 116.0 (n = 124,635). The seniors from 316 all institution types had an average of 115.9 (n=135,037). SFA seniors performed lower on the natural science sub-set than their peers both from the four-year institutions and all institution types nationally. Table 9 ETS PP Score External Comparison - Natural Sciences 0 hours <30 hours 30-60 61-90 First-time Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman SFA Four-year Institutions 112.9 113.5 112.6 113.9 19 112.7 114.2 114.2 114.9 > 90 Senior 115.1 116.0 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 113.4 All Institution Types 113.9 114.2 114.8 115.9 Figure 8 ETS PP External Comparison of Natural Science Scores AY 2009-2014 ETS PP Humanities Score 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 0-Hours <30 Hours 30-60 Hours 61-90 hours >90 Hours SFASU 112.9 112.6 112.7 114.2 115.1 Four-Year Inst 113.5 113.9 114.2 114.9 116 All Other 113.4 113.9 114.2 114.8 115.9 Internal Comparison (Table 10) A total of 2,507 SFA students participated in ETS PP tests starting from Fall 2009 to Spring 2014, of those students who took the tests, 2,300 were freshmen (n=1,318) and senior (n=982) students. A causal-comparative study used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to compare the performance differences between these two groups. The results showed that over the course of the five years of testing, the senior students performed significantly higher than freshmen in ETS PP total score, F (1, 2298) = 141.95, p =.000; critical thinking score, F (1, 2298) = 80.15, p =.000; reading, F (1, 2298) = 111.78, p =.000; writing, F (1, 2298) = 74.67, p =.000; math, F (1, 2298) = 39.17, p =.000; humanities, F (1, 2298) = 47.97, p =.000; natural sciences, F (1, 2298) = 98.07, p =.000; and social sciences, F (1, 2298) = 71.77, p =.000. 20 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Table 10 Descriptive/ANOVA N Total Freshman .000 111.784 .000 74.668 .000 39.173 .000 47.972 .000 71.766 .000 98.071 .000 2298 278.520 Total 2300 439.3413 2299 Freshman 1318 108.8065 1 2514.940 982 110.9206 2298 31.377 Total 2300 109.7091 2299 Freshman 1318 114.6237 1 5125.093 982 117.6415 2298 45.848 Total 2300 115.9122 2299 Freshman 1318 112.8293 1 1669.907 982 114.5519 2298 22.364 Total 2300 113.5648 2299 Freshman 1318 112.3983 1 1096.602 982 113.7943 2298 27.994 Total 2300 112.9943 2299 Freshman 1318 111.6055 1 1781.880 982 113.3849 2298 37.144 Total 2300 112.3652 2299 Freshman 1318 110.8809 1 2452.300 982 112.9684 2298 34.171 Total 2300 111.7722 2299 Freshman 1318 112.8278 1 2899.660 982 115.0978 2298 29.567 2300 113.7970 2299 > 90 Senior NaturalSciences 80.151 444.1446 > 90 Senior ScocialSciences .000 982 > 90 Senior Humanities 141.954 39536.941 > 90 Senior Math F 1 > 90 Senior Writing Mean Square 435.7625 > 90 Senior Reading df 1318 > 90 Senior Criticalthinking Mean > 90 Senior Total 21 Sig. ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Proficiency Classification Comparison (Table 12, 13 & 14) The following tables show the comparison between SFA students for the 2014 academic year and those in the national sample of four-year colleges & universities who achieved overall ETS PP scores that were proficient, marginal, and not proficient. Of note is the fact that SFA had a lower percentage of students at all classifications achieving scores that were “Proficient” except for Level 1 Mathematics for students with freshmen classifications. In every area of the test, SFA had fewer seniors achieving “Proficient” scores than the national sample. Additionally, the numbers of seniors at SFA classified as “Not Proficient” was higher than the national sample in every area but Level 1 Writing and Level 1 Mathematics. 22 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Percentage of Students Achieving Proficient AY 2014 Table 11 Test Area Breakdown Level 1 Reading Level 2 Reading Critical Thinking Level 1 Writing Level 2 Writing Level 3 Writing Level 1 Mathematics Level 2 Mathematics Level 3 Mathematics SFA National SFA National First-time Sample of % of % of Freshmen Sample of Freshmen First-time Difference Difference (n=239) Freshmen* (n=1079) Freshmen* 46% 16% 1% 49% 9% 4% 49% 18% 2% 51% 23% 2% 51% 13% 5% 45% 20% 4% -5% -7% -1% -2% -4% -1% 4% -2% -2% 46% 15% 0% 46% 8% 3% 54% 23% 4% * The national samples are drawn from Four-year Colleges and Universities. 23 53% 26% 3% 52% 14% 6% 46% 23% 5% -7% -11% -3% -6% -6% -3% 8% 0% -1% SFA Seniors (n=982) 66% 29% 3% 64% 17% 8% 58% 27% 5% National Sample % of of Difference Seniors* 70% 42% 8% 67% 23% 10% 61% 34% 10% -4% -13% -5% -3% -6% -2% -3% -7% -5% ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Percentage of Students Reaching Marginal AY 2014 Table 12 Test Area Breakdown Level 1 Reading Level 2 Reading Critical Thinking Level 1 Writing Level 2 Writing Level 3 Writing Level 1 Mathematics Level 2 Mathematics Level 3 Mathematics SFA First-time Freshmen (n=1079) National Sample of First-time Freshmen* % of Difference SFA Freshmen (n=239) National Sample of Freshmen* % of Difference SFA Seniors (n=982) National Sample of Seniors* % of Difference 24% 21% 6% 38% 33% 13% 31% 29% 10% 24% 18% 11% 33% 31% 18% 28% 24% 12% 0% 3% -5% 5% 2% -5% 3% 5% -2% 26% 21% 6% 38% 31% 13% 22% 30% 13% 23% 18% 13% 32% 31% 19% 26% 24% 13% 3% 3% -7% 6% 0% -6% -4% 6% 0% 20% 25% 14% 28% 41% 23% 27% 30% 15% 17% 20% 22% 24% 38% 27% 22% 26% 19% 3% 5% -8% 4% 3% -4% 5% 4% -4% * The national samples are drawn from Four-year Colleges and Universities. 24 ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Percentage of Students were Not Proficient AY 2014 Table 13 Test Area Breakdown Level 1 Reading Level 2 Reading Critical Thinking Level 1 Writing Level 2 Writing Level 3 Writing Level 1 Mathematics Level 2 Mathematics Level 3 Mathematics SFA National SFA National First-time Sample of % of % of Freshmen Sample of Freshmen First-time Difference Difference (n=239) Freshmen* (n=1079) Freshmen* 29% 63% 94% 14% 58% 82% 21% 53% 87% 25% 59% 87% 16% 56% 76% 27% 55% 84% 4% 4% 7% -2% 2% 6% -6% -2% 3% 27% 64% 93% 16% 61% 84% 24% 47% 82% 25% 56% 85% 17% 55% 75% 27% 54% 82% * The national samples are drawn from Masters (Comprehensive) Colleges and Universities across the country. 25 2% 8% 8% -1% 6% 9% -3% -7% 0% SFA Seniors (n=982) 15% 46% 83% 8% 42% 69% 15% 42% 81% National Sample % of of Difference Seniors* 13% 38% 71% 9% 39% 62% 17% 40% 71% 2% 8% 12% -1% 3% 7% -2% 2% 10% ETS PROFICIENCY PROFILE 2009-2014 Conclusions Data from this comparison shows that internally, SFA Seniors are performing significantly better than freshmen in all areas. Mean scores show increases in all areas for Seniors from Freshmen. This is in keeping with the national linear trend for improvement based on classification. However, when compared with the national sample, SFA students had lower total scores for the ETS PP for students of all classifications. Additionally, SFA students are performing below the average scores for critical thinking, reading, writing, humanities, social science, and natural science. One exception was the SFA freshmen math scores which were above the national average. Senior math scores were below the average. While internal results show improvement over time for SFA students, it is still important to investigate the below average scores when comparing SFA students to the national samples of other four-year institutions as well as institutions of all types. 26